1.College of Electronic Information and Automation, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China 2.National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150080, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61875045) and the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China (Grant No. 17JCYBJC18200).
Received Date:30 August 2018
Accepted Date:19 November 2018
Available Online:01 January 2019
Published Online:20 January 2019
Abstract:In this paper, a double-pass amplification experiment of a Ne-like Ar C line 69.8 nm laser is established. The 45-cmlong capillary is used as the discharge load to obtain a double-pass amplification output of a Ne-like Ar C line 69.8 nm laser. Under the same initial experimental conditions that the initial pressure is 15.4 Pa and the main pulse current amplitude is 13.5 kA, the laser pulse intensity and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the laser pulse of the single-pass amplification output and the double-pass amplification output are measured by a vacuum X-ray diode (XRD) behind a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) monochromator (Acton VSN-515) which is used to disperse the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission. And then the laser beam divergence of single-pass amplification output and double-pass amplification output are also measured by a space-resolving flat-field EUV spectrograph combined with an EUV CCD (Andor Newton DO920P-BN). The amplitude of the double-pass amplification laser output is 9 times larger than that of single-pass amplification output, and the FWHM of the double-pass amplification laser pulse is nearly 2.4 ns. While the laser beam divergence angle of the double-pass amplification output is 6.6 times wider than that of single-pass amplification output. By comparing the single-pass amplification and double-pass amplification output experimental results, the gain duration of the gain medium in the double-pass amplification and the radial distribution characteristics of the gain medium are analyzed by using the calculation formula of the double-pass amplification laser intensity. The gain duration is more than 4 ns, during this time the gain coefficient decreases at 1.6 ns. And the gain coefficient is the smallest at 2.8 ns, meanwhile the intensity of the single-pass amplification laser is maximum, and the gain medium is in the gain saturation state. So this result indicates that the minimum gain coefficient at this moment is due to the gain saturation effect. Using a similar calculation method to analyze the spatial distribution of gain coefficients, the gain on the plasma axis is larger than that off the plasma axis. These results lay a foundation for the subsequent establishment of resonant cavity and the multi-pass amplification experiment of capillary discharge Ne-like Ar laser. Keywords:capillary discharge/ 69.8 nm laser/ double-pass amplification/ gain medium
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由于类氖氩69.8 nm激光产生机理与类氖氩46.9 nm激光产生机理基本相似, 因此所用实验装置与之前产生类氖氩46.9 nm激光的产生装置基本一致, 由MARX发生器、Blumlein传输线、放电室、真空装置以及探测系统构成[4,21]. 为了进行双程放大实验, 如图1所示, 对原有实验装置的放电室进行了改造. 增加一个铝制法兰用于连接预脉冲开关和毛细管, 并在法兰内部设置光学平台, 放置SiC平面反射镜用于实现类氖氩激光的反射. 为了避免等离子体轰击和主脉冲电流放电的影响, 放置平面镜时没有紧贴毛细管出光端面, 而是选择与出光端面保持一定距离. 同时, 由于毛细管端面与平面镜之间会存在一定气压的氩气, 使得软X射线激光在这段距离中会有较大的衰减, 因此, SiC平面镜与毛细管端面间距离也不宜过大. 综合以上因素, 确定了SiC平面镜与毛细管端面距离为2.5 cm. 图 1 双程放大实验反射镜位置示意图 Figure1. Schematic diagram of position of mirror in double-pass amplification.
表1单程放大与双程放大尖峰位置处激光强度 Table1.The peak position laser intensity of single-pass amplification and double-pass amplification.
在激光尖峰对应位置处, 用双程放大激光强度减去单程放大激光强度, 得到(Id?Is), 然后除以${I_{\text{s}}}^\prime $并求对数值, 再除以毛细管长度l, 就得到了激光尖峰位置对应的增益系数(图6). 其中数据点为激光尖峰位置对应的增益系数, 在中间峰值处的增益系数最小, 而两侧激光尖峰所对应的增益系数相对较高. 图 6 69.8 nm激光峰值处的增益系数在空间上的分布情况 Figure6. Gain coefficient as a function of angle in the spatial distribution for 69.8 nm laser peak.