

中国政法大学 辅仁网/2017-06-25

Historical Review of the Doctrine of "Ignorance of Law is No Excuse" 劳东燕; 1:清华大学 北京100084 摘要(Abstract):


关键词(KeyWords): 法律错误;;知法的推定;;事实错误;;责任主义;;治理方式



基金项目(Foundation): 清华大学法学院种子基金的资助。

作者(Author): 劳东燕;


参考文献(References): [1][美]哈罗德.J.伯尔曼.法律与革命[M.贺卫方,等译.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1993.[2][德]格尔德.克莱因海尔,扬.施罗德.九百年来德意志及欧洲法学家[M].许兰,译.北京:法律出版社,2005.[3][意]贝卡利亚.论犯罪与刑罚[M].黄风,译.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1993.[4][英]梅因.古代法[M].沈景一,译.北京:商务印书馆,1996.[5][法]列维.斯特劳斯.忧郁的热带[M].王志明,译.北京:生活.读书.新知三联书店,2001.[6][日]曾根威彦.刑法学基础[M].黎宏,译.北京:法律出版社,2005.[7]冯军.违法性意识[A].赵秉志,主编.刑法新探索[C].北京:群众出版社,1993.[8]劳东燕.刑事视域中的“人”[A].刑事法评论(第8卷)[C].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002.[9]李猛.论抽象社会[J].社会学研究,1999,(1).[10][法]米歇尔.福柯.规训与惩罚[M].刘北成,杨远婴,译.北京:生活.读书.新知三联书店,1998.①A.T.H.Smith,Error and Mistake in Anglo-American Criminal Law,in 14 Anglo-American Law Review(1985).p.20.①Dan M.Kahan,Ignorance of Law is an Excuse—but only for the Virtuous,in 96 Michigan Law Review(1997).p.139-141.②A.T.H.Smith,Error and Mistake in Anglo-American Criminal Law,in 14 Anglo-American Law Review(1985).p.17.③Dan M.Kahan,Ignorance of Law is an Excuse—but only for the Virtuous,in 96 Michigan Law Review(1997).p.134.④Paul Matthews,Ignorance of the law is no excuse?in 174 Legal Studies(1983).p.187.⑤Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:A Comparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago Law Review(1957).p.433.①Oliver Wendell Holmes,The Common Law,Cambridge:Belknap Press,1963.p.41.②Jerome Hall,Ignorance and Mistake in Criminal Law,in 33 Indiana Law Journal(1957).p.19.③Claus Roxin,Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil:Grundlagen Aufbau der Verbrechenslehre,Band I,3.Aufl.,C.H.Beck Verlag,1997.p.796.④Paul Matthews,Ignorance of the law is no excuse?in 174 Legal Studies(1983).p.188.⑤A.T.H.Smith,Error and Mistake in Anglo-American Criminal Law,in 14 Anglo-American Law Review(1985).p.20.⑥Dan M.Kahan,Ignorance of Law is an Excuse—but only for the Virtuous,in 96 Michigan Law Review(1997).p.136-137.①Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:A Comparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago Law Review(1957).p.431.②Andrew Ashworth,Is the Criminal Law a Last Cause,in Law Quarterly Review2000,116(APR).p.226.③Claus Roxin,Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil:Grundlagen Aufbau der Verbrechenslehre,Band I,3.Aufl.,C.H.Beck Verlag,1997.p.811.④Claus Roxin,Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil:Grundlagen Aufbau der Verbrechenslehre,Band I,3.Aufl.,C.H.Beck Verlag,1997.p.810.⑤People v.Marrero,507 N.E.2d 1068(1987).⑥Livingston Hall and Selig J.Seligman,Mistake of Law and Mens Rea,in 8 University of Chicago Law Review(1940).p.646-647.①[法]福柯:“权力是如何行使的”,强世功译,选自《福柯文选》(待出版)。①D.O'Connor,Mistake and Ignorance in Criminal Cases,in 39 The Modern Law Review(1976).p.644.②William Blackstone,Commentaries on the Laws of England,vol.4,Philadelphia:J.L.Lippincott Company,1859.p.27.③D.O'Connor,Mistake and Ignorance in Criminal Cases,in 39 The Modern Law Review(1976).p.646-647.④D.O'Connor,Mistake and Ignorance in Criminal Cases,in 39 The Modern Law Review(1976).p.648.⑤Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:A Comparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago Law Review(1957).p.431.⑥Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:A Comparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago Law Review(1957).p.426.①Francis Bowes Sayre,Mens Rea,in 45 Harvard Law Review(1931).p.1004.②Livingston Hall and Selig J.Seligman,Mistake of Law and Mens Rea,in 8 The University of Chicago Law Review(1940).p.643.③Livingston Hall and Selig J.Seligman,Mistake of Law and Mens Rea,in 8 The University of Chicago Law Review(1940).p.644.④Refer to Francis Bowes Sayre,Mens Rea,in 45 Harvard LawReview(1931),pp.994-1005;also see Martin R.Gardner,The MensRea Enigma:Observations on the Role of Motive in the Criminal Law Past and Present,1993 Utah Law Review,pp.667-672.⑤Francis Bowes Sayre,Mens Rea,in 45 Harvard Law Review(1931).p.1026.⑥Richard Singer,The Resurgence of Mens Rea:II-Honest but Unreasonable Mistake of Fact in Self Defense,in 28 Boston College LawReview(1987).p.461.①此处所谓的“现代”是在现代性意义上使用的概念。诚如福柯所言,“现代”不应仅从时间的维度去理解,而更多地是指一种态度,一种与当代现实发生关联的模式,一种思考、感觉乃至行为举止的方式,它处处体现出某种归属关系,并将自身表现为一项任务。[法]米歇尔.福柯:“什么是启蒙”,李康译,载《国外社会学》1997年第4期,第4页。②Rollin M.Perkins,Ignorance and Mistake in Criminal Law,in 88 U.Pa.L.Rev.(1939).p.38.③Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:A Comparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago Law Review(1957).p.426.④Martin R.Gardner,The Mens Rea Enigma:Observations on the Role of Motive in the Criminal Law Past and Present,1993 Utah LawReview.p.645.①Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:AComparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago LawReview(1957).p.425-427.②Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:AComparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago LawReview(1957).p.425-427.③Keedy,Ignorance and mistakes in the criminal law,in 22 Harvard Law Review(1908).p.78.④Paul K.Ryu and Helen Silving,Error Juris:AComparative Study,in 24 The University of Chicago LawReview(1957).p.426-427⑤由于St櫣bel最终成为费尔巴哈理论的信徒,而Grolman也在与费尔巴哈的论争中败下阵来,特殊预防的刑罚论在当时并未引起重视,只是到李斯特时代才被发扬光大。参见[格尔德.克莱因海尔、扬.施罗德:《九百年来德意志及欧洲法学家》,许兰译,法律出版社2005年版,第177-178页。②Keedy,Ignorance and mistakes in the criminal law,in 22 Harvard Law Review(1908).p.77.

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