1.辽宁省水稻研究所 沈阳 110101
2.辽宁省农业科学院植物保护研究所 沈阳 110161
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2018YFD0200200
作者简介:马亮, 主要从事水稻病虫害防控和优质栽培技术研究。E-mail: malhd@126.com
通讯作者:孙富余, 主要从事农作物病虫害绿色防控及食品安全控害生产技术研究。E-mail: laassfy@163.com
Nutritional quality of japonica rice with good taste quality in an ecological rice-crab mode
MA Liang1,,LI Yuedong1,
TIAN Chunhui2,
DONG Liqiang1,
SUN Fuyu2,,
1. Liaoning Rice Research Institute, Shenyang 110101, China
2. Institute of Plant Protection, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110161, China
Funds: the National Key R & D Program of China2018YFD0200200
the Dean Fund of Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences2020QN2411
More Information
Corresponding author:SUN Fuyu, E-mail: laassfy@163.com
摘要:本研究选用优质食味粳稻品种‘辽粳433’和‘五优稻4号’(稻花香2号)为材料,设置了稻蟹生态种养(ecological rice-crab,ERC)和水稻单植(rice monoculture,RM)2个模式,测定与稻米品质相关的蛋白质含量、直链淀粉含量和矿物质元素含量,采用非靶向代谢组学方法分析两个模式之间与营养相关的差异代谢产物,从多个方面分析稻蟹生态种养的稻米营养品质,为稻蟹生态种养模式的应用推广提供理论依据。结果表明,与RM相比,ERC的‘辽粳433’和‘五优稻4号’糙米蛋白质含量显著降低6.75%和10.11%,Fe含量显著增加,为RM的2.03倍和4.99倍,Se含量显著增加,为RM的3.11倍和5.74倍,Pb含量显著降低35.11%和44.35%。采用GC-MS检测到233种代谢产物,利用偏最小二乘法(PLS-DA)分析发现,ERC和RM糙米的代谢产物差异显著,ERC诱导‘辽粳433’和‘五优稻4号’的4-氨基丁酸显著上调为RM的2.11倍和11.99倍,抗氧化性物质α-生育酚、β-羟肉豆蔻酸以及奎宁酸分别显著上调为RM的1.62倍和2.22倍、12.64倍和20.48倍以及14.25倍和4.67倍,己糖醇显著上调为RM的14.36倍和15.14倍,半乳糖醇显著上调为RM的3.13倍和2.87倍。此外,ERC的‘辽粳433’产量降低286.0 kg·km-2,‘五优稻4号’产量增加344.5 kg·km-2,均与RM差异不显著。综上所述,稻蟹生态种养模式在稳产的基础上可以增加优质食味粳稻稻米的营养价值。
Abstract:In this study, we investigated the effects of an ecological rice-crab mode on the nutritional value of rice using two cropping patterns, ecological rice-crab (ERC) and rice monoculture (RM). Two japonica rice cultivars with good taste quality, 'Liaojing 433' and 'Wuyoudao No.4' (Daohuaxiang No.2), were selected as the study materials, and the rice contents of protein, amylose, and mineral elements, which are related to rice quality, were measured. Differences in the nutrition-related metabolites of ERC and RM were analyzed using non-targeted metabolomics. This study aimed to provide a theoretical basis for the application and popularization of the ecological rice-crab mode. The results showed that compared with RM, the protein content of brown rice of 'Liaojing 433' and 'Wuyoudao No.4' under the ERC mode significantly decreased by 6.75% and 10.11%, respectively, and Pb content decreased by 35.11% and 44.35%, respectively. The Fe content significantly increased by 1.03 and 3.99 times, respectively, and the Se content increased by 2.11 and 4.74 times, respectively. Two hundred and thirty-three metabolites were detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Significant differences in the metabolites were found between ERC and RM brown rice by partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). Compared with RM, the content of 4-aminobutyric acid in 'Liaojing 433' and 'Wuyoudao No.4' under the ERC mode increased significantly by 1.11 and 10.99 times, respectively; and the contents of antioxidant substances, such as alpha-tocopherol, beta-hydroxamic acid, and quinic acid, significantly increased by 0.62 and 1.22 times, 11.64 and 19.48 times, and 13.25 and 3.67 times, respectively. The hexitol content increased by 13.36 and 14.14 times, respectively, and the galactitol content increased by 2.13 and 1.87 times, respectively. Rice yield of 'Liaojing 433' under the ERC mode decreased by 286.0 kg·km-2, whereas that of 'Wuyoudao No.4' under the ERC mode increased by 344.5 kg·km-2. However, there were no significant differences in rice yield between ERC and RM. In conclusion, the ERC mode can increase the nutritional value of high-quality japonica rice without reducing its production.
Key words:Ecological rice-crab mode/
Nutritional quality/
Mineral elements/
Taste quality

图1水稻品种‘辽粳433’和‘五优稻4号’稻蟹生态种养(ERC)与单一种植(RM)的稻米之间代谢产物PCA(a)和PLS-DA分析(b, c)
A: ‘辽粳433’的ERC; B: ‘辽粳433’的RM; C: ‘五优稻4号’的ERC; D: ‘五优稻4号’的RM; QC: 质控样品。
Figure1.PCA (a) and PLS-DA (b, c) analysis under ecological rice-crab (ERC) and rice monoculture (RM) modes with metabolites of brown rice of cultivars'Liaojing 433' and 'Wuyoudao No.4'
A: 'Liaojing 433' of ERC; B: 'Liaojing 433' of RM; C: 'Wuyoudao No.4' of ERC; D: 'Wuyudao No.4' of RM; QC: quality control sample.

图2水稻品种‘辽粳433’和‘五优稻4号’稻蟹生态种养(ERC)与单一种植(RM)的稻米之间差异代谢产物(红色为代谢产物相对含量高, 绿色为代谢产物相对含量低)
A: ‘辽粳433’的ERC; B: ‘辽粳433’的RM; C: ‘五优稻4号’的ERC; D: ‘五优稻4号’的RM.
Figure2.Rice different metabolites under ecological rice-crab (ERC) and rice monoculture (RM) modes of cultivars 'Liaojing 433' and 'Wuyoudao No.4' (red means the relative high content of metabolites, green means the relative low content of metabolites)
A: 'Liaojing 433' of ERC; B: 'Liaojing 433' of RM; C: 'Wuyoudao No.4' of ERC; D: 'Wuyudao No.4' of RM.

A: ‘辽粳433’的ERC; B: ‘辽粳433’的RM; C: ‘五优稻4号’的ERC; D: ‘五优稻4号’的RM.
Figure3.Common differential metabolites of rice cultivars 'Liaojing 433' and 'Wuyoudao No.4' under ecological rice-crab (ERC) and rice monoculture (RM) modes
A: 'Liaojing 433' of ERC; B: 'Liaojing 433' of RM; C: 'Wuyoudao No.4' of ERC; D: 'Wuyudao No.4' of RM.

Table1.Effect of ecological rice-crab on milling quality and taste quality of rice cultivars 'Liaojing 433' and 'Wuyoudao No. 4'
稻米品质 Rice quality | 辽粳?433 Liaojing 433 | 五优稻4号?Wuyoudao No.4 | |||||
稻蟹生态种养 Ecological rice-crab | 水稻单一种植 Rice monoculture | P | 稻蟹生态种养 Ecological rice-crab | 水稻单一种植 Rice monoculture | P | ||
糙米率?Brown rice rate (%) | 75.34±3.76 | 73.76±4.16 | 0.6558 | 77.68±2.52 | 76.37±1.09 | 0.5654 | |
精米率?Milled rice rate (%) | 67.47±2.75 | 64.95±2.94 | 0.3333 | 69.16±1.79 | 67.32±0.58 | 0.3058 | |
整精米率?Head rice rate (%) | 63.94±2.42 | 61.03±2.65 | 0.2443 | 65.74±2.48 | 61.95±0.45 | 0.1446 | |
垩白粒率?Chalke grain rate (%) | 16.58±2.90 | 18.52±3.50 | 0.3120 | 8.57±1.25 | 24.36±3.65 | 0.0227* | |
蛋白质含量?Protein content (%) | 7.68±0.19 | 8.20±0.14 | 0.0009** | 7.73±0.31 | 8.56±0.32 | 0.0198* | |
直链淀粉含量?Amylose content (%) | 15.26±0.18 | 15.50±0.17 | 0.1087 | 16.17±0.40 | 16.67±0.35 | 0.3701 | |
食味值?Taste value | 84.00±1.22 | 80.00±1.58 | 0.0110* | 78.00±2.00 | 74.80±1.92 | 0.0085** | |
*和**分别表示稻蟹生态种养和水稻单一种植间在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著。* and ** mean significant difference between ecological rice-crab and rice monoculture at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 levels, respectively. |

Table2.Effect of ecological rice-crab on mineral elements contents of rice cultivars 'Liaojing433' and 'Wuyoudao No. 4'?
矿质元素 Mineral element | 辽粳?433 Liaojing 433 | 五优稻4号?Wuyoudao No.4 | |||||
稻蟹生态种养 Ecological rice-crab | 水稻单一种植 Rice monoculture | P | 稻蟹生态种养 Ecological rice-crab | 水稻单一种植 Rice monoculture | P | ||
Mg | 1493.24±90.95 | 1204.93±54.34 | 0.0679 | 1769.58±149.94 | 1929.96±64.87 | 0.2440 | |
P | 1995.97±54.25 | 1840.02±101.65 | 0.0531 | 4527.14±84.13 | 3568.33±120.98 | 0.0066** | |
K | 2991.38±104.00 | 2244.30±106.19 | 0.0036** | 3536.70±163.34 | 2846.59±94.91 | 0.0111* | |
Ca | 207.31±18.86 | 162.01±10.41 | 0.1155 | 290.76±17.02 | 264.13±23.91 | 0.0767* | |
Fe | 19.98±1.16 | 9.82±0.41 | 0.0077** | 56.31±2.29 | 11.28±1.00 | 0.0011** | |
Zn | 11.64±1.12 | 8.71±1.27 | 0.1663 | 16.74±0.55 | 17.57±0.83 | 0.0678 | |
Se | 0.15±0.01 | 0.05±0.01 | 0.0082** | 0.20±0.01 | 0.04±0.01 | 0.0037** | |
Cr | 0.07±0.01 | 0.06±0.01 | 0.2198 | 0.06±0.01 | 0.09±0.01 | 0.0177* | |
Pb | 0.09±0.01 | 0.13±0.01 | 0.0089** | 0.07±0.01 | 0.12±0.01 | 0.0131* | |
*和**分别表示稻蟹生态种养和水稻单一种植间在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著。* and ** mean significant difference between ecological rice-crab and rice monoculture at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 levels, respectively. |

Table3.Effect of ecological rice-crab on yield of rice cultivars 'Liaojing 433'and 'Wuyoudao No.4'
辽粳?433 Liaojign 433 | 五优稻4号?Wuyoudao No.4 | ||||||
稻蟹生态种养 Ecological rice-crab | 水稻单一种植 Rice monoculture | P | 稻蟹生态种养 Ecological rice-crab | 水稻单一种植 Rice monoculture | P | ||
有效穗数 Productive panicles number (×106·hm-2) | 3.48±0.24 | 3.58±0.22 | 0.1662 | 2.89±0.39 | 3.05±0.20 | 0.6621 | |
一次枝梗数?Spike branches number | 9.37±0.08 | 9.04±0.14 | 0.0120* | 8.33±0.10 | 7.93±0.22 | 0.0285* | |
穗实粒数?Grains number per panicle | 85.56±6.88 | 81.40±6.72 | 0.3565 | 90.50±10.01 | 85.50±14.26 | 0.7160 | |
结实率?Seed setting rate (%) | 93.14±1.17 | 92.80±2.00 | 0.7664 | 93.67±1.58 | 91.87±3.67 | 0.5599 | |
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) | 22.47±1.08 | 23.27±0.33 | 0.1351 | 25.55±0.16 | 23.14±0.56 | 0.0089** | |
产量?Yield (kg·hm-2) | 7265.00±215.42 | 7551.00±245.04 | 0.3299 | 7456.50±235.06 | 7112.00±350.33 | 0.1202 | |
*和**分别表示稻蟹生态种养和水稻单一种植间在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著。* and ** mean significant difference between ecological rice-crab and rice monoculture at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 levels, respectively. |

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