

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

葛婷婷,, 袁露, 徐文华, 郑英,扬州大学医学院组织学与胚胎学教研室,江苏省非编码RNA基础与临床转化重点实验室,扬州 225009

Role and mechanism of intraflagellar transport in mammalian spermiogenesis

Tingting Ge,, Lu Yuan, Wenhua Xu, Ying Zheng,Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Experimental & Translational Non-coding RNA Research, Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China

通讯作者: 郑英,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:生殖医学。E-mail:yzzkl@163.com

编委: 刘默芳
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目编号.82071696

Fund supported: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No.82071696
Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province No.20KJA310002
the Postgraduate Scientific Research Innovation Program of Yangzhou University No.XKYCX20_35

作者简介 About authors

纤毛/鞭毛是真核生物细胞表面伸出的进化保守的细胞器,独特的位置和特性使它们在细胞运动和信号传递等生命过程发挥重要作用。哺乳动物纤毛/鞭毛的组装和维持都依赖纤毛/鞭毛内运输(intraflagellar transport, IFT)。IFT是由IFT复合体A和复合体B在驱动蛋白或马达蛋白驱动下的双向运输系统。该过程可将货物蛋白在胞体的合成位点与纤毛/鞭毛尖端的装配位点之间进行运输。鞭毛是哺乳动物精子产生动力的特异性细胞器,其完整性对精子正常功能至关重要。近年来研究表明,IFT在哺乳动物精子鞭毛形成和雄性生殖能力方面必不可少。本文对参与IFT的蛋白在精子鞭毛形成中的作用和机制进行了综述,以探讨其在男性不育症中的发病机制,为不育症的诊断和治疗提供理论基础。
关键词: 纤毛/鞭毛内运输;精子形成;雄性不育

Eukaryotic cilia and flagella are evolutionarily conserved organelles that protrude from the cell surface. The unique location and properties of cilia allow them to function in vital processes such as motility and signaling. Ciliary assembly and maintenance rely on intraflagellar transport (IFT). Bidirectional movement of IFT particles composed of IFT-A and IFT-B complexes is powered by kinesin-2 and dynein-2 motors. IFT delivers building blocks between their site of synthesis in the cell body and the ciliary assembly site at the tip of the cilium. The integrity of the flagellum, a specialized organelle of mammalian sperm to generate the motility, is critical for normal sperm function. Recent findings suggest that IFT is indispensable for sperm flagellum formation and male fertility in mice and human. In this review, we summarize the role and mechanisms of IFT proteins during enflagellation in spermiogenesis, thereby discussing the pathological mechanisms of male infertility and providing theoretical basis for the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility.
Keywords:intraflagellar transport;spermiogenesis;male infertility

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葛婷婷, 袁露, 徐文华, 郑英. 哺乳动物纤毛/鞭毛内运输在精子形成中的作用及机制研究进展. 遗传[J], 2021, 43(11): 1038-1049 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.21-206
Tingting Ge. Role and mechanism of intraflagellar transport in mammalian spermiogenesis. Hereditas(Beijing)[J], 2021, 43(11): 1038-1049 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.21-206

真核生物的纤毛/鞭毛是进化上保守的、细胞表面伸出的细胞器,独特的位置和特性使其在运动和信号传导等过程中发挥作用。纤毛/鞭毛的组装和维持依赖于纤毛/鞭毛内运输(intraflagellar transport, IFT),即纤毛/鞭毛基部和顶端之间多组分运输的双向运输系统[1]。衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)中IFT缺陷导致鞭毛组装异常,致使细胞出现鞭毛缩短、畸形或缺失;由于纤毛广泛分布于哺乳动物全身各组织器官,纤毛装配缺陷可出现多器官病变,统称为纤毛病(Ciliopathies),如呼吸道疾病、视网膜变性、肝肾多囊性改变、骨骼系统发育异常、神经系统异常、智力障碍、肥胖和男性不育等[2]。男性不育症大多与精子发生调控基因的异常表达有关,动物模型和基因筛选研究已经证实遗传因素是精子发生障碍的常见原因。尽管有许多研究强调了IFT与纤毛/鞭毛形成之间的关系,但IFT在哺乳动物精子鞭毛形成中的调控作用鲜有研究报道,IFT缺陷引起人类男性不育的临床案例更是报道极少。本文主要介绍了IFT复合体中的不同亚基,如IFT25、IFT27、IFT74、IFT81、IFT88、IFT20、IFT172、IFT140、IFT144和IFT139等在小鼠(Mus musculus)精子发生及人类男性生殖中的研究进展,它们作为影响男性生殖的潜在遗传因子通过IFT机制调控精子发生,对精子形成和其运动活性至关重要。

1 IFT参与精子鞭毛结构的形成

在哺乳动物精子发生过程中,精原细胞通过极其复杂的分化过程发育为成熟精子,涉及数千个基因,这些基因的正常表达是维持哺乳动物雄性生育能力的基础。精子发生始于生殖干细胞形成的精原细胞,精原细胞经有丝分裂后形成精母细胞,后者经过两次减数分裂后演变为单倍体圆形精子细胞。最后,圆形精子细胞经过复杂的形态变化形成蝌蚪状的精子。精子形成过程包括:细胞核浓缩和蛋白转型;高尔基复合体囊泡覆盖精子细胞核顶部,形成顶体;中心粒迁移到细胞核的尾侧,远端中心粒是鞭毛的成核结构,其微管延伸形成鞭毛[3];线粒体聚集在鞭毛起始处形成线粒体鞘;多余胞质形成残余体后丢失。精子形成过程中会出现一种独特的精子领结构,其出现在精子形成早期,消失于精子变长及核浓缩将近结束时,参与核浓缩、核延伸,并通过精子领内运输(intramanchette transport, IMT)输送精子尾部发育所需蛋白。轴丝是精子鞭毛的一个核心结构,由9组外周双联微管和2根中央微管(“9+2”结构)组成,每组外周双联微管伸出2个由动力蛋白组成的短臂,称为动力蛋白臂,分别为内动力蛋白臂(inner dynein arm, IDA)和外动力蛋白臂(out dynein arm, ODA)[4]。中央鞘向外周双联微管发出丝状结构,称放射辐,将外周微管和中央微管连接起来(图1)。



Fig. 1Diagram of the process of cilia/flagellum formation and the cross-sectional pattern of the axoneme in the acellular membranes of spermatozoa

精子尾部的发育涉及IMT和IFT两种转运机制,它们都通过微管轨道和运动蛋白来运输货物蛋白。精子尾部发育所需蛋白通过IMT储存和输送到基底体区域,后由IFT运输到发育中的精子尾部,参与轴丝组装。IFT是通过复合体A (IFT-A)和复合体B (IFT-B)在驱动蛋白或马达蛋白的作用下调控鞭毛组装的双向运输系统。IFT-A由IFT43、IFT121、IFT122、IFT139、IFT140和IFT144等6个亚单位组成;IFT-B由16个亚单位组成,其中核心复合体又分为核心复合体1 (IFT22、IFT25、IFT27、IFT74、IFT81)和核心复合体2 (IFT46、IFT52、IFT56、IFT70、IFT88),外周亚基包括IFT20、IFT38、IFT54、IFT57、IFT80和IFT172[1] (图2)。驱动蛋白承担复合体B的顺向运输,将鞭毛组装与维持所需的前体蛋白和信号分子由胞体运往鞭毛顶端的装配位点。鞭毛通过末端微管不断的拆卸来维持平衡,马达蛋白介导复合体A及相关周转产物从轴丝末端向胞体运送,称之为逆向运输,其运输的货物还包括复合体B上一些已经完成使命的蛋白质[5] (图1)。IFT复合体在精子发生过程中充当衔接子,介导货物蛋白和马达之间的结合,还在鞭毛和体细胞之间传导信号,IFT亚基的突变通常会导致鞭毛缩短或完全消失,顺向或逆向运输缺陷通常引起鞭毛末端肿胀。



Fig. 2Schematic representation of the overall architecture of the IFT complex

2 IFT-B复合体调控精子鞭毛发生


2.1 IFT25通过多种途径调控精子发生


IFT25在体细胞和雄性生殖细胞的纤毛/鞭毛发育中起着不同的作用。Ift25基因敲除导致多种异常表型,这些表型与位于初级纤毛的Hedgehog信号通路被破坏有关,但纤毛生成不受影响[7]。在生殖细胞特异性缺失IFT25的小鼠模型中,所有小鼠都存活到成年,但精子鞭毛结构破坏,精子数量急剧减少,精子的运动性完全消失,且雄性不育。光镜和扫描电镜分析发现,一些精子鞭毛有分支、鞭毛厚度异常和尖端肿胀。透射电镜观察到鞭毛内存在空泡,尾部有囊泡聚集,“9+2”轴丝结构异常,外周致密纤维(outer dense fibers, ODF)和纤维鞘(fibrous sheath, FS)排列紊乱[6]。这可能是因为IFT25蛋白的缺乏破坏了精子细胞中的IFT,货物蛋白无法运输并整合到鞭毛中。虽然IFT25是IFT-B组分,IFT-B成分破坏通常会因为顺行运输受阻而导致鞭毛过短,但条件性敲除Ift25基因的雄性小鼠精子鞭毛尖端肿胀提示IFT25也可能参与逆行运输。



2.2 IFT27通过调控IFT-B蛋白运输参与鞭毛组装



IFT27还参与其他多种蛋白质相互作用,CEP19- RABL2B-IFT通路是调控纤毛组装的分子机制之一。CEP19被中心粒CEP350/FOP复合体招募到纤毛基底部,RABL2B通过其固有的核苷酸交换活性和GTP结合,激活的RABL2B被CEP19特异性捕获引入纤毛。然后,RABL2B通过IFT74/81异二聚体与IFT-B结合,从而启动IFT-B的纤毛进入。RABL2在GTP结合状态下通过IFT74/81异二聚体与IFT-B复合体相互作用,这种相互作用在精子鞭毛运动缺陷的雄性不育小鼠中被破坏[14]。此外,IFT27被认为是一个功能连接体,协助IFT-B和BBSome这两个多蛋白复合体之间的纤毛蛋白转运[15]

2.3 IFT74调控核心轴丝和纤维鞘的组装



在IFT-B蛋白的核心亚群中,IFT25/27、IFT88/ 52/46和IFT81/74/72可以相互作用[12,17,18]。IFT74和IFT81通过中心和C端螺旋结构域的直接相互作用稳定IFT-B复合体,IFT74氨基末端和β-微管蛋白的高酸性羧基末端相互作用,使得IFT81氨基端与β-微管蛋白的亲和力增强了18倍[12]。结合Ift74敲除小鼠精子超微结构,推测IFT74的主要功能之一是在精子细胞轴丝形成过程中转运β-微管蛋白使其参与微管组装。IFT74也可以作为调节因子,通过控制IFT亚基进入鞭毛的频率和逆行速度,调节轴丝和微管装配来参与精子鞭毛的形成[19]

IFT74在小鼠精子形成过程中的重要作用可能是通过调控核心轴丝和纤维鞘的组装来实现的。Ift74基因敲除后精子纤维鞘蛋白AKAP4的表达模式发生了变化。在野生型小鼠中,AKAP4 (110 kDa)是主要形式,且pro-AKAP4 (84 kDa)表达水平明显低于AKAP4,pro-AKAP4通过IFT由胞质运输到纤维鞘装配位点,经加工后,AKAP4进入纤维鞘。然而在Ift74敲除小鼠中,pro-AKAP4成为主要存在形式[16]Ift74缺失导致pro-AKAP4不能被输送到纤维鞘的组装位置,也没有被加工为AKAP4。

2.4 IFT81与IFT74共同调节IFT的稳定性



2.5 IFT88调控纤维鞘的组装




2.6 IFT20调控鞭毛形成并参与细胞自噬


ODF2和SPAG16L (一种轴状中央装置蛋白)的表达量未受到Ift20缺失的影响,但这两种精子鞭毛蛋白最终却未能成功组装到精子尾部[25]。IFT20还可与GMAP210、CCDC41、SPATA1、SPEF2、BLOC-1、SPAG17等其他蛋白相互作用。IFT20分布在高尔基体,GMAP210蛋白作为膜受体将IFT20锚定在高尔基复合体,协助IFT20将鞭毛装配所必需的蛋白由高尔基复合体运输到精子尾部。GMAP210丢失将导致精子细胞顶体和线粒体鞘发育异常,IFT20蛋白表达和定位也将受到影响,但它不是鞭毛形成所必需的[21]。CCDC41是参与早期鞭毛形成的母中心粒成分,协助母中心粒募集来自高尔基复合体的IFT20,调控鞭毛装配所需蛋白质的分选和运输[27]。SPATA1定位于顶体,是精子头部形成的重要因素之一,作为IFT20的相互作用蛋白,为IFT20在顶体区域提供一个停靠位点[28]。此外,钙离子是衣藻和哺乳动物纤毛装配和拆卸的关键调节因子,钙浓度过高,将影响IFT逆向运输;钙离子缺失将导致IFT20在鞭毛末端堆积。钙介导的蛋白质磷酸化可以通过调节IFT亚基-驱动蛋白的相互作用,来调控IFT进出鞭毛和在鞭毛内的运输速率[29]

2.7 IFT172通过IMT机制调控精子发生

IFT172是最大的IFT亚基,小鼠Ift172翻译两种主要蛋白:全长170 kDa的IFT172可以在睾丸和体细胞中表达,130 kDa的IFT172只存在于生殖细胞中。生殖细胞特异性IFT172是完成精子发生所必需的,分布在长形精子细胞的精子领中,含量丰富。小鼠出生后第12天首次检测到130 kDa的IFT172,此时生殖细胞开始进入减数分裂阶段。IFT172参与雄性生殖细胞的发育,虽然生殖细胞条件性敲除Ift172基因阻碍了正常精子发生,但仍有40%小鼠具有生育能力。附睾尾精子数显著减少,大多形态异常且活力下降[30]

IFT172仅分布于长形精子的精子领,可能通过调控IMT过程参与精子发生。精子领是精子形成中独特的必需结构,通过IMT机制在精子头部塑形和运输精子鞭毛发育所需蛋白方面发挥作用[31]。一些暂存在精子领中的货物蛋白通过IMT机制运输到作为成核位点的中心体后,通过IFT运输到发育中的精子鞭毛[32]。鉴于Ift172缺失的精子头部形态异常,精子领形态变长,货物蛋白ODF2和AKAP4在附睾精子中的信号显著减弱,中心体缺失或受到破坏,部分“9+2”轴丝结构紊乱甚至缺失,部分精子尾内出现空泡,据此推测IFT172是精子鞭毛附属结构的关键调节因子,直接或间接参与中心体的分裂与迁移,“9+2”核心轴丝结构缺陷和运动能力减弱可能是由附属结构破坏引起。此外,IFT25和IFT57在突变小鼠中表达显著下调,表明IFT172也能调节雄性生殖细胞中的其他IFT蛋白成分[30]。IFT172是一种膜相互作用蛋白,含有7个β-螺旋桨的WD结构域和α-螺线管的四肽重复序列(tetrapeptide repeat sequence, TPR),与COP具有相似的结构域结构,具有作为膜变形蛋白的潜力,能够将膜重塑为小囊泡,IFT172两种不同的构象可以被脂质调控,IFT57可以减弱IFT172与膜两者间的结合能力,表明IFT172在IFT中具有多种功能[33]

3 IFT-A复合体调控精子鞭毛发生

IFT-A复合体由6个亚单位组成:IFT121、IFT122、IFT139/TTC21、IFT140、IFT43和IFT144/ WDR19。其中,IFT-122/140/144是IFT-A的核心亚复合体,IFT43/121/139是其外周亚复合体。相比于IFT-B,目前对IFT-A的了解相对较少,主要原因之一是后者的亚单位比大多数IFT-B亚单位大。其中IFT140、IFT144、IFT139在人类男性不育相关的病例中已有报道,下文介绍了这3种蛋白与雄性小鼠和人类男性精子发生的关系。

3.1 IFT140通过介导其他IFT相关蛋白的运输参与鞭毛形成

IFT140基因在睾丸、一些内分泌组织(例如垂体、甲状腺、肾上腺)和中枢神经组织(例如小脑、尾状、海马)中均有高水平的RNA表达,IFT140蛋白位于细胞纤毛基体和中心体。IFT140定位在染色体16p13.3,有40个外显子。IFT140蛋白由1462个氨基酸组成,包含5个WD重复卷曲螺旋序列和9个TPR结构域。据报道,IFT140突变和人类纤毛病有关,在锥虫(Try panosoma)和衣藻体内,Ift140缺陷会导致短鞭毛的形成[34,35]




3.2 IFT144/WDR19突变引起精子鞭毛微管结构紊乱

WDR19编码一个由1342个氨基酸组成的IFT144蛋白,是IFT-A核心亚复合体的组成成分。该蛋白含有6个WD40重复序列、3个TPR重复序列、1个COG5290结构域和1个双锌带结构域(double zinc ribbon, DZR)。目前,有研究报道1例男性不育患者具有IFT144纯合错义突变:c.A3811G,光镜下患者精子呈短尾、卷尾或无鞭毛等异常形态,仅13.5%的精子形态正常,鞭毛运动性完全消失。电镜超微结构观察发现精子轴丝排列紊乱、“9+2”微管结构被破坏、存在空泡和残余胞质成分。免疫荧光显示在健康对照组中,IFT144沿着精子细胞颈部和鞭毛的轴丝呈点状分布,表达量非常丰富,然而在WDR19突变患者精子中,IFT144异常聚集在头部和颈部[39]



3.3 IFT139/TTC21A突变引起精子头尾连接异常

精子鞭毛多发性形态异常(multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella, MMAF)是一种遗传缺陷导致的畸形精子症。MMAF有很强的遗传异质性,迄今为止,仅60%MMAF的致病基因已知,仍存在许多与人类MMAF疾病相关的未知基因。为了研究MMAF的未知遗传因素,Liu等[43]对65名患有原发性不育症的汉族男性进行全外显子测序和生物信息学分析,结果发现有3例患者具有TTC21A双等位基因突变。第一例患者为TTC21A剪接供体位点纯合突变:c.716þ1G>A,该突变使内含子6中下游隐性剪接位点替代了正常的剪接供体位点,使翻译提前终止;第二例患者为TTC21A双等位基因突变:c.2329C>T,c.341A>G;第三例患者为TTC21A纯合错义突变:c.2563del。TTC21A上存在TPR结构域,这是一个由34个氨基酸组成的重复序列,通常串行排列,通过形成特殊空间结构,介导蛋白质相互作用。TPR结构域常存在于IFT蛋白中,对纤毛/鞭毛的功能十分重要,三例患者的突变位点都位于TPR保守位点区域[43]


精子的颈段由小头(capitulum)、节柱(segmented column)和近端中心粒组成,在核凝聚时小头与核后端相接触,起连接作用,节柱的前端包围近端中心粒,节柱末端与中段的ODF相连。中心粒是节柱和轴丝的组织中心,精子尾部的微管由此长出并延伸,从而使精子尾部延长。ODF围绕轴丝,与精子尾部的弹性回缩有关。线粒体成螺旋状包绕在ODF外形成中段结构,在线粒体鞘末端有一层致密的板状结构,称为环。对Ttc21a突变小鼠睾丸和附睾尾腔的精子形态学分析发现,圆形精子细胞在变形早期没有明显异常,但在核凝聚和后期伸长阶段,精子颈段形成或维持失败,颈部节柱和环分散,没有线粒体的包围和环的重新定位使中段形成失败,进一步导致头尾连接异常。除此之外,明显可见鞭毛内轴丝存在多种异常形态,例如外周微管排列紊乱、中央微管对丢失、动力蛋白臂丢失和异常肿胀,这些超微结构特征和光镜下观察到的精子头尾连接异常相吻合,从人类不育患者和小鼠模型的研究结果可以得出,IFT139基因缺陷可导致生精功能障碍从而引起不育[43]


4 结语与展望



(责任编委: 刘默芳)

参考文献 原文顺序

Sloboda RD. Purification and localization of intraflagellar transport particles and polypeptides
Methods Mol Biol, 2009, 586:207-225.

DOI:10.1007/978-1-60761-376-3_11PMID:19768432 [本文引用: 2]
The growth and maintenance of almost all cilia and flagella are dependent on the proper functioning of the process of intraflagellar transport (IFT). This includes the primary cilia of most cells in humans that are in interphase or the G(o) phase of the cell cycle. The model system for the study of IFT is the flagella of the bi-flagellate green alga Chlamydomonas. It is in this organism that IFT was first discovered, and genetic data from a Chlamydomonas mutant first linked the process of IFT to polycystic kidney disease in humans. The information given in this chapter addresses procedures to purify IFT particles from flagella and localize these particles, and their associated motor proteins, in flagella using light and electron microscopic approaches.

Taschner M, Bhogaraju S, Lorentzen E. Architecture and function of IFT complex proteins in ciliogenesis
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Centrioles are eukaryotic subcellular structures that produce and regulate massive cytoskeleton superstructures. They form centrosomes and cilia, regulate new centriole formation, anchor cilia to the cell, and regulate cilia function. These basic centriolar functions are executed in sperm cells during their amplification from spermatogonial stem cells during their differentiation to spermatozoa, and finally, after fertilization, when the sperm fuses with the egg. However, sperm centrioles exhibit many unique characteristics not commonly observed in other cell types, including structural remodeling, centriole-flagellum transition zone migration, and cell membrane association during meiosis. Here, we discuss five roles of sperm centrioles: orchestrating early spermatogenic cell divisions, forming the spermatozoon flagella, linking the spermatozoon head and tail, controlling sperm tail beating, and organizing the cytoskeleton of the zygote post-fertilization. We present the historic discovery of the centriole as a sperm factor that initiates embryogenesis, and recent genetic studies in humans and other mammals evaluating the current evidence for the five functions of sperm centrioles. We also examine information connecting the various sperm centriole functions to distinct clinical phenotypes. The emerging picture is that centrioles are essential sperm components with remarkable functional diversity and specialization that will require extensive and in-depth future studies.Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Lechtreck KF. IFT-cargo interactions and protein transport in cilia
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The motile and sensory functions of cilia and flagella are indispensable for human health. Cilia assembly requires a dedicated protein shuttle, intraflagellar transport (IFT), a bidirectional motility of multi-megadalton protein arrays along ciliary microtubules. IFT functions as a protein carrier delivering hundreds of distinct proteins into growing cilia. IFT-based protein import and export continue in fully grown cilia and are required for ciliary maintenance and sensing. Large ciliary building blocks might depend on IFT to move through the transition zone, which functions as a ciliary gate. Smaller, freely diffusing proteins, such as tubulin, depend on IFT to be concentrated or removed from cilia. As I discuss here, recent work provides insights into how IFT interacts with its cargoes and how the transport is regulated. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Since its initial formalization nearly 20 years ago, the concept of lipid rafts has generated a tremendous amount of attention and interest and nearly as much controversy. The controversy is perhaps surprising because the notion itself is intuitive: compartmentalization in time and space is a ubiquitous theme at all scales of biology, and therefore, the partitioning of cellular membranes into lateral subdivision should be expected. Nevertheless, the physicochemical principles responsible for compartmentalization and the molecular mechanisms by which they are functionalized remain nearly as mysterious today as they were two decades ago. Herein, we review recent literature on this topic with a specific focus on the major open questions in the field including: (1) what are the best tools to assay raft behavior in living membranes? (2) what is the function of the complex lipidome of mammalian cells with respect to membrane organization? (3) what are the mechanisms that drive raft formation and determine their properties? (4) how can rafts be modulated? (5) how is membrane compartmentalization integrated into cellular signaling? Despite decades of intensive research, this compelling field remains full of fundamental questions.Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Zhu LH, Inaba K. Lipid rafts function in Ca2+ signaling responsible for activation of sperm motility and chemotaxis in the ascidian ciona intestinalis
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Lucker BF, Behal RH, Qin H, Siron LC, Taggart WD, Rosenbaum JL, Cole DG. Characterization of the intraflagellar transport complex B core: direct interaction of the IFT81 and IFT74/72 subunits
J Biol Chem, 2005, 280(30):27688-27696.

PMID:15955805 [本文引用: 3]
Required for the assembly and maintenance of eukaryotic cilia and flagella, intraflagellar transport (IFT) consists of the bidirectional movement of large protein particles between the base and the distal tip of the organelle. Anterograde movement of particles away from the cell body is mediated by kinesin-2, whereas retrograde movement away from the flagellar tip is powered by cytoplasmic dynein 1b/2. IFT particles contain multiple copies of two distinct protein complexes, A and B, which contain at least 6 and 11 protein subunits, respectively. In this study, we have used increased ionic strength to remove four peripheral subunits from the IFT complex B of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, revealing a 500-kDa core that contains IFT88, IFT81, IFT74/72, IFT52, IFT46, and IFT27. This result demonstrates that the complex B subunits, IFT172, IFT80, IFT57, and IFT20 are not required for the core subunits to stay associated. Chemical cross-linking of the complex B core resulted in multiple IFT81-74/72 products. Yeast-based two-hybrid and three-hybrid analyses were then used to show that IFT81 and IFT74/72 directly interact to form a higher order oligomer consistent with a tetrameric complex. Similar analysis of the vertebrate IFT81 and IFT74/72 homologues revealed that this interaction has been evolutionarily conserved. We hypothesize that these proteins form a tetrameric complex, (IFT81)2(IFT74/72)2, which serves as a scaffold for the formation of the intact IFT complex B.

Zhang Y, Liu H, Li W, Zhang ZG, Shang XJ, Zhang D, Li YH, Zhang SY, Liu JP, Hess RA, Pazour GJ, Zhang Z. Intraflagellar transporter protein (IFT27), an IFT25 binding partner, is essential for male fertility and spermiogenesis in mice
Dev Biol, 2017, 432(1):125-139.

DOI:S0012-1606(17)30463-3PMID:28964737 [本文引用: 2]
Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism essential for the assembly and maintenance of most eukaryotic cilia and flagella. In mice, mutations in IFT proteins have been shown to cause several ciliopathies including retinal degeneration, polycystic kidney disease, and hearing loss. However, little is known about its role in the formation of the sperm tail, which has the longest flagella of mammalian cells. IFT27 is a component of IFT-B complex and binds to IFT25 directly. In mice, IFT27 is highly expressed in the testis. To investigate the role of IFT27 in male germ cells, the floxed Ift27 mice were bred with Stra8-iCre mice so that the Ift27 gene was disrupted in spermatocytes/spermatids. The Ift27: Stra8-iCre mutant mice did not show any gross abnormalities, and all of the mutant mice survived to adulthood. There was no difference between testis weight/body weight between controls and mutant mice. All adult homozygous mutant males examined were completely infertile. Histological examination of the testes revealed abnormally developed germ cells during the spermiogenesis phase. The epididymides contained round bodies of cytoplasm. Sperm number was significantly reduced compared to the controls and only about 2% of them remained significantly reduced motility. Examination of epididymal sperm by light microscopy and SEM revealed multiple morphological abnormalities including round heads, short and bent tails, abnormal thickness of sperm tails in some areas, and swollen tail tips in some sperm. TEM examination of epididymal sperm showed that most sperm lost the "9+2″ axoneme structure, and the mitochondria sheath, fibrous sheath, and outer dense fibers were also disorganized. Some sperm flagella also lost cell membrane. Levels of IFT25 and IFT81 were significantly reduced in the testis of the conditional Ift27 knockout mice, and levels of IFT20, IFT74, and IFT140 were not changed. Sperm lipid rafts, which were disrupted in the conditional Ift25 knockout mice, appeared to be normal in the conditional Ift27 knockout mice. Our findings suggest that like IFT25, IFT27, even though not required for ciliogenesis in somatic cells, is essential for sperm flagella formation, sperm function, and male fertility in mice. IFT25 and IFT27 control sperm formation/function through many common mechanisms, but IFT25 has additional roles beyond IFT27.Published by Elsevier Inc.

Kanie T, Abbott KL, Mooney NA, Plowey ED, Demeter J, Jackson PK. The CEP19-RABL2 GTPase complex binds IFT-B to initiate intraflagellar transport at the ciliary base
Dev Cell, 2017, 42(1):22-36.

DOI:10.1016/j.devcel.2017.05.016 [本文引用: 1]
Highly conserved intraflagellar transport (IFT) protein complexes direct both the assembly of primary cilia and the trafficking of signaling molecules. IFT complexes initially accumulate at the base of the cilium and periodically enter the cilium, suggesting an as-yet-unidentified mechanism that triggers ciliary entry of IFT complexes. Using affinity-purification and mass spectrometry of interactors of the centrosomal and ciliopathy protein, CEP19, we identify CEP350, FOP, and the RABL2B GTPase as proteins organizing the first known mechanism directing ciliary entry of IFT complexes. We discover that CEP19 is recruited to the ciliary base by the centriolar CEP350/ FOP complex and then specifically captures GTP-bound RABL2B, which is activated via its intrinsic nucleotide exchange. Activated RABL2B then captures and releases its single effector, the intraflagellar transport B holocomplex, from the large pool of pre-docked IFT-B complexes, and thus initiates ciliary entry of IFT.

Nishijima Y, Hagiya Y, Kubo T, Takei R, Katoh Y, Nakayama K. RABL2 interacts with the intraflagellar transport-B complex and CEP19 and participates in ciliary assembly
Mol Biol Cell, 2017, 28(12):1652-1666.

DOI:10.1091/mbc.E17-01-0017PMID:28428259 [本文引用: 1]
Proteins localized to the basal body and the centrosome play crucial roles in ciliary assembly and function. Although RABL2 and CEP19 are conserved in ciliated organisms and have been implicated in ciliary/flagellar functions, their roles are poorly understood. Here we show that RABL2 interacts with CEP19 and is recruited to the mother centriole and basal body in a CEP19-dependent manner and that CEP19 is recruited to the centriole probably via its binding to the centrosomal protein FGFR1OP. Disruption of the gene in results in the nonflagellated phenotype, suggesting a crucial role of RABL2 in ciliary/flagellar assembly. We also show that RABL2 interacts, in its GTP-bound state, with the intraflagellar transport (IFT)-B complex via the IFT74-IFT81 heterodimer and that the interaction is disrupted by a mutation found in male infertile mice ( mice) with a sperm flagella motility defect. Intriguingly, RABL2 binds to CEP19 and the IFT74-IFT81 heterodimer in a mutually exclusive manner. Furthermore, exogenous expression of the GDP-locked or -type RABL2 mutant in human cells results in mild defects in ciliary assembly. These results indicate that RABL2 localized to the basal body plays crucial roles in ciliary/flagellar assembly via its interaction with the IFT-B complex.© 2017 Nishijima, Hagiya, et al. This article is distributed by The American Society for Cell Biology under license from the author(s). Two months after publication it is available to the public under an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported Creative Commons License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0).

Shi L, Zhou T, Huang Q, Zhang SY, Li W, Zhang L, Hess RA, Pazour GJ, Zhang ZB. Intraflagellar transport protein 74 is essential for spermatogenesis and male fertility in mice
Biol Reprod, 2019, 101(1):188-199.

DOI:10.1093/biolre/ioz071URL [本文引用: 3]

Lucker BF, Miller MS, Dziedzic SA, Blackmarr PT, Cole DG. Direct interactions of intraflagellar transport complex B proteins IFT88, IFT52, and IFT46
J Biol Chem, 2010, 285(28):21508-21518.

DOI:10.1074/jbc.M110.106997PMID:20435895 [本文引用: 1]
Intraflagellar transport (IFT) particles of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contain two distinct protein complexes, A and B, composed of at least 6 and 15 protein subunits, respectively. As isolated from C. reinhardtii flagella, IFT complex B can be further reduced to a approximately 500-kDa core that contains IFT88, 2x IFT81, 2x IFT74/72, IFT52, IFT46, IFT27, IFT25, and IFT22. In this study, yeast-based two-hybrid analysis was combined with bacterial coexpression to show that three of the core B subunits, IFT88, IFT52, and IFT46, interact directly with each other and, together, are capable of forming a ternary complex. Chemical cross-linking results support the IFT52-IFT88 interaction and provide additional evidence of an association between IFT27 and IFT81. With previous studies showing that IFT81 and IFT74/72 interact to form a (IFT81)(2)(IFT74/72)(2) heterotetramer and that IFT27 and IFT25 form a heterodimer, the architecture of complex B is revealing itself. Last, electroporation of recombinant IFT46 was used to rescue flagellar assembly of a newly identified ift46 mutant and to monitor in vivo localization and movement of the IFT particles.

Wang ZH, Fan ZC, Williamson SM, Qin HM. Intraflagellar transport (IFT) protein IFT25 is a phosphoprotein component of IFT complex B and physically interacts with IFT27 in chlamydomonas
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Zhang Y, Liu H, Li W, Zhang ZG, Zhang SY, Teves ME, Stevens C, Foster JA, Campbell GE, Windle JJ, Hess RA, Pazour GJ, Zhang ZB. Intraflagellar transporter protein 140 (IFT140), a component of IFT-A complex, is essential for male fertility and spermiogenesis in mice
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Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is a conserved mechanism essential for the assembly and maintenance of most eukaryotic cilia and flagella. However, little is known about its role in sperm flagella formation and male fertility. IFT140 is a component of IFT-A complex. In mouse, it is highly expressed in the testis. Ift140 gene was inactivated specifically in mouse spermatocytes/spermatids. The mutant mice did not show any gross abnormalities, but all were infertile and associated with significantly reduced sperm number and motility. Multiple sperm morphological abnormalities were discovered, including amorphous heads, short/bent flagella and swollen tail tips, as well as vesicles along the flagella due to spermiogenesis defects. The epididymides contained round bodies of cytoplasm derived from the sloughing of the cytoplasmic lobes and residual bodies. Knockout of Ift140 did not significantly affect testicular expression levels of selective IFT components but localization of IFT27 and IFT88, two components of IFT-B complex, was changed. Our findings demonstrate that IFT140 is a key regulator for male fertility and normal spermiogenesis in mice. It not only plays a role in sperm flagella assembling, but is also involved in critical assembly of proteins that interface between the germ cell plasma and the Sertoli cell.© 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Hirano T, Katoh Y, Nakayama K. Intraflagellar transport-A complex mediates ciliary entry and retrograde trafficking of ciliary G protein-coupled receptors
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