1.Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China 2.CAS Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB21020100) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21688102)
Received Date:16 March 2021
Accepted Date:15 April 2021
Available Online:07 June 2021
Published Online:05 September 2021
Abstract:The precise measurement of the infrared transition of hydrogen-deuterium (HD) molecule is used to test quantum electrodynamics and determine the proton-to-electron mass ratio. The saturated absorption spectrum of the R(1) line in the first overtone (2–0) band of HD molecule has been measured by the comb locked cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) method in Hefei [Tao L G, et al. 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett.120 153001], and also by the noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectroscopy (NICE-OHMS) method in Amsterdam [Cozijn F M J, et al. 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett.120 153002 ]. However, there is a significant difference between the line center positions obtained in these two studies. Later the discrepancy was found to be due to unexpected asymmetry in the line shape of the saturated absorption spectrum of the HD molecule. A possible reason is the superposition of multiple hyperfine splitting peaks in the saturated spectrum. However, this model strongly depends on the population transfer caused by intermolecular collisions, which is a lack of experimental and theoretical support. In this paper, the hyperfine structures of the ro-vibrational transition of HD are calculated in the coupled and uncoupled representations. The hyperfine structures of the R(0), P(1) and R(1) lines in the (2–0) band of HD molecule under different external magnetic fields are calculated. The corresponding spectral structures at a temperature of 10 K are simulated. The results show that the transition structure of HD molecule changes significantly with the externally applied magnetic field. The frequency shift of each hyperfine transition line also increases with the intensity of external magnetic field increasing. When the intensity of the external magnetic field is sufficiently high, the hyperfine lines are clearly divided into two branches, and they can be completely separated from each other. Because the dynamic effect of intermolecular collision and the energy level population transfer are very sensitive to the energy level structure, the comparison between experiment and theory will help us to analyze the mechanism of the observed special profiles. It will allow us to obtain accurate frequencies of these transitions, which can be used for testing the fundamental physics. Keywords:HD/ hyperfine structure/ Zeeman effect/ ro-vibrational transition
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耦合表象下, 选用N, iD, F1, iH, F, mF这6个量子数构成的基函数. 此时, 可以认为HD分子的转动角动量N与氘原子核自旋角动量iD耦合为F1, F1再与氢原子核自旋角动量iH耦合为总角动量F, F在Z轴方向的投影记为mF, 如图2所示. 即 图 2 耦合表象下HD分子的角动量耦合示意图 Figure2. Angular momentums of the HD molecule in the coupled representation.
图 3 计算得到的HD分子ν = 2—0带R(0)线的所有超精细跃迁谱线的频率偏移及其对应的相对线强度(有部分弱线在显示范围之外) Figure3. Calculated frequency shifts of all hyperfine transition lines in the R(0) line in the ν = 2–0 band and their corresponding line intensities (some weak lines are outside the display range).
表1计算得到的R(0)线所有超精细跃迁谱线的频率偏移及其对应的相对线强度 Table1.Calculated frequency shifts of all hyperfine transition lines in the R(0) line and their corresponding line intensities
从图3可以看出, 当外加磁场强度较大时, 超精细跃迁谱线明显分为两支, 分别为Δm = + 1和Δm = –1的跃迁. 随着外加磁场强度的增大, 各超精细跃迁谱线频率偏移的数值也在增大. 可以看出, 当外加磁场强度达到1000 G时, 两支超精细跃迁谱线已经完全分开, 此时分子转动角动量以及原子核自旋角动量之间的相互作用已经远小于外加磁场导致的磁能级的分裂, 此时使用非耦合表象更加直观. 同时, 我们也分别在无外加磁场以及100, 300, 1000 G外加磁场的条件下, 按照上述的计算方法计算了HD分子ν = 2—0带中P(1), R(1)线的超精细分裂结构及各超精细跃迁谱线的相对线强度. 得到的结果分别如图4和图5所示, 频率偏移的零点对应于不考虑超精细分裂结构时的跃迁频率, 相对跃迁强度的值取对应的跃迁电偶极矩的平方, 不同颜色的标注与图3中的意义相同. 图 4 计算得到的HD分子ν = 2—0带P(1)线的所有超精细跃迁谱线的频率偏移及其对应的相对线强度(有部分弱线在显示范围之外) Figure4. Calculated frequency shifts of all hyperfine transition lines of ν = 2–0 band P (1) lines of HD molecule and their corresponding relative line intensities (some weak lines are outside the display range).
图 5 计算得到的HD分子ν = 2—0带R(1)线的所有超精细跃迁谱线的频率偏移及其对应的相对线强度(有部分弱线在显示范围之外) Figure5. Calculated frequency shifts of all hyperfine transition lines of HD molecule ν = 2–0 band R (1) line and their corresponding relative line intensities (some weak lines are outside the display range).
将计算得到的超精细跃迁谱线以相对强度为权重做加权平均, 可以发现两支超精细跃迁谱线叠加后的光谱中心位置的频率偏移与磁场强度都基本成线性关系, 斜率分别为0.5056和–0.5056 kHz/G, 如图6所示. 图 6 HD分子R(0) (ν = 2—0)跃迁在轴向磁场下, Δm = + 1和Δm = –1两支超精细跃迁谱线光谱中心的频率偏移与磁场强度的关系 Figure6. Relationship between the magnetic field intensity and the frequency shift of the spectral center of the Δm = + 1 and Δm = – 1 hyperfine transitions of the R(0) (ν = 2–0) line of HD.