Fund Project:Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFA0305200, 2016YFA0301700) and the Key Areas Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province, China (Grant Nos. 2018B030329001, 2018B030325001)
Received Date:02 March 2021
Accepted Date:15 April 2021
Available Online:07 June 2021
Published Online:20 September 2021
Abstract:Integrated photonics has the advantages of miniaturization, low cost, stability and easy manipulation in comparison with bulk optics. However, as the scale and complexity of the chip increase, the calibration of cascaded phase shifters on-chip will be almost impossible. The time needed to calibrate the cascaded phase shifters with using conventional method increases exponentially with the number of cascades, and the maximum number of cascades achieved so far is only 5. In this paper, we propose a high-speed calibration method by which the calibration time increases only linearly with the number of cascades increasing, achieving an exponential acceleration. For N-cascaded phase shifters, the number of points scanned by each shifter is m, our method only needs to scan $ ({m}^{2}+m+1)N-1 $ points instead of $ {m}^{n} $ with using the proposed method. The main idea of this method is that we can calibrate phase shifters one by one via two-dimensional (2D) scanning. For example, for N-cascaded phase shifter, the calibration of phase shifter N can be realized by calibrating the 2D scanning phase shifter $ N-1 $ and the 2D scanning phase shifter N, and the calibration of phase shifter $ N-1 $ can be achieved by calibrating the 2D scanning phase shifter $ N-2 $ and the 2D scanning phase shifter $ N-1 $, and so on. The 2D scanning phase shifter $ N-1 $ and the 2D scanning phase shifter N scan the phase shifter N by m points and then the current of phase shifter $ N-1 $ is changed to scan the phase shifter N. Whenever changing the current of phase shifter $ N-1 $ once, we can plot a curve of current-transmission. The lowest point of the curve changes with the change of the current phase shifter $ N-1 $. When the lowest point of the curve takes a maximum value, that point is the 0 or π phase of phase shifter N. Similarly, when the lowest point of the curve takes a maximum value, that point is the $ -0.5{\rm{\pi }} $ or $ 0.5{\rm{\pi }} $ phase of phase shifter $ N-1 $. Then we can calibrate all phase shifters by using this method, but each phase shifter has two possibilities. Then we can set a specific current of all phase shifters to finish the calibration. The different parameters are verified to see their effect on fidelity. It is found that small experimental error has little effect on fidelity. When $ m > 20 $, the fidelity becomes approximately a constant. For every 1760 increase in N, the fidelity decreases by about 0.01%. The fidelity of 20-cascaded phase shifters is 99.8%. The splitting ratio of MMI may is not 50∶50 as designed because of chip processing errors. So, different splitting ratios are simulated and it is found that the splitting ratio affects the fidelity more seriously than other parameters. But our method works still well even when the splitting ratio is 45∶55, whose fidelity is 99.95% if we know the splitting ratio. The method will greatly expand the application scope of integrated quantum photonics. Keywords:integrated quantum photonics/ cascaded phase shifters/ calibration method
如图5所示, 通过联合扫描$ {I}_{N-1} $和$ {I}_{N} $, 寻找T的极小值, 可以得到两组$ T=0 $的结果, 即图5中的红色点, 分别对应: 图 5 级联N个移相器的$ 2\times 2 $光芯片分束比与移相器$ N-1 $的相位和移相器N的相位的关系图. 每改变移相器$ N-1 $的相位一次, 都完整扫描一遍$T\text{-}{\theta }_{N}$曲线, 并标记曲线的最低点为黑色. 两个红色点代表$ {T}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}} $取最小值的情况, 白色点代表$ {T}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}} $取最大值的情况, 此时白色点对应的$ {\theta }_{N}=0 $或π Figure5. Splitting ratio $ 2\times 2 $ optical waveguide circuit versus phase shifter $ N-1 $ and phase shifter N. For every change of $ {\theta }_{N-1}, $ we scan a full $T\text{-}{\theta }_{N}$ curve and mark its lowest point black. The two red point represents the minimum of $ {T}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}} $ while the white point represents the maximum of $ {T}_{\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}} $. The white point corresponding to $ {\theta }_{N}=0 $ or π.
其中$ {a}_{i}=0 $或1. 下面要来确定每个移相器$ {a}_{i} $的具体数值. 首先讨论移相器数目为奇数的情况. 如图7(a)所示, 移相器数目$ N =2 P - 1 $ (P为正整数), 共有P个奇数项移相器和$ P-1 $个偶数项移相器. 对移相器$ {a}_{i} $的确定共分为4个步骤. 每个步骤中标黑色的移相器相位均设为0或π, 标红色与标蓝色的移相器相位设为$ 0.4{\text{π}} $或$ 1.4{\text{π}} $. 标蓝色的移相器在执行该步骤后可确定对应$ {a}_{i} $的具体数值. 这里要说明的是选取$ 0.4{\text{π}} $相位用来标定$ {a}_{i} $是为了方便, 实际上可取除0, $ \pm 0.5{\text{π}} $, $ \pm {\text{π}} $以外的任何其他相位用来标定$ {a}_{i} $. 图 7 确定$ {a}_{i} $的标定顺序, 其中颜色为黑色与绿色的移相器相位设为0, 其他颜色的移相器相位设为0.4π, 有下划线步骤可以确定下划线部分的$ {a}_{i}=1 $为奇数或偶数个, 箭头为标定方向, 蓝色移相器和绿色移相器为对应步骤可以完成标定的移相器 (a) 移相器数量为奇数的标定顺序; (b) 移相器数量为偶数的标定顺序 Figure7. Calibration sequence to determine $ {a}_{i} $, where the phase shifters with color black and green are set to phase 0 and the others are set to $ 0.4{\text{π}} $. Steps with underline can determine whether the red underline part of $ {a}_{i}=1 $ is an odd or even number of shifts. The arrow is the calibration direction. Phase shifters in blue color or red color are the phase shifters that can be calibrated in the corresponding steps. (a) Calibration sequence with an odd number of phase shifters; (b) calibration sequence with an even number of phase shifters.