

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

塔娜1,2, 申悦,3,41. 华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海 200241
2. 华东师范大学地理科学学院,上海 200241
3. 华东师范大学中国行政区划研究中心,上海 200062
4. 华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062

Activity space-based segregation among neighbors and its influencing factors: An analysis based on shared activity spaces in suburban Shanghai

TA Na1,2, SHEN Yue,3,41. Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
2. School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
3. Research Center for China Administrative Division, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
4. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

通讯作者: 申悦(1987-), 女, 上海人, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向为城市地理学与行为地理学。E-mail: shenyue0519@163.com


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41971200
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41871166
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.2018ECNU-QKT001

作者简介 About authors

关键词: 行为地理学;社会空间;活动空间;隔离;上海

Socio-spatial segregation is an important research topic in urban social geography. Most of the research pays more attention to the residential differentiation and segregation of different groups and proposes that geographical segregation exacerbates the social isolation between disadvantaged groups and other social classes. However, most existing research ignores the spatial differentiation that people suffer from in their daily lives and discusses little about segregation in nonresidential spaces. In the context of increasing mobility, even residents living in the same neighborhood face different degrees of segregation due to differences in the choice of venues, resulting in a lower likelihood of social interaction. Therefore, recent research suggests that it is necessary to pay attention to the differentiation and segregation faced by residents in daily activity spaces and to understand social space from a more comprehensive perspective. However, due to the constraints of data and methods, only a few prior studies have quantitatively measured the activity space segregation of residents living in the same neighborhoods. In particular, there is currently no research focusing on whether policy and planning can effectively reduce activity space segregation. This study intends to solve the problem of socio-spatial segregation in the daily lives of different residents in the same neighborhood through the measurement of activity space. Taking the suburbs of Shanghai as an example, this study analyzes the degree of overlap between residents and other social groups in activity spaces, calculates the "shared activity space" index among individuals, and calculates an individual-scale activity space differentiation index and isolation index on this basis to measure the isolation of different income groups within the community. This indicates that there is indeed segregation between different groups, and the degree of segregation is influenced by individual socio-economic attributes, the mix of residential groups, and the spatial distribution of urban facilities. Living in a neighborhood with high population density, a high social mix, a good community business configuration, and sufficient public space can indeed increase the sharing of residents' activity spaces, while nearby shopping centers will cause isolated activity spaces.
Keywords:behavior geography;social space;activity space;segregation;Shanghai

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塔娜, 申悦. 基于共享度的上海郊区社区居民活动空间隔离及其影响因素. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(4): 849-859 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004013
TA Na. Activity space-based segregation among neighbors and its influencing factors: An analysis based on shared activity spaces in suburban Shanghai. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(4): 849-859 doi:10.11821/dlxb202004013

1 引言


然而,社会空间分异与隔离不仅存在于居住空间,也存在于居民的日常活动与出行中[11,12,13,14]。在流动性日益增强与居民活动模式日益多样化的背景下[15,16,17],即使居住在同一社区的居民也会由于工作和非工作活动地点选择的差异而存在不同程度的隔离[11, 18],导致社会交往的可能性降低。因此,静态的基于居住空间的社会空间分异度量已经不能完全满足城市社会和社区研究的需要,有必要从活动空间角度分析居民在日常生活中面临的分异与隔离问题,从而更动态和全面地理解社会空间[14, 18-21]。作为城市时空行为模式的重要指标,活动空间是居民整日活动与出行的空间范围,反映了居民对城市空间的利用情况[21,22,23]。但由于尚处在方法的探索阶段,只有少数前沿研究对社区居民活动空间的隔离程度进行了定量测量[11,12,13,14]

应用活动空间进行社会空间分异的研究,主要有两个维度。一是通过比较不同群体活动空间内部社会环境的差异,分析居民个体在其日常生活中与其他群体“相遇”的可能性[18, 21, 24]。例如,李菲等构建了活动空间分异指数和接触指数,分析个体与其活动空间内居住群体在社会经济属性方面的相似性与差异性,解释了个体层次的社会空间隔离及其影响机制[24]。这类研究利用普查数据将活动空间内的人群组成结构作为活动空间隔离的计算依据,具有数据相对易得、操作性强、与传统社会空间分异相联系的特点,但是并没有真实描述不同群体日常接触的状态。另一个维度是从个体行为数据出发,探讨不同个体活动空间的交互特征[25,26,27]。这些研究认为,由于就业、收入、政策、个体偏好等原因,即使居住在同一地点的两个人,其生活方式和活动空间也有巨大的差异[28],个体在活动空间中可以接触到的人群可能完全不同,导致邻里交往减少、社区社会融合降低。Park等使用时空临近性指数的概念,计算了一天不同时间内每个个体与其他群体的接触度,探讨了不同族裔群体社会交往的潜在可能性[12]。Browning等对同一社区居民的活动空间共享程度进行了研究,提出“共享活动空间”的概念,发现不同收入群体的活动空间存在较大差异[11]。这些研究更加强调以人为中心的度量,分析群体间活动空间的分异与交互程度,代表了社会空间隔离研究的新方向。但是由于数据获取难度较大,目前的研究还处在起步阶段。


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Place-based and people-based social-spatial differentiation




2 数据来源与研究方法

2.1 数据来源

本文选取上海市郊区作为案例地,探究其社区居民活动空间分异与隔离状况。在社会经济转型与空间重构背景下,上海城市社会空间异质性突出,社区居民组成的多样性在增强[6],特别是在大型居住区建设背景下,不同来源、不同阶层的居民迁入郊区并形成复杂的邻里结构[31];郊区居民面临的长距离通勤、生活空间疏离、社区归属感不强等问题也日益明显[31,32,33],具有大城市快速城市化与郊区发展下新空间的典型特征。为此,上海市积极推动15 min生活圈建设,希望重构社区生活空间、建立居民情感纽带、提升社区归属感与活力。在此背景下,研究郊区社区居民活动空间的共享程度、探讨社区活动空间隔离,就具有理论与实践意义。




Fig. 1Distribution of survey communities


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Social-economic characteristics of samples
≤ 250012817.11
≥ 750117623.53


2.2 研究方法

本文参考Browning等提出的共享活动空间概念[11],采用惯常活动地点分布信息,计算郊区居民的活动空间共享度,并在此基础上构建个体层级的活动空间分异指数和孤立指数。使用问卷中“每月至少去一次的活动地点”作为活动空间的基础点,将这些点在ArcGIS中数字化。由于本文的目的是研究社区居民在日常生活中是否存在活动空间隔离问题,而工作活动地点选择受到诸多因素的影响,且日常行为分布具有距离衰减性,经过比较,以社区中心点3 km范围内的非工作活动作为研究对象,分析社区尺度的活动空间共享度。样本平均报告非工作活动5.93个。

首先,本文利用非工作活动地点的空间位置构建共享活动空间。共享活动空间用来衡量同一社区中的个体是否与其他群体到同一空间范围进行非工作活动。根据已有研究,居民共处于同一步行空间范围内交往和互动可能性会提升,****一般采用地块、普查区、200~400 m边长区域等空间单元[11, 24, 34-35]进行研究。综合考虑上海市郊区地块空间尺度和居民活动集中程度,本文选择200 m×200 m的空间网格作为基础分析单元,将社区中心点3公里范围内的空间分为若干个网格,所有的地点和网格相关联。每个居民的活动空间包括一个或多个网格,而每个网格与一个或多个收入群体相关联。每个网格按照活动空间内群体类型的组成被赋予一个共享活动空间指标值,分为单一群体独享、两群体共享和多群体共享3个类型,并分别取0、0.3和0.7作为权重计算活动空间共享度。共享度表达了不同群体活动空间分享的程度,用于分析是否存在活动空间分异与隔离。





3 活动空间共享度的群体分异


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Shared activity spaces among income groups and Tukey's range test





Fig. 2Types of shared activity spaces among income groups




Fig. 3Activity space differentiation index and isolation index

4 活动空间共享度的影响因素


Tab. 4
Tab. 4The descriptive statistics of the variables in the study
周边便利店密度社区周边3 km范围内便利店密度,单位:个/km25.250.13
周边餐饮设施密度社区周边3 km范围内餐饮设施密度,单位:个/km248.480.95
周边超市密度社区周边3 km范围内超市密度,单位:个/km24.400.11
周边公园广场密度社区周边3 km范围内公园广场密度,单位:个/km20.280.01
周边购物中心密度社区周边3 km范围内购物中心密度,单位:个/km20.300.01
周边室内体育休闲设施密度社区周边3 km范围内室内体育休闲设施密度,单位:个/km28.010.20


表5模型1可以看出个体收入对活动空间共享度确实有影响。与统计描述类似,相比于低收入居民,中高收入居民的共享度更低,说明较高收入的群体存在一定程度的自我隔离倾向。由于本文分析的是社区周边3 km的共享活动空间状况,这一结果一方面可能来源于中高收入居民倾向于到远离社区的中高级城市中心进行非工作活动;另一方面,低收入居民由于其非正规就业或者倾向于非机动出行等原因,更有可能在社区周边进行活动,所以与其他居民共享活动空间的可能性更高。

Tab. 5
Tab. 5Multilevel ordered logit model on shared activity space




5 结论与讨论


本文采用空间网格构建了不同收入群体的共享活动空间指标用来度量活动空间隔离,刻画了个体活动空间的交互特征。该方法在已有研究[11-12, 25-27]基础上考虑了上海市郊区空间的特征,并基于此指标尝试建立了个体尺度的活动空间分异指数和孤立指数,评价个体活动空间隔离的均匀性和接触性特征,是个体活动空间隔离交互指标的一次新尝试。通过比较不同收入群体的活动空间共享度及其结构,本文发现不同收入居民活动空间共享程度存在差异,居民更愿意与其社会经济属性相似的人共享活动空间,这一发现与已有研究一致[11]。但是相比于以往研究关注社会经济属性对活动空间分异的影响[24],本文分析了社区社会与建成环境的影响,能够为社区生活圈规划提供建议。在社区生活圈规划中应加强基础设施和公共空间的配置,以提升不同群体生活空间的交互。

对于中国城市社会空间隔离研究,本文提供了一个基于活动分析社区居民社会空间隔离的新视角,有利于综合理解城市社会空间。中国城市转型不仅导致了居住分异与隔离,也形成了活动空间的地理分选。即使居住在同一社区的居民,由于就业选择和生活方式的差异而形成了完全不同的活动空间。基于活动空间的社会空间隔离的形成受到多方面因素的影响。① 社区环境会影响不同居民接触的可能性,居住在高人口密度、社会混合社区中的居民接触到不同群体的可能性增加,他们在日常生活中共享活动空间的可能性会上升;社区良好的设施配套也会促进不同群体的日常接触,配置公共活动空间和基础商业设施、建设开放社区更有可能塑造共享度更好的社区生活空间。② 户口等制度因素依旧是影响居民日常生活的重要因素,外地居民与本地居民在活动空间共享度上存在差异。③ 市场化增加了不同收入阶层在生活方式上的差异,高收入阶层开始出现符号消费、自我隔离的倾向,导致不同群体之间的分异与隔离进一步加剧。


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[ 周素红, 闫小培 . 广州城市空间结构与交通需求关系
地理学报, 2005,60(1):131-142.]

[本文引用: 1]

Chai Yanwei, Shen Jie . Travel-activity based research frame of urban spatial structure
Human Geography, 2006,21(5):108-112, 54.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 柴彦威, 沈洁 . 基于居民移动: 活动行为的城市空间研究
人文地理, 2006,21(5):108-112, 54.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhen Feng, Wei Zongcai, Yang Shan , et al. The impact of information technology on the characteristics of urban resident travel: Case of Nanjing
Geographical Research, 2009,28(5):1307-1317.

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[ 甄峰, 魏宗财, 杨山 , . 信息技术对城市居民出行特征的影响: 以南京为例
地理研究, 2009,28(5):1307-1317.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wong D W S, Shaw S L . Measuring segregation: An activity space approach
Journal of Geographical Systems, 2011,13(2):127-145.

DOI:10.1007/s10109-010-0112-xURLPMID:21643546 [本文引用: 3]
While the literature clearly acknowledges that individuals may experience different levels of segregation across their various socio-geographical spaces, most measures of segregation are intended to be used in the residential space. Using spatially aggregated data to evaluate segregation in the residential space has been the norm and thus individual's segregation experiences in other socio-geographical spaces are often de-emphasized or ignored. This paper attempts to provide a more comprehensive approach in evaluating segregation beyond the residential space. The entire activity spaces of individuals are taken into account with individuals serving as the building blocks of the analysis. The measurement principle is based upon the exposure dimension of segregation. The proposed measure reflects the exposure of individuals of a referenced group in a neighborhood to the populations of other groups that are found within the activity spaces of individuals in the referenced group. Using the travel diary data collected from the tri-county area in southeast Florida and the imputed racial-ethnic data, this paper demonstrates how the proposed segregation measurement approach goes beyond just measuring population distribution patterns in the residential space and can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of segregation by considering various socio-geographical spaces.

Farber S, O'Kelly M, Miller H J , et al. Measuring segregation using patterns of daily travel behavior: A social interaction based model of exposure
Journal of Transport Geography, 2015,49:26-38.


Kwan M-P . Beyond space (as we knew it): Toward temporally integrated geographies of segregation, health, and accessibility
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013,103(5):1078-1086.

Shen Yue, Chai Yanwei . Progress of research on sociospatial differentiation based on daily activity space of urban residents
Progress in Geography, 2018,37(6):853-862.

[本文引用: 3]

[ 申悦, 柴彦威 . 基于日常活动空间的社会空间分异研究进展
地理科学进展, 2018,37(6):853-862.]

[本文引用: 3]

Chapin Jr F S . Activity systems and urban structure: A working schema
Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 1968,34(1):11-18.

[本文引用: 1]

H?gerstrand T . What about people in regional science?
Papers in Regional Science, 1970,24(1):7-24.

DOI:10.1111/j.1435-5597.1970.tb01464.xURL [本文引用: 1]

Li F, Wang D . Measuring urban segregation based on individuals' daily activity patterns: A multidimensional approach
Environment and Planning A, 2017,49(2):467-486.

DOI:10.1177/0308518X16673213URL [本文引用: 4]

Lee J Y, Kwan M-P . Visualisation of socio-spatial isolation based on human activity patterns and social networks in space-time
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 2011,102(4):468-485.

[本文引用: 2]

Farber S, Neutens T, Miller H J , et al. The social interaction potential of metropolitan regions: A time-geographic measurement approach using joint accessibility
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013,103(3):483-504.

DOI:10.1080/00045608.2012.689238URL [本文引用: 1]

Wang D, Li F, Chai Y . Activity spaces and sociospatial segregation in Beijing
Urban Geography, 2012,33(2):256-277.

DOI:10.2747/0272-3638.33.2.256URL [本文引用: 2]
The widespread development of gated communities has generated much concern over urban fragmentation and social segregation. The social division and segregation between residents inside and outside urban enclaves exist not only in their residential spaces, but also in their values, social relations, and daily lives. In this study, it is argued that sociospatial segregation research should pay more attention to individuals' actual usage of urban space in their daily lives. By examining the activity space of the residents from different types of neighborhoods, a spatiotemporal approach to studying sociospatial segregation in Beijing, China is described. Significant differences are found in the usage of time and space between residents inside and outside the so-called privileged enclaves. Their activity spaces are found to vary significantly in terms of extensity, intensity, and exclusivity. The study suggests that the fragmentation of urban space is the result not only of residential segregation, but also of how different social groups spend their time and use urban space.

Ta Na, Chai Yanwei, Kwan Mei-Po . Suburbanization, daily lifestyle and space-behavior interaction in Beijing
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015,70(8):1271-1280.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201508007URL [本文引用: 1]
Rapid suburbanization in China is dramatically reshaping the daily life of suburban residents. Characterized by fragmentation, increasing car ownership and job-housing separation, suburbanization is changing the way residents use urban space. In China, long-distance commuting, traffic congestion, spatial mismatch and the low quality of life emerging in the progress of residential suburbanization have caused widespread concerns. Suburbanization of residents' daily life is believed to be a solution to the socio-spatial issues in suburbs. Therefore, scholars have argued that there is an urgent need to introduce behavioral perspectives to the study of suburbanization. This approach will enhance our understanding of the process and the mechanism of suburbanization from the perspective of an individual’s daily life. The important step in this study is to portray the nature of the daily lifestyle in the suburbs. Along with the trend toward behavioral perspectives in human geography, space-time behavior has become an important perspective for the study of urban space. Activity space and travel behavior often serve as important indicators of individual behavior in urban and geographic studies. This study focuses on daily activity-travel behavior, introduces the concept of lifestyle, and brings forward a concept of daily lifestyle based on a combined measure of activity space and trip frequency. The daily lifestyle of suburban residents can be classified into five categories: localization, spatial exclusion, suburbanism, polarization, and city dependence, according to the size of the activity space and the trip frequency. Based on a GPS-facilitated activity-travel survey dataset collected in the Shangdi-Qinghe area in Beijing in 2012, this paper compares the differences in activity-travel behavior among five daily lifestyle groups. The study finds that there are intergroup differences in the spatial distribution of activities, activity participation and modal split among these five lifestyle groups. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the impact of suburbanization on daily lifestyle by examining the relationship between daily lifestyle and built environment while controlling socio-demographic factors using a multinomial logistic model. Women and older people are more likely to be in the categories of localization and spatial exclusion. Low-income people have the higher possibility to be spatially excluded. These outcomes indicate that traditionally disadvantaged groups could be trapped in suburban areas, raising definite concerns for their daily life in suburban areas. Factors associated with the built environment primarily impact the localization lifestyle. Mixed land use in danwei and higher retail density contribute to the concentration of activity space in suburbs, as well as more active travel. The concept of daily lifestyle provides an effective and reasonable way to understand complicated activity-travel behavior of suburban residents. The paper offers a special perspective on understanding suburbanization and the interaction between urban space and individual behavior.
[ 塔娜, 柴彦威, 关美宝 . 北京郊区居民日常生活方式的行为测度与空间—行为互动
地理学报, 2015,70(8):1271-1280.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201508007URL [本文引用: 1]
Rapid suburbanization in China is dramatically reshaping the daily life of suburban residents. Characterized by fragmentation, increasing car ownership and job-housing separation, suburbanization is changing the way residents use urban space. In China, long-distance commuting, traffic congestion, spatial mismatch and the low quality of life emerging in the progress of residential suburbanization have caused widespread concerns. Suburbanization of residents' daily life is believed to be a solution to the socio-spatial issues in suburbs. Therefore, scholars have argued that there is an urgent need to introduce behavioral perspectives to the study of suburbanization. This approach will enhance our understanding of the process and the mechanism of suburbanization from the perspective of an individual’s daily life. The important step in this study is to portray the nature of the daily lifestyle in the suburbs. Along with the trend toward behavioral perspectives in human geography, space-time behavior has become an important perspective for the study of urban space. Activity space and travel behavior often serve as important indicators of individual behavior in urban and geographic studies. This study focuses on daily activity-travel behavior, introduces the concept of lifestyle, and brings forward a concept of daily lifestyle based on a combined measure of activity space and trip frequency. The daily lifestyle of suburban residents can be classified into five categories: localization, spatial exclusion, suburbanism, polarization, and city dependence, according to the size of the activity space and the trip frequency. Based on a GPS-facilitated activity-travel survey dataset collected in the Shangdi-Qinghe area in Beijing in 2012, this paper compares the differences in activity-travel behavior among five daily lifestyle groups. The study finds that there are intergroup differences in the spatial distribution of activities, activity participation and modal split among these five lifestyle groups. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the impact of suburbanization on daily lifestyle by examining the relationship between daily lifestyle and built environment while controlling socio-demographic factors using a multinomial logistic model. Women and older people are more likely to be in the categories of localization and spatial exclusion. Low-income people have the higher possibility to be spatially excluded. These outcomes indicate that traditionally disadvantaged groups could be trapped in suburban areas, raising definite concerns for their daily life in suburban areas. Factors associated with the built environment primarily impact the localization lifestyle. Mixed land use in danwei and higher retail density contribute to the concentration of activity space in suburbs, as well as more active travel. The concept of daily lifestyle provides an effective and reasonable way to understand complicated activity-travel behavior of suburban residents. The paper offers a special perspective on understanding suburbanization and the interaction between urban space and individual behavior.

Bailey N, Besemer K, Bramley G , et al. How neighbourhood social mix shapes access to resources from social networks and from services
Housing Studies, 2015,30(2):295-314.

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He Xiaxu, Liu Pengfei . Research on heterogeneous social structure and neighborhood relationship in urban communities
Human Geography, 2016,31(6):1-9.

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[ 贺霞旭, 刘鹏飞 . 中国城市社区的异质性社会结构与街坊/邻里关系研究
人文地理, 2016,31(6):1-9.]

[本文引用: 1]

Wang Ning . Reconstruction of neighborhood relationship and building of public space in large residential neighborhoods: A case study in X large residential neighborhood in Shanghai
Journal of Jianghan University (Social Science), 2018,35(2):42-47.

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[ 王宁 . 大型居住社区的公共空间营造与邻里关系重构: 以上海市X大型居住社区为个案
江汉大学学报(社会科学版), 2018,35(2):42-47.]

[本文引用: 2]

Gan Di, Wang De, Zhu Wei . Research on the residents' commuting feature of large-scale residential district in suburban Shanghai: A case study of Gucun, Baoshan District
Geographical Research, 2015,34(8):1481-1491.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 干迪, 王德, 朱玮 . 上海市近郊大型社区居民的通勤特征: 以宝山区顾村为例
地理研究, 2015,34(8):1481-1491.]

[本文引用: 1]

Duan Xuehui . Research on community satisfaction of residents in large residential communities
Urban Insight, 2016,41(1):85-95.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 段雪辉 . 大型居住社区居民社区满意度研究
城市观察, 2016,41(1):85-95.]

[本文引用: 1]

Tribby C P, Miller H J, Brown B B , et al. Comparing the appropriate geographic region for assessing built environmental correlates with walking trips: A comparison using different metrics and model designs
Health & Place, 2017,45:1-9.

DOI:10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.02.004URLPMID:28237743 [本文引用: 1]
There is growing international evidence that supportive built environments encourage active travel such as walking. An unsettled question is the role of geographic regions for analyzing the relationship between the built environment and active travel. This paper examines the geographic region question by assessing walking trip models that use two different regions: walking activity spaces and self-defined neighborhoods. We also use two types of built environment metrics, perceived and audit data, and two types of study design, cross-sectional and longitudinal, to assess these regions. We find that the built environment associations with walking are dependent on the type of metric and the type of model. Audit measures summarized within walking activity spaces better explain walking trips compared to audit measures within self-defined neighborhoods. Perceived measures summarized within self-defined neighborhoods have mixed results. Finally, results differ based on study design. This suggests that results may not be comparable among different regions, metrics and designs; researchers need to consider carefully these choices when assessing active travel correlates.

Zhong Weijing, Wang De . Urban space study based on the temporal characteristics of residents' behavior
Progress in Geography, 2018,37(8):1106-1118.

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[ 钟炜菁, 王德 . 基于居民行为周期特征的城市空间研究
地理科学进展, 2018,37(8):1106-1118.]

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Dai Dandan, Zhou Chunshan . The spatial-temporal characteristics of middle class daily activities in Guangzhou, China
Human Geography, 2017,32(4):45-53.

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[ 代丹丹, 周春山 . 广州市中产阶层日常活动的时空间特征
人文地理, 2017,32(4):45-53.]

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