

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

章家恩3, 4,,,
1.华南农业大学广州农业文化遗产研究基地 广州 510642
2.广州市增城区农业技术推广中心 广州 511300
3.华南农业大学资源环境学院 广州 510642
4.广东省生态循环农业重点实验室 广州 510642
基金项目: 国家社会科学基金重大项目16ZDA123

作者简介:赵飞, 主要研究方向为农业遗产与乡村旅游。E-mail:zhaofei@scau.edu.cn
通讯作者:章家恩, 主要研究方向为农业生态学等。E-mail:jeanzh@scau.edu.cn




Characteristics, value, and conservation of litchi heritage systems in China: A case study of the Lingnan Litchi Cultivation System (Zengcheng)

ZHAO Fei1,,
LIAO Meijing2,
ZHANG Jia'en3, 4,,,
ZHANG Zhanhui2
1. Research Base of Guangzhou Agricultural Heritages, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
2. Zengcheng Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Guangzhou City, Guangzhou 511300, China
3. College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
4. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Eco-Circular Agriculture, Guangzhou 510642, China
Funds: the National Social Science Foundation of China16ZDA123
the China Scholarship Council Program of Study Abroad for Young Scholar201907630012
the Agricultural and Rural Authority Bidding Project of Zengcheng District, Guangzhou City, Chinaskczx2018041

More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Jia'en, E-mail:jeanzh@scau.edu.cn


Abstract:The litchi (Litchi chinensis) known as the "King of Fruits", originated from China and has historic significance in Chinese culture. China is currently the largest producer of litchi and is considered to have the richest and finest litchi cultivars in the world. The current system used to cultivate litchi in China conserves past agricultural heritage systems that are recognized globally. Thus, it is of great significance to study the conservation and development of litchi heritage for its Chinese characteristics and global influence. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics, value, and conservation of the litchi heritage system using a typical Guangdong litchi heritage system—the Lingnan Litchi Cultivation System (Zengcheng), as a case study. Guangdong is referred to as the "Kingdom of Litchi" because the province is the largest (and considered the best) producer of litchi in China. The Lingnan Litchi Cultivation System (Zhengcheng) located in Zengcheng District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province is recognized as a China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems site. The present study was based on assessment of field methods, and in-depth interviews, performed at the site. The findings revealed that the Lingnan Litchi Cultivation System (Zhengcheng) with 2 000 years cultivation history possesses rich cultural resources (including historical relic, folklore, literature, art, and cultural landscape), demonstrates advanced farming techniques (such as terrace planting and fruit-base-pond), contains genetically diverse germplasms (more than 70 cultivars, 50 of them are native), while also maintaining numerous historically significant ancient litchi trees. The Lingnan Litchi Cultivation System (Zengcheng), located in the south subtropical zone, is an agricultural production and cultural system with great values in ecology, economy and culture. However, Zengcheng litchi heritage sustainability is currently faced with threats posed by urban expansion and the development of modern agriculture practices. Additionally, a lack of countermeasures to ensure the protection of ancient litchi trees and inadequate recognition of the heritage value of these sites are of growing concern. Based on our findings we recommend several measures be undertaken to ensure the conservation of litchi heritage systems in China. Our first recommendation is the selection of the representative areas of Mountain Litchi and Water Litchi to build pastoral museums. Moreover, implementation of protection measures to secure the ongoing management and maintenance of ancient litchi trees should be a priority. Also important is the strengthening of attitudes toward the cultural significance of litchi heritage systems, while also promoting the upgrading, and development of litchi industry by focusing on the development of litchi industrial parks, characteristic towns, and farms. The findings of the present case study, and recommended conservation measures, can be used as a point of reference for other similar heritage sites. In the future, litchi agricultural heritage system sites should be jointly applied for the 'Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems' to ensure the ongoing conservation and recognition of litchi heritage systems in China.
Key words:Litchi/
China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems/
Lingnan Litchi Cultivation System (Zengcheng)


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