1.四川农业大学资源学院 成都 611130
2.中国烟草总公司四川省公司 成都 610041
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2018YFD0200704
作者简介:赵海岚, 主要研究方向为生物质炭环境效应。E-mail:zhlwills@163.com
通讯作者:李冰, 主要研究方向为土壤元素迁移转化与生物有效性。E-mail:benglee@163.com
The effects of biochars on humus composition in acidic purplish soil
ZHAO Hailan1,,LI Bing1,,,
WANG Changquan1,
LONG Sifan1,
LI Bin2,
XIAN Shunzhi1,
ZENG Linhao1,
XIAO Meijuan1,
LIU Qixin1
1. College of Resources, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
2. Sichuan Provincial Company of China National Tobacco Corporation, Chengdu 610041, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Program of China2018YFD0200704
the Applied Basic Research Programs of Sichuan Science and Technology Department2018JY0002
the Key Program of Sichuan Provincial Company of China National Tobacco CorporationSCYC201705
the Key Program of Sichuan Provincial Company of China National Tobacco CorporationSCYC201803
More Information
Corresponding author:LI Bing, E-mail:benglee@163.com
摘要:生物质炭的性状与原料中木质纤维含量密切相关,为探明不同原料生物质炭对土壤腐殖质组成的影响,选取玉米秸秆和紫茎泽兰分别作为纤维类和木质类原材料制备生物质炭,向酸性紫色土分别添加5%玉米秸秆生物质炭(MB)和5%紫茎泽兰生物质炭(EB),测定90 d室内培养期间土壤胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸(FA)、胡敏素(HM)含量以及HA光学性质和元素组成变化。结果表明:MB和EB的比表面积分别为2.32 m2·g-1和0.72 m2·g-1,总孔体积分别为42.71 mm3·g-1和12.59 mm3·g-1,碳与氢元素摩尔比(C/H)分别为1.91和1.46,氧、硫之和与碳元素摩尔比[(O+S)/C]分别为0.09和0.16,玉米秸秆生物质炭的吸附能力更强、有机质成分的缩合度更大且氧化度更小。与对照(不添加生物质炭,CK)相比,培养结束后,施入生物质炭的土壤HA、FA和HM含量分别显著增加(P < 0.05)65.59%~102.82%、85.87%~118.54%和137.25%~161.23%,MB处理对这3种腐殖质含量的增加效应较EB处理更明显。培养结束时添加生物质炭的土壤HA/土壤有机碳(SOC)降低13.53%~27.06%,FA/SOC降低6.81%~18.03%,其中EB处理的降低效应达显著水平;HM/SOC则增加4.58%~11.40%,其中MB处理的增加效应达显著水平。添加生物质炭的土壤HA色调系数(ΔlgK)增加2.40%~5.60%,HA的缩合度(C/H)降低3.51%~11.81%,(O+S)/C增加1.51%~8.74%。总体来看,施入生物质炭均能相对增加腐殖质各组分含量,降低C/H,提高HA的氧化度[(O+S)/C],且纤维类原料(玉米秸秆)生物质炭的效果更明显。纤维类原料(玉米秸秆)生物质炭显著提高了稳定性较高的土壤胡敏素碳比例(HM/SOC),但降低了土壤HA的稳定性[HA的C/H降低,(O+S)/C增加];木质类原料(紫茎泽兰)生物质炭显著降低土壤胡敏酸碳比例(HA/SOC)和富里酸碳比例(FA/SOC),对HM/SOC增加效益不显著,反之提高了土壤易分解有机碳比例。
Abstract:Biochar characteristics are similar to feedstock lignin and cellulose contents. Two kinds of biochar were produced from cellulosic (maize straw) and ligneous (Eupatorium adenophorum) feedstocks, respectively, to evaluate how lignocellulosic feedstock biochar influence the humus composition in acidic purplish soil. Acidic purplish soil was treated with 5% maize straw biochar (MB) or 5% E. adenophorum biochar (EB) for 90 days, and the humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), and humin (HM) contents, chemical elements, and HA color tonal coefficient were analyzed. The biochar specific surface areas were 2.32 m2·g-1 (MB) and 0.72 m2·g-1 (EB), and the total pore volumes were 42.71 mm3·g-1(MB) and 12.59 mm3×g-1 (EB). The carbon to hydrogen molar ratios (C/H) were 1.91 (MB) and 1.46 (EB), and the oxygen and sulfur to carbon molar ratios[(O+S)/C] were 0.09 (MB) and 0.16 (EB), indicating that the MB had a stronger adsorption capacity, a higher organic matter, condensation degree, and a lower oxidation degree. Biochar application significantly increased the soil HA, FA, and HM contents (P < 0.05) compared to no application (CK). After 90 days, biochar amendment increased the HA content by 65.59%-102.82%, increased the FA content by 85.87%-118.54%, and increased the HM content by 137.25%-161.23%. The MB increased the humus composition contents more than EB, and both treatments reduced the soil HA/soil organic carbon (SOC) values by 13.53%-27.06% and the FA/SOC values by 6.81%-18.03% (EB treatment P < 0.05). Both treatments also increased the HM/SOC values by 4.58%-11.40% (MB treatment P < 0.05). Biochar amendment increased the HA color tonal coefficient (ΔlgK) degree by 2.40%-5.60%, reduced the C/H of HA by 3.51%-11.81%, and increased the (O+S)/C by 1.51%-8.74%. The biochar application increased the content of each humic component, reduced the C/H condensation degree, and improved the HA oxidation degree; the effect was more prominent when MB was applied. MB application significantly increased the proportion and stability of HM/SOC, but reduced the stability of HA[C/H decreased, (O+S)/C increased]. EB biochar significantly reduced the proportion of HA/SOC and FA/SOC, and had no effect on the proportion of HM/SOC, and increased the proportion of labile organic carbon.
Key words:Maize straw biochar/
Eupatorium adeophorum biochar/
Composition of humus/
Stability of humus/
Humus carbon
Figure1.Electron microscopies of maize straw biochar (a) and Eupatorium adeophorum biochar (b)
CK:不添加生物质炭; MB:添加玉米秸秆生物质炭; EB:添加紫茎泽兰生物质炭。
Figure2.Effects of maize straw biochar and Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application on soil humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), humin (HM) contents and HA/FA values
CK: no biochar application; MB: maize straw biochar application; EB: Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application.
CK:不添加生物质炭; MB:添加玉米秸秆生物质炭; EB:添加紫茎泽兰生物质炭。
Figure3.Effects of maize straw biochar and Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application on the color tonal coefficient (ΔlgK) of soil humic acid
CK: no application; MB: maize straw biochar application; EB: Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application.
Table1.Basic physical and chemical properties of biochars
生物质炭类型 Biochar type | 产率 Productive rate (%) | 灰分 Ash content (%) | pH | 阳离子交换量 CEC (cmol·kg-1) | C (%) | 碱提取酸不溶物 Acid-insoluble fraction of alkaline extract (%) | 碱提取酸溶物 Acid-soluble fraction of alkaline extract (%) | 碱提取残渣 Residues of alkaline extract (%) |
玉米秸秆生物质炭 Maize straw biochar | 46.27 | 36.27 | 10.30 | 128.25 | 58.00 | 4.39 | 5.78 | 20.99 |
紫茎泽兰生物质炭 Eupatorium adeophorum biochar | 52.44 | 43.54 | 9.82 | 96.22 | 55.85 | 3.10 | 3.62 | 16.84 |
Table2.Specific surface area, total pore volume and molar ratio of chemical elements of maize straw biochar and Eupatorium adeophorum biochar
生物质炭类型 Biochar type | 比表面积 Specific surface area (m2·g-1) | 总孔体积 Total pore volume (mm3·g-1) | 元素摩尔比 Molar ratio | |
C/H | (O+S)/C | |||
玉米秸秆生物质炭 Maize straw biochar | 2.32 | 42.71 | 1.91 | 0.09 |
紫茎泽兰生物质炭 Eupatorium adeophorum biochar | 0.72 | 12.59 | 1.46 | 0.16 |
Table3.Effects of maize straw biochar and Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application on relative contents of soil humus composition ?
腐殖质组分 Humus composition | 处理 Treatment | 培养时间 Incubation time (d) | |||||||
1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 15 | 30 | 60 | 90 | ||
胡敏酸 Humic acid | CK | 17.69±0.54a | 17.76±0.66a | 18.47±0.90a | 20.07±0.71a | 22.09±0.88a | 19.75±0.71a | 20.10±0.95a | 19.44±0.82a |
MB | 14.50±0.40b | 14.45±0.45b | 15.18±0.50b | 15.74±0.46b | 18.03±0.62b | 17.43±0.49b | 16.63±0.66b | 16.81±0.50b | |
EB | 12.46±0.58c | 12.28±0.46c | 13.14±0.37c | 13.85±0.59c | 15.95±0.56c | 15.27±0.65c | 14.25±0.69c | 14.18±0.57c | |
富里酸 Fulvic acid | CK | 10.47±0.41a | 11.50±0.51a | 12.22±0.38a | 13.96±0.35a | 14.01±0.49a | 11.19±0.56a | 10.64±0.38a | 9.54±0.33a |
MB | 9.67±0.26a | 10.01±0.25b | 10.75±0.37b | 11.28±0.54b | 10.31±0.48b | 9.69±0.28b | 9.12±0.37b | 8.89±0.30a | |
EB | 8.45±0.39b | 8.76±0.24c | 9.72±0.29b | 10.43±0.33c | 9.49±0.44c | 8.88±0.31b | 7.92±0.29c | 7.82±0.38b | |
胡敏素 Humin | CK | 37.03±1.79a | 37.02±1.08a | 36.81±1.75a | 36.45±1.13a | 33.74±1.21a | 34.25±1.28a | 35.67±1.30a | 38.24±1.80a |
MB | 40.70±1.12b | 40.91±0.98b | 40.93±0.90b | 40.53±1.29b | 39.00±0.78b | 39.10±1.16b | 40.90±1.06b | 42.60±1.31b | |
EB | 37.19±0.95a | 37.42±1.60a | 37.43±0.85a | 37.61±1.09c | 36.74±1.08c | 36.95±1.02b | 38.32±1.18b | 39.99±1.08ab | |
??CK:不添加生物质炭; MB:添加玉米秸秆生物质炭; EB:添加紫茎泽兰生物质炭。表中同列不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。CK: no biochar application; MB: maize straw biochar application; EB: Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among different treatments (P < 0.05). |
Table4.Effects of maize straw biochar and Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application on elements composition of soil humic acid
培养时间 Incubation time (d) | 处理 Treatment | 含量 Content (%) | 元素摩尔比 Molar ratio of elements | ||||||
C | H | O | N | S | C/H | (O+S)/C | |||
1 | CK | 48.86 | 4.23 | 37.94 | 3.51 | 5.46 | 0.96 | 0.62 | |
MB | 57.70 | 4.79 | 29.21 | 3.87 | 4.43 | 1.00 | 0.41 | ||
EB | 58.35 | 4.56 | 27.58 | 3.48 | 6.03 | 1.07 | 0.39 | ||
90 | CK | 54.64 | 4.30 | 34.02 | 3.41 | 3.63 | 1.06 | 0.47 | |
MB | 52.06 | 4.65 | 34.50 | 3.54 | 5.26 | 0.93 | 0.50 | ||
EB | 53.72 | 4.38 | 34.32 | 3.36 | 4.22 | 1.02 | 0.48 | ||
??CK:不添加生物质炭; MB:添加玉米秸秆生物质炭; EB:添加紫茎泽兰生物质炭。CK: no application; MB: maize straw biochar application; EB: Eupatorium adeophorum biochar application. |
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