Genetic Research Advances on Maize Stalk Lodging Resistance
WANG XiaQing,, SONG Wei,, ZHANG RuYang, CHEN YiNing, SUN Xuan, ZHAO JiuRan,Maize Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture & Forestry Sciences/Beijing Key Laboratory of Maize DNA Fingerprinting and Molecular Breeding, Beijing 100097
Abstract Maize stalk lodging has a great adverse effect on yield, quality and mechanized harvesting, and is one of the main problems to be solved urgently in current maize production and breeding. Strengthening the research on the lodging resistance of maize stalk will have great significance for improving the lodging resistance of maize. In this paper, we summarize the main factors affecting maize stalk lodging resistance, and their genetic mechanisms. The stalk lodging resistance is closely related to the stalk strength. The greater the stalk strength, the stronger the lodging resistance. The stalk strength is affected by the developmental stage, the internal and external structures of the stalk, and the components of the stalk cell wall. The meristem zone has vigorously dividing cells and is easily broken. After entering the reproductive growth, the rind and sclerenchyma tissue of the stalk are thickened, the vascular bundles are mature, and thus the stalk strength is enhanced. The main components of the stalk cell wall, including cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, soluble sugars, inorganic substances, can improve the strength of the stalk. To date, based on the high-throughput phenotyping platforms, various maize linkage and natural populations, and mapping methods, researchers have identified a series of QTLs and candidate genes that affect stalk morphology, strength, and cell wall components. The studies have shown that the haplotype-based mapping method is better than SNP-based mapping method. Meta-QTL analysis integrates the mapping results of different genetic populations and can improve the versatility of QTLs. The genetic basis of stalk strength is complex, which is determined by polygenes with minor effect and additive effect. Candidate genes in the QTLs involve cell wall metabolism, transcription factors, protein kinases, and so on. MAIZEWALL is an important database of genes related to maize cell wall. So far, the database contains 1 156 candidate genes related to maize cell wall biology, which provides a powerful resource for research in this field. A series of genes affecting cell wall components, stalk morphology and stalk strength in maize have been identified. Their functions of these genes are related to cellulose synthesis pathways, such as genes of cellulose synthase, Cobra, glycosyltransferase and ribose transport; phenylpropane pathway genes, such as genes regulating bm1-bm5; plant hormones genes, such as genes related to gibberellin, auxin and brassinosteroid; transcription factors such as NAC, MYB; miRNA (ZmmiR528) and F-box genes (stiff1). In the future research, it is needed to explore the mechanical mechanism of stalk lodging at different developmental stages. Develop diverse natural populations and breeding materials for genetic analysis. Employ a various of mapping strategies to improve the efficiency of identification of the QTL and genes related to lodging resistance. Design various molecular markers based on the favorable alleles to improve the molecular marker assisted selection for lodging resistance. These efforts will promote the research of the genetic mechanism of stalk lodging resistance, and provide a reference for the molecular breeding of new varieties with strong lodging resistance. Keywords:maize;lodging;stalk;cell wall;genetic mechanism
PDF (2585KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王夏青, 宋伟, 张如养, 陈怡凝, 孙轩, 赵久然. 玉米茎秆抗倒伏遗传的研究进展[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(11): 2261-2272 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.11.002 WANG XiaQing, SONG Wei, ZHANG RuYang, CHEN YiNing, SUN Xuan, ZHAO JiuRan. Genetic Research Advances on Maize Stalk Lodging Resistance[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(11): 2261-2272 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.11.002
A:拔节期玉米根倒;B:抽雄前期茎弯曲和茎折;C:抽雄前期茎折;D:灌浆期的根茎复合倒伏;E:籽粒成熟后根倒伏和茎弯曲;F:籽粒成熟后茎秆基部第3节茎折 Fig. 1The common types of lodging in maize production
A: Root lodging in the jointing stage; B: The stalk bending and fracture in the early stage of tasseling; C: The stalk fracture in the early stage of tasseling; D: The compound lodging of the root and stalk after the grain filling stage; E: The root lodging and stalk bending after maturity; F: The fracture position was at the third internode after maturity
目前,玉米茎秆强度的研究多集中于对茎秆硬度遗传位点的挖掘,而关于茎秆柔韧性的研究较少(表1)。茎秆强度的遗传力较低,需要在不同环境下检测,以最优线性无偏预测方法(best linear unbiased prediction,BLUP)来提高表型的准确性,基于BLUP数据得到的QTL结果优于单环境下的定位结果[8,9,10]。茎皮穿刺强度比茎秆弯折强度的遗传力高,且该性状与茎秆强度和倒伏的相关性较高[12]。茎秆强度的遗传基础复杂,受大量微效位点控制,各位点间存在加性效应,对茎秆强度的改良可以通过多个优良基因的聚合实现[11,13]。目前,已经鉴定到控制玉米茎秆强度的基因stiff1[30]。针对玉米茎秆柔韧性,WANG等[14]鉴定到一个与茎秆弯折角度相关的QTL,并提出候选基因可能与RING/U box泛素蛋白和MADS转录因子相关。
Table 1 表1 表1玉米茎秆抗倒伏相关性状遗传定位统计 Table 1The summary of genetic studies for stalk lodging resistance traits in maize
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