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The theoretical construction and network simulation of intercity innovative relationships in knowledge flow space

MA HaitaoKey Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41971209
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41590842
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41571151
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41201128

作者简介 About authors

关键词: 流动空间;创新空间;知识流;城市间相互作用;关系建构;网络模拟方法

The interactive relationships between cities in the knowledge economy era have attracted much attention. Researchers have applied a range of methods to explore intercity innovative relationships and associated network characteristics. It nevertheless remains unclear just how intercity innovative relationships can be theoretically constructed based on knowledge flow space and how further scientific simulation methods can be designed. Research questions in this area have rarely been explored in detail, an issue which has inevitably placed obstacles on further exploration. A framework for the theoretical construction of intercity innovative relationships is presented in this study; the basis for this research is that an intercity innovation network is essentially a 'soft network', distinct from a 'hard network'. These interconnections are founded on a subjective relationship construction process and therefore necessitate scale transformation from 'point-point' connections between innovative subjects in different cities with respect to 'city-city' interactions. At the same time, this transformation process is prone to exaggerations and deviations from objective intercity innovative relationships and therefore exerts considerable influence on the accuracy of results such that constructions must be entirely theoretical. Four construction methods for intercity innovative relationships and network simulation are summarized in this study, including an intercity undirected network based on cross-city co-operations between scientific and technological achievements, an intercity directed network based on the cross-city transfer of scientific and technological achievements, an intercity innovation network based on the cross-city flow of high-end talents, and an intercity innovation network based on the multi-city distribution of innovative enterprises and institutions. Simulation tests were then undertaken using relevant data to reflect aspects of these relationships. The results of this analysis are conducive to further exploration of global and regional innovative spatial patterns from the perspective of urban geography and intercity relationships and provide a theoretical and methodological foundation for further research on intercity innovation networks.
Keywords:flow space;innovative space;knowledge flow;intercity interactions;relationship construction;network simulation method

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马海涛. 知识流动空间的城市关系建构与创新网络模拟. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(4): 708-721 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004004
MA Haitao. The theoretical construction and network simulation of intercity innovative relationships in knowledge flow space. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(4): 708-721 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004004

1 引言

城市间相互作用关系是城市地理研究的传统内容[1],其关系内涵随着时代的发展而发展,关注热点也随之变化。Harris等在1945年提出“城市本质”是“城市的内部组织关系”[2]。然而,任何一个城市都不可能是孤立存在的,为了保障城市的正常运行,城市之间总是在不断地进行着物质、能量、人员和信息的交换[3]。城市是作为多种要素流动的中心存在于全球、国家或区域的经济系统之中的,是整个经济系统的重要节点[4]。因此,将城市看作空间中的点,研究一系列城市间的相互作用和联系状况(即所谓的城市系统思维),应是城市地理研究的另一个重要方面。城市之间的关系问题被Taylor称之为“城市的第二本质”[5]。早期,城市间相互作用关系研究主要集中在城市体系研究上[6],城市职能结构、等级规模结构和空间网络结构是城市体系研究的三大支柱。受中心地理论的影响,一个国家的城市体系往往被解读为是由处于中心的大城市所主导的、呈现出一种阶梯状的层级结构[7]。随着通讯和信息技术的突破,经济全球化和区域经济一体化程度不断提高,流动空间(Space of Flows)逐渐取代地方空间(Space of Places)成为主导性空间组织形式[8],城市的网络地位相比规模地位更为重要[9],城市之间的水平联系(城市间的合作和互补关系)受到研究者广泛关注[10];城市网络成为了一种能够更好地解释城市空间组织结构的新范式[11]。当前影响最广泛的是全球化与世界城市研究组(Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network, GaWC)的研究,他们运用高级生产性服务企业的机构分布数据构建世界城市网络,探讨了世界城市之间的现代服务关系。也有****运用城市间的铁路流、航空流、港口流、互联网和电讯流等数据开展城市间交通信息联系研究[12,13]。21世纪已经进入了知识经济时代,创新发展成为时代主题,世界各国都在积极推动创新发展和创新研究,城市间的知识流动与科技分工合作愈来愈强,城市之间的创新联系正在成为重塑区域关系的重要动力,探讨城市间的知识流动与协同创新关系成为了新的社会需求与研究话题[14,15]

城市间创新联系是创新活动的重要表现形式,是指城市之间基于创新要素的交换、创新活动的协同等而产生的联系[16]。现有对城市间知识流动关系与创新网络的研究,主要有以下3个方面:① 关系建构方面:多数研究利用城市间科技合作成果数量来模拟城市间的创新关系[17,18],常以科技论文库和专利数据库为数据源,挖掘城市间的合作发表论文数量[19,20,21,22]、合作申请专利数量[23,24,25]和专利转移转让数量[26],建立城市间创新联系矩阵,构建城市创新网络;也有****借助引力模型间接测度城市间创新关系水平[27],还有****尝试运用人才流动[28,29]等新的数据构建城市间创新关系。② 结构分析方面:运用多种网络分析方法,对所构建的城市创新网络进行结构分析,研究城市创新网络的空间结构、组成结构、等级结构、组群结构和控制结构[21,22],揭示城市在创新网络中的地位作用、城市之间的创新合作关系、以及不同类型知识在城市间流动的差异化特征[18],从城市的角度理解区域创新网络的结构特征。③ 影响机制方面:分析城市的个体属性对城市转出和接收知识能力的影响程度,探讨空间的、技术的和社会的距离对城市间发生创新联系的作用机制;相关研究发现地理空间隔离和技术认知距离都会对城市间创新合作产生影响[24];也有研究认为是技术需求与供给决定了城市间技术转移能力[26]

总体来看,探讨知识经济时代下的城市关系研究已经成为热点话题,研究数量大大增加,研究内容多样化,但是仍有一些问题缺乏深入考虑。① 理论层面,为什么可以用创新行动者跨城市的科技合作行为构建城市间的创新关系?目前研究较多的是区域创新网络,然而区域创新网络与城市创新网络存在关键不同。区域创新研究的主体是科技人才、科研单位和创新企业等创新行动者,这些行动者虽有地点属性并根植于城市,但它们只是城市的构成部分,并不能将行动者之间的关系归结为城市间的关系。如果城市间创新网络研究自然地把相同城市的个体当作这个城市,缺乏代表性和精确度的论证,会不可避免的对实证结果产生影响。吕拉昌等提出了城市创新职能概念,认为知识经济时代的城市应具备为城市之外的区域和城市提供创新产品和服务的能力[30],但如何将创新职能转化成城市间创新关系尚缺乏讨论。② 方法层面,怎样用创新行动者跨城市的科技合作行为构建城市间的创新关系?城市间的创新关系本是城市间客观存在的关系,在知识经济时代不断增强,但是这种关系并不像交通联系、人口流动、投资关系等可以直接测度,而是一种隐含在各种直接、非直接联系中的相对抽象的关系。目前已经有多种方法,但缺少梳理和探讨这些方法之间的关系和适用性问题,甚至出现了简单粗暴的模仿套用,研究结果展示很漂亮,但缺少可信度。③ 数据层面,选择什么样的数据来模拟什么样的城市间创新网络?知识的范畴非常广泛,创新的概念也非常丰富,虽然本文所指是与科学技术紧密相关的知识与创新,但在实际研究中却是很难给予精确界定,这种情况下就需要明确数据所能代表的创新领域和内涵,以提高研究结果的科学性,避免以偏概全。


2 城市间创新关系的理论建构


2.1 论本底:本质上是“软网络”

城市网络是通过城市间的人流、物流、资金流、信息流和知识流等多种形式的“流”实现的。Castells的流空间理论为理解城市网络提供了理论基础,他认为流空间由3个层次构成:网络的物质基础(如航空网络和因特网基础结构),构成网络节点的地点,和以工作、运动等方式在空间上组织起来的全球精英[8]。城市网络中的城市节点就属于流空间的中间层次;城市间各种形式的“流”就是建立在城市间“硬网络”(如公路、铁路、机场、电讯等基础设施)基础上的“软网络”(可区分为经济的、政治的、社会的和文化的等多种联系功能,表现为人、物质和信息多种联系形式),分属流空间的第一和第三层次[3, 5, 31-32]。“硬网络”的基础数据相对容易获得,但它却仅仅提供了一种对网络的描述而不是解释[12];“软网络”虽比较抽象,而且缺乏反映城市间关系的数据,但这一网络无疑具有很强的实际意义[5]。城市间创新网络就属于“软网络”的一种[33],并没有任何客观的数据可以直接反映城市间创新关系,现有的研究都是主观建构出来的网络,这些研究都试图能够反映客观存在的城市间创新关系,但都与客观现实存在偏差。如何认知偏差,如何缩小偏差,如何从主观构建的城市关系结果中更加精准地解读城市间客观的真实的创新关系,是应首先思考的理论问题。

2.2 论内因:关系的尺度转换


理解这一过程需要厘清3个方面的关系,才能减少上述问题对结果的客观性和有效性带来的可能影响。① 创新主体与所在城市的关系。地方创新环境和创新氛围的理论讨论同样适用于城市创新,关系资产(Relational Assets)、制度厚度(Institutional Thickness)、创新氛围(Innovative Milieus)、学习型区域(Learning Regions)、学习场(Learning Field)、创意场(Creative Fields)等概念都从不同视角探讨了创新行动者之间及其与地方(包含城市)的关系[34,35,36,37,38,39,40]。每个城市在发展过程中都在积累积淀知识,并会形成自身特色的知识本垒和创新氛围,这其中创新主体发挥着至关重要的作用。创新主体主要有科技企业、科研院所和大学等,这些创新主体同所在城市的创新制度、创新文化、科技设施和创新空间存在多重交互关系,最终使创新主体拥有了“城市名片”,具有了城市属性。② 创新主体与其他城市创新主体的关系。Castells等认为创新过程的关键在于不同区域(城市)、不同类型创新主体所建立的创新链[41]。Bathlet等提出了“地方传言—全球通道”模型,认为要想获得有价值的新异知识(Nonredundant Knowledge)来促进地方学习创新,除了充分利用地方传言(Local Buzz)获得默许知识(Tacit Knowledge)之外,还应借助全球通道(Global Pipelines)获取新异知识[42]。同样,对城市而言,创新主体在创新过程中并不是孤立的、封闭的,在进行综合集成创新的过程中往往需要同具有异质性知识的城市创新主体开展合作。③ 城市之间的知识流动与创新关系。依据城市在创新链条中的分工,创新型城市可以划分成基础研究型、技术应用型、产业创新型和综合创新型城市[43];探讨这些城市的关系是城市地理学的重点,目的是为了发现知识经济时代背景下城市间围绕知识创新所形成的新的关系(图1)。



Fig. 1A schematic diagram to illustrate knowledge flows and innovation links inside, and between cities


2.3 论关系:4种关系的建构




(3)高端人才的跨城移动与城市关系建构。关系和演化经济地理学的相关研究对人才迁移促进城市间知识/创新联系奠定了理论基础。关系经济地理的相关研究阐述了人才及其移动性与知识创新的关系,强调将“基于个人的关系建构”纳入网络分析[28, 46]。演化经济地理的相关研究提出了“动态接近”思想及“行动者空间移动带来的空间动力”这一全新的视角,用来解释网络的形成,认为高技术人才的流动是城市间协同创新网络形成的重要动因[47]。人才是创新的核心要素,是城市创新的第一资源,但是用什么样的人才能更为准确的反映城市间的创新关系?相关研究发现高端人才能够为所居城市(生活、学习或工作过较长一段时间的城市)建立起重要的知识联系,并用中国“****”人才和重要企业家的城市间迁移来构建城市间创新关系网络[28,29]。用人才移动构建城市间创新关系相比论文和专利更能反映隐性知识的联系,而高端人才又能反映隐性知识中的高端部分,对模拟城市间的高端知识流动和创新联系有重要价值。


3 城市间创新网络的模拟方法


3.1 科技成果异城合作的城市间无向网络构建方法

3.1.1 方法设计 用两个或多个城市共同发表的论文数量和共同申请的专利数量来表征两个城市之间的创新联系程度。通常有两种计数方式来计算两个城市间的合作次数:① 全部计数法,认为所有作者构成了一个研究小组,所有作者之间会充分交流和协作,计数时只要在一个成果的单位中出现了这一对城市,就表示这两个城市有1次合作[19];② 部分计数法,认为第一作者与其他作者间的交流更为重要,而不能将所有作者的联系同等看待,计数时只计算第一作者和其他作者之间合作对,非第一作者之间的合作不统计[53]。两种方式都无法体现知识的流向,只能用做无向网络的模拟。有研究认为这两种计数方式的研究结果很接近[16],因此多数研究选择全部计数法,公式为:


3.1.2 数据选择 数据来自国际和国内期刊论文库。可以从国际期刊数据库(如Web of Science(WOS)核心合集数据库)获取全球尺度的城市间合作论文数据,从国内期刊数据库(如中国知网和万方数据知识服务平台等)获取中国城市间合作论文数据。目前数据库的建设已经非常完善,几乎历史上的所有发表论文都被电子化入库;但是数据库类型很多,需要根据研究需要选择适宜的数据库,在结果分析和结论提炼过程中需要结合所选数据库进行论述,并指出运用这一数据库可能存在的问题,避免得出以偏概全的结论。

3.1.3 模拟案例 本文分别选择WOS期刊库、万方期刊库和两个期刊库之和,测度中国100个主要创新型城市间(选择方创琳等著《中国创新型城市发展报告》[54]中城市创新能力评价排名前100位的城市。)2014—2016年的论文合作关系(图2~图4),可以看出3幅图的网络结构类似,但结果却有差别。不管是国内期刊还是国际期刊,北京、上海、南京和广州都在论文合作网络中排名前四,而香港和杭州在国际期刊合作中的地位较高,西安和济南在国内期刊合作中的地位较高(表1)。这种差别产生的原因是选择期刊库不同造成的,后续网络分析需要重视这种差别可能带来的影响。



Fig. 2A Chinese intercity network based on WOS co-publications between 2014 and 2016



Fig. 3A Chinese intercity network based on ChinaInfo co-publications between 2014 and 2016



Fig. 4A Chinese intercity network based on WOS and ChinaInfo co-publications between 2014 and 2016

Tab. 1
Tab. 1City centrality rank within the Chinese intercity network based on co-publications from different databases between 2014 and 2016


3.2 科技成果转移转让的城市间有向网络构建方法

3.2.1 方法设计 全球约90%~95%的R&D产出包含在专利中。专利作为知识产权的主要体现形式,是创新研究广泛使用的数据。可以用城市间专利转移数量来表征城市间技术流动或扩散程度[26],属于有向网络的一种。城市分为源地城市和汇地城市两类,每个城市既可是源地城市,也可是汇地城市;城市间的技术关系也包括转出和接收两种形式。每个城市也有两种技术转移规模:技术转出量和技术接收量,公式为:


3.2.2 数据选择 专利文献库是世界上最大的技术信息源,具有公开性和及时性的优点,成为研究技术知识生产和创新活动的重要数据源[55]。目前多个国家都建设有技术转移公共服务平台,能整合世界各国的专利技术并可快速更新,这些技术平台为研究提供了充足的数据支撑。可以利用国家知识产权局专利检索及分析数据库,通过挖掘专利的位置信息,来模拟城市间技术转移网络。

3.2.3 模拟案例 运用国家知识产权局专利文献库挖掘的城市间专利转让数据,模拟中国100个主要城市间2016年的专利转移网络图(图5),对比前6位核心城市的中心度和出、入度,发现虽然北京是全国技术转移网络的首位中心城市,但深圳却在技术转出度的排名中名列第一,广州在技术转入度的排名中名列第一(表2),反映出粤港澳大湾区的技术流动活跃度非常高。



Fig. 5A Chinese intercity network based on patent transfers between cities in 2016

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Measures of in-degree, out-degree, and centrality for the Chinese intercity patent transfer network in 2016


3.3 高端人才跨城移动的城市间创新网络建构方法

3.3.1 方法设计 高端人才往往具有很大的移动性,常会给一个城市带来外部新异知识。相关研究表明高端移动性人才有能力将所履历的城市联系在一起[56]。选择一定数量的能对城市间创新合作产生重要影响的高端移动性人才,通过对人才进行履历分析,将每位人才所经历的城市(一般居住超过2年)视作一个关系社团,假设每个城市间都存在一条由这个人才所建立的关系,大量高端人才所建立的城市关系累积起来就可以形成城市间知识流动和创新关系网络[24]。公式为:


3.3.2 数据选择 高端人才库的选择是有效模拟城市对外创新联系网络的关键。首先要求所选人才的确有能力建立起履历城市间的创新联系;其次需要对高端人才所经历的城市进行筛选,仅保留理论上能建立关系的城市;第三人才数量要达到一定规模,在保证人才选择合适的情况下,数量越多效果越好。2008年中央开始实施海外高层次人才引进计划简称“****”,有重点地支持一批能够突破关键技术、发展高新产业、带动新兴学科的战略科学家和领军人才。截至2018年底,“****”已分14批共引进7680余名高层次人才。“****”库是模拟中国高端跨国人才构建中国城市对外知识联系和创新合作关系的优质数据。

3.3.3 模拟案例 运用“****”库4464名人才的有效履历信息,模拟中国城市与国外城市之间的知识流动和创新网络(图6),计算中国城市与国外城市间的联系度,发现北京和上海无疑是中国参与全球创新网络的枢纽城市,美国的波士顿、纽约、华盛顿和洛杉矶等城市是与中国联系最紧密的城市(表3)。该网络图是中国高端人才构建起来的世界城市网络,可以一定程度上反映中国城市参与全球创新网络的状况。



Fig. 6An intercity innovation network based on Chinese national 'Thousand Talent Programme' talent flow

Tab. 3
Tab. 3The top 20 strongest ties within intercity innovation networks based on Chinese national 'Thousand Talent Programme' talent flow


3.4 创新企业机构多城分布的城市间创新网络建构方法

3.4.1 方法设计 位于不同城市的创新企业总部与分支机构之间的知识传播与反馈,推动了城市间知识流动与创新联系。企业总部与分支机构之间传递的知识既有显性知识,也有隐性知识。显性知识表现在企业总部将制定的创新战略、技术章程和设计说明等编码知识下发给分支机构,分支机构将所属技术业务以书面形式反馈给总部。除此之外,企业内部还会通过公司员工之间的非正式的交流,传播公司的技术知识和创新文化,属于隐性知识传播。基于此考虑,设计了两种网络构建方法。





3.4.2 数据选择 创新企业库的选择是有效模拟城市间创新网络的基础。为了确保所选创新企业的数量和质量,综合考虑了多家权威机构对中国创新型企业的认定,包括中国科技部、国资委、总工会在2006—2012年间评选出来的5批676家“创新型企业试点”,工信部、财政部在2011—2017年评选出来的7批495家“国家技术创新示范企业”,中国人民大学所评选出来的“中国企业创新能力1000强”,国际著名科学服务商Clarivate Analytic评选出来的2016年和2017年“中国大陆创新企业百强”,国际咨询机构Strategy评选出来“2017 Global Innovation 1000”(全球创新1000强)中的113家中国大陆企业;最后共确定了1796家国内(不含港澳台)最具创新实力的企业。以此为基础,通过查询企业官网、企业年报、企业信息服务平台和大数据挖掘手段,获取企业总部和分支机构的地址信息。

3.4.3 模拟案例 使用1796家创新企业数据,分别运用互锁网络模型和总部—分支方法模拟了中国城市间的创新网络,可以看出用互锁网络模型构建的城市创新网络因为涵盖了隐性知识的流动,相比总部—分支方法所构建的城市创新网络(主要反映显性知识)更加稠密;图7显示出以北京为核心的放射状网络,图8则显示出了菱形结构,城市中心度总体上增加明显。



Fig. 7A Chinese intercity innovation network constructed using the headquarters-subsidiaries method



Fig. 8A Chinese intercity innovation network constructed using the interlocking network model

4 结论与讨论







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One of the most universal trends in science and technology today is the growth of large teams in all areas, as solitary researchers and small teams diminish in prevalence1-3. Increases in team size have been attributed to the specialization of scientific activities3, improvements in communication technology4,5, or the complexity of modern problems that require interdisciplinary solutions6-8. This shift in team size raises the question of whether and how the character of the science and technology produced by large teams differs from that of small teams. Here we analyse more than 65?million papers, patents and software products that span the period 1954-2014, and demonstrate that across this period smaller teams have tended to disrupt science and technology with new ideas and opportunities, whereas larger teams have tended to develop existing ones. Work from larger teams builds on more-recent and popular developments, and attention to their work comes immediately. By contrast, contributions by smaller teams search more deeply into the past, are viewed as disruptive to science and technology and succeed further into the future-if at all. Observed differences between small and large teams are magnified for higher-impact work, with small teams known for disruptive?work and large teams for developing work. Differences in topic and research design account for a small part of the relationship between team size and disruption; most of the effect occurs at the level of the individual, as people move between smaller and larger teams. These results demonstrate that both small and large teams are essential to a flourishing ecology of science and technology, and suggest that, to achieve this, science policies should aim to support a diversity of team sizes.

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[ 李丹丹, 汪涛, 魏也华 , . 中国城市尺度科学知识网络与技术知识网络结构的时空复杂性
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The relations between geographical proximity and spatial distance constitute a popular topic of concern. Thus, how geographical proximity affects scientific cooperation, and whether geographically proximate scientific cooperation activities in fact exhibit geographic scale features should be investigated.

Li Y C, Phelps N . Knowledge polycentricity and the evolving Yangtze River Delta megalopolis
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DOI:10.1080/00343404.2016.1240868URL [本文引用: 1]

Ma H T, Fang C L, Lin S N , et al. Hierarchy, clusters, and spatial differences in Chinese intercity networks constructed by scientific collaborators
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018,28(12):1793-1809.

DOI:10.1007/s11442-018-1579-5URL [本文引用: 2]
The Chinese urban system is currently experiencing a fundamental shift, as it moves from a size-based hierarchy to a network-based system. Contemporary studies of city networks have tended to focus on economic interactions without paying sufficient attention to the issue of knowledge flow. Using data on co-authored papers obtained from China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database (CAJNPD) during 2014-2016, this study explores several features of the scientific collaboration network between Chinese mainland cities. The study concludes that: (1) the spatial organization of scientific cooperation amongst Chinese cities is shifting from a jurisdiction-based hierarchical system to a networked system; and (2) several highly intra-connected city regions were found to exist in the network of knowledge, and such regions had more average internal linkages (14.21) than external linkages (8.69), and higher average internal linkage degrees (14.43) than external linkage degrees (10.43); and (3) differences existed in terms of inter-region connectivity between the Western, Eastern, and Central China regional networks (the average INCD of the three regional networks were 109.65, 95.81, and 71.88). We suggest that China should engage in the development of regional and sub-regional scientific centers to achieve the goal of building an innovative country. Whilst findings reveal a high degree of concentration in those networks - a characteristic which reflects the hierarchical nature of China&#x02019;s urban economic structure - the actual spatial distribution of city networks of knowledge flow was found to be different from that of city networks based on economic outputs or population.

Ma Haitao, Huang Xiaodong, Li Yingcheng . The evolution and mechanisms of megalopolitan knowledge polycentricity of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(12):2297-2314.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201812003URL [本文引用: 2]
The concept of megalopolis, since its original inception six decades ago, has inspired many new terms that mainly describe large-scale urbanized forms such as megaregions and polycentric urban regions. However, recent studies have increasingly focused on the two key functions that megalopolises act as an incubator of new ideas and trends and as a hub that articulates knowledge exchange at the megalopolitan, national, and global scales. While the recent studies have mainly analyzed the functional aspects of megalopolis based on China's Yangtze River Delta region, this paper investigates the evolving process and mechanisms of knowledge collaboration within and beyond Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) - one of the most promising and vibrant megalopolises in China. In addition, the GBA megalopolis is unique because it contains Hong Kong and Macao, which have a different political system from China's mainland. Drawing upon a dataset of publications that were indexed in Web of Science Core Collection during the 1990-2016 period, this paper uses the Gini coefficient to measure the degree of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis. Here, knowledge polycentricity is further classified into attribute polycentricity of knowledge production and functional polycentricity of knowledge collaboration within and beyond the GBA megalopolis. Whereas the attribute polycentricity refers to the distribution inequality of the total publications of GBA cities, the functional polycentricity represents the distribution inequality of GBA cities' knowledge collaboration at different geographical scales. Our empirical results show: (1) knowledge production of the GBA megalopolis as a whole has experienced a robust and continuous growth. The degrees of both attribute polycentricity and functional polycentricity have also been on the increase in general, although there are some fluctuations in early years and some deviations in recent years. During the ten years after Hong Kong and Macao returned to China (the 2000-2010 period), the degree of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis especially enjoyed the fastest rise; (2) The degree of functional polycentricity decreased with the expansion in the geographical scales at which it is measured, confirming the findings of previous studies that functional polycentricity is scale-dependent. Moreover, we find that the degree of functional polycentricity becomes more fluctuated at the global scale while it tends to increase continuously at the megalopolitan scale; (3) The evolving process of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis is influenced by institutional proximity, geographical proximity and status proximity between cities. Specifically, the mobility of researchers, the collaboration of universities and research institutes, and the coordination of local governments are three major forces promoting the evolution of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis. Overall, the increasing knowledge polycentricity would be of significance for the GBA megalopolis to form a knowledge-driven region of collective collaboration.
[ 马海涛, 黄晓东, 李迎成 . 粤港澳大湾区城市群知识多中心的演化过程与机理
地理学报, 2018,73(12):2297-2314.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201812003URL [本文引用: 2]
The concept of megalopolis, since its original inception six decades ago, has inspired many new terms that mainly describe large-scale urbanized forms such as megaregions and polycentric urban regions. However, recent studies have increasingly focused on the two key functions that megalopolises act as an incubator of new ideas and trends and as a hub that articulates knowledge exchange at the megalopolitan, national, and global scales. While the recent studies have mainly analyzed the functional aspects of megalopolis based on China's Yangtze River Delta region, this paper investigates the evolving process and mechanisms of knowledge collaboration within and beyond Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) - one of the most promising and vibrant megalopolises in China. In addition, the GBA megalopolis is unique because it contains Hong Kong and Macao, which have a different political system from China's mainland. Drawing upon a dataset of publications that were indexed in Web of Science Core Collection during the 1990-2016 period, this paper uses the Gini coefficient to measure the degree of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis. Here, knowledge polycentricity is further classified into attribute polycentricity of knowledge production and functional polycentricity of knowledge collaboration within and beyond the GBA megalopolis. Whereas the attribute polycentricity refers to the distribution inequality of the total publications of GBA cities, the functional polycentricity represents the distribution inequality of GBA cities' knowledge collaboration at different geographical scales. Our empirical results show: (1) knowledge production of the GBA megalopolis as a whole has experienced a robust and continuous growth. The degrees of both attribute polycentricity and functional polycentricity have also been on the increase in general, although there are some fluctuations in early years and some deviations in recent years. During the ten years after Hong Kong and Macao returned to China (the 2000-2010 period), the degree of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis especially enjoyed the fastest rise; (2) The degree of functional polycentricity decreased with the expansion in the geographical scales at which it is measured, confirming the findings of previous studies that functional polycentricity is scale-dependent. Moreover, we find that the degree of functional polycentricity becomes more fluctuated at the global scale while it tends to increase continuously at the megalopolitan scale; (3) The evolving process of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis is influenced by institutional proximity, geographical proximity and status proximity between cities. Specifically, the mobility of researchers, the collaboration of universities and research institutes, and the coordination of local governments are three major forces promoting the evolution of knowledge polycentricity of the GBA megalopolis. Overall, the increasing knowledge polycentricity would be of significance for the GBA megalopolis to form a knowledge-driven region of collective collaboration.

Proff S V, Brenner T . The dynamics of interregional collaboration: An analysis of co-patenting
Annals of Regional Science, 2011,52(1):41-64.

[本文引用: 1]

Niu Xin, Chen Xiangdong . The cooperation innovation across city boundary and radiation distance based on the cross city cooperation patent application data
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013,33(6):659-667.

URL [本文引用: 3]
Based on the cross-city cooperation-patent application data, intensive research has been carried on the cross-region innovation cooperation in China(excluding Hong Kong, Marco and Taiwan). A new concept, innovation radiation distance, is raised and the corresponding calculation method is also introduced and applied on the selected samples to find out the radiation distances for each city and each industry. The results show that the innovation radiation distance has a negative correlation relationship with the geographic distance and no apparent evidence of positive impact from the information flow amount can be identified either. Nevertheless, the radiation transmission is not universal to all directions and some areas on the radiation periphery feel feeble impact. Moreover, different industries cannot be described by an overall radiation distance rule. The outcomes can be summarized as below:1)The innovation radiation distance does not grow proportionally with the patent amount. For instance, some cities, like Shenzhen and Chongqing, tend to find partners far away, though their cooperation-patent is relatively small. However, some other candidates say Shanghai and Hangzhou, are vice versus.2) The innovation radiation distance cannot be determined by the information flow alone. Some cities show greater incentives of cross-city innovation cooperation through frequent exchange and propagation of technology and knowledge, while other cities display a prominent regional confinement in information communication, which implies a huge potential for further improvement.3) Through the study of innovation radiation distance and range in eight factors on the selected sample, the article find out that Beijing has a profound radiation effect over the whole country, which is unparalleled for other competitors, though the equality of radiation should be attached more attention by putting more weight to the western region. Three cities, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou, constrain themselves to the pan-Changjiang River delta region and show infinitesimal impact on other regions. By contrast, Xi&prime;an, Chongqing, Chengdu, Wuhan and Changsha have the tendency of cooperation with eastern developed region. More collaboration with the under-developed regions should be encouraged.4) The study in four sectors, electronic engineering, instrumentation industry, chemical industry, and mechanical engineering shows that the innovation radiation distance is not proportional to the cross-border collaborative patent application amounts. The electronic engineering industry in Chongqing, instrument manufacture in Shenzhen and mechanical engineering industry in Xiamen, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Beijing and Changsha tend to plunge into long-distance cross-border cooperation though the collaboration in patent application is insufficient.
[ 牛欣, 陈向东 . 城市创新跨边界合作与辐射距离探析: 基于城市间合作申请专利数据的研究
地理科学, 2013,33(6):659-667.]

URL [本文引用: 3]
Based on the cross-city cooperation-patent application data, intensive research has been carried on the cross-region innovation cooperation in China(excluding Hong Kong, Marco and Taiwan). A new concept, innovation radiation distance, is raised and the corresponding calculation method is also introduced and applied on the selected samples to find out the radiation distances for each city and each industry. The results show that the innovation radiation distance has a negative correlation relationship with the geographic distance and no apparent evidence of positive impact from the information flow amount can be identified either. Nevertheless, the radiation transmission is not universal to all directions and some areas on the radiation periphery feel feeble impact. Moreover, different industries cannot be described by an overall radiation distance rule. The outcomes can be summarized as below:1)The innovation radiation distance does not grow proportionally with the patent amount. For instance, some cities, like Shenzhen and Chongqing, tend to find partners far away, though their cooperation-patent is relatively small. However, some other candidates say Shanghai and Hangzhou, are vice versus.2) The innovation radiation distance cannot be determined by the information flow alone. Some cities show greater incentives of cross-city innovation cooperation through frequent exchange and propagation of technology and knowledge, while other cities display a prominent regional confinement in information communication, which implies a huge potential for further improvement.3) Through the study of innovation radiation distance and range in eight factors on the selected sample, the article find out that Beijing has a profound radiation effect over the whole country, which is unparalleled for other competitors, though the equality of radiation should be attached more attention by putting more weight to the western region. Three cities, Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou, constrain themselves to the pan-Changjiang River delta region and show infinitesimal impact on other regions. By contrast, Xi&prime;an, Chongqing, Chengdu, Wuhan and Changsha have the tendency of cooperation with eastern developed region. More collaboration with the under-developed regions should be encouraged.4) The study in four sectors, electronic engineering, instrumentation industry, chemical industry, and mechanical engineering shows that the innovation radiation distance is not proportional to the cross-border collaborative patent application amounts. The electronic engineering industry in Chongqing, instrument manufacture in Shenzhen and mechanical engineering industry in Xiamen, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Beijing and Changsha tend to plunge into long-distance cross-border cooperation though the collaboration in patent application is insufficient.

Ma H T, Fang C L, Pang B . Structure of Chinese city network as driven by technological knowledge flows
Chinese Geographical Science, 2015,25(4):498-510.

DOI:10.1007/s11769-014-0731-0URL [本文引用: 1]

Duan Dezhong, Du Debin, Chen Ying , et al. Technology transfer in China's city system: Process, pattern and influencing factors
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(4):738-754.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201804011URL [本文引用: 4]
Based on the records of patent transfer from the patent retrieval and analysis platform in the State Intellectual Property Office of China, this research built an assessment index and model for technology transfer in China's city system in terms of agglomeration and dispersion, using big data mining technology, geo-coding technology, spatial autocorrelation model and multiple linear regression model. Then we studied the spatial-temporal pattern, agglomeration model and influencing factors of technology transfer in China's city system from 2001 to 2015, and obtained the following results. Firstly, with the increasing capability of city's technology transfer and the growing number of cities involved in transferring technology, the polarization and strong agglomeration of technology transfer in China's city system have been intensified. Secondly, technology transfer in China's city system has experienced a process of constant spatial polarization, the three-pole pattern led by the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region and the Pearl River Delta region has been gradually prominent. Thirdly, technology transfer system from global to local scale in China's city system has initially taken shape. Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen have become the three global centers of China in technology transfer. Fourthly, technology transfer in China's city system has produced an obvious spatial correlation and agglomeration effect. The four types are mainly in the cluster, and the geographical proximity of technology transfer in China's city system is significant. Last but not least, the influencing factors of technology transfer in China's city system were also verified by multiple linear regression model. We found that the demand and supply capacity respectively represented by the scale of tertiary industry and the number of patent applications has a great influence on the growth of technology transfer capability. In addition, the number of R &amp; D employees is an important factor, but its correlation is low. The findings further confirm that the scale of primary industry has a significant impedance effect on city's technology transfer capability.
[ 段德忠, 杜德斌, 谌颖 , . 中国城市创新技术转移格局与影响因素
地理学报, 2018,73(4):738-754.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201804011URL [本文引用: 4]
Based on the records of patent transfer from the patent retrieval and analysis platform in the State Intellectual Property Office of China, this research built an assessment index and model for technology transfer in China's city system in terms of agglomeration and dispersion, using big data mining technology, geo-coding technology, spatial autocorrelation model and multiple linear regression model. Then we studied the spatial-temporal pattern, agglomeration model and influencing factors of technology transfer in China's city system from 2001 to 2015, and obtained the following results. Firstly, with the increasing capability of city's technology transfer and the growing number of cities involved in transferring technology, the polarization and strong agglomeration of technology transfer in China's city system have been intensified. Secondly, technology transfer in China's city system has experienced a process of constant spatial polarization, the three-pole pattern led by the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta region and the Pearl River Delta region has been gradually prominent. Thirdly, technology transfer system from global to local scale in China's city system has initially taken shape. Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen have become the three global centers of China in technology transfer. Fourthly, technology transfer in China's city system has produced an obvious spatial correlation and agglomeration effect. The four types are mainly in the cluster, and the geographical proximity of technology transfer in China's city system is significant. Last but not least, the influencing factors of technology transfer in China's city system were also verified by multiple linear regression model. We found that the demand and supply capacity respectively represented by the scale of tertiary industry and the number of patent applications has a great influence on the growth of technology transfer capability. In addition, the number of R &amp; D employees is an important factor, but its correlation is low. The findings further confirm that the scale of primary industry has a significant impedance effect on city's technology transfer capability.

Lyu Lachang, Liang Zhengji, Huang Ru . The innovation linkage among Chinese major cities
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015,35(1):30-37.

URL [本文引用: 2]
Inter-urban linkage is traditional research field of urban geography. With the increasing importance of innovation in city, inter-urban linkage of innovation has aroused the interesting of numerous sholars, some of which have examined the field through direct surveyed approach by co-author published papers or co-author patents granted, however, this approach is limited because it lacks data of the inter-urban and the rusults of survey may not present the comprensive inter-urban innovation situation of the cities. Therefore, we employ a indrect approach , using revised gravity model to map the pattern of inter-urban innovation linkage of Chinese major cities. China takes constructing the innovation country as the core strategy, and urban innovation as the core contents of national innovation system, so urban innovation linkage is an important part of China's national innovation system. However, a number of issues, such as the current sitation of urban innovaiton linkage, and the pattern and laws of inter urban innovation have rarely been studied. This article will try to study the inter urban innovation linkage among major Chinese cities so as to find innovation source cities and innovation nodes cities in urban innovation system and the general pattern of the inter urban innovation, to promote the complementary and optimization of urban innovation function and to plan the circle of China urban innovation. Based on the review of the literatures of innovation linkage and theoretical analysis, through establishing a set of measureement of index, this article defines ourward innovation linkage of scale and measures innovation linkage and innovation pattern among Chinese major cities. The research shows: 1) the general pattern of urban innovation linkage in East China is stronger and that in West China is weak, and a &quot;Golden Triangle innovation linkage&quot; pattern has formed in the coastal area of China, which takes Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou as the vertex, while Beijing-Tianjin and Guangzhou-Shenzhen as two points. 2) the city innovation linkage presents obvious hierarchy, the cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Chongqing have national innovation influence with extensive innovative linkage with the other cities in China, while cities, such as Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Qingdao, Dalian and Xi'an have regional innovation influence. 3) in terms of the East Coastal main economic circle in China, the Zhujiang River Delta economic circle has the strongest internal innovation linkage, but less outward innovation radiation; the Changjiang River Delta economic circle has very strong internal innovation linkage with strong external innovation linkage with the cities of Huan Bohai economic circle, while the cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan have very strong innovation linkage, and with strong outward radiation to the Changjiang River Delta economic circle. This article examines the general innovation linkage pattern among Chinese major cities considering two important elements of distance among cites and scale of urban innovation, but some elements, such institution and policies which may influence the innovation linkage have not been examined, it will be put consideration in future studies.
[ 吕拉昌, 梁政骥, 黄茹 . 中国主要城市间的创新联系研究
地理科学, 2015,35(1):30-37. ]

URL [本文引用: 2]
Inter-urban linkage is traditional research field of urban geography. With the increasing importance of innovation in city, inter-urban linkage of innovation has aroused the interesting of numerous sholars, some of which have examined the field through direct surveyed approach by co-author published papers or co-author patents granted, however, this approach is limited because it lacks data of the inter-urban and the rusults of survey may not present the comprensive inter-urban innovation situation of the cities. Therefore, we employ a indrect approach , using revised gravity model to map the pattern of inter-urban innovation linkage of Chinese major cities. China takes constructing the innovation country as the core strategy, and urban innovation as the core contents of national innovation system, so urban innovation linkage is an important part of China's national innovation system. However, a number of issues, such as the current sitation of urban innovaiton linkage, and the pattern and laws of inter urban innovation have rarely been studied. This article will try to study the inter urban innovation linkage among major Chinese cities so as to find innovation source cities and innovation nodes cities in urban innovation system and the general pattern of the inter urban innovation, to promote the complementary and optimization of urban innovation function and to plan the circle of China urban innovation. Based on the review of the literatures of innovation linkage and theoretical analysis, through establishing a set of measureement of index, this article defines ourward innovation linkage of scale and measures innovation linkage and innovation pattern among Chinese major cities. The research shows: 1) the general pattern of urban innovation linkage in East China is stronger and that in West China is weak, and a &quot;Golden Triangle innovation linkage&quot; pattern has formed in the coastal area of China, which takes Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou as the vertex, while Beijing-Tianjin and Guangzhou-Shenzhen as two points. 2) the city innovation linkage presents obvious hierarchy, the cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Chongqing have national innovation influence with extensive innovative linkage with the other cities in China, while cities, such as Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Qingdao, Dalian and Xi'an have regional innovation influence. 3) in terms of the East Coastal main economic circle in China, the Zhujiang River Delta economic circle has the strongest internal innovation linkage, but less outward innovation radiation; the Changjiang River Delta economic circle has very strong internal innovation linkage with strong external innovation linkage with the cities of Huan Bohai economic circle, while the cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan have very strong innovation linkage, and with strong outward radiation to the Changjiang River Delta economic circle. This article examines the general innovation linkage pattern among Chinese major cities considering two important elements of distance among cites and scale of urban innovation, but some elements, such institution and policies which may influence the innovation linkage have not been examined, it will be put consideration in future studies.

Ma Haitao . Triangle model of Chinese returnees: A tentative method for city networks based on talent flows
Geographical Research, 2017,36(1):161-170.

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[ 马海涛 . 基于人才流动的城市网络关系构建
地理研究, 2017,36(1):161-170.]

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Duan Dezhong, Du Debin, Gui Qinchang , et al. The geography of Chinese entrepreneurial development
Human Geography, 2018,33(4):102-112.

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[ 段德忠, 杜德斌, 桂钦昌 , . 中国企业家成长路径的地理学研究
人文地理, 2018,33(4):102-112.]

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Lyu Lachang, Li Yong . A research on Chinese renovation urban system based on urban renovation function
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010,65(2):177-190.

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[ 吕拉昌, 李勇 . 基于城市创新职能的中国创新城市空间体系
地理学报, 2010,65(2):177-190.]

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[ 马海涛 . 基于知识流动的中国城市网络研究进展与展望
经济地理, 2016,36(11):207-213.]

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DOI:10.1038/s41586-019-1545-0URLPMID:31619795 [本文引用: 1]
Since 2000, many countries have achieved considerable success in improving child survival, but localized progress remains unclear. To inform efforts towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3.2-to end preventable child deaths by 2030-we need consistently estimated data at the subnational level regarding child mortality rates and trends. Here we quantified, for the period 2000-2017, the subnational variation in mortality rates and number of deaths of neonates, infants and children under 5 years of age within 99 low- and middle-income countries using a geostatistical survival model. We estimated that 32% of children under 5 in these countries lived in districts that had attained rates of 25 or fewer child deaths per 1,000 live births by 2017, and that 58% of child deaths between 2000 and 2017 in these countries could have been averted in the absence of geographical inequality. This study enables the identification of high-mortality clusters, patterns of progress and geographical inequalities to inform appropriate investments and implementations that will help to improve the health of all populations.

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Ma Haitao, Fang Chuanglin, Wu Kang . Links and drive: Key nodes impel the evolution of national innovation networks
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[ 马海涛, 方创琳, 吴康 . 链接与动力: 核心节点助推国家创新网络演进
中国软科学, 2012(2):88-95.]

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Matthiessen C W, Schwarz A W, Find S . World cities of scientific knowledge: Systems, networks and potential dynamics. An analysis based on bibliometric indicators
Urban Studies, 2010,47(9):1879-1897.

DOI:10.1177/0042098010372683URL [本文引用: 1]

Liu Chengliang, Gui Qinchang, Duan Dezhong , et al. Structural heterogeneity and proximity mechanism of global scientific collaboration network based on co-authored papers
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2017,72(4):737-752.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201704014URL [本文引用: 1]
Despite increasing importance of academic papers in global knowledge flows, the structural disparities and proximity mechanism related to international scientific collaboration network attracted little attention. To fill this gap, based on data mining from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science database in 2014, its heterogeneities in topology and space were portrayed using visualizing tools such as Pajek, Gephi, VOSviewer, and ArcGIS. Topologically, 211 countries and 9928 ties are involved in global scientific collaboration network, but the international network of co-authored relations is mono-centricand dominated by the United States. It exhibits some features of a "small-world" network with the smaller average path length of 1.56 and the extremely large cluster coefficient of 0.73 compared to its counterpart, as well as the better-fitting exponential distribution accumulative nodal degree. In addition, the entire network presents a core-periphery structure with hierarchies, which is composed of 13 core countries and the periphery of 198 countries. Spatially, densely-tied and high-output areas are mainly distributed in four regions: West Europe, North America, East Asia and Australia. Moreover, the spatial heterogeneity is also observed in the distributions of three centralities. Amongst these, the countries with greater strength centrality are mainly concentrated in North America (i.e. the US and Canada), Western Europe (i.e. the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), and China, noticeably in the US, which forms the polarizing pattern with one superpower of the US and great powers such as China and the UK. Similarly, the big three regions consisting of West Europe, North America and Asian-Pacific region have the peak betweenness centrality as well. Slightly different from the two above, the distribution of nodal degree centrality is uneven in the world, although regional agglomeration of high-degree countries is still observed. Last but not least, the proximity factors of its structural inequalities were also verified by correlational analysis, negative binomial regression approach and gravity model of STATA. The findings further confirm that geographical distance has weakened cross-country scientific collaboration. Meanwhile, socio-economic proximity has a positive impact on cross-country scientific collaboration, while language proximity plays a negative role.
[ 刘承良, 桂钦昌, 段德忠 , . 全球科研论文合作网络的结构异质性及其邻近性机理
地理学报, 2017,72(4):737-752.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201704014URL [本文引用: 1]
Despite increasing importance of academic papers in global knowledge flows, the structural disparities and proximity mechanism related to international scientific collaboration network attracted little attention. To fill this gap, based on data mining from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science database in 2014, its heterogeneities in topology and space were portrayed using visualizing tools such as Pajek, Gephi, VOSviewer, and ArcGIS. Topologically, 211 countries and 9928 ties are involved in global scientific collaboration network, but the international network of co-authored relations is mono-centricand dominated by the United States. It exhibits some features of a "small-world" network with the smaller average path length of 1.56 and the extremely large cluster coefficient of 0.73 compared to its counterpart, as well as the better-fitting exponential distribution accumulative nodal degree. In addition, the entire network presents a core-periphery structure with hierarchies, which is composed of 13 core countries and the periphery of 198 countries. Spatially, densely-tied and high-output areas are mainly distributed in four regions: West Europe, North America, East Asia and Australia. Moreover, the spatial heterogeneity is also observed in the distributions of three centralities. Amongst these, the countries with greater strength centrality are mainly concentrated in North America (i.e. the US and Canada), Western Europe (i.e. the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), and China, noticeably in the US, which forms the polarizing pattern with one superpower of the US and great powers such as China and the UK. Similarly, the big three regions consisting of West Europe, North America and Asian-Pacific region have the peak betweenness centrality as well. Slightly different from the two above, the distribution of nodal degree centrality is uneven in the world, although regional agglomeration of high-degree countries is still observed. Last but not least, the proximity factors of its structural inequalities were also verified by correlational analysis, negative binomial regression approach and gravity model of STATA. The findings further confirm that geographical distance has weakened cross-country scientific collaboration. Meanwhile, socio-economic proximity has a positive impact on cross-country scientific collaboration, while language proximity plays a negative role.

Williams A M . Lost in translation? International migration, learning and knowledge
Progress in Human Geography, 2006,30(5):588-607.

DOI:10.1177/0309132506070169URL [本文引用: 1]

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Yeung Wai-chung . Global production networks and regional development in East and Southeast Asia
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DOI:10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002992URL [本文引用: 1]

[ 杨伟聪 . 全球生产网络、价值捕捉轨迹与区域发展
热带地理, 2017,37(5):628.]

DOI:10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002992URL [本文引用: 1]

Miao Changhong . Global-local nexus and technological learning in industrial cluster: A case study of hair-goods industry in Xuchang, Henan Province
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006,61(4):425-434.

DOI:10.11821/xb200604009URL [本文引用: 1]
Industrial clusters have become one of the most popular concepts in local and regional development research and practice not only in the more advanced countries but also in less-developed parts of the world. Since 1978, the great institutional transitions from the planned economy to the market economy and the speeding industrialization have inspired local clusters mushrooming in China. In this paper, drawing upon a global-local nexus perspective and deriving insights from the new regionalists on industrial districts, the regulationists on regulation approach and literature on Global Production Networks (GPN), the author tries to develop a broad conceptual framework, which focuses on the strategic coupling among social systems of production, institutes and regulation mechanisms, local production networks and global production networks, for understanding local cluster and learning industrial district. Using this framework, this paper presents a case study of the Xuchang hair-goods industry, an export-oriented local cluster in the middle Henan province of China, and explores the processes to make global-local nexus and their impacts on promoting restructuring and upgrading of traditional local clusters in China. The case study shows that the technological learning and industrial upgrading in those local clusters within the low road are likely to achieve, and the processes to approach the high road and learning industrial district depend on some critical dynamic factors such as the national institutional change and the active responses of local authorities and entrepreneurs, the relational networks embedded in local institutions and culture, and the extending of global production networks and the dynamic upgrading of global-local nexus. Therefore, developing learning industrial district should be an important strategy and policy to promote China's economic development and technological innovation.
[ 苗长虹 . 全球—地方联结与产业集群的技术学习: 以河南许昌发制品产业为例
地理学报, 2006,61(4):425-434.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200604009URL [本文引用: 1]
Industrial clusters have become one of the most popular concepts in local and regional development research and practice not only in the more advanced countries but also in less-developed parts of the world. Since 1978, the great institutional transitions from the planned economy to the market economy and the speeding industrialization have inspired local clusters mushrooming in China. In this paper, drawing upon a global-local nexus perspective and deriving insights from the new regionalists on industrial districts, the regulationists on regulation approach and literature on Global Production Networks (GPN), the author tries to develop a broad conceptual framework, which focuses on the strategic coupling among social systems of production, institutes and regulation mechanisms, local production networks and global production networks, for understanding local cluster and learning industrial district. Using this framework, this paper presents a case study of the Xuchang hair-goods industry, an export-oriented local cluster in the middle Henan province of China, and explores the processes to make global-local nexus and their impacts on promoting restructuring and upgrading of traditional local clusters in China. The case study shows that the technological learning and industrial upgrading in those local clusters within the low road are likely to achieve, and the processes to approach the high road and learning industrial district depend on some critical dynamic factors such as the national institutional change and the active responses of local authorities and entrepreneurs, the relational networks embedded in local institutions and culture, and the extending of global production networks and the dynamic upgrading of global-local nexus. Therefore, developing learning industrial district should be an important strategy and policy to promote China's economic development and technological innovation.

Dicken P, Thrift N . The organization of production and the production of organization: Why business enterprises matter in the study of geographical industrialization
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 1992,17(3):279-291.

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Zhang Huixuan, Li Qing, Li Guicai . Spatial structure change and optimization strategies of innovation linkage among the cities in Guangdong Province
Progress in Geography, 2016,35(8):952-962.

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[ 张惠璇, 刘青, 李贵才 . 广东省城市创新联系的空间格局演变及优化策略
地理科学进展, 2016,35(8):952-962.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Fenglong, Zeng Gang, Ye Qin , et al. Analysis of city network based on innovation cooperation: Case study of Yangtze River Economic Belt
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[本文引用: 1]

[ 王丰龙, 曾刚, 叶琴 , . 基于创新合作联系的城市网络格局分析: 以长江经济带为例
长江流域资源与环境, 2017,26(6):797-805.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhou Can, Zeng Gang, Cao Xianzhong . Chinese intercity innovation networks structure and city innovation capability
Geographical Research, 2017,36(7):1297-1308.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 周灿, 曾刚, 曹贤忠 . 中国城市创新网络结构与创新能力研究
地理研究, 2017,36(7):1297-1308.]

[本文引用: 1]

Fang Chuanglin, Liu Yi, Lin Yueran , et al. Report on the Development of Innovative Cities in China. Beijing: Science Press, 2013.
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[ 方创琳, 刘毅, 林跃然 , . 中国创新型城市发展报告. 北京: 科学出版社, 2013.]
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Beaverstock J V . Rethinking skilled international labour migration: World cities and banking organizations
Geoforum, 1994,25(3):323-338.

DOI:10.1016/0016-7185(94)90034-5URLPMID:12320415 [本文引用: 1]
&amp;quot;Highly skilled professional and managerial labour migration has become an important facet of the contemporary world economy. The operations of transnational corporations have created more opportunities for skilled migrants to work abroad.... There is a growing interest amongst economic geographers to examine this form of migration through an appreciation of global economic restructuring, labour market change and world cities. Consequently, this paper introduces a new conceptual framework...[which] is based on the rationale that world cities, and the patterns of labour market demand that exist within them, are of paramount importance in influencing highly skilled professional and managerial labour migration within the world economy. The author uses an example of highly skilled labour migration within the transnational banking sector [in London] to illustrate this new conceptual framework.&amp;quot;

Alderson A S, Beckfield S . Power and position in the world city system
American Journal of Sociology, 2004,109(4):811-851.

[本文引用: 1]

Taylor P J, Walker D R F . Measurement of the world city network
Urban Studies, 2002,39(39):2367-2376.

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