郭永丽2, 3,
郭芳2, 3
1.贵州大学资源与环境工程学院 贵阳 550025
2.中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所 桂林 541004
3.国土资源部/广西壮族自治区岩溶动力学重点实验室 桂林 541004
基金项目: 国土资源部/广西壮族自治区岩溶动力学重点实验室开放课题KDL201401
作者简介:申春华, 主要研究方向为岩溶水环境。E-mail:793257167@qq.com
通讯作者:韩志伟, 主要研究方向为流域水环境。E-mail:zwhan@gzu.edu.cn
Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and factors influencing nitrate level in waters of a typical karst underground river system
SHEN Chunhua1,,HAN Zhiwei1,,,
GUO Yongli2, 3,
ZHANG Shui1,
TU Han1,
GUO Fang2, 3
1. College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
2. Institute of Karst Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science, Guilin 541004, China
3. Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics, Ministry of Natural Resources & Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin 541004, China
Funds: the Open Project of the Key Laboratory of Karst Dynamics Laboratory, Ministry of Land and Resources & GuangxiKDL201401
the National Natural Science Foundation of China41501018
the Natural Science Foundation of Guizhou ProvinceLH[2014]7653
the First Class Disciplines Construction Project of Guizhou ProvinceGNYL[2017]007
More Information
Corresponding author:HAN Zhiwei, E-mail: zwhan@gzu.edu.cn
Abstract:Karst underground rivers, which are widely distributed in karst areas in Southwest China, are important water resources. In recent years, with the continuous economic development, karst underground rivers have been rendered polluted to variable proportions. Nitrate pollution is a prominent and common problem in karst underground rivers. The high heterogeneity of karst aquifers makes it difficult to decipher the formation and distribution process of nitrate by simulation. The typical karst underground river system in Guancun Village, Daliang Town, Liuzhou City, Guangxi was selected as the study area. The land use was dominated by agriculture and the primary pollutant was nitrate. Multiple water samples were collected during the wet and dry seasons. The nitrate concentration and stable isotope variation characteristics were analyzed employing tracing and statistical methods. The results indicated that in the Guancun karst underground river system the trending of nitrate concentration during the wet and dry periods were consistent. The nitrate levels gradually increased from the Shanghu Cave to Xiahu Cave. On the contrary, the nitrate levels decreased from the Xiahu Cave to the underground river outlet. The waters of study area were obviously affected by human activities. The nitrates in the water primarily originated from agricultural and living sources. The input from the agricultural source had a profound influence on the nitrate concentration in the water. Due to the different sources of nitrate in the recharge water in different seasons, the distribution of nitrate concentration and stable water isotopes showed significant seasonal characteristics of the underground river system with the average nitrate concentration during wet season being greater than that during the dry season. As a result of the input of exogenous nitrate, mixing waters, and reduction processes, the distribution of nitrate concentration in karst underground river system also exhibit obvious spatial distribution characteristics. In this study, tracing method was employed to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and the factors influencing nitrate levels in the karst underground river system. The conclusions arrived at would be significant in formulating non-point source pollution prevention strategies in karst areas.
Q1~Q5为泉点水样点, S1~S11为地下河样点。
Figure1.Location of Guancun karst underground river stream and sampling sites
Q1-Q5 are spring samples, S1-S11 are underground river samples.
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Figure2.Relationship between mole ratio of NO3-/Cl- and concentration of Cl- in underground river water of the study area
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Figure3.Correspondence analysis plane plot for water samples and parameters of underground river water during the wet season of the study area
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Q1~Q5为泉点水样点, S1~S11为地下河样点。
Figure4.Distribution of nitrate concentration in Guancun karst underground river system
Q1-Q5 are spring samples, S1-S11 are underground river samples.
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图5研究区地下河水体中丰/枯水期硝酸根浓度对比(S5和S10为地下河样点, Q2为泉点样点)
Figure5.Comparison of nitrate concentration in underground river water of the study area between dry season and wet season (S5 and S10 are underground river samples, Q2 is spring sample)
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图6研究区地下河丰水期和枯水期不同水体中硝酸盐浓度计算值与实际值的比较[X轴表示官村岩溶地下河投影在水流方向上采样点之间的相对距离(单位: km), 相对位置如图 1所示]
Figure6.Comparison between calculated value and actual value of nitrate concentration in underground river water of the study area [X-axis is the relative distance based on flow direction of projected sampling site of the Guancun krast underground river system (unit: km) and their location refer to Fig. 1]
S1-S11 are underground river samples.
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图7官村地下河氢氧同位素沿程变化[X轴表示官村岩溶地下河投影在水流方向上采样点之间的相对距离(单位: km), 相对位置如图 1所示]
Figure7.Changes of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes along the Guancun karst underground river catchment [X-axis is the relative distance based on flow direction of projected sampling site of the Guancun krast underground river system (unit: km) and their location refer to Fig. 1]
S1-S11 are underground river samples.
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Table1.Pearson correlation matrixes for average concentrations of main chemical compositions of underground river system in wet and dry seasons in the study area
Ca2+ | Mg2+ | K+ | Na+ | HCO3- | Cl- | NO3- | SO42- | ||
丰水期 Wet season | Ca2+ | 1.00 | |||||||
Mg2+ | 0.02 | 1.00 | |||||||
K+ | -0.81** | -0.38 | 1.00 | ||||||
Na+ | -0.19 | 0.43 | -0.10 | 1.00 | |||||
HCO3- | 0.71** | 0.69** | -0.85** | -0.15 | 1.00 | ||||
Cl- | -0.20 | -0.10 | 0.11 | 0.38 | -0.15 | ||||
NO3- | -0.24 | 0.02 | -0.13 | 0.66** | -0.09 | 0.84** | 1.00 | ||
SO42- | 0.35 | 0.68** | -0.24 | 0.07 | 0.51 | -0.53* | -0.59* | 1.00 | |
枯水期 Dry season | Ca2+ | 1.00 | |||||||
Mg2+ | 0.30 | 1.00 | |||||||
K+ | -0.16 | -0.41 | 1.00 | ||||||
Na+ | -0.45 | 0.20 | 0.10 | 1.00 | |||||
HCO3- | 0.66** | 0.63** | -0.34 | 0.37 | 1.00 | ||||
Cl- | 0.31 | 0.01 | 0.51 | 0.77** | 0.18 | ||||
NO3- | 0.29 | 0.01 | 0.41 | 0.75** | 0.11 | 0.97** | 1.00 | ||
SO42- | -0.11 | -0.06 | -0.68** | 0.01 | -0.02 | -0.57* | -0.52* | 1.00 | |
**和*分别表示在0.01和0.05水平显著相关(双侧)。** and * indicate significant correlation at 0.01 and 0.05 levels (both sides), respectively. |
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Table2.Load parameters of factors of underground river water of underground river system in wet and dry seasons in the study area
变量 Variable | 丰水期 Wet season | 枯水期 Dry season | |||
F1 | F2 | F1 | F2 | ||
K+ | -0.440 | -2.180 | 0.690 | -0.118 | |
Na+ | -0.002 | 0.529 | 0.247 | 0.031 | |
Ca2+ | 0.236 | -0.152 | 0.259 | -0.260 | |
Mg2+ | -1.343 | 1.070 | -0.839 | 1.029 | |
HCO3- | 0.031 | 0.054 | -0.073 | 0.036 | |
SO42- | 0.088 | 0.098 | -0.163 | -0.511 | |
Cl- | -0.970 | -1.272 | 0.976 | 0.581 | |
NO3- | -1.687 | -1.563 | 2.055 | 1.486 |
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