Research progress of trade-off relationships of plant functional traits
Yun-Yu HE, Shui-Liang GUO, Zhe WANG
通讯作者: *wangzhe@shnu.edu.cn
编委: 岳明
责任编辑: 赵航(实习)
基金资助: |
Corresponding authors: *wangzhe@shnu.edu.cn
Fund supported: |

植物功能性状权衡关系反映了植物在资源获取与分配中采取的不同策略, 是近年来生态学研究的一个热点问题。该综述从研究范围、叶性状、器官和植物类群4个方面入手, 简要介绍植物功能性状关系研究在近10余年是如何在叶经济谱(LES)的基础上逐渐扩展和深入的。1)相关研究拓展到全球更多极端环境与特殊气候地区, 发现在不同的气候环境条件下, 植物叶片功能性状关系相对稳定, 植物种内的功能性状关系已被证实与LES相似; 2)功能性状网络从最初的6个经济性状扩展到叶片的分解、燃烧和水力等性状, 发现叶片的分解速率和可燃性均与叶片形态性状、养分含量等显著相关, 但叶片水力性状与经济性状的关系则取决于所研究的物种及生存环境的水分条件; 3)研究对象从植物叶片拓展到了根、茎、花、种子及植株整体, 叶片的比叶质量与茎的木质密度、种子大小相耦合, 但叶片形态性状与根和花的相关性状却无显著相关关系, 证明这些器官可能是独立进化的; 4) LES可以很好地解释特殊维管植物的生存适应策略: 入侵植物具有较高的资源利用效率和更快的相对生长速率, 在LES中处于“低投入-快速回报”的一端; 食虫植物的叶片特化为捕食器官, 光合作用及生长速率相对较低, 居于LES “高投入-缓慢回报”的另一端, 此外, 无论是最古老的种子植物苏铁属(Cycas)植物, 或是蕨类和变水植物(苔藓和地衣), 其功能性状关系都与LES大致相同。该文梳理了功能性状关系研究的进展脉络, 提出了一些建议, 期望为未来植物功能性状关系研究的选题和发展提供一些参考。
Trade-offs among different plant functional traits reflect the different strategies of plants in resource acquisition and allocation and have been a hot topic in ecological research in recent years. Starting from research scales, leaf traits, organs, and plant groups, this review briefly introduces how the study of trait relationships has gradually expanded and deepened based on the leaf economic spectrum (LES) in recent decades. 1) Relevant studies have been focused on the species living in extremely harsh environments. LES is relatively stable along environmental gradients studied. Both intra- and inter-specific leaf trait relationships are similar. 2) Leaf decomposition rate and flammability are significantly related to the morphological traits and nutrient contents. The relationship between leaf economic traits and hydraulic traits depends on environmental water availability. 3) Leaf mass per area is coupled with wood density and seed size. However, the morphological traits of leaf are not related to relevant traits of root and flower, indicating that these organs may have evolved independently. 4) LES can well explain the growth/survival strategies of some special vascular plants: invasive plants have relatively high resource use efficiencies and fast relative growth rates, locating on the “low investment-quick returns” end in LES. In contrast, the leaves of the carnivorous plants are capable of catching prey, but have relatively low photosynthetic and growth rates, distributing on the other end of LES. Besides, LES pertains to not only the oldest seed plant cycads but also ferns and poikilohydric plants (bryophytes and lichens). This review summarizes the research progress of this topic and presents some suggestions, hoping to provide some new insights for future studies.
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何芸雨, 郭水良, 王喆. 植物功能性状权衡关系的研究进展. 植物生态学报, 2019, 43(12): 1021-1035. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0122
HE Yun-Yu, GUO Shui-Liang, WANG Zhe.
植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(孟婷婷等, 2007; Violle et al., 2007; Kattge et al., 2011)。近年来, 对植物功能性状的研究已经不仅仅局限于对单一或成组性状水平的研究, 而是越来越多地关注性状间的内在联系与权衡关系(Wright et al., 2004, 2005; Osnas et al., 2013)。对植物功能性状关系进行深入研究有助于: 1)揭示植物的生长策略及资源分配模式, 探讨其生理生态过程的内在机制; 2)根据已有的功能性状关系模型, 可通过易于测定、应用广泛的“软性状” (如植物的形态学指标、生活型等)去推算那些测定方法复杂、耗时费力、对实验人员和仪器精度要求较高的“硬性状” (如生长速率、光合能力等), 例如通过植物叶片的形态学指标, 推测其氮、磷含量及固碳能力; 3)通过对生长在不同气候条件下相同或不同的植物类群、植被类型的功能性状关系研究, 辅以控制实验, 可以为研究生态系统的能量流动、物质循环提供更加可靠的背景数据, 有助于更加准确地预测气候变化对植物群落的影响及其响应(Wright et al., 2004; Shipley et al., 2006; 冯秋红等, 2008)。
Wright等(2004)首次系统地总结了全球尺度下的叶经济谱(LES)规律, 分析了取自全球175个地点的2 548种维管植物叶片的功能性状关系, 发现单位质量的最大光合能力(Amass)、暗呼吸速率(Rdmass)与氮、磷含量(Nmass、Pmass)有显著的正相关关系, 同时这些生理指标与比叶质量(LMA)显著负相关。物种间LMA的差异反映了叶片解剖学性状(如角质层、叶肉细胞的厚度及密度, 细胞结构的稳定性等)的潜在变异。LES反映了植物在叶片结构成本与资源回报时间的权衡: 从LMA低、单位质量的营养元素含量高、生长速率快, 叶寿命(LL)短的“低投入-快速回报”一端, 到LMA高、单位质量的营养元素含量低、生长速率慢、LL长的“高投入-缓慢回报”另一端。生理代谢、营养元素含量及形态指标间的紧密联系体现了维管植物光合速率、结构成本与叶片寿命的进化权衡(Hikosaka, 2004; Shipley et al., 2006)。
尽管也有一些****对LES中采用单位干质量进行性状标准化的可信度和生态学意义提出过质疑, 并且展开过一系列的讨论: 如Edwards等(2014)发现五福花科落叶木本植物叶性状仅在单位面积上具有相关性, 在单位质量上却没有显著关系; Lloyd等(2013)认为以质量为基础的叶片数据实质上反映的是LMA的变化; Westoby等(2013)撰文强调了以单位质量为基础进行研究的意义, 如涉及量化生长速率等性状时就应采用单位干质量进行标准化; Poorter等(2014)认为对不同物种应当采用灵活多样的测定标准。但毫无疑问, Wright等(2004)提出LES是植物功能性状关系研究的一个里程碑, 大量后续相关工作围绕这一规律展开, 自该文发表至今, Google学术数据库显示该文已被引用超过4 800次。
LES是一个针对维管植物(类群)叶片(器官)经济性状(性状)在全球尺度上的跨种(范围)研究所得出的普遍规律。本综述从研究范围、叶性状、器官和植物类群4个方面着眼, 简要介绍植物功能性状关系研究在近10余年是如何在LES的基础上逐渐扩展和深入(图1): 1)研究范围拓展到极端环境与特殊气候地区, 越来越多的工作开始关注环境梯度变化对功能性状关系的影响, 植物种内的功能性状关系已被证实与LES相似; 2)叶片性状关系网络从最初的6个经济性状(Amass、Rdmass、Nmass、Pmass、LMA、LL)扩展到叶片的分解、燃烧和水力输导等性状(表1); 3)研究器官从植物叶片拓展到了根、茎、花和种子; 4) LES可以很好地解释特殊维管植物(如入侵植物、食虫植物)的生存适应策略, 这一规律同样也适用于较原始的植物类群(蕨类、苔藓、地衣)。

Fig. 1Research progress of the trade-off relationships of plant functional traits.
Table 1
Table 1
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | Wright et al., 2004 |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | Wright et al., 2004 |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | Wright et al., 2004 |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | Wright et al., 2004 |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | Feng & Dietze, 2013 |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | Freschet et al., 2010 |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | Pierce et al., 2014 |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | Pierce et al., 2014 |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | Sack et al., 2013 |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | Sack et al., 2013 |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | Sack et al., 2013 |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | Sack et al., 2013 |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | Chave et al., 2009 |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | Luke McCormack et al., 2012 |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | Zhang et al., 2017a |
花面积 | Flower area | FA | Zhang et al., 2017a |
1 维管植物叶经济谱的丰富和验证
过去对维管植物叶片功能性状的研究大多是在较小的尺度(以及组织层次)进行, 然而目前亟待厘清和解决的生态学问题往往都体现在较大尺度上, 在某一尺度得出的生态学规律未必适用于其他尺度(Schneider, 2001)。Feng和Dietze (2013)以25种草本植物为对象, 在种间、功能组、分类群这3个层次上, 分析了光合CO2响应曲线、光响应曲线、氮含量、比叶面积(SLA)和叶绿素浓度这些光合性状的相关性, 发现草原群落中无论种内还是种间, 最大光合速率、氮浓度与叶绿素浓度都显著正相关, 而最大光合速率与SLA在有的物种中为正相关关系, 在有些物种中却并不相关。de la Riva等(2016)对地中海9个木本植物群落中38种优势植物的研究发现, 群落水平的功能性状关系比物种水平更显著, 随着组织层次下降, 不同器官间的关系会逐渐减弱直至消失。全球尺度下的LES可能并不适用于局部尺度的“群落聚合” (Messier et al., 2017), 因此在探究叶片功能性状关系时, 应该明确具体的研究范围, 不能简单地将某一尺度的研究结果直接套用到其他尺度。1.1 在极端环境与特殊气候地区的补充验证
LES是基于全球植物性状网络(Global Plant Trait Network)总结出的叶片性状关系规律。而后, 有大量研究报道了该数据库涵盖范围以外区域及一些极端气候地区维管植物群落的叶片功能性状关系, 研究结论大多支持LES规律。例如He等(2006)研究了生长在青藏高原草地的维管植物叶片, 发现极端环境下植物叶片有更高的氮浓度和更强的光合能力, 叶片性状间关系与LES一致。Freschet等(2010)证实亚北极植物中碳、氮、磷以及叶干物质含量(LDMC)间的关系也符合LES规律。Rodríguez-Gallego等(2015)发现78种沿海沙丘植物叶片的SLA与氮、磷含量呈正相关关系。Díaz等(2016)将叶性状关系的分析范围进一步扩大到了全球423科46 085种维管植物。这些研究与发现均有力地证明了LES的规律性、稳定性和普遍性(陈莹婷和许振柱, 2014)。而全球植物性状数据库——TRY数据库的建立及不断完善、更新, 也为未来进行更大尺度、更全面的分析工作提供了高质量的植物性状数据支持。1.2 叶片功能性状关系沿环境梯度的变化研究
Wright等(2004)发现在全球总体格局上, 气候对LMA和LL的协同变化有一定影响: 如LMA相同的叶片, 在降水量较少的地方, LL较短; 当LMA增加时, 在气候环境较恶劣的地区, LL增加较慢。Heberling和Fridley (2012)通过控制气候差异检验了植物叶片性状关系的变化, 发现不同环境中植物在资源获取策略中采取不同权衡, 如北半球的植物表现出更高的资源投资回报率。van de Weg等(2009)探讨了不同海拔植物的功能性状关系, 发现在秘鲁的亚马孙-安第斯山脉中植物LMA随海拔增加而增加, 叶片氮含量随海拔增加而降低。Luo等(2019)对几乎包含北半球所有植被类型的中国东部样带的研究表明, 随着海拔的增加, 叶片厚度和叶片面积减少, LDMC增加。Atkinson等(2010)与Xiang等(2013)分别研究温度对植物叶片功能性状关系的影响, 发现不同的生长温度会影响Amass和LMA、Nmass、Pmass间的相互关系, 代谢活跃的温带物种叶氮含量和LMA高于热带物种。揭胜麟等(2012)对三峡水库消落带植物叶片的研究发现, 消落带植物叶片各性状关系与LES基本一致, Amass、Nmass、Pmass和钾含量显著高于全球平均值, 而LMA则较低, 说明处于驯化阶段的消落带植物处在LES中“低投入-快速回报”的一端。1.3 种内的LES变异
LES规律是基于对跨种数据进行综合分析得出的, 揭示了在资源梯度上叶片结构、化学和生理特征的协调变化, 然而这一规律在很大程度上忽略了种内变异的作用(包括生态变异和可塑性变异)。Fajardo等(2013)对智利南部温带雨林中木本植物的叶片性状研究发现, LMA与氮含量负相关, 种内叶片性状关系与种间和群落水平的性状关系一致。Niinemets (2015)发现地中海常绿阔叶植物冬青栎(Quercus ilex)氮含量、光合能力、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度与LMA间存在相关关系, 这种关系与LES相似, 还发现植物(植株、叶片)大小可能会影响性状之间的比例关系。He和Yan (2018)对中国东部亚热带地区的常绿树种黄丹木姜子(Litsea elongata)的研究也发现这种比例关系: 个体小的植株叶片更小、薄、长, 但是氮含量较低, 这可能说明较小个体具有“低投入-快速回报”的资源策略, 而较大的植株则具有更高的结构性氮比例。在自然生态系统以外, 也有许多研究探讨了农作物的种内LES变异: Martin等(2017)发现咖啡(Coffea Arabica)的种内变异与LES规律大体一致, 但氮与Amass的相关性明显弱于后者, 可能是由于咖啡中一部分氮被用于合成与光合作用无关的氮基化合物(咖啡因); LMA与Amass的相关性也较弱, 推测是由于农业生态系统中巨大的养分(尤其是氮)输入导致作物种内权衡关系不如LES强烈。对小麦(Triticum aestivum & Triticum turgidwr var. durum)和玉米(Zea mays)的研究则发现, 尽管这些作物驯化历史悠久, 但是其不同种群在LES中广泛分布, 并非占据在特定的某一端(Martin et al., 2018)。而Hayes等(2019)的研究发现, 大豆的叶片性状权衡关系也与LES一致。从豆荚形成到豆荚中豆子生长的阶段, 大豆将更多的资源投入到繁殖器官中, 因此叶片在LES中的位置从“低投入-快速回报” (高Amass和氮含量, 低LMA)一端向“高投入-缓慢回报” (低Amass和氮含量, 高LMA)一端移动。和套种相比, 单一栽培时大豆叶片的光照条件较好, LMA和Aarea增大, Amass下降, 叶功能性状关系偏向于“高投入-缓慢回报”一端。在农业生态系统中, 由于长期的人工选择与驯化, 以及大量的养分输入, 农作物大多可以快速地吸收、利用资源, 在LES中占据“低投入-快速回报”的一端。
2 叶片功能性状的丰富和验证
2.1 叶片分解速率
叶片凋落物分解是生态系统碳和养分循环的重要过程, 叶片的养分含量、形态指标、气候环境以及土壤环境都会影响分解速率。Cornwell等(2008)对6大洲818种植物的叶和凋落物性状研究发现, 种间差异对叶片分解速率的影响大于气候差异。叶片凋落物的分解速率与叶片形态、营养元素含量(氮、磷、钾、木质素浓度、LDMC)具有显著相关性。Santiago (2007)对巴拿马低地热带森林的35种乔木、藤本和林下植物叶片的研究发现, 叶片分解速率与SLA、Nmass、Pmass、钾含量正相关。Fortunel等(2009)研究了欧洲和以色列草本植物群落, 发现凋落物分解速率与叶片氮浓度正相关, 与分解物中木质素浓度、LDMC负相关。Bakker等(2011)对玻利维亚低地湿润热带地区成熟林、次生林和农田中23种植物的叶片凋落物性状和分解速率的研究发现, 鲜叶养分含量、形态特征等性状水平的种间差异在凋落物中仍然存在, 相关性状间具有紧密联系, 表征“生长”快慢的LES同样可以反映叶片凋落物分解速率的快慢, 农田作物的平均氮含量、SLA及分解速率显著高于成熟林和次生林群落。其研究甚至发现, 相比凋落物性状, 一些鲜叶性状如氮含量、SLA和LDMC能够更准确地预测分解速率。2.2 燃烧性状
除了自然分解及被消费者取食, 在许多生态系统中, 燃烧也是促使植物叶片(无论是鲜叶还是凋落物)所含有机物快速转化为无机物的重要过程。凋落物分解缓慢会导致可燃物累积, 形成火灾隐患。Schwilk和Caprio (2011)分析发现叶片长度可能影响落叶可燃性。Grootemaat等(2015)在400 ℃的高温下对澳大利亚东部32种多年生常绿植物的新鲜、干燥和凋落叶片进行了燃烧试验, 测定了样品的引燃时间、火焰持续时间及火焰熄灭后的阴燃持续时间, 并且与叶片分解速率、形态和化学性状进行相关分析。研究发现叶片SLA和含水量决定了引燃时间, 而火焰和阴燃持续时间则主要取决于叶片干质量, 与叶片氮、磷及单宁含量也有一定关系。但是叶片的燃烧性状却与分解常数(表征分解速率的指标, 与木质素、养分含量相关)无关, 可燃性与可分解性之间并不耦合。Mason等(2016)在400 ℃高温下对新西兰115种草木和木本的新鲜和干燥叶片进行可燃性研究, 发现叶片可燃性随叶片相对表面积和养分含量的增加而增加, 随组织密度、木质素和次生代谢产物浓度的增加而降低, 证明了叶片可燃性与形态及资源获取策略之间的权衡关系, 如松柏科的叶具有较低的相对表面积与较高的组织密度, 最不易燃。探究植物功能性状特征与分解速率及可燃性的关系, 可以对森林火灾进行更加准确的预测和防控, 同时有助于建立更加完善的生态系统养分分解模型。2.3 水力性状
植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(Prentice et al., 2014; 金鹰和王传宽, 2015)。水力性状的变异影响着叶片的经济性状及植物的生存和生长, Simonin等(2012)发现LMA、LL和单位质量的水力导度(Kleaf)存在显著负相关关系。Villagra等(2013)对阿根廷东北部落叶林的研究也发现, 随着LMA和LL的增加, 水力导度损失50%时的水势(P50)呈线性下降。但也有研究认为水力性状与经济性状之间并不耦合: Sack等(2013)指出, 叶脉密度独立于LMA; Li等(2015)发现中国热带-亚热带森林地区的85种双子叶植物的叶片水力性状(气孔密度、叶脉密度)与经济性状(氮含量、LMA)并不耦合; Blackman等(2016)对澳大利亚广布的赤桉(Eucalyptus camaldulensis)的研究发现水力性状(叶脉密度)与经济性状(LMA、气孔导度)解耦。而Yin等(2018)对黄土高原半干旱地区的47中木本植物的研究发现, 水力性状与经济性状是耦合的: 气孔保卫细胞长度与叶片厚度、LMA显著正相关。他们认为这种相关性差异主要是水分有效性的不同造成的, 在干旱地区, 由于水资源的限制, 导致了物种多样性较低, 植物的经济性状与水力性状会协同调整以适应干旱条件; 而在水资源丰沛的森林中, 经济性状与水力性状相互独立使得植物的性状组合更多样, 多维度的性状权衡机制使得植物能更好地适应多种多样的生态位维度, 促进了植物生态策略的多样化, 有利于物种共存。3 其他植物器官的功能性状关系及其与LES的联系
植物的不同器官各司其职、相互耦合, 维持和调节着个体的生命活动。以往对植物功能性状及其相互关系的研究多聚焦于叶片, 对其他器官, 以及不同器官之间功能性状关系的研究还有待加强。将植物叶经济谱研究扩展联系到其他器官有助于阐明植物个体的生态策略, 揭示不同物种在群落内的分布及群落组成变化的机制, 评价其生态系统功能(Reich, 2014)。通过对植物不同器官的一系列功能上相互关联的性状进行综合研究, 才能够真实反映环境变化对植物的影响及其响应(Kleyer & Minden, 2015)。理论上, 植物根、茎等器官在养分和水分等资源的获取、转运及利用上应当是与叶片耦合的, 例如Freschet等(2010)发现在亚北极区系中, 植物资源利用策略在不同植物器官中是一致的: 木质素、碳含量、干物质含量和C:N在各植物器官之间均显著正相关。这是否是普遍规律, 因何而异?还需要有更多的研究验证。当然, 进行多个器官的综合研究必然会影响研究对象的数量以及研究开展的尺度等, 因此研究人员需要对所研究的性状进行深思熟虑的筛选。深入探索不同器官性状之间的内在联系, 将器官水平的研究扩展到个体、种群甚至群落水平将是未来植物性状研究的机遇与挑战(何念鹏等, 2018)。3.1 根
根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用。与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(Luke McCormack et al., 2012)。Kong等(2016)进一步指出, 这种权衡关系在细根中更加明显。Ma等(2018)认为根有着两种截然不同的资源策略: 较粗的根依赖共生真菌获取土壤资源; 较细的根则能更高效地吸收土壤养分与水分。Li等(2019)则在群落水平上揭示了土壤养分对细根功能性状变化的驱动作用。他们发现在亚高山森林群落中, 养分丰富的林分细根直径小、SRL较大、氮含量高, 根系可以在短时间内快速汲取资源; 相反, 土壤贫瘠的林分细根通常较粗、SRL较大、组织氮含量低。林分结构虽然对群落水平细根生产力的影响较大, 但对细根经济谱特征参数的影响较小。针对根系性状与叶片性状关系的研究在不同地区、不同物种中得出了不同的结论: Cheng等(2016)对内蒙古草原55种草本植物的研究发现根系性状与叶片性状的关系主要取决于研究尺度和根序的选择, 随着根序等级的增大, SRL的种间变异增大、种内差异变小, 与SLA的关系从显著正相关变为显著负相关。Isaac等(2017)对小粒咖啡(Coffea arabica)不同地理种群7个根系性状(平均根系直径、SRL、比根面积、根系氮含量、根系碳氮比等)和相对应的4个叶片性状(LMA、叶片密度、最大光合速率及氮含量)的研究发现, 这些根系性状与叶片性状并无显著相关关系, 随环境改变, 该物种地上部分和地下部分的适应性演化彼此独立。Liese等(2017)对欧洲中部13种温带乔木的研究也得出LES并不能完全反映根系谱的结果。他们发现低级根系的分枝水平与菌根的结合方式息息相关, 实际控制着植物体的养分获取, 直接影响根系的C:N, 进而间接影响SLA和叶寿命等性状。3.2 茎和枝
植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用。Reich等(2008)基于全球陆地287种草本及木本植物的研究发现, 与叶片类似, 单位质量下茎和根的氮浓度与暗呼吸速率也具有极强的相关性, 且这种相关关系的log-log回归方程的斜率在这3种器官中并无显著差异。但是在相同的氮浓度条件下, 叶片的呼吸速率平均值明显低于茎和根, 主要因为后两者需要将更多的氮投资到呼吸代谢中, 用于转化非结构性碳水化合物, 吸收和转运养分。Chave等(2009)提出了木质经济谱的概念, 认为具有较高木质密度的乔木相对生长速率较低, 但可以较好地抵御害虫和病原体, 寿命较长; 而木质密度较低的物种则含有更高的水分, 结构投资较少, 具有较快的相对生长速率。植物的叶片尺寸越大, 蒸腾作用所需的水分更多, 理论上讲, 其木质密度就应当较低。例如Bucci等(2004)和Ishida等(2008)分别发现热带萨王纳树种及小笠原群岛上抗旱物种的木质密度与叶片SLA显著负相关。Fu等(2012)对中国西南热带干旱喀斯特森林12种常绿和落叶乔木的研究也发现, 木质密度与茎的水分利用、叶片光合速率负相关, 而与LMA、LL正相关。de la Riva等(2016)对地中海地区森林与灌丛中38种木本植物的研究发现, 根、茎、叶的形态性状具有显著的相关关系, 且相比物种水平, 这种相关关系在群落水平上更加紧密。Apgaua等(2017)对热带雨林中90种乔木、灌木和藤本植物的研究发现, 不同功能群植物的木材性状差异很大, 藤本植物和先锋树种的导管直径要比林下乔木和灌木高2-3倍, 且导管直径能够很好地反映植物的内禀水分利用效率。然而由于植物作为构件生物的特性, 并不能将其茎、枝性状直接推导到植株整体, 例如Klime?ová等(2016)对多年生草本植物的研究发现, 速生物种往往出现在竞争较为激烈的环境中, 无论是枝寿命还是植株寿命都比较短, 然而这些植物的枝寿命与植株寿命却没有相关关系。3.3 花
花是具有繁殖功能的变态短枝, 对于花性状的研究主要集中在开花时间、花寿命(花期长短)、花的大小(面积)等。Cerabolini等(2010)对意大利506种本土维管植物的研究发现, 那些体型较小, 具有胁迫耐受型对策和杂草对策的植物, 开花时间及花期与LES高度相关。开花早、花期长的种类其叶片往往具有较高的SLA和氮含量, 而开花晚、花期短的种类往往叶片更小更厚, 叶片中含有较多的碳。Zhang等(2017a)对11种兜兰属(Paphiopedilum)兰花的研究发现, 花寿命与比花质量显著正相关, 而与花的大小(面积)无关。与LL和叶水势的关系相似, 寿命更长的花具有更强的保水能力, 对干旱胁迫的耐受性更强。然而无论是形态还是物候性状, 叶片和花都没有显著相关关系, 表明这两种器官的经济性状是独立进化的。3.4 种子
不同植物的种子质量与数量差异悬殊, 表面形状也各不相同, 种子质量及数量和植株体型的相关关系是划分植物生活史对策的重要依据。一般来说, 体型较小的植物无力负担大型的种子, 只有体型较大的植物才能长出大种子(Venable & Rees, 2009), 虽然大型植物的种子也可以很小(例如北美红杉(Sequoia sempervirens))。Pierce等(2014)对意大利371种草本及木本植物的研究发现, 种子质量与体积大小正相关, 而与种子数量负相关。平均来说木本植物长得越高, 其种子和叶片就越大, 但这种关系在草本植物中比较微弱(Díaz et al., 2016)。过去通常认为小种子比大种子传播得更远, 但Thomson等(2011)对种子的传播距离、种子质量与株高进行了大规模、跨物种的量化之后发现, 种子传播距离与株高的相关性强于与种子质量的相关性: 个体较高的物种的种子比个体较矮的物种传播得更远, 而种子质量对扩散距离的影响较小。目前对植物种子性状与其他器官性状关系的研究还比较缺乏, Kraft等(2015)对巴拿马低地热带森林的研究发现, 植物种子大小与叶片的坚硬程度正相关, 但是与叶片的化学防御能力(多酚含量)无关。在群落水平上, 木本植物的大小与根茎形态负相关, 叶形态与种子质量正相关, 但在物种水平上这些关系却并不显著(de la Riva et al., 2016)。4 特殊植物类群及低等植物类群的功能性状关系
LES是基于全球尺度多种维管植物数据得出的普遍性规律, 但不同功能群植物的资源利用策略不同, 叶片性状关系也有所不同: Santiago和Wright (2007)的研究发现在巴拿马中部低地森林中, 木本植物和藤本植物性状关系与LES基本一致, 当SLA相同时, 藤本植物LL比木本植物更长, 林下植物的SLA比木本植物和藤本植物大得多, 更偏向LES中“低投入-快速回报”的一端。孑遗植物苏铁(Cycas)倾向于将更多的资源投资在叶片结构上, 具有较高的LMA和C:N, 但Amass较低(Zhang et al., 2015)。Zhang等(2017b)对中国陕西38个地点60种水生和85种陆生植物的研究发现, SLA与水生植物和陆生植物根、茎、LDMC呈负相关关系, 而LDMC和根干物质含量在水生植物中呈正相关关系, 在陆生植物中呈负相关, 水生植物具有更高的SLA和更低的LDMC、碳含量, 性状关系与LES相似, 处在“低投入- 快速回报”的一端。在较为特别的维管植物类群中, 对入侵植物及食虫植物的相关研究较为深入。在较低等的植物类群中, 对蕨类、苔藓及地衣功能性状关系的认识也在逐步深入。4.1 入侵植物
物种入侵对生态系统的结构与功能有深远影响, 探究入侵种与本地种的功能性状及关系的差异, 有助于揭示二者生存策略的差异, 正确评估入侵植物的风险, 对生态系统进行有效的管理与恢复(Drenovsky et al., 2012)。Leishman等(2007)比较了澳大利亚本地和外来入侵植物的叶片性状数据, 认为外来入侵物种与本土物种的碳捕获策略没有本质上的不同, 只是外来入侵物种具有更快的相对生长速率; Osunkoya等(2010)对澳大利亚东南部藤本植物的研究与Leishman等(2007)的研究结果一致, 他们认为入侵种具有更低的叶片结构投资、较高的SLA和资源利用效率。Funk等(2017)认为, 在全球尺度上, 本地和入侵种的碳捕获策略类似, 但是入侵种资源获取能力更强, 在区域尺度可能受土壤养分、本地入侵种生活型影响导致差异。Heberling等(2016)调查了美国东部本土物种Prunus serotina和欧洲的本土物种Rhamnus cathartica, 发现它们在对方地区作为入侵种出现时, 入侵P. serotina的呼吸强度及叶氮浓度比本地R. cathartica更高, 而入侵R. cathartica比本地P. serotina具有更高的呼吸速率及更低的光合氮利用效率(PNUE)。Tan等(2018)发现入侵种火炬树(Rhus typhina)同本地种荆条(Vitex negundo var. Heterophylla)与非入侵性外来种紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticose)相比, 也表现出较强的光合能力。总体来说, 入侵种常常具有较高的SLA, 更接近于LES中“低投入-快速回报”的一端, 有更强的资源获取能力和更快的生长速率。4.2 食虫植物
食虫植物大多生长在阳光和水分充足但土壤养分(尤其是氮、磷、钾)贫瘠的地区, 会将更多的资源投资到捕食器官, 依靠捕捉猎物获得额外营养, 叶片中营养元素含量、单位面积或单位质量的光合速率及生长速率常低于其他植物(Ellison, 2006)。猪笼草(Nepenthes)捕食器官的寿命与木质素含量、组织密度及叶片结构成本显著相关(Osunkoya et al., 2008)。小猪笼草(N. gracilis)气孔密度大、叶片薄, 气体扩散路径短, 有利于气体交换, 水分利用效率高, 光合能力较强, 但捕捉猎物的能力相对较弱(Osunkoya & Muntassir, 2017)。饲喂后Sarracenia的叶绿素含量、Amass以及PNUE均会增加, 并且改变了磷含量与Amass、氮含量与LMA间的相关关系(Farnsworth & Ellison, 2008)。食虫植物在捕食能力与光合能力之间存在着权衡关系, 因其光合速率极低, 在LES中处于“高投入-缓慢回报”的一端(Karagatzides & Ellison, 2009)。4.3 蕨类
蕨类是现存最原始的陆生维管植物, 对温带落叶林下蕨类的研究发现, 其LMA、Aarea和Narea远低于种子植物的中值, 但二者的叶经济谱变化趋势相似(Karst & Lechowicz, 2007)。Tosens等(2016)对35种不同科、原始生境和生活习性的蕨类和拟蕨植物的研究得出了相似的结论。此外, 他们发现蕨类植物的LDMC、LMA和Nmass较低。同时, 其叶肉细胞导度较低, 并且将更多比例的氮投资到非光合化合物(如化学防御)中, 使得它们的Amass和PNUE也比较低。Zhu等(2016)对中国南部亚热带森林中16种多年生陆生蕨类的研究发现, LL与Amass、PNUE、光合磷利用效率(PPUE)负相关, 与资源回报时间正相关, 而与SLA和结构成本没有相关性, 他们认为这是在局部尺度上的特异性。相比于自然林, 在频繁受到干扰的森林中生长的蕨类具有更高的Aarea、PNUE、PPUE, 同时资源回报时间更短, LL更短, 在LES中处在“低投入-快速回报”一端, 有利于尽快抢占更多资源, 快速完成生长和繁殖过程; 而自然林中的蕨类光合速率较低, 其“高投入-缓慢回报”的资源策略有助于更好地适应原始森林林下的阴暗环境。4.4 苔藓
苔藓是高等植物中最原始的类群, 生理生态特征与维管植物差异巨大。由于体型微小、代谢能力弱, 对其生理生态学的研究往往难以在叶片水平上开展, 而是聚焦于植株或种群尺度(Rice et al., 2013), 因此维管植物LES的已知规律并不一定适用于苔藓; 相反, 加强苔藓功能性状关系的研究对未来进一步探索维管植物个体、种群的功能性状权衡具有重要的借鉴意义。不同苔藓类群个体(种群)的形态结构差异巨大, 反映出其多样的环境适应策略, 并且在一定程度上影响着它们的光合效率(光截获、CO2扩散)和营养分配模式(Niinemets & Tobias, 2014)。这些差异也导致对不同地区、不同类群苔藓的功能性状关系研究产生了迥异的结果。Rice等(2008)对10种泥炭藓新枝的研究发现的Narea、Nmass均与A无显著相关关系, 这主要是因为泥炭藓植株下层有很大一部分组织虽然储存了大量的氮, 然而泥炭藓枝干构型复杂、排列紧密, 导致下层组织无法吸收足够的光照, 从而影响了藓丛整体的光合能力。Waite和Sack (2010)对夏威夷热带林下10种地上、树干和树枝栖息藓类的研究也未发现Nmass与Amass具有显著相关关系, 但二者分别与藓丛的比冠层质量显著负相关。其他一些叶片性状, 如中肋长度、叶长宽比、叶面积等则与Amass紧密相关, 暗示着藓类或具有类似“叶经济谱”中的性状协调关系。而对四川西部40种林下常见苔藓的研究则证明该地区苔藓具有与维管植物叶片类似的功能性状权衡关系(Nmass、Pmass、Amass和Rdmass紧密正相关, 并且与苔藓比枝质量负相关), 但二者的性状关系回归方程参数具有很大差异, 苔藓倾向于将更高比例的氮、磷养分分配到代谢活动中(Wang et al., 2014, 2017)。对川西老龄冷杉(Abies fabri)林下12种直立型及16种平伏型苔藓的对比研究则发现二者的Nmass与Amass回归关系的斜率相同, 但前者将更多的氮投资用于合成光合色素, 而后者的形态结构则更有利于捕获光能。此外, 在相同的比枝质量、Nmass、Rdmass以及磷含量的基础上, 直立型苔藓具有更强的Amass (Wang et al., 2016), 说明不同苔藓形态结构的差异与分化导致它们具有明显不同的光合-养分利用模式, 是苔藓功能进化适应的重要动力。
苔藓是植物由水生向陆生的一种过渡形式, 其变水植物的特性使得它们的光合代谢非常依赖于环境水分条件, 进而影响着苔藓的碳平衡(Wagner et al., 2013; Song et al., 2015)。苔藓在全球广泛分布, 既有定居在沼泽中的湿生种类, 又有能够在荒漠、岩石上生存的旱生苔藓, 不同种类间存在着巨大的形态结构和水分利用差异。随着环境湿度的增加, 泥炭藓(Sphagnum)个体的头部(capitulum)大小、代谢速率明显增加, 藓丛个体数量则有所下降(Laing et al., 2014)。Bengtsson等(2016)指出在实验室条件下, 泥炭藓的光合能力、生产力及分解速率是相关联的, 但是在野外实际情况下, 以上性状的水平在很大程度上取决于当年的气候, 特别是水分条件。Wang和Bader (2018)提出了苔藓光合-持水能力权衡谱的假说: 认为在谱一端的苔藓需要尽量保持植株湿润, 延长有效的光合作用时间; 而在另一端的苔藓则会尽量减少植株外部水分, 但具有较高的潜在光合能力以确保在较短的有效光合作用时间内高效地进行碳同化。换言之, 苔藓的水分性状和它们的光合光响应性状及光合水分响应性状应当是相互关联的。其实验结果部分支持以上假说, 证明藓类的光合作用最适含水量、水分区间与它们的储水、持水能力相匹配(光合作用对水分利用的适应), 但不同藓类类群最大光合速率与最大含水量的关系则有很大差异。Mazziotta等(2019)综合了他们在瑞典泥炭地对泥炭藓的一系列研究, 在生态系统过程的层面指出, 生长环境水分状况变化频繁的泥炭藓往往具有更快的光合与生长速率, 相对而言, 定居在水分充足环境下的种类则代谢速率较慢, 资源获取策略相对保守。
4.5 地衣
地衣是由多种真菌与绿藻或蓝细菌组成的共生光合生物, 在生态系统的原生演替、水土保持等方面发挥着重要作用(Nash, 2008)。同样作为变水生物, 环境水分条件显著制约着地衣光合速率与碳收支。地衣特殊的共生结构使得其体内很大一部分氮是以几丁质的形式存在于真菌菌丝的细胞壁, 而没有参与到光合物质代谢中, 因此其光合养分利用效率较低(Palmqvist, 2000)。Palmqvist等(2002)对南极、北极、加拿大、瑞典、南非和日本的温带与亚热带森林中75种地衣的研究发现, 地衣叶状体的叶绿素a、几丁质和麦角固醇的含量与其氮含量正相关, 而氮和叶绿素a含量较高的地衣种类也具有较强的净光合速率与呼吸速率。相比叶状念珠藻(Nostoc)地衣, 枝状绿藻地衣将更多的氮投资到叶绿素a中, 提高了最大净光合速率并降低了呼吸速率, 具有更高的光合作用效率。5 总结和展望
LES是在全球尺度上、跨物种的维管植物叶片经济性状权衡关系的一般规律, 作为目前生态学研究的热点问题, 世界各地的科学家不断补充、完善已有的植物性状数据库, 使得我们对功能性状及功能性状关系的认识日趋深入。1) LES在全球更多特殊生境中得到验证, 在不同的气候环境条件下, 植物叶片功能性状关系相对稳定, 种内的性状关系规律也符合LES, 并且对群落水平上性状关系的变异具有不容忽视的影响。
2)除原有的6大经济性状, 维管植物叶片功能性状网络进一步扩展, 对分解速率、燃烧、水力性状等其他功能性状及关系有了更深入的认识。叶片的分解速率和可燃性均与叶片形态性状、LDMC、木质素、氮、磷含量等显著相关; 然而叶片经济性状与水力性状的关系则取决于所研究的物种及生存环境的水分条件。
3)除叶片性状, 越来越多的研究开始关注植物其他器官及整体功能性状关系的协变规律, 根、茎、花等植物器官与叶片共同维持和调节个体的生命活动, 但不同器官相关性状的联系却不尽相同。研究人员相继提出了与LES相似的木质经济谱、根经济谱等普遍规律。叶片的LMA与茎的木质密度、种子大小相耦合, 但叶片形态性状与根和花的相关性状却无显著相关关系, 证明这些器官可能是独立进化的。
4) LES规律可以很好地解释一些特殊植物类群的环境适应策略, 并且适用于较原始、简单的植物类群: 入侵植物具有较高的资源利用效率和更快的相对生长速率, 在LES中处于“低投入-快速回报”的一端; 与之相对, 食虫植物的叶片特化为捕食器官, 叶片的光合能力与生长速率较低, 居于LES的另一端。此外, 无论是最古老的种子植物苏铁, 或是蕨类和变水植物(苔藓和地衣), 其功能性状关系都与LES大致相同, 证明这种权衡关系是植物类群中的普遍规律。
1)关注较为低等的植物类群。已有的功能性状关系研究大多只关注维管植物, 但是在许多生态系统, 特别是在极端环境中, 较为低等的植物类群往往成为优势物种, 承担着不可替代的生态功能。此外, 我们对水生植物, 特别是水生藻类功能性状权衡关系的认识非常匮乏。进一步收集较低等植物类群的功能性状数据, 探索、比较其功能性状关系, 有助于揭示它们特殊的适应进化策略, 加强我们对特殊生态系统能量流动和物质循环规律的认识。
2)开展持续观测与调查。目前的研究多是基于单次采样、测定所得的数据, 对功能性状关系随时间变化的动态发展缺乏了解。在个体和种群层次上, 未来应关注植物在不同生长发育阶段多种功能性状间的协同变化, 有助于阐明物种的适应进化机制; 在群落层次上开展定位研究, 持续观测人为干扰或自然恢复等演替过程中, 功能多样性及群落内跨种功能性状关系的演变, 为阐明植物物种的共存机制提供了新的方法; 在生态系统及更高层次上, 持续研究植被功能多样性及功能性状关系的动态变化有助于更加准确地评估生态系统的生产力以及碳、水、养分循环, 结合气候数据及野外控制实验, 更加全面、准确地预测气候变化对生态系统功能的影响及其响应。
3)完善性状关系数学模型。功能性状关系研究的一个重要意义是通过“软性状”去推测“硬性状”。已有的功能性状关系研究大多止于“关系”和“趋势”, 尚缺乏对模型构建的探索。结合环境变异, 对不同性状关系的数理模型进行更加细致的推导和验证, 有助于在实际工作中, 提高大范围数据获取的工作效率。此外, 植物功能性状不仅反映植物对环境变化的响应, 并且与生态系统的结构和功能密切相关, 对于构建物种分布、群落结构、全球植被动态、生物入侵、生态系统服务等模型均可以起到重要作用。用功能性状代替物种建模, 改进过去以生活型等传统分类学标准对植被进行归类的办法, 可以使得对植被功能多样性的研究覆盖更多的物种, 更易量化, 降低了模型模拟生态系统过程的复杂性, 提高了模型精度。但具体的模型参数要选择哪些性状, 性状对生态功能的预测能力, 以及性状对环境变化的响应等问题都是因地而异, 仍然需要开展大量在不同尺度上相结合的研究进行探索。

感谢上海师范大学陈孚博士在本文成稿过程中提出的宝贵建议。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.1002/ece3.2119URLPMID:27103989 [本文引用: 1]

Peat mosses (Sphagnum) largely govern carbon sequestration in Northern Hemisphere peatlands. We investigated functional traits related to growth and decomposition in Sphagnum species. We tested the importance of environment and phylogeny in driving species traits and investigated trade-offs among them. We selected 15 globally important Sphagnum species, representing four sections (subgenera) and a range of peatland habitats. We measured rates of photosynthesis and decomposition in standard laboratory conditions as measures of innate growth and decay potential, and related this to realized growth, production, and decomposition in their natural habitats. In general, we found support for a trade-off between measures of growth and decomposition. However, the relationships are not strong, with r ranging between 0.24 and 0.45 for different measures of growth versus decomposition. Using photosynthetic rate to predict decomposition in standard conditions yielded R (2)?=?0.20. Habitat and section (phylogeny) affected the traits and the trade-offs. In a wet year, species from sections Cuspidata and Sphagnum had the highest production, but in a dry year, differences among species, sections, and habitats evened out. Cuspidata species in general produced easily decomposable litter, but their decay in the field was hampered, probably due to near-surface anoxia in their wet habitats. In a principal components analysis, PCA, photosynthetic capacity, production, and laboratory decomposition acted in the same direction. The species were imperfectly clustered according to vegetation type and phylogeny, so that some species clustered with others in the same section, whereas others clustered more clearly with others from similar vegetation types. Our study includes a wider range of species and habitats than previous trait analyses in Sphagnum and shows that while the previously described growth-decay trade-off exists, it is far from perfect. We therefore suggest that our species-specific trait measures offer opportunities for improvements of peatland ecosystem models. Innate qualities measured in laboratory conditions translate differently to field responses. Most dramatically, fast-growing species could only realize their potential in a wet year. The same species decompose fast in laboratory, but their decomposition was more retarded in the field than that of other species. These relationships are crucial for understanding the long-term dynamics of peatland communities.
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DOI:10.1093/treephys/24.8.891URLPMID:15172839 [本文引用: 1]

Functional convergence in hydraulic architecture and water relations, and potential trade-offs in resource allocation were investigated in six dominant neotropical savanna tree species from central Brazil during the peak of the dry season. Common relationships between wood density and several aspects of plant water relations and hydraulic architecture were observed. All species and individuals shared the same negative exponential relationship between sapwood saturated water content and wood density. Wood density was a good predictor of minimum (midday) leaf water potential and total daily transpiration, both of which decreased linearly with increasing wood density for all individuals and species. With respect to hydraulic architecture, specific and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity decreased and the leaf:sapwood area ratio increased more than 5-fold as wood density increased from 0.37 to 0.71 g cm(-3) for all individuals and species. Wood density was also a good predictor of the temporal dynamics of water flow in stems, with the time of onset of sap flow in the morning and the maximum sap flow tending to occur progressively earlier in the day as wood density increased. Leaf properties associated with wood density included stomatal conductance, specific leaf area, and osmotic potential at the turgor loss point, which decreased linearly with increasing wood density. Wood density increased linearly with decreasing bulk soil water potential experienced by individual plants during the dry season, suggesting that wood density was greatest in individuals with mostly shallow roots, and therefore limited access to more abundant soil water at greater depths. Despite their taxonomic diversity and large intrapopulation differences in architectural traits, the six co-occurring species and their individuals shared similar functional relationships between all pairs of variables studied. Thus, rather than differing intrinsically in physiological responsiveness, the species and the individuals appeared to have distinct operating ranges along common physiological response curves dictated by plant architectural and structural features. The patterns of water uptake and access to soil water during the dry season appeared to be the main determinant of wood density, which constrained evolutionary options related to plant water economy and hydraulic architecture, leading to functional convergence in the neotropical savanna trees studied.
DOI:10.1007/s11258-010-9753-6URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01285.xURLPMID:19243406 [本文引用: 2]

Wood performs several essential functions in plants, including mechanically supporting aboveground tissue, storing water and other resources, and transporting sap. Woody tissues are likely to face physiological, structural and defensive trade-offs. How a plant optimizes among these competing functions can have major ecological implications, which have been under-appreciated by ecologists compared to the focus they have given to leaf function. To draw together our current understanding of wood function, we identify and collate data on the major wood functional traits, including the largest wood density database to date (8412 taxa), mechanical strength measures and anatomical features, as well as clade-specific features such as secondary chemistry. We then show how wood traits are related to one another, highlighting functional trade-offs, and to ecological and demographic plant features (growth form, growth rate, latitude, ecological setting). We suggest that, similar to the manifold that tree species leaf traits cluster around the 'leaf economics spectrum', a similar 'wood economics spectrum' may be defined. We then discuss the biogeography, evolution and biogeochemistry of the spectrum, and conclude by pointing out the major gaps in our current knowledge of wood functional traits.
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DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01219.xURLPMID:18627410 [本文引用: 1]

Worldwide decomposition rates depend both on climate and the legacy of plant functional traits as litter quality. To quantify the degree to which functional differentiation among species affects their litter decomposition rates, we brought together leaf trait and litter mass loss data for 818 species from 66 decomposition experiments on six continents. We show that: (i) the magnitude of species-driven differences is much larger than previously thought and greater than climate-driven variation; (ii) the decomposability of a species' litter is consistently correlated with that species' ecological strategy within different ecosystems globally, representing a new connection between whole plant carbon strategy and biogeochemical cycling. This connection between plant strategies and decomposability is crucial for both understanding vegetation-soil feedbacks, and for improving forecasts of the global carbon cycle.
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DOI:10.1038/nature16489URLPMID:26700811 [本文引用: 2]

Earth is home to a remarkable diversity of plant forms and life histories, yet comparatively few essential trait combinations have proved evolutionarily viable in today's terrestrial biosphere. By analysing worldwide variation in six major traits critical to growth, survival and reproduction within the largest sample of vascular plant species ever compiled, we found that occupancy of six-dimensional trait space is strongly concentrated, indicating coordination and trade-offs. Three-quarters of trait variation is captured in a two-dimensional global spectrum of plant form and function. One major dimension within this plane reflects the size of whole plants and their parts; the other represents the leaf economics spectrum, which balances leaf construction costs against growth potential. The global plant trait spectrum provides a backdrop for elucidating constraints on evolution, for functionally qualifying species and ecosystems, and for improving models that predict future vegetation based on continuous variation in plant form and function.
DOI:10.1093/aob/mcs100URLPMID:22589328 [本文引用: 1]

Global environmental change will affect non-native plant invasions, with profound potential impacts on native plant populations, communities and ecosystems. In this context, we review plant functional traits, particularly those that drive invader abundance (invasiveness) and impacts, as well as the integration of these traits across multiple ecological scales, and as a basis for restoration and management.
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DOI:10.1055/s-2006-923956URLPMID:17203429 [本文引用: 1]

The cost-benefit model for the evolution of carnivorous plants posits a trade-off between photosynthetic costs associated with carnivorous structures and photosynthetic benefits accrued through additional nutrient acquisition. The model predicts that carnivory is expected to evolve if its marginal benefits exceed its marginal costs. Further, the model predicts that when nutrients are scarce but neither light nor water is limiting, carnivorous plants should have an energetic advantage in competition with non-carnivorous plants. Since the publication of the cost-benefit model over 20 years ago, marginal photosynthetic costs of carnivory have been demonstrated but marginal photosynthetic benefits have not. A review of published data and results of ongoing research show that nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium often (co-)limit growth of carnivorous plants and that photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency is 20 - 50 % of that of non-carnivorous plants. Assessments of stoichiometric relationships among limiting nutrients, scaling of leaf mass with photosynthesis and nutrient content, and photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency all suggest that carnivorous plants are at an energetic disadvantage relative to non-carnivorous plants in similar habitats. Overall, current data support some of the predictions of the cost-benefit model, fail to support others, and still others remain untested and merit future research. Rather than being an optimal solution to an adaptive problem, botanical carnivory may represent a set of limited responses constrained by both phylogenetic history and environmental stress.
DOI:10.1093/aob/mct127URLPMID:23788748 [本文引用: 1]

The most plausible explanation for treeline formation so far is provided by the growth limitation hypothesis (GLH), which proposes that carbon sinks are more restricted by low temperatures than by carbon sources. Evidence supporting the GLH has been strong in evergreen, but less and weaker in deciduous treeline species. Here a test is made of the GLH in deciduous-evergreen mixed species forests across elevational gradients, with the hypothesis that deciduous treeline species show a different carbon storage trend from that shown by evergreen species across elevations.
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DOI:10.1111/nph.12454URLPMID:23952643 [本文引用: 2]

Relationships between leaf traits and carbon assimilation rates are commonly used to predict primary productivity at scales from the leaf to the globe. We addressed how the shape and magnitude of these relationships vary across temporal, spatial and taxonomic scales to improve estimates of carbon dynamics. Photosynthetic CO2 and light response curves, leaf nitrogen (N), chlorophyll (Chl) concentration and specific leaf area (SLA) of 25 grassland species were measured. In addition, C3 and C4 photosynthesis models were parameterized using a novel hierarchical Bayesian approach to quantify the effects of leaf traits on photosynthetic capacity and parameters at different scales. The effects of plant physiological traits on photosynthetic capacity and parameters varied among species, plant functional types and taxonomic scales. Relationships in the grassland biome were significantly different from the global average. Within-species variability in photosynthetic parameters through the growing season could be attributed to the seasonal changes of leaf traits, especially leaf N and Chl, but these responses followed qualitatively different relationships from the across-species relationship. The results suggest that one broad-scale relationship is not sufficient to characterize ecosystem condition and change at multiple scales. Applying trait relationships without articulating the scales may cause substantial carbon flux estimation errors.
DOI:10.1890/08-0418.1URLPMID:19341132 [本文引用: 1]

Land use and climate changes induce shifts in plant functional diversity and community structure, thereby modifying ecosystem processes. This is particularly true for litter decomposition, an essential process in the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients. In this study, we asked whether changes in functional traits of living leaves in response to changes in land use and climate were related to rates of litter potential decomposition, hereafter denoted litter decomposability, across a range of 10 contrasting sites. To disentangle the different control factors on litter decomposition, we conducted a microcosm experiment to determine the decomposability under standard conditions of litters collected in herbaceous communities from Europe and Israel. We tested how environmental factors (disturbance and climate) affected functional traits of living leaves and how these traits then modified litter quality and subsequent litter decomposability. Litter decomposability appeared proximately linked to initial litter quality, with particularly clear negative correlations with lignin-dependent indices (litter lignin concentr tion, lignin:nitrogen ratio, and fiber component). Litter quality was directly related to community-weighted mean traits. Lignin-dependent indices of litter quality were positively correlated with community-weighted mean leaf dry matter content (LDMC), and negatively correlated with community-weighted mean leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC). Consequently, litter decomposability was correlated negatively with community-weighted mean LDMC, and positively with community-weighted mean LNC. Environmental factors (disturbance and climate) influenced community-weighted mean traits. Plant communities experiencing less frequent or less intense disturbance exhibited higher community-weighted mean LDMC, and therefore higher litter lignin content and slower litter decomposability. LDMC therefore appears as a powerful marker of both changes in land use and of the pace of nutrient cycling across 10 contrasting sites.
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DOI:10.1093/aob/mcs092URLPMID:22585930 [本文引用: 1]

The co-occurring of evergreen and deciduous angiosperm trees in Asian tropical dry forests on karst substrates suggests the existence of different water-use strategies among species. In this study it is hypothesized that the co-occurring evergreen and deciduous trees differ in stem hydraulic traits and leaf water relationships, and there will be correlated evolution in drought tolerance between leaves and stems.
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DOI:10.1093/aob/mcy147URLPMID:30107396 [本文引用: 1]

Intraspecific trait variation (ITV) is an important dimension of plant ecological diversity, particularly in agroecosystems, where phenotypic ITV (within crop genotypes) is an important correlate of key agroecosystem processes including yield. There are few studies that have evaluated whether plants of the same genotype vary along well-defined axes of biological variation, such as the leaf economics spectrum (LES). There is even less information disentangling environmental and ontogenetic determinants of crop ITV along an intraspecific LES, and whether or not a plant's position along an intraspecific LES is correlated with reproductive output.
DOI:10.1002/ajb2.1132URLPMID:30070684 [本文引用: 1]

The plant size-trait relationship is a fundamental dimension in the spectrum of plant form and function. However, it remains unclear whether the trait scaling relationship within species is modified by tree size. Investigating size-dependent trait covariations within species is crucial for understanding the ontogenetic constraints on the intraspecific economic spectrum and, more broadly, the structure and causes of intraspecific trait variations.
DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01704.xURLPMID:16684242 [本文引用: 1]

Leaf mass per area (LMA), nitrogen concentration (on mass and area bases, N(mass) and N(area), respectively), photosynthetic capacity (A(mass) and A(area)) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) are key foliar traits, but few data are available from cold, high-altitude environments. Here, we systematically measured these leaf traits in 74 species at 49 research sites on the Tibetan Plateau to examine how these traits, measured near the extremes of plant tolerance, compare with global patterns. Overall, Tibetan species had higher leaf nitrogen concentrations and photosynthetic capacities compared with a global dataset, but they had a slightly lower A(mass) at a given N(mass). These leaf trait relationships were consistent with those reported from the global dataset, with slopes of the standardized major axes A(mass)-LMA, N(mass)-LMA and A(mass)-N(mass) identical to those from the global dataset. Climate only weakly modulated leaf traits. Our data indicate that covarying sets of leaf traits are consistent across environments and biogeographic regions. Our results demonstrate functional convergence of leaf trait relationships in an extreme environment.
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DOI:10.1007/s10265-004-0174-2URLPMID:15583974 [本文引用: 1]

The photosynthesis-nitrogen relationship is significantly different among species. Photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf nitrogen, termed as photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE), has been considered an important leaf trait to characterise species in relation to their leaf economics, physiology, and strategy. In this review, I discuss (1) relations between PNUE and species ecology, (2) physiological causes and (3) ecological implications of the interspecific difference in PNUE. Species with a high PNUE tend to have high growth rates and occur in disturbed or high productivity habitats, while those with a low PNUE occur in stressful or low productivity habitats. PNUE is an important leaf trait that correlates with other leaf traits, such as leaf mass per area (LMA) and leaf life span, irrespective of life form, phylogeny, and biomes. Various factors are involved in the interspecific difference. In particular, nitrogen allocation within leaves and the mesophyll conductance for CO(2) diffusion are important. To produce tough leaves, plants need to allocate more biomass and nitrogen to make thick cell walls, leading to a reduction in the mesophyll conductance and in nitrogen allocation to the photosynthetic apparatus. Allocation of biomass and nitrogen to cell walls may cause the negative relationship between PNUE and LMA. Since plants cannot maximise both PNUE and leaf toughness, there is a trade-off between photosynthesis and persistence, which enables the existence of species with various leaf characteristics on the earth.
DOI:10.3389/fpls.2017.01196URLPMID:28747919 [本文引用: 1]

Hypotheses on the existence of a universal "Root Economics Spectrum" (RES) have received arguably the least attention of all trait spectra, despite the key role root trait variation plays in resource acquisition potential. There is growing interest in quantifying intraspecific trait variation (ITV) in plants, but there are few studies evaluating (i) the existence of an intraspecific RES within a plant species, or (ii) how a RES may be coordinated with other trait spectra within species, such as a leaf economics spectrum (LES). Using Coffea arabica (Rubiaceae) as a model species, we measured seven morphological and chemical traits of intact lateral roots, which were paired with information on four key LES traits. Field collections were completed across four nested levels of biological organization. The intraspecific trait coefficient of variation (cv) ranged from 25 to 87% with root diameter and specific root tip density showing the lowest and highest cv, respectively. Between 27 and 68% of root ITV was explained by site identity alone for five of the seven traits measured. A single principal component explained 56.2% of root trait covariation, with plants falling along a RES from resource acquiring to conserving traits. Multiple factor analysis revealed significant orthogonal relationships between root and leaf spectra. RES traits were strongly orthogonal with respect to LES traits, suggesting these traits vary independently from one another in response to environmental cues. This study provides among the first evidence that plants from the same species differentiate from one another along an intraspecific RES. We find that in one of the world's most widely cultivated crops, an intraspecific RES is orthogonal to an intraspecific LES, indicating that above and belowground responses of plants to managed (or natural) environmental gradients are likely to occur independently from one another.
DOI:10.1007/s00442-008-0965-6URLPMID:18297313 [本文引用: 1]

We examined 15 traits in leaves and stems related to leaf C economy and water use for 32 co-existing angiosperms at ridge sites with shallow soil in the Bonin Islands. Across species, stem density was positively correlated to leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf lifespan (LLS), and total phenolics and condensed tannins per unit leaf N (N-based), and negatively correlated to leaf osmotic potential and saturated water content in leaves. LMA and LLS were negatively correlated to photosynthetic parameters, such as area-, mass-, and N-based assimilation rates. Although stem density and leaf osmotic potential were not associated with photosynthetic parameters, they were associated with some parameters of the leaf C economy, such as LMA and LLS. In the principal component (PCA) analysis, the first three axes accounted for 74.4% of total variation. Axis 1, which explained 41.8% of the total variation, was well associated with parameters for leaf C and N economy. Similarly, axis 2, which explained 22.3% of the total variation, was associated with parameters for water use. Axis 3, which explained 10.3% of the total variation, was associated with chemical defense within leaves. Axes 1 and 2 separated functional types relatively well, i.e., creeping trees, ruderal trees, other woody plants, C(3) shrubs and forbs, palms, and CAM plants, indicating that plant functional types were characterized by similar attributes of traits related to leaf C and N economy and water use. In addition, when the plot was extended by two unrelated traits, leaf mass-based assimilation rates and stem density, it also separated these functional types. These data indicate that differences in the functional types with contrasting plant strategies can be attributed to functional integration among leaf C economy, hydraulics, and leaf longevity, and that both leaf mass-based assimilation rates and stem density are key factors reflecting the different functions of plant species.
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DOI:10.3732/ajb.0900054URLPMID:21622347 [本文引用: 1]

Understanding how different plant species and functional types "invest" carbon and nutrients is a major goal of plant ecologists. Two measures of such investments are "construction costs" (carbon needed to produce each gram of tissue) and associated "payback times" for photosynthesis to recover construction costs. These measurements integrate among traits used to assess leaf-trait scaling relationships. Carnivorous plants are model systems for examining mechanisms of leaf-trait coordination, but no studies have measured simultaneously construction costs of carnivorous traps and their photosynthetic rates to determine payback times of traps. We measured mass-based construction costs (CC(mass)) and photosynthesis (A(mass)) for traps, leaves, roots, and rhizomes of 15 carnivorous plant species grown under greenhouse conditions. There were highly significant differences among species in CC(mass) for each structure. Mean CC(mass) of carnivorous traps (1.14 ± 0.24 g glucose/g dry mass) was significantly lower than CC(mass) of leaves of 267 noncarnivorous plant species (1.47 ± 0.17), but all carnivorous plants examined had very low A(mass) and thus, long payback times (495-1551 h). Our results provide the first clear estimates of the marginal benefits of botanical carnivory and place carnivorous plants at the "slow and tough" end of the universal spectrum of leaf traits.
DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01914.xURLPMID:17204077 [本文引用: 1]

Broad-based studies of gymnosperms and angiosperms reveal consistent and functionally significant correlations among foliar traits such as leaf mass per area (LMA), maximum photosynthetic rate (A(area)), foliar nitrogen (N(area)), foliar chlorophyll (Chl) and leaf longevity. To assess the generality of these relationships, we studied 20 fern species growing in the understorey of a temperate deciduous forest. We found that foliar N(area) increases with LMA, and that foliar N(area) and A(area) are positively correlated with one another, as are foliar N(area) and Chl. The ferns in general have very low LMA compared with most seed plants; A(area), N(area) and Chl are below median values for seed plants but are not extreme. Species with overwintering fronds have significantly higher LMA than species with fronds that senesce at the end of the growing season, as well as a significantly higher C : N ratio in frond tissue and relatively high foliar N on an areal basis. Correlations among foliar traits associated with gas exchange in these forest understorey ferns are in accordance with patterns reported for seed plants, suggesting a high degree of functional constraint on the interrelationships among key elements in foliar design.
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02451.xURL [本文引用: 1]

Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants and their organs - determine how primary producers respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, influence ecosystem processes and services and provide a link from species richness to ecosystem functional diversity. Trait data thus represent the raw material for a wide range of research from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology to biogeography. Here we present the global database initiative named TRY, which has united a wide range of the plant trait research community worldwide and gained an unprecedented buy-in of trait data: so far 93 trait databases have been contributed. The data repository currently contains almost three million trait entries for 69 000 out of the world's 300 000 plant species, with a focus on 52 groups of traits characterizing the vegetative and regeneration stages of the plant life cycle, including growth, dispersal, establishment and persistence. A first data analysis shows that most plant traits are approximately log-normally distributed, with widely differing ranges of variation across traits. Most trait variation is between species (interspecific), but significant intraspecific variation is also documented, up to 40% of the overall variation. Plant functional types (PFTs), as commonly used in vegetation models, capture a substantial fraction of the observed variation - but for several traits most variation occurs within PFTs, up to 75% of the overall variation. In the context of vegetation models these traits would better be represented by state variables rather than fixed parameter values. The improved availability of plant trait data in the unified global database is expected to support a paradigm shift from species to trait-based ecology, offer new opportunities for synthetic plant trait research and enable a more realistic and empirically grounded representation of terrestrial vegetation in Earth system models.
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DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02189.xURLPMID:17822409 [本文引用: 2]

Leaf carbon capture strategies of native and exotic invasive plants were compared by examining leaf traits and their scaling relationships at community and global scales. Community-level leaf trait data were obtained for 55 vascular plant species from nutrient-enriched and undisturbed bushland in Sydney, Australia. Global-scale leaf trait data were compiled from the literature for 75 native and 90 exotic invasive coexisting species. At the community level, specific leaf area (SLA), foliar nitrogen and phosphorus (N(mass) and P(mass)) and N:P ratio were significantly higher for exotics at disturbed sites compared with natives at undisturbed sites, with natives at disturbed sites being intermediate. SLA, N(mass) and P(mass) were positively correlated, with significant shifts in group means along a common standardized major axis (SMA) slope. At the global scale, invasives had significantly higher N(mass), P(mass), assimilation rate (A(mass) and A(area)) and leaf area ratio (LAR) than natives. All traits showed positive correlations, with significant shifts in group means along a common slope. For a given SLA, invasives had higher A(mass) (7.7%) and N(mass) (28%). Thus, exotic invasives do not have fundamentally different carbon capture strategies from natives but are positioned further along the leaf economics spectrum towards faster growth strategies. Species with leaf traits enabling rapid growth will be successful invaders when introduced to novel environments where resources are not limited.
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DOI:10.1111/ele.12466URLPMID:26108338 [本文引用: 1]

Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are critical to leaf photosynthesis, yet it is debated whether these two sets of traits vary in a fully coordinated manner or there is room for independent variation. Here, we tested the relationship between leaf economics traits, including leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf dry mass per area, and leaf hydraulic traits including stomatal density and vein density in five tropical-subtropical forests. Surprisingly, these two suites of traits were statistically decoupled. This decoupling suggests that independent trait dimensions exist within a leaf, with leaf economics dimension corresponding to light capture and tissue longevity, and the hydraulic dimension to water-use and leaf temperature maintenance. Clearly, leaf economics and hydraulic traits can vary independently, thus allowing for more possible plant trait combinations. Compared with a single trait dimension, multiple trait dimensions may better enable species adaptations to multifarious niche dimensions, promote diverse plant strategies and facilitate species coexistence.
DOI:10.3389/fpls.2017.00315URLPMID:28337213 [本文引用: 1]

Global vegetation models use conceived relationships between functional traits to simulate ecosystem responses to environmental change. In this context, the concept of the leaf economics spectrum (LES) suggests coordinated leaf trait variation, and separates species which invest resources into short-lived leaves with a high expected energy return rate from species with longer-lived leaves and slower energy return. While it has been assumed that being fast (acquisitive) or slow (conservative) is a general feature for all organ systems, the translation of the LES into a root economics spectrum (RES) for tree species has been hitherto inconclusive. This may be partly due to the assumption that the bulk of tree fine roots have similar uptake functions as leaves, despite the heterogeneity of their environments and resources. In this study we investigated well-established functional leaf and stature traits as well as a high number of fine root traits (14 traits split by different root orders) of 13 dominant or subdominant temperate tree species of Central Europe, representing two phylogenetic groups (gymnosperms and angiosperms) and two mycorrhizal associations (arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal). We found reflected variation in leaf and lower-order root traits in some (surface areas and C:N) but not all (N content and longevity) traits central to the LES. Accordingly, the LES was not mirrored belowground. We identified significant phylogenetic signal in morphological lower-order root traits, i.e., in root tissue density, root diameter, and specific root length. By contrast, root architecture (root branching) was influenced by the mycorrhizal association type which developed independent from phylogeny of the host tree. In structural equation models we show that root branching significantly influences both belowground (direct influence on root C:N) and aboveground (indirect influences on specific leaf area and leaf longevity) traits which relate to resource investment and lifespan. We conclude that branching of lower order roots can be considered a leading root trait of the plant economics spectrum of temperate trees, since it relates to the mycorrhizal association type and belowground resource exploitation; while the dominance of the phylogenetic signal over environmental filtering makes morphological root traits less central for tree economics spectra across different environments.
DOI:10.1111/nph.12281URLPMID:23621613 [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04198.xURLPMID:22686426 [本文引用: 2]

Although linkages of leaf and whole-plant traits to leaf lifespan have been rigorously investigated, there is a limited understanding of similar linkages of whole-plant and fine root traits to root lifespan. In comparisons across species, do suites of traits found in leaves also exist for roots, and can these traits be used to predict root lifespan? We observed the fine root lifespan of 12 temperate tree species using minirhizotrons in a common garden and compared their median lifespans with fine-root and whole-plant traits. We then determined which set of combined traits would be most useful in predicting patterns of root lifespan. Median root lifespan ranged widely among species (95-336 d). Root diameter, calcium content, and tree wood density were positively related to root lifespan, whereas specific root length, nitrogen (N) : carbon (C) ratio, and plant growth rate were negatively related to root lifespan. Root diameter and plant growth rate, together (R2 = 0.62) or in combination with root N : C ratio (R2 = 0.76), were useful predictors of root lifespan across the 12 species. Our results highlight linkages between fine root lifespan in temperate trees and plant functional traits that may reduce uncertainty in predictions of root lifespan or turnover across species at broader spatial scales.
DOI:10.1093/jpe/rtx065URL [本文引用: 1]

To explore the pattern of the leaf functional traits of shrub species along a latitudinal gradient in eastern China and determine the driving factors of leaf trait variation at a large scale.
We investigated the leaf thickness (LT), leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry mass content (LDMC) of 185 shrub species from 13 sites across eastern China. The trends of these four-leaf traits were analyzed with respect to latitude, and the differences between different life forms (e.g., evergreen and deciduous) and habitats (e.g., understory and typical) were compared. We quantified the effects of the plant life forms and environmental factors on the leaf traits via mixed-model analyses.
Important Findings
The LT and LA decreased, whilst and the LDMC increased, as the latitude increased, and significant differences in these traits were observed between the different plant life forms. The LT and LA were smaller, whereas the SLA and LDMC were larger in deciduous shrubs than in evergreen shrubs. Among the different habitats, the LA and SLA were larger, while the LDMC was smaller in understory shrubs than in typical shrub species. These results indicate that typical shrub species are better adapted to drier environments, as indicated by a reduced LT and increased LDMC. Furthermore, general linear models showed that variations in the four-leaf traits with respect to latitude were mainly caused by a shift in plant life forms.
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DOI:10.1093/aobpla/ply006URLPMID:29484152 [本文引用: 1]

Leaf Economics Spectrum (LES) trait variation underpins multiple agroecological processes and many prominent crop yield models. While there are numerous independent studies assessing trait variation in crops, to date there have been no comprehensive assessments of intraspecific trait variation (ITV) in LES traits for wheat and maize: the world's most widespread crops. Using trait databases and peer-reviewed literature, we compiled over 700 records of specific leaf area (SLA), maximum photosynthetic rates (Amax) and leaf nitrogen (N) concentrations, for wheat and maize. We evaluated intraspecific LES trait variation, and intraspecific trait-environment relationships. While wheat and maize occupy the upper 90th percentile of LES trait values observed across a global species pool, ITV ranged widely across the LES in wheat and maize. Fertilization treatments had strong impacts on leaf N, while plant developmental stage (here standardized as the number of days since planting) had strong impacts on Amax; days since planting, N fertilization and irrigation all influenced SLA. When controlling for these factors, intraspecific responses to temperature and precipitation explained 39.4 and 43.7 % of the variation in Amax and SLA, respectively, but only 5.4 % of the variation in leaf N. Despite a long history of domestication in these species, ITV in wheat and maize among and within cultivars remains large. Intraspecific trait variation is a critical consideration to refine regional to global models of agroecosystem structure, function and food security. Considerable opportunities and benefits exist for consolidating a crop trait database for a wider range of domesticated plant species.
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DOI:10.1111/ecog.02006URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1111/nph.13001URLPMID:25580487 [本文引用: 1]

The leaf economics spectrum is a general concept describing coordinated variation in foliage structural, chemical and physiological traits across resource gradients. Yet, within this concept,the role of within-species variation, including ecotypic and plastic variation components, has been largely neglected. This study hypothesized that there is a within-species economics spectrum within the general spectrum in the evergreen sclerophyll Quercus ilex which dominates low resource ecosystems over an exceptionally wide range. An extensive database of foliage traits covering the full species range was constructed, and improved filtering algorithms were developed. Standardized data filtering was deemed absolutely essential as additional variation sources can result in trait variation of 10–300%,blurring the broad relationships. Strong trait variation, c. two-fold for most traits to up to almost an order of magnitude, was uncovered.Although the Q. ilex spectrum is part of the general spectrum, within-species trait and climatic relationships in this species partly differed from the overall spectrum. Contrary to world-wide trends, Q. ilex does not necessarily have a low nitrogen content per mass and can increase photosynthetic capacity with increasing foliage robustness. This study argues that the within-species economics spectrum needs to be considered in regional- to biome-level analyses.
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DOI:10.1126/science.1231574URL [本文引用: 1]

The leaf economics spectrum (LES) describes multivariate correlations that constrain leaf traits of plant species primarily to a single axis of variation if data are normalized by leaf mass. We show that these traits are approximately distributed proportional to leaf area instead of mass, as expected for a light-and carbon dioxide-collecting organ. Much of the structure in the mass-normalized LES results from normalizing area-proportional traits by mass. Mass normalization induces strong correlations among area-proportional traits because of large variation among species in leaf mass per area (LMA). The high LMA variance likely reflects its functional relationship with leaf life span. A LES that is independent of mass-or area-normalization and LMA reveals physiological relationships that are inconsistent with those in global vegetation models designed to address climate change.
DOI:10.1093/aob/mcq119URLPMID:20534595 [本文引用: 1]

Success of invasive plant species is thought to be linked with their higher leaf carbon fixation strategy, enabling them to capture and utilize resources better than native species, and thus pre-empt and maintain space. However, these traits are not well-defined for invasive woody vines.
DOI:10.1093/aob/mcn162URLPMID:18757449 [本文引用: 1]

This study examined level of causal relationships amongst functional traits in leaves and conjoint pitcher cups of the carnivorous Nepenthes species.
DOI:10.1093/aob/mcm023URLPMID:17452380 [本文引用: 1]

Species of the Nepenthaceae family are under-represented in studies of leaf traits and the consequent view of mineral nutrition and limitation in carnivorous plants. This study is aimed to complement existing data on leaf traits of carnivorous plants.
DOI:10.1046/j.1469-8137.2000.00732.xURL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s00442-002-1019-0URLPMID:28466222 [本文引用: 1]

Aiming to investigate whether a carbon-to-nitrogen equilibrium model describes resource allocation in lichens, net photosynthesis (NP), respiration (R), concentrations of nitrogen (N), chlorophyll (Chl), chitin and ergosterol were investigated in 75 different lichen associations collected in Antarctica, Arctic Canada, boreal Sweden, and temperate/subtropical forests of Tenerife, South Africa and Japan. The lichens had various morphologies and represented seven photobiont and 41 mycobiont genera. Chl a, chitin and ergosterol were used as indirect markers of photobiont activity, fungal biomass and fungal respiration, respectively. The lichens were divided into three groups according to photobiont: (1) species with green algae, (2) species with cyanobacteria, and (3) tripartite species with green algal photobionts and cyanobacteria in cephalodia. Across species, thallus N concentration ranged from 1 to 50?mg g-1 dry wt., NP varied 50-fold, and R 10-fold. In average, green algal lichens had the lowest, cyanobacterial Nostoc lichens the highest and tripartite lichens intermediate N concentrations. All three markers increased with thallus N concentration, and lichens with the highest Chl a and N concentrations had the highest rates of both P and R. Chl a alone accounted for ca. 30% of variation in NP and R across species. On average, the photosynthetic efficiency quotient [K F=(NPmax+R)/R)] ranged from 2.4 to 8.6, being higher in fruticose green algal lichens than in foliose Nostoc lichens. The former group invested more N in Chl a and this trait increased NPmax while decreasing R. In general terms, the investigated lichens invested N resources such that their maximal C input capacity matched their respiratory C demand around a similar (positive) equilibrium across species. However, it is not clear how this apparent optimisation of resource use is regulated in these symbiotic organisms.
DOI:10.1007/s11258-014-0392-1URL [本文引用: 3]

The principal axes of variation in plant function include the economics spectrum and size variation, both of which are implicated in primary ecological strategies. However, it is unclear to what extent vegetative traits and primary strategies correlate with reproductive traits, particularly for seed production. Fifteen traits, including whole-plant, leaf and seed traits (mass, number, total mass of seeds, volume and variance), were measured for 371 species from a range of habitats in Italy. Classification of Grime's competitor, stress-tolerator, ruderal (CSR) strategies was applied from leaf area, leaf dry matter content and specific leaf area data. Relationships between vegetative traits, CSR values and seed traits were determined using principal components analysis (PCA) and Pearson's correlation coefficients. PCA1 was an axis of economics, significantly correlated (positively) with leaf carbon concentration and S-selection, and (negatively) with leaf nitrogen concentration, flowering period and R-selection, but not seed traits. PCA2 was a plant size axis, significantly positively correlated with canopy height, leaf mass, C-selection and to a lesser extent seed size traits and total mass of seeds. PCA3 was a specific seed size-seed output axis, correlated positively with seed mass and volume, and negatively with seed number and variance. The loading of seed production traits on a general plant size axis alongside C-selection demonstrates that seed production traits are integral to CSR strategies. However, the stronger contribution of seed traits to a specific axis of variability is suggestive of reproductive variability beyond the CSR strategy, as predicted by the twin-filter model.
DOI:10.1111/nph.12547URLPMID:24117716 [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/ele.12211URL [本文引用: 1]

A novel framework is presented for the analysis of ecophysiological field measurements and modelling. The hypothesis leaves minimise the summed unit costs of transpiration and carboxylation' predicts leaf-internal/ambient CO2 ratios (c(i)/c(a)) and slopes of maximum carboxylation rate (V-cmax) or leaf nitrogen (N-area) vs. stomatal conductance. Analysis of data on woody species from contrasting climates (cold-hot, dry-wet) yielded steeper slopes and lower mean c(i)/c(a) ratios at the dry or cold sites than at the wet or hot sites. High atmospheric vapour pressure deficit implies low c(i)/c(a) in dry climates. High water viscosity (more costly transport) and low photorespiration (less costly photosynthesis) imply low c(i)/c(a) in cold climates. Observed site-mean c(i)/c(a) shifts are predicted quantitatively for temperature contrasts (by photorespiration plus viscosity effects) and approximately for aridity contrasts. The theory explains the dependency of c(i)/c(a) ratios on temperature and vapour pressure deficit, and observed relationships of leaf C-13 and N-area to aridity.
DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.12211URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01185.xURLPMID:18445031 [本文引用: 1]

Using a database of 2510 measurements from 287 species, we assessed whether general relationships exist between mass-based dark respiration rate and nitrogen concentration for stems and roots, and if they do, whether they are similar to those for leaves. The results demonstrate strong respiration-nitrogen scaling relationships for all observations and for data averaged by species; for roots, stems and leaves examined separately; and for life-forms (woody, herbaceous plants) and phylogenetic groups (angiosperms, gymnosperms) considered separately. No consistent differences in the slopes of these log-log scaling relations were observed among organs or among plant groups, but respiration rates at any common nitrogen concentration were consistently lower on average in leaves than in stems or roots, indicating that organ-specific relationships should be used in models that simulate respiration based on tissue nitrogen concentrations. The results demonstrate both common and divergent aspects of tissue-level respiration-nitrogen scaling for leaves, stems and roots across higher land plants, which are important in their own right and for their utility in modelling carbon fluxes at local to global scales.
DOI:10.3732/ajb.0800019URLPMID:21628145 [本文引用: 1]

Vascular plant leaf traits that influence photosynthetic function form the basis of mechanistic models of carbon exchange. Given their unique tissue organization, bryophytes may not express similar patterns. We investigated relationships among tissue, shoot, and canopy traits, and their associations with photosynthetic characteristics in 10 Sphagnum species. Trait relationships were organized around a primary dimension accounting for 43% of variation in 12 traits. There was no significant relationship between nitrogen content of shoot systems and maximum photosynthesis expressed on mass (A(mass)) or area (A(area)) bases due to nitrogen sequestration and storage within the canopy interior. This pattern differs from the distribution of nitrogen in vascular plant canopies. Thus, nitrogen and its relationship to carbon uptake in Sphagnum shoots does not conform to patterns of either vascular plant leaves or canopies. Species that concentrate biomass and nitrogen in the capitulum have enhanced rates of A(mass) and A(area). Consequently, A(area) was positively associated with N(area) of the capitulum only. Overall, water content and carotenoid concentration were the strongest predictors of both A(mass) and A(area) and these were expressed as inverse relationships. The relationships of plant traits in Sphagnum defines a principal trade-off between species that tolerate environmental stress and those that maximize carbon assimilation.
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DOI:10.1093/jxb/ert316URL [本文引用: 5]

Leaf vein traits are implicated in the determination of gas exchange rates and plant performance. These traits are increasingly considered as causal factors affecting the leaf economic spectrum (LES), which includes the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis, dark respiration, foliar nitrogen concentration, leaf dry mass per area (LMA) and leaf longevity. This article reviews the support for two contrasting hypotheses regarding a key vein trait, vein length per unit leaf area (VLA). Recently, Blonder et al. (2011, 2013) proposed that vein traits, including VLA, can be described as the origin of the LES by structurally determining LMA and leaf thickness, and thereby vein traits would predict LES traits according to specific equations. Careful re-examination of leaf anatomy, published datasets, and a newly compiled global database for diverse species did not support the vein origin hypothesis, and moreover showed that the apparent power of those equations to predict LES traits arose from circularity. This review provides a flux trait network hypothesis for the effects of vein traits on the LES and on plant performance, based on a synthesis of the previous literature. According to this hypothesis, VLA, while virtually independent of LMA, strongly influences hydraulic conductance, and thus stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate. We also review (i) the specific physiological roles of VLA; (ii) the role of leaf major veins in influencing LES traits; and (iii) the role of VLA in determining photosynthetic rate per leaf dry mass and plant relative growth rate. A clear understanding of leaf vein traits provides a new perspective on plant function independently of the LES and can enhance the ability to explain and predict whole plant performance under dynamic conditions, with applications towards breeding improved crop varieties.
DOI:10.1890/06-1841URLPMID:17536399 [本文引用: 1]

I investigated the relationship between leaf physiological traits and decomposition of leaf litter for 35 plant species of contrasting growth forms from a lowland tropical forest in Panama to determine whether leaf traits could be used to predict decomposition. Decomposition rate (k) was correlated with specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) across all species. Photosynthetic rate per unit mass (Amass) was not correlated with k, but structural equation modeling showed support for a causal model with significant indirect effects of Amass on k through SLA, N, and P, but not K. The results indicate that the decomposability of leaf tissue in this tropical forest is related to a global spectrum of leaf economics that varies from thin, easily decomposable leaves with high nutrient concentrations and high photosynthetic rates to thick, relatively recalcitrant leaves with greater physical toughness and defenses and low photosynthetic rates. If this pattern is robust across biomes, then selection for suites of traits that maximize photosynthetic carbon gain over the lifetime of the leaf may be used to predict the effects of plant species on leaf litter decomposition, thus placing the ecosystem process of decomposition in an evolutionary context.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0175727URLPMID:28419169 [本文引用: 1]

Functional traits, properties of organisms correlated with ecological performance, play a central role in plant community assembly and functioning. To some extents, functional traits vary in concert, reflecting fundamental ecological strategies. While "trait syndromes" characteristic of e.g. fast-growing, early-successional vs. competitive, late-successional species are recognized in principle, less is known about the environmental and genetic factors at the source of trait variation and covariation within plant communities. We studied the three leaf traits leaf half-life (LHL), leaf mass per area (LMA) and nitrogen concentration in green leaves (Ngreen) and the wood trait wood density (WD) in 294 individuals belonging to 45 tree or shrub species in a Chinese subtropical forest from September 2006 to January 2009. Using multilevel ANOVA and decomposition of sums of products, we estimated the amount of trait variation and covariation among species (mainly genetic causes), i.e. plant functional type (deciduous vs. evergreen species), growth form (tree vs. shrub species), family/genus/species differences, and within species (mainly environmental causes), i.e. individual and season. For single traits, the variation between functional types and among species within functional types was large, but only LMA and Ngreen varied significantly among families and thus showed phylogenetic signal. Trait variation among individuals within species was small, but large temporal variation due to seasonal effects was found within individuals. We did not find any trait variation related to soil conditions underneath the measured individuals. For pairs of traits, variation between functional types and among species within functional types was large, reflecting a strong evolutionary coordination of the traits, with LMA, LHL and WD being positively correlated among each other and negatively with Ngreen. This integration of traits was consistent with a putative stem-leaf economics spectrum ranging from deciduous species with thin, high-nitrogen leaves and low-density wood to evergreen species with thick, low-nitrogen leaves and dense wood and was not influenced by phylogenetic history. Trait coordination within species was weak, allowing individual trees to deviate from the interspecific trait coordination and thus respond flexibly to environmental heterogeneity. Our findings suggest that within a single woody plant community variation and covariation in functional traits allows a large number of species to co-exist and cover a broad spectrum of multivariate niche space, which in turn may increase total resource extraction by the community and community functioning.
DOI:10.1641/0006-3568(2001)051[0545:TROTCO]2.0.CO;2URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01828.xURL [本文引用: 1]

1. Although species differ in flammability, identifying the traits that influence flammability and linking them to other axes of trait variation has yet to be accomplished. Leaf length may be a key trait influencing the flammability of leaf litter.
2. Differences in species composition across a landscape or changes in composition through time may alter fire behaviour. Forests in the Sierra Nevada of CA, USA, have experienced changes in species composition that have modified the distribution of leaf litter traits.
3. Across three independent data sets, at scales from a single watershed to multiple watersheds and elevations, we tested if mean community leaf length in patterns of fire severity. We used structural equation models to disentangle direct effects of site characteristics from the contribution of species corn position.
4. Fire severity was greater at sites inhabited by species with longer leaves than at sites containing short-leaved species, probably as a result of lower litter density. The effect cannot be explained merely by the joint influence of site characteristics on both fire behaviour and species composition.
5. A significant portion of this pattern is driven by shifts in the abundance of Pinus species. In this system, pines are among the longest-leaved species and this makes it difficult to separate leaf-length effects from other possible flammability-enhancing characteristics of pines. Evidence from one data set, however, suggests that the pattern cannot be entirely explained by proportion of pines alone.
6. Synthesis. We demonstrate that a simple integration of a species trait predicts fire severity at landscape scales. This provides a link between the two scales at which most previous work has occurred: species-specific measurements of traits and landscape-level characterisation of fuel loads. Investigations of trait effects on fire behaviour are important because climate change may lead to novel climates and no-analogue species assemblages. In this ecosystem, shorter-leaved species, which have increased in density during the period of fire exclusion, may act as a positive feedback by reducing fire severity and thereby favouring their own establishment. Conversely, restoration of fire to these forests, by increasing the dominance of long-leaved species, may increase flammable fuels.
DOI:10.1890/05-1051URLPMID:16602282 [本文引用: 2]

Recent work has identified a worldwide "economic" spectrum of correlated leaf traits that affects global patterns of nutrient cycling and primary productivity and that is used to calibrate vegetation-climate models. The correlation patterns are displayed by species from the arctic to the tropics and are largely independent of growth form or phylogeny. This generality suggests that unidentified fundamental constraints control the return of photosynthates on investments of nutrients and dry mass in leaves. Using novel graph theoretic methods and structural equation modeling, we show that the relationships among these variables can best be explained by assuming (1) a necessary trade-off between allocation to structural tissues versus liquid phase processes and (2) an evolutionary tradeoff between leaf photosynthetic rates, construction costs, and leaf longevity.
DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.04014.xURL [本文引用: 1]

Previous research suggests that the lifetime carbon gain of a leaf is constrained by a tradeoff between metabolism and longevity. The biophysical reasons underlying this tradeoff are not fully understood.
We used a photosynthesisleaf water balance model to evaluate biophysical constraints on carbon gain. Leaf hydraulic conductance (K-Leaf), carbon isotope discrimination (delta C-13), leaf mass per unit area (LMA) and the driving force for water transport from stem to leaf (delta Psi(Stem-Leaf)) were characterized for leaves spanning three orders of magnitude in surface area and two orders of magnitude in lifespan.
We observed positive isometric scaling between K-Leaf and leaf area but no relationship between delta C-13 and leaf area. Leaf lifespan and LMA had minimal effect on K-Leaf per unit leaf area, but a negative correlation exists among LMA, lifespan, and K-Leaf per unit dry mass. During periods of leaf water loss, delta Psi(Stem-Leaf) was relatively constant.
We show for the first time that K-Leaf,K- mass, an index of the carbon cost associated with water use, is negatively correlated with lifespan. This highlights the importance of characterizing K-Leaf,K- mass and suggests a tradeoff between resource investment in liquid phase processes and structural rigidity.
DOI:10.1007/s10265-015-0721-zURLPMID:25813755 [本文引用: 1]

Fan life forms are bryophytes with shoots rising from vertical substratum that branch repeatedly in the horizontal plane to form flattened photosynthetic surfaces, which are well suited for intercepting water from moving air. However, detailed water relations, gas exchange characteristics of fan bryophytes and their adaptations to particular microhabitats remain poorly understood. In this study, we measured and analyzed microclimatic data, as well as water release curves, pressure-volume relationships and photosynthetic water and light response curves for three common fan bryophytes in an Asian subtropical montane cloud forest (SMCF). Results demonstrate high relative humidity but low light levels and temperatures in the understory, and a strong effect of fog on water availability for bryophytes in the SMCF. The facts that fan bryophytes in dry air lose most of their free water within 1?h, and a strong dependence of net photosynthesis rates on water content, imply that the transition from a hydrated, photosynthetically active state to a dry, inactive state is rapid. In addition, fan bryophytes developed relatively high cell wall elasticity and the osmoregulatory capacity to tolerate desiccation. These fan bryophytes had low light saturation and compensation point of photosynthesis, indicating shade tolerance. It is likely that fan bryophytes can flourish on tree trunks in the SMCF because of substantial annual precipitation, average relative humidity, and frequent and persistent fog, which can provide continual water sources for them to intercept. Nevertheless, the low water retention capacity and strong dependence of net photosynthesis on water content of fan bryophytes indicate a high risk of unbalanced carbon budget if the frequency and severity of drought increase in the future as predicted.
DOI:10.1007/s00468-018-1698-8URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01867.xURL [本文引用: 1]

1. It is often assumed that there is a trade-off between maternal provisioning and dispersal capacity, leading small-seeded species to disperse further than large-seeded species. However, this relationship between dispersal distance and seed mass has only been quantified for species from particular sites or with particular dispersal syndromes.
2. We provided the first large-scale, cross-species quantification of the correlations between dispersal distance and both seed mass and plant height. Seed mass was positively related to mean dispersal distance, with a 100-fold increase in seed mass being associated with a 4.5-fold increase in mean dispersal distance (R(2) = 0.16; n = 210 species; P < 0.001). However, plant height had substantially stronger explanatory power than did seed mass, and we found a 5-fold increase in height was associated with a 4.6-fold increase in mean dispersal distance (R(2) = 0.54; n = 211 species; P < 0.001).
3. Once plant height was accounted for, we found that small-seeded species dispersed further than did large-seeded species (R(2) = 0.54; n = 181 species; slope = -0.130; P < 0.001); however, seed mass only added 2% to the R(2) of the model. Within dispersal syndromes, tall species dispersed further than did short species, while seed mass had little influence on dispersal distance.
4. Synthesis. These findings enhance our understanding of plant life-history strategies and improve our ability to predict which species are best at colonizing new environments.
DOI:10.1111/nph.13719URLPMID:26508678 [本文引用: 1]

Ferns and fern allies have low photosynthetic rates compared with seed plants. Their photosynthesis is thought to be limited principally by physical CO2 diffusion from the atmosphere to chloroplasts. The aim of this study was to understand the reasons for low photosynthesis in species of ferns and fern allies (Lycopodiopsida and Polypodiopsida). We performed a comprehensive assessment of the foliar gas-exchange and mesophyll structural traits involved in photosynthetic function for 35 species of ferns and fern allies. Additionally, the leaf economics spectrum (the interrelationships between photosynthetic capacity and leaf/frond traits such as leaf dry mass per unit area or nitrogen content) was tested. Low mesophyll conductance to CO2 was the main cause for low photosynthesis in ferns and fern allies, which, in turn, was associated with thick cell walls and reduced chloroplast distribution towards intercellular mesophyll air spaces. Generally, the leaf economics spectrum in ferns follows a trend similar to that in seed plants. Nevertheless, ferns and allies had less nitrogen per unit DW than seed plants (i.e. the same slope but a different intercept) and lower photosynthesis rates per leaf mass area and per unit of nitrogen.
DOI:10.1007/s11258-008-9540-9URL [本文引用: 1]

We assess the population genetic structure of the invasive riparian weed Impatiens glandulifera, and where possible, determine whether natural or anthropogenic dispersal best explains the observed patterns. Results are compared with a similar contemporary analysis for Heracleum mantegazzianum undertaken in the same catchments, and we suggest that some of the observed differences in genetic structure could be because of life history differences between these species. Our results confirm the importance of at least occasional dispersal events mediated by human activity in the colonisation and subsequent spread of invasive plants in river catchments. However, processes related to river structure, dispersal range and genetic drift also appear to be structuring these populations over short temporal scales. The implication is that local populations can be established as small founders, and therefore eradication programs need to be thorough and undertaken at the catchment scale. Effective management needs to consider the natural spread of riparian species along rivers, but also prevent long-distance dispersal from sources outside the catchment.
DOI:10.1111/jec.2009.97.issue-1URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpt098URLPMID:24284866 [本文引用: 1]

Leaves can be both a hydraulic bottleneck and a safety valve against hydraulic catastrophic dysfunctions, and thus changes in traits related to water movement in leaves and associated costs may be critical for the success of plant growth. A 4-year fertilization experiment with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) addition was done in a semideciduous Atlantic forest in northeastern Argentina. Saplings of five dominant canopy species were grown in similar gaps inside the forests (five control and five N?+?P addition plots). Leaf lifespan (LL), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), leaf and stem vulnerability to cavitation, leaf hydraulic conductance (K(leaf_area) and K(leaf_mass)) and leaf turgor loss point (TLP) were measured in the five species and in both treatments. Leaf lifespan tended to decrease with the addition of fertilizers, and LMA was significantly higher in plants with nutrient addition compared with individuals in control plots. The vulnerability to cavitation of leaves (P50(leaf)) either increased or decreased with the nutrient treatment depending on the species, but the average P50(leaf) did not change with nutrient addition. The P50(leaf) decreased linearly with increasing LMA and LL across species and treatments. These trade-offs have an important functional significance because more expensive (higher LMA) and less vulnerable leaves (lower P50(leaf)) are retained for a longer period of time. Osmotic potentials at TLP and at full turgor became more negative with decreasing P50(leaf) regardless of nutrient treatment. The K(leaf) on a mass basis was negatively correlated with LMA and LL, indicating that there is a carbon cost associated with increased water transport that is compensated by a longer LL. The vulnerability to cavitation of stems and leaves were similar, particularly in fertilized plants. Leaves in the species studied may not function as safety valves at low water potentials to protect the hydraulic pathway from water stress-induced cavitation. The lack of rainfall seasonality in the subtropical forest studied probably does not act as a selective pressure to enhance hydraulic segmentation between leaves and stems.
DOI:10.1111/oik.2007.116.issue-5URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1093/aob/mcs267URL [本文引用: 1]

Background and Aims There is a conspicuous increase of poikilohydric organisms (mosses, liverworts and macrolichens) with altitude in the tropics. This study addresses the hypothesis that the lack of bryophytes in the lowlands is due to high-temperature effects on the carbon balance. In particular, it is tested experimentally whether temperature responses of CO2-exchange rates would lead to higher respiratory carbon losses at night, relative to potential daily gains, in lowland compared with lower montane forests.
Methods Gas-exchange measurements were used to determine water-, light-, CO2- and temperature-response curves of net photosynthesis and dark respiration of 18 tropical bryophyte species from three altitudes (sea level, 500 m and 1200 m) in Panama.
Key Results Optimum temperatures of net photosynthesis were closely related to mean temperatures in the habitats in which the species grew at the different altitudes. The ratio of dark respiration to net photosynthesis at mean ambient night and day temperatures did not, as expected, decrease with altitude. Water-, light- and CO2-responses varied between species but not systematically with altitude.
Conclusions Drivers other than temperature-dependent metabolic rates must be more important in explaining the altitudinal gradient in bryophyte abundance. This does not discard near-zero carbon balances as a major problem for lowland species, but the main effect of temperature probably lies in increasing evaporation rates, thus restricting the time available for photosynthetic carbon gain, rather than in increasing nightly respiration rates. Since optimum temperatures for photosynthesis were so fine tuned to habitat temperatures we analysed published temperature responses of bryophyte species worldwide and found the same pattern on the large scale as we found along the tropical mountain slope we studied.
DOI:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03061.xURLPMID:19863726 [本文引用: 1]

Mosses are an understudied group of plants that can potentially confirm or expand principles of plant function described for tracheophytes, from which they diverge strongly in structure. We quantified 35 physiological and morphological traits from cell-, leaf- and canopy-level, for 10 ground-, trunk- and branch-dwelling Hawaiian species. We hypothesized that trait values would reflect the distinctive growth form and slow growth of mosses, but also that trait correlations would be analogous to those of tracheophytes. The moss species had low leaf mass per area and low gas exchange rate. Unlike for tracheophytes, light-saturated photosynthetic rate per mass (A(mass)) did not correlate with habitat irradiance. Other photosynthetic parameters and structural traits were aligned with microhabitat irradiance, driving an inter-correlation of traits including leaf area, cell size, cell wall thickness, and canopy density. In addition, we found a coordination of traits linked with structural allocation, including costa size, canopy height and A(mass). Across species, A(mass) and nitrogen concentration correlated negatively with canopy mass per area, analogous to linkages found for the 'leaf economic spectrum', with canopy mass per area replacing leaf mass per area. Despite divergence of mosses and tracheophytes in leaf size and function, analogous trait coordination has arisen during ecological differentiation.
DOI:10.1093/aobpla/ply034URLPMID:29977488 [本文引用: 1]

In vascular plants, there is a clear coupling between traits related to water and traits related to carbon economics. For bryophytes this coupling has been little studied but is expected to be strong, because in these poikilohydric plants photosynthesis varies strongly with water availability. We hypothesized that there is a trade-off between water-holding and photosynthetic capacities for mosses, resulting in a limited spectrum of possible trait combinations. At one end of this spectrum, mosses would tend to stay wet and active for long periods but would have slow photosynthetic rates. At the other end, mosses would avoid external water and dry out quicker but would have high photosynthetic capacities. We determined the water relations (water-holding and -retention capacities), photosynthetic water- and light-response curves of shoots of 12 moss species and explored the associations between these traits and their distributions among the studied species. The results partly support our hypotheses, in that the water-holding and water-retention capacities of mosses are positively related to each other and to the value and width of the optimal water-content range for photosynthesis. However, the photosynthetic capacities were specific to taxonomic groups, and the relationships between the water relations and the photosynthetic capacity are weak or inconsistent and depend strongly on the species used for analysis. The positive relationships between water-holding, water-retention and photosynthetic water-use capacities suggest two contrasting adaptations to avoid damage during dehydration: taking more time to 'prepare' or quick photosynthetic adjustment. However, the spectrum we hypothesized cannot be generalized for all mosses and defining a broader spectrum will require the extension of this study to a much larger number of species and including stand-level measurements of water loss and photosynthesis.
DOI:10.1007/s11284-014-1146-1URL [本文引用: 1]

Mosses growing in wintertime exert important ecosystem function, but we know little about their fundamental functional trait levels and scaling relationships across species. Thus the present study chose 13 common mosses growing under a temperate deciduous forest in wintertime to measure their light-saturated assimilation rate (A(mass)), dark respiration rate (Rd(mass)), major element concentrations and stoichiometric ratios (C-mass, N-mass, P-mass, C:P, C:P and N:P) and the shoot mass per area (SMA). Their bivariate log-log scaling relationships were determined by standardized major axes approach. We confirmed that except C-mass, the nutrient concentrations and metabolic rates of our mosses were higher than that of mosses growing at warmer sites but the SMA was lower than for Sphagnum species. Furthermore, the functional trait levels were totally lower than those of vascular plant leaves except P-mass. Besides, we found the N-mass and P-mass were significantly positively related to A(mass) and Rd(mass) but negatively associated with SMA. The C:P and N:P were also closely linked with A(mass), Rd(mass) and SMA. The SMA was significantly related to Rd(mass) but not to A(mass). Functional trait relationships across the current species deviated from previous studies of mosses but were generally analogous to those of vascular plant leaves only with different scaling. The findings suggest that mosses allocated a greater proportion of nutrients to metabolic components rather than to the non-photosynthetic tissues. In addition, phosphorus was associated more closely with other functional traits than was nitrogen and might play a greater role to withstand the cold temperatures in wintertime for mosses.
DOI:10.3732/ajb.1600335URLPMID:28213348 [本文引用: 1]

Tradeoffs among functional traits of vascular plants are starting to be better understood, but it is unclear whether bryophytes possess similar tradeoffs or how trait relationships, or the 'economic spectrum', differ between the two groups.
DOI:10.1007/s00442-015-3484-2URLPMID:26552378 [本文引用: 1]

Ecophysiological studies of bryophytes have generally been conducted at the shoot or canopy scale. However, their growth forms are diverse, and knowledge of whether bryophytes with different shoot structures have different functional trait levels and scaling relationships is limited. We collected 27 bryophyte species and categorised them into two groups based on their growth forms: erect and prostrate species. Twenty-one morphological, nutrient and photosynthetic traits were quantified. Trait levels and bivariate trait scaling relationships across species were compared between the two groups. The two groups had similar mean values for shoot mass per area (SMA), light saturation point and mass-based nitrogen (N(mass)) and phosphorus concentrations. Erect bryophytes possessed higher values for mass-based chlorophyll concentration (Chl(mass)), light-saturated assimilation rate (A(mass)) and photosynthetic nitrogen/phosphorus use efficiency. N(mass), Chl(mass) and A(mass) were positively related, and these traits were negatively associated with SMA. Furthermore, the slope of the regression of N(mass) versus Chl(mass) was steeper for erect bryophytes than that for prostrate bryophytes, whereas this pattern was reversed for the relationship between Chl(mass) and A(mass). In conclusion, erect bryophytes possess higher photosynthetic capacities than prostrate species. Furthermore, erect bryophytes invest more nitrogen in chloroplast pigments to improve their light-harvesting ability, while the structure of prostrate species permits more efficient light capture. This study confirms the effect of growth form on the functional trait levels and scaling relationships of bryophytes. It also suggests that bryophytes could be good models for investigating the carbon economy and nutrient allocation of plants at the shoot rather than the leaf scale.
DOI:10.1111/nph.12345URLPMID:23692294 [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1038/nature02403URLPMID:15103368 [本文引用: 1]

Bringing together leaf trait data spanning 2,548 species and 175 sites we describe, for the first time at global scale, a universal spectrum of leaf economics consisting of key chemical, structural and physiological properties. The spectrum runs from quick to slow return on investments of nutrients and dry mass in leaves, and operates largely independently of growth form, plant functional type or biome. Categories along the spectrum would, in general, describe leaf economic variation at the global scale better than plant functional types, because functional types overlap substantially in their leaf traits. Overall, modulation of leaf traits and trait relationships by climate is surprisingly modest, although some striking and significant patterns can be seen. Reliable quantification of the leaf economics spectrum and its interaction with climate will prove valuable for modelling nutrient fluxes and vegetation boundaries under changing land-use and climate.
DOI:10.1038/nature02403URLPMID:15103368 [本文引用: 9]

Bringing together leaf trait data spanning 2,548 species and 175 sites we describe, for the first time at global scale, a universal spectrum of leaf economics consisting of key chemical, structural and physiological properties. The spectrum runs from quick to slow return on investments of nutrients and dry mass in leaves, and operates largely independently of growth form, plant functional type or biome. Categories along the spectrum would, in general, describe leaf economic variation at the global scale better than plant functional types, because functional types overlap substantially in their leaf traits. Overall, modulation of leaf traits and trait relationships by climate is surprisingly modest, although some striking and significant patterns can be seen. Reliable quantification of the leaf economics spectrum and its interaction with climate will prove valuable for modelling nutrient fluxes and vegetation boundaries under changing land-use and climate.
DOI:10.1111/1365-2435.12047URL [本文引用: 1]

We investigated whether plants adapted to thermally contrasting environments (e.g. tropical-temperate habitats) exhibit inherent differences in leaf trait scaling relationships. Thirteen tropical and 12 temperate species (all characteristic of wet forests) were grown in a glasshouse (25/20 degrees C day/night). A range of leaf traits were quantified, including mass-based leaf nitrogen [N], mass per unit area (LMA), light-saturated photosynthesis (A) and respiration (Rdark). Average area- and mass-based rates of net CO2 exchange were higher in the temperate species, compared to their tropical counterparts. Average leaf [N] and LMA values were also higher in temperate species than in their tropical counterparts. The higher LMA in the metabolically more active temperate species was the most striking contrast to the patterns and predictions of the GLOPNET leaf trait data base, and was associated with different elevations (i.e. y-axis intercepts) but not slopes of bivariate trait scaling relationships. As expected, mass-based rates of A and Rdark scaled positively with increasing [N] and negatively with increasing LMA in both tropical and temperate species. No differences were found between temperate and tropical species groups in terms of log-log scaling relationships linking A and Rdark to N. However, at any given LMA, mass-based values of [N], A and Rdark were all higher in the temperate species than in their tropical counterparts. Underpinning higher A in temperate species was a higher capacity for carboxylation (Vcmax) and RuBP regeneration (Jmax), with Jmax:Vcmax being greater in temperate species. In conclusion, our results suggest that as a consequence of greater overall N investment as well as greater proportional N investment in metabolic capacity, cool-adapted temperate wet forest species exhibit higher photosynthetic and respiration rates than their warm-adapted tropical counterparts when compared in a common environment.
DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.171URLPMID:29182967 [本文引用: 1]

Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are simultaneously involved in the process of trading water for CO2, but the relationships between these two suites of traits remain ambiguous. Recently, Li et al. (2015) reported that leaf economics and hydraulic traits were decoupled in five tropical-subtropical forests in China. We tested the hypothesis that the relationships between economics and hydraulic traits may depend on water availability. We analysed five leaf economics traits, four hydraulic traits and anatomical structures of 47 woody species on the Loess Plateau with poor water availability and compared those data with Li et al. (2015) obtained in tropical-subtropical regions with adequate water. The results showed that plants on the Loess Plateau tend to have higher leaf tissue density (TD), leaf nitrogen concentrations and venation density (VD) and lower stomatal guard cell length (SL) and maximum stomatal conductance to water vapour (gwmax). VD showed positive correlations with leaf nitrogen concentrations, palisade tissue thickness (PT) and ratio of palisade tissue thickness to spongy tissue thickness (PT/ST). Principal component analysis (PCA) showed a result opposite from those of tropical-subtropical regions: leaf economics and hydraulic traits were coupled on the Loess Plateau. A stable correlation between these two suites of traits may be more cost-effective on the Loess Plateau, where water availability is poor. The correlation of leaf economics and hydraulic traits may be a type of adaptation mechanism in arid conditions.
DOI:10.3389/fpls.2017.00501URLPMID:28439283 [本文引用: 3]

Floral longevity (FL) determines the balance between pollination success and flower maintenance. While a longer floral duration enhances the ability of plants to attract pollinators, it can be detrimental if it negatively affects overall plant fitness. Longer-lived leaves display a positive correlation with their dry mass per unit area, which influences leaf construction costs and physiological functions. However, little is known about the association among FL and floral dry mass per unit area (FMA) and water maintenance traits. We investigated whether increased FL might incur similar costs. Our assessment of 11 species of Paphiopedilum (slipper orchids) considered the impact of FMA and flower water-maintenance characteristics on FL. We found a positive relationship between FL and FMA. Floral longevity showed significant correlations with osmotic potential at the turgor loss and bulk modulus of elasticity but not with FA. Neither the size nor the mass per area was correlated between leaves and flowers, indicating that flower and leaf economic traits evolved independently. Therefore, our findings demonstrate a clear relationship between FL and the capacity to maintain water status in the flower. These economic constraints also indicate that extending the flower life span can have a high physiological cost in Paphiopedilum.
DOI:10.1111/nph.13274URLPMID:25622799 [本文引用: 1]

Cycads are the most ancient lineage of living seed plants, but the design of their leaves has received little study. We tested whether cycad leaves are governed by the same fundamental design principles previously established for ferns, conifers and angiosperms, and characterized the uniqueness of this relict lineage in foliar trait relationships. Leaf structure, photosynthesis, hydraulics and nutrient composition were studied in 33 cycad species from nine genera and three families growing in two botanical gardens. Cycads varied greatly in leaf structure and physiology. Similarly to other lineages, light-saturated photosynthetic rate per mass (Am ) was related negatively to leaf mass per area and positively to foliar concentrations of chlorophyll, nitrogen (N), phosphorus and iron, but unlike angiosperms, leaf photosynthetic rate was not associated with leaf hydraulic conductance. Cycads had lower photosynthetic N use efficiency and higher photosynthetic performance relative to hydraulic capacity compared with other lineages. These findings extend the relationships shown for foliar traits in angiosperms to the cycads. This functional convergence supports the modern synthetic understanding of leaf design, with common constraints operating across lineages, even as they highlight exceptional aspects of the biology of this key relict lineage.
DOI:10.1038/srep42085URLPMID:28186201 [本文引用: 1]

We tested for a tradeoff across species between plant maximum photosynthetic rate and the ability to maintain photosynthesis under adverse conditions in the unfavorable season. Such a trade-off would be consistent with the observed trade-off between maximum speed and endurance in athletes and some animals that has been explained by cost-benefit theory. This trend would have importance for the general understanding of leaf design, and would simplify models of annual leaf carbon relations. We tested for such a trade-off using a database analysis across vascular plants and using an experimental approach for 29 cycad species, representing an ancient plant lineage with diversified evergreen leaves. In both tests, a higher photosynthetic rate per mass or per area in the favorable season was associated with a stronger absolute or percent decline in the unfavorable season. We resolved a possible mechanism based on biomechanics and nitrogen allocation; cycads with high leaf toughness (leaf mass per area) and higher investment in leaf construction than in physiological function (C/N ratio) tended to have lower warm season photosynthesis but less depression in the cool season. We propose that this trade-off, consistent with cost-benefit theory, represents a significant physio-phenological constraint on the diversity and seasonal dynamics of photosynthetic rate.
DOI:10.1093/aob/mcv179URLPMID:26684751 [本文引用: 1]

Ferns are abundant in sub-tropical forests in southern China, with some species being restricted to shaded understorey of natural forests, while others are widespread in disturbed, open habitats. To explain this distribution pattern, we hypothesize that ferns that occur in disturbed forests (FDF) have a different leaf cost-benefit strategy compared with ferns that occur in natural forests (FNF), with a quicker return on carbon investment in disturbed habitats compared with old-growth forests.
Plant functional groups within a tropical forest exhibit different wood functional anatomy
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
Impact of growth temperature on scaling relationships linking photosynthetic metabolism to leaf functional traits
Leaf economics traits predict litter decomposition of tropical plants and differ among land use types
... 叶片凋落物分解是生态系统碳和养分循环的重要过程, 叶片的养分含量、形态指标、气候环境以及土壤环境都会影响分解速率.
Photosynthesis, growth, and decay traits in Sphagnum—A multispecies comparison.
... 苔藓是植物由水生向陆生的一种过渡形式, 其变水植物的特性使得它们的光合代谢非常依赖于环境水分条件, 进而影响着苔藓的碳平衡(
Leaf photosynthetic, economics and hydraulic traits are decoupled among genotypes of a widespread species of eucalypt grown under ambient and elevated CO2
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
Functional convergence in hydraulic architecture and water relations of tropical savanna trees: From leaf to whole plant
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
Can CSR classification be generally applied outside Britain?
... 花是具有繁殖功能的变态短枝, 对于花性状的研究主要集中在开花时间、花寿命(花期长短)、花的大小(面积)等.
Towards a worldwide wood economics spectrum
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
... LES是基于全球植物性状网络(Global Plant Trait Network)总结出的叶片性状关系规律.而后, 有大量研究报道了该数据库涵盖范围以外区域及一些极端气候地区维管植物群落的叶片功能性状关系, 研究结论大多支持LES规律.例如
... LES是基于全球植物性状网络(Global Plant Trait Network)总结出的叶片性状关系规律.而后, 有大量研究报道了该数据库涵盖范围以外区域及一些极端气候地区维管植物群落的叶片功能性状关系, 研究结论大多支持LES规律.例如
Functional correlations between specific leaf area and specific root length along a regional environmental gradient in inner Mongolia grasslands
... 根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用.与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(
Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide
... 叶片凋落物分解是生态系统碳和养分循环的重要过程, 叶片的养分含量、形态指标、气候环境以及土壤环境都会影响分解速率.
A plant economics spectrum in Mediterranean forests along environmental gradients: Is there coordination among leaf, stem and root traits?
... 过去对维管植物叶片功能性状的研究大多是在较小的尺度(以及组织层次)进行, 然而目前亟待厘清和解决的生态学问题往往都体现在较大尺度上, 在某一尺度得出的生态学规律未必适用于其他尺度(
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
... 不同植物的种子质量与数量差异悬殊, 表面形状也各不相同, 种子质量及数量和植株体型的相关关系是划分植物生活史对策的重要依据.一般来说, 体型较小的植物无力负担大型的种子, 只有体型较大的植物才能长出大种子(
The global spectrum of plant form and function
... LES是基于全球植物性状网络(Global Plant Trait Network)总结出的叶片性状关系规律.而后, 有大量研究报道了该数据库涵盖范围以外区域及一些极端气候地区维管植物群落的叶片功能性状关系, 研究结论大多支持LES规律.例如
... 不同植物的种子质量与数量差异悬殊, 表面形状也各不相同, 种子质量及数量和植株体型的相关关系是划分植物生活史对策的重要依据.一般来说, 体型较小的植物无力负担大型的种子, 只有体型较大的植物才能长出大种子(
A functional trait perspective on plant invasion
... 物种入侵对生态系统的结构与功能有深远影响, 探究入侵种与本地种的功能性状及关系的差异, 有助于揭示二者生存策略的差异, 正确评估入侵植物的风险, 对生态系统进行有效的管理与恢复(
Leaf life span and the leaf economic spectrum in the context of whole plant architecture
... 尽管也有一些****对LES中采用单位干质量进行性状标准化的可信度和生态学意义提出过质疑, 并且展开过一系列的讨论: 如
Nutrient limitation and stoichiometry of carnivorous plants
... 食虫植物大多生长在阳光和水分充足但土壤养分(尤其是氮、磷、钾)贫瘠的地区, 会将更多的资源投资到捕食器官, 依靠捕捉猎物获得额外营养, 叶片中营养元素含量、单位面积或单位质量的光合速率及生长速率常低于其他植物(
Similar variation in carbon storage between deciduous and evergreen treeline species across elevational gradients
... LES规律是基于对跨种数据进行综合分析得出的, 揭示了在资源梯度上叶片结构、化学和生理特征的协调变化, 然而这一规律在很大程度上忽略了种内变异的作用(包括生态变异和可塑性变异).
Prey availability directly affects physiology, growth, nutrient allocation and scaling relationships among leaf traits in 10 carnivorous plant species
... 食虫植物大多生长在阳光和水分充足但土壤养分(尤其是氮、磷、钾)贫瘠的地区, 会将更多的资源投资到捕食器官, 依靠捕捉猎物获得额外营养, 叶片中营养元素含量、单位面积或单位质量的光合速率及生长速率常低于其他植物(
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
Scale dependence in the effects of leaf ecophysiological traits on photosynthesis: Bayesian parameterization of photosynthesis models
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
... 过去对维管植物叶片功能性状的研究大多是在较小的尺度(以及组织层次)进行, 然而目前亟待厘清和解决的生态学问题往往都体现在较大尺度上, 在某一尺度得出的生态学规律未必适用于其他尺度(
Leaf traits capture the effects of land use changes and climate on litter decomposability of grasslands across Europe
... 叶片凋落物分解是生态系统碳和养分循环的重要过程, 叶片的养分含量、形态指标、气候环境以及土壤环境都会影响分解速率.
Evidence of the ‘plant economics spectrum’ in a subarctic flora
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
... LES是基于全球植物性状网络(Global Plant Trait Network)总结出的叶片性状关系规律.而后, 有大量研究报道了该数据库涵盖范围以外区域及一些极端气候地区维管植物群落的叶片功能性状关系, 研究结论大多支持LES规律.例如
Stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance are co-ordinated with the leaf phenology of angiosperm trees in an Asian tropical dry karst forest
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
Global resource acquisition patterns of invasive and native plant species do not hold at the regional scale in Mediterranean type ecosystems
... 物种入侵对生态系统的结构与功能有深远影响, 探究入侵种与本地种的功能性状及关系的差异, 有助于揭示二者生存策略的差异, 正确评估入侵植物的风险, 对生态系统进行有效的管理与恢复(
Burn or rot: Leaf traits explain why flammability and decomposability are decoupled across species
... 除了自然分解及被消费者取食, 在许多生态系统中, 燃烧也是促使植物叶片(无论是鲜叶还是凋落物)所含有机物快速转化为无机物的重要过程.凋落物分解缓慢会导致可燃物累积, 形成火灾隐患.
Intraspecific variation in soy across the leaf economics spectrum
... 在自然生态系统以外, 也有许多研究探讨了农作物的种内LES变异:
Size-dependent variations in individual traits and trait scaling relationships within a shade-tolerant evergreen tree species
... LES规律是基于对跨种数据进行综合分析得出的, 揭示了在资源梯度上叶片结构、化学和生理特征的协调变化, 然而这一规律在很大程度上忽略了种内变异的作用(包括生态变异和可塑性变异).
A test of the generality of leaf trait relationships on the Tibetan Plateau
... LES是基于全球植物性状网络(Global Plant Trait Network)总结出的叶片性状关系规律.而后, 有大量研究报道了该数据库涵盖范围以外区域及一些极端气候地区维管植物群落的叶片功能性状关系, 研究结论大多支持LES规律.例如
植物性状研究的机遇与挑战: 从器官到群落
... 植物的不同器官各司其职、相互耦合, 维持和调节着个体的生命活动.以往对植物功能性状及其相互关系的研究多聚焦于叶片, 对其他器官, 以及不同器官之间功能性状关系的研究还有待加强.将植物叶经济谱研究扩展联系到其他器官有助于阐明植物个体的生态策略, 揭示不同物种在群落内的分布及群落组成变化的机制, 评价其生态系统功能(
植物性状研究的机遇与挑战: 从器官到群落
... 植物的不同器官各司其职、相互耦合, 维持和调节着个体的生命活动.以往对植物功能性状及其相互关系的研究多聚焦于叶片, 对其他器官, 以及不同器官之间功能性状关系的研究还有待加强.将植物叶经济谱研究扩展联系到其他器官有助于阐明植物个体的生态策略, 揭示不同物种在群落内的分布及群落组成变化的机制, 评价其生态系统功能(
Biogeographic constraints on the world-wide leaf economics spectrum
Plant functional shifts in the invaded range: A test with reciprocal forest invaders of Europe and North America
... 物种入侵对生态系统的结构与功能有深远影响, 探究入侵种与本地种的功能性状及关系的差异, 有助于揭示二者生存策略的差异, 正确评估入侵植物的风险, 对生态系统进行有效的管理与恢复(
Interspecific difference in the photosynthesis- nitrogen relationship: Patterns, physiological causes, and ecological importance
Intraspecific trait variation and coordination: Root and leaf economics spectra in coffee across environmental gradients
... 根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用.与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(
Coordination between leaf and stem traits related to leaf carbon gain and hydraulics across 32 drought-tolerant angiosperms
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
Construction costs, payback times, and the leaf economics of carnivorous plants
... 食虫植物大多生长在阳光和水分充足但土壤养分(尤其是氮、磷、钾)贫瘠的地区, 会将更多的资源投资到捕食器官, 依靠捕捉猎物获得额外营养, 叶片中营养元素含量、单位面积或单位质量的光合速率及生长速率常低于其他植物(
Are correlations among foliar traits in ferns consistent with those in the seed plants?
... 蕨类是现存最原始的陆生维管植物, 对温带落叶林下蕨类的研究发现, 其LMA、Aarea和Narea远低于种子植物的中值, 但二者的叶经济谱变化趋势相似(
TRY—A global database of plant traits
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
Why functional ecology should consider all plant organs: An allocation-based perspective
... 植物的不同器官各司其职、相互耦合, 维持和调节着个体的生命活动.以往对植物功能性状及其相互关系的研究多聚焦于叶片, 对其他器官, 以及不同器官之间功能性状关系的研究还有待加强.将植物叶经济谱研究扩展联系到其他器官有助于阐明植物个体的生态策略, 揭示不同物种在群落内的分布及群落组成变化的机制, 评价其生态系统功能(
Links between shoot and plant longevity and plant economics spectrum: Environmental and demographic implications
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
Economic strategies of plant absorptive roots vary with root diameter
... 根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用.与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(
Seed size and the evolution of leaf defences
... 不同植物的种子质量与数量差异悬殊, 表面形状也各不相同, 种子质量及数量和植株体型的相关关系是划分植物生活史对策的重要依据.一般来说, 体型较小的植物无力负担大型的种子, 只有体型较大的植物才能长出大种子(
Tradeoffs and scaling of functional traits in Sphagnum as drivers of carbon cycling in peatlands.
... 苔藓是植物由水生向陆生的一种过渡形式, 其变水植物的特性使得它们的光合代谢非常依赖于环境水分条件, 进而影响着苔藓的碳平衡(
Leaf trait relationships of native and invasive plants: Community-? and global-scale comparisons
... 物种入侵对生态系统的结构与功能有深远影响, 探究入侵种与本地种的功能性状及关系的差异, 有助于揭示二者生存策略的差异, 正确评估入侵植物的风险, 对生态系统进行有效的管理与恢复(
... 对澳大利亚东南部藤本植物的研究与
Community-level economics spectrum of fine-roots driven by nutrient limitations in subalpine forests
... 根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用.与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(
Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are decoupled in five species-rich tropical-subtropical forests
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
Root branching is a leading root trait of the plant economics spectrum in temperate trees
... 根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用.与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(
Photosynthetically relevant foliar traits correlating better on a mass vs an area basis: Of ecophysiological relevance or just a case of mathematical imperatives and statistical quicksand?
... 尽管也有一些****对LES中采用单位干质量进行性状标准化的可信度和生态学意义提出过质疑, 并且展开过一系列的讨论: 如
Predicting fine root lifespan from plant functional traits in temperate trees
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
... 根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用.与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(
Latitudinal pattern and the driving factors of leaf functional traits in 185 shrub species across eastern China
Evolutionary history resolves global organization of root functional traits
... 根在维管植物水分、养分吸收过程中发挥关键作用.与LES相似, 物种水平上的根经济谱反映了根在养分获取及资源维持之间的权衡: 养分吸收能力强的根较细, 比根长(SRL)和氮含量较高, 但是寿命较短; 相对来说, 寿命更长的粗根, 其SRL和氮含量较低, 资源利用也更加保守(
Inter- and intraspecific variation in leaf economic traits in wheat and maize
... 在自然生态系统以外, 也有许多研究探讨了农作物的种内LES变异:
Intraspecific trait variation across multiple scales: The leaf economics spectrum in coffee
... 在自然生态系统以外, 也有许多研究探讨了农作物的种内LES变异:
Fire form and function: Evidence for exaptive flammability in the New Zealand flora
... 除了自然分解及被消费者取食, 在许多生态系统中, 燃烧也是促使植物叶片(无论是鲜叶还是凋落物)所含有机物快速转化为无机物的重要过程.凋落物分解缓慢会导致可燃物累积, 形成火灾隐患.
Scaling functional traits to ecosystem processes: Towards a mechanistic understanding in peat mosses
... 苔藓是植物由水生向陆生的一种过渡形式, 其变水植物的特性使得它们的光合代谢非常依赖于环境水分条件, 进而影响着苔藓的碳平衡(
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
Trait variation and integration across scales: Is the leaf economic spectrum present at local scales?
... 过去对维管植物叶片功能性状的研究大多是在较小的尺度(以及组织层次)进行, 然而目前亟待厘清和解决的生态学问题往往都体现在较大尺度上, 在某一尺度得出的生态学规律未必适用于其他尺度(
... 地衣是由多种真菌与绿藻或蓝细菌组成的共生光合生物, 在生态系统的原生演替、水土保持等方面发挥着重要作用(
Is there a species spectrum within the world-wide leaf economics spectrum? Major variations in leaf functional traits in the Mediterranean sclerophyll Quercus ilex
... LES规律是基于对跨种数据进行综合分析得出的, 揭示了在资源梯度上叶片结构、化学和生理特征的协调变化, 然而这一规律在很大程度上忽略了种内变异的作用(包括生态变异和可塑性变异).
... 不同苔藓类群个体(种群)的形态结构差异巨大, 反映出其多样的环境适应策略, 并且在一定程度上影响着它们的光合效率(光截获、CO2扩散)和营养分配模式(
Global leaf trait relationships: Mass, area, and the leaf economics spectrum
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
Leaf trait co-ordination in relation to construction cost, carbon gain and resource-use efficiency in exotic invasive and native woody vine species
... 物种入侵对生态系统的结构与功能有深远影响, 探究入侵种与本地种的功能性状及关系的差异, 有助于揭示二者生存策略的差异, 正确评估入侵植物的风险, 对生态系统进行有效的管理与恢复(
Longevity, lignin content and construction cost of the assimilatory organs of Nepenthes species.
... 食虫植物大多生长在阳光和水分充足但土壤养分(尤其是氮、磷、钾)贫瘠的地区, 会将更多的资源投资到捕食器官, 依靠捕捉猎物获得额外营养, 叶片中营养元素含量、单位面积或单位质量的光合速率及生长速率常低于其他植物(
Comparative anatomy of the assimilatory organs of Nepenthes species.
... 食虫植物大多生长在阳光和水分充足但土壤养分(尤其是氮、磷、钾)贫瘠的地区, 会将更多的资源投资到捕食器官, 依靠捕捉猎物获得额外营养, 叶片中营养元素含量、单位面积或单位质量的光合速率及生长速率常低于其他植物(
Carbon economy in lichens
... 地衣是由多种真菌与绿藻或蓝细菌组成的共生光合生物, 在生态系统的原生演替、水土保持等方面发挥着重要作用(
CO2 exchange and thallus nitrogen across 75 contrasting lichen associations from different climate zones
... 地衣是由多种真菌与绿藻或蓝细菌组成的共生光合生物, 在生态系统的原生演替、水土保持等方面发挥着重要作用(
How well do seed production traits correlate with leaf traits, whole-plant traits and plant ecological strategies?
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
... 不同植物的种子质量与数量差异悬殊, 表面形状也各不相同, 种子质量及数量和植株体型的相关关系是划分植物生活史对策的重要依据.一般来说, 体型较小的植物无力负担大型的种子, 只有体型较大的植物才能长出大种子(
Trait correlation networks: A whole-plant perspective on the recently criticized leaf economic spectrum
... 尽管也有一些****对LES中采用单位干质量进行性状标准化的可信度和生态学意义提出过质疑, 并且展开过一系列的讨论: 如
Balancing the costs of carbon gain and water transport: Testing a new theoretical framework for plant functional ecology
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
The world-wide ‘fast-slow’ plant economics spectrum: A traits manifesto
... 植物的不同器官各司其职、相互耦合, 维持和调节着个体的生命活动.以往对植物功能性状及其相互关系的研究多聚焦于叶片, 对其他器官, 以及不同器官之间功能性状关系的研究还有待加强.将植物叶经济谱研究扩展联系到其他器官有助于阐明植物个体的生态策略, 揭示不同物种在群落内的分布及群落组成变化的机制, 评价其生态系统功能(
Scaling of respiration to nitrogen in leaves, stems and roots of higher land plants
... 植物的茎和枝承载着进行光合作用的叶片, 并且在同化产物、养分及水分的运输与储存中发挥着重要作用.
Do bryophyte shoot systems function like vascular plant leaves or canopies? Functional trait relationships in Sphagnum mosses (Sphagnaceae).
... 不同苔藓类群个体(种群)的形态结构差异巨大, 反映出其多样的环境适应策略, 并且在一定程度上影响着它们的光合效率(光截获、CO2扩散)和营养分配模式(
Structural and functional analyses of bryophyte canopies
... 苔藓是高等植物中最原始的类群, 生理生态特征与维管植物差异巨大.由于体型微小、代谢能力弱, 对其生理生态学的研究往往难以在叶片水平上开展, 而是聚焦于植株或种群尺度(
A comparative study of leaf trait relationships in coastal dunes in southern Spain
How do leaf veins influence the worldwide leaf economic spectrum? Review and synthesis
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
Extending the leaf economics spectrum to decomposition: Evidence from a tropical forest
... 叶片凋落物分解是生态系统碳和养分循环的重要过程, 叶片的养分含量、形态指标、气候环境以及土壤环境都会影响分解速率.
Leaf functional traits of tropical forest plants in relation to growth form
... LES是基于全球尺度多种维管植物数据得出的普遍性规律, 但不同功能群植物的资源利用策略不同, 叶片性状关系也有所不同:
The rise of the concept of scale in ecology: The concept of scale is evolving from verbal expression to quantitative expression
... 过去对维管植物叶片功能性状的研究大多是在较小的尺度(以及组织层次)进行, 然而目前亟待厘清和解决的生态学问题往往都体现在较大尺度上, 在某一尺度得出的生态学规律未必适用于其他尺度(
Scaling from leaf traits to fire behaviour: Community composition predicts fire severity in a temperate forest
... 除了自然分解及被消费者取食, 在许多生态系统中, 燃烧也是促使植物叶片(无论是鲜叶还是凋落物)所含有机物快速转化为无机物的重要过程.凋落物分解缓慢会导致可燃物累积, 形成火灾隐患.
Fundamental trade-offs generating the worldwide leaf economics spectrum
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
Hydraulic conductance of leaves correlates with leaf lifespan: Implications for lifetime carbon gain
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
Bryophyte Ecology
Water relations and gas exchange of fan bryophytes and their adaptations to microhabitats in an Asian subtropical montane cloud forest
... 苔藓是植物由水生向陆生的一种过渡形式, 其变水植物的特性使得它们的光合代谢非常依赖于环境水分条件, 进而影响着苔藓的碳平衡(
Invasive Rhus typhina invests more in height growth and traits associated with light acquisition than do native and non-invasive alien shrub species.
... 物种入侵对生态系统的结构与功能有深远影响, 探究入侵种与本地种的功能性状及关系的差异, 有助于揭示二者生存策略的差异, 正确评估入侵植物的风险, 对生态系统进行有效的管理与恢复(
Seed dispersal distance is more strongly correlated with plant height than with seed mass
... 不同植物的种子质量与数量差异悬殊, 表面形状也各不相同, 种子质量及数量和植株体型的相关关系是划分植物生活史对策的重要依据.一般来说, 体型较小的植物无力负担大型的种子, 只有体型较大的植物才能长出大种子(
The photosynthetic capacity in 35 ferns and fern allies: Mesophyll CO2 diffusion as a key trait
... 蕨类是现存最原始的陆生维管植物, 对温带落叶林下蕨类的研究发现, 其LMA、Aarea和Narea远低于种子植物的中值, 但二者的叶经济谱变化趋势相似(
Altitudinal variation in leaf mass per unit area, leaf tissue density and foliar nitrogen and phosphorus content along an Amazon-?Andes gradient in Peru
The scaling of seed size
... 不同植物的种子质量与数量差异悬殊, 表面形状也各不相同, 种子质量及数量和植株体型的相关关系是划分植物生活史对策的重要依据.一般来说, 体型较小的植物无力负担大型的种子, 只有体型较大的植物才能长出大种子(
Functional relationships between leaf hydraulics and leaf economic traits in response to nutrient addition in subtropical tree species
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
Let the concept of trait be functional!
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
Altitudinal changes in temperature responses of net photosynthesis and dark respiration in tropical bryophytes
... 苔藓是植物由水生向陆生的一种过渡形式, 其变水植物的特性使得它们的光合代谢非常依赖于环境水分条件, 进而影响着苔藓的碳平衡(
How does moss photosynthesis relate to leaf and canopy structure? Trait relationships for 10 Hawaiian species of contrasting light habitats
... 不同苔藓类群个体(种群)的形态结构差异巨大, 反映出其多样的环境适应策略, 并且在一定程度上影响着它们的光合效率(光截获、CO2扩散)和营养分配模式(
Associations between shoot-level water relations and photosynthetic responses to water and light in 12 moss species
... 苔藓是植物由水生向陆生的一种过渡形式, 其变水植物的特性使得它们的光合代谢非常依赖于环境水分条件, 进而影响着苔藓的碳平衡(
Functional trait scaling relationships across 13 temperate mosses growing in wintertime
... 不同苔藓类群个体(种群)的形态结构差异巨大, 反映出其多样的环境适应策略, 并且在一定程度上影响着它们的光合效率(光截获、CO2扩散)和营养分配模式(
The “plant economic spectrum” in bryophytes, a comparative study in subalpine forest
... 不同苔藓类群个体(种群)的形态结构差异巨大, 反映出其多样的环境适应策略, 并且在一定程度上影响着它们的光合效率(光截获、CO2扩散)和营养分配模式(
Higher photosynthetic capacity and different functional trait scaling relationships in erect bryophytes compared with prostrate species
... 不同苔藓类群个体(种群)的形态结构差异巨大, 反映出其多样的环境适应策略, 并且在一定程度上影响着它们的光合效率(光截获、CO2扩散)和营养分配模式(
Understanding ecological variation across species: Area-based vs mass-based expression of leaf traits
... 尽管也有一些****对LES中采用单位干质量进行性状标准化的可信度和生态学意义提出过质疑, 并且展开过一系列的讨论: 如
Modulation of leaf economic traits and trait relationships by climate
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
The worldwide leaf economics spectrum
... 植物功能性状指显著影响植物体定植、存活、生长和死亡的一系列植物属性, 体现了植物的生长状况及其对外部环境的适应性, 也反映物种在生态系统中的功能特征, 并将植物、环境、生态系统的结构、过程与功能联系起来(
... ).对植物功能性状关系进行深入研究有助于: 1)揭示植物的生长策略及资源分配模式, 探讨其生理生态过程的内在机制; 2)根据已有的功能性状关系模型, 可通过易于测定、应用广泛的“软性状” (如植物的形态学指标、生活型等)去推算那些测定方法复杂、耗时费力、对实验人员和仪器精度要求较高的“硬性状” (如生长速率、光合能力等), 例如通过植物叶片的形态学指标, 推测其氮、磷含量及固碳能力; 3)通过对生长在不同气候条件下相同或不同的植物类群、植被类型的功能性状关系研究, 辅以控制实验, 可以为研究生态系统的能量流动、物质循环提供更加可靠的背景数据, 有助于更加准确地预测气候变化对植物群落的影响及其响应(
... 尽管也有一些****对LES中采用单位干质量进行性状标准化的可信度和生态学意义提出过质疑, 并且展开过一系列的讨论: 如
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
Contrasting leaf trait scaling relationships in tropical and temperate wet forest species
The relationships between leaf economics and hydraulic traits of woody plants depend on water availability
... 植物的碳代谢离不开水, 叶片的光合、呼吸、散热、物质转运等功能均与其水分运输能力息息相关(
a). Floral mass per area and water maintenance traits are correlated with floral longevity in Paphiopedilum(Orchidaceae).
... Glossary of plant functional traits
中文 Chinese | 英文 English | 缩写 Abbreviation | 参考文献 Reference |
叶寿命 | Leaf life span | LL | |
比叶质量 | Leaf mass per area | LMA | |
最大光合能力 | Maximum assimilation rate | A | |
暗呼吸速率 | Dark respiration rate | Rd | |
比叶面积 | Specific leaf area | SLA | |
叶干物质含量 | Leaf dry matter content | LDMC | |
种子质量 | Seed mass | SM | |
种子数量 | Seed number | SN | |
水力导度 | Hydraulic conductance | K | |
气孔导度 | Stomatal conductance | gs | |
叶脉密度 | Vein length per unit leaf area | VLA | |
气孔密度 | Stomatal density | SD | |
木质密度 | Wood density | WD | |
比根长 | Specific root length | SRL | |
花寿命 | Flower longevity | FL | |
花面积 | Flower area | FA |
... 花是具有繁殖功能的变态短枝, 对于花性状的研究主要集中在开花时间、花寿命(花期长短)、花的大小(面积)等.
Extending the generality of leaf economic design principles in the cycads, an ancient lineage
... LES是基于全球尺度多种维管植物数据得出的普遍性规律, 但不同功能群植物的资源利用策略不同, 叶片性状关系也有所不同:
b). Speed versus endurance tradeoff in plants: Leaves with higher photosynthetic rates show stronger seasonal declines
... LES是基于全球尺度多种维管植物数据得出的普遍性规律, 但不同功能群植物的资源利用策略不同, 叶片性状关系也有所不同:
Different leaf cost-benefit strategies of ferns distributed in contrasting light habitats of sub-tropical forests
... 蕨类是现存最原始的陆生维管植物, 对温带落叶林下蕨类的研究发现, 其LMA、Aarea和Narea远低于种子植物的中值, 但二者的叶经济谱变化趋势相似(