Abstract:The total ionizing dose (TID) effects on 55 nm SONOS flash cell, caused by 60Co-γ ray and 10 keV X-ray radiation source, are systematically investigated in this paper. The degradation of electrical characteristics is discussed while the underlying physical mechanism is analyzed. The drift of I-V characteristic curve, the degradation of memory window, and the increase of stand-by current are observed after TID irradiation separately by the two radiation sources. The data retention capability is also affected by the TID irradiation. The I-Vg curve of the programmed single flash cell significantly drifts towards the negative direction after TID irradiation, while the negative drift of erased state is much slower. Referring to the erased state, the drift directions of Id-Vg curves for γ- and X-ray radiation source are obviously different. The physical mechanism of irradiation damage in a 55 nm SONOS single flash cell is discussed in detail by the energy band theory and TCAD simulations. The storage charge loss in silicon nitride layer, the charge accumulation, and the generation of interface states all together lead to the degradation of threshold voltage and stand-by current after TID irradiation. Another cause for the increase of stand-by current is the positive trapped charges in the isolated oxide induced by irradiation, which leads to the generation of leakage paths. Significant dose enhancement effect of X-ray irradiation is observed in this paper. Device model of memory transistor c is established while the dose enhancement effect of X-rays is investigated by Geant 4 tool. The high-Z materials above the poly-silicon gate lead to the dose enhancement effect of X-rays’ irradiation, which results in the higher degradation. The density of electron-hole pairs produced by irradiation in W layer is much higher than in Cu layer. In particular, W layer is a critical factor regardless of the thickness, which can be obviously observed in the simulation. Keywords:flash/ charge-trapping/ total ionizing dose/ dose enhancement
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2.器件和实验条件测试结构为基于超低功耗55 nm CMOS工艺的2 × 2位NOR型闪存单元微阵列, 每个闪存单元由2个晶体管(2T)结构组成, 即存储晶体管(memory transistor, MT)串联选择晶体管(select transistor, ST). 图1给出了微阵列的原理图和闪存单元的透射电子显微镜(transmission electron microscope, TEM)横截面. 每个闪存单元有五个端口, 即WLS, WL, BL, SL和B, 其中WLS和BL分别对应MT的栅极(G)和漏极(D). MT为SONOS型闪存器件, 其基本结构如图1(a)所示, ST为MOSFET. MT和ST均为n型沟道晶体管, 因此在测量Id- Vg曲线时, ST要保持在强开启状态以保证闪存单元被选择. 图 1 (a) SONOS结构示意图; (b) 2 × 2位的闪存单元微阵列及其TEM横截面 Figure1. (a) Diagram of SONOS structure; (b) 2 × 2 bit flash cells mini-array and the TEM cross-section.
图2给出了60Co-γ射线源辐照下SONOS闪存单元Id- Vg曲线的变化规律. 辐照后, 编程态SONOS闪存单元的Id- Vg曲线负向漂移, 而擦除态对应的曲线则正向漂移. 为直观比较闪存单元的抗辐照能力, 图3(a)给出了总剂量辐照引起的编程态和擦除态的Vth漂移. Vth在60Co-γ射线下的变化较为平缓, 辐照总剂量达到300 krad(Si)时, 编程态Vth较初始减小69.2%, 而擦除态Vth增大10.0%, 存储窗口减小27.9%. 辐照总剂量在100 krad(Si)以下时存储窗口的变化显著, 而在100—300 krad(Si)区间的变化较平缓. 除Vth漂移外, 总剂量辐照也导致闪存单元的Istand-by发生变化, 如图3(b)所示. 60Co-γ 射线下的Istand-by变化平缓, 辐照总剂量达到300 krad(Si)时, 编程态和擦除态Istand-by 变化均小于一个数量级. 图 260Co-γ射线总剂量辐照后, 编程态和擦除态的SONOS闪存单元的I-V特性变化规律 Figure2.I-V characteristics of the programmed and erased single SONOS flash cell after total ionizing dose irradiation by 60Co-γ rays.
图 3 编程态和擦除态闪存单元的(a)阈值电压和归一化的存储窗口, 以及(b)静态电流随60Co-γ射线总剂量辐照的变化规律 Figure3. (a) Threshold voltage and normalized memory window, and (b) stand-by current of the programmed and erased single flash cell after total ionizing dose irradiation by 60Co-γ rays.
23.2.10 keV X射线辐射源 -->
3.2.10 keV X射线辐射源
图4给出了10 keV X射线源辐照下SONOS闪存单元Id- Vg曲线的变化规律. 编程态闪存单元的Id- Vg曲线在辐照后显著负向漂移, 而擦除态负向漂移幅度较小. 对比两种射线辐照, 擦除态的Id- Vg曲线漂移方向不同. 随10 keV X射线辐照总剂量增至150 krad(Si), Vth变化显著, 编程态Vth减小248.4%, 擦除态Vth减小11.1%, 存储窗口减小60.7%, 如图5(a)所示. 擦除态Istand-by基本无变化, 而编程态Istand-by上升了5个数量级, 如图5(b)所示. 图 4 辐射源为10 keV X射线下编程态和擦除态闪存单元的I-V特性变化规律 Figure4.I-V characteristics of the programmed and erased single flash cell after total ionizing dose irradiation by 10 keV X-rays.
图 5 编程态和擦除态闪存单元的(a)阈值电压和归一化的存储窗口, 以及(b)静态电流随10 keV X射线总剂量辐照的变化规律 Figure5. (a) Threshold voltage and normalized memory window, and (b) stand-by current of the programmed and erased single flash cell after total ionizing dose irradiation by 10 keV X-rays.