Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61805061, 11874135), the Key Research and Development Program of Zhejiang Province (Grant No. 2021C01039),Project of Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. D20011), and the Young Scientists Fund of the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No. GK200904207023)
Received Date:01 February 2021
Accepted Date:26 March 2021
Available Online:07 June 2021
Published Online:20 August 2021
Abstract:Applications of magnetometers are affected mainly by their sensitivities and detection bandwidths. Till now, the applications of the centimeter-scale optomechanical magnetometer have been still limited by those two factors. In order to improve its sensing performance in a low frequency regime of the alternating current (AC) magnetic field sensor based on centimeter-scale whispering gallery mode resonator, we design a new centimeter-scale crystalline whispering gallery mode resonator which has different relative distributions of the magnetostrictive material (Terfenol-D) and the optical material (CaF2) from the unoptimized centimeter-scale whispering gallery mode resonator. Experimental results show that this new resonator is able to detect the AC magnetic field ranging from 6 Hz to 1 MHz, and a peak sensitivity of 530 pT·Hz–1/2 at 123.8 kHz is achieved without DC bias field in a magnetically unshielded non-cryogenic environment. On condition that the optical quality factor is at the same level of 108 and there is no DC bias magnetic field, the best sensitivity of the optimized resonator is 11 times higher than that of the unoptimized resonator, and the corresponding detection frequency band is expanded by 1.67 times, switching from the frequency band of 10 Hz–600 kHz to 6 Hz–1 MHz. Besides, the device only needs 100 μW light intensity to operate, which offers us a low optical power consumption magnetometer. Within the detection frequency band, the proposed magnetometer can detect both a single frequency alternating magnetic field signal and an alternating magnetic field signal covering a certain frequency range. It can detect 50 or 60 Hz alternating magnetic field signal generated by current in the wire so that the working status of the power system can be monitored. If the sensing performance is further improved, it may be able to detect the magnetic field signal at frequency in a range of 1 kHz–10 MHz generated by the partial discharge current and the extremely low frequency human body magnetic field signal located in a frequency band of [10 mHz–1 kHz]. Further improvement in sensing performance is possible through optimizing the system noise and the magnetic field response capability of the device, which might allow the device to possess the applications in the fields of power system fault monitoring and medical diagnosis. Keywords:magnetic field sensing/ optical resonator/ whispering gallery mode
图 3 (a) 改进前谐振腔力学模式的有限元模拟结果, 从左至右, 频率依次为69.2 kHz, 121.3 kHz, 和138.4 kHz; (b) 改进型谐振腔力学模式的有限元模拟结果, 从左至右, 频率依次为72.5 kHz, 123.8 kHz, 和137.5 kHz Figure3. (a) Finite element modelling (FEM) of mechanical eigenfrequency modes for unoptimized resonator; From left to right, the frequencies are 69.2 kHz, 121.3 kHz and 138.4 kHz, respectively; (b) FEM of mechanical eigenfrequency modes for optimized resonator. From left to right, the frequencies are 72.5 kHz, 123.8 kHz and 137.5 kHz, respectively.
图 5 归一化的腔透射谱 Figure5. Normalized transmission spectrum of the resonator.
4.磁场传感特性测试为对比改进型厘米尺寸谐振腔和改进前厘米尺寸谐振腔的磁传感性能, 采用图6所示实验装置进行测试, 测试过程中均没有引入直流偏置磁场. 实验中使用Pound-Drever-Hall频率锁定的方法, 通过引入电光调制器(covega phase modulator)、偏置三通、混频器、分束器、伺服控制器(New Focus LB1005)、电压放大器等器件将激光器(Koheras Adjustik C15)输出的入射光波长锁定到腔的谐振波长. 锁定后系统输出的直流信号通过示波器观测, 交流信号通过谱仪(Agilent N9010A)和网络分析仪(Keysight E5061B-3L5)观测. 图 6 磁场传感实验装置图 Figure6. Schematic of the experimental setup for magnetic field sensing.
首先测试参考频率处系统对磁场信号的响应. 对改进型厘米尺寸谐振腔, 选取15 MHz的电光调制频率、保证大于腔光学模式的FWHM. 参考频率(${\omega _{{\rm{ref}}}} = 280\;{\rm{ kHz}}$)处交变磁场(${B_{{\rm{ref}}}} = 14.6\;\text{μ}{\rm{T}}$)由线圈(直径6.5 cm, 60匝)产生, 谱仪(分辨率带宽BW=36 Hz)上测得参考磁场信号的信噪比(signal noise ratio, SNR)为49.58 dB(如图7(a)中绿色峰所示). 由(1)式计算可知参考频率处最小可探测磁场为${B_{{\rm{min}}}}\left( {{\omega _{{\rm{ref}}}}} \right) = 8.07\;{\rm{ nT}} \cdot {\rm{H}}{{\rm{z}}^{ - 1/2}}$. 图 7 (a) 电光调制频率为15 MHz时的功率谱密度$S\left( \omega \right)$; 绿色峰为280 kHz处的参考磁场信号; 插图: BW = 330 Hz时SNR开方值随信号场强度变化关系; (b) 系统响应$N\left( \omega \right)$ Figure7. (a) Power spectral density $S\left( \omega \right)$ with a 15 MHz electro optic modulation frequency, and the highest green peak shows the response to the applied reference field at 280 kHz; Inset: response to the magnetic field as a function of signal field strength, with 330 Hz spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth; (b) system response $N\left( \omega \right)$.
采用同样的实验方案测量改进前厘米尺寸谐振腔的磁场传感性能, 所得功率谱密度、系统响应及SNR的线性响应结果如图8所示. 同一线圈在280 kHz处产生${B_{{\rm{ref}}}} = 7.8$ μT的参考磁场, BW=330 Hz时相应的SNR为19.4 dB. 因此, 由(1)式可知相应的${B_{{\rm{min}}}}\left( {{\omega _{{\rm{ref}}}}} \right) = 46.2\;{\rm{ nT}} \cdot {\rm{H}}{{\rm{z}}^{ - 1/2}}$. 图 8 (a) 电光调制频率为13.6 MHz时的功率谱密度$S\left( \omega \right)$, 280 kHz参考磁场频率处有峰值响应; 插图: BW = 10 Hz条件下, SNR开方值随信号场强度变化关系; (b) 系统响应$N\left( \omega \right)$ Figure8. (a) Power spectral density $S\left( \omega \right)$ with a 13.6 MHz electro optic modulation frequency, and the highest peak shows the response to the applied reference field at 280 kHz; Inset: response to the magnetic field as a function of signal field strength, with 10 Hz spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth; (b) system response $N\left( \omega \right)$.