Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574082) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant No. 2018MS050).
Received Date:12 November 2018
Accepted Date:17 December 2018
Available Online:01 February 2019
Published Online:05 February 2019
Abstract: In 2011, Kumar et al. (2011 Phys. Rev. A84 043402) studied the light force acting on a beam of neutral two-level atoms superimposed on a few-cycle-pulse Gaussian laser field under both resonant and off-resonant conditions by solving the optical Bloch equation beyond the rotating-wave approximation, and they found that under resonant condition the transverse component of the light force shows oscillatory behavior but vanishes when a time average is taken, and the time averaged longitudinal force is nonzero only when the Rabi frequency is smaller than the resonant frequency and vanishes when the Rabi frequency is equal to or larger than the resonant frequency. In this paper, we investigate further the strong nonlinear optical interaction between a two-level atomic system and a femtosecond Gaussian laser pulse by solving numerically the full-wave optical Bloch equations through using the predictor-corrector method. It is found that the light forces and the light potentials are sensitive to the value of the Rabi frequency and the detuning of the laser field. Under the resonant condition, the instant light forces induced by the femtosecond laser pulse change their signs as a function of time. The instant longitudinal light force changes its sign at twice the Rabi frequency, while the instant transverse light force changes its sign at twice the light carrier-wave frequency. However, none of the time-averaged light forces is zero, showing periodical oscillation characters as a function of Rabi frequency. Both of the time-averaged longitudinal and transverse light forces oscillate at the Rabi frequency corresponding to the pulse area of 2${\text{π}}$. The time-averaged transverse light force shows also a trend of enhancement with Rabi frequency increasing, and the time-averaged longitudinal light force shows also a saturation trend with the increase of the Rabi frequency. The optical potential depends strongly on the detuning. It changes gradually from repulsive potential to attractive potential when the detuning defined here changes from negative to positive detuning. When the field is nearly resonant, the optical potential then oscillates between repulsive and attractive potentials. Therefore, neutral atoms can be focused, defocused, trapped, splitted or steered by the femtosecond laser field with appropriate detuning and Rabi frequency. Keywords:atom optics/ optical dipole force/ femtosecond laser field/ two-level atomic system
2011年, Kumar和Sarma[24]在对少周期高斯型激光场中原子的受力情况进行研究时指出: 在共振条件下, 横向光力的时间平均为零; 纵向光力的时间平均与拉比频率有关, 当拉比频率小于原子共振跃迁频率时, 旋波近似依旧适用, 光力的纵向分量对原子仍具有导引作用; 随着拉比频率的增加, 纵向光力的时间平均为零, 不再具有导引原子的作用. 而我们的进一步研究发现, 在飞秒激光脉冲的共振作用下原子所受的横向光力的时间平均值并非为零, 而是随着拉比频率的增加呈现振荡的增大趋势; 同时纵向光力的时间平均值也并非是拉比频率的单调函数, 而是随着拉比频率的增加呈现周期性的振荡分布特性(如图2所示). 图 2 在高斯光束束腰所在平面内距离光轴$r = $0.7071 ${\text{μ}}{\rm{m}}$处, 原子所受纵向冲量${I_ {\rm{L}}}(r, z)$(正方形点缀曲线)与横向冲量${I_ {\rm{T}}}(r, z)$(圆形点缀曲线)随输入脉冲的峰值拉比频率$G_ {\rm{R}}^0 = {d_{10}}{E_0}/\hbar $取值的演化情况, 其中$G_{{\text{2π}}}^0$对应脉冲面积为$2{\text{π}}$时的电场峰值拉比频率, 失谐量取值$\varDelta = 0$ Figure2. Evolution of the longitudinal impulse ${I_ {\rm{L}}}(r, z)$ (square-dotted curve) and the transverse impulse ${I_ {\rm{T}}}(r, z)$ (circle-dotted curve) as a function of the peak Rabi frequency $G_ {\rm{R}}^0 = {d_{10}}{E_0}/\hbar $ at $z = 0$, $r =$ 0.7071 ${\text{μ}}{\rm{m}}.$$G_{2{\text{π}}}^0$ is the peak Rabi frequency when the area of the pulse equals $2{\text{π}}.$ Detuning $\varDelta = 0$.