Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Quantum Control Engineering and Materials, School of Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61771205, 62071186), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, Province (Grant No. 2015A030313388), and the Science and Technology Projects of Guangdong Province, China (Grant Nos. 2015B010128012, 2017K2010101)
Received Date:20 April 2021
Accepted Date:10 May 2021
Available Online:07 June 2021
Published Online:20 September 2021
Abstract:A free-space quantum key distribution (QKD) system based on mobile equipment can provide an effective method to construct a real-time full-coverage multi-node network. However, the existing free-space QKD systems based on mobile devices encounter the challenge regarding the lack of stability caused by equipment disturbance. The robustness of the QKD polarization encoder against mobile device disturbance will be significant. Owing to the inevitable disturbance in practical applications, even the polarization-maintaining fiber (PMF) cannot maintain its polarization-maintaining characteristics well, which in turn affects the stability of some systems based on PMF. Therefore, in order to ensure that stable coding can be achieved under disturbances, we propose a two-way differential modulation mode, in which stable coding can still be achieved even under disturbances. At the same time, in order to verify the actual anti-disturbance characteristics of the mode, the polarization-modulated unit (PMU) with a two-way differential modulation mode is used in this study to generate four long-term stable polarization states subjected to the disturbances with a frequency of 200 Hz. At the same time, the PMU has a higher insertion loss, which makes the influence of crosstalk on the system more obvious. We also discuss two ways i.e. the time domain and frequency domain, to reduce the crosstalk which is caused by the imperfection of the device. The experiment is performed at a repetition frequency of 250 MHz, and a commercial avalanche single-photon detector is used to detect the system’s quantum bit error rate (QBER). Under the condition of no disturbance, the average QBER is 0.39% in 2 h. Then a vibration of approximately 200 Hz is used to simulate the practical disturbances, the average QBER is 0.36% in 2 h, and the fluctuation range of the QBER is only within 0.2%. We propose the first feasible encoding scheme in disturbed environments to ensure the long-term stability of the encoded polarization states, which is expected to be used in the multi-node expansion of the quantum network. Keywords:quantum key distribution/ anti-disturbance/ polarization modulation mode
2.双向差分调制模式由于一般机械振动的频率在几Hz至500 Hz内, 为了验证偏振编码器在实际场景中的稳定性, 我们选择了200 Hz的振动频率来模拟常见的扰动情况, 并测试了PMF在该频率扰动下的偏振保持特性. 在实验中, 首先使用1个能够输出在PMF快轴和慢轴上均有分量的确定线偏振态的激光器(LD100-D)作为光源, 使用偏振分析仪(DPC5500)作为偏振检测装置, 两个设备之间仅使用一根PMF连接, 同时在固定PMF的平面上施加200 Hz的低频振动. 在连续30 min的测试中, PMF的偏振变化如图1(a)所示, 可以发现, 在存在扰动的情况下, 光在PMF快轴和慢轴上均有投影时其偏振态将产生较大偏移. 随后, 还测试了在扰动情况下光仅沿PMF慢轴传输的情况. 在实验中, 用另一个激光器(KG-ELD-C33-10-M-FA)代替光源, 该激光器输出光的偏振态仅在PMF的慢轴上传输, 测试结果如图1(b)所示, 由测试结果可知, 光即使仅在PMF一个轴上进行传输, 但是在扰动情况下依旧无法很好地保持偏振状态. 图 1 PMF在扰动环境下的测试, 图中红线表示偏振态在邦加球上的变化轨迹 (a) 在扰动情况下, 光在PMF快轴和慢轴上均有分量的偏振态变化; (b) 在扰动情况下, 光仅在PMF慢轴上传输时的偏振态变化 Figure1. Testing of the PMF under a disturbance, the red line represents the change in the polarization state on the Poincare sphere: (a) Polarization state change with components on both the fast axis and the slow axis of the PMF under a disturbance; (b) polarization state change when light transmits only along the PMF slow axis under a disturbance.