Design and exploration of genetic comprehensive experiments based on Ds insertion mutants
Nan Li1, Yajuan Li1, Haibin Guo1, Xiangqian Zhang
通讯作者: 张向前,博士,副教授,研究方向:植物分子育种。E-mail:aacrav@163.com
编委: 陈德富
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The cultivation of innovative abilities has become an important guide for higher education in China. Strengthening the integrated knowledge to design experiments is an effective way to improve undergraduate students’ innovative abilities. Herein we designed a comprehensive experiment for molecular genetics by utilizing a rice Ds insertion mutant identified previously in our research project. In the comprehensive experiment, we adopt the method of scientific research as the main line of teaching and take the interesting phenotype of the rice mutant as the breakthrough point to reform and innovate genetics laboratory teaching. On the basis of this, we combined the progressive teaching method and guided the students to learn the TAIL-PCR skill and conduct an innovative experiment through expanding their knowledge. The comprehensive experiment will deepen students’ understandings of the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes, help them master the effective way of thinking and technologies for scientific research to further improve their ability of the integrated application capability of theory and practices.
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李楠, 李亚娟, 郭海滨, 张向前. Ds插入突变体的遗传学综合性实验设计与探讨. 遗传[J], 2019, 41(12): 1148-1155 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.19-149
Nan Li.
1 实验材料的背景
粒重是决定水稻产量的3个主要因素(即每株有效穗数、每穗粒数和粒重)之一,是粒长、粒宽和粒厚的综合指标。而水稻粒长、粒宽及长宽比又称为水稻谷粒形状,是衡量稻米外观品质的重要指标之一,同时还影响稻米的商品品质和加工品质(糙米率、精米率和整精米率)。近年来,水稻粒形相关基因的研究取得了突破性进展。目前,至少已有93个水稻粒形相关基因被克隆,遍布水稻12条染色体[4,5,6,7]。本实验所用的突变体材料pex1是一个Ds转座引起的粒型突变体,其谷壳大小与野生型无异,而颖果显著缩小,该突变体表型为不完全显性遗传;利用转座子标签法,采用TAIL-PCR[8] (thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR)技术已获知候选基因OsPEX1位于水稻第11号染色体,该基因属于类伸展蛋白基因家族,是一个控制水稻重要农艺性状的新基因。该材料是由Ac/Ds双因子转座系统转化至粳型品种中花11号获得[9],其中用于Ds转化的质粒为pDsBar1300,用于Ac转化的质粒为pUbiTs (图1)[9]。pDsBar1300质粒的T-DNA区中携带Ds转座子,Ds的内部插入Bar 基因,能提供对Basta (商用除草剂,有效成分为膦丝菌素PPT)的抗性,在Ds的旁侧插入潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(hygromycin phostransferase, HPT),能提供对潮霉素的抗性。将筛选得到的水稻Ds转化纯合体和Ac转化纯合体进行杂交,构建了多个杂交组合,通过Ac转座酶的反式活化使Ds发生转座[9]。

A:质粒pDsBar1300中T-DNA区及PCR检测引物位置示意图。HPT:潮霉素抗性基因;35S-Pro:35S启动子;Bar:Bar 基因能提供对Basta的抗性;tra4、P5和P10:Ds转座检测的3条引物。B:质粒pUbiTs中T-DNA区示意图。Ubi-Pro:Ubi启动子;Nos-Pro:Nos启动子;NPTII:NPTII基因编码新霉素磷酸转移酶,能赋予细胞抗卡那霉素的能力。LB和RB:T-DNA的左右边界。C:TAIL-PCR引物所在位置示意图。
Fig. 1Schematic diagram of T-DNA regions of the plasmids and primer placement in TAIL-PCR
2 实验设计
2.1 设计思路
利用该材料进行综合性实验设计,先将以上科学研究的实验材料与野生型杂交获得F1,并自交获得F2分离群体,以该突变体、野生型、F1杂合体、F2群体的成熟谷粒及对应水稻叶片作为课程实验材料。首先让学生通过观察与考种实验发现突变体、野生型和F1杂合体在谷壳和米粒上的异同;其次提供F2群体米粒,通过米粒宽度测量及方差分析,引导学生对该材料进行表型观察和遗传分析;再次提供学生F2群体水稻叶片,利用PCR检测技术,分析突变体表型与Ds插入之间的关系,验证表型调查结果。最后通过知识拓展环节,结合理论教学让学生深入了解转座因子在基因功能研究中的应用价值。并以pex1突变体为例,探讨如何实现该类型材料(例如T-DNA或转座子插入突变体)的基因克隆及功能分析。该实验整个教学设计基于问题引导式教学模式(problem-based learning),以问题为导向,引导学生在实验中发现问题、分析问题、提出问题、研究问题并解决问题,最后得出科学研究结论,进而培养学生科学研究的思维方式,提升学生对理论与实践、知识与技术的整合运用能力和创新实践能力。2.2 实验涉及的主要理论知识与实验技术
2.3 实验材料与方法
2.3.1 实验材料将pex1突变体与野生型杂交,并将F1自交获得的F2群体,以突变体、野生型、F1杂合体及F2群体的成熟谷粒,F2群体谷粒对应的水稻叶片作为课程实验材料。所有材料均种植于华南农业大学农场,单株种植,常规管理。
2.3.2 实验方法 突变体的鉴定和遗传分析
一个实验班人均约30人,将学生以5人为一组,提供给每组同学野生型、突变纯合体、突变杂合体谷粒各1袋,每袋100粒。F2群体210株对应收获种子210袋,每袋100粒。考种方法为10粒为1组,3次重复,整齐摆放,配置游标卡尺与分析天平测量。利用ImageJ软件获取考种数据,并运用SPSS18.0软件进行卡方检验和t检验。 Ds转座的PCR检测
Ds转座的PCR检测参照刘芳等[9]方法。Ds因子切离的PCR检测利用引物P10、Tra4和P5同时扩增。如果Ds未发生切离,称为满载供体位点(full donor site, FDS),通过引物P10和P5可以扩增出约400 bp的特异带;如果Ds从T-DNA上切离,称为空载供体位点(empty donor site, EDS)引物Tra4和P5可以扩增出约870 bp的特异带;如果既存在EDS又存在FDS,则利用3条引物可以同时扩增出两条特异带。
水稻DNA提取:取2~4 cm长的叶片用液氮研磨至粉末,加入TPS抽提液(100 mmol/L Tris-HCl pH8.0,10 mmol/L EDTA,1 mol/L KCl)1000 μL,75℃水浴30 min;13 000r/min离心12 min,吸上清约500 μL转入1.5 ml离心管中,加入等体积遇冷的异丙醇,-20℃放置10 min,13 000 r/min离心5 min,弃上清,干燥沉淀,加200 μL灭菌水溶解,4℃冰箱冷藏备用。
PCR扩增及琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测:学生使用自己提取的基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,每个模板使用3条引物(P10、Tra4和P5)同时扩增。扩增后的PCR产物用1%的琼脂糖凝胶进行电泳,在凝胶成像系统上观察电泳结果,记录样品基因型。 突变体基因克隆
利用水稻的Ac/Ds双因子转座系统,筛选Ds转座插入纯合体植株为材料,采用TAIL-PCR[8]的方法扩增Ds元件旁侧的水稻基因组序列,分析Ds插入位点旁邻序列,通过序列比对确定该基因在水稻染色体上的具体位置,并对候选基因进行了分析。TAIL-PCR反应所用引物见表1,其位置示意图如图1所示,特异扩增得到的第3轮PCR产物用来测序。Ds在水稻基因组中的插入位置运用BLAST (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/BLAST)分析工具完成。Ds因子插入所在位点相关基因预测信息可以在水稻基因组注释数据库获得(http://rice.plantbiology.msu.edu/)。
Table 1
Table 1
引物 | 引物序列(5′→3′) | 实验目的 | 备注 |
2.4 实验结果与讨论
2.4.1 突变体鉴定与遗传分析水稻pex1是1个Ds转座子插入引起的颖果明显变小,而谷粒大小没有改变的突变体(图2A)。进一步分析表明,pex1突变纯合体颖果(20.25±0.26 mm,10粒)比野生型颖果宽(27.10± 0.43 mm,10粒)减少了25.3%,而其百粒重较野生型减少了33.6%;杂合体颖果比野生型宽度减少了18.5%,百粒重减少了25.2%。
为了研究突变体表型遗传特性,我们构建了F2分离群体。在F2群体中,不同植株的颖果表型明显不同,其中60株颖果宽度类似野生型,103株颖果宽度达22.09± 0.21 mm (10粒),47株颖果宽度则与突变纯合体无异。卡方测验表明其分离比符合1∶2∶1 (χ2 = 1.68<χ20.05,2 = 5.99),说明pex1突变表型由1对不完全显性基因调控。
2.4.2 突变性状与Ds共分离分析

A:水稻pex1突变体谷粒和颖果表型。WT:野生型;pex1/+:突变杂合体;pex1/pex1:突变纯合体。B:Ds转座的PCR检测。M:100 bp DNA Ladder;1~7:检测植株,其中植株4、7的Ds未发生转座,仅存在FDS,1和6为Ds转座纯合体,仅存在EDS;2, 3, 5为Ds转座杂合体,既存在EDS又存在FDS。C:Ds插入突变体TAIL-PCR产物琼脂糖电泳分析。M:100 bp DNA Ladder; Ⅱ, Ⅲ:分别为TAIL-PCR第二、三轮产物。
Fig. 2Phenotypes of the pex1 mutant and its molecular detection
3 实践教学中的课堂组织方式
3.1 以科研思路为导向,创新实验内容、教学方法与组织方式
(2) Ds转座的PCR检测部分2次课,第一次课的实验内容为提取水稻叶片DNA;第二次课的实验内容为PCR扩增及电泳,拍照记录带型,要求学生课后对实验结果进行统计分析。该部分实验内容相对复杂,会有个别学生需要通过重复实验才能完成。
3.2 引导学生进行研究性实验
TAIL-PCR 扩增Ds 3′旁邻序列如图2C所示,特异扩增的第三轮PCR产物可直接用于测序。 获得测序结果后,可指导学生利用公共核酸数据库(National Center for Biotechnology Information)进行初步的生物信息学分析,例如BLAST比对等便可获取目的基因的基本信息。本例的目的基因PEX1位于水稻第11染色体,属于类伸展蛋白基因家族。至此,插入突变体基因分离最关键的一步已完成。但是在实际教学中发现大多数学生需要重复多次才能获得理想扩增,在此过程中老师耐心指导尤为重要。实验最后,老师可结合TAIL-PCR电泳结果(如图2C)提出如何判断TAIL-PCR产物是否为特异扩增产物(由于特异引物是嵌套式的,第三轮产物比第二轮产物要小,可据此判别是否为特异扩增产物),分析研究结果及问题,撰写研究论文及研究报告。当然,后续有关PEX1基因功能的研究还有很多方面可以引导学生作进一步的思考。
4 教学中的思考与探索
参考文献 原文顺序
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Chinese genetics educators have carried out a comprehensive and systematic exploration and reform since 1978. With the guidance and help of the Genetics Society of China, they have made significant strides in the fields of genetics teaching system, publication of genetics textbooks, content of genetics teaching, workshop on genetics teaching, experimental teaching, application of advanced techniques, etc. These efforts have made remarkable achievements and promoted the vitality of genetics. The comprehensive development of education and teaching has trained a large number of excellent genetic talents for the development of China's economy and society. Here, we sum up the overall achievements of the teaching reform and propose some suggestions on the future development of genetics teaching in China, hoping that the quality of genetics teaching in China will take a new step in the new era.
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Chinese genetics educators have carried out a comprehensive and systematic exploration and reform since 1978. With the guidance and help of the Genetics Society of China, they have made significant strides in the fields of genetics teaching system, publication of genetics textbooks, content of genetics teaching, workshop on genetics teaching, experimental teaching, application of advanced techniques, etc. These efforts have made remarkable achievements and promoted the vitality of genetics. The comprehensive development of education and teaching has trained a large number of excellent genetic talents for the development of China's economy and society. Here, we sum up the overall achievements of the teaching reform and propose some suggestions on the future development of genetics teaching in China, hoping that the quality of genetics teaching in China will take a new step in the new era.
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Increased crop yields are required to support rapid population growth worldwide. Grain weight is a key component of rice yield, but the underlying molecular mechanisms that control it remain elusive. Here, we report the cloning and characterization of a new quantitative trait locus (QTL) for the control of rice grain length, weight and yield. This locus, GL3.1, encodes a protein phosphatase kelch (PPKL) family - Ser/Thr phosphatase. GL3.1 is a member of the large grain WY3 variety, which is associated with weaker dephosphorylation activity than the small grain FAZ1 variety. GL3.1-WY3 influences protein phosphorylation in the spikelet to accelerate cell division, thereby resulting in longer grains and higher yields. Further studies have shown that GL3.1 directly dephosphorylates its substrate, Cyclin-T1; 3, which has only been rarely studied in plants. The downregulation of Cyclin-T1; 3 in rice resulted in a shorter grain, which indicates a novel function for Cyclin-T in cell cycle regulation. Our findings suggest a new mechanism for the regulation of grain size and yield that is driven through a novel phosphatase-mediated process that affects the phosphorylation of Cyclin-T1; 3 during cell cycle progression, and thus provide new insight into the mechanisms underlying crop seed development. We bred a new variety containing the natural GL3.1 allele that demonstrated increased grain yield, which indicates that GL3.1 is a powerful tool for breeding high-yield crops.
DOI:10.1186/1939-8433-5-4URLPMID:24764504 [本文引用: 1]

Seed size is an important trait in determinant of rice seed quality and yield. In this study, we report a novel semi-dominant mutant Small and round seed 5 (Srs5) that encodes alpha-tubulin protein. Lemma cell length was reduced in Srs5 compared with that of the wild-type. Mutants defective in the G-protein alpha subunit (d1-1) and brassinosteroid receptor, BRI1 (d61-2) also exhibited short seed phenotypes, the former due to impaired cell numbers and the latter due to impaired cell length. Seeds of the double mutant of Srs5 and d61-2 were smaller than those of Srs5 or d61-2. Furthermore, SRS5 and BRI1 genes were highly expressed in Srs5 and d61-2 mutants. These data indicate that SRS5 independently regulates cell elongation of the brassinosteroid signal transduction pathway.
DOI:10.1111/nph.12231URLPMID:23551229 [本文引用: 1]

· In order to understand the molecular genetic mechanisms of rice (Oryza sativa) organ development, we studied the narrow leaf2 narrow leaf3 (nal2 nal3; hereafter nal2/3) double mutant, which produces narrow-curly leaves, more tillers, fewer lateral roots, opened spikelets and narrow-thin grains. · We found that narrow-curly leaves resulted mainly from reduced lateral-axis outgrowth with fewer longitudinal veins and more, larger bulliform cells. Opened spikelets, possibly caused by marginal deformity in the lemma, gave rise to narrow-thin grains. · Map-based cloning revealed that NAL2 and NAL3 are paralogs that encode an identical OsWOX3A (OsNS) transcriptional activator, homologous to NARROW SHEATH1 (NS1) and NS2 in maize and PRESSED FLOWER in Arabidopsis. · OsWOX3A is expressed in the vascular tissues of various organs, where nal2/3 mutant phenotypes were displayed. Expression levels of several leaf development-associated genes were altered in nal2/3, and auxin transport-related genes were significantly changed, leading to pin mutant-like phenotypes such as more tillers and fewer lateral roots. OsWOX3A is involved in organ development in rice, lateral-axis outgrowth and vascular patterning in leaves, lemma and palea morphogenesis in spikelets, and development of tillers and lateral roots.
DOI:10.1104/pp.114.255737URLPMID:25855537 [本文引用: 1]

The methylation of histone H3 lysine 36 (H3K36) plays critical roles in brassinosteroid (BR)-related processes and is involved in controlling flowering time in rice (Oryza sativa). Although enzymes that catalyze this methylation reaction have been described, little is known about the recognition mechanisms to decipher H3K36 methylation information in rice. In this study, biochemical characterizations showed that MORF-RELATED GENE702 (MRG702) binds to trimethylated H3K4 and H3K36 (H3K4me3 and H3K36me3) in vitro. Similar to the loss-of-function mutants of the rice H3K36 methyltransferase gene SET DOMAIN GROUP725 (SDG725), the MRG702 knockdown mutants displayed typical BR-deficient mutant and late-flowering phenotypes. Gene transcription analyses showed that MRG702 knockdown resulted in the down-regulation of BR-related genes, including DWARF11, BRASSINOSTEROD INSENSITIVE1, and BRASSINOSTEROID UPREGULATED1, and several flowering genes, including Early heading date1 (Ehd1), Ehd2, Ehd3, OsMADS50, Heading date 3a, and RICE FLOWERING LOCUS T1. A binding analysis showed that MRG702 directly binds to the chromatin at target gene loci. This binding is dependent on the level of trimethylated H3K36, which is mediated by SDG725. Together, our results demonstrate that MRG702 acts as a reader protein of H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 and deciphers the H3K36 methylation information set by SDG725. Therefore, the role of MRG702 in the BR pathway and in controlling flowering time in rice is to function as a reader protein to decipher methylation information.
DOI:10.1016/0888-7543(95)80010-jURLPMID:7759102 [本文引用: 2]

Isolation of DNA segments adjacent to known sequences is a tedious task in genome-related research. We have developed an efficient PCR strategy that overcomes the shortcomings of existing methods and can be automated. This strategy, thermal asymmetric interlaced (TAIL)-PCR, utilizes nested sequence-specific primers together with a shorter arbitrary degenerate primer so that the relative amplification efficiencies of specific and nonspecific products can be thermally controlled. One low-stringency PCR cycle is carried out to create annealing site(s) adapted for the arbitrary primer within the unknown target sequence bordering the known segment. This sequence is then preferentially and geometrically amplified over nontarget ones by interspersion of high-stringency PCR cycles with reduced-stringency PCR cycles. We have exploited the efficiency of this method to expedite amplification and sequencing of insert end segments from P1 and YAC clones for chromosome walking. In this study we present protocols that are amenable to automation of amplification and sequencing of insert end sequences directly from cells of P1 and YAC clones.
DOI:10.1007/s00122-003-1416-8URLPMID:14513217 [本文引用: 4]

A collection of transposon Ac/ Ds enhancer trap lines is being developed in rice that will contribute to the development of a rice mutation machine for the functional analysis of rice genes. Molecular analyses revealed high transpositional activity in early generations, with 62% of the T0 primary transformants and more than 90% of their T1 progeny lines showing ongoing active transposition. About 10% of the lines displayed amplification of the Ds copy number. However, inactivation of Ds seemed to occur in about 70% of the T2 families and in the T3 generation. Southern blot analyses revealed a high frequency of germinal insertions inherited in the T1 progeny plants, and transmitted preferentially over the many other somatic inserts to later generations. The sequencing of Ds flanking sites in subsets of T1 plants indicated the independence of insertions in different T1 families originating from the same T0 line. Almost 80% of the insertion sites isolated showing homology to the sequenced genome, resided in genes or within a range at which neighbouring genes could be revealed by enhancer trapping. A strategy involving the propagation of a large number of T0 and T1 independent lines is being pursued to ensure the recovery of a maximum number of independent insertions in later generations. The inactive T2 and T3 lines produced will then provide a collection of stable insertions to be used in reverse genetics experiments. The preferential insertion of Ds in gene-rich regions and the use of lines containing multiple Ds transposons will enable the production of a large population of inserts in a smaller number of plants. Additional features provided by the presence of lox sites for site-specific recombination, or the use of different transposase sources and selectable markers, are discussed.
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DOI:10.1016/s0168-9452(01)00414-9URLPMID:11448751 [本文引用: 1]

Rice, with its small genome size and well-characterized molecular information, is an ideal model plant for cereal genomics research. Sequence of the rice (Oryza sativa) genome will be determined by the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP) in the near future. Therefore, a large population of mutant plants should be required for adequately assigning function to the abundant sequence information. Here we summarize strategies as well as the progress that has been made in producing gene tags that may be invaluable for understanding the functional genomics of rice.
DOI:10.1007/s00425-007-0576-1URL [本文引用: 1]

OSH6 (Oryza sativa Homeobox6) is an ortholog of lg3 (Liguleless3) in maize. We generated a novel allele, termed OSH6-Ds, by inserting a defective Ds element into the third exon of OSH6, which resulted in a truncated OSH6 mRNA. The truncated mRNA was expressed ectopically in leaf tissues and encoded the N-terminal region of OSH6, which includes the KNOX1 and partial KNOX2 subdomains. This recessive mutant showed outgrowth of bracts or produced leaves at the basal node of the panicle. These phenotypes distinguished it from the OSH6 transgene whose ectopic expression led to a “blade to sheath transformation” phenotype at the midrib region of leaves, similar to that seen in dominant Lg3 mutants. Expression of a similar truncated OSH6 cDNA from the 35S promoter (35S::ΔOSH6) confirmed that the ectopic expression of this product was responsible for the aberrant bract development. These data suggest that OSH6-Ds interferes with a developmental mechanism involved in bract differentiation, especially at the basal nodes of panicles.
DOI:10.1007/s00299-006-0259-6URL [本文引用: 1]

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) produces lateral organs in a regular spacing (phyllotaxy) and at a regular interval (phyllochron) during the vegetative phase. In a Dissociation (Ds) insertion rice population, we identified a mutant, compact shoot and leafy head 1 (csl1), which produced massive number of leaves (∼70) during the vegetative phase. In csl1, the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase was delayed by about 2 months under long-day conditions. With a reduced leaf size and severe dwarfism, csl1 failed to produce a normal panicle after the transition to reproductive growth. Instead, it produced a leafy panicle, in which all primary rachis-branches were converted to vegetative shoots. Phenotypically csl1 resembled pla mutants in short plastochron but was more severe in the conversion of the reproductive organs to vegetative organs. In addition, neither the expression nor the coding region of PLA1 or PLA2 was affected in csl1. csl1 is most likely a dominant mutation because no mutant segregant was observed in progeny of 67 siblings of the csl1 mutant. CSL1 may represent a novel gene, which functions downstream of PLA1 and/or PLA2, or alternatively functions in a separate pathway, involved in the regulation of leaf initiation and developmental transition via plant hormones or other mobile signals.
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