Protective Effects of Chinese Propolis Extract Against Lipopolysaccharide- Induced Acute Mastitis and Mammary Barrier Functions in Mice
SONG MeiJie,1, OU AiQun1,2, XUE XiaoFeng1, WU LiMing1, SHOU QiYang3, WANG Kai,11Institute of Apicultural Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100093 2College of Animal Sciences (College of Bee Science), Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350000 3Second Clinical Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310027
Abstract 【Background】 Dairy cow mastitis is a common and frequent dairy cow disease, which not only threatens the health of dairy cows, but also causes significant economic losses. The traditional medicine for the treatment of dairy cow mastitis is largely dependent on the usage of antibiotics, which easily caused antibiotic resistance/abuse. Therefore, it is with practical significance to develop an alternative approach of antibiotics for the prevention and treatment of mastitis in dairy cows. Propolis is a natural product with good anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities. Propolis is collected by western honeybees from plant resin and mixing with bees’ maxillary gland and wax gland secretions. Accordingly, propolis has great potential for the prevention and treatment of mastitis in dairy cows. Despite that there have some previous reports on the prevention and treatment of mastitis using propolis, scant information is available on the effects of propolis on the breast blood barrier function. 【Objective】The aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of ethanol extract of Chinese propolis, EECP, against bacterial lipopolysaccharide- induced mouse acute mastitis, and we focused on its effect on the expression of tight junction proteins in mammary epithelial cells. This outcome of this study would lay a foundation for the in-depth study for the usage of propolis for prevention and treatment on dairy cow mastitis. 【Method】 The type and content of the main polyphenolic compounds in EECP were determined by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS). Female ICR mice were divided into four groups, including the normal control group, model group (injecting LPS into the mammary gland, 1mg·kg-1 b.w.), EECP group and positive control group (dexamethasone). The female mice were subjected to continuous gavage by EECP or positive control drugs for seven days. The LPS model group, EECP group and positive control group were injected with 1 mg·kg-1 LPS through the fourth and the fifth pair of nipple tubes, to induce acute mastitis in mice. After 24 h, they were killed for collecting the mammary tissue samples. Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining method and Sirius red staining method were used to evaluate pathological changes in mouse mammary tissue. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine the release of inflammatory factors and quantitative real-time PCR was applied to determine mouse mammary tissue gene expressions of tight junction proteins (Occludin, Cluadin-1, ZO-1). Finally, the immunohistochemical technology was used to study the expression and distribution of mouse mammary tight junction proteins (Occludin and ZO-1). These above indicators were applied to comprehensively evaluate the anti-mastitis activity and its effect on mammary tight junction proteins by EECP. 【Result】 Based on UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS, an accurate quantitative method was established for the 17 main polyphenolic compounds in EECP. The results showed that the five compounds with the higher content and their contents were: galangin (12.88 ±0.57 μg·mg-1), 3-O-Acetylpinobanksin (12.93±0.59 μg·mg-1), pinocembrin (8.56±0.27 μg·mg-1) and pinobanksin (8.52±0.25 μg·mg-1). Animal study results showed that after a week of regular oral administration of EECP reduced on the infiltrations of inflammatory cells in mammary gland under LPS stimulation, and the structural damages were alleviated by EECP. Moreover, Chinese propolis administration inhibited the overexpression of inflammatory factors (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10) in mouse mammary gland tissue, and increased the transcription level of tight junction protein genes (Occludin, Claudin-1, ZO-1) mRNA, and enhanced the expression of tight junction protein Occludin, ZO-1. 【Conclusion】EECP showed good preventive effect against lipopolysaccharide-induced mastitis in mice, with potent anti-inflammatory effects. It also increased the expressions of tight junction proteins in the mammary gland, which maintained the integrity of the tight junction structure in the mammary gland and protected the blood-milk barrier. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanism of Chinese propolis on the regulation of tight junctions needed to be clarified in the future research. Keywords:Chinese propolis;lipopolysaccharide;mastitis;blood-milk barrier
PDF (2428KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 宋美洁, 欧爱群, 薛晓锋, 吴黎明, 寿旗扬, 王凯. 蜂胶提取物对脂多糖诱导小鼠急性乳腺炎及乳腺屏障功能的保护作用[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(12): 2675-2688 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.12.017 SONG MeiJie, OU AiQun, XUE XiaoFeng, WU LiMing, SHOU QiYang, WANG Kai. Protective Effects of Chinese Propolis Extract Against Lipopolysaccharide- Induced Acute Mastitis and Mammary Barrier Functions in Mice[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(12): 2675-2688 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.12.017
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【研究意义】奶牛乳腺炎是由多种因素引起并严重影响奶牛业发展的重要疾病,造成了世界范围内乳业的巨大经济损失,如产奶量下降,牛奶品质降低,疾病治疗费用的增加等,至今尚未有彻底解决的办法[1,2]。乳腺炎的发生取决于宿主、病原和环境因素的相互作用,而病原微生物侵染是导致奶牛乳腺炎的主要原因,其中环境性致病菌的危害尤以大肠杆菌感染突出,可导致奶牛食欲不振、死亡率升高等,严重损害奶牛群体健康[3,4,5]。而大肠杆菌中的脂多糖(lipopolysaccharides, LPS)可引起乳腺的严重炎症反应[6],是大肠杆菌的关键毒力因子[7]。当前,采用抗生素治疗奶牛乳腺炎而导致的细菌耐药性增强及抗生素残留,给人类健康带来巨大威胁[8]。因此,有必要探索一种绿色、安全、高效的防治乳腺炎的方法。【前人研究进展】蜂胶是由西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera L.)工蜂采集植物树脂等分泌物与其上颚腺、蜡腺等分泌物混合形成的胶黏性物质,其富含酚酸和黄酮类化合物,具有多种生物学活性与药理作用[9,10]。多种研究表明蜂胶可有效杀灭乳腺炎致病菌,可作为佐剂以增强疫苗的免疫力,且一些研究将蜂胶用于制作乳腺擦剂和乳头保护膜来抵御乳腺炎,已被应用于兽医临床[11,12,13,14]。另一方面,乳腺上皮细胞间紧密连接结构形成的屏障结构是乳腺炎在发生过程中防止有害物质进入血液和选择性释放细胞因子进入乳汁腔的重要关卡,也是血液和乳汁腔内有机交互的关键,对于奶牛的泌乳启动、维持和退化均有重要意义[15],血乳屏障功能主要依靠上皮细胞完整性及细胞间连接方式协同实现。紧密连接是构成血乳屏障完整结构的主要成分,其主要由咬合蛋白(occludin)、紧密连接蛋白(claudin-1)等连接而成,并与闭锁小带紧密连接蛋白-1(ZO-1)及细胞骨架蛋白直接或间接结合,形成稳定的连接结构,任何蛋白的丢失均可导致其结构完整性的破坏[16]。【本研究切入点】尽管笔者前期研究证实蜂胶对于各种病原微生物引起的乳腺上皮细胞炎症有明显的改善作用[11,17],但蜂胶抗乳腺炎的系统研究仍很匮乏,对抗乳腺炎的作用机制仍未清楚,特别是蜂胶与乳腺屏障功能和紧密连接间的作用机制也需在体内试验层面上进一步探究。系统挖掘蜂胶对乳腺炎的保护作用机制和药效物质基础,将对蜂胶在奶牛乳腺炎防治中的应用产生重大的指导意义。【拟解决的关键问题】富含生物活性化合物的低蜡蜂胶提取物最常用乙醇作为溶剂进行提取[18,19,20]。此外,小鼠乳腺炎模型已被证明可模拟牛乳腺炎,并且可用于研究乳腺炎病原体在乳腺内感染的特异性宿主免疫应答,是一种有效、可重复的体内替代方法[21,22]。故本次研究通过建立LPS诱导的小鼠乳腺组织炎性损伤模型,在明确中国蜂胶乙醇提取物中主要活性组分的基础上,从体内试验的层面上来探索、阐明中国蜂胶乙醇提取物(ethanol extract of Chinese propolis, EECP)对LPS诱导乳腺炎的作用机制,以期为蜂胶在防治奶牛乳腺炎的应用上提供新的思路和潜在药物靶点,进一步并为后续研究提供理论依据。
A:空白对照组;B:脂多糖注射模型组;C:阳性对照(地塞米松)组;D:中国蜂胶乙醇提取物处理组。图3、6、7同 Fig. 2Histopathological changes of mouse mammary glands induced by LPS based on H&E staining (×100)
A: Normal control group; B: LPS injection model group; C: Positive control (Dexamethasone) group; D: Chinese propolis ethanolic extract treatment group. The same as Fig.3, Fig.6 and Fig.7
同行数据后所标字母相异表示差异显著(P<0.05),所标字母相同表示差异不显著(P>0.05)。图中数据为平均值±标准差,采用单因素方差分析。图5同 Fig. 4Inflammatory cytokines in the mammary gland with mastitis by ELISA
Data in the figure are the mean±SD, One-way ANOVA. * Different letters in the same row means significant difference between the treatments(P<0.05), same letter in the same row means not significant difference between treatments (P>0.05). The same as Fig.5
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