1.Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2.Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 3.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China 4.University Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11775228, 51571003).
Received Date:17 October 2018
Accepted Date:12 December 2018
Available Online:01 February 2019
Published Online:20 February 2019
Abstract:Nuclear fusion energy is a clean and safe energy resource with huge potential. Tungsten is the primary candidate for plasma facing materials (PFMs) in future nuclear reactors because of its high melting point, high thermal conductivity and high resistance to sputtering and erosion. However, the interaction between tungsten and helium plasma generated by deuterium-tritium nuclear reactions will result in the degeneration of tungsten through helium blistering in tungsten. The solubility of helium in tungsten is low, and it tends to aggregate at grain boundary, phase boundary, vacancies and dislocations, thus forming helium bubbles. These bubbles will lead to microstructure changes of surface and bulk phases, as well as a decrease in mechanical properties, which seriously affects the service life of material. Limited by experimental techniques, some basic problems for the growth of helium bubbles in tungsten are not clear, for instance, how the helium clusters migrate, and nucleation mechanisms. The study of complex helium bubble formation, evolution and its underlying mechanism in tungsten PFM necessitates advanced experimental techniques. Traditional methods such as ion implantation, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope are inadequate for this task. Therefore, we propose the helium ion microscope method to investigate the aforementioned several aspects of helium in tungsten in situ and real-time. Here, a helium irradiation experiment is performed by helium ion microscope (HIM), featuring nanostructure fabrication, ion implantation and microscopic imaging. The HIM can generate an ion beam with energy in a range of 0.5?35 keV and an flux upto 1025 ions/m2/s. In the process of helium ion implantation, we observe in situ and real time the helium blistering and the morphological evolution on tungsten surface, in order to capture the helium implantation-induced microscopic damage evolution on tungsten surface and subsurface. From the results of in situ HIM experiments, it is believed that a strong orientation dependence of blistering is observed with the blister occurring preferentially on the surface of grains with normal direction close to (111), and surface blistering of tungsten is directly related to cracks immediately below the surface. The present study demonstrates that the HIM is a powerful tool for investigating the helium blistering behavior in tungsten and provides valuable experimental data and reference for designing PFMs. Keywords:tungsten/ helium behavior/ helium ion microscope/ real-time analysis of in situ
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HIM的组成部件与SEM很类似, HIM的整体结构如图1所示, 主要由离子光学系统、信号收集及显示系统、真空系统和电源系统[13]. 离子光学系统是由离子源、电磁透镜、扫描线圈和样品室等部件组成, 其作用是用来获得扫描离子束, 作为信号的激发源. 为了获得较高的信号强度和图像分辨率, 扫描离子束应具有较高的亮度和尽可能小的束斑直径, 这是与SEM电子光学系统不同之处. 信号收集系统由电子探测器和离子探测器组成, 检测样品在入射离子作用下产生的二次电子信号和被散射离子信号, 然后经视频放大作为显像系统的调制信号. 真空系统的作用是为保证离子光学系统正常工作, 一般情况下要求保持10–8 Pa的真空度. 电源系统由稳压, 稳流及相应的安全保护电路所组成, 其作用是提供HIM各部分所需的电源. 图 1 HIM整体结构及其工作原理图 (a)整体结构; (b)工作原理 Figure1. Schematic diagram and working principle diagram of HIM: (a) Schematic diagram; (b) working principle diagram.
HIM是在场离子显微镜(field ion microscope, FIM)基础上发展起来, 以曲率10—100 nm的单晶钨作针尖, 以氦(He)(或氢(H)、或氖(Ne)和氩(Ar)等惰性气体)为成像气体, 其工作原理如图1 所示[13]. 具体为: 液氮冷却的单晶钨丝针尖, 被放置在几百Pa低压的氦气氛围内; 氦原子被吸附在冷钨丝上; 钨丝上有一定的高压, 尖端3个钨原子上所吸附的氦原子会被电离激发成离子, 形成3个不同方向的离子束流; 选择其中一束离子束流, 进行加速、聚焦, 用于扫描样品并捕获其二次电子、背散射离子图像, 从而获得样品信息, 同时也实现对样品的刻蚀. 图 2 W样品的EBSD衍射花样和表面微观形貌 (a)EBSD衍射花样; (b)表面微观形貌; (c)注入区域 Figure2. EBSD map and surface micrograph of tungsten: (a) EBSD map of tungsten; (b) surface micrograph of tungsten; (c) the irradiated area of tungsten.