Key Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion, and Electron Beams of the Ministry of Education, School of Physics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Fund Project:Project supported by National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFE0301206), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51807020), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. DUT18RC(3)019).
Received Date:19 February 2019
Accepted Date:28 March 2019
Available Online:01 May 2019
Published Online:20 May 2019
Abstract:Coaxial gun can produce high-speed and high-density plasma jet and has some potential applications in many research areas such as space thruster, space debris impact simulation, nuclear fusion, and material processing. The coaxial gun is usually composed of a pair of coaxial cylindrical and hollow electrodes. The pulsed discharge of coaxial gun has two discharge modes, i.e., deflagration mode and pre-fill mode. Compared with the pre-fill mode, deflagration discharge mode can induce a plasma jet with few impurities, high collimation, and fast speed. In this paper, the effect of gas injection mass and discharge voltage on the discharge characteristic of deflagration mode are studied with electrical and optical diagnosis including the emission spectrum, plasma velocity and discharge current measurements. The experimental results show that when the gas injection mass is relatively low, such as 1.4 mg, many plasma clusters eject from the muzzle. As the gas flowing into the coaxial gun bottom increases, the plasma density increases and the jet velocity decreases. Eventually, when the gas injection mass increases to 2.6 mg, one cluster of plasma is found and ejects from the muzzle of the gun. In the discharge process, as a small quantity of gas flows into the bottom of the coaxial gun through the electromagnetic valve continuously, new current paths will be generated at the bottom of the coaxial gun and move forward. This results in the observation of multiple plasma jet at the exit of the coaxial gun. It is noted that the plasma densities are different for different gas mass flowing into coaxial gun bottom, but the currents have little effect in the first discharge half cycle due to the small plasma inductance in discharge circuit. Meanwhile, the plasma characteristics under different voltages with the fixed gas mass of 2.6 mg flowing into the coaxial gun bottom are experimentally measured. The results show that the plasma density and speed increase with voltage increasing, which is attributed to the stronger discharge current and larger self-induced Lorentz force. More neutral particles can be ionized into plasma with discharge voltage increasing, and the transport speed becomes faster under the enhanced force. In addition, the multiple ionization phenomena are observed again when the discharge voltage increases from 5 kV to 8 kV. This study provides an insight into how to better apply the coaxial gun discharge plasma to practical engineering field. The article further verifies the phenomenon of multiple discharges at the bottom of the coaxial gun by changing the charging capacitance and analyzing the magnetic probe signals. Keywords:coaxial gun/ deflagration mode/ plasma/ discharge parameters
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将真空腔室气压稳定在10–3 Pa, 电容充电电压固定在5 kV后, 设置延时触发器, 使气体通过电磁阀进入同轴枪底端的瞬间, 打开火花开关对同轴枪施加电压, 即产生爆燃模式放电. 图2(a)—(d)分别为充电电压5 kV时, 进气量1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.6 mg所对应的电流信号与光电流信号. 首先观察电流波形. 电流波形为一个不断衰减的正弦波, 说明打开火花开关后整个电路形成RLC回路, 且在放电过程中同轴枪内部一直存在电流通道. 不同进气量条件下第一个半周期电流基本不变, 为52 kA左右, 电流脉宽为50 μs左右. 这是因为等离子体的电阻和电感相对于回路很小, 在放电过程中对于回路几乎没有影响. 图 2 (a)—(d)分别为电压为5 kV, 进气量为1.4, 2.1, 2.3, 2.6 mg的电流信号与光电流信号 Figure2. Current and photocurrent signals for 5 kV voltage at gas in the coaxial gun bottom of (a) 1.4 mg, (b) 2.1 mg, (c) 2.3 mg and (d) 2.6 mg, respectively
图2中光信号1与光信号2是将两个连接光电探测器的准直器平行地放在同轴枪出口附近, 靠近钢化玻璃输运通道, 距离5 cm. 通过用两个准直器的间距5 cm除以两个光信号第一次达到峰值时的时间差, 可以计算出等离子体喷射的速度. 图3所示为充电电压5 kV、不同进气量时等离子体输运速度变化曲线. 当进气量1.4 mg时速度最高为27.9 km/s, 随着进气量的增加等离子体的输运速度逐渐降低, 当进气量增加到2.6 mg时, 输运速度为17.2 km/s. 这是由于在爆燃模式放电下, 随着进气量的增加, 更多的中性气体被电离成等离子体, 使得其质量在总体上有所增加, 进而使等离子体的输运速度降低. 图 3 电压5 kV时等离子体输运速度随着进气量的变化 Figure3. The velocity versus with the gas which enters in the coaxial gun bottom with the discharge voltage 5 kV
将光谱仪的光纤探头放在距离同轴枪枪口5 cm处, 在光纤探头的前端放入准直器减少采集到的发散光. 光谱仪曝光时间为3 s, 光栅设置为1200 g/mm, 测量Hβ的谱线, 用来计算等离子体的密度. 由于光谱仪的曝光时间为3 s, 所得到的Hβ谱线为时间累加所得, 所以得到的值为等离子体团密度最大位置处的密度, 这对于观察等离子体密度随着进气量和放电电压的变化趋势没有影响. 使用斯塔克展宽法测量同轴枪出口附近等离子体的密度, 这种方法是当电子密度在1014—1016 cm–3的范围时适用. 测量到的谱线如图4所示. 其中Hβ谱线为486.1 nm, 将Hβ谱线拟合, 其结果如图5所示, 其谱线展宽为0.089 nm. 此外, 由于Hβ谱线既有均匀展宽(洛伦兹展宽), 也有非均匀展宽(高斯展宽), 所以实验所得到的拟合谱线的展宽是由均匀展宽和非均匀展宽共同得到的总展宽(佛克脱展宽Δλv). 洛伦兹展宽、高斯展宽和佛克托展宽之间的关系为[2,23] 图 4 放电电压5 kV、进气量1.4 mg、光谱仪曝光时间3 s光栅设置为1200 g/mm时的Hβ谱线 Figure4. The Hβ line of the discharge voltage 5 kV, the gas which enters in the coaxial gun bottom 1.4 mg, the exposure time of the spectrometer 3 s, and the grating set at 1200 g/mm
图 5 进气量1.4 mg、放电电压5 kV时, Hβ谱线及其拟合曲线, 展宽为0.089 nm Figure5. Hβ spectrum and its Lorenz fitting line, spectrum broadening is 0.089 nm
由此得出在同轴枪枪口处等离子体的密度. 当进气量1.4 mg, 放电电压5 kV时Stark展宽为0.049 nm, 计算得出等离子体密度为1.21 × 1014/cm3. 图7为当放电电压5 kV不变时, 所测量的电子密度随着进气量的变化, 进气量从1.4 mg到2.6 mg. 从图7中可以看出, 随着进气量的增加, 电子密度增加, 当进气量为2.6 mg时, 等离子体数密度最大为2.0 × 1014/cm3. 这是由于增加放电时的进气量使更多的中性气体进入到同轴枪内发生电离, 产生了更多的等离子体, 进而导致电子密度随之增加. 图 7 放电电压5 kV时电子密度随进气量变化 Figure7. Electron density versus the gas with the discharge voltage of 5 kV
为了验证多团等离子体从同轴枪枪口喷出是由于同轴枪底部再次产生电流通道, 即多次放电现象, 实验过程中使用两个磁探针分别放在同轴枪底部和距离底部5 cm处. 放在同轴枪底部的为磁探针1, 采集到的信号为磁信号1; 放在距离底部5 cm处的为磁探针2, 采集到的信号为磁信号2. 如图1原理图中所示. 图8表示的是放电电压为5 kV, 进气量分别为1.4 mg和2.6 mg时, 放电过程中的电流信号和磁探针采集到的磁信号. 观察图8(a)第一个放电半周期可以发现, 磁信号2在有些时间点下降. 在放电过程中, 当同轴枪底部产生新的电流通道时, 流过磁探针2的电流减小, 使得磁探针2周围产生的磁场减小. 而观察图8(b)没有发现磁信号2下降的现象. 这说明在同轴枪底部确实有新的电流通道产生. 图 8 放电电压5 kV进气量分别为1.4 mg和2.6 mg条件下的电流信号和磁信号 Figure8. The current signal and magnetic signal for for 5 kV voltage at gas in the coaxial gun bottom of (a) 1.4 mg and (d) 2.6 mg, respectively
23.3.电压的影响 -->
图9所示为进气量均为2.6 mg, 放电电压分别为5, 6, 7, 8 kV时的电流信号和光电流信号. 将两个连接光电探测器的准直器平行的放在同轴枪出口处, 钢化玻璃输运通道附近, 距离5 cm, 再通过观察两个信号的时间差可以计算出等离子体喷射的速度. 图 9 (a)—(d)分别为进气量2.6 mg, 电压为5, 6, 7, 8 kV的电流信号与光电流信号 Figure9. Current and photocurrent signals for 2.6 mg gas in the coaxial gun bottom at voltages of (a) 5 kV, (b) 6 kV, (c) 7 kV and (d) 8 kV, respectively
图10为进气量2.6 mg, 等离子体输运速度随电压的变化曲线. 从图10中可以看出, 随着电压的增加等离子体输运速度快速增加, 放电电压由5 kV升高到8 kV的过程中, 等离子体的输运速度由17.2 km/s升高到了41.7 km/s. 爆燃模式下等离子体通过J × B的洛伦兹力和热膨胀的共同作用向前输运. 当进气量一定的情况下, 随着电压的增加, 放电回路的电流逐渐增加, 等离子体所受的洛伦兹力增加, 等离子体的温度也会略微升高. 又由于在爆燃模式放电的条件下, 真空腔室内的气压很低, 等离子体在向前输运的过程中不会与中性粒子发生碰撞. 因此等离子体的输运速度会随着电压的增加而快速增加. 图 10 进气量2.6 mg速度随着电压的变化 Figure10. The velocity versus discharge voltage with the gas which enters in the coaxial gun bottom of 2.6 mg
图11为进气量2.6 mg时, 利用Stark展宽法计算得出的等离子体密度随电压的变化曲线, 图中可以看出随着电压增加等离子体的密度增加, 放电电压8 kV时, 密度最大达到2.8 × 1014/cm3. 这是由于随着电压的升高, 有更多的中性粒子电离为等离子体, 使得等离子体的密度增加. 而当放电电压增加到一定程度, 同轴枪内的等离子体趋于完全电离时, 等离子体的密度趋于平缓. 图 11 进气量2.6 mg时电子密度随着电压的变化 Figure11. The electron density versus discharge voltage with the gas which enters in the coaxial gun bottom of 2.6 mg
从图9(a)中可以看出, 放电电压5 kV时, 只有一团等离子体从同轴枪的枪口喷出, 随着放电电压增加, 会有多团等离子体从枪口喷出. 这是因为爆燃模式放电过程中, 随着放电电压的增加, 在放电过程中回路电流增加. 当放电过程中有中性气体从进气孔进入到同轴枪的底端时, 同轴枪底端将会再次击穿电离中性气体, 产生的等离子体团从枪口喷出. 从而导致有几团等离子体从枪口喷出[15]. 图12分别为电压5 kV和8 kV时使用数码相机拍摄的图片, 曝光时间为1 s. 从图中可以看出, 随着电压增加输运的距离有所增加. 说明放电电压增加使得等离子体的定向输运速度增加, 使得输运的距离也明显增加. 图 12 数码相机拍摄的同轴枪放电图片, (a), (b)分别为进气量5.5 mg, 电压为5 kV和8 kV时的图片 Figure12. The coaxial gun discharge pictures taken by the digital camera, the exposure time is 1 s, with the gases which enter in the coaxial gun bottom of 5.5 mg and the discharge voltage of (a) 5 kV and (b) 8 kV respectively
23.4.电容的影响 -->
为了进一步研究在爆燃模式下有多团等离子体从同轴枪枪口喷出的现象, 实验过程中通过改变放电回路中充电电容的大小, 分别调节电容的充电电压不变与电流不变来观察等离子体团的变化. 图13(a)和图13(b)分别表示放电电压5 kV、进气量1.4 mg、充电电容180 μF和120 μF时的电流信号和光电流信号. 将图13与图2(a)表示的放电电压5 kV、进气量1.4 mg、充电电容240 μF时的电流信号和光信号进行对比. 实验中发现, 在相同放电电压和进气量条件下, 随着充电电容的减小, 多团等离子体从枪口喷出的现象在逐渐减弱. 可以在图2(a)、图12(a)和图12(b)中看出, 随着充电电容的减小, 回路电流的幅值和脉宽都减小, 使得在放电过程中很难在同轴枪底部再次形成电流通道, 所以同轴枪喷出多团等离子体的现象逐渐减弱. 图 13 (a), (b)分别为放电电压5 kV、送气量1.4 mg、电容分别为180 μF和120 μF的电流信号和光电流信号 Figure13. Current signals and photocurrent signals for a discharge voltage of 5 kV, 1.4 mg gas in the coaxial gun bottom, and capacitances of (a) 180 μF and (b) 120 μF, respectively
图14(a)和图14(b)是改变充电电容, 通过调节电压使得其与图2(a)的电流幅值相同, 进而可以比较在相同放电电流和进气量的情况下, 放电周期对于同轴枪喷出的多团等离子体的放电现象的影响. 实验中可以看出, 在相同回路电流和进气量的条件下, 随着充电电容的减小, 多团等离子体从枪口喷出的现象在逐渐减弱. 这说明充电电容的周期会影响多团等离子体从枪口喷出的程度. 具体原因需要之后的进一步分析. 图 14 (a), (b)分别为电流幅值52 kA、送气量1.4 mg、电容分别为180 μF和120 μF的电流信号和光电流信号 Figure14. Current signal and photocurrent signal for current amplitude of 52 kA, 1.4 mg gas in the coaxial gun bottom, and capacitance of (a) 180 μF and (b) 120 μF, respectively