

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

解凯东,1, 彭珺1, 袁东亚1, 强瑞瑞1, 谢善鹏1, 周锐1, 夏强明1, 伍小萌1, 柯甫志2, 刘高平3, GROSSER Jude W4, 郭文武,11华中农业大学园艺林学学院/园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室,中国武汉 430070
2浙江省农业科学院柑桔研究所,中国浙江台州 318020
3浙江省台州市黄岩区果树技术推广总站,中国浙江台州 318020
4美国佛罗里达大学柑橘研究与教育中心,美国佛罗里达 33850

Production of Citrus Triploids Based on Interploidy Crossing with Bendizao and Man Tangerines as Female Parents

XIE KaiDong,1, PENG Jun1, YUAN DongYa1, QIANG RuiRui1, XIE ShanPeng1, ZHOU Rui1, XIA QiangMing1, WU XiaoMeng1, KE FuZhi2, LIU GaoPing3, GROSSER Jude W4, GUO WenWu,11College of Horticulture & Forestry Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology (Ministry of Education), Wuhan 430070, China
2Citrus Research Institute, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taizhou 318020, Zhejiang, China
3Huangyan Fruit Tree Technology Promotion General Station, Taizhou 318020, Zhejiang, China
4Citrus Research and Education Center, IFAS, University of Florida, Lake Alfred FL 33850, USA

通讯作者: 郭文武,E-mail: guoww@mail.hzau.edu.cn

责任编辑: 赵伶俐

作者简介 About authors
解凯东,Tel:027-87287393;E-mail: xiekaidong@mail.hzau.edu.cn

【目的】基于二倍体与四倍体倍性杂交策略创制柑橘三倍体新种质。【方法】以二倍体为母本,四倍体为父本进行人工授粉,授粉后85 d采摘幼果并对未成熟种子实施幼胚离体挽救培养;再生植株后,用流式细胞仪和根尖染色体计数法对再生植株进行倍性鉴定;并用SSR标记对三倍体后代进行分子鉴定。【结果】以本地早橘和槾橘为母本,8个异源四倍体体细胞杂种和1个双二倍体为父本,配置9个倍性杂交组合,共授粉2 749朵花,坐果489个,平均坐果率17.8%;培养幼嫩种子2 239粒,经幼胚离体挽救培养,共再生植株260株;用流式细胞仪和根尖染色体计数检测再生植株倍性,获得三倍体141株;SSR分子鉴定表明从槾橘×NS组合随机选取的50株三倍体后代全部为双亲的有性后代;三倍体后代在温室生长一年后,采用嫁接(枳砧)将这些三倍体定植于田间。【结论】这些三倍体新种质为本地早橘和槾橘无核新品种培育奠定了宝贵的材料基础。
关键词: 柑橘;无核育种;三倍体;幼胚离体挽救培养;流式细胞仪

【Objective】The aim of this study was to create the citrus triploids based on diploid and tetraploid ploidy cross strategy. 【Method】The artificial pollination was conducted with diploid as female parent and tetraploid as male parent. Young fruits were sampled at 85 d after pollination (DAP) and immature seeds were extracted and subjected to in vitro embryo rescue. Following plantlet regeneration from the embryos, their ploidy level was determined by flow cytometry and root-tip chromosome counting, as well as the genetic origin determined using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. 【Result】A total of nine interploidy crosses were carried out by using Bendizao tangerine and Man tangerine as female parents and eight allotetraploid somatic hybrids and one doubled diploids as male parents. From all crosses, 2 749 flowers were pollinated and 489 fruits were set, with an average fruit setting rate of 17.8%. By conducting in vitro immature embryo rescue, totally 260 plants were regenerated from 2 239 seeds cultured. By determining their ploidy level using flow cytometry and root-tip chromosome counting, 141 seedlings were proven to be triploids. SSR analysis showed that all of 50 randomly selected triploid plants from Man tangerine × NS were the hybrids of their both parents. After one year growing in greenhouse, all triploids were grafted onto Poncirus trifoliata in the field to accelerate flowering. 【Conclusion】These triploid citrus plants obtained herein provided elite materials for potential seedless variety selection.
Keywords:Citrus;seedless breeding;polyploid;embryo rescue;flow cytometry

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解凯东, 彭珺, 袁东亚, 强瑞瑞, 谢善鹏, 周锐, 夏强明, 伍小萌, 柯甫志, 刘高平, GROSSER Jude W, 郭文武. 以本地早橘和槾橘为母本倍性杂交创制柑橘三倍体[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(23): 4961-4968 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.23.020
XIE KaiDong, PENG Jun, YUAN DongYa, QIANG RuiRui, XIE ShanPeng, ZHOU Rui, XIA QiangMing, WU XiaoMeng, KE FuZhi, LIU GaoPing, GROSSER Jude W, GUO WenWu. Production of Citrus Triploids Based on Interploidy Crossing with Bendizao and Man Tangerines as Female Parents[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(23): 4961-4968 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.23.020


0 引言


1 材料与方法

1.1 材料

2014—2018年,以柑橘单胚性品种—槾橘(Citrus tardiferax Hort. ex Tan)和单、多胚混合型品种—本地早橘(C. succosa Hort. ex Tanaka)为母本,异源四倍体体细胞杂种NS(C. reticulata Blanco × C. paradisi Macf. + C. sinensis L. Osbeck)[7]、SP(C. sinensis L. Osbeck + C. reticulata Blanco × C. paradisi Macf.)[7]、MD(C. reticulata Blanco × C. sinensis L. Osbeck + C. reticulata Blanco)[16]、SM(C. sinensis L. Osbeck + C. reticulata Blanco × C. sinensis L. Osbeck)[7]、PL(C. reticulata Blanco × C. paradisi Macf. + C. reticulata Blanco)[16]、PM(C. reticulata Blanco × C. paradisi Macf. + C. reticulata Blanco × C. sinensis L. Osbeck)[16]、VP(C. sinensis L. Osbeck + C. reticulata Blanco × C. paradisi Macf.)[17]、PCS(C. reticulata Blanco × C. paradisi Macf. + C. clementina Hort. ex Tanaka × C. unshiu[16]和Succari甜橙(C. sinensis L. Osbeck)双二倍体(4X Suc)为父本,配置9个倍性杂交组合。所有四倍体花粉均采自华中农业大学柑橘研究所种质资源圃。本地早橘授粉地点为华中农业大学柑橘研究所种质资源圃;槾橘授粉地点为浙江省农业科学院柑桔研究所试验基地。

1.2 花粉制备及人工授粉

柑橘初花期,采摘四倍体父本即将开放的花带回实验室,用镊子将花药剥下后铺于有滤纸的培养皿,并将其置于烘箱28℃烘1—2 d,待花粉完全干燥后,将其收集至离心管后置于-20℃冰箱保存备用。人工授粉在柑橘盛花期前进行,选取生长健壮、花量大的枝条进行标记,将已开花和小花蕾全部去掉,枝条上仅保留待授粉的花;用镊子人工去雄后,用小毛笔蘸取少量父本花粉均匀涂于待授粉花的柱头上。若授粉后8 h内下雨,需重新授粉一次。

1.3 幼胚离体挽救培养

幼胚离体挽救培养参考XIE等[12]的方法。采摘授粉后85 d的幼果带回实验室,无菌条件下将幼果浸泡于75%酒精消毒15 min,之后再置于酒精灯上燃烧消毒,酒精燃烧完后将果实剖开剥取出未成熟种子。为提高种子萌发率,将其种皮从合点端切开并向珠孔端轻轻撕至幼胚暴露,再将处理后的种子接种至萌发培养基(MT培养基+1 mg?L-1 GA3)。光照培养室培养1个月后,将形成的胚状体置于生芽培养基(MT + 0.5 mg?L-1 BA + 0.5 mg?L-1 KT + 0.1 mg?L-1 NAA)中增殖生芽;待其长出2—3片叶后将茎切下,置于生根培养基(1/2 MT + 0.1 mg?L-1 IBA + 0.5 mg?L-1 NAA + 0.5 g?L-1活性炭)中诱导生根。培养条件:温度:(25±1)℃;湿度:70%左右;光照强度:40 μmol?m-2?s-1;光照时间:16 h/天。

1.4 再生植株倍性分析

流式细胞仪(Sysmex,Japan)倍性分析参照解凯东等[2]的方法。以二倍体母本叶片为对照,取待测样品0.5 cm2大小的叶片于塑料皿中,加入200 μL细胞裂解液(Precise-P,Sysmex),并用刀片将其充分切碎;加入800 μL DAPI染色液(Precise-P,Sysmex)后,用33 μm微孔滤膜将样品过滤到2.5 mL试管并上机检测。样品倍性分析图像由Flomax软件(Sysmex,Japan)自动生成。

根尖染色体计数参考LAN等[18]的方法。取1.5 mm左右生长旺盛的根尖,用饱和对二氯苯20℃预处理2—4 h;0.075 mol?L-1 KCl低渗处理30 min后,用新鲜的卡诺固定液(无水乙醇:冰乙酸 = 3:1)室温下固定24 h,最后置于70%乙醇中4℃保存备用。制片前,将根尖用磷酸缓冲液清洗干净,并置于2%纤维素酶 + 2%果胶酶(1:1)混合酶液中,37℃下处理1 h左右;酶解结束后,吸取1—2个根尖于干净的载玻片上,滴1滴1%卡宝品红染液染色1 min后盖上盖玻片,用铅笔均匀敲打盖玻片直至材料分散均匀,最后用Olympus DP70显微镜镜检并拍照。

1.5 植株移栽及嫁接

移栽前将植株置于试管中室温下炼苗3—5 d,之后将其移入小塑料杯,待其成活后再移入大营养钵并置于温室。苗期需加强管理,保证幼苗的正常生长。植株在温室生长1年后,次年8月下旬取其木质化的枝条为接穗,以枳为砧木将其嫁接于田间(枳砧提前定植)。

1.6 SSR分子鉴定

基因组DNA提取参照CHENG等[19]的方法,DNA浓度和质量用NanoDrop 1000紫外分光光度计(Thermo Scientific,USA)检测。DNA原液用TE缓冲液稀释至约50 ng?μL-1。SSR引物(表1)由上海生工生物工程股份有限公司合成。SSR分析方法具体如下:PCR体系为10 μL:2×PCR反应mix(Vazyme)5 μL,正反向引物各0.1 μL,DNA模板1 μL,灭菌超纯水3.8 μL。PCR反应在ProFlex PCR仪(ABI,USA)上进行,扩增程序:94℃预变性5 min;94℃变性60 s,55℃退火30 s,72℃延伸60 s,32个循环;72℃延伸7 min;最后12℃保存。扩增完成后,PCR产物在恒定电压95 V条件下,用2.5% Metaphor琼脂糖凝胶(Lonza,USA)电泳约1 h后用凝胶成像系统(BIO-RAD,USA)拍照。

Table 1
Table 1Sequences of three pairs of SSR markers
引物名称 Marker name正向序列 Forward sequence反向序列 Reverse sequence来源 Reference


2 结果

2.1 授粉、胚抢救及植株再生

以二倍体槾橘和本地早橘为母本,8个异源四倍体体细胞杂种和1个双二倍体为父本,配置了9个倍性杂交组合(表2)。其中,以槾橘为母本,NS为父本配置了1个组合;以本地早橘为母本,7个异源四倍体(MD、SM、SP、PL、PM、VP、PCS)及双二倍体4X Suc为父本,配置8个杂交组合。由表2可知,9个杂交组合共授粉2 749朵花,坐果489个,平均坐果率17.8%。其中以本地早橘为母本的组合坐果率较低,介于10.3%—26.4%;而槾橘×NS坐果率较高,为42.9%。9个组合共离体培养未成熟种子2 239粒,其中以槾橘为母本培养种子267粒,以本地早橘为母本培养种子1 972粒。经幼胚离体挽救培养,9个组合共再生植株260株,平均植株再生率11.6%;其中,以本地早橘为母本的8个组合再生植株181株,植株再生率介于3.2%—37.1%;槾橘×NS组合再生植株79株,植株再生率29.6%。幼胚离体挽救培养、植株再生及田间嫁接过程见图1

Table 2
Table 2Embryo rescue, plant regeneration and ploidy determination in the 2x × 4x interploidy crosses
No. flowers
No. fruits
Fruit setting rate
No. seeds
No. plants
No. triploids
本地早橘×MD Bendizao tangerine × MD2946622.4364144
本地早橘×SM Bendizao tangerine × SM3569426.45542012
本地早橘×SP Bendizao tangerine × SP3576919.3376126
本地早橘×PL Bendizao tangerine × PL2283214.085167
本地早橘×PM Bendizao tangerine × PM2213817.29195
本地早橘×VP Bendizao tangerine × VP3965814.61514711
本地早橘× 4X Suc Bendizao tangerine × 4X Suc3635414.9246247
本地早橘×PCS Bendizao tangerine × PCS4644810.31053910
槾橘×NS Man tangerine × NS703042.92677979
总计 Total274948917.82239260141




a:授粉后85 d的种子(下)及对照种子(上);b:接种于萌发培养基的种子;c:种子萌发形成胚状体;d:生芽培养;e:生根培养;f:植株炼苗;g:移入小塑料杯的三倍体;h:移入温室的三倍体群体;i:嫁接至田间的三倍体植株(枳砧)
Fig. 1Embryo rescue, plant regeneration and grafting of triploid plants from the cross of Man tangerine × NS

a: Seeds of ‘Man tangerine × NS’ obtained at 85 DAP (lower) and open-pollinated seeds (upper); b: Seeds cultured in medium for germination; c: Germinated embryos on the medium; d: Embryonoids transferred on the medium for shoot induction; e: A shoot transferred to the medium for root induction; f: Plantlet acclimation; g: A triploid plantlet in plastic pot; h: Triploid population in greenhouse; i: Grafted triploids in the field

2.2 再生植株倍性分析




a:流式细胞仪倍性鉴定(PK1=50,二倍体;PK2=75,三倍体);b、c:根尖染色体计数(b:二倍体,2n=2x=18;c:三倍体,2n=3x=27),标尺=5 μm
Fig. 2Ploidy determination of regenerated plants from Man tangerine × NS

a: Ploidy analysis of regenerated plants and diploid control by flow cytometry (PK1=50, diploid; PK2=75, triploid); b-c: Shoot-tip chromosome counting (b: diploid, 2n=2x=18; c: triploid, 2n=3x=27), Bar=5 μm

2.3 三倍体后代的分子鉴定




Fig. 3The SSR profile of 50 triploid plants obtained from Man tangerine × NS

SSR profile of primer Mest88; M: Man tangerine; F: NS; 1-50: The triploid progenies

3 讨论





4 结论


(责任编辑 赵伶俐)

参考文献 原文顺序

郭文武, 叶俊丽, 邓秀新 . 新中国果树科学研究70年-柑橘
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【Objective】 The objective of this experiment is to produce citrus triploid hybrids by interploid crossing between elite monoembryonic diploid varieties as female parents and allotetraploid somatic hybrids. 【Method】 Pollinations were carried out between the selected male and female parents. Fruits were collected at 70-100 d after pollination and immature seeds were cultured in vitro. Ploidy level of the plantlets was determined by flow cytometry and chromosome counting. The genetic origin of triploids and tetraploids was analyzed by SSR markers.【Result】 In successive four years from 2009 to 2012, 14 ploidy crosses using eight diploid cultivars as seed parents and four allotetraploid somatic hybrids as pollen parents, were carried out with a total of 3 347 flowers pollinated. With 678 fruits harvested, an average fruit set ratio of 20.26% was obtained. As a result, 1 022 plants were recovered from 12 357 seeds cultured in vitro, which derived from 505 fruits. By flow cytometry analysis and chromosome counting, a total of 755 triploids and 19 tetraploids were verified. The results of SSR markers showed that all the triploids and tetraploids from the cross of Huanong red pummelo × NH were of hybrid origin. 【Conclusion】 The triploids obtained from these crosses are valuable materials for the selection of new seedless citrus varieties. The tetraploid hybrids are also of great value as potential parents for citrus triploid breeding.
XIE K D, WANG H Q, WANG X P, LIANG W J, XIE Z Z, YI H L, DENG X X, GROSSER J W, GUO W W . Extensive citrus triploid breeding by crossing monoembryonic diploid females with allotetraploid male parents
Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013,46(21):4550-4557. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.21.018URL [本文引用: 3]
【Objective】 The objective of this experiment is to produce citrus triploid hybrids by interploid crossing between elite monoembryonic diploid varieties as female parents and allotetraploid somatic hybrids. 【Method】 Pollinations were carried out between the selected male and female parents. Fruits were collected at 70-100 d after pollination and immature seeds were cultured in vitro. Ploidy level of the plantlets was determined by flow cytometry and chromosome counting. The genetic origin of triploids and tetraploids was analyzed by SSR markers.【Result】 In successive four years from 2009 to 2012, 14 ploidy crosses using eight diploid cultivars as seed parents and four allotetraploid somatic hybrids as pollen parents, were carried out with a total of 3 347 flowers pollinated. With 678 fruits harvested, an average fruit set ratio of 20.26% was obtained. As a result, 1 022 plants were recovered from 12 357 seeds cultured in vitro, which derived from 505 fruits. By flow cytometry analysis and chromosome counting, a total of 755 triploids and 19 tetraploids were verified. The results of SSR markers showed that all the triploids and tetraploids from the cross of Huanong red pummelo × NH were of hybrid origin. 【Conclusion】 The triploids obtained from these crosses are valuable materials for the selection of new seedless citrus varieties. The tetraploid hybrids are also of great value as potential parents for citrus triploid breeding.

解凯东, 王晓培, 王惠芹, 梁武军, 谢宗周, 郭大勇, 伊华林, 邓秀新, Grosser J W, 郭文武 . 以柑橘多胚性二倍体母本倍性杂交培育三倍体
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In the four successive years from 2009 to 2012,to obtain triploid citrus hybrids,eight elite polyembryonic diploid female parents were crossed respectively with five allotetraploid somatic hybrids and one autotetraploid. A total of 4 442 flowers were pollinated in 15 crosses,from which 1 484 fruits were set,with an average fruit setting rate as 33.4%. As much as 12 578 immature seeds from 1 075 young fruits were cultured in vitro. After shooting and rooting induction,2 832 plants were regenerated,in which 401 and 121 plants proved to be triploids and tetraploids respectively by flow cytometry analysis. Up to 349 triploids and 98 tetraploids survived in the greenhouse after transplantation into greenhouse. The Simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers analysis showed that all of the 89 triploids derived from the cross of W. Murcott × NH were hybrids of both parents.
XIE K D, WANG X P, WANG H Q, LIANG W J, XIE Z Z, GUO D Y, YI H L, DENG X X, GROSSER J W, GUO W W . High efficient and extensive production of triploid citrus plants by crossing polyembryonic diploids with tetraploids
Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2014,41(4):613-620. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 3]
In the four successive years from 2009 to 2012,to obtain triploid citrus hybrids,eight elite polyembryonic diploid female parents were crossed respectively with five allotetraploid somatic hybrids and one autotetraploid. A total of 4 442 flowers were pollinated in 15 crosses,from which 1 484 fruits were set,with an average fruit setting rate as 33.4%. As much as 12 578 immature seeds from 1 075 young fruits were cultured in vitro. After shooting and rooting induction,2 832 plants were regenerated,in which 401 and 121 plants proved to be triploids and tetraploids respectively by flow cytometry analysis. Up to 349 triploids and 98 tetraploids survived in the greenhouse after transplantation into greenhouse. The Simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers analysis showed that all of the 89 triploids derived from the cross of W. Murcott × NH were hybrids of both parents.

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ALEZA P, JUAREZ J, CUENCA J, OLLITRAULT P, NAVARRO L . Extensive citrus triploid hybrid production by 2x × 4x sexual hybridizations and parent-effect on the length of the juvenile phase
Plant Cell Reports, 2012,31:1723-1735.

DOI:10.1007/s00299-012-1286-0URL [本文引用: 1]
The citrus fresh market demands the production of seedless citrus fruits, as seedy fruits are not accepted by consumers. The recovery of triploid plants has proven to be the most promising approach to achieve this goal, since triploids have very low fertility, are generally seedless and do not induce seeds in other cultivars by cross pollination. Triploid plants can be recovered by 2x x 4x sexual hybridization. In this work, we present an effective methodology to recover triploid plants from 2x x 4x hybridizations based on in vitro embryo rescue, ploidy level analysis by flow cytometry and genetic origin of triploid plants. The pollen viability of diploid and tetraploid citrus genotypes was analyzed by comparing the pollen germination rate in vitro. The pollen viability of tetraploid (doubled-diploid) genotypes is generally reduced but sufficient for successful pollination. Triploid embryos were identified in normal and undeveloped seeds that did not germinate under greenhouse conditions. The influence of parents and environmental conditions on obtaining triploid plants was analyzed and a strong interaction was noted between the parents and environmental conditions. The parental effect on the length of the juvenile phase was also demonstrated through observations of a large number of progeny over the last 15 years. The juvenile phase length of the triploid hybrids obtained with 'Fortune' mandarin as female parent and tetraploid 'Orlando' tangelo as male parent was shorter than the juvenile phase obtained with a clementine as female parent and tetraploids of 'Nova', 'W. Leaf' and 'Pineapple' male parents.
Key message Effective methodology to recover citrus triploid plants from 2x x 4x sexual hybridizations and the parental effect on the length of the juvenile phase.

RECUPERO G R, RUSSO G, RECUPERO S . New promising citrus triploid hybrids selected from crosses between monoembryonic diploid female and tetraploid male parents
HortScience, 2005,40:516-520.

DOI:10.21273/HORTSCI.40.3.516URL [本文引用: 1]

NAKANO M, SHIMIZU T, SUGAWA S, KANEYOSHI J, FUJII H, KITA M, YOSHIOKA T, KITAJIMA A . Determining the parental combinations of the triploid acid citrus cultivars ‘Yellow Bell’ and ‘Tahiti lime’ using DNA marker analyses
Scientia Horticulturae, 2019,246:893-897.


XIE K D, YUAN D Y, WANG W, XIA Q M, WU X M, CHEN C W, CHEN C L, GROSSER J W, GUO W W . Citrus triploid recovery based on 2x × 4x crosses via an optimized embryo rescue approach
Scientia Horticulturae, 2019,252:104-109.

DOI:10.1016/j.scienta.2019.03.038URL [本文引用: 2]

ALEZA P, FROELICHER Y, SCHWARZ S, AGUSTI M, HERNANDEZ M, JUAREZ J, LURO F, MORILLON R, NAVARRO L, OLLITRAULT P . Tetraploidization events by chromosome doubling of nucellar cells are frequent in apomictic citrus and are dependent on genotype and environment
Annals of Botany, 2011,108:37-50.

DOI:10.1093/aob/mcr099URL [本文引用: 1]
Background and Aims Polyploidy is a major component of plant evolution. The citrus gene pool is essentially diploid but tetraploid plants are frequently encountered in seedlings of diploid apomictic genotypes. The main objectives of the present study were to establish the origin of these tetraploid plants and to ascertain the importance of genotypic and environmental factors on tetraploid formation.
Methods Tetraploid seedlings from 30 diploid apomictic genotypes were selected by flow cytometry and geno-typed with 24 single sequence repeat (SSR) markers to analyse their genetic origin. Embryo rescue was used to grow all embryos contained in polyembryonic seeds of 'Tardivo di Ciaculli' mandarin, followed by characterization of the plantlets obtained by flow cytometry and SSR markers to accurately establish the rate of tetraploidization events and their potential tissue location. Inter-annual variations in tetraploid seedling rates were analysed for seven genotypes. Variation in tetraploid plantlet rates was analysed between different seedlings of the same genotype ('Carrizo' citrange; Citrus sinensis x Poncirus trifoliata) from seeds collected in different tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean countries.
Key Results Tetraploid plants were obtained for all the studied diploid genotypes, except for four mandarins. All tetraploid plants were identical to their diploid maternal line for SSR markers and were not cytochimeric. Significant genotypic and environmental effects were observed, as well as negative correlation between mean temperature during the flowering period and tetraploidy seedling rates. The higher frequencies (20 %) of tetraploids were observed for citranges cultivated in the Mediterranean area.
Conclusions Tetraploidization by chromosome doubling of nucellar cells are frequent events in apomictic citrus, and are affected by both genotypic and environmental factors. Colder conditions in marginal climatic areas appear to favour the expression of tetraploidization. Tetraploid genotypes arising from chromosome doubling of apomictic citrus are extensively being used as parents in breeding programmes to develop seedless triploid cultivars and have potential direct use as new rootstocks.

梁武军, 解凯东, 郭大勇, 谢宗周, 伊华林, 郭文武 . 10个柑橘砧木类型同源四倍体的发掘与SSR鉴定
果树学报, 2014,31(1):1-6.

LIANG W J, XIE K D, GUO D Y, XIE Z Z, YI H L, GUO W W . Spontaneous generation and SSR molecular characterization of autotetraploids in ten citrus rootstocks
Journal of Fruit Science, 2014,31(1):1-6. (in Chinese)

梁武军, 解凯东, 郭大勇, 谢宗周, 徐强, 伊华林, 郭文武 . 柑橘10个品种实生后代多倍体的发掘及SSR鉴定
园艺学报, 2014,41(3):409-416.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Seeds were extracted from mature fruits and undeveloped seeds were cultured in vitro and
mature seeds were sowed in field. Seedlings with 2–3 true leaves after germination were analyzed by
flow cytometry to screen polyploids,and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to characterize
the genetic origin of these polyploids. The results showed that a total of 44 tetraploid seedlings were obtained from all studied diploid genotypes,i.e. 6,1,3,12,3,6,2,1 and 10 seedlings from Early Gold
sweet orange,Cutter Valencia,Tarocco blood orange,Sunburst mandarin,Ortanique tangor,Murcott
tangor,Huanong Bendizao tangerine,Zhuhongju tangerine and Flame grapefruit respectively. A total of 8
triploid seedlings were obtained from all studied diploid genotypes,i.e. 1,1,2,4 seedlings from Early
Gold sweet orange,Tarocco blood orange,Itabori sweet orange and Ortanique tangor respectively. The
genetic origin of polyploids obtaining by embryo rescue were determined by 13 SSR markers,and the
results showed that the regenerated triploid plants of Early Gold and Itabori sweet oranges were
allotriploid and that of Tarocco blood orange and Ortanique tangor maybe were autotriploid. The
regenerated tetraploid plants of Early Gold sweet orange and Ortanique tangor maybe were autotetraploid
and those of Tarocco blood orange were allotetraploid. SSR analysis validated that the band profiles of
tetraploids derived from other eight diploid cultivars were identical to their diploid maternal line. These
exploited natural polyploids hold great value for both citrus seedless breeding and basic research.
LIANG W J, XIE K D, GUO D Y, XIE Z Z, XU Q, YI H L, GUO W W . Spontaneous generation and SSR characterization of polyploids from ten citrus cultivars
Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2014,41(3):409-416. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Seeds were extracted from mature fruits and undeveloped seeds were cultured in vitro and
mature seeds were sowed in field. Seedlings with 2–3 true leaves after germination were analyzed by
flow cytometry to screen polyploids,and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to characterize
the genetic origin of these polyploids. The results showed that a total of 44 tetraploid seedlings were obtained from all studied diploid genotypes,i.e. 6,1,3,12,3,6,2,1 and 10 seedlings from Early Gold
sweet orange,Cutter Valencia,Tarocco blood orange,Sunburst mandarin,Ortanique tangor,Murcott
tangor,Huanong Bendizao tangerine,Zhuhongju tangerine and Flame grapefruit respectively. A total of 8
triploid seedlings were obtained from all studied diploid genotypes,i.e. 1,1,2,4 seedlings from Early
Gold sweet orange,Tarocco blood orange,Itabori sweet orange and Ortanique tangor respectively. The
genetic origin of polyploids obtaining by embryo rescue were determined by 13 SSR markers,and the
results showed that the regenerated triploid plants of Early Gold and Itabori sweet oranges were
allotriploid and that of Tarocco blood orange and Ortanique tangor maybe were autotriploid. The
regenerated tetraploid plants of Early Gold sweet orange and Ortanique tangor maybe were autotetraploid
and those of Tarocco blood orange were allotetraploid. SSR analysis validated that the band profiles of
tetraploids derived from other eight diploid cultivars were identical to their diploid maternal line. These
exploited natural polyploids hold great value for both citrus seedless breeding and basic research.

GUO W W, PRASAD D, SERRANO P, GMITTER F G J R, GROSSER J W . Citrus somatic hybridization with potential for direct tetraploid scion cultivar development
Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2004,79(3):400-405.

[本文引用: 5]

GROSSER J W, OLLITRAULT P, OLIVARES-FUSTER O . Somatic hybridization in citrus: An effective tool to facilitate variety improvement
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 2000,36:434-449.

[本文引用: 1]

LAN H, CHEN C L, MIAO Y, YU C X, GUO W W, XU Q, DENG X X . Fragile sites of ‘Valencia’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) chromosomes are related with active 45s rDNA
PLoS ONE, 2016,11(3):e0151512.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151512URLPMID:26977938 [本文引用: 1]
Citrus sinensis chromosomes present a morphological differentiation of bands after staining by the fluorochromes CMA and DAPI, but there is still little information on its chromosomal characteristics. In this study, the chromosomes in 'Valencia' C. sinensis were analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using telomere DNA and the 45S rDNA gene as probes combining CMA/DAPI staining, which showed that there were two fragile sites in sweet orange chromosomes co-localizing at distended 45S rDNA regions, one proximally locating on B-type chromosome and the other subterminally locating on D-type chromosome. While the chromosomal CMA banding and 45S rDNA FISH mapping in the doubled haploid line of 'Valencia' C. sinensis indicated six 45S rDNA regions, four were identified as fragile sites as doubled comparing its parental line, which confirmed the cytological heterozygosity and chromosomal heteromorphisms in sweet orange. Furthermore, Ag-NOR identified two distended 45S rDNA regions to be active nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) in diploid 'Valencia' C. sinensis. The occurrence of quadrivalent in meiosis of pollen mother cells (PMCs) in 'Valencia' sweet orange further confirmed it was a chromosomal reciprocal translocation line. We speculated this chromosome translocation was probably related to fragile sites. Our data provide insights into the chromosomal characteristics of the fragile sites in 'Valencia' sweet orange and are expected to facilitate the further investigation of the possible functions of fragile sites.

CHENG Y J, GUO W W, YI H L, PANG X M, DENG X X . An efficient protocol for genomic DNA extraction from Citrus species
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2003,21:177.

DOI:10.1007/BF02774246URL [本文引用: 1]
We describe a simple and efficient method for genomic DNA extraction from woody fruit crops containing high polysaccharide levels. This method involves a modified CTAB or SDS procedure employing a purification step to remove polysaccharides by using water-saturated ether and 1.25 M NaCl. Precipitation with an equal volume of isopropanol caused a DNA pellet to form. After being washed with 70% ethyl alcohol, the pellet easily dissolved in TE buffer. Using this method, DNA was extracted from samples of more than 1000Citrus spp., including young leaves, old leaves, frosted old leaves, withered old leaves, and callus lines. The average yield of DNA ranged from 50–500 μg/g of sample. DNA was suitable for PCR and RFLP analyses and long-term storage. Recently, the procedure was used to isolate DNA from withered old leaves of more than 20 tropical and subtropical fruit crops.

Nature Genetics, 2013,45:59-66.

Oranges are an important nutritional source for human health and have immense economic value. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of the draft genome of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis). The assembled sequence covers 87.3% of the estimated orange genome, which is relatively compact, as 20% is composed of repetitive elements. We predicted 29,445 protein-coding genes, half of which are in the heterozygous state. With additional sequencing of two more citrus species and comparative analyses of seven citrus genomes, we present evidence to suggest that sweet orange originated from a backcross hybrid between pummelo and mandarin. Focused analysis on genes involved in vitamin C metabolism showed that GalUR, encoding the rate-limiting enzyme of the galacturonate pathway, is significantly upregulated in orange fruit, and the recent expansion of this gene family may provide a genomic basis. This draft genome represents a valuable resource for understanding and improving many important citrus traits in the future.

邓秀新, 王力荣, 李绍华, 张绍铃, 张志宏, 从佩华, 易干军, 陈学森, 陈厚彬, 钟彩虹 . 果树育种40年回顾与展望
果树学报, 2019,36(4):514-520.

[本文引用: 1]

DENG X X, WANG L R, LI S H, ZHANG S L, ZHANG Z H, CONG P H, YI G J, CHEN X S, CHEN H B, ZHONG C H . Retrospection and prospect of fruit breeding for last four decades in China
Journal of Fruit Science, 2019,36(4):514-520. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

刘科宏, 周彦, 李中安 . 柑橘茎尖嫁接脱毒技术研究进展
园艺学报, 2016,43(9):1665-1674.

DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0079URL [本文引用: 1]
Shoot-tip grafting(STG)is one of effective techniques for eliminating the diseases from infected citrus to obtain the virus-free budwoods. The core of STG is success and virus elimination rate. In this review,factors influenced success and virus elimination rate of grafted shoot tips was mainly summarized in order to provide some experiences and tricks for virus-free citrus producers.
LIU K H, ZHOU Y, LI Z A . Technical progress on shoot-tip grafting of citrus
Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2016,43(9):1665-1674. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0079URL [本文引用: 1]
Shoot-tip grafting(STG)is one of effective techniques for eliminating the diseases from infected citrus to obtain the virus-free budwoods. The core of STG is success and virus elimination rate. In this review,factors influenced success and virus elimination rate of grafted shoot tips was mainly summarized in order to provide some experiences and tricks for virus-free citrus producers.

王斐, 方成泉, 姜淑苓, 林盛华, 欧春青, 李连文, 马力 . 大果优质三倍体梨新品种‘华幸’
园艺学报, 2014,41(11):2355-2356.

URL [本文引用: 1]
‘Huaxing’is a new triploid pear cultivar hybrid selected from‘Dayali’(tetraploid)בXuehua’(diploid). The fruit is large and the average fruit weight is 295 g. The skin is green-yellow and smooth. The flesh is white and fine with less stone cells,and characterized by crispness and juiciness,sour-sweet with 11.5%–12.5% soluble solids content. It matures in late September in Xingcheng. ‘Huaxing’has various desirable characteristics including early bearing,high yield,enduring storage and high resisitance to scab.
WANG F, FANG C Q, JIANG S L, LIN S H, OU C Q, LI L W, MA L . A new triploid pear cultivar ‘Huaxing’
Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2014,41(11):2355-2356. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
‘Huaxing’is a new triploid pear cultivar hybrid selected from‘Dayali’(tetraploid)בXuehua’(diploid). The fruit is large and the average fruit weight is 295 g. The skin is green-yellow and smooth. The flesh is white and fine with less stone cells,and characterized by crispness and juiciness,sour-sweet with 11.5%–12.5% soluble solids content. It matures in late September in Xingcheng. ‘Huaxing’has various desirable characteristics including early bearing,high yield,enduring storage and high resisitance to scab.

张莹, 曹玉芬, 田路明, 董星光, 霍宏亮, 李树玲, 黄礼森, 赵德英, 齐丹, 徐家玉, 闫帅, 王立东 . 三倍体梨新品种‘华香酥’
园艺学报, 2020,47(5):1009-1010.

[本文引用: 1]

ZHANG Y, CAO Y F, TIAN L M, DONG X G, HUO H L, LI S L, HUANG L S, ZHAO D Y, QI D, XU J Y, YAN S, WANG L D . A new triploid pear cultivar ‘Huaxiangsu’
Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2020,47(5):1009-1010. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

党江波, 郭启高, 向素琼, 何桥, 孙海燕, 吴頔, 景丹龙, 王淑明, 夏燕, 李晓林, 梁国鲁 . 大果无核枇杷新品种‘华玉无核1号’
园艺学报, 2019,46(S2):2765-2766.

[本文引用: 1]

DANG J B, GUO Q G, XIANG S Q, HE Q, SUN H Y, WU D, JING D L, WANG S M, XIA Y, LI X L, LIANG G L . A new seedless loquat cultivar ‘Huayu Wuhe 1’ with large fruit
Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2019,46(S2):2765-2766. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 1]

VILORIA Z, DROUILLARD D L, GRAHAM J H, GROSSER J W . Screening triploid hybrids of ‘Lakeland’ limequat for resistance to citrus canker
Plant Disease, 2004,88:1056-1060.

DOI:10.1094/PDIS.2004.88.10.1056URLPMID:30795244 [本文引用: 1]
Resistance of citrus genotypes to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, the cause of Asiatic citrus canker (ACC), was evaluated by injection infiltration of 10(3) and 10(4) CFU/ml through stomates on the abaxial surface of immature leaves. Citrus genotypes for screening comprised two autotetraploids and nine triploid hybrids of 'Lakeland' limequat (Citrus aurantifolia x Fortunella japonica) and their progenitors ('Lakeland' limequat, the autotetraploids 'Femminello' lemon (Citrus limon) and 'Giant Key' lime (C. aurantifolia), and the somatic hybrids 'Key' [also known as 'Mexican'] lime + 'Valencia' orange and 'Hamlin' orange + 'Femminello' lemon). 'Meiwa' kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia) and 'Pineapple' sweet orange (C. sinensis) were used as known resistant and susceptible standards, respectively. Lesion number per inoculation site and bacterial population per lesion were recorded 15 to 19 days after inoculation. The assay was performed four times during a spring-summer-fall period under greenhouse conditions. Canker lesions were consistently produced by stomatal inoculation with 10(4) but not 10(3) CFU/ml. Susceptible and resistant genotypes were separated based on lesion number per inoculation site and bacterial population per lesion. Spearman's rank correlation analysis for lesion numbers on 15 genotypes common to all four assays showed significant correlations among the genotype rankings. Genotype rankings were also significantly correlated between the two bacterial population assays. Lesion number per inoculation site is sufficient for assessment of resistance of citrus genotypes to ACC without the necessity of conducting bacterial population assays. 'Lakeland' limequat is a promising seed parent for breeding acid citrus fruit that is resistant to ACC.

LOURKISTI R, FROELICHER Y, HERBETTE S, MORILLON R, TOMI F, GIBERNAU M, GIANNETTINI J, BERTI L, SANTINI J . Triploid citrus genotypes have a better tolerance to natural chilling conditions of photosynthetic capacities and specific leaf volatile organic compounds
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020,11. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00330.

DOI:10.3389/fpls.2020.572686URLPMID:33281842 [本文引用: 1]
Pathogen infections limit plant growth and productivity, thus contributing to crop losses. As the site of photosynthesis, the chloroplast is vital for plant productivity. This organelle, communicating with other cellular compartments challenged by infection (e.g., apoplast, mitochondria, and peroxisomes), is also a key battlefield in the plant-pathogen interaction. Here, we focus on the relation between reactive oxygen species (ROS)-redox signaling, photosynthesis which is governed by redox control, and biotic stress response. We also discuss the pathogen strategies to weaken the chloroplast-mediated defense responses and to promote pathogenesis. As in the next decades crop yield increase may depend on the improvement of photosynthetic efficiency, a comprehensive understanding of the integration between photosynthesis and plant immunity is required to meet the future food demand.

ALEZA P, CUENCA J, JUAREZ J, PINA J A, NAVARRO L . ‘Garbí’ mandarin: A new late-maturing triploid hybrid
HortScience, 2010,45:139-141.

DOI:10.21273/HORTSCI.45.1.139URL [本文引用: 2]

CUENCA J, ALEZA P, JUAREZ J, PINA J A, NAVARRO L . ‘Safor’ mandarin: A new citrus mid-late triploid hybrid
HortScience, 2010,45:977-980.

DOI:10.21273/HORTSCI.45.6.977URL [本文引用: 2]

CHEN C X, CANCALON P, HAUN C, GMITTER F G . Characterization of furanocoumarin profile and inheritance toward selection of low furanocoumarin seedless grapefruit cultivars
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 2011,136:358-363.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Furanocoumarins are organic chemical components in grapefruit (Citrus puradisi) juice that have been shown to induce potentially deleterious drug interactions. In this study we measured seven furanocoumarins (FCs) [bergamottin, 6',7'-dihydroxybergamottin (6,7-DHB), paradisin C, bergaptol, isoimperatorin, 5',8'-dimethylallyloxypsoralen (5,8-DMP), and epoxybergamottin (EBM)] in fruit of three grapefruit cultivars [Foster (Fos), Low Acid Foster (LAF), and Hudson (Hod)], one pummelo (C. nuvcima) cultivar [Hirado Buntan (HBP)], 17 randomly selected hybrids from HBPx Hud, and 31 other triploid hybrids. Bergamotton, 6,7-DHB, and paradisin C were not detected or extremely low in HBP (0.00, 0.11, and 0.00 mg.L(-1)) and LAF (0.40, 3.83, and 0.00 mg.L(-1)) compared with Hud (13.03. 9.58, and 6.11 mg.L(-1)) and Fos (6.48, 14.38, and 6.11 mg.L(-1)). In these hybrids, 6,7-DHB, bergamottin, and paradisin C obviously cosegregated in an approximate rate of 1:1. The three FCs in eight hybrids were not detected or extremely low, like H BP, the maternal parent; those in the other nine were as high as or higher than Hud, the paternal parent. The same segregation tendency was also observed in these triploid hybrids. Based on all the cultivars and hybrids, strong correlations existed among 6,7-DHB, bergamottin, and paradisin C (coefficient up to 0.909). Such strong correlations may reflect their metabolic links in the bergamottin pathway. The 1:1 cosegregation and strong correlation among the three FCs suggested that the trait of FCs is likely controlled by one single enzymatic or regulatory gene in the pathway. The FC profiles and inheritance may lead to a genomic and breeding solution to the grapefruit FC drug interaction issue. Selection of FC-low or FC-free seedless grapefruit cultivars is underway.

AHMED D, EVRARD J C, OLLITRAULT P, FROELICHER Y . The effect of cross direction and ploidy level on phenotypic variation of reciprocal diploid and triploid mandarin hybrids
Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2020,16:25.

DOI:10.1007/s11295-020-1417-7URL [本文引用: 1]

SDIRI S, CUENCA J. NAVARRO P, SALVADOR A, BERMEJO A . New triploids late-maturing mandarins as a rich source of antioxidant compounds
European Food Research and Technology, 2020,246:225-237.

DOI:10.1007/s00217-019-03407-9URL [本文引用: 1]

CUENCA J, ALEZA P, JUAREZ J, PINA J A, NAVARRO L . Two new IVIA triploid mandarin hybrids: ‘Alborea’ and ‘Albir’
Acta Horticulturae, 2015,1065:209-214.

[本文引用: 1]

OLLOTRAULT P, GERMANA M A, FROELICHER Y, CUENCA J, ALEZA P, MORILLON R, GROSSER J W, GUO W W. Ploidy Manipulation for Citrus Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics//GENTILE A, LA MALFA S, DENG Z. The Citrus Genome. Switzerland: Springer Press, 2020: 75-105.
[本文引用: 1]

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