何俊1, Fernando B. Lopes2, 吴晓林,1,2,31. 湖南农业大学动物科技学院,长沙410128 2. 美国威斯康星大学动物科学系,威斯康星州麦迪逊市53706 3. 美国纽勤公司生物信息与生物统计部,内布拉斯加州林肯市68504
Methods and applications of animal genomic mating
Jun He1, Fernando B. Lopes2, Xiao-Lin Wu,1,2,31. CollegeofAnimalScienceand Technology, HunanAgricultural University, Changsha 410128, China 2. Department of Animal Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI 53706, USA 3. Biostatisticsand Bioinformatics, NeogenGeneSeek, LincolnNE 68504, USA
Supported by Key Project of Scientific Research Plan of Hunan Province.2018NK2081 Key Project of Scientific Research Plan of Changsha city.kq1801014 Hundred-Talent Project of Hunan Province and Hunan Innovation Center of Animal Safety Production
作者简介 About authors 何俊,博士,副教授,研究方向:动物遗传育种E-mail:hejun@hunau.edu.cn。
Abstract Genomic selection (GS) is a powerful tool which can be used to estimate the breeding value of individual animals by using the molecular markers of the animal’s entire genome. GS improves the accuracy and intensity of selection, reduces the interval of generation, and realizes the effects of early accuracy selection contributing to a significant evolution in animal breeding. In the past decade, GS was successfully applied in the genetic improvement of dairy animals with improved selection accuracy and genetic gain of breeding animals. However, GS focuses on the genetic gain of target traits while it ignores the genetic relationship between mating pairs such that it ignores long term genetic merits such as an increase in inbreeding coefficient of offspring population, a decrease of genetic diversity and the homozygous presentation of harmful genes. In 2016, genomic mating (GM) was proposed as a sustainable genetic selection method using genomic information of the breeding candidate individuals to optimize selection and mating with resultant control of the growth rate of population inbreeding coefficient and achieving long-term and sustainable genetic progress. Therefore, GM is more suitable for modern animal breeding than GS, especially for the genetic improvement of indigenous species. In this review, we summarize the basic concepts, methods, and applications of GM, and then present examples comparing the effects of six simulated mating schemes. This review serves as a valuable reference for the applications of animal breeding methods. Keywords:genomic selection;genomic mating;optimal contribution selection
PDF (339KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 何俊, Fernando B. Lopes, 吴晓林. 动物基因组选配方法与应用[J]. 遗传, 2019, 41(6): 486-493 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.19-053 Jun He, Fernando B. Lopes, Xiao-Lin Wu. Methods and applications of animal genomic mating[J]. Hereditas(Beijing), 2019, 41(6): 486-493 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.19-053
许多研究表明,维持中长期选择的遗传进展就必须控制群体近交程度的快速提升和遗传变异的丧失[16,27,43,44]。因为不管是表型选择还是GS,都会因为近交程度的提升和遗传变异的降低,长期的选择反应都会快速降低。特别是GS导致快速遗传进展和高近交增量的相关,使近交控制在长期选择中变得越来越重要。Pryce等[29]通过分析选配后代的预期遗传进展和近交以及隐性有害等位基因纯合子的变化情况,比较了配种方案,利用系谱、基因组和ROH信息的3种控制近交程度的配种策略的效果。结果表明配种方案中使用基因组信息是一种有效的方法,比系谱信息更能降低后代期望近交系数而对遗传进展影响最小。在获得相同遗传进展的情况下,相比于利用系谱信息,利用基因组信息可使后代的期望近交程度降低几乎2倍。Liu等[45]利用系谱和基因组信息,使用随机模拟来比较最小共祖选配(minimum-coancestry mating, MC)和最小化祖先间遗传贡献的协方差(minimizing the covariance between ancestral genetic contributions, MCAC)两种配种策略在5种育种方案中实现的近交增量和遗传进展,同时模拟了离散世代的随机交配作为参照。模拟了2000个QTL控制的单性状,对动物进行截断选择,选择之前,对所有后备个体进行表型测定。选择依据是岭回归模型预测的GEBV。研究结果表明,利用基因组信息时,MC和MCAC选配策略估计的近交增量比利用系谱信息的低6%~22%,而不影响遗传进展,且两种策略的近交增量和遗传进展差别不大。然而,与随机交配方案相比,在利用基因组信息的MC和MCAC选配策略下,估计的近交增量比随机交配方案低28%~44%,遗传进展提高14%。因此,利用基因组信息进行选配,可以有效控制近交增量,同时保持较高的遗传进展。
A:基因组育种值;B:亲缘系数。1~6代表6种不同的选配方案。 Fig. 1Comparison of genomic estimation breeding value and kinship coefficient between parents and offspring in six mating schemes
Table1 表1 表1 模拟群体基因组信息的参数 Table1 The parameters of genomic information in simulation population
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