

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

1.新疆农业科学院核技术生物技术研究所/农业部荒漠绿洲作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室 乌鲁木齐 830091
2.中国农业大学资源与环境学院 北京 100094
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41461051

作者简介:白灯莎·买买提艾力, 主要从事棉花施肥方面的研究。E-mail:baidengsha@126.com




Phosphorus efficiency comparison among cotton varieties cultivated at different times over 63 years

SUN Liangbin1,
1. Institute of Nuclear Technology and Biotechnology, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Desert Oasis Region, Ministry of Agriculture, Urumqi 830091, China
2. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41461051
the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaU1703232

More Information
Corresponding author:BAIDENGSHA·Maimaitiaili, E-mail: baidengsha@126.com


摘要:提高磷肥利用率是当今农田磷养分资源管理面临的重要难题,作物品种改良是提高磷利用率的有效途径之一。为明确新疆不同年代棉花品种(系)磷效率的差异,采用单因素随机区组设计,通过大田试验,以新疆1950s—2013年不同年代的22个棉花品种(系)为材料,研究了不同年代培育的棉花品种(系)在苗期、蕾期、花铃期和吐絮期的磷吸收、利用效率特征,并采用模糊数学隶属函数和聚类分析方法,对不同棉花品种(系)磷效率的高低进行了综合评价。结果表明:不同棉花品种(系)磷吸收效率、利用效率、磷由茎叶向籽粒的转移效率(再转移效率)存在差异。吐絮期磷吸收效率为164.26~395.75 mg·株-1,变异系数为3.3%;磷利用效率为0.25~0.40 g·mg-1,变异系数为67.7%;磷再转移效率为16.0%~58.1%,变异系数为11.1%。以每20年为一个时期,划分了3个品种更替阶段,棉花磷利用效率在3个阶段没有发生明显改变,始终维持在0.30~0.32 g·mg-1;磷吸收效率由225.5 mg·株-1增加到286.3 mg·株-1,提高了27.0%;磷由根系向地上部的转移效率(转移效率)没有发生明显改变,始终维持在93.9%~94.9%;磷再转移效率由26.8%增加到38.3%;磷经济利用效率由20.6 mg·mg-1增加到30.4 mg·mg-1。相关性分析表明:不同棉花品种(系)生物量与磷吸收效率呈显著正相关,而与磷利用效率无显著的相关性;皮棉产量与磷吸收效率、转移效率、再转移效率、经济利用效率呈极显著正相关,而与磷利用效率相关性不明显。对22个棉花品种(系)吐絮期生物量、皮棉产量、磷吸收利用效率及转移效率和经济利用效率等性状指标的综合评价和聚类分析,将22个品种(系)分为磷高效型、中效型、低效型和极低效型4组,‘新陆早50号’‘新陆早57号’‘军棉1号’为磷高效型品种。与磷低效组相比,磷高效组的品种具有较高的生物量和产量。以上结果表明,新疆棉花高产育种过程提高了磷素吸收、再转移和经济利用效率。
Abstract:Improving the phosphorus (P) fertilizer utilization rate is a major challenge when attempting to supply sufficient P nutrients in agriculture. Modifying the crop variety can effectively address this problem. The differences in P utilization efficiency among various cotton varieties cultivated at different times in Xinjiang, China, were clarified by setting up a single-factor random block design field experiment that investigated 22 different cotton varieties cultivated between 1950 and 2013. The P absorption and utilization efficiency characteristics of different cotton varieties during their seedling, budding, flowering, and wadding stages were monitored. Correlation and cluster analyses were used to evaluate the P efficiencies of cotton varieties. The results showed that P absorption efficiency, P utilization efficiency, and P transfer efficiency (from shoot to seed) differed among the 22 cotton varieties. At the wadding stage, the P absorption efficiency was 164.26-395.75 mg·plant-1 with a coefficient of variation of 3.3%; the P utilization efficiency was 0.25-0.40 g·mg-1 with a coefficient of variation of 67.7%; and the P re-transfer efficiency was 16.0-58.1% with a coefficient of variation of 11.1%. The P utilization efficiency, which always stayed between 0.30-0.32 g·mg-1, did not significantly change over the three time periods (every 20 years was one period). Furthermore, P transfer efficiency did not significantly change and was around 93.9%-94.9%. In contrast, P absorption efficiency increased from 225.5 mg·plant-1 to 286.3 mg·plant-1, which was a 27.0% increase; and P re-transfer efficiency increased from 26.8% to 38.3%, which was an 11.5% increase. The P economic utilization efficiency rose from 20.6 mg·mg-1 to 30.4 mg·mg-1, which was a 47.6% increase. The correlation analysis showed that biomass was positively correlated with P absorption efficiency, but there was no significant relationship with P utilization efficiency. The lint cotton yield was positively correlated with P absorption, transfer, re-transfer efficiency, and economic utilization efficiency, but had no relationship with P utilization efficiency. The cluster analysis divided 22 cotton varieties into four types: P high-efficient type, P medium-efficient, P inefficient type, and extremely inefficient type. 'Xinluzao 50' 'Xinluzao 57', and 'Junmian 1' were P high-efficient varieties. The P high-efficient varieties had higher biomasses and yields than the other three types. In conclusion, these results highlighted that the use of high yielding cotton varieties in Xinjiang had prominently contributed to improvements in the absorption, transfer, and economic utilization of P.
Key words:Cotton/
Cultivated in different ages/
Phosphorus absorption efficiency/
Phosphorus utilization efficiency/
Phosphorus transfer efficiency/
Phosphorus retransfer efficiency


各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1
Figure1.Comparison of biomasses at different growth stages of different cotton cultivars (lines)
Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1
Figure2.Comparison of P contents at different growth stages of different cotton cultivars (lines)
Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1
Figure3.Comparison of P absorption efficiencies at different growth stages of different cotton cultivars (lines)
Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1
Figure4.Comparison of P utilization efficiencies at different growth stages of different cotton cultivars (lines)
Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1
Figure5.Comparison of P transfer and retransfer efficiencies of different cotton cultivars (lines)
Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1
Figure6.Comparison of economic utilization efficiencies of different cotton cultivars (lines)
Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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**表示P < 0.01水平显著相关。
Figure7.Correlation diagrams of cotton biomass with P absorption and P utilization efficiencies
** mean significant correlation at P < 0.01.

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*和**分别表示P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平显著相关。
Figure8.Diagrams of correlation analysis between cotton lint yield and P efficiency
* and ** mean significant correlation at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 levels, respectively.

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各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1
Figure9.Cluster analysis of P efficiency of different cotton cultivars (lines)
Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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Table1.Released (introduced) years and breeding institutions of the tested cotton cultivars (lines)
Cultivar (line)
Released (introduced) year
Name of institution
1 C-3174 1954 前苏联Former Soviet Union
2 KK-1543 1955 前苏联柯尔克孜农业研究所
Kirgiz Agricultural Research Institute of the former Soviet Union
3 108夫108 Fu 1960 前苏联Former Soviet Union
4 农垦5号Nongken No. 5 1961 新疆农八师莫二场良种队
Mo’erchang Well-bred Species Group of Xinjiang Agricultural Eighth Division
5 车61-72 Che 61-72 1961 新疆农七师车排子试验站
Chepaizi Test Station of Xinjiang Agricultural Seventh Division
6 C-4744 1963 前苏联Former Soviet Union
7 新陆早1号Xinluzao No. 1 1978 新疆农七师下野地试验站
Xiayedi Test Station of Xinjiang Agricultural Seventh Division
8 新陆201 Xinlu 201 1979 新疆农业科学院和巴州农业科学研究所
Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Bazhou Agriculture Institute
9 军棉1号Junmian No. 1 1979 新疆农二师塔里木良种繁育试验站
Tarim Breeding Experiment Station of Xinjiang Second Agricultural Division
10 新陆早2号Xinluzao No. 2 1988 石河子棉花研究所
Shihezi Cotton Research Institute
11 塔什干2号Tashigan No. 2 1991 前苏联Former Soviet Union
12 苏K-202 Su K-202 1991 前苏联费尔干试验站
Fergana Test Station of the Former Soviet Union
13 新陆中4号Xinluzhong No. 4 1992 新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所
Institute of Economic Crops, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
14 新陆早13号Xinluzao No. 13 2002 新疆农七师农业科学研究所
Agricultural Institute of Xinjiang Agricultural Seventh Division
15 新陆早19号Xinluzao No. 19 2004 石河子棉花研究所
Shihezi Cotton Research Institute
16 新陆早31号Xinluzao No. 31 2006 新疆奎屯万氏棉种公司
Wanshi Cotton Seed Company in Kuitun, Xinjiang
17 新陆中35号Xinluzhong No. 35 2007 新疆巴州富全新科种业
Fuquanxinke Seed Industry in Bazhou, Xinjiang
18 新陆中40号Xinluzhong No. 40 2009 库尔勒市种子公司
Seed Company of Korla City
19 新陆早48号Xinluzao No. 48 2010 惠远公司
Huiyuan Company
20 新陆早50号Xinluzao No. 50 2011 新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所
Institute of Economic Crops, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
21 新陆早57号Xinluzao No. 57 2013 新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所
Institute of Economic Crops, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
22 TM-1 (遗传标准系Genetic standard system) 美国USA

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Table2.Date and amounts of both water irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer application during cotton growth period
Date (month-day)
Water irrigation amount (m3·hm–2)
Urea application amount (kg·hm–2)
06-24 450 45
07-03 600 90
07-19 600 90
07-28 150 105
08-09 450 75
08-22 750 45

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Table3.Changes in P absorption and utilization efficiency of cotton cultivars (lines) released/introduced in different periods
Cultivars (lines) number
P absorption efficiency (mg·plant-1)
P utilization efficiency (mg·mg-1)
P transfer efficiency (%)
P re-transfer efficiency (%)
Economic utilization efficiency (mg·mg-1)
1954—1974 6 前期Early stage 225.5±9.6a 300.8±5.8a 93.9±0.4ab 26.8±5.6a 20.6±1.2a
1975—1995 7 中期Medium stage 261.9±37.4a 324.1±17.9a 93.3±0.6b 30.3±4.2a 24.6±5.0a
1996—2013 8 后期Later stage 286.3±25.0a 323.7±21.6a 94.9±0.4a 38.3±4.8a 30.4±3.0a
表中数据为平均值±标准差; 不同小写字母表示不同年代间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Date are means ± S.E. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among different ages at P < 0.05 level.

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Table4.Comprehensive evaluation of P efficiency of different cotton cultivars (lines)
No. of cultivar (line)
评价指标Evaluation index 综合评价值(D) Comprehensive evaluation 位次Order
Biomass (g·plant–1)
P absorption amount (mg·plant–1)
P utilization efficiency (g·mg–1)
Lint cotton yield (g·plant –1)
P transfer efficiency (%)
P retransfer efficiency (%)
Economic utilization efficiency (mg·mg–1)
1 58.24 197.12 294.77 3.25 93.63 19.66 16.93 0.107 22
2 74.69 254.54 293.55 5.72 94.33 22.25 22.71 0.282 15
3 60.64 209.90 292.63 3.23 92.93 19.28 16.95 0.116 21
4 68.49 211.08 325.55 4.44 92.94 27.59 23.48 0.257 17
5 70.83 250.66 287.93 4.62 94.11 53.87 20.26 0.379 10
6 73.59 237.25 310.34 5.47 95.49 17.86 23.16 0.255 18
7 66.83 190.24 362.84 3.54 91.02 15.97 20.96 0.164 19
8 59.08 165.81 359.67 7.19 95.35 39.74 45.00 0.491 6
9 120.36 374.79 324.01 9.41 94.39 44.88 27.08 0.681 3
10 70.21 239.80 300.16 8.01 93.83 26.59 38.79 0.444 9
11 63.87 165.22 385.84 3.10 92.05 18.41 18.83 0.143 20
12 107.48 407.22 271.58 4.03 92.27 27.98 11.41 0.341 12
13 84.13 320.45 264.58 3.16 94.31 38.58 10.36 0.266 16
14 75.59 187.14 403.19 4.38 93.23 29.13 23.45 0.300 14
15 77.72 315.79 248.60 6.24 94.50 33.87 21.09 0.361 11
16 81.60 249.17 337.08 7.23 94.96 26.39 35.78 0.452 8
17 76.93 202.94 386.39 8.28 95.08 28.93 45.84 0.540 4
18 115.53 308.21 374.50 7.27 93.96 25.77 23.69 0.492 5
19 77.46 300.17 258.54 7.60 94.68 46.62 26.05 0.481 7
20 119.61 377.85 313.31 11.97 96.18 58.11 32.02 0.834 1
21 96.22 358.96 268.09 12.62 96.43 57.34 35.26 0.787 2
22 58.51 194.87 300.81 5.86 95.46 32.90 31.09 0.327 13
各品种(系)序号及具体介绍见表 1。Detail information of cultivars (lines) was shown in the table 1.

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