Urban spatial correlation characteristics and intrinsic mechanism in the Yangtze River Delta region
CUI Yaoping1,2, LIU Xuan2, LI Dongyang2, DENG Qingxin2, XU Jianing2, SHI Xinyu2, QIN Yaochen1,2收稿日期:2018-12-30修回日期:2020-02-20网络出版日期:2020-06-25
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崔耀平, 刘玄, 李东阳, 邓晴心, 徐佳宁, 石欣瑜, 秦耀辰. 长三角地区城市化空间关联特征及内在机制. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(6): 1301-1315 doi:10.11821/dlxb202006015
CUI Yaoping.
1 引言
城市化空间关联作用明显,空间极化或扩散现象在全球范围内被广泛关注。无论是发达国家(如美国、德国),还是发展中国家(如俄罗斯等)均存在城市化过程中的极化现象[3,4,5]。有****发现世界经济在1960—1999年变得更加两极分化,且加入世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO)后并不能缩小各成员国之间的差异和极化水平[6];另有****认为不同的城市化水平具有显著的空间依赖性[7,8];还有研究认为高度集中的城市化可能阻碍了区域可持续发展[9]。国外很多研究从城市网络和流动空间理论开展城市网络研究,但是区域城市及城市化过程中的空间关联和相互作用远非简单通过城市网络就能测度[10,11]。中国城市化与经济发展水平之间的省级规模存在显著的区域差异,极化现象在区域上非常明显[12],城市群、城市湾区等的不断扩张也显示出区域城市化对区域发展的引导作用[13,14]。国内****的相关研究主要表现在两个方面:① 承接国外****有关城市网络的影响研究,从多尺度(区域城市、城市群、单体城市、城市内部空间等)到多领域(人口、资本、交通、科技流等)均有涉及,尝试从城市网络、中心城市及影响力的角度开展城市空间关联分析[11, 15-18]。虽然网络研究可以通过矢量的点与线来表达各城市化要素的流动性,但很难表达出城市作为面空间的土地城市化。② 针对人口等单一指标开展城市空间相关作用的研究,但当前很少有研究在时空双重维度下,将人口、经济、土地等多项指标,即将空间极化与扩散结合起来系统分析和衡量区域城市的空间关联特征。而区域城市间关系密切,空间关联也不仅体现在单一城市化要素的空间极化上,且空间关联特征伴随时间会不断演化[19]。
2 研究区概况及数据来源
2.1 研究区概况
Fig. 1Topographic map of the Yangtze River Delta region
2.2 研究数据及预处理
3 城市空间关联及演化量化方法
3.1 城市综合发展指数和空间距离关联性
为了反映各城市在研究区域内的相对综合实力、区域内部的发展变化以及城市发展的空间联系强度,本文采用城市综合空间发展指数(Urbanization Comprehensive Development, UD)与空间关联强度指数(Urbanization Spatial Correlation Intensity, UCI),根据地理学第一定律的思想内核并参考有关文献[11, 18],联立城市经济、人口、城市空间3个方面来确定城市的规模等级和空间距离关联强度。式中:pi表示i城市的总户籍人口;li表示i城市的建成区面积;ei表示i城市的国民经济生产总值;φ1、φ2、φ3为权重指数;rzx表示直线距离;rgl表示公路距离;rgt表示高铁距离;Rij表示i城市和j城市综合距离。UDi越大代表该城市的综合城市化实力水平越强,而UCIij越大表示i、j两城市的空间距离关联性越强。
3.2 城市空间分异性和空间关系
本文采用局部自相关分析中的Moran's I指数、LISA(Local Indicators of Spatial Association)集聚与极化指数相配合来衡量长三角地区空间发展水平的差异及空间关系。局部自相关分析与极化指数二者具有互补性,可测度并指明不同城市发展水平在空间上集聚或分散的变化状况。极化指数可以量化出区域发展的两极分化程度,但其不具指向性,即无法观测出空间上具体的极化区域,而借助LISA集聚图可以观察区域的扩散效应和极化特征。(1)空间分异性测度。首先采用简单的二进制邻接矩阵来表示n个位置的空间邻近关系;然后用二进制邻接矩阵来确定空间权重矩阵,规定当区域内i与j邻近时用1表示,反之用0表示;最后,通过局部Moran's I指数检测空间分异特征。局部Moran指数Ii被定义为:
(2)空间极化水平测度。崔王指数(Tsui-Wang index, TW)是在Wolfson指数的基础上,利用“两极分化”和“扩散增加”的两个部分排序公理概括而得,其值越大表示区域空间极化现象越严重[23]。其表达式为:
式中:N为研究区总人口数;θ为i地理区域的人口:k为地理区域的个数;πi为i地理区域的人口数;yi为i地理区域的人均GDP;m为所有i地理区域人均GDP的中间值;θ、r位于0~1之间,本文取θ = 1,r = 0.5。TW指数的值域范围处于0(无极化)和1(完全两极分化)之间。
3.3 空间阶段化发展演变的度量
在城市化进程中,人口、建成区面积、城市产业等因素都对其产生了重要影响。本文从城市间相对发展速率的差异性出发构建城市化空间增长指数(Urbanization Speed, US)。US能在一定程度上反映出城市整体的发展状况:式中:α1、α2、α3为权重指数;Pi为人口规模发展速度;Li为城市用地规模速度;Ei为城市经济发展速度。
式中:Pi为区域人口数量;P0代表初始时区域人口数量;r表示区域人口增长条件中的限制因子所能推动的区域最大相对增长速度;K表示区域人口增长条件中的限制因子所能推动的区域最高的人口数量,即Pmax = K。
4 城市化空间关联特征及演化分析
4.1 城市等级和空间关联特征
Fig. 2Urbanization comprehensive development (UD) values of major cities in the Yangtze River Delta region
Fig. 3City level structure map of the Yangtze River Delta region from 1995 to 2015
Tab. 1
Tab. 1
主要城市* | 1995年UD值 | 2000年UD值 | 2005年UD值 | 2010年UD值 | 2015年UD值 |
上海市 | 0.147 | 0.151 | 0.146 | 0.129 | 0.124 |
南京市 | 0.049 | 0.049 | 0.061 | 0.059 | 0.059 |
苏州市 | 0.047 | 0.043 | 0.053 | 0.058 | 0.058 |
杭州市 | 0.045 | 0.054 | 0.057 | 0.056 | 0.054 |
合肥市 | 0.029 | 0.033 | 0.036 | 0.041 | 0.042 |
宁波市 | 0.037 | 0.036 | 0.037 | 0.043 | 0.040 |
徐州市 | 0.040 | 0.036 | 0.034 | 0.041 | 0.039 |
无锡市 | 0.040 | 0.038 | 0.042 | 0.040 | 0.039 |
南通市 | 0.038 | 0.033 | 0.031 | 0.032 | 0.035 |
温州市 | 0.038 | 0.041 | 0.037 | 0.034 | 0.034 |
Fig. 4Spatial correlation intensity map of urbanization in the Yangtze River Delta region
4.2 城市化空间特征及演化过程
4.2.1 城市化空间分异和等级特征 本文运用局部Moran's I方法得出1995—2015年5个等分时段长三角区域的Moran's I散点图和LISA图。图5显示,长三角地区各年份的人均GDP都呈现空间显著正相关,说明了长三角地区的经济发展存在着空间上的高度集聚特征,即在人均GDP高的地区,其周边区域的人均GDP也高,但这种特征在时间序列上呈减弱趋势:长三角区域内的低—低(L-L)区由1995年的9个逐渐减少至2015年的6个;而高—高(H-H)区由最初的6个增加至7个。图5
新窗口打开|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT图51995—2015年长三角地区的Moran's I散点图
Fig. 5Moran's I scatter plot in the Yangtze River Delta region from 1995 to 2015
Fig. 6LISA agglomeration map of the Yangtze River Delta region from 1995 to 2015
总体上,长三角地区经济发展处于中间段位的城市在迅速增多,从Moran's I指数变化和局部自相关的显著性水平上看,L-L区个数占总数的比例由1995年的52.9%下降至2015年的40.0%,而H-H区的个数比例则由1995年的35.3%上升至2015年的46.7%。说明了长三角地区城市间空间极化程度在降低,朝着空间均衡的方向发展。Moran's I指数由0.54逐渐降低至0.45也反映出长三角地区城市化差异在整体空间上的缩小态势。
4.2.2 空间极化和扩散关系 从长三角地区各省的TW指数趋势看,1995—2015年江苏省的极化水平呈现出“下降—上升—下降”趋势;安徽省的TW指数在这20年间增长态势明显,数值从1995年的0.45逐渐增至2015年的0.65;浙江省的TW指数在1995—2003年间保持平稳,数值停留在0.5左右,而后逐渐增长,到2015年TW值接近0.6,极化水平在三省中最低。值得注意的是,2005年后三省的极化指数差距均逐渐缩小(图7)。
Fig. 7Comparison of Tsui-Wang index (TW) of each province from 1995 to 2015
整体看,区域内部的极化情况较为明显。2003年前后,长三角地区的极化指数达到最高,此后呈降低趋势;2010年之后数值在0.75浮动并趋于平稳。说明长三角地区的城市化空间一体性和联系性日益加强。这种现象是因为经济从沿海沿江城市向内陆地区的层层推进发展。早先上海市在区域内具先发优势,随后部分生产开始向邻近城市布局。苏州、无锡等地由于与上海空间关联度强,最先接受上海市的产业辐射。近年来,长三角地区核心增长极由早期的点状演化为条带状且逐渐向内陆延伸,即核心增长区的辐射作用触及到内陆地区。将长三角地区的TW和Moran's I进行对比,不难看出二者的趋势几乎一致(图8),都是先增后减。1995—2003年长三角地区极化趋势增强;2003年之后,区内的极化趋势走弱,空间发展渐趋均衡。
新窗口打开|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT图81995—2015年长三角地区极化(TW)指数与Moran's I对比
Fig. 8Tsui-Wang index (TW) and Moran's I in the Yangtze River Delta region during 1995-2015
4.3 城市化的空间关联特征
Fig. 9Urbanization speed (US) values of the Yangtze River Delta region from 1995 to 2015
Fig. 10Radar map of economic, population, built-up area growth rate and urbanization speed (US) value of five major cities of the YRD region
5 城市化空间特征及演化的内在机制探讨
Fig. 11Comparison of industrial composition differences between 1995 and 2015 in the Yangtze River Delta region
Tab. 2
Tab. 2
指标量 | 年份 | 均值 | 标准差 | 变异系数 | Rc(%) |
第二产业 | 1995 | 165.93 | 237.97 | 143.42 | -31.58 |
第二产业 | 2015 | 1775.26 | 1741.10 | 98.13 | |
第三产业 | 1995 | 99.47 | 161.30 | 162.16 | -10.34 |
第三产业 | 2015 | 2001.46 | 2910.20 | 145.40 |
6 结论
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From the overall and the partial angles this article values the degree of service industry with added service industry per capita to analyze spatial characteristics of service industry in Northeast China by using the Gene coefficient and Tsui-Wang index. Using the polarization level of added service industry per capita as the dependent variable, and per capita GDP, the added value of the second industry, the actually utilized foreign capital, government expenditure and market development index as the independent variables, this article establishes multiple linear regression model and comprehensively evaluates the driving factors. The results of research are:1) The degree of development of service industry is improved greatly between the year 2000 and 2012 in Northeast China. Difference between them is risen within a narrow range and service industry development pattern is formed with the core in Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun and Harbin. The service industry development is dominated by the geographical location, transportation and resources of these cities. 2) The differences and spatial polarization of service industry development all represent a trend of first increase and then decrease. On the whole, the differences of service industry development are showing the trend of accelerated growth and spatial polarization is showing the trend of diminishing. 3) The role and importance of driving factors is different and per-capita GDP and government finance spending is playing the leading role in the service industry spatial polarization development.
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From the overall and the partial angles this article values the degree of service industry with added service industry per capita to analyze spatial characteristics of service industry in Northeast China by using the Gene coefficient and Tsui-Wang index. Using the polarization level of added service industry per capita as the dependent variable, and per capita GDP, the added value of the second industry, the actually utilized foreign capital, government expenditure and market development index as the independent variables, this article establishes multiple linear regression model and comprehensively evaluates the driving factors. The results of research are:1) The degree of development of service industry is improved greatly between the year 2000 and 2012 in Northeast China. Difference between them is risen within a narrow range and service industry development pattern is formed with the core in Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun and Harbin. The service industry development is dominated by the geographical location, transportation and resources of these cities. 2) The differences and spatial polarization of service industry development all represent a trend of first increase and then decrease. On the whole, the differences of service industry development are showing the trend of accelerated growth and spatial polarization is showing the trend of diminishing. 3) The role and importance of driving factors is different and per-capita GDP and government finance spending is playing the leading role in the service industry spatial polarization development.
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We introduce an extension of the Esteban and Ray [Econometrica, 62:819–851 1994] measure of polarization that can be applied to density functions. As a by-product we also derive the Wolfson [Am. Econ. Rev., 84:353–358 1994] measure as a special case. This derivation has the virtue of casting both measures in the context of a (statistically) unified framework. We study the polarization of the distribution of household income for five OECD countries (LIS database): US, UK, Canada, Germany and Sweden.
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This paper uses data for the period 1950-2050 compiled by the United Nations Population Division together with methods including spatial autocorrelation analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and the standard deviational ellipse, to analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of population and urbanization in the 75 countries located along the routes of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, to identify future population growth and urbanization hotspots. The results reveal the following: First, in 2015, the majority of Belt and Road countries in Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia had high population densities, whereas most countries in Central Asia, North Africa and West Asia, as well as Russia and Mongolia, had low population densities; the majority of countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and North Africa had rapid population growth, whereas many countries in Europe had negative population growth; and five Belt and Road countries are in the initial stage of urbanization, 44 countries are in the acceleration stage of urbanization, and 26 are in the terminal stage of urbanization. Second, in the century from 1950 to 2050, the mean center of the study area’s population is consistently located in the border region between India and China. Prior to 2000, the trajectory of the mean center was from northwest to southeast, but from 2000 it is on a southward trajectory, as the population of the study area becomes more concentrated. Future population growth hotspots are predicted to be in South Asia, West Asia and Southeast Asia, and hotspot countries for the period 2015-2030 include India, China, Pakistan and Indonesia, though China will move into negative population growth after 2030. Third, the overall urban population of Belt and Road countries increased from 22% in 1950 to 49% in 2015, and it is expected to gradually catch up with the world average, reaching 64% in 2050. The different levels of urbanization in different countries display significant spatial dependency, and in the hundred-year period under consideration, this dependency increases before eventually weakening. Fourth, between 2015 and 2030, urban population hotspots will include Thailand, China, Laos and Albania, while Kuwait, Cyprus, Qatar and Estonia will be urban “coldspots.” Fifth, there were 293 cities with populations over 1 million located along the Belt and Road in 2015, but that number is expected to increase to 377 by 2030. Of those, 43 will be in China, with many of the others located in India, Indonesia and the eastern Mediterranean.
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Spatial correlation is the link of regional interaction and influence; the urbanization spatial correlation is spatial relationship of urbanization based on population flow, which influences and continuously adjusts the regional economic and social development pattern in China. By analyzing the change of the spatial correlation intensity and the spatial correlation network of provincial urbanization in China during 1990-2015, this paper reveals the spatial correlation characteristics, formation process and influencing factors of China's provincial urbanization since China's reform and opening up. The results show that: (1) 7 types of spatial correlation intensity are identified in the evolution of provincial urbanization of China, among which the dominant type has the highest degree of coincidence with the whole country, and determines the evolution process of the spatial correlation intensity of urbanization in China. The non-dominant types of urbanization spatial correlation intensity evolution feature 2005 as the critical year, and their growth was slow or even negative before the year; then together with the dominant type, they have promoted a continuous increase in the urbanization spatial correlation intensity across the country. (2) Urbanization spatial correlation network structure characteristics are analyzed from national, regional and provincial scales. The structure of the spatial correlation network of urbanization is becoming more and more complicated, and the correlation paths have shifted from centralized to scattered. The differences in the correlation density between regional subgroups with different attributes have begun to shrink, and the high-level nodes have spread from the eastern to the central and western regions. (3) Further, the panel-vector auto-regression and panel quantile regression are used to test the interaction mechanism between urbanization spatial correlation intensity and correlation network centrality, which explains the effect of residents' income level and regional industrial structure on urbanization spatial correlation characteristics. The specialization of urbanization spatial correlation not only deepens the research on urbanization theory and methodology, but also provides a theoretical basis for the development of population urbanization and the adjustment of industrial space in China.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201904003URL [本文引用: 3]
Spatial correlation is the link of regional interaction and influence; the urbanization spatial correlation is spatial relationship of urbanization based on population flow, which influences and continuously adjusts the regional economic and social development pattern in China. By analyzing the change of the spatial correlation intensity and the spatial correlation network of provincial urbanization in China during 1990-2015, this paper reveals the spatial correlation characteristics, formation process and influencing factors of China's provincial urbanization since China's reform and opening up. The results show that: (1) 7 types of spatial correlation intensity are identified in the evolution of provincial urbanization of China, among which the dominant type has the highest degree of coincidence with the whole country, and determines the evolution process of the spatial correlation intensity of urbanization in China. The non-dominant types of urbanization spatial correlation intensity evolution feature 2005 as the critical year, and their growth was slow or even negative before the year; then together with the dominant type, they have promoted a continuous increase in the urbanization spatial correlation intensity across the country. (2) Urbanization spatial correlation network structure characteristics are analyzed from national, regional and provincial scales. The structure of the spatial correlation network of urbanization is becoming more and more complicated, and the correlation paths have shifted from centralized to scattered. The differences in the correlation density between regional subgroups with different attributes have begun to shrink, and the high-level nodes have spread from the eastern to the central and western regions. (3) Further, the panel-vector auto-regression and panel quantile regression are used to test the interaction mechanism between urbanization spatial correlation intensity and correlation network centrality, which explains the effect of residents' income level and regional industrial structure on urbanization spatial correlation characteristics. The specialization of urbanization spatial correlation not only deepens the research on urbanization theory and methodology, but also provides a theoretical basis for the development of population urbanization and the adjustment of industrial space in China.
DOI:10.1007/s11442-014-1071-9URL [本文引用: 1]
Understanding the relationship between China's urbanization and economic development on a provincial scale is of profound theoretical and practical significance. Based on data from 124 countries or regions throughout the world and 31 provinces or autonomous regions in China, applying improved methods using the quadrant map approach, this paper analyzed the spatial pattern of the relationship between China's urbanization and economic development level. The study identified the following results. (1) The 31 province-level regions fall into six categories: only one region is in the category of sharp over-urbanization, 3 regions are in medium over-urbanization, 11 slight over-urbanization, 8 basic coordination, one medium under-urbanization, and seven slight under-urbanization. (2) There are significant regional differences on a provincial scale in the relationships between urbanization and the level of economic development. (3) The provincial pattern of urbanization and economic development is significantly different between east and west. The eastern coastal areas are mainly over-urbanized, while the central and western regions are mainly under-urbanized. (4) The relationship between urbanization and the level of economic development is similar to the Matthew effect. Hence, two important insights are proposed. First, the phenomenon of over-urbanization in some developed regions should be viewed with some concern and vigilance. Second, urbanization needs to be speeded up moderately in the central and western regions.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.12.012URL [本文引用: 1]
Based on the studies on economic polarization previously done by others, the ER index and TW index are used to measure the trend of economic polarization in the Yangtze River Delta from 1990 to 2010, and the overall process of economic polarization during the period of the study is analyzed. Then, from the perspective of polarization effect and diffusion effect, the processes of economic polarization in the Yangtze River Delta in four typical turning-point years (1997, 2001, 2006 and 2010) are analyzed, and the ways of economic spatial evolution are preliminarily summarized. The study concludes that: (1) the dynamic process of polarization indexes’evolution indicates that the economic polarization level of the Yangtze River Delta displays a rising trend from 1990 to 2010 with fluctuations, and the conclusion on economic polarization has been supported by the observations confirming the definition of the concept itself:“disappearing middle class”. (2) As far as the two effects of the polarization theory are concerned, the polarization effect of the Yangtze River Delta first expands, and then shrinks during the period of the study, whereas the diffusion effect gradually increases throughout the time period. (3) As more and more industrial enterprises are being relocated or transformed, the trend of economic polarization in the whole region begins to be attenuated and economies gradually expand to the periphery areas, hence in recent 10 years the economies of Yangtze River Delta show a transition from“arrow”type to“Z” type to“M”type to“区”type (a Chinese character meaning“zone”). Eventually the spatial pattern of the region ’s economies will be transformed into a network type, driven by the diffusion effects of the development of infrastructure beams.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.12.012URL [本文引用: 1]
Based on the studies on economic polarization previously done by others, the ER index and TW index are used to measure the trend of economic polarization in the Yangtze River Delta from 1990 to 2010, and the overall process of economic polarization during the period of the study is analyzed. Then, from the perspective of polarization effect and diffusion effect, the processes of economic polarization in the Yangtze River Delta in four typical turning-point years (1997, 2001, 2006 and 2010) are analyzed, and the ways of economic spatial evolution are preliminarily summarized. The study concludes that: (1) the dynamic process of polarization indexes’evolution indicates that the economic polarization level of the Yangtze River Delta displays a rising trend from 1990 to 2010 with fluctuations, and the conclusion on economic polarization has been supported by the observations confirming the definition of the concept itself:“disappearing middle class”. (2) As far as the two effects of the polarization theory are concerned, the polarization effect of the Yangtze River Delta first expands, and then shrinks during the period of the study, whereas the diffusion effect gradually increases throughout the time period. (3) As more and more industrial enterprises are being relocated or transformed, the trend of economic polarization in the whole region begins to be attenuated and economies gradually expand to the periphery areas, hence in recent 10 years the economies of Yangtze River Delta show a transition from“arrow”type to“Z” type to“M”type to“区”type (a Chinese character meaning“zone”). Eventually the spatial pattern of the region ’s economies will be transformed into a network type, driven by the diffusion effects of the development of infrastructure beams.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201504002URL [本文引用: 1]
In this study, an economic space-dividing method for urban agglomerations is presented to theoretically explore the quantitative measurement of urban agglomeration clustering effects with two parameters (agglomeration degree and marginal agglomeration). A marginal analysis of microeconomics based on Ripley's K function of spatial point pattern analysis is also conducted. The study is novel in the aspect that economic space is divided via urban agglomeration degree and marginal agglomeration multi-scale estimation, and an optimal urban pattern is identified when marginal urban agglomeration reaches its maximum value. Finally, urban agglomeration economic spaces are determined accordingly. The Yangtze River Delta is taken as a case study to validate the proposed method. The results show that: (1) urban agglomeration degree estimates indicate that the urban spatial pattern of the Yangtze River Delta region in 2010 was random, but that of the region has shown a rapid increasing trend with the increase of scales of observation; (2) estimates of marginal agglomeration indicate that clustering effects of urban location and urban size reach peak values when city location and city size agglomeration scales reach 185 km to 173 km, respectively. At this point, the urban spatial pattern of the region achieves an optimized state; (3) results of spatial clustering analysis show that in the optimal spatial urban pattern, the Yangtze River Delta region exhibits a "core-periphery" spatial economic structure, in which highly clustered sub-agglomerations located in the Shanghai economic radiation circle form regional centers of economic development, while poorly clustered sub-agglomerations located along inter-regional administrative borders remain underdeveloped peripheral areas. This suggests that a negative marginal effect still hampers the migration of individuals across such areas.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201504002URL [本文引用: 1]
In this study, an economic space-dividing method for urban agglomerations is presented to theoretically explore the quantitative measurement of urban agglomeration clustering effects with two parameters (agglomeration degree and marginal agglomeration). A marginal analysis of microeconomics based on Ripley's K function of spatial point pattern analysis is also conducted. The study is novel in the aspect that economic space is divided via urban agglomeration degree and marginal agglomeration multi-scale estimation, and an optimal urban pattern is identified when marginal urban agglomeration reaches its maximum value. Finally, urban agglomeration economic spaces are determined accordingly. The Yangtze River Delta is taken as a case study to validate the proposed method. The results show that: (1) urban agglomeration degree estimates indicate that the urban spatial pattern of the Yangtze River Delta region in 2010 was random, but that of the region has shown a rapid increasing trend with the increase of scales of observation; (2) estimates of marginal agglomeration indicate that clustering effects of urban location and urban size reach peak values when city location and city size agglomeration scales reach 185 km to 173 km, respectively. At this point, the urban spatial pattern of the region achieves an optimized state; (3) results of spatial clustering analysis show that in the optimal spatial urban pattern, the Yangtze River Delta region exhibits a "core-periphery" spatial economic structure, in which highly clustered sub-agglomerations located in the Shanghai economic radiation circle form regional centers of economic development, while poorly clustered sub-agglomerations located along inter-regional administrative borders remain underdeveloped peripheral areas. This suggests that a negative marginal effect still hampers the migration of individuals across such areas.
DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.09.006URL [本文引用: 1]
The expansion of informatization, networking and globalization makes internal communication of urban agglomeration increased sharply. Due to the powerful shaping strength of urban flows, spatial structure of urban agglomeration has suffered dramatic structure deformation. It is meaningful to identify and optimize the structure of urban agglomeration from the prospect of the urban flow. Based on economic-social data and road traffic data of the Yangtze River Delta in 2014, this article carries on a comprehensive measurement of urban flow in the Yangtze River Delta. From the prospects of “Node-contact-pattern”, we try to identify the deformation structure of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration with Multidimensional Scaling Analysis. The results indicate that: 1) At the node level, there is a significant hierarchy change of urban centricity in flow space. 67 cities are divided into four levels, the number of middle level city (including level I and level II) in flow space increased dramatically in contrast to traditional rank-size distribution. 2) The connections between nodes in local districtsare restricted to the law of geographic space distance, but high level flows exist between Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and some other cities, which characterized by the trans-regional intercourse feature and “7” glyph structure in space. 3) In terms of node spatial pattern identification, Multi-dimensional Scaling Analysis can make multidimensional connection matrixreduce to two-dimensional space matrix, the result is more objective and intuitive. Flow space structure pattern shows a dramatic deformation due to the core node “concentration” and the edgenode “discrete”. On one hand, cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Suzhou present a group concentration, which formed a “core area” characterized by large-scale, continuous urban space, and closely connection; On the other hand, cities in the north of the Yangtze River and south of Hangzhou bay show a scattered deviating trend from the “core area”. In order to improve the efficiency and integration level of the Yangtze River Delta, urban agglomeration, economic development and transport network construction of those structural deviation cities should be noticed by both state and local governments.
DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2017.09.006URL [本文引用: 1]
The expansion of informatization, networking and globalization makes internal communication of urban agglomeration increased sharply. Due to the powerful shaping strength of urban flows, spatial structure of urban agglomeration has suffered dramatic structure deformation. It is meaningful to identify and optimize the structure of urban agglomeration from the prospect of the urban flow. Based on economic-social data and road traffic data of the Yangtze River Delta in 2014, this article carries on a comprehensive measurement of urban flow in the Yangtze River Delta. From the prospects of “Node-contact-pattern”, we try to identify the deformation structure of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration with Multidimensional Scaling Analysis. The results indicate that: 1) At the node level, there is a significant hierarchy change of urban centricity in flow space. 67 cities are divided into four levels, the number of middle level city (including level I and level II) in flow space increased dramatically in contrast to traditional rank-size distribution. 2) The connections between nodes in local districtsare restricted to the law of geographic space distance, but high level flows exist between Nanjing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and some other cities, which characterized by the trans-regional intercourse feature and “7” glyph structure in space. 3) In terms of node spatial pattern identification, Multi-dimensional Scaling Analysis can make multidimensional connection matrixreduce to two-dimensional space matrix, the result is more objective and intuitive. Flow space structure pattern shows a dramatic deformation due to the core node “concentration” and the edgenode “discrete”. On one hand, cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Suzhou present a group concentration, which formed a “core area” characterized by large-scale, continuous urban space, and closely connection; On the other hand, cities in the north of the Yangtze River and south of Hangzhou bay show a scattered deviating trend from the “core area”. In order to improve the efficiency and integration level of the Yangtze River Delta, urban agglomeration, economic development and transport network construction of those structural deviation cities should be noticed by both state and local governments.
The multi-level perspective and multi-scalar city network have gradually become the critical pathways to understand spatial interactions and linkages. The road linkages represent distinguished characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, which is of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at regional scale. Based on the data of highway passenger flows between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper tries to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of China's city network, and further explores the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen the understanding of city network structure and provide new cognitive perspectives for the extant research. The empirical results are shown as follows: (1) It is immediately visible that the highway flows are extremely concentrated on the mega-regions of eastern coastal China and major economic zones in central and western China. And city networks based on highway flows demonstrate strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, which to a large extent has spatial coupling with the distributions of major mega-regions in China. It is a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scale and core-periphery structure. (2) A total of 19 communities that belong to important spatial configurations are identified through community detection algorithm, and we believe that they are urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors can be concluded in three aspects. Firstly, many communities have the same boundaries with provincial level administrative units, which reveals that significant administrative region economy still exists in contemporary China. Secondly, trans-provincial linkages can be formed through spatial spillover effects of mega-regions within specific communities. Thirdly, cities located in the marginal areas of provinces and attracted by powerful center cities in neighboring provinces may become increasingly disconnected with their own provinces and be enrolled into communities of neighboring provinces, which make contribution to the formation of the trans-provincial core-periphery structures. (3) Each community, with its distinguished city network system, demonstrates strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged with the features of a multi-level, dynamic and networked system. (4) From the morphology perspective, the spatial pattern of regional city networks can be basically divided into monocentric structure, dual-nuclei structure, polycentric structure and low-level equilibration structure, with the monocentric structure as the major type.
The multi-level perspective and multi-scalar city network have gradually become the critical pathways to understand spatial interactions and linkages. The road linkages represent distinguished characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, which is of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at regional scale. Based on the data of highway passenger flows between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper tries to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of China's city network, and further explores the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen the understanding of city network structure and provide new cognitive perspectives for the extant research. The empirical results are shown as follows: (1) It is immediately visible that the highway flows are extremely concentrated on the mega-regions of eastern coastal China and major economic zones in central and western China. And city networks based on highway flows demonstrate strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, which to a large extent has spatial coupling with the distributions of major mega-regions in China. It is a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scale and core-periphery structure. (2) A total of 19 communities that belong to important spatial configurations are identified through community detection algorithm, and we believe that they are urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors can be concluded in three aspects. Firstly, many communities have the same boundaries with provincial level administrative units, which reveals that significant administrative region economy still exists in contemporary China. Secondly, trans-provincial linkages can be formed through spatial spillover effects of mega-regions within specific communities. Thirdly, cities located in the marginal areas of provinces and attracted by powerful center cities in neighboring provinces may become increasingly disconnected with their own provinces and be enrolled into communities of neighboring provinces, which make contribution to the formation of the trans-provincial core-periphery structures. (3) Each community, with its distinguished city network system, demonstrates strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged with the features of a multi-level, dynamic and networked system. (4) From the morphology perspective, the spatial pattern of regional city networks can be basically divided into monocentric structure, dual-nuclei structure, polycentric structure and low-level equilibration structure, with the monocentric structure as the major type.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201412009URL [本文引用: 2]
As a new mode of transportation, the rapid development of high-speed rail (HSR) will bring a leap in the history of transportation and have a comprehensive impact on the regional structure, population mobility, geographical division of labors, regional linkages, land use, and so on. Therefore, it is significantly important to study the impacts of HSR on regional spatial interactions, especially under the background of regional economic integration. The paper researches the impact of high speed rail on the reconstruction of spatial economic linkages. Based on the GIS network analysis tools, this paper first calculates the time cost matrix of 333 prefecture-level administrative units and four municipalities, and then uses the gravity model to calculate the interurban economic linkages, and lastly analyzes the distribution of the total economic linkage and the economic linkages between any two cities. In order to analyze the impact of HSR on regional spatial interaction, this paper resumes three scenarios: the current transport network in 2012 without the HSR network (scenario 1), the current transport network in 2012 (scenario 3), and the planning HSR network in 2020 (scenario 3) based on the current transport network, to calculate the time cost matrix of 337 cities. Results indicate that: (1) Cities in the east have the highest economic linkages, and cities with the highest increase of economic linkages are located along the HSR lines, which will lead to regional restructuring; (2) The development of HSR lines will improve the economic linkages between cities, and the increasing rate during the first period (comparing scenario 2 with scenario 1) is much higher than that during the second period (comparing scenario 3 with scenario 2); (3) From different perspectives and regional scales, the development of HSR has different impacts on spatial difference; (4) It is possible for cities in a long distance to have high economic linkages with the construction of HSR lines, which could also change the linkage directions.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201412009URL [本文引用: 2]
As a new mode of transportation, the rapid development of high-speed rail (HSR) will bring a leap in the history of transportation and have a comprehensive impact on the regional structure, population mobility, geographical division of labors, regional linkages, land use, and so on. Therefore, it is significantly important to study the impacts of HSR on regional spatial interactions, especially under the background of regional economic integration. The paper researches the impact of high speed rail on the reconstruction of spatial economic linkages. Based on the GIS network analysis tools, this paper first calculates the time cost matrix of 333 prefecture-level administrative units and four municipalities, and then uses the gravity model to calculate the interurban economic linkages, and lastly analyzes the distribution of the total economic linkage and the economic linkages between any two cities. In order to analyze the impact of HSR on regional spatial interaction, this paper resumes three scenarios: the current transport network in 2012 without the HSR network (scenario 1), the current transport network in 2012 (scenario 3), and the planning HSR network in 2020 (scenario 3) based on the current transport network, to calculate the time cost matrix of 337 cities. Results indicate that: (1) Cities in the east have the highest economic linkages, and cities with the highest increase of economic linkages are located along the HSR lines, which will lead to regional restructuring; (2) The development of HSR lines will improve the economic linkages between cities, and the increasing rate during the first period (comparing scenario 2 with scenario 1) is much higher than that during the second period (comparing scenario 3 with scenario 2); (3) From different perspectives and regional scales, the development of HSR has different impacts on spatial difference; (4) It is possible for cities in a long distance to have high economic linkages with the construction of HSR lines, which could also change the linkage directions.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201812005URL [本文引用: 1]
In the unprecedented urbanization process in China, urbanized land has expanded quickly at the same pace or even faster than the growth of the urban population. Employing both the ordinary least square and geographical weighted regression, we analyzed the spatial patterns and factors influencing land urbanization at the county level in 2000 and 2015. This analysis was assisted by land-use data for China acquired from the resource and environment data cloud platform. The research reveals the following points: (1) The annual growth rate of land urbanization experienced 2.77 percentages on average from 2000 to 2015. About 40% of the counties witnessed an annual increase of 3% or above. Land urbanization was manifested in a pattern of diffusion, which differed from the continued spatial polarization of demographic urbanization in China. (2) Geographically, the north-south differentiation of land urbanization was clearer than the east-west differentiation. And the high-value regions tended to be located to the southeast of "Hu Line". Counties surrounding those metropolitan areas were detected as hotspots of land urbanization. In general, there was a convergent trend of land urbanization among regions in China. (3) The factors of population growth, economic development, industrial structure, city/county features, and geographical location have played significant roles in the spatial disparities of land urbanization at the county level. Besides, the spatio-temporal dependence of their influences were also explored. This study on land urbanization and its influencing factors at the county level advances our theoretical and practical understandings of the new-type urbanization, urban and rural integration, and rural revitalization strategies in contemporary China.
DOI:10.11821/dlxb201812005URL [本文引用: 1]
In the unprecedented urbanization process in China, urbanized land has expanded quickly at the same pace or even faster than the growth of the urban population. Employing both the ordinary least square and geographical weighted regression, we analyzed the spatial patterns and factors influencing land urbanization at the county level in 2000 and 2015. This analysis was assisted by land-use data for China acquired from the resource and environment data cloud platform. The research reveals the following points: (1) The annual growth rate of land urbanization experienced 2.77 percentages on average from 2000 to 2015. About 40% of the counties witnessed an annual increase of 3% or above. Land urbanization was manifested in a pattern of diffusion, which differed from the continued spatial polarization of demographic urbanization in China. (2) Geographically, the north-south differentiation of land urbanization was clearer than the east-west differentiation. And the high-value regions tended to be located to the southeast of "Hu Line". Counties surrounding those metropolitan areas were detected as hotspots of land urbanization. In general, there was a convergent trend of land urbanization among regions in China. (3) The factors of population growth, economic development, industrial structure, city/county features, and geographical location have played significant roles in the spatial disparities of land urbanization at the county level. Besides, the spatio-temporal dependence of their influences were also explored. This study on land urbanization and its influencing factors at the county level advances our theoretical and practical understandings of the new-type urbanization, urban and rural integration, and rural revitalization strategies in contemporary China.
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DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.12.018URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.11821/xb200808001URL [本文引用: 1]
Transport infrastructure has the inherent functions to shape the regional spatial structure and determine the accessibility of all the regions,which consequently formed into the spatial configuration with different transport superiorities. Based on the review of domestic and overseas research progress, this paper presented the concept of transportation superiority from three aspects- "quality", "quantity" and "field" to reflect the scale, technical level and relative advantage of transport infrastructure. Then the paper set up the expression structure for transport superiority degree, including transport network density, influence degree of transport trunk line and transport superiority degree of location. Moreover, this paper constituted the spatial m athem atical model to evaluate transport superiority degree at the county level by utilizing GIS technology. Based on the theoretical analysis and the spatial mathem atical evaluation model, this paper studied 2,365 counties in China to analyze the spatial patterns of transport superiority degree. This study reveals that, firstly, the distribution characteristic of transport superiority degree obeys the "partial normal distribution".Few regions,which m erely account for 1.4% of the total number of counties, have prominent transport superiority degree and the traffic environment in these regions is superior for social and economic development. By contrast, one eighth of all the regions have inferior transport superiority degree and the traffic environment there is poor and im pedes local social and econom ic developm ent.The rem aining regions, which are about 70% of the country's total area, have the middle level or barely better than the middle level in transport superiority degree. Secondly, the spatial characteristic show s that the transport superiority degree decreases gradually from coast areas to inland areas. The regions of the highest transport superiority degree centralize in the Y angtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area, and Pearl River Delta. The regions of the second highest transport superiority degree concentrate in Chengdu, Chongqing, and Wuhan metropolises. How ever, the spatial distribution of the second highest regions is discontinuous and the coverage of these regions is relatively sm aller than the regions w ith the highest transport superiority degree. The provincial capitals and some high-density cities/counties/towns enjoy the third highest transport superiority and follow the same spatial patterns as the regions of the second highest transport superiority. Through the above analysis, we could recognize the spatial m echanism of transport infrastructure and better understand how to leverage the advantages or circuit/change the disadvantages of transport infrastructure in regional development. Also this research may provide scientific guidance to all kinds of planning activities.
DOI:10.11821/xb200808001URL [本文引用: 1]
Transport infrastructure has the inherent functions to shape the regional spatial structure and determine the accessibility of all the regions,which consequently formed into the spatial configuration with different transport superiorities. Based on the review of domestic and overseas research progress, this paper presented the concept of transportation superiority from three aspects- "quality", "quantity" and "field" to reflect the scale, technical level and relative advantage of transport infrastructure. Then the paper set up the expression structure for transport superiority degree, including transport network density, influence degree of transport trunk line and transport superiority degree of location. Moreover, this paper constituted the spatial m athem atical model to evaluate transport superiority degree at the county level by utilizing GIS technology. Based on the theoretical analysis and the spatial mathem atical evaluation model, this paper studied 2,365 counties in China to analyze the spatial patterns of transport superiority degree. This study reveals that, firstly, the distribution characteristic of transport superiority degree obeys the "partial normal distribution".Few regions,which m erely account for 1.4% of the total number of counties, have prominent transport superiority degree and the traffic environment in these regions is superior for social and economic development. By contrast, one eighth of all the regions have inferior transport superiority degree and the traffic environment there is poor and im pedes local social and econom ic developm ent.The rem aining regions, which are about 70% of the country's total area, have the middle level or barely better than the middle level in transport superiority degree. Secondly, the spatial characteristic show s that the transport superiority degree decreases gradually from coast areas to inland areas. The regions of the highest transport superiority degree centralize in the Y angtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area, and Pearl River Delta. The regions of the second highest transport superiority degree concentrate in Chengdu, Chongqing, and Wuhan metropolises. How ever, the spatial distribution of the second highest regions is discontinuous and the coverage of these regions is relatively sm aller than the regions w ith the highest transport superiority degree. The provincial capitals and some high-density cities/counties/towns enjoy the third highest transport superiority and follow the same spatial patterns as the regions of the second highest transport superiority. Through the above analysis, we could recognize the spatial m echanism of transport infrastructure and better understand how to leverage the advantages or circuit/change the disadvantages of transport infrastructure in regional development. Also this research may provide scientific guidance to all kinds of planning activities.
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Urban agglomerations are the most dynamic and potential core areas for the future economic develop-ment of China. As the key and optimal development zones of major function oriented zoning in China, urban agglomerations play the roles of strategic support points, growth poles and core nodes in national productivity layout. To begin with, the formation and development of Chinese urban agglomerations indeed dates back to the initial stage of China’s reform and opening-up in the 1980s. It has gone through three stages, namely the embryonic development stage in the 1980s, the rapid growth stage in the 1990s and the sustained development stage in the 2010s. Moreover, there are distinct government-led characteristics for the formation and develop-ment of Chinese urban agglomerations, mainly resulted from national and local macro-regulation policies and regional development policies. They involve in both the guidance of national macro-regulation policies and the propensity of key regions’development policies. Specifically, the related supportive policies and their imple-mentation impact on the formation and development of Chinese urban agglomerations from the 6 th Five-Year Plan to the 11th Five-Year Plan can be concluded as follows. Firstly, the policy about regional cooperation and economic zone in the 6th Five-Year Plan is to be the start the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Secondly, the policy about three levels of economic zone network in the 7th Five-Year Plan builds the prelimi-nary framework for the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Thirdly, the policy about horizontal alli-ance and balancing urban and rural development in the 8th Five-Year Plan puts forward the integration outlook to the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Fourthly, the policy to promote balanced development among regions in the 9th Five-Year Plan drives the formation and development of urban agglomerations in the central and western regions of China. Fifthly, the urbanization strategy in the 10th Five-Year Plan points out the overall direction for the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Finally, the policy, which first time em-phasizes urban agglomerations to be a primary pattern to accelerate urbanization in the 11th Five-Year Plan, es-tablishes the spatial layout for the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. In addition, in view of the ur-ban agglomerations in different regions, different spatial patterns and different development degree, national government successively implements at least 22 supported policies with the principle of adaptation to local conditions. The policies actively guide Chinese urban agglomerations to ensure their sound and steady develop-ment.
URL [本文引用: 1]
Urban agglomerations are the most dynamic and potential core areas for the future economic develop-ment of China. As the key and optimal development zones of major function oriented zoning in China, urban agglomerations play the roles of strategic support points, growth poles and core nodes in national productivity layout. To begin with, the formation and development of Chinese urban agglomerations indeed dates back to the initial stage of China’s reform and opening-up in the 1980s. It has gone through three stages, namely the embryonic development stage in the 1980s, the rapid growth stage in the 1990s and the sustained development stage in the 2010s. Moreover, there are distinct government-led characteristics for the formation and develop-ment of Chinese urban agglomerations, mainly resulted from national and local macro-regulation policies and regional development policies. They involve in both the guidance of national macro-regulation policies and the propensity of key regions’development policies. Specifically, the related supportive policies and their imple-mentation impact on the formation and development of Chinese urban agglomerations from the 6 th Five-Year Plan to the 11th Five-Year Plan can be concluded as follows. Firstly, the policy about regional cooperation and economic zone in the 6th Five-Year Plan is to be the start the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Secondly, the policy about three levels of economic zone network in the 7th Five-Year Plan builds the prelimi-nary framework for the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Thirdly, the policy about horizontal alli-ance and balancing urban and rural development in the 8th Five-Year Plan puts forward the integration outlook to the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Fourthly, the policy to promote balanced development among regions in the 9th Five-Year Plan drives the formation and development of urban agglomerations in the central and western regions of China. Fifthly, the urbanization strategy in the 10th Five-Year Plan points out the overall direction for the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. Finally, the policy, which first time em-phasizes urban agglomerations to be a primary pattern to accelerate urbanization in the 11th Five-Year Plan, es-tablishes the spatial layout for the construction of Chinese urban agglomerations. In addition, in view of the ur-ban agglomerations in different regions, different spatial patterns and different development degree, national government successively implements at least 22 supported policies with the principle of adaptation to local conditions. The policies actively guide Chinese urban agglomerations to ensure their sound and steady develop-ment.
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