

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

1.上海交通大学农业与生物学院 上海 200240
2.上海自在青西农业发展有限公司 上海 201717
3.上海新农科技 股份有限公司 上海 201620
基金项目: 农业农村部环境治理专项13200014

作者简介:钟颖, 主要研究方向为农村发展。E-mail: iiirina@sjtu.edu.cn
通讯作者:曹林奎, 主要研究方向为生态农业与面源污染控制。E-mail: clk@sjtu.edu.cn




Emergy-based benefit analysis of integrated rice-frog farming

ZHONG Ying1,,
SHA Zhimin1,
GU Maiyun2,
WENG Danlong2,
DU Jiping3,
CAO Linkui1,,
1. School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2. Shanghai Zizaiqingxi Agricultural Development Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201717, China
3. Shanghai Xinnong Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201620, China
Funds: the Environmental Control Project of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs13200014

More Information
Corresponding author:CAO Linkui, E-mail: clk@sjtu.edu.cn


Abstract:Integrated rice-frog farming (IRFF) is an ecological farming method that can improve production efficiency and promote sustainable development in agriculture. However, few studies have analyzed the benefits of IRFF. This study performed an emergy analysis to evaluate the IRFF system energy input and output in the Qingpu District, Shanghai, China, from 2015 to 2019 and calculated the self-sufficiency, emergy investment ratio, emergy yield ratio, the environmental loading ratio, and the sustainable development index. The results showed that irrigation water, rainfall chemical energy, compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and infrastructure were the primary IRFF system energy inputs; rice, straw, frogs, and policy income were the primary energy outputs. The average emergy self-sufficiency and investment ratios from 2015 to 2019 were 0.18 and 4.86, respectively, with no significant changes over the five years. The average emergy yield ratio was 3.65, which generally increased annually. The average environmental loading ratio was 0.46, trending downwards, and the average sustainable development index was 8.52, trending upwards. Compared with similar farming systems, the IRFF system emergy indices performed better because of the differences in study areas and management modes. In the IRFF system, the natural resource input was less, and the purchasing emergy input and output efficiency were higher than in other systems. These results indicated that the IRFF system had a low dependence on natural resources and placed minimal pressure on the environmental system. The IRFF system had great potential for sustainable development and ecological production, but the results showed that the IRFF system was weak in self-sustainment and fluctuated greatly under the influence of economy and society. The energy value investment and net energy value output rates were also low, and the use of resources was insufficient, but there was development potential. Therefore, to further develop the IRFF system in the Qingpu District, more input emergy should be invested, and diversified commodities should be developed to improve the total output efficiency.
Key words:Integrated rice-frog farming/
Production systems/
Benefit evaluation/
Sustainable development


Figure1.Emergy flow of the integrated rice-frog farming system in Qingpu District, Shanghai City

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Figure2.Emergy inputs of the integrated rice-frog farming system in Qingpu District, Shanghai City from 2015 to 2019

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Figure3.Emergy outputs of the rice-frog farming system in Qingpu District, Shanghai City from 2015 to 2019

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Table1.Solar transformities and sources of the integrated rice-frog farming system in Qingpu District, Shanghai City
项目Item 能量转换系数
Conversion factor
Non-renewable industrial auxiliary energy (F)
基础设施Infrastructure - 5.81E+12 sej·$-1 [17]
Depreciation of agricultural machinery
- 5.81E+12 sej·$-1 [17]
塑料薄膜Plastic film - 4.83E+08 sej·g-1 [13]
柴油Diesel oil 4.40E+04 J·kg-1 8.39E+04 sej·J-1 [13]
电力Electricity 3.60E+06 J·(kWh)-1 2.03E+05 sej·J-1 [13]
农药Pesticide - 2.06E+09 sej·g-1 [13]
复合肥(纯氮) Compound fertilizer - 5.87E+09 sej·g-1 [18]
Renewable bioassistive energy (T)
种子Seeds 2.60E+04 J·g-1 2.54E+05 sej·J-1 [19]
养殖品(蛙) Frogs 1.71E+04 J·g-1 2.54E+05 sej·J-1 [20]
农田灌溉水Irrigation water - 1.14E+11 sej·t-1 [13]
人力与管理Human 3.50E+09 J·cap.-1 4.83E+05 sej·J-1 [18]
生物农药Biopesticide - 2.06E+09 sej·g-1 [13]
有机肥(氮肥) Organic fertilizer - 5.87+09 sej·g-1 [18]
饲料Fodder - 5.81E+12 sej·$-1 [17]
Outputs (Y)
稻谷Rice 1.51E+07 J·kg-1 2.43E+05 sej·J-1 [18]
秸秆Straw 1.26E+07 J·kg-1 3.43E+04 sej·J-1 [21]
成蛙(用作人工繁育) Frogs (for breeding) 1.71E+04 J·g-1 2.54E+05 sej·J-1 [20]
政策性收入Policy-based income - 5.81E+12 sej·$-1 [17]
其中以货币为单位的项目根据参考文献中上海市2003年的生态经济系统能货币比率, 将2015—2019年的当年价换算成可比价后再乘以能货币比率得到各经济量的能值; 政策性收入为经营主体在运作此系统时获得规模化经营补贴、水稻机械化育插秧补贴、秸秆还田补贴、绿色补贴以及其余一般补贴之和。The current prices of related items from 2015 to 2019 is converted into comparable prices after the currency conversion, and then times the monetary rate of the ecological economic system in Shanghai which is based on the reference literature, so as to get the emergy values. The policy-based income is the sum of large-scale operation subsidy, rice mechanical cultivation and transplanting subsidy, straw returning subsidy, green subsidy and other general subsidies for running the system.

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Table2.Emergy inputs and outputs of the integrated rice-frog farming system in Qingpu District, Shanghai City from 2015 to 2019
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Emergy (sej·hm-2)
Proportion (%)
Emergy (sej·hm-2)
Proportion (%)
Emergy (sej·hm-2)
Proportion (%)
Emergy (sej·hm-2)
Proportion (%)
Emergy (sej·hm-2)
Proportion (%)
??可更新自然资源(R) Renewable natural resources
????太阳光能Solar energy 2.65E+13 0.36 2.65E+13 0.36 2.65E+13 0.38 2.65E+13 0.36 2.65E+13 0.35
????雨水化学能Rainfall chemical energy 1.25E+15 17.01 1.19E+15 16.24 8.19E+14 11.87 8.49E+14 11.63 1.53E+15 20.14
??不可更新自然资源(N) Nonrenewable natural resources
????表土损失能Energy loss of surface 1.38E+14 1.89 1.38E+14 1.89 1.38E+14 2.00 1.38E+14 1.89 1.38E+14 1.81
??不可更新工业辅助能(F) Industrial auxiliary energy
????基础设施Infrastructure 7.64E+14 10.43 6.83E+14 9.36 6.55E+14 9.49 6.51E+14 8.92 6.31E+14 8.28
Depreciation of agricultural machinery
1.91E+14 2.61 1.71E+14 2.34 1.64E+14 2.37 1.63E+14 2.23 1.58E+14 2.07
????塑料薄膜Plastic film 7.06E+11 0.01 7.06E+11 0.01 7.06E+11 0.01 7.06E+11 0.01 7.06E+11 0.01
????柴油Diesel oil 3.53E+13 0.48 3.53E+13 0.48 3.53E+13 0.51 3.53E+13 0.48 3.53E+13 0.46
????电力Electricity 4.93E+14 6.73 4.93E+14 6.75 4.93E+14 7.15 4.93E+14 6.76 4.93E+14 6.47
????农药Pesticide 9.89E+12 0.13 9.27E+12 0.13 7.42E+12 0.11 0.00E+00 0.00 7.73E+12 0.10
????复合肥Compound fertilizer 1.06E+15 14.42 8.81E+14 12.06 7.92E+14 11.49 1.76E+14 2.41 7.92E+14 10.40
??可更新生物辅助能(T) Renewable bioassistive energy
????种子Seeds 3.97E+14 5.41 3.97E+14 5.43 3.97E+14 5.75 3.97E+14 5.43 3.97E+14 5.21
????养殖苗种Frogs 2.49E+14 3.40 2.49E+14 3.41 2.49E+14 3.61 2.49E+14 3.41 2.49E+14 3.27
????农田灌溉水Irrigation water 1.37E+15 18.71 1.39E+15 19.01 1.41E+15 20.38 1.44E+15 19.73 1.46E+15 19.12
????人力与管理Human 3.38E+14 4.61 5.07E+14 6.95 5.07E+14 7.35 8.45E+14 11.58 5.07E+14 6.66
????生物农药Biopesticide 6.18E+12 0.08 6.18E+12 0.08 6.18E+12 0.09 1.85E+13 0.25 6.18E+12 0.08
????有机肥Organic fertilizer 5.28E+14 7.21 7.04E+14 9.65 7.92E+14 11.49 1.41E+15 19.31 7.92E+14 10.40
????饲料Fodder 4.78E+14 6.52 4.27E+14 5.85 4.09E+14 5.93 4.07E+14 5.58 3.94E+14 5.17
总投入(E) Total input 7.33E+15 7.30E+15 6.90E+15 7.30E+15 7.62E+15
????稻谷Rice 9.00E+15 43.90 9.36E+15 45.99 9.84E+15 46.92 1.02E+16 42.04 1.08E+16 46.17
????秸秆Straw 1.94E+15 9.45 2.02E+15 9.90 2.12E+15 10.10 2.20E+15 8.49 2.33E+15 9.94
Frogs (for breeding)
1.25E+13 0.06 1.25E+13 0.06 1.56E+13 0.07 1.87E+13 0.08 1.87E+13 0.08
????政策性收入Policy-based income 9.55E+15 46.59 8.97E+15 44.04 9.00E+15 42.90 1.19E+16 48.83 1.03E+16 43.81
总产出(Y) Yield 2.05E+16 2.04E+16 2.10E+16 2.43E+16 2.34E+16

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Table3.Emergy indices of the rice-frog farming system in Qingpu District, Shanghai City from 2015 to 2019
指标Index 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Emergy self-sufficiency ratio
0.19 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.22
Emergy investment ratio
4.19 4.41 6.01 6.20 3.48
Emergy yield ratio
3.47 3.42 3.55 3.86 3.95
Environmental load ratio
0.58 0.49 0.50 0.29 0.42
Sustainable development index
5.98 6.94 7.16 13.15 9.40

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