1.福建农林大学资源与环境学院 福州 350002
2.农业农村部食物与营养发展研究所 北京 100081
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2016YFE0113100
作者简介:李泰, 研究方向为食物损耗及其环境影响。E-mail: 851958807@qq.com
通讯作者:卢士军, 主要研究方向为食物营养、食物损耗和浪费。E-mail: lushijun01@caas.cn
Comprehensive footprint assessment of apple and citrus loss and waste
LI Tai1,,CHENG Guangyan2,
HUANG Jiazhang2,
FAN Xieyu1,
LU Shijun2,,
1. College of Resources and Environment, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
2. Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081, China
Funds: the National Key R & D Program of China2016YFE0113100
More Information
Corresponding author:LU Shijun, E-mail: lushijun01@caas.cn
摘要:水果全产业链损耗不仅浪费了食物,还意味着生产、收获后处理、贮藏、流转消费等各环节中水、耕地、能源等各种资源的浪费。本研究采用问卷调查和“一对一”访谈的方法,在苹果和柑桔主产区和主销区进行实地调研,调查分析水果全产业链(生产、收获后处理、贮藏、流转和消费)损耗现况,主产区累计调研全产业链从业者209人,主销区调研消费者271人。通过生态足迹、碳足迹和水足迹等模型对损耗浪费产生环境和资源影响进行定量评估。结果显示,苹果和柑桔损耗浪费率分别为18.56%和17.15%,其中流转环节占比最高,约为总损耗的1/3。损耗量分别为719.86×104 t和733.99×104 t,损耗总量为1453.85×104 t。苹果和柑桔损耗浪费的生态足迹分别为13.33×104 hm2和13.76×104 hm2,总生态足迹为26.09×104 hm2;碳足迹分别为92.37×104 t(CO2 eq)和102.98×104 t(CO2 eq),碳足迹总量为195.35×104 t(CO2 eq);水足迹分别为57.65×108 m3和41.10×108 m3,水足迹总量为98.75×108 m3。其中生产环节碳排放占比最高,占总排放的9成以上。综上,水果损耗和浪费也产生了巨大环境影响,需要尽快采取相关措施,减损降耗,从而减轻环境资源压力,提高水果供给水平。
Abstract:In recent years, food waste has become a global research topic, and fruit loss and waste is an important component of food waste. From the place of origin to the table, fruit waste occurs during picking, post-harvest processing, storage, circulation, consumption, and other stages with varying degrees of loss. Therefore, it is necessary to study the loss and waste of the whole fruit industry in China and to analyze the impact of its resources on the environment. The purpose of this study is to provide data to reduce the loss and waste of fruit and improve the utilization efficiency of ecological resources. Using apples and citrus as examples, this study investigated all of the links in the whole fruit industry chain via questionnaires and field visits. The total amount of loss and waste was estimated, including the ecological, carbon, and water footprints using key parameters, such as greenhouse gas emissions and water waste. A field survey was conducted in the main fruit marketing area to investigate and analyze the loss and waste of fruit during production, post-harvest treatment, storage, circulation, and consumption. This included 209 workers in the entire industrial chain in the main producing area and 271 consumers in the main selling area. The results showed that the wastage rates of apples and citrus were 18.56% and 17.15%, respectively, among which the wastage rate of the circulation link was the highest, accounting for approximately one-third of the total wastage. The wastage for apples and citrus were 719.86×104 t and 733.99×104 t, respectively, for a total loss of 1453.85×104 t. The ecological footprint of apple and citrus wastage was 13.33×104 hm2 and 13.76×104 hm2, respectively, and the total ecological footprint was 26.09×104 hm2. The carbon footprint was 92.37×104 t (CO2 eq) and 102.98×104 t (CO2 eq), respectively, and the total carbon footprint was 195.35×104 t (CO2 eq). The water footprint was 57.65×108 m3 and 41.10×108 m3, respectively, and the total water footprint was 98.75×108 m3. During circulation, jolting, bumping, and squeezing could damage the fruit, resulting in loss; the highest in the entire supply chain. Bumps and squeezes during transportation were the main reasons for loss. Improper selection and temperature control by consumers during sales also caused fruit spoilage. The highest carbon emissions from production accounted for more than 90% of the carbon footprint, mainly due to the application of pesticides and fertilizers. To reduce fruit loss and waste and to improve the utilization efficiency of resources, some measures could be taken, such as improving the mechanization and standardization of fruit production levels and reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In the circulation process, operators must keep the environment clean and tidy. Moreover, an entirely cold-chain process should be advocated, and waste should be opposed during consumption.
Key words:Fruits/
Food loss and waste/
Whole supply chain/
Ecological footprint/
Carbon footprint/
Water footprint
LAP: 生产环节损耗率; LPH: 收获后处理环节损耗率; LST: 贮藏环节损耗率; LD: 流转环节损耗率; LC: 消费环节浪费率。
Figure1.Schematic diagram of the loss and waste of the whole supply chain of fruits
LAP: loss rate of agricultural production; LPH: loss rate of post-harvest handling; LST: loss rate of storage; LD: loss rate of distribution; LC: loss rate of consumption.
Figure2.Loss rates in each stage of the whole supply chains of apple and citrus
Table1.Survey of the whole supply chain of apple and citrus
环节 Stage | 调研对象 Stakeholder | 调研对象概况 An overview of the stakeholders | 调查人数?People number | |
苹果?Apple | 柑桔?Citrus | |||
农业生产 Agricultural production | 农户 Farmer households | 从事农业生产、对水果进行收割、采摘等 Engage in production, harvesting and picking of fruits, etc. | 82 | 60 |
收获后处理 Post-harvest handling | 水果经纪人 Agricultural product brokers | 收购水果、对水果商业化处理、销售等 Purchase fruits, commercialize fruits, sales, etc. | 12 | 15 |
一线操作工人 Workers at the production line | 收获后从事分级、清洗、干燥等 Engage in classification, cleaning, drying, etc. after harvest | |||
贮藏 Storage | 冷库负责人 Responsible persons of cold storages | 水果存放过程中管理人员、负责人员 Managers in the process of fruit storage | 14 | 3 |
流转 Distribution | 货运商 Transport operators | 水果长距离运输从业人员 Long-distance fruit transportation practitioners | 17 | 6 |
经销商 Retailers | 水果在商超、农贸市场销售人员 Fruit sales staffs in supermarkets and farmers’ markets | |||
消费 Consumption | 消费者 Consumer | 水果消费主体 Fruit consumer | 271 | 271 |
Table2.Main technical and economic indicators of highway and railway transportation
项目 Item | 货车耗汽油 Petroleum consumption of trucks | 货车耗柴油 Diesel consumption of trucks | 内燃机耗柴油 Diesel consumption of internal-combustion engine | 电力机车耗电 Electricity consumption of electric power engine |
能耗?Energy consumption | 7.76 L·(100 t·km)-1 | 4.72 L·(100 t·km)-1 | 25.00 L·(104t·km)-1 | 93.40 kWh·(104t·km)-1 |
排放系数?Emission factor | 3.15 kg(CO2 eq)·L-1 | 2.17 kg(CO2 eq)·L-1 | 2.17 kg(CO2 eq)·L-1 | 0.85 kg(CO2 eq)·kWh-1 |
Table3.Ecological footprints (EF) of fruit supply chain loss and waste of apple and citrus
项目 Item | 平均产量 Average yield (t·hm-2) | 土地类型 Land type | 均衡因子[21] Balance factor[21] | 损耗(浪费)量 Total loss (waste) (×104 t) | 土地需求面积 Land demand area (×104 hm2) | 生态足迹 EF (×104 hm2) |
苹果?Apple | 39.94 | 林地?Forest land | 0.74 | 719.86 | 18.02 | 13.33 |
柑桔?Citrus | 42.58 | 林地?Forest land | 0.74 | 733.99 | 17.24 | 12.76 |
合计?Total | — | — | — | 1453.85 | 35.26 | 26.09 |
Table4.Carbon footprints (CF) of fruit supply chain loss and waste of apple and citrus?
项目 Item | 化肥施用碳足迹 CF of fertilization application | 农药施用碳足迹 CF pesticide application | 农机作业碳足迹 CF of agricultural machinery operation | 运输碳足迹 CF of transportation | 总碳足迹 Total CF |
苹果?Apple | 70.21 | 9.33 | 10.08 | 2.75 | 92.37 |
柑桔?Citrus | 64.22 | 17.18 | 18.67 | 2.91 | 102.98 |
合计?Total | 134.43 | 26.51 | 28.75 | 5.66 | 195.35 |
Table5.Water footprints (WF) of fruit supply chain loss and waste of apple and citrus?
项目 Item | 绿水足迹 Green WF | 蓝水足迹 Blue WF | 灰水足迹 Grey WF | 总水足迹 Total WF |
苹果?Apple | 40.38 | 8.13 | 9.14 | 57.65 |
柑桔?Citrus | 29.43 | 8.07 | 3.60 | 41.10 |
合计?Total | 69.81 | 16.20 | 12.74 | 98.75 |
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