Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11504302, 61178011, 61475127, 61475132).
Received Date:08 October 2018
Accepted Date:30 November 2018
Available Online:01 February 2019
Published Online:05 February 2019
Abstract:Using the three-dimensional classical ensemble model, we systematically investigate the strong-field nonsequential double ionization (NSDI) of He atom by intense linearly polarized laser pulses at different intensities for 750 nm and 1500 nm in wavelength. In the intensity range of 0.4?0.8 PW/cm2 considered in this work, for 750 nm wavelength the correlated electron pairs are always distributed mainly near the diagonal but for 1500 nm wavelength, with increasing laser intensity the population of electron pairs moves from the diagonal to the two axes, forming a near-axis V-shaped structure at 0.8 PW/cm2. The analysis indicates that for 750 nm with increasing laser intensity the contribution from the single-return events to NSDI decreases sharply and the contribution from the multiple-return events increases. For 1500 nm wavelength when the laser intensity increases, the contributions from one-, two- and three-return trajectories decrease and the contributions of other trajectories increase. It is because most of ionized electrons have a non-zero initial transverse momentum. After the excursion of the ionized electron, when it returns to the parent ion at the first time there is a distance in the transverse direction between the free electron and the parent ion, which hinders the recollision and NSDI from occurring. The transverse deviation can be significantly reduced by the Coulomb attraction from the parent ion to the free electron when it returns back to the parent ion in the longitudinal direction. Higher intensity results in larger returning velocity for the free electron. The free electron faster passes by the parent ion and the Coulomb attraction has less time to pull the free electron to the parent ion. For each return the compensation of the Coulomb attraction for the transverse deviation for high intensity is weaker than for low intensity. Thus for higher intensities more returns are required to compensate for the transverse deviation. Moreover, numerical results show the recollision distance in NSDI is smaller for the longer wavelength and higher intensity. It is attributed to the larger returning velocity of the free electron at the longer wavelength and higher intensity, which can more easily overcome the strong Coulomb repulsion between the two electrons and achieve a smaller recollision distance. Finally, electron correlation behaviors for those trajectories where recollision occurs with different return times are studied. Keywords:nonsequential double ionization/ electron correlation/ strong laser field/ recollision
图4给出了波长为750 nm时不同返回次数轨道诱导的NSDI事件的关联电子动量分布, 从左到右对应的返回次数分别为1—5, 从上到下对应的激光强度分别为0.4, 0.6和0.8 PW/cm2. 对于0.4 PW/cm2, 大多数NSDI事件来自单次返回, 因此单次返回轨道的动量分布和总的动量分布几乎是相同的. 对于0.6 PW/cm2, 单次返回轨道的NSDI事件主要分布在原点附近, 多次返回轨道的NSDI主要分布在对角线附近. 仔细观察可以发现, 相对于3次和5次返回轨道, 2次和4次返回轨道诱导的NSDI有更多的背离了对角线. 这是因为与3次和5次返回轨道相比, 2次和4次返回轨道中电子的再碰撞能量更小, 所以更多的NSDI通过再碰撞激发随后电离机制发生. 对于0.8 PW/cm2, 单次返回轨道诱导的NSDI事件呈现出反关联行为, 其他返回次数的轨道对应的动量分布则呈现出强烈的关联行为. 图5给出了1500 nm情况下不同返回次数轨道诱导的NSDI事件的关联电子动量分布. 对于1500 nm, 三个强度下动量分布对返回次数的依赖都是相似的. 单次返回轨道的动量分布几乎均匀地分布在四个象限, 多次返回轨道的动量分布都分布在一三象限. 另外, 与偶数次返回轨道相比, 奇数次返回轨道的动量分布更靠近坐标轴, 这是因为奇数次返回时电子的返回能量显著地大于偶数次返回, 更大的返回能量加剧了碰撞时两电子能量分配的不对称性, 导致了奇数次返回轨道的分布更靠近坐标轴. 另外值得注意的是, 在所用的波长和强度下, 电子在第一次返回时的最大返回能量都是大于He原子的第二电离势能的, 回碰电子能够通过直接碰撞电离机制电离第二个电子, 然而图4(k)、图5(a)、图5(f)和图5(k)的动量谱却没能呈现出关联电子为主的动量分布, 这些分布中显示出了大量的反关联电子分布. 这是因为在高强度或长波长下碰撞过程的能量分配不均导致碰撞后回碰电子仍然具有较大的沿着回碰方向的速度, 该速度与随后电场加速的方向相反, 在高强度或长波长下, 回碰电子碰后的剩余速度有很大的概率大于电场加速, 导致回碰电子的最终末速度与回碰方向相同, 而第二个电子的最终末速度主要来自电场加速, 最终两电子呈现反关联释放. 第一次返回时的返回能量是最大的, 回碰电子碰后的剩余速度大于电场加速的概率也最大, 导致的反关联释放也最多, 所以在高强度或长波长的情况下没有在一次返回碰撞的电子动量谱上观察到显著的关联分布. 图 4 750 nm 激光脉冲驱动He原子NSDI的关联电子动量分布 (a)—(e) 0.4 PW/cm2; (f)—(j) 0.6 PW/cm2; (k)—(o) 0.8 PW/cm2; 从左到右每列对应不同返回次数诱导的NSDI事件 Figure4. Correlated electron momentum distributions in NSDI of He for 750 nm at the laser intensities of 0.4 (the first row), 0.6 (the second row) and 0.8 PW/cm2 (the third row). The columns from left to right correspond to return numbers of 1 to 5.
图 5 1500 nm 激光脉冲驱动He原子NSDI的关联电子动量分布 (a)—(e) 0.4 PW/cm2; (f)—(j) 0.6 PW/cm2; (k)—(o) 0.8 PW/cm2; 从左到右每列对应不同返回次数诱导的NSDI事件 Figure5. Correlated electron momentum distributions in NSDI of He for 1500 nm at the laser intensities of 0.4 (the first row), 0.6 (the second row) and 0.8 PW/cm2 (the third row). The columns from left to right correspond to return numbers of 1 to 5.