

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

1.中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心 石家庄 050022
2.福建农林大学 福州 350002
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划2016YFD0200307-06

作者简介:胡春胜, 主要从事农田生态系统碳氮循环研究。E-mail:cshu@sjziam.ac.cn




Nitrogen processes and related environmental effects on agro-ecosystem in the North China Plain

HU Chunsheng1,,,
ZHANG Yuming1,
QIN Shuping2,
WANG Yuying1,
LI Xiaoxin1,
DONG Wenxu1
1. Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050022, China
2. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0200307-06
the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0300808
the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China41571291
Sino-Africa Joint Research ProjectSAJC201603

More Information
Corresponding author:HU Chunsheng, E-mail: cshu@sjziam.ac.cn


Abstract:The North China Plain is one of the most important bases for grain production. In the present agricultural production, farmers apply excessive fertilizer for high yield. Therefore, fertilizer use efficiency has become very low and environmental pollution as a result of it has also become more and more serious. The sustainable development of local agricultural economy and ecological environment has been greatly threatened. This paper reported our research findings on nitrogen processes in agro-ecosystems based on long-term (since 1978) fertilizer field experiment in Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Nitrogen processes and the related environmental effects on the agro-ecosystem in the North China Plain were analyzed. This included nitrogen transformation characteristics in soil-plant systems, nitrogen fluxes and their transformation mechanisms, comprehensive nitrogen management and regulation, etc. Eight long-term field experiments related to nitrogen addition to the soil were conducted since 1978. Based on the field experiments, improvements in soil fertility, high production and high efficiency, recycled nutrient applications, agro-ecological processes and response mechanisms and feedback to climate change were studied. The research methods for nitrogen processes were fairly improved and innovated. Based on in situ observation system of soil denitrification in high nitrogen background concentrations, the mechanisms of soil denitrification in indoor incubations, total quantity of nitrogen removal in situ denitrification and production compositions were also studied and quantified. Meanwhile, system errors of denitrification rate measured by acetylene inhibition method were quantified. Furthermore, soil gas determination techniques in deep soil profile were established. Therefore, the mechanisms of N2O production/consumption at the soil-atmosphere interface were expanded into the deep soil profile. The depth-dependent contribution of N2O flux in the soil profile to soil surface gas exchange was quantified based on studies on N2O production mechanisms, diffusion and reduction processes in the subsoil. The state of nitrogen balance in agro-ecosystem in the region was estimated based on studies on nitrogen conversion mechanisms, nitrogen fluxes and the related environmental effects. Different ways of nitrogen loss in agro-ecosystem were compared and the prefer approaches for controlling nitrogen loss and increasing fertilizer use efficiency put forward.
Key words:Nitrogen process/
Ammonia volatilization/
Nitrate leaching/
Environmental effect/
North China Plain


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