1.State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710119, China 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3.School of Aerospace Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an 710126, China
Fund Project:Project Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61471357).
Received Date:05 November 2018
Accepted Date:25 November 2018
Available Online:01 February 2019
Published Online:20 February 2019
Abstract:When a supersonic spacecraft enters into the atmosphere of earth, part of the spacecraft's kinetic energy changes into thermal energy, thus causing the air surrounding the craft to be heated and compressed. As a result, the temperature near the surface may reach several thousands of kelvins, which leads the surface materials to be ionized and form a plasma sheath around the vehicle. This plasma layer has an electron density ranging from 1015m-3 to 1020m-3, and may interrupt the radio communication signal between the re-entry vehicle and ground-based stations, which is known as ‘communication blackout’. According to the radio attenuation measurement (RAM) experiments carried out by NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in the 1970s, the duration time of communication blackout ranges from 4 to 10 minutes in an altitude range from 40 km to 100 km. Communication blackout has puzzled aerospace industry for several decades, and has not yet been completely resolved. Due to this, it becomes necessary to understand the causes of communication blackout and the methods for its mitigation. Compared with other communication methods, x-ray communication(XCOM) has the advantages of short carrier wavelength and high photon energy, as well as strong ability to resist anti-interference, thus being able to open a novel way to solve this long-lasting unresolved problem. In this paper, to begin with, we analyze the transmission coefficiencies under different plasma electron densities and collision frequencies based on Wentzel Kramers Brillouin (WKB) approximation method. The simulation results indicate that the x-ray carrier is not influenced by the reentry plasma sheath. After that, a plasma source based on glow discharge is used to verify the mathematical model. The non-magnetized unobstructed plasma region is $\varPhi $200 mm × 180 mm, which can be used for simulating plasma sheath near the reenter spacecraft. Then the transmission coefficiency, energy spectrum similarity and energy spectrum peak offset under different x-ray energy, x-ray flow and plasma electron density are firstly analyzed. Experimental results indicate that plasma can lead the x-ray signal to be attenuated to a certain extent, the increase of plasma electron density will cause higher attenuation. However, with a higher signal x-ray energy and x-ray flow, the XCOM could achieve less attenuation in the re-enter plasma layer. When the plasma electron density ranges from 6 × 1016/m3 to 1.2 × 1017/m3, 1.34 Mcps signal x-ray photons’ flow with 20 kV anode voltage would achieve more than a 95% transmission efficiency. Also, the spectrum of x-ray signal can obtain more than 95.5% similarity and the peak offset is less than 1.3% after passing the plasma sheath. Subsequently, based on the original mathematic model and experimental results, considering the free-free absorption, free-bound absorption, bound-bound absorption and scattering effect of x-ray photons in plasma, the x-ray transmission characteristics are optimized to make simulation results well consistent with the experiment results. Finally, an MCNP (Monte Carlo N Particle) transport simulation is used to analyze the feasibility of XCOM in blackout region, which indicates that the energy range 15—25 keV is the suitable to achieve the XCOM in adjacent space, and the relation of potential transmitting speed with bit error is calculated. Theoretically, the XCOM can achieve about 1.3 Mbps communication speed in blackout region. In summary, these theoretical and experimental results indicate that the XCOM is a potential and novel method to solve the blackout communication problems. Keywords:X-ray communication/ plasma sheath/ transmission co-efficiency
表3不同条件下理论与实验结果对比 Table3.Experimental and theoretical results under various condition.
可以看出, 在原有模型的基础上, 针对X射线粒子性强的特点, 考虑碰撞吸收及散射等因素后, 理论与实验值接近. 即X射线光子进入等离子体后, 与等离子体中各种粒子发生碰撞、散射作用, 增加等离子体电子密度后, 碰撞散射截面增大, 透射率减小. 等离子体电子密度不变时, 其碰撞、散射截面固定不变, 因此增加光子能量和流量时, 可增加X射线的透过率, 这些结论有望为解决黑障区信号传输提供一定的依据. 4.X射线通信可行性分析对于相同等离子体电子密度下, 文献[23]中所得到的实验结果为1.57 GHz微波的透过率为千分之一(–30 dB), 而实验中X射线有望以较高的透过率穿透等离子体屏蔽, 因此有望实现黑障区数据的可靠传输. X射线在等离子体鞘套和临近空间环境时衰减较小, 但无法在地面环境中有效传输. 因此可通过X射线载波, 将信号透过等离子体鞘套后上传到中继站, 然后通过激光或微波通信的方式转发到地面. 整个通信系统如图6所示. 图 6 黑障区X射线通信信号传输原理图 Figure6. The schematic diagram of X-ray communication signal transmission process in blackout region.
考虑到临近空间链路中的损失, 通过基于蒙特卡罗方法的MCNP软件仿真X射线信号透过等离子体鞘套后, 从再入飞船(40—80 km)传输到中继站(240—280 km)时, 临近空间链路对不同能量X射线光子的透过率[24,25], 结果如图7所示. 图 7 临近空间X射线的透过率 Figure7. Transmission rate of X-ray on condition of near space.
从图7可以看出, 5 keV能段的X射线光子在临近空间向上传输200 km后, 透过率为39%, 而15 keV的X射线光子透过率高达97%, 考虑到飞行器的负载、收发天线效率、探测器量子效率等因素, 15—25 keV是临近空间用于X射线通信的最佳能段. 此外, 根据X射线通信的功率传输方程和误码率模型[26?28], 仿真了入射X射线光功率10 W, 链路长度200 km, 发散角3 mrad时, 不同能量、调制模式下X射线的通信指标, 结果如图8所示. 4 PPM (pulsar position modulation)的通信速率高于OOK (on-off keying)调制, 单光子能量越高, 通信速率相对越低. 对15 keV的入射X射线光子, 若采用4 PPM调制, 理论上最高可实现1.3 Mbps的测控、导航信号的传输. 图 8 不同光子能量与调制模式下的X射线通信指标 Figure8. Communication speed and BER versus different energy and modulation.