Spatial distribution and its influencing factors of national A-level tourist attractions in Shanxi Province
LIU Min, HAO WeiSchool of Geography Science, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, Shanxi, China收稿日期:2019-05-29修回日期:2020-04-7网络出版日期:2020-04-25
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刘敏, 郝炜. 山西省国家A级旅游景区空间分布影响因素研究. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(4): 878-888 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004015
LIU Min.
1 引言
旅游景区地域空间结构既是旅游业应对旅游需求的一种响应,也是旅游供给水平不断提升的表现。目前国内****对景区的空间分布及影响因素的研究非常丰富,从研究对象上来看,主要研究对象既有旅游景区或者国家A级旅游景区,也有特定类别的旅游景点[10,11]。从研究方法来看,主要基于计量地理学及地理信息系统和遥感影像解译等。如吴清等[9]运用核密度估计、空间自相关和网格维数值等GIS空间分析技术分析了湖南省A级旅游景区的空间分布特征及影响因素;陈晨等[12]基于地名数量统计和GIS核密度空间平滑法揭示了北京地名文化景观空间分布特征;靳诚等[13]利用探索性空间数据分析等方法分析了江苏省经济空间格局演化;吴丽敏等[14]基于GIS空间分析技术分析了江苏省A级旅游景区时空演变特征及其动力机制;方叶林等[15]运用G指数、经济重心、标准差椭圆以及灰色模型等多种数学方法对安徽省县域经济空间演化进行分析。从研究区域来看,既有全国或地区层面对国家A级旅游景区空间演化的研究[2, 16],也有从省域尺度对国家A级旅游景区空间结构的研究[14, 17-20],但尚未有关山西省旅游景区空间结构的研究。
2 数据来源与研究方法
2.1 数据来源及预处理
山西省国家A级旅游景区名称、景区所属地市等信息来源于山西省或山西省下属的11个地级市旅游政务网公布的截至2017年12月的相关数据。国家A级旅游景区的等级和被评时间依据国家旅游局政府门户网站以及山西省旅游政务网所公布的相关公告。国家A级旅游景区的空间位置根据山西省旅游政务网提供的景区分布概况图进行了初步确定,然后结合百度地图和高德地图及卫星图对其具体位置进行了确认。本文所用的行政区划、交通道路、河流情况等的底图来自于山西省地图编纂委员会编纂的《1∶500000山西省政区图》《1∶500000山西省交通图》以及《1∶800000山西省流域图》。山西省高程数据来自地理空间数据云网站公布的精度为90 m的SRTM(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)数字高程图。地形、地貌、气温、降水分布情况来自于山西省地图编纂委员会2010年出版的《山西省地图集》。
数据预处理:① 对所搜集的国家A级旅游景区数据进行处理,建立景区数据库,数据库内容包含景区名称、景区所在地(县市二级)、景区等级和等级被评年份;② 将国家A级旅游景区位置信息处理为点图层,并将景区数据库信息录入至点图层属性表中,生成年际的国家A级旅游景区空间分布密度图(图1);③ 将山西省行政区划图以县或区为最小单位建立面图层,将高速路、国道、省道等道路以及河流矢量化为线图层,将山西省地质地貌分布、温度带、降水带等矢量化为面图层。

Fig. 1Density map of the spatial distribution of national A-level tourist attractions in Shanxi Province (2001, 2005, 2009, 2013, 2017)
2.2 研究方法
本文采用地理探测器(Geodetector)[21]与GIS空间分析方法对影响国家A级旅游景区空间分布的因素进行分析。首先将山西省划分为3 km×3 km的网格,共计17430个网格。其次虽然多种指标可作为地理探测器的探测要素,但核密度值最适合指示空间分异并能反映空间分布的演化过程[22,23,24,25,26,27,28],因此,本文选取2001—2017年的国家A级旅游景区的核密度值为探测要素Y,用q值度量[29],其表达式为:式中:q为影响因素对国家A级旅游景区密度的影响力探测值;Nh为探测要素所包含的单元数;N为全区单元数;
2.2.1 影响因素的确定 国家A级旅游景区的空间分布及演化受多因素共同影响,总体上可将各种影响因素综合为社会政治因素、经济产业因素、自然环境因素三大类,称为影响A级旅游景区空间分布的二级因素(图2)。社会政治因素包括主导旅游发展的政策导向、景区所在地区基础设施条件、市场条件及相关旅游从业人员的状况等,可概括为相关政策、常住人口、交通状况等次一级的三级影响因素;经济产业因素包括国民经济状况、旅游产业的发展状况等方面,可概括为三产占比、旅游收入、生产总值等次一级的三级影响因素(图2);自然环境因素决定着国家A级旅游景区自身的基础条件,自然环境优良有利于景区的形成及开发,反之则制约着景区的形成,可概括为海拔高度、河流水系、平均气温等次一级的三级影响因素(图2)。

Fig. 2Influencing factors for spatial distribution of national A-level tourist attractions in Shanxi Province
(1)社会政治因素。① 相关政策。旅游产业的发展,受政府调控及相关政策的支持,国家A级旅游景区的评定及规划,很大程度上受政策影响。其中,政府工作报告、旅游发展规划、景区管理条例以及景区质量等级评定管理办法等一定程度上决定着国家A级旅游景区的分布和发展。② 常驻人口。人作为旅游活动的主体,随着人均收入的增高,居民的旅游需求也在不断提高,而且景区的运营与发展也需要人口的支持,因此,地区的常住人口数量决定着当地旅游市场的客源规模以及相关旅游从业人员规模,从而影响国家A级旅游景区的形成及分布。③ 交通状况。交通作为旅游六要素之一,连接着客源地与目的地,交通状况较好的地区,更容易促进景区的形成与发展,因此,交通状况的好坏不但制约着旅游景区的通达性,而且影响着旅游景区的发展与分布。
(2)经济产业因素。① 三产占比。三产占比反映当地的产业结构以及当地的主导产业。旅游业作为第三产业的重要组成部分,三产占比的变化很大程度上反映了地区的旅游业整体发展状况。② 旅游收入。地区旅游收入直观地体现了当地旅游业的发展状况,旅游收入不仅包括景区的门票收入,也包括在旅游活动中所产生的交通、餐饮、住宿、购物、娱乐等一系列收入,且景区的建设运营与之相互关联、相互促进,旅游收入的增加或减少,影响着景区的分布与发展。③ 生产总值。生产总值代表着地区的整体经济状况,经济状况良好的地区,产业结构优化程度高,基础设施发达,接待游客的服务水平良好,从而促进旅游产业的发展,进而影响景区的形成与分布。
(3)自然环境因素。① 海拔高度。海拔高度一定程度上反映着景区的类型。例如古城古村类、休闲娱乐类、文化历史类等人文旅游景区在平原地区或海拔较低的地区分布较多,而名山类的自然景区则分布在海拔较高的地区。地势平坦、海拔较低的地区适合进行生产生活活动,形成的旅游资源也较为丰富,因此海拔高度一定程度上决定着景区的类型及分布状况。② 河流水系。河流沿岸地区多是人类主要活动场所、文明的发源地,影响着文化、文明类旅游资源的形成,同时河流水系自身作为一项自然类旅游资源,也可作为国家A级旅游景区进行开发。③ 平均气温。地区的平均气温影响着人类文明的发展,适宜的气温环境,有利于生产生活活动,能促进地区的文化发展,从而形成许多文化旅游资源,适宜的气温也会促进一系列自然景观的形成,影响景区的形成发展。
2.2.2 影响因素定量划分 影响因素选取图2所示的9类三级影响因素,并对其进行定量划分。① 对影响社会政治因素的三级因素进行定量划分。相关政策(x1)选取每年政府工作报告中提及到“旅游”一词的频数[30];常住人口(x2)来源于《山西统计年鉴》中的年常驻人口数据;交通状况(x3)采用《山西统计年鉴》中的年道路通车里程数。② 对影响经济产业因素的三级因素进行定量划分。三产占比(x4)、旅游收入(x5)、生产总值(x6)数据均来源于《山西统计年鉴》。③ 对影响自然环境因素的三级因素进行定量划分。由于研究时间较短,研究区内海拔高度和河流水系变化不大。具体数据来源为:海拔高度(x7)来源于地理空间数据云中的DEM数据;河流水系(x8)基于山西省地图集中河流水系专题地图,采用ArcGIS构建河流水系缓冲区的办法,构建0~20 km内的5级河流缓冲区;平均气温(x9)来源于山西省地图集中的平均气温数据专题地图。
在数据所属的区域方面,相关政策(x1)、常住人口(x2)、交通状况(x3)、三产占比(x4)、旅游收入(x5)、生产总值(x6)为11个地市统计数据,为动态变化数据,并按11个地市级区域划分;海拔高度(x7)、河流水系(x8)、平均气温(x9)为对其具体数据进行区间分级。每一年的数据等级分级按自然间断点分法,分为5个等级(表1),并将相关矢量数据转为3 km×3 km的栅格数据。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1
影响因素 | 取值范围 | 对应等级 | 影响因素 | 取值范围 | 对应等级 |
相关政策(x1) | 根据每一年的具体数值,采用自然间断点自动分级 | 1 | 生产总值(x6) | 根据每一年的具体数值,采用自然间断点自动分级 | 1 |
2 | 2 | ||||
3 | 3 | ||||
4 | 4 | ||||
5 | 5 | ||||
常住人口(x2) | 根据每一年的具体数值,采用自然间断点自动分级 | 1 | 海拔高度(x7)(m) | <800 | 1 |
2 | 800~1000 | 2 | |||
3 | 1000~1200 | 3 | |||
4 | 1200~1600 | 4 | |||
5 | ≥ 1600 | 5 | |||
交通状况(x3) | 根据每一年的具体数值,采用自然间断点自动分级 | 1 | 河流水系(x8)(km) | 0~5 | 1 |
2 | 5~10 | 2 | |||
3 | 10~15 | 3 | |||
4 | 15~20 | 4 | |||
5 | >20 | 5 | |||
三产占比(x4) | 根据每一年的具体数值,采用自然间断点自动分级 | 1 | 平均气温(x9)(℃) | <4 | 1 |
2 | 4~8 | 2 | |||
3 | 8~12 | 3 | |||
4 | 12~14 | 4 | |||
5 | ≥ 14 | 5 | |||
旅游收入(x5) | 根据每一年的具体数值,采用自然间断点自动分级 | 1 | |||
2 | |||||
3 | |||||
4 | |||||
5 |
3 结果与分析
通过地理探测器计算得到各级影响因素探测结果q值,结果如表2所示。Tab. 2
Tab. 2
年份 | x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | x6 | x7 | x8 | x9 |
2001 | 0.0246 | 0.0110 | 0.0143 | 0.0888 | 0.0630 | 0.0533 | 0.0099 | 0.0024 | 0.0650 |
2002 | 0.0341 | 0.0087 | 0.0398 | 0.0478 | 0.0262 | 0.0299 | 0.0663 | 0.00054** | 0.0282 |
2003 | 0.0182 | 0.0403 | 0.0553 | 0.0656 | 0.0560 | 0.0529 | 0.0863 | 0.0012 | 0.0808 |
2004 | 0.0182 | 0.0403 | 0.0425 | 0.0425 | 0.0542 | 0.0503 | 0.0863 | 0.0012 | 0.0808 |
2005 | 0.0523 | 0.0465 | 0.0503 | 0.0299 | 0.0617 | 0.0250 | 0.1234 | 0.0008 | 0.1098 |
2006 | 0.0522 | 0.0465 | 0.0236 | 0.0796 | 0.0617 | 0.0340 | 0.1234 | 0.0008 | 0.1098 |
2007 | 0.0645 | 0.0345 | 0.0206 | 0.0592 | 0.0326 | 0.0174 | 0.1231 | 0.0004** | 0.0851 |
2008 | 0.0834 | 0.0263 | 0.0318 | 0.0283 | 0.0411 | 0.0239 | 0.1149 | 0.0005** | 0.0920 |
2009 | 0.0801 | 0.0312 | 0.0459 | 0.0368 | 0.0479 | 0.0398 | 0.1009 | 0.0008 | 0.1064 |
2010 | 0.0326 | 0.0554 | 0.0971 | 0.0509 | 0.0598 | 0.0652 | 0.1065 | 0.0014 | 0.1001 |
2011 | 0.0572 | 0.0531 | 0.0918 | 0.0623 | 0.0405 | 0.0730 | 0.1164 | 0.0013 | 0.1100 |
2012 | 0.0322 | 0.0507 | 0.1025 | 0.0622 | 0.0676 | 0.0660 | 0.1154 | 0.0016 | 0.1208 |
2013 | 0.0502 | 0.0562 | 0.1268 | 0.0437 | 0.0738 | 0.0833 | 0.1183 | 0.0054 | 0.1218 |
2014 | 0.0890 | 0.0469 | 0.1178 | 0.0211 | 0.0715 | 0.0551 | 0.1109 | 0.0019 | 0.1129 |
2015 | 0.0652 | 0.0455 | 0.1256 | 0.0500 | 0.0884 | 0.0765 | 0.1010 | 0.0021 | 0.1033 |
2016 | 0.1446 | 0.0470 | 0.1598 | 0.0287 | 0.1231 | 0.1198 | 0.1100 | 0.0022 | 0.1091 |
2017 | 0.1804 | 0.0520 | 0.1052 | 0.0370 | 0.1484 | 0.1374 | 0.1062 | 0.0027 | 0.1072 |
3.1 三级影响因素影响能力演化过程

Fig. 3Results and variations of q-statistic of socio-political factor by Geodetector

Fig. 4Results and variations of q-statistic of economic-industrial factor by Geodetector

Fig. 5Results and variations of q-statistic of natural environmental factor by Geodetector
3.2 二级因素影响能力演化过程

Fig. 6Results and variations of q-statistic of second-level factors by Geodetector
4 结论
参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.11821/xb201008011URL [本文引用: 1]

By using the data envelopment analysis and through measuring the technical efficiency, scale efficiency as well as the total factor productivity, this paper analyzes the efficiency characteristics of the tourism industry development in China from 1999 to 2006. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) As the overall efficiency of tourism industry development in China from 1999 to 2006 is low, China's tourism industry fails to fully exploit the potential of the existing resources so that the total tourism input is maintained in a diseconomical status. (2) The mean value of pure technical efficiency in tourism industry is 0.658 from 1999 to 2006,which means the effective use of existing technology is lower and the potential of the technical progress is larger. (3) Tourism development in China's western provinces enjoys the advantage of late-development, and the technical progress efficiency increases faster in the provinces with lower technological efficiency. (4) The TFP growth rate varies remarkably in different provinces, which manifests the lower pattern in turn from east to west and central China. Moreover, this gap of TFP growth between regions still shows a trend of further expansion in regional tourism development efficiencies. Finally, in order to promote the transformation of growth mode and propel the high efficiency and sustainable development of the tourism industry in China, this paper puts forward the following suggestions based on the analysis results, i.e., to optimize the ratio of the input factors, integrate the industrial chain of tourism, perfect the innovation system of tourism industry, accelerate technological progress, and make preferential policies for regional development, etc.
DOI:10.11821/xb201008011URL [本文引用: 1]

By using the data envelopment analysis and through measuring the technical efficiency, scale efficiency as well as the total factor productivity, this paper analyzes the efficiency characteristics of the tourism industry development in China from 1999 to 2006. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. (1) As the overall efficiency of tourism industry development in China from 1999 to 2006 is low, China's tourism industry fails to fully exploit the potential of the existing resources so that the total tourism input is maintained in a diseconomical status. (2) The mean value of pure technical efficiency in tourism industry is 0.658 from 1999 to 2006,which means the effective use of existing technology is lower and the potential of the technical progress is larger. (3) Tourism development in China's western provinces enjoys the advantage of late-development, and the technical progress efficiency increases faster in the provinces with lower technological efficiency. (4) The TFP growth rate varies remarkably in different provinces, which manifests the lower pattern in turn from east to west and central China. Moreover, this gap of TFP growth between regions still shows a trend of further expansion in regional tourism development efficiencies. Finally, in order to promote the transformation of growth mode and propel the high efficiency and sustainable development of the tourism industry in China, this paper puts forward the following suggestions based on the analysis results, i.e., to optimize the ratio of the input factors, integrate the industrial chain of tourism, perfect the innovation system of tourism industry, accelerate technological progress, and make preferential policies for regional development, etc.
URL [本文引用: 2]

Scenic spot is a special scenic style on the surface of the earth.The A-grade scenic spot is a tourist ranking classifiable system with Chinese characteristics and is a national standard of comprehensive evaluation about scenic spot quality and grade in China.The instauration and appraisement of A-grade scenic spot make a great contribution to the development of tourist industry and have a significant impact on marketing, the image of the establishment of tourist destination, tourist perceptive and the economic benefits and so on in the process of tourism development because of the different levels.Given the label of A-grade to the scenic spot has not only been recognized by market but also been widely accepted in China from the beginning since the scenic spot was appraised with all levels governmental regard in everywhere, and it has become a "Jinzizhaopai" (famous grand in English) in the eyes of a vast number of tourists and a highlight of promotional and publicity.Judging from the present effects, that local government pursues the goal of title of A-grade especial higher grade gradually influences the evolving and developing of distribution structure of scenic spot.The quality of scenic spot is divided into five classes with descending order from 5A to 1A according to The Standard of Rating for Quality of Scenic Spot.Sixty-six 5A-grade scenic spots were checked and accepted and came out in the March 7, 2007 that was considered as a result of spread and intense competition among the 4A-grade scenic spots.First, this text analyses the distribution and changing rules of A-grade scenic spot about China based on the 2286 date of A-grade scenic spots, and finds that A-grade scenic spot which seems entirely in-organization has its own internal space rules.The unitary distributing pattern of A-grade scenic spot which is dense in both extremes and sparse in the middle is growing up with the development of scenic spot in our country, and has a nearly relating and matching with population distribution, river systems, transport network and also landform and so on whether in the space organization or time evolvement.Although the distribution status of A-grade scenic spot has some difference in 31 provinces, its configuration has an upper comparability.The primate distribution of scenic spot is obviously in the provincial capital cities and the distributing trend is getting more and more dispersive.Second, the paper gives its explanation from the perspective of the level of socio-economic development, population, traffic condition and rating system.Generally speaking, there are some group configurations in all provinces in China, but it can not hold back Chinese scenic spot to be more disorderly.There is a reasonable side in the distribution structure of scenic spot which hide the irrational elements.This market-oriented structure system triggers two cycles and makes the stronger much better than before and so do the weaker, and go against to the development of scenic spot to a certain extent.So tourism value of the scarcity of resources should be worth more attention under the circumstance that some conditions such as transportation, sightseeing, service facilities and man-made landscape facilities can be copied.Moreover, this paper also studies the dislocation between the distribution of A-grade scenic spot and tourism resources of China, and also discusses the development trend of A-grade scenic spot in the future which is aimed to guide and perfect the rating system to a more reasonable direction.
URL [本文引用: 2]

Scenic spot is a special scenic style on the surface of the earth.The A-grade scenic spot is a tourist ranking classifiable system with Chinese characteristics and is a national standard of comprehensive evaluation about scenic spot quality and grade in China.The instauration and appraisement of A-grade scenic spot make a great contribution to the development of tourist industry and have a significant impact on marketing, the image of the establishment of tourist destination, tourist perceptive and the economic benefits and so on in the process of tourism development because of the different levels.Given the label of A-grade to the scenic spot has not only been recognized by market but also been widely accepted in China from the beginning since the scenic spot was appraised with all levels governmental regard in everywhere, and it has become a "Jinzizhaopai" (famous grand in English) in the eyes of a vast number of tourists and a highlight of promotional and publicity.Judging from the present effects, that local government pursues the goal of title of A-grade especial higher grade gradually influences the evolving and developing of distribution structure of scenic spot.The quality of scenic spot is divided into five classes with descending order from 5A to 1A according to The Standard of Rating for Quality of Scenic Spot.Sixty-six 5A-grade scenic spots were checked and accepted and came out in the March 7, 2007 that was considered as a result of spread and intense competition among the 4A-grade scenic spots.First, this text analyses the distribution and changing rules of A-grade scenic spot about China based on the 2286 date of A-grade scenic spots, and finds that A-grade scenic spot which seems entirely in-organization has its own internal space rules.The unitary distributing pattern of A-grade scenic spot which is dense in both extremes and sparse in the middle is growing up with the development of scenic spot in our country, and has a nearly relating and matching with population distribution, river systems, transport network and also landform and so on whether in the space organization or time evolvement.Although the distribution status of A-grade scenic spot has some difference in 31 provinces, its configuration has an upper comparability.The primate distribution of scenic spot is obviously in the provincial capital cities and the distributing trend is getting more and more dispersive.Second, the paper gives its explanation from the perspective of the level of socio-economic development, population, traffic condition and rating system.Generally speaking, there are some group configurations in all provinces in China, but it can not hold back Chinese scenic spot to be more disorderly.There is a reasonable side in the distribution structure of scenic spot which hide the irrational elements.This market-oriented structure system triggers two cycles and makes the stronger much better than before and so do the weaker, and go against to the development of scenic spot to a certain extent.So tourism value of the scarcity of resources should be worth more attention under the circumstance that some conditions such as transportation, sightseeing, service facilities and man-made landscape facilities can be copied.Moreover, this paper also studies the dislocation between the distribution of A-grade scenic spot and tourism resources of China, and also discusses the development trend of A-grade scenic spot in the future which is aimed to guide and perfect the rating system to a more reasonable direction.
URL [本文引用: 1]

In recent years, the tourism industry has developed nationwide at a rapid speed. Many cities gradually focused on the economic growth of tertiary industry, which is leaded primarily by the tourism industry, particularly in the wake of continuous traffic perfection. The bottlenecks of tourism development has got different penetrations in each place, the scope of spatial tourist activities has been enlarged, tourist cooperation among districts has been enhanced and the future prospect of tourism development will be broadened. Based on the Transportation superiority degree model, this article selects three time series for comparing, which are 2001, 2005 and 2009, and analyzes the spatial variation characteristics of regional transportation structure, then discusses the impact of transportation on the regional tourism spatial structure variation. Finally, the conclusions are summarized as following: on one hand, regional transportation superiority level have been improved gradually, transportation centers transfer to the south gradually, and the spatial structure transforms from "single pole" to "twin poles"; on the other hand, tourist destination structure has been gradually optimized on the basis of transportation improvements, in addition, traffic time among the scenic regions has been shortened gradually, and tourist market has been changed in response. All the conclusions are basically in accordance with the realities, which has a centain guiding signifcances to the future transportation planning and tourism development.
URL [本文引用: 1]

In recent years, the tourism industry has developed nationwide at a rapid speed. Many cities gradually focused on the economic growth of tertiary industry, which is leaded primarily by the tourism industry, particularly in the wake of continuous traffic perfection. The bottlenecks of tourism development has got different penetrations in each place, the scope of spatial tourist activities has been enlarged, tourist cooperation among districts has been enhanced and the future prospect of tourism development will be broadened. Based on the Transportation superiority degree model, this article selects three time series for comparing, which are 2001, 2005 and 2009, and analyzes the spatial variation characteristics of regional transportation structure, then discusses the impact of transportation on the regional tourism spatial structure variation. Finally, the conclusions are summarized as following: on one hand, regional transportation superiority level have been improved gradually, transportation centers transfer to the south gradually, and the spatial structure transforms from "single pole" to "twin poles"; on the other hand, tourist destination structure has been gradually optimized on the basis of transportation improvements, in addition, traffic time among the scenic regions has been shortened gradually, and tourist market has been changed in response. All the conclusions are basically in accordance with the realities, which has a centain guiding signifcances to the future transportation planning and tourism development.
DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2014.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]

Scenic spot is a very important carrier of tourism activities. The study of the spatial structure of tourism is receiving increasing attention but methodology so far has used qualitative rather than quantitative methods. The A-grade tourist attraction is a tourist ranking classifiable system with Chinese characteristics and is a national standard of comprehensive evaluation about scenic spot quality and grade in China. Besides the attraction of scenic spots, enhancing accessibility and perfecting infrastructure in scenic spots are very important for their tourism development. Therefore, the research on spatial distribution structure and accessibility of A-grade scenic spots are meaningful. Based on an investigation of 2424 National A-grade tourist attractions and using GIS and some quantitative analysis methods, such as Nearest Neighbor Index (NNI), Ripley's K function, hot spot clustering, the spatial structure of tourist attractions were investigated, with their characteristics and distribution for different strategies being discussed. Based on matrix raster data covering the whole space, this paper calculates spatial accessibility of all counties in China using cost weighted distance method and ArcGIS as platforms. Then we discuss spatial differences of county accessibility of scenic spots by using ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis). The results show that general scenic spots exhibit an aggregated distribution. Considering the accessibility, we find that the human scenic spots are more centralized. The average accessibility is about 125.88 minutes, and the area where the accessibility of scenic spots is within 90 minutes reaches 60%, while the area where the accessibility is within 30 minutes accounts for 26.65% and the longest time needs 1260 minutes which is located at central Tibetan Plateau. Distribution of the accessibility has pointed to traffic line. At county level, the estimated values of Moran's I is positive numbers using analysis of spatial association. All the test results indicate that tourist attractions and adjacent areas show strong positive correlation. Distribution of hot spots regarding the accessibility shows an obvious hot spots-sub-hotspots-sub-cold spots-cold spots zonal distribution pattern from east to west. Cold spots are distributed in the border zone of Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai. On the basis of the above results, we identify five factors which impact the spatial structure and accessibility of scenic spots: natural environment, economic development, traffic condition, population and rating system. Finally, some recommendations are given for optimization of the spatial structure of scenic spots, involving quickening the development of edge district's tourism, coordinating the development of the tourism industry for each region, and enhancing basic infrastructure of transportation especially that of the provincial border-regions.
DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2014.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]

Scenic spot is a very important carrier of tourism activities. The study of the spatial structure of tourism is receiving increasing attention but methodology so far has used qualitative rather than quantitative methods. The A-grade tourist attraction is a tourist ranking classifiable system with Chinese characteristics and is a national standard of comprehensive evaluation about scenic spot quality and grade in China. Besides the attraction of scenic spots, enhancing accessibility and perfecting infrastructure in scenic spots are very important for their tourism development. Therefore, the research on spatial distribution structure and accessibility of A-grade scenic spots are meaningful. Based on an investigation of 2424 National A-grade tourist attractions and using GIS and some quantitative analysis methods, such as Nearest Neighbor Index (NNI), Ripley's K function, hot spot clustering, the spatial structure of tourist attractions were investigated, with their characteristics and distribution for different strategies being discussed. Based on matrix raster data covering the whole space, this paper calculates spatial accessibility of all counties in China using cost weighted distance method and ArcGIS as platforms. Then we discuss spatial differences of county accessibility of scenic spots by using ESDA (Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis). The results show that general scenic spots exhibit an aggregated distribution. Considering the accessibility, we find that the human scenic spots are more centralized. The average accessibility is about 125.88 minutes, and the area where the accessibility of scenic spots is within 90 minutes reaches 60%, while the area where the accessibility is within 30 minutes accounts for 26.65% and the longest time needs 1260 minutes which is located at central Tibetan Plateau. Distribution of the accessibility has pointed to traffic line. At county level, the estimated values of Moran's I is positive numbers using analysis of spatial association. All the test results indicate that tourist attractions and adjacent areas show strong positive correlation. Distribution of hot spots regarding the accessibility shows an obvious hot spots-sub-hotspots-sub-cold spots-cold spots zonal distribution pattern from east to west. Cold spots are distributed in the border zone of Tibet, Xinjiang and Qinghai. On the basis of the above results, we identify five factors which impact the spatial structure and accessibility of scenic spots: natural environment, economic development, traffic condition, population and rating system. Finally, some recommendations are given for optimization of the spatial structure of scenic spots, involving quickening the development of edge district's tourism, coordinating the development of the tourism industry for each region, and enhancing basic infrastructure of transportation especially that of the provincial border-regions.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.1998.01.013URL [本文引用: 1]

Beginning with such factors as social cultural background, social economic background, ecological and social psychological background which influence tourism bearing capacity, the article puts out the tourism bearing capacity index and its arithmetic model of operation and gives out a case of its application. The authors define the tourism environmental bearing capacity as the bearing intensity of tourism destination during a period which doesn’t do harm to the present and future people in its current state and which can be accepted by the residents. The bearing intensity of tourism destination mainly includes three sub class indexes: the tourist density, the tourism land use intensity and the tourism income value. To calculate the tourism Activity Intensity in a comprehensive indicator, the Tourism Bearing Capacity index is defined by the authors as a non—dimension value which can be an assessment indicator for sustainable tourism.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.1998.01.013URL [本文引用: 1]

Beginning with such factors as social cultural background, social economic background, ecological and social psychological background which influence tourism bearing capacity, the article puts out the tourism bearing capacity index and its arithmetic model of operation and gives out a case of its application. The authors define the tourism environmental bearing capacity as the bearing intensity of tourism destination during a period which doesn’t do harm to the present and future people in its current state and which can be accepted by the residents. The bearing intensity of tourism destination mainly includes three sub class indexes: the tourist density, the tourism land use intensity and the tourism income value. To calculate the tourism Activity Intensity in a comprehensive indicator, the Tourism Bearing Capacity index is defined by the authors as a non—dimension value which can be an assessment indicator for sustainable tourism.
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DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.06.016URL [本文引用: 1]

With the rapid development of tourism, various resource and environmental problems have been constantly emerging in tourism destination areas. The research on sustainable development of tourism destinations can promote the optimization of comprehensive benefit and the exertion of ecosystem service function for tourism destinations. There have been abundant achievements in the research on sustainable development of tourism destinations at home and abroad. The research progress was reviewed from the three aspects in this paper, including research process, research methods and main research content. Firstly, the course of the research at home and abroad was summarized and divided into three phases: initial exploration, rapid development, consolidation and deepening. Secondly, main research methods were analyzed comprehensively in terms of their characteristics and the insufficiency, which include tourism environment capacity evaluation, tourism environment impact evaluation, evaluation indices, limits of acceptable change, tourism ecology footprint. Thirdly, the major research contexts were reviewed from seven aspects, including the concepts and the level of sustainable development of tourism destinations, the course and the mechanism of the development of tourism destinations, carrying capacity and ecosystem safety of the environment of tourism destinations, tourism sustainable development model, local residents' and visitors' perceptions of the impacts of tourism, low-carbon development of tourism destinations, and the impacts of tourism enterprises. Finally, the perspectives of the research on sustainable development of tourism destinations in China were put forward from the aspects of theory, methods, and content.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2013.06.016URL [本文引用: 1]

With the rapid development of tourism, various resource and environmental problems have been constantly emerging in tourism destination areas. The research on sustainable development of tourism destinations can promote the optimization of comprehensive benefit and the exertion of ecosystem service function for tourism destinations. There have been abundant achievements in the research on sustainable development of tourism destinations at home and abroad. The research progress was reviewed from the three aspects in this paper, including research process, research methods and main research content. Firstly, the course of the research at home and abroad was summarized and divided into three phases: initial exploration, rapid development, consolidation and deepening. Secondly, main research methods were analyzed comprehensively in terms of their characteristics and the insufficiency, which include tourism environment capacity evaluation, tourism environment impact evaluation, evaluation indices, limits of acceptable change, tourism ecology footprint. Thirdly, the major research contexts were reviewed from seven aspects, including the concepts and the level of sustainable development of tourism destinations, the course and the mechanism of the development of tourism destinations, carrying capacity and ecosystem safety of the environment of tourism destinations, tourism sustainable development model, local residents' and visitors' perceptions of the impacts of tourism, low-carbon development of tourism destinations, and the impacts of tourism enterprises. Finally, the perspectives of the research on sustainable development of tourism destinations in China were put forward from the aspects of theory, methods, and content.
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It is significant to optimize spatial structure and promote tourism destination building of metropolitan tourism by studying tourism spatial structure evolution of metropolitan area, which have an important meaning in playing the function and spatial effects of metropolis tourism. The article, based on the data of tourist number and tourism revenue, using Herfindal index and model of regression analysis of rank-size, studys the evolution of tourism spatial structure evolution of Changjiang River delta metropolitan area. The result demonstrates that the q value of Changjiang River delta metropolitan area decreases from 1999 to 2008. The q value of inbound tourism decreases from 1.861 to 1.438 in 1999-2008. The q value of domestic tourism decreases from 1.155 to 0.779, smaller than 1 after 2003. Also its Herfindal index value of inbound tourism decreases from 0.371 to 0.237 and domestic tourism decreases from 0.219 to 0.105. Only the value of domestic tourism Herfindal index in 2000 is greater than year of 1999. It shows that the density of tourist number and tourism income of domestic tourism is smaller than inbound tourism. So the relative disparity of tourism development among cities is shrinking and tourism development tends to equilibrium in Changjiang River delta metropolitan area. In fact, the tourism development is multi-centered, networked, integrated and balanced, and tends to high-level equalization in the Changjiang River delta metropolitan area. Then we discuss its evolution mechanism of tourism spatial structure using the theory of tourism space interaction. It considers that the evolution of tourism spatial structure of metropolitan area may experience such processes as low-level equalization, concentration, diffusion and high-level equalization from the earlier to late period. In this periods, the tourism space interaction play an important role, and the accessibility, complementary and alternative provide necessary conditions for the tourism space interaction among cities of metropolitan area. As main forms of the tourism space interaction, the accumulation and diffusion of tourism finance, technology, personnel, information and experience and other factors promote the evolution tourism spatial structure of metropolitan area from low-level equalization to the high-level equalization. Finally, this article explores the mechanism of tourism spatial structure evolution of metropolitan area from the view of the expansion of tourism enterprises and spatial behavior of tourists which play an important role in evolution of tourism spatial structure of metropolitan area wholly.
URLPMID:2803524 [本文引用: 1]

It is significant to optimize spatial structure and promote tourism destination building of metropolitan tourism by studying tourism spatial structure evolution of metropolitan area, which have an important meaning in playing the function and spatial effects of metropolis tourism. The article, based on the data of tourist number and tourism revenue, using Herfindal index and model of regression analysis of rank-size, studys the evolution of tourism spatial structure evolution of Changjiang River delta metropolitan area. The result demonstrates that the q value of Changjiang River delta metropolitan area decreases from 1999 to 2008. The q value of inbound tourism decreases from 1.861 to 1.438 in 1999-2008. The q value of domestic tourism decreases from 1.155 to 0.779, smaller than 1 after 2003. Also its Herfindal index value of inbound tourism decreases from 0.371 to 0.237 and domestic tourism decreases from 0.219 to 0.105. Only the value of domestic tourism Herfindal index in 2000 is greater than year of 1999. It shows that the density of tourist number and tourism income of domestic tourism is smaller than inbound tourism. So the relative disparity of tourism development among cities is shrinking and tourism development tends to equilibrium in Changjiang River delta metropolitan area. In fact, the tourism development is multi-centered, networked, integrated and balanced, and tends to high-level equalization in the Changjiang River delta metropolitan area. Then we discuss its evolution mechanism of tourism spatial structure using the theory of tourism space interaction. It considers that the evolution of tourism spatial structure of metropolitan area may experience such processes as low-level equalization, concentration, diffusion and high-level equalization from the earlier to late period. In this periods, the tourism space interaction play an important role, and the accessibility, complementary and alternative provide necessary conditions for the tourism space interaction among cities of metropolitan area. As main forms of the tourism space interaction, the accumulation and diffusion of tourism finance, technology, personnel, information and experience and other factors promote the evolution tourism spatial structure of metropolitan area from low-level equalization to the high-level equalization. Finally, this article explores the mechanism of tourism spatial structure evolution of metropolitan area from the view of the expansion of tourism enterprises and spatial behavior of tourists which play an important role in evolution of tourism spatial structure of metropolitan area wholly.
URL [本文引用: 1]

Place-name landscape, which can reflect the natural environment, national rise and fall, social and economic changes both historically and presently, is an important research branch of Human Geography. This research used GIS to discuss the spatial distribution characteristics of place-name landscape in Beijing and explained their reasons. Firstly, by exploring the origins of place-names, the research carred statistical analysis on them, and classified them into two categories. Secondly, through obtaining Kernel density distribution characteristics of every kind of the place-name through Space Smoothing Algorithm based on Kernel Density Estimation, the research discussed the spatial distribution characteristics of place-name landscape in Beijing. Thirdly, the reasons for the spatial distribution were analyzed. Main conclusions made by this research are as follows: 1) Natural landscape place-names were mainly concentrated in the northern and western mountain areas. 2)By contrast, human landscape place-names tend to centralize in the central and southeastern plains. 3) The spatial distribution characteristics of place-names among human landscape place-names is different. Political, economic, garden, architecture and engineering activities prefer to cluster in the central city, the southeast part of Beijing is proved to be economic and hydraulic engineering activities' concentrated area, military activities tend to centralize in the northwestern and eastern areas, garden construction activities, however, are almost found in the northwest and northeast areas. By studying on the spatial distribution characteristics of place-name landscape in Beijing and their reasons, this research can clearly show the functional zoning in Beijing during Yuan, Ming and Qing, and help to explore the development of social and economic conditions during those historical periods. In addition, this article can enrich research methods and empirical studies of place-name studies in human geography.
URL [本文引用: 1]

Place-name landscape, which can reflect the natural environment, national rise and fall, social and economic changes both historically and presently, is an important research branch of Human Geography. This research used GIS to discuss the spatial distribution characteristics of place-name landscape in Beijing and explained their reasons. Firstly, by exploring the origins of place-names, the research carred statistical analysis on them, and classified them into two categories. Secondly, through obtaining Kernel density distribution characteristics of every kind of the place-name through Space Smoothing Algorithm based on Kernel Density Estimation, the research discussed the spatial distribution characteristics of place-name landscape in Beijing. Thirdly, the reasons for the spatial distribution were analyzed. Main conclusions made by this research are as follows: 1) Natural landscape place-names were mainly concentrated in the northern and western mountain areas. 2)By contrast, human landscape place-names tend to centralize in the central and southeastern plains. 3) The spatial distribution characteristics of place-names among human landscape place-names is different. Political, economic, garden, architecture and engineering activities prefer to cluster in the central city, the southeast part of Beijing is proved to be economic and hydraulic engineering activities' concentrated area, military activities tend to centralize in the northwestern and eastern areas, garden construction activities, however, are almost found in the northwest and northeast areas. By studying on the spatial distribution characteristics of place-name landscape in Beijing and their reasons, this research can clearly show the functional zoning in Beijing during Yuan, Ming and Qing, and help to explore the development of social and economic conditions during those historical periods. In addition, this article can enrich research methods and empirical studies of place-name studies in human geography.
DOI:10.11821/xb200906008URL [本文引用: 1]

This article, taking Jiangsu Province as an example, describes the spatial changes of the diverse economy of Jiangsu at county level since the 1990s through the related analysis of ESDA as well as other tools such as Moran's I, Getis-Ord General G, Getis-Ord Gi and the function of variogram and its amount of fractal dimension as scale index. Based on four time discontinuity surfaces, some conclusions are drawn as follows. (1) Considering the overall spatial economic framework, the county economy of Jiangsu province shows a strong trend of spatial natural correlation. The similar areas cluster in space. The space structure of the hotspot distribution tends to be the circular space structure centered on Wuxi and Suzhou. (2) The development of the spatial economic growth framework is likely to be more stochastic and unstable in the aspect of spatial distribution. Hotspot areas are changing frequently without obvious appearance of geographical concentration. (3) According to the space-time mechanism, the Jiangsu spatial economic framework tends to be more continuous and self-organized, the random of the spatial differential pattern keeps decreasing and the mechanism of the structural differentiation caused by natural correlation in space is becoming more and more remarkable. The homogeneousness of economic development in the direction of northeast-southwest is typical for its relatively small spatial difference. As to the opposite direction, the spatial difference is great. (4) The driving force of the evolvement of Jiangsu economic framework can be identified through the following aspects: the basis of historical development, the economic location and the policies on regional development.
DOI:10.11821/xb200906008URL [本文引用: 1]

This article, taking Jiangsu Province as an example, describes the spatial changes of the diverse economy of Jiangsu at county level since the 1990s through the related analysis of ESDA as well as other tools such as Moran's I, Getis-Ord General G, Getis-Ord Gi and the function of variogram and its amount of fractal dimension as scale index. Based on four time discontinuity surfaces, some conclusions are drawn as follows. (1) Considering the overall spatial economic framework, the county economy of Jiangsu province shows a strong trend of spatial natural correlation. The similar areas cluster in space. The space structure of the hotspot distribution tends to be the circular space structure centered on Wuxi and Suzhou. (2) The development of the spatial economic growth framework is likely to be more stochastic and unstable in the aspect of spatial distribution. Hotspot areas are changing frequently without obvious appearance of geographical concentration. (3) According to the space-time mechanism, the Jiangsu spatial economic framework tends to be more continuous and self-organized, the random of the spatial differential pattern keeps decreasing and the mechanism of the structural differentiation caused by natural correlation in space is becoming more and more remarkable. The homogeneousness of economic development in the direction of northeast-southwest is typical for its relatively small spatial difference. As to the opposite direction, the spatial difference is great. (4) The driving force of the evolvement of Jiangsu economic framework can be identified through the following aspects: the basis of historical development, the economic location and the policies on regional development.
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DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.05.013URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2016.06.006URL [本文引用: 1]

Tourism has emerged as a major driving force in the growth and expansion of rural settlements. After several studies revealed spatial differentiation of touristization among rural settlements, studies were conducted to explain this phenomenon. However, most of these studies explained spatial differentiation of rural touristization in a qualitative way. More robust and detailed quantitative results are needed to evaluate the relative roles of different factors. In this study, which takes Yesanpo tourism as a case study, the Geo-detector method was introduced to evaluate determining factors of rural touristization. Results show that “distance to core entry”, “tourist number and sojourn time”, and “distance to the nearest scenic area” have had a strong effect on the rural touristization in Yesanpo, whereas “distance to river”, “elevation”, “distance to main road”, and “slope” have had a weak influence. The latter did, however, contribute a lot to touristization when interacting with “distance to core entry”, “tourist number and sojourn time”, and “distance to the nearest scenic”, indicating the importance of these four factors. Higher rural touristization occurred in the zone near the core entry, with many tourists, long sojourn times, and proximity to the scenic area.
DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]

This study focuses on the distribution characteristics, effect factors and optimized reconstructing analysis of rural settlement in China. Based on electronic map data in 2012 and socioeconomic data of counties in China, the spatial distribution pattern of rural settlement and effect factors have been examined using model of the average nearest neighbor distance and geographical detector method, while the background and mode for rural space optimization reconstruction were analyzed. Main results for this study are as follows: 1) the rural settlement spatial distribution mode consists of cluster, random and uniform discrete distributions in China, while the regional differences were significant. The density of rural settlements is greater in the southeastern region than in the northwest region with Hu Huanyong's population distribution line for the boundary in China. There were a variety of characteristics for the rural settlement distribution in different type of regions. The spatial distribution of rural settlement was intensive, and those spatial distribution modes were mainly random and disperse with a short average nearest neighbor distance in plain areas. On the other side, the density of rural settlement was low, and those spatial distribution modes were mainly cluster relatively with a long average nearest neighbor distance in highland and cold areas and fringes of the desert. In addition, the density of rural settlement was high, and those spatial distribution modes were mainly random in the intersected transition zone between hill and mountain. 2) The dual factors affect the rural settlement distribution from traditional and economy. Although the traditional factors still play a significance role, the influence of the economic developed more and more obviously. There were a large amount of factors attributing to impacting rural settlement distribution, the spatial form of production and life space, including natural topography and water resources natural conditions, etc. That also included traffic condition, industry, economic development level and agricultural modernization. 3) With factors of production non-agriculture in rural region, the rural space need be a reconstructing optimization. The priority selection is to rebuild village-town system for optimizing rural physical space. Theoretically, village-town system is a sort of hierarchical structure, consisting of central regional town, general agricultural town, central village and basic village. 4) The multiple modes will been made use of restructuring rural space in different geographical areas, including balance forms of radiation, radiation disequilibrium forms, multicore equilibrium forms and corridor layout pattern or mixed modes. From the system and the hierarchical logic level to deconstruct the rural space theory for optimization, a reasonable village-town system is rebuilt orderly, which will provide a scientific basis for urban and rural urbanization.
DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2016.02.002URL [本文引用: 1]

This study focuses on the distribution characteristics, effect factors and optimized reconstructing analysis of rural settlement in China. Based on electronic map data in 2012 and socioeconomic data of counties in China, the spatial distribution pattern of rural settlement and effect factors have been examined using model of the average nearest neighbor distance and geographical detector method, while the background and mode for rural space optimization reconstruction were analyzed. Main results for this study are as follows: 1) the rural settlement spatial distribution mode consists of cluster, random and uniform discrete distributions in China, while the regional differences were significant. The density of rural settlements is greater in the southeastern region than in the northwest region with Hu Huanyong's population distribution line for the boundary in China. There were a variety of characteristics for the rural settlement distribution in different type of regions. The spatial distribution of rural settlement was intensive, and those spatial distribution modes were mainly random and disperse with a short average nearest neighbor distance in plain areas. On the other side, the density of rural settlement was low, and those spatial distribution modes were mainly cluster relatively with a long average nearest neighbor distance in highland and cold areas and fringes of the desert. In addition, the density of rural settlement was high, and those spatial distribution modes were mainly random in the intersected transition zone between hill and mountain. 2) The dual factors affect the rural settlement distribution from traditional and economy. Although the traditional factors still play a significance role, the influence of the economic developed more and more obviously. There were a large amount of factors attributing to impacting rural settlement distribution, the spatial form of production and life space, including natural topography and water resources natural conditions, etc. That also included traffic condition, industry, economic development level and agricultural modernization. 3) With factors of production non-agriculture in rural region, the rural space need be a reconstructing optimization. The priority selection is to rebuild village-town system for optimizing rural physical space. Theoretically, village-town system is a sort of hierarchical structure, consisting of central regional town, general agricultural town, central village and basic village. 4) The multiple modes will been made use of restructuring rural space in different geographical areas, including balance forms of radiation, radiation disequilibrium forms, multicore equilibrium forms and corridor layout pattern or mixed modes. From the system and the hierarchical logic level to deconstruct the rural space theory for optimization, a reasonable village-town system is rebuilt orderly, which will provide a scientific basis for urban and rural urbanization.
DOI:10.1007/s11442-015-1249-9URL [本文引用: 1]

This study has revealed spatial-temporal changes in Recreational Business Districts (RBDs) in Beijing and examined the relationship between the location of urban RBDs and traffic conditions, resident and tourist density, scenic spots, and land prices. A more reasonable classification of urban RBDs (LSC, CPS, and ULA) is also proposed. Quantitative methods such as Gini Coefficient, Spatial Interpolation, Kernel Density Estimation, and Geographical Detector were employed to collect and analyze the data from three types of urban RBDs in Beijing in 1990, 2000, and 2014, respectively, and the spatial-temporal patterns as well as the distribution characteristics of urban RBDs were analyzed using ArcGIS software. It was concluded that (1) both the number and scale of urban RBDs in Beijing have been expanding and the trend for all types of urban RBDs in Beijing to be spatially agglomerated is continuing; (2) the spatial-temporal evolution pattern of urban RBDs in Beijing is “single-core agglomeration-dual-core agglomeration-multi-core diffusion”; and (3) urban RBDs were always located in areas with low traffic density, tourist attractions, high resident and tourist population density, and relatively high land valuations; these factors also affect the scale size of RBDs.
DOI:10.1017/S0007485315000152URLPMID:25779652 [本文引用: 1]

Grasshopper plagues have seriously disturbed grassland ecosystems in Inner Mongolia, China. The accurate prediction of grasshopper infestations and control of grasshopper plagues have become urgent needs. We sampled 234, 342, 335, and 369 plots in Xianghuangqi County of Xilingol League in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively, and measured the density of the most dominant grasshopper species, Oedaleus decorus asiaticus, and the latitude, longitude, and associated relatively stable habitat factors at each plot. We used Excel-GeogDetector software to explore the effects of individual habitat factors and the two-factor interactions on grasshopper density. We estimated the membership of each grasshopper density rank and determined the weights of each habitat category. These results were used to construct a model system evaluating grasshopper habitat suitability. The results showed that our evaluation system was reliable and the fuzzy evaluation scores of grasshopper habitat suitability were good indicators of potential occurrence of grasshoppers. The effects of the two-factor interactions on grasshopper density were greater than the effects of any individual factors. O. d. asiaticus was most likely to be found at elevations of 1300-1400 m, flat terrain or slopes of 4-6°, typical chestnut soil with 70-80% sand content in the top 5 cm of soil, and medium-coverage grassland. The species preferred temperate bunchgrass steppe dominated by Stipa krylovii and Cleistogenes squarrosa. These findings may be used to improve models to predict grasshopper occurrence and to develop management guidelines to control grasshopper plagues by changing habitats.
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DOI:10.1002/(sici)1521-3773(20000103)39:1<198::aid-anie198>;2-oURLPMID:10649374 [本文引用: 1]

An MP2 ab initio study of the interaction between a H(2)O molecule and trans-[Pt(OH)(2)(NH(3))(2)] revealed a HO-H small middle dot small middle dot small middle dotPt(II) hydrogen bond (see picture) with a strong dispersion component (ca. 4 kcal mol(-1)). This dispersion interaction is independent of the charge on the complex and is likely to be ubiquitous in aqueous solutions of Pt(II) complexes.
DOI:10.1002/(sici)1521-3773(20000103)39:1<198::aid-anie198>;2-oURLPMID:10649374 [本文引用: 1]

An MP2 ab initio study of the interaction between a H(2)O molecule and trans-[Pt(OH)(2)(NH(3))(2)] revealed a HO-H small middle dot small middle dot small middle dotPt(II) hydrogen bond (see picture) with a strong dispersion component (ca. 4 kcal mol(-1)). This dispersion interaction is independent of the charge on the complex and is likely to be ubiquitous in aqueous solutions of Pt(II) complexes.