1.Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Shanghai 201800, China 2.Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the Science Challenge Project of China (Grant No. TZ2016005)
Received Date:25 March 2021
Accepted Date:08 May 2021
Available Online:07 June 2021
Published Online:05 October 2021
Abstract:Laser plasma interaction (LPI) is an important content in laser plasma related research, and it is one of the key issues related to the success or failure of inertial confinement fusion ignition, and has received extensive attention. In order to suppress the relevant LPI process as much as possible, the major laboratories around the world have developed a variety of beam smoothing methods through decades of research. However, the current understanding and suppression of LPI are still far from enough, and further in-depth studies are still needed. Generally, the research of LPI is based on nanosecond laser driving, and focuses mainly on the effects of the related LPI process caused by nanosecond lasers. However, the LPI processes, such as stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), etc., occur and develop on a time scale of picoseconds.The comprehensive effect can be studied only on a longer scale of nanosecond. For highly nonlinear LPI processes, the comprehensive effect may be difficult to reflect the real physical laws. The emergence of the picosecond laser has made it possible to study the LPI process in more detail and on a more appropriate time scale. The present research tries to gain an understanding of LPI from a more refined perspective. The experimental research of picosecond laser driving LPI is carried out on the Shenguang-Ⅱ upgrade and picosecond laser facilities. First, a nanosecond laser is used to irradiate a target to generate a large-scale plasma, and a few nanoseconds later, the picosecond laser is injected as an interaction beam to drive the LPI scattering such as SBS and SRS. The spectral signal of backscatter light is measured experimentally by using the method of diffuse reflector. From the research results it is found that the backward signals of the band near the laser wavelength contain, in addition to the true backward SBS component, a large number of interference signals introduced by picosecond laser and nanosecond laser. The interference signal introduced by nanosecond laser can be eliminated by using specific measures, but the interference signal introduced by picosecond laser cannot be eliminated experimentally, which will affect the estimation of the true share of the backward SBS. The comprehensive results show that under different experimental conditions, the backward scatter energy of SBS may be less than half that of the total recorded signals. This result is helpful in further understanding and re-recognizing previous relevant experimental data. Keywords:laser plasma interaction/ picosecond laser/ stimulated Brillouin scattering/ spectral structure
$ y = b + a\exp \bigg[ { - \frac{{{{(x - {x_0})}^2}}}{{2{\sigma ^2}}}} \bigg], $
其中 a 为信号峰强度, b 为本底水平, x0 为中心峰值的位置, σ 为标准差. 对应到拟合的光谱中, a 为光谱峰值强度, b 对应本底噪声, x0 是中心波长, 峰值的半高全宽 τ 与标准差 σ 直接相关: $\tau = $$ 2.355\sigma$. 图4(a)是针对图3光谱进行分解和拟合的结果, 可以看出, 整个光谱可以被分为三部分, 分别采用高斯函数拟合, 可以得到三个不同宽度和峰值的高斯函数, 如图4(a)所示, 分别记作P1(绿色方块标记)、P2(蓝色正三角标记)和P3(红色实心圆标记). 图4(b)给出了实验数据曲线(黑色空心圆标记)与三部分之和(P1 + P2 + P3)的曲线, 可以看出, 两者符合得非常好, 仅在中间交界的区域略有差异, 如图中蓝色虚线圈所示. 这表明, 这一分解和拟合基本上是合理、可信的. 图 4 背向SBS光谱的成分分解 (a)分解为三部分; (b)三部分之和与实验数据比较 Figure4. Component decomposition of backward SBS spectrum: (a) Decomposed into three parts; (b) sum of the three parts and the experimental data.