

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

1.扬州大学环境科学与工程学院 扬州 225009
2.扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室/江苏省作物栽培生理重点 实验室/江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心 扬州 225009
3.中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤与农业可持续发展 国家重点实验室 南京 210008
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目31671618

作者简介:牛玺朝, 主要从事大气变化与作物响应的研究。E-mail: 593003194@qq.com
通讯作者:王云霞, 主要研究方向为作物逆境生理和农产品品质。E-mail: yxwang@yzu.edu.cn




Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on the grain quality of different rice varieties

NIU Xichao1,,
HU Shaowu2,
YANG Yang1,
TONG Kaicheng1,
JING Liquan2,
ZHU Jianguo3,
WANG Yulong2,
YANG Lianxin2,
WANG Yunxia1,,
1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China31671618
the National Natural Science Foundation of China31571597
the National Natural Science Foundation of China31701352

More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Yunxia, E-mail: yxwang@yzu.edu.cn


摘要:大气CO2浓度升高导致全球变暖,同时亦对作物生长发育产生深刻影响。作为光合作用的底物,大气CO2的浓度升高增加水稻产量,但对稻米品质的影响及其品种间差异的研究相对较少且存在分歧。本研究利用稻田FACE(free air CO2 enrichment)技术平台,以8个水稻品种为材料,设背景CO2浓度(Ambient)和高CO2浓度(增200 μmol·mol-1,FACE)两个水平,研究大气CO2浓度升高对稻米加工品质、外观品质、食味品质以及部分营养品质的影响及其种间差异。本研究所有测定的品质性状供试品种间均存在显著或极显著差异。与Ambient相比,FACE处理下水稻糙米率、精米率和整精米率略降,但单位面积糙米、精米和整精米产量平均分别极显著增加23.7%、23.5%和20.9%。FACE处理对整精米长度、宽度和长宽比影响较小,但使整精米垩白率和垩白度平均分别增加18.6%和31.8%,均达极显著水平。FACE处理使所有品种稻米直链淀粉含量和胶稠度平均分别下降6.5%和3.1%,但均未达显著水平。从淀粉RVA谱看,FACE处理使所有品种峰值黏度、崩解值平均增加1.3%、6.9%,使热浆黏度、冷胶黏度、消减值分别下降2.2%、5.1%和65.6%,其中消减值达显著水平。FACE处理使所有品种整精米植酸含量平均增加5.3%,而蛋白质含量平均减少9.9%,均达显著水平。不同品种稻米品质性状对高CO2浓度的响应方向和程度存在一定差异,其中FACE处理与品种对整精米长度、垩白率、垩白度、峰值黏度、热浆黏度和最终黏度存在显著的互作效应。以上数据表明,大气CO2浓度升高使水稻产量大幅增加,稻米加工、外观和营养品质呈变劣趋势,但适口性可能变优,稻米品质对大气CO2浓度增高的响应存在不同程度的品种差异。
Abstract:Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration leads to global warming and has a profound effect on the growth and development of crops. As a substrate for plant photosynthesis, high CO2 concentration can increase rice yields, but the effect on rice quality is still unclear. The genotypic variation in rice quality in response to high CO2 concentration is less studied than rice yield. In this study, eight rice varieties were grown under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations (200 μmol·mol-1 higher than ambient) in a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) platform. The effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on rice processing quality, appearance quality, eating quality, and nutritional quality were studied, and grain quality differences among rice varieties in response to elevated CO2 concentration were also investigated. All of the quality traits varied significantly among the tested varieties. Compared with rice plants grown under ambient CO2 concentration, plants grown under FACE treatment tended to have decreased brown rice percentage, white rice percentage, and head rice percentage, but had significantly increased yields of brown rice, white rice, and head rice (by 23.7%, 23.5%, and 20.9%, respectively). FACE treatment had little effect on the head rice length, head rice width, and the ratio of head rice length to width, but significantly increased the chalky rice rate and chalkiness degree. Averaged across all rice varieties, the elevated CO2 concentration increased the chalky rice rate and chalkiness degree by 18.6% and 31.8%, respectively. FACE treatment reduced the amylose concentration and gel consistency by an average of 6.5% and 3.1%, respectively, but the reduction was not significant. The response in the rapid visco analyzer (RVA) profile of rice starch to elevated CO2 concentration was also studied. FACE treatment increased the mean value of peak viscosity and breakdown by 1.3% and 6.9%, respectively, for all varieties, but decreased the mean value of hot viscosity, cold viscosity, and setback by 2.2%, 5.1%, and 65.6%, respectively. However, only the reduction in setback was statistically significant. The phytic acid concentration of the rice grains significantly increased by 5.3% on average, whereas the protein content significantly decreased by 9.9% under FACE conditions. The response of the rice quality traits to high CO2 concentration varied in direction and magnitude among different varieties. An interaction between CO2 treatment and rice variety was found for head rice length, chalky rice rate, chalkiness degree, peak viscosity, hot viscosity, and cold viscosity. The above data suggest that increased atmospheric CO2 concentration significantly increased grain yield, but tended to diminish the processing quality, appearance quality, and nutritional quality of the rice grains while improving the palatability of cooked rice. The response of rice grain quality to elevated CO2 concentration varied across rice varieties.
Key words:Climate change/
CO2 concentration enrichment/
Rice quality


Ambient: 环境CO2浓度; FACE: 开放式空气CO2浓度增高。图中数据为均值±标准误差(n=3)。**和*分别表示同一品种2个CO2处理间在P < 0.01和P < 0.05差异显著。
Figure1.Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on rice chalky grain rate and chalkiness of different rice varieties
Ambient: ambient CO2 concentration; FACE: free air CO2 enrichment. All values are mean±standard error (n=3). ** and * indicate significant difference between two CO2 treatments for the same variety at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively.

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Ambient: 环境CO2浓度; FACE: 开放式空气中CO2浓度增高。图中数据为均值±标准误差(n=3), *分别表示同一品种2个CO2处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure2.Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on protein (a) and phytic acid (b) contents of different rice varieties
Ambient: ambient CO2 concentration; FACE: free air CO2 enrichment. All values are mean ± standard error (n=3). * indicates significant difference between two CO2 treatments for the same variety at P < 0.05 level.

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Table1.Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on processing quality of different rice varieties ?%
糙米率Brown rice percentage 精米率White rice percentage 整精米率Head rice percentage
Ambient FACE Ambient FACE Ambient FACE
淮稻5号HD5 83.7±0.1 82.9±0.1** 75.5±0.4 74.4±0.1* 71.9±0.7 69.0±0.6*
南粳46 NJ46 84.0±0.2 83.6±0.2 77.7±0.2 77.2±0.4 71.3±2.6 68.5±1.3
南粳5055 NJ5055 83.4±0.2 79.3±3.3 76.3±0.2 72.2±3.0 66.2±1.6 64.4±4.1
桂农占GNZ 81.5±0.3 81.1±0.0 76.9±0.3 76.6±0.2 69.4±2.3 67.0±0.5
中早39 ZZ39 79.5±0.6 80.1±0.8 72.6±0.9 72.7±0.5 38.8±1.0 37.4±7.7
丰优香占FYXZ 80.9±0.3 80.3±0.4 74.9±0.2 74.3±0.5 65.8±0.9 61.9±0.4*
隆两优1988 LLY1988 80.5±0.2 82.7±2.6 75.2±0.2 77.3±2.3 70.8±1.0 74.2±2.6
甬优1540 YY1540 81.4±0.3 80.9±0.1 76.7±0.4 76.2±0.3 74.2±0.1 73.0±1.2
CO2 0.314 0.184 0.201
品种Variety (V) 0.073 0.018 < 0.001
CO2×V 0.332 0.242 0.894
Ambient: 环境CO2浓度; FACE: 开放式空气CO2浓度增高。**和*分别表示同一品种2个CO2处理间在P < 0.01和P < 0.05水平差异显著。加粗数字表示达P < 0.05或P < 0.01显著水平。Ambient: ambient CO2 concentration; FACE: free air CO2 enrichment. ** and * indicate significant difference between two CO2 treatments for the same variety at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively. Bold numbers indicate significant levels of P < 0.05 or P < 0.01.

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Table2.Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on brown rice, white rice and head rice yield of different rice varieties?g·m-2
糙米产量Brown rice yield 精米产量White rice yield 整精米产量Head rice yield
Ambient FACE Ambient FACE Ambient FACE
淮稻5号HD5 683.4±37.6 817.3±16.4* 616.4±32.7 732.9±15.9* 586.8±29.5 680.6±19.1
南粳46 NJ46 620.7±40.1 781.5±85.5 574.1±36.2 722.2±79.0 524.8±15.1 643.1±82.3
南粳5055 NJ5055 629.3±24.7 813.9±42.0* 575.9±22.5 741.0±38.1* 500.3±31.3 658.5±16.8**
桂农占GNZ 660.9±19.0 729.4±73.7 623.8±18.7 689.2±69.9 564.2±35.7 602.0±60.1
中早39 ZZ39 512.9±60.1 662.1±48.6 468.4±56.9 600.8±42.1 250.9±33.9 313.4±83.4
丰优香占FYXZ 839.8±66.1 937.3±84.3 777.5±61.8 867.2±76.7 684.3±62.4 721.9±63.7
隆两优1988 LLY1988 766.1±74.3 1045.5±96.0 715.4±68.4 976.9±88.3 675.4±72.4 938.9±93.7
甬优1540 YY1540 923.9±31.6 1112.1±50.3* 870.5±31.2 1047.6±49.1* 841.8±25.7 1003.5±57.3
CO2 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.001
品种Variety (V) < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
CO2×V 0.689 0.677 0.466
Ambient: 环境CO2浓度; FACE: 开放式空气CO2浓度增高。**和*分别表示同一品种2个CO2处理间在P < 0.01和P < 0.05水平差异显著。加粗数字表示达P < 0.05或P < 0.01显著水平。Ambient: ambient CO2 concentration; FACE: free air CO2 enrichment. ** and * indicate significant difference between two CO2 treatments for the same variety at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively. Bold numbers indicate significant levels of P < 0.05 or P < 0.01.

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Table3.Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on head rice length, width and ratio of length to width of different rice varieties
Head rice length (cm)
Head rice width (cm)
Ratio of head rice length to width
Ambient FACE Ambient FACE Ambient FACE
淮稻5号HD5 4.78±0.02 4.63±0.01** 2.75±0.01 2.70±0.00* 1.74±0.02 1.71±0.01
南粳46 NJ46 4.65±0.01 4.65±0.00 2.79±0.02 2.80±0.01 1.67±0.01 1.66±0.01
南粳5055 NJ5055 4.47±0.01 4.38±0.00** 2.69±0.01 2.65±0.01* 1.66±0.01 1.66±0.01
桂农占GNZ 6.06±0.02 6.02±0.02 1.99±0.01 1.99±0.02 3.05±0.00 3.03±0.03
中早39 ZZ39 4.99±0.03 5.01±0.01 2.54±0.01 2.57±0.00 1.97±0.00 1.95±0.00*
丰优香占FYXZ 6.83±0.01 6.86±0.00 2.02±0.02 2.02±0.01 3.38±0.03 3.39±0.01
隆两优1988 LLY1988 6.31±0.01 6.31±0.01 2.14±0.04 2.14±0.01 2.95±0.06 2.95±0.02
甬优1540 YY1540 5.32±0.02 5.30±0.03 2.38±0.01 2.38±0.00 2.23±0.01 2.23±0.01
CO2 < 0.001 0.380 0.433
品种Variety (V) < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
CO2×V < 0.001 0.436 0.989
Ambient: 环境CO2浓度; FACE: 开放式空气CO2浓度增高。**和*分别表示同一品种2个CO2处理间在P < 0.01和P < 0.05水平差异显著。加粗数字表示达P < 0.05或P < 0.01显著水平。Ambient: ambient CO2 concentration; FACE: free air CO2 enrichment. ** and * indicate significant difference between two CO2 treatments for the same variety at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively. Bold numbers indicate significant levels of P < 0.05 or P < 0.01.

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Table4.Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on amylose content and gel consistency of different rice varieties
品种Variety 直链淀粉含量Amylose content (%) 胶稠度Gel consistency (mm)
Ambient FACE Ambient FACE
淮稻5号HD5 16.5±0.8 15.2±1.2 77.7±3.5 73.6±5.2
南粳46 NJ46 10.7±0.4 11.0±1.3 73.8±4.0 80.3±2.6
南粳5055 NJ5055 9.8±1.8 9.2±0.2 86.8±2.9 74.8±4.5
桂农占GNZ 23.3±1.8 20.2±2.8 27.9±0.6 29.1±0.6
中早39 ZZ39 27.2±5.0 29.1±4.1 48.3±10.2 47.5±11.7
丰优香占FYXZ 10.8±0.8 12.9±1.1 64.6±4.0 55.2±2.3
隆两优1988 LLY1988 15.5±0.7 15.6±1.2 79.9±3.4 83.5±3.1
甬优1540 YY1540 20.8±0.8 17.5±1.1 69.0±9.3 61.3±1.1
CO2 0.104 0.165
品种Variety (V) < 0.001 < 0.001
CO2×V 0.359 0.571
Ambient: 环境CO2浓度; FACE: 开放式空气CO2浓度增高。加粗数字表示达P < 0.05或P < 0.01显著水平。Ambient: ambient CO2 concentration; FACE: free air CO2 enrichment. Bold numbers indicate significant levels of P < 0.05 or P < 0.01.

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Table5.Effects of CO2 concentration enrichment on RVA parameters of different rice varieties
CO2 峰值黏度
PV (cP)
HV (cP)
CV (cP)
PT (min)
GT (℃)
Ambient 4499±261 2484±79 2016±210 4106±104 -394±164 6.16±0.06 75.7±1.0
FACE 4331±251 2010±96* 2261±166 3560±80* -771±180 5.80±0.10* 74.6±0.7
Ambient 4290±81 2027±86 2263±7 3028±90 -1261±21 5.89±0.08 73.4±0.5
FACE 4615±149 2208±6 2407±147 3213±14 -1402±150 5.89±0.10 72.8±0.5
Ambient 3777±61 2103±136 1674±76 3094±165 -683±105 6.04±0.09 76.2±0.5
FACE 3792±19 2085±55 1708±38 3186±54 -606±39 6.04±0.06 76.5±0.3
Ambient 4075±118 3355±197 720±84 6345±197 2270±135 6.40±0.08 89.1±0.6
FACE 4114±115 3527±32 587±134 6031±416 1917±302 6.60±0.19 89.2±0.9
Ambient 3448±97 2751±10 697±106 5886±184 2437±176 6.33±0.07 88.9±0.5
FACE 3862±114 3006±9** 856±123 5929±196 2067±83 6.34±0.14 87.4±1.3
Ambient 4483±333 2559±56 1924±283 4414±87 -69±252 6.29±0.15 86.5±2.1
FACE 4442±146 2431±77 2011±95 4179±121 -267±46 6.16±0.04 86.3±0.0
Ambient 3197±55 1940±38 1257±91 3877±74 680±129 5.89±0.06 88.6±0.4
FACE 3753±205 2157±90 1596±127 4080±116 327±140 6.00±0.04 87.1±0.4
Ambient 4539±212 2685±150 1855±84 4948±163 409±81 6.20±0.04 86.2±1.2
FACE 3731±69* 2174±89* 1557±136 4277±68* 546±119 6.00±0.04* 87.8±0.4
CO2品种Variety (V)CO2×V 0.655 0.505 0.339 0.073 0.019 0.336 0.473
< 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001
0.044 0.003 0.446 0.025 0.394 0.121 0.694
Ambient: 环境CO2浓度; FACE: 开放式空气CO2浓度增高。**和*分别表示同一品种2个CO2处理间在P < 0.01和P < 0.05水平差异显著。加粗数字表示达P < 0.05和P < 0.01显著水平。Ambient: ambient CO2 concentration; FACE: free air CO2 enrichment; ** and * indicate significant difference between two CO2 treatments for the same variety at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels, respectively. Bold numbers indicate significant levels of P < 0.05 or P < 0.01. PV: peak viscosity; HV: hot viscosity; BD: breakdown; CV: cold viscosity; SB: setback; PT: peak time; GT: gelatinization temperature.

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