The platform of breeding by design based on the SSSL library in rice
Guiquan ZhangGuangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Breeding, State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-Bioresources, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.91735304 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.91435207 The Project of Science and Technology of Guangzhou.201607020040
作者简介 About authors 张桂权,博士,教授,研究方向:水稻分子育种。
Abstract Breeding by design is a new concept proposed in the beginning of the century. It refers to the breeding of varieties by crop design utilizing favorable alleles dispersed in different genetic resources in a genome. In the past 20 years, we have proposed a "three-step" strategy to carry out the research on breeding by design in rice. Firstly, we constructed a library of chromosomal single-segment substitution lines (SSSLs) by using of Huajingxian74 (HJX74), an elite xian (indica) variety from South China as the recipient and 43 accessions of seven species of rice AA genome as donors. The genes in the substituted segments of SSSLs were then detected. Breeding by design was conducted by selecting the favorable genes from the SSSL library. Our practice indicates that the SSSL library is a powerful platform for breeding by design and various "traits", "lines" and "varieties" of rice can be designed and bred by utilizing abundant genes in the SSSL library. Here, we introduce the platform of the HJX74-SSSL library and our work of breeding by design on the platform. It will provide a case study for crop design. Keywords:breeding by design;molecular breeding;single-segment substitution line (SSSL);gene pyramiding;rice
PDF (322KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 张桂权. 基于SSSL文库的水稻设计育种平台[J]. 遗传, 2019, 41(8): 754-760 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.19-105 Guiquan Zhang. The platform of breeding by design based on the SSSL library in rice[J]. Hereditas(Beijing), 2019, 41(8): 754-760 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.19-105
自20世纪80年代以来,由于DNA标记的出现,基因组研究取得了快速的发展。21世纪初,先后有多个复杂真核生物完成了全基因组测序,标志着基因组研究已进入后基因组时代。后基因组时代的到来,使人们对生物的遗传改良,特别是植物育种的发展,产生了前所未有的想象空间。“设计育种”(breeding by design)正是在这个时候提出的新概念[1]。
Table 1 表1 表1 文库中包含的染色体单片段代换系(SSSL)的数目及其供体来源 Table 1 Numbers of the single-segment substitution lines (SSSLs) derived from different donors in the library
在常规(纯合)水稻品种的设计育种取得成效后,本实验室把设计育种的注意力转移到杂交水稻“三系”(不育系、保持系和恢复系)的设计育种上。与常规品种相比,杂交水稻“三系”的设计育种需要解决细胞质雄性不育性(cytoplasmic male sterility, CMS)及其育性恢复的问题。首先,选择杂交水稻育种上广泛利用的不同类型的不育系,包括野败型(WA)的珍汕97A和博白A、矮败型(DA)的协青早A以及夜公型(YA)的华农A,为不育细胞质和核不育基因rf3和rf4的供体,分别与HJX74杂交,并用HJX74连续多代回交,育成了HJX74具有3种不育细胞质的同核异质不育系。HJX74不育系与HJX74-SSSL文库结合在一起,构建了基于HJX74-SSSL文库的水稻CMS不育系和保持系的设计育种平台。利用该平台对HJX74不育系进行有目的的改良,通过聚合目标基因,育成了早熟优质的不育系H131A[36]。与此同时,利用SSSL对Rf3和Rf4的等位基因进行了分析,在这两个基因座上各鉴定出4个具有不同恢复力的等位基因[25]。从中选择恢复力最强的Rf3-4和Rf4-4等位基因用于改良HJX74的恢复力,育成了具有强恢复力的HJX74恢复系。HJX74恢复系与HJX74-SSSL文库结合在一起,构建了基于HJX74- SSSL文库的水稻CMS恢复系的设计育种平台。利用该平台对HJX74恢复系进行有目的的改良,通过聚合目标基因,育成了优质恢复系H121R,以及优质抗稻瘟病恢复系H131R[37]。实践证明,通过对HJX74-SSSL文库有目的的拓展,构建了基于HJX74-SSSL文库的杂交水稻“三系”的设计育种平台。利用该平台开展杂交水稻“三系”的设计育种,可以设计并培育出各种各样的“三系”新品系。
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