Annual High Efficiency Utilization of Solar and Heat Resources of Winter Wheat and Summer Maize in Double Cropping System
ZHAO Bin,1, LI ZongXin2, LI Yong1, LIU Peng1, ZHANG JiWang1, REN BaiZhao1, GAO Yingbo2, WANG XuQing3, ZHANG Bin3, LIU KaiChang3, WANG FaHong,3通讯作者:
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赵斌, 李宗新, 李勇, 刘鹏, 张吉旺, 任佰朝, 高英波, 王旭清, 张宾, 刘开昌, 王法宏. 冬小麦-夏玉米周年光温资源高效利用[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(19): 3893-3899 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.004
ZHAO Bin, LI ZongXin, LI Yong, LIU Peng, ZHANG JiWang, REN BaiZhao, GAO Yingbo, WANG XuQing, ZHANG Bin, LIU KaiChang, WANG FaHong.
光合作用是作物干物质积累和籽粒产量形成的物质基础。在植株生长所积累的总干物质中,光合作用所形成的有机物约占95%,矿质元素仅占5%左右。因此,光合作用所形成的有机物多少,直接决定着作物生物产量的高低。对于以籽粒为收获物的作物,产量的高低还取决于营养物质的分配,即物质由植株向籽粒输送并在籽粒中积累的能力(经济系数)。TOLLENAAR等[5]研究发现,从1984年到2013年,美国玉米带27%的玉米产量增益归功于太阳光的增强。现代农业生产需大幅度提高作物单产,必须提高光合作用效率,增加光合产物的积累,提高经济系数,正确协调产量形成过程中内外因素的关系,才能达到粮食高产、优质、高效的目的。目前作物的叶面积指数和经济系数已难以继续增加,若想进一步提高作物产量就必须增加生物量,提高作物光能利用率成为关键。太阳能的合理利用可显著提升作物产量,而作物对光能的利用是一个综合过程,涉及作物、气候、土壤、栽培和肥料等多个方面,因此要从不同的水平上来分析。在叶绿体水平上,正常条件下的光能(以680 nm波长计)转化效率达24%,这一水平上的限制因子是同化力的形成。在单叶器官水平上,被叶片光合作用固定的能量约占太阳能的5%,影响这一水平的主要因素是叶片厚度、光合功能期和呼吸强度。在植株水平上,不同叶片存在叶龄、叶位和叶姿等差异,且叶片彼此会有遮蔽和重叠等,将很大程度地影响植株一生对光能的利用率;在这一水平上,塑造良好株型和增加植株光合总面积是很好的调控途径。在群体水平上,主要通过栽培措施进行调控,涉及合理密植、适时封行、肥水调控和创建最适叶面积指数等[6]。
1 作物品种与光温生产潜力
广义上来说,作物的高产潜力是指某个地区潜在的光温理论产量。作物单位面积实际产量则是品种的遗传潜力和光温等环境条件相互作用的结果[7]。育种学家在植物生理学家研究的基础上重视植株水平上的高光效育种,目前我国作物育种家们在这方面已经做了大量工作。茹振钢等[8]研究认为,利用杂种优势挖掘小麦穗光合增产潜力、培育穗叶高光效品种,配套高产栽培技术可实现黄淮麦区产量潜力逐步达到12 000—13 000 kg·hm-2。山东省农业科学院、山东农业大学、烟台市农业科学研究院等单位相继选育出济麦22、山农28、烟农1212等高产小麦品种,通过品种、气候因子和栽培技术的匹配优化实现小麦超高产[9],连续培创了11 848.5 kg·hm-2(2009年)、12 610.5 g·hm-2(2019年)、12 853.5kg·hm-2(2020年)冬小麦单产纪录。中国农业科学院李少昆团队研究认为,黄淮海地区夏玉米光温生产潜力产量可达到31 150 kg·hm-2,远高于其他夏玉米产区[9]。紧凑型玉米育种就是这个方向上的重大突破,李登海率先育成的紧凑型玉米掖单2号,开创了我国紧凑型玉米育种的先河,随后该地区选育出以掖单13、鲁单50、郑单958、登海605等为代表的一系列紧凑耐密新品种;紧接着围绕紧凑型玉米增产机理和群体光合开展了系列研究,探明了紧凑型玉米株型、物质生产和源库特征,明确了紧凑型玉米增产融合了杂种优势和群体光能利用两方面的因素[10,11],肯定了紧凑型玉米密植增产的作用,并提出提高和保持花后群体光合速率、延长高值持续期是玉米增加粒重、提高产量的重要途径[12,13,14];同时构建了以直播晚收为核心的夏玉米增产技术,持续定位开展了夏玉米高产潜力攻关,并创造了全国夏玉米21 037.5 kg·hm-2的高产纪录[15],促进了紧凑型玉米的大面积应用,推动了全国玉米生产的大发展[16]。2 作物栽培技术与光温资源利用调控
为了提高黄淮海区域小麦玉米周年光温资源利用效率,栽培学家们针对作物群体水平上的高光效调控进行了大量研究,并形成了一系列高产高效的栽培技术,对全国各地粮食产量的稳步提升做出了重大贡献。小麦研究方面,宽幅精播技术通过改变群体结构提高光温资源利用效率,提高单株与群体分蘖数和单株成穗数来增加单位面积穗数,实现增产,较常规条播的增产效应显著[17,18],成为全国小麦高产主推技术。河南农业大学郭天财团队研究表明宽幅精播与带间距(12 cm)可使冠层结构更合理,微环境特别是光截获量更适宜,产量达到最高[19,20];对于旱作小麦,宽幅播种幅间距在18 cm可协调群体结构,配套适宜基因型冬小麦,产量和水分利用效率均可得到提高,达到节水降耗的效果[21]。山东农业大学贺明荣团队为解决全球气候变暖带来的冬前小麦旺长易倒伏和发生冻害问题,通过调整小麦播期(晚播),提高了主茎在群体中的比重,有利于减少无效消耗和提高资源利用效率,提高抗倒伏能力[22];晚播可通过调节发育中的穗与茎之间的激素稳态,加强了同化物对穗的分配,可保证较高的小花存活率,有利于产量的稳步提高[23,24]。玉米研究方面,河南农业大学通过抗性互补、育性互补、当代杂种优势构建不同基因型玉米间混作复合群体,可显著提高玉米群体的抗逆性和群体光合性能,提出构建生态位互补复合抗逆群体的原则与关键技术[25,26];山东农业大学系统研究指出宽窄行配置在高密度条件下可以优化群体内光分布,增加蓝紫光比例,促进叶片和叶绿体发育,提高叶片光合能力,延缓叶片衰老,提高玉米产量,提出宽窄行配置增密高产高效关键技术[27,28];山东省农业科学院玉米栽培生理团队通过夏玉米高产长期实践,依据当地光热资源研究确定山东省夏玉米的光温高产潜力为25 830 kg·hm-2,总结提出了单位面积产量13 500 kg·hm-2以上的夏玉米高产的生理特性和主要矿质营养的吸收规律[29];中国农业科学院作物栽培与生理团队围绕密植增产,初步探明了产量潜力突破最佳群体与区域光辐射量资源的定量匹配关系,提出了“增密增穗、水肥促控与化控两条线、培育高质量抗倒群体和增加花后群体物质生产量与高效分配”的玉米高产突破途径与关键技术[30,31]。调整群体的同时加强肥水管理也可以有效提高光温利用率,比如,将种植密度提高,适当增加施肥量,将一次性施肥改为分次施肥能够使夏玉米光、温资源生产效率分别提高14.74%、14.41%[2, 32]。
作物品种、播种期与光温资源的匹配度是影响作物生长发育和产量形成的关键限制因子,可通过调控作物生长发育与光温的协同性,实现作物产量和光温资源利用效率的协同提升[33,34]。近年来,围绕周年光温资源高效利用开展两季作物产量调控途径的研究渐多。WANG等[33]利用系统模型APSIM分析发现,在华北平原区域运用“两晚技术”可显著提升小麦-玉米周年光温利用效率,进而增加小麦-玉米周年产量4%—6%。许珂等[35]研究稻-麦两熟制下,播期与品种类型对水稻产量、生育期及温光利用的影响,并根据不同类型水稻产量、生育期以及光温资源利用情况提出当地不同播期科学配套水稻品种类型的初步区划。中国农业科学院赵明团队创新了作物产量综合分析的源库性能模式,即“三合结构”模式,为系统研究和分析产量形成提供了方法[7,36-37]。该模式首次提出了两季间以积温为主的多资源配置和以光温生产潜力当量为主的季节内利用指标,明确小麦季和玉米季积温分配率分别为43%和57%,两季间积温比值为0.7,可显著提升各地区光温资源利用效率,产量均达到当前生产和生态条件下的最高水平[38]。依此创新了光温和肥水高效利用的关键技术,构建了发挥玉米优势的周年高产高效技术体系,实现了调播期改品种零增投的周年高产高效同步提高。20世纪90年代,王树安[39,40]在华北平原建立了冬小麦-夏玉米“双晚”技术模式,即将冬小麦播种期由10月初推迟至10月中旬,夏玉米收获期由9月中旬推迟至9月底,其周年产量达到15 000 kg·hm-2以上,光、温资源生产力分别提高64%和124%。在保持原有投入成本不变的情况下,夏玉米收获期和冬小麦播期分别推迟5-7 d,可显著提高周年产量和光温水资源利用效率[41,42]。河北农业大学、山东农业大学先后研究探明了黄淮北部、黄淮东部小麦-玉米“双晚”种植方式的光温调控效应,提出了小麦“延播匀株密植”和玉米“抢时增密晚收”的光温高效利用途径,实现周年光温资源优化配置与高效利用[43,44,45,46]。以上一年两季作物生长发育与光温资源匹配机理和调控技术的系列研究,切实促进了粮食作物周年产量与光温资源利用效率提升。
3 展望
依靠高产品种和群体调控等关键栽培技术的支撑,山东省周年两熟种植制度下冬小麦、夏玉米高产纪录分别达到了12 853.5 kg·hm-2、21 037.5 kg·hm-2,这一数据远高于山东省当前小麦6 379.5kg·hm-2、玉米6 590.4 kg·hm-2的平均水平。可见,现有生产管理条件下山东省小麦、玉米的周年增产潜力还远远没得到充分发挥。农户实际产量与潜在理论产量之间存在较大的差距,这种情况在国内外也是广泛存在的[47]。如何缩小理论产量与实际产量之间的差距,一直是农业科研工作者、农技推广部门和新型农业经营主体等共同努力的方向和目标。数据表明,全球变暖趋势仍在持续。中国是全球气候变化的敏感区和影响显著区。1951至2019年,中国年平均气温每10年升高0.24℃,升温速率明显高于同期全球平均水平[48]。随着全球气候变化的影响,太阳有效辐射量每10年会下降1.3%[49],近年来,黄淮海地区每日光照时数缩短,秋、冬季温度持续增加[50],会出现冬小麦冬前旺长易受冻害、夏玉米生育期不足不利于机械化、易发生倒伏等问题,严重影响作物生长发育[23, 50-51]。随着研究方法和监测手段的提升,长期定位跟踪并解析黄淮海东部不同生态区域关键气象因子、土壤、品种和栽培管理措施的综合效应,进一步明确各区域小麦-玉米周年光温生产潜力和产量差的关键限制因子,在此基础上着力研发易操作、可规模化应用的栽培技术,是小麦-玉米周年光温资源高效利用研究领域的重点。
本专题刊登的5篇文章聚焦小麦玉米周年光温资源优化配置,研究分析光温资源高效利用的限制因素和提高途径,以期为黄淮海地区小麦玉米周年光温资源与产量协同高效提供理论依据。其中,《冬小麦-夏玉米周年农田资源高效利用限制因素分析》利用模拟模型等方法分析了山东省4个生态区域(鲁东、鲁中、鲁西北及鲁西南)资源高效利用及产量提升的主要限制因素,明确了冬小麦生长季及夏玉米生长季4个地区均受光温资源因素影响较大[52]。《扩行缩株对夏玉米群体冠层结构及产量的影响》采用扩行缩株的方式调整群体冠层结构,明确了高密度(82 500株/hm2)条件下80 cm行距种植,夏玉米群体结构更加合理,可实现光能资源的高效利用,提高产量[53]。《错株增密种植对夏玉米光合特性及产量的影响》通过调整植株个体在群体中的空间生态位,优化群体的内部空间和小气候,提升光温资源的高效利用,达到高产高效的目的[54]。《行距配置和覆反光膜对夏玉米产量及光能利用的影响》研究了宽窄行种植辅以反光膜,充分利用宽行透射光,增加下部叶片的光照,延缓下部叶片的衰老,实现光能的再利用、光能利用率的再提高[55]。《吐丝前高温胁迫对不同耐热型夏玉米产量及穗发育特征的影响》重点研究阐明了花前高温胁迫影响夏玉米产量和穗发育的机理,且花前高温胁迫对花粒期耐热型玉米品种产量形成、光合特性和雌雄穗发育的影响更明显[56]。
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当今作物生产正在向高产、高效、环境友好等多目标协同方向发展, 进一步深化和完善作物生产调控理论与技术体系是实现多元化目标协同, 促进作物生产可持续发展的重要途径。本文对当前作物生产调控理论与技术的研究进展进行了总结, 并结合当今作物生产发展形势, 在全面总结前人成果和笔者30余年研究结果的基础上, 提出了从作物生产系统的整体性角度出发, 通过定量分析作物生产系统气候、土壤、作物三要素的协同关系, 将“气候-作物”、“土壤-作物”和“群体-个体”三者协同优化的作物高产高效调控途径, 构建了作物生产系统气候-土壤-作物“三协同”定量优化体系, 并对其生产应用和未来发展进行了探讨与展望, 以期为实现我国主要粮食作物高产高效可持续生产提供理论指导。
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当今作物生产正在向高产、高效、环境友好等多目标协同方向发展, 进一步深化和完善作物生产调控理论与技术体系是实现多元化目标协同, 促进作物生产可持续发展的重要途径。本文对当前作物生产调控理论与技术的研究进展进行了总结, 并结合当今作物生产发展形势, 在全面总结前人成果和笔者30余年研究结果的基础上, 提出了从作物生产系统的整体性角度出发, 通过定量分析作物生产系统气候、土壤、作物三要素的协同关系, 将“气候-作物”、“土壤-作物”和“群体-个体”三者协同优化的作物高产高效调控途径, 构建了作物生产系统气候-土壤-作物“三协同”定量优化体系, 并对其生产应用和未来发展进行了探讨与展望, 以期为实现我国主要粮食作物高产高效可持续生产提供理论指导。
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.17.006URL [本文引用: 1]
Yellow & Huai River Valley Facultative Wheat Region is a major area of wheat production in China. In the present production condition, improvement of the total production of wheat depends on the increase of yield per unit area. Therefore, the cultivation of high yield varieties is very important for wheat production. In this study, according to the production conditions and ecological characteristics of Yellow & Huai River Valley Facultative Winter Wheat Region, the yield potential under field conditions were analyzed, and pointed out that the two traits, i.e. 1000-grain weight and spike number, will make a greater contribution to wheat production. Furthermore, according to fitting in with the needs of mechanized production in this region, breeding strategies and yield potential of high yield varieties were discussed and pointed out three effective ways to achieve high-yield potential of wheat in future: (1) Making effective utilization of photosynthetic efficiency of spike and cultivating high efficiency varieties. Besides the space superiority, the photosynthetic pathway of spike is C4 or C3 to C4, which can fix CO2 from seed respiration again. So the photosynthetic efficiency of spike plays important roles in grain filing of wheat. Enhancing the photosynthetic efficiency of spike to breed high efficiency varieties is one of the important ways to achieve high-yield potential of wheat. (2) Improving yields of wheat must focus on increasing population biomass. Maintaining the existing harvest index unchanged, improving the spatial structure of populations and breeding new varieties with lobules, strong stalk and large spike can achieve high biomass and improve yields. In addition, high biomass varieties should present different spike layers, which can effectively increase the spike number per unit area. (3) Heterosis is another effective way to realize yield-potential of wheat. However, in the process of utilization of heterosis, both of yield and quality should be considered simultaneously, especially the coordination of different quality traits. Increasing the spike number and improving the proportion of superior florets can realize the coordination of high yield and superior quality. Achieving the yield-potential of wheat is a long-term process and this paper aims to provide ideas and methods for achieving the yield-potential and realizing maximum output in Yellow & Huai River Valley Facultative Wheat Region.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.17.006URL [本文引用: 1]
Yellow & Huai River Valley Facultative Wheat Region is a major area of wheat production in China. In the present production condition, improvement of the total production of wheat depends on the increase of yield per unit area. Therefore, the cultivation of high yield varieties is very important for wheat production. In this study, according to the production conditions and ecological characteristics of Yellow & Huai River Valley Facultative Winter Wheat Region, the yield potential under field conditions were analyzed, and pointed out that the two traits, i.e. 1000-grain weight and spike number, will make a greater contribution to wheat production. Furthermore, according to fitting in with the needs of mechanized production in this region, breeding strategies and yield potential of high yield varieties were discussed and pointed out three effective ways to achieve high-yield potential of wheat in future: (1) Making effective utilization of photosynthetic efficiency of spike and cultivating high efficiency varieties. Besides the space superiority, the photosynthetic pathway of spike is C4 or C3 to C4, which can fix CO2 from seed respiration again. So the photosynthetic efficiency of spike plays important roles in grain filing of wheat. Enhancing the photosynthetic efficiency of spike to breed high efficiency varieties is one of the important ways to achieve high-yield potential of wheat. (2) Improving yields of wheat must focus on increasing population biomass. Maintaining the existing harvest index unchanged, improving the spatial structure of populations and breeding new varieties with lobules, strong stalk and large spike can achieve high biomass and improve yields. In addition, high biomass varieties should present different spike layers, which can effectively increase the spike number per unit area. (3) Heterosis is another effective way to realize yield-potential of wheat. However, in the process of utilization of heterosis, both of yield and quality should be considered simultaneously, especially the coordination of different quality traits. Increasing the spike number and improving the proportion of superior florets can realize the coordination of high yield and superior quality. Achieving the yield-potential of wheat is a long-term process and this paper aims to provide ideas and methods for achieving the yield-potential and realizing maximum output in Yellow & Huai River Valley Facultative Wheat Region.
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The present study was carried out during 1989-1990 to investigate the relationship between the canopy apparent photosynthesis(CAP) rate and grainyield of two high-yielding summer corn cultivars at five different sowing densities. The results are as follows. The CAP rate of summer corn showed a
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The present study was carried out during 1989-1990 to investigate the relationship between the canopy apparent photosynthesis(CAP) rate and grainyield of two high-yielding summer corn cultivars at five different sowing densities. The results are as follows. The CAP rate of summer corn showed a
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The studies on main maize varieties used popularly from 50′s to 90′s in China showed tyat the canopy apparent photosynthesis rate (CAP)rose, percentage of declined CAP and the rate of respiration in total CAP reduced, with the renew of maize varieties. The CAP of middle-base leaves in modern maize
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The studies on main maize varieties used popularly from 50′s to 90′s in China showed tyat the canopy apparent photosynthesis rate (CAP)rose, percentage of declined CAP and the rate of respiration in total CAP reduced, with the renew of maize varieties. The CAP of middle-base leaves in modern maize
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.001URL [本文引用: 1]
Maize is the first major crop in China and in the world, it plays an important role in ensuring China’s food security. At present, in the face of the rapid development of economic society and a series of problems such as population growth and land reduction, resources shortage and ecological environment deterioration, maize cultivation science is facing new historic opportunities and challenges. In this crucial historical juncture, it is of great significance to review the scientific research and technical progress of maize cultivation in China and to explore the future development direction. Analysis shows that, the aim of maize cultivation research has been transformed from yield production to collaborative development of high yield, high quality, high efficiency, eco-friendly, security and other goals after 60 years of efforts. The research contents were gradually widened and further deepened with remarkable Chinese characteristics. Since entering into the 21th century, the research of maize cultivation has entered a golden development stage. In this stage, a series of breakthroughs in maize cultivation theory, key technology innovation and application have been achieved, which have taken a positive role in ensuring China’s food security. According to the demand of maize production for science and technology in the future and the development trend of modern science and technology, this article indicated that, in the future, high quality, high efficiency, eco-friendly, security will still be the main objectives of maize cultivation. In this article, the key directions and tasks of maize cultivation research in the next 20 years were put forward: (1) Continue to explore the potential of maize yield in different ecological areas and technologies that can realize these potentials, and make every effort to raise the level of yield per unit; (2) Transform the mode of production and take the improving efficiency of resource utilization and labor productivity as goals, reduce the production costs, improve product quality and the market competitiveness of maize; to develop silage and fresh maize so as to promote the diversified development of maize production; (3) In order to respond to the global climate change, carry out the theoretical and technological researches on yield stability and anti-disaster to realize the sustainable production of maize; (4) Based on modern information technology to carry out the researches of intelligent cultivation technology to achieve maize precise production and management; (5) Strengthen the basic researches of maize cultivation and tamp the researches on maize science and technology and the basement of maize production.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.11.001URL [本文引用: 1]
Maize is the first major crop in China and in the world, it plays an important role in ensuring China’s food security. At present, in the face of the rapid development of economic society and a series of problems such as population growth and land reduction, resources shortage and ecological environment deterioration, maize cultivation science is facing new historic opportunities and challenges. In this crucial historical juncture, it is of great significance to review the scientific research and technical progress of maize cultivation in China and to explore the future development direction. Analysis shows that, the aim of maize cultivation research has been transformed from yield production to collaborative development of high yield, high quality, high efficiency, eco-friendly, security and other goals after 60 years of efforts. The research contents were gradually widened and further deepened with remarkable Chinese characteristics. Since entering into the 21th century, the research of maize cultivation has entered a golden development stage. In this stage, a series of breakthroughs in maize cultivation theory, key technology innovation and application have been achieved, which have taken a positive role in ensuring China’s food security. According to the demand of maize production for science and technology in the future and the development trend of modern science and technology, this article indicated that, in the future, high quality, high efficiency, eco-friendly, security will still be the main objectives of maize cultivation. In this article, the key directions and tasks of maize cultivation research in the next 20 years were put forward: (1) Continue to explore the potential of maize yield in different ecological areas and technologies that can realize these potentials, and make every effort to raise the level of yield per unit; (2) Transform the mode of production and take the improving efficiency of resource utilization and labor productivity as goals, reduce the production costs, improve product quality and the market competitiveness of maize; to develop silage and fresh maize so as to promote the diversified development of maize production; (3) In order to respond to the global climate change, carry out the theoretical and technological researches on yield stability and anti-disaster to realize the sustainable production of maize; (4) Based on modern information technology to carry out the researches of intelligent cultivation technology to achieve maize precise production and management; (5) Strengthen the basic researches of maize cultivation and tamp the researches on maize science and technology and the basement of maize production.
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201808.027URLPMID:30182590 [本文引用: 1]
The effects of wide-range planting (WR) versus drilling-planting (DP) on grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and nitrogen uptake efficiency (UPE) were investigated using winter wheat cultivar Tainong 18 at experimental fields in Tai'an and Yanzhou during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016. The results showed that planting pattern, experimental field location, and their interaction significantly affected the grain yield, NUE, and related indices of cultivar Tainong 18. Compared to DP, the WR pattern significantly increased grain yield by 22.5% and 15.4% at Tai'an and Yanzhou, respectively, by raising the number of spikes per unit area at maturity (originating from the greater numbers of tillers per plant and per unit area) and the number of spikes per plant. Compared to DP, the WR pattern significantly increased UPE by 27.7% and 17.5% at Tai'an and Yanzhou, respectively. NUE with the WR pattern at Tai'an and Yanzhou was also increased, respectively, by 22.5% and 15.4% by enhancing nitrogen accumulation and increasing the UPE. A stonger positive effect on yield was observed at Tai'an than at Yanzhou. Thus, the popularization and application of a WR pattern would synergistically improve grain yields and NUE in winter wheat.
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201808.027URLPMID:30182590 [本文引用: 1]
The effects of wide-range planting (WR) versus drilling-planting (DP) on grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and nitrogen uptake efficiency (UPE) were investigated using winter wheat cultivar Tainong 18 at experimental fields in Tai'an and Yanzhou during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016. The results showed that planting pattern, experimental field location, and their interaction significantly affected the grain yield, NUE, and related indices of cultivar Tainong 18. Compared to DP, the WR pattern significantly increased grain yield by 22.5% and 15.4% at Tai'an and Yanzhou, respectively, by raising the number of spikes per unit area at maturity (originating from the greater numbers of tillers per plant and per unit area) and the number of spikes per plant. Compared to DP, the WR pattern significantly increased UPE by 27.7% and 17.5% at Tai'an and Yanzhou, respectively. NUE with the WR pattern at Tai'an and Yanzhou was also increased, respectively, by 22.5% and 15.4% by enhancing nitrogen accumulation and increasing the UPE. A stonger positive effect on yield was observed at Tai'an than at Yanzhou. Thus, the popularization and application of a WR pattern would synergistically improve grain yields and NUE in winter wheat.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00079URL [本文引用: 1]
Aims Spacing interval is a cultivation technique to obtain high yield. Our objective was to investigate the effects of spacing interval on canopy characteristics and yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different planting patterns of wide bed planting methods with 8 cm drilling width and conventional drilling planting methods with 2 cm drilling width.Methods A field experiment was conducted in growing seasons of 2010–2011 and 2011–2012, growing multi-spike winter wheat cultivar ‘Aikang 58’ under different planting methods with three spacing intervals of 7, 12 and 17 cm for wide bed planting methods and 20 cm of row spacing for conventional drilling planting methods. Time-course measurements were taken on canopy leaf area index, mean leaf angle, canopy openness, light interception, canopy temperature, relative humidity and yield during the experimental periods.Important findings Compared with conventional drilling planting methods, the leaf area index, mean leaf angle, light interception, relative humidity, spikes numbers, biomass and grain yield for wide bed planting methods are higher, while canopy openness and temperature are lower. Subsequently, spike numbers per unit area increased by 4.8%–16.4% (in 2010–2011) and 8.9%–21.0% (in 2011–2012) and yield increased by 2.96%–15.94% (in 2010–2011) and 4.09%–14.23% (in 2011–2012). Leaf area index, mean leaf angle, light interception, relative humidity and spike numbers decreased, and canopy openness and temperature increased with increased spacing interval under wide bed planting methods. Grain number per spike, grain weight, grain yield, biomass and harvest index are the highest in the 12 cm treatment and lowest in the 7 cm treatment. It can be concluded that 12 cm spacing interval under wide bed planting methods can be used as a feasible, promising planting pattern with reasonable canopy architecture and sufficient light distribution and interception and favorable microclimate.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00079URL [本文引用: 1]
Aims Spacing interval is a cultivation technique to obtain high yield. Our objective was to investigate the effects of spacing interval on canopy characteristics and yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) under different planting patterns of wide bed planting methods with 8 cm drilling width and conventional drilling planting methods with 2 cm drilling width.Methods A field experiment was conducted in growing seasons of 2010–2011 and 2011–2012, growing multi-spike winter wheat cultivar ‘Aikang 58’ under different planting methods with three spacing intervals of 7, 12 and 17 cm for wide bed planting methods and 20 cm of row spacing for conventional drilling planting methods. Time-course measurements were taken on canopy leaf area index, mean leaf angle, canopy openness, light interception, canopy temperature, relative humidity and yield during the experimental periods.Important findings Compared with conventional drilling planting methods, the leaf area index, mean leaf angle, light interception, relative humidity, spikes numbers, biomass and grain yield for wide bed planting methods are higher, while canopy openness and temperature are lower. Subsequently, spike numbers per unit area increased by 4.8%–16.4% (in 2010–2011) and 8.9%–21.0% (in 2011–2012) and yield increased by 2.96%–15.94% (in 2010–2011) and 4.09%–14.23% (in 2011–2012). Leaf area index, mean leaf angle, light interception, relative humidity and spike numbers decreased, and canopy openness and temperature increased with increased spacing interval under wide bed planting methods. Grain number per spike, grain weight, grain yield, biomass and harvest index are the highest in the 12 cm treatment and lowest in the 7 cm treatment. It can be concluded that 12 cm spacing interval under wide bed planting methods can be used as a feasible, promising planting pattern with reasonable canopy architecture and sufficient light distribution and interception and favorable microclimate.
DOI:10.5846/stxb201306091497URL [本文引用: 1]
在大田试验条件下以多穗型品种‘百农矮抗58’和大穗型品种‘兰考矮早八’为供试材料,研究了宽幅播种(播幅8 cm)种植方式下不同带间距7 cm(KF7)、12 cm(KF12)和17 cm(KF17)对冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)衰老进程及产量的影响。结果表明:与常规条播(行距20 cm,播幅1-2 cm)相比,宽幅带播种植方式的花后旗叶叶绿素降解缓慢,丙二醛(MDA)含量降低,抗氧化酶活性增强,成穗数和产量提高。宽幅带播下不同带间距处理间差异因品种类型而异,矮抗58品种叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)、过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性整体呈现为KF12 > KF17 > KF7,兰考矮早八品种表现为KF7 > KF12 > KF17,而MDA变化规律则相反。试验条件下,多穗型品种矮抗58以KF12处理、大穗型品种兰考矮早八以KF7处理花后叶绿素含量高,MDA含量低,抗氧化酶活性强,叶片衰老进程缓慢,产量结构协调,最终产量最高。
DOI:10.5846/stxb201306091497URL [本文引用: 1]
在大田试验条件下以多穗型品种‘百农矮抗58’和大穗型品种‘兰考矮早八’为供试材料,研究了宽幅播种(播幅8 cm)种植方式下不同带间距7 cm(KF7)、12 cm(KF12)和17 cm(KF17)对冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)衰老进程及产量的影响。结果表明:与常规条播(行距20 cm,播幅1-2 cm)相比,宽幅带播种植方式的花后旗叶叶绿素降解缓慢,丙二醛(MDA)含量降低,抗氧化酶活性增强,成穗数和产量提高。宽幅带播下不同带间距处理间差异因品种类型而异,矮抗58品种叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)、过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性整体呈现为KF12 > KF17 > KF7,兰考矮早八品种表现为KF7 > KF12 > KF17,而MDA变化规律则相反。试验条件下,多穗型品种矮抗58以KF12处理、大穗型品种兰考矮早八以KF7处理花后叶绿素含量高,MDA含量低,抗氧化酶活性强,叶片衰老进程缓慢,产量结构协调,最终产量最高。
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DOI:10.1016/j.cj.2017.05.003URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.eja.2019.01.006URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.08.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 In the present study, the biomass production and resource availability among yield levels were studied to quantify the gap of yield, radiation production efficiency and temperature production efficiency of summer maize in Shandong province. This study aimed to clarify the contribution rate of agricultural production conditions and cultivation measures to yield gap and efficiency gap, and to explore the possibility of synergistic narrow the yield gap and efficiency gap, so as to provide a theoretical basis for closing yield gap and improving resource utilization efficiency. 【Method】 The experiment was conducted in Taian, Zibo and Yantai in Shandong province from 2017 to 2018. Based on the investigation of summer maize production in Shandong province, four management models were designed in consideration of appropriate increase of plant density, optimization of fertilizer and water, increase of yield and efficiency with the same integrated management. The four yield levels, including super high yield (SH), high yield and high efficiency (HH), farmer level (FP) and basic production level (CK), were simulated. And the gap of yield, radiation production efficiency and temperature production efficiency of different yield levels were analyzed. With the integrative analysis of radiation-temperature production potential and crop yield performance, the factors affecting gap of yield and efficiency and the way closing yield gap and increasing efficiency were explored in the present study. 【Result】 At present, the yield gap between radiation temperature potential level and super high yield level, super high yield level and high yield high efficiency level, high yield and high efficiency level and farmer production level, farmer production level and basic production level of summer maize in Shandong province were 5.85, 0.82, 1.90 and 1.35 t·hm -2, respectively; The radiation production efficiency gap were 1.74, 0.15, 0.28 and 0.45 g·MJ -1, respectively; and the temperature production efficiency gap were 1.09, 0.10, 0.17 and 0.28 kg·hm -2·℃ -1, respectively. The current uncontrollable factors contributed 58.49% to yield gap, and contributed 66.09% to light and temperature production efficiency. And geographical difference factors contributed 1.98% to yield gap, contributed 2.49% to radiation production efficiency, and contributed 3.24% to temperature production efficiency. There was a significant correlation between the yield gap and the production efficiency gap. SH and HH had higher biomass, mean leaf area index (MLAI) and canopy light energy interception rate than FP and CK. 【Conclusion】 At present, the gap of yield, the radiation production efficiency, and the temperature production efficiency between the farmer production level and the radiation temperature potential level of summer maize in Shandong province were 8.56 t·hm -2, 2.17 g·MJ -1, and 1.35 kg·hm -2·℃ -1, respectively, so there was room for improvement in yield and utilization efficiency of radiation and temperature resources. There was a significant correlation between the yield gap and the production efficiency gap, on the basis of existing farmer management measures, the application of high-yield and high-efficiency management mode (increase the plant density of 15 000 plant·hm -2, and increasing the amount of fertilization appropriately, changing the one-time fertilization into the sub-fertilization mode with water and fertilizer integration during the stage of sowing, spike formation, flowering, and milking) could narrow the yield gap by 1.90 t·hm -2and increase the production efficiency of radiation and temperature resources by 14.74% and 14.41%, respectively, which was an effective technical way to synergistic close yield gap and increase efficiency.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.08.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 In the present study, the biomass production and resource availability among yield levels were studied to quantify the gap of yield, radiation production efficiency and temperature production efficiency of summer maize in Shandong province. This study aimed to clarify the contribution rate of agricultural production conditions and cultivation measures to yield gap and efficiency gap, and to explore the possibility of synergistic narrow the yield gap and efficiency gap, so as to provide a theoretical basis for closing yield gap and improving resource utilization efficiency. 【Method】 The experiment was conducted in Taian, Zibo and Yantai in Shandong province from 2017 to 2018. Based on the investigation of summer maize production in Shandong province, four management models were designed in consideration of appropriate increase of plant density, optimization of fertilizer and water, increase of yield and efficiency with the same integrated management. The four yield levels, including super high yield (SH), high yield and high efficiency (HH), farmer level (FP) and basic production level (CK), were simulated. And the gap of yield, radiation production efficiency and temperature production efficiency of different yield levels were analyzed. With the integrative analysis of radiation-temperature production potential and crop yield performance, the factors affecting gap of yield and efficiency and the way closing yield gap and increasing efficiency were explored in the present study. 【Result】 At present, the yield gap between radiation temperature potential level and super high yield level, super high yield level and high yield high efficiency level, high yield and high efficiency level and farmer production level, farmer production level and basic production level of summer maize in Shandong province were 5.85, 0.82, 1.90 and 1.35 t·hm -2, respectively; The radiation production efficiency gap were 1.74, 0.15, 0.28 and 0.45 g·MJ -1, respectively; and the temperature production efficiency gap were 1.09, 0.10, 0.17 and 0.28 kg·hm -2·℃ -1, respectively. The current uncontrollable factors contributed 58.49% to yield gap, and contributed 66.09% to light and temperature production efficiency. And geographical difference factors contributed 1.98% to yield gap, contributed 2.49% to radiation production efficiency, and contributed 3.24% to temperature production efficiency. There was a significant correlation between the yield gap and the production efficiency gap. SH and HH had higher biomass, mean leaf area index (MLAI) and canopy light energy interception rate than FP and CK. 【Conclusion】 At present, the gap of yield, the radiation production efficiency, and the temperature production efficiency between the farmer production level and the radiation temperature potential level of summer maize in Shandong province were 8.56 t·hm -2, 2.17 g·MJ -1, and 1.35 kg·hm -2·℃ -1, respectively, so there was room for improvement in yield and utilization efficiency of radiation and temperature resources. There was a significant correlation between the yield gap and the production efficiency gap, on the basis of existing farmer management measures, the application of high-yield and high-efficiency management mode (increase the plant density of 15 000 plant·hm -2, and increasing the amount of fertilization appropriately, changing the one-time fertilization into the sub-fertilization mode with water and fertilizer integration during the stage of sowing, spike formation, flowering, and milking) could narrow the yield gap by 1.90 t·hm -2and increase the production efficiency of radiation and temperature resources by 14.74% and 14.41%, respectively, which was an effective technical way to synergistic close yield gap and increase efficiency.
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采用大田试验,研究了不同基因型玉米间作的群体质量特征。结果表明,HF9‖XD20间作,植株中部叶片平均叶龄延长,而对下部和上部叶片影响不大; ZD958‖LD981间作,ZD958植株下部叶片平均叶龄延长,而中、上部叶片则缩短,LD981植株下、中、上部叶片平均叶龄均有所延长。吐丝前,群体叶面积指数(LAI)单间作无明显差异,吐丝后,HF9和LD981的LAI分别大于和显著大于单作群体,而ZD958和XD20则分别小于和显著小于单作群体。紧凑型品种和半紧凑型品种间作增加了群体透光率, 吐丝后10d,4个品种棒三叶叶色值(SPADR)均有所增加,并且除ZD958外,其余3个品种棒三叶净光合速率均有所增加,其中LD981增加显著。间作对吐丝以前的群体干物质积累量影响不大,吐丝后,半紧凑型品种(HF9和LD981)的干物质积累量增加,其中LD981增加显著,而紧凑型品种(XD20和ZD958)的干物质积累量减少,其中ZD958显著减少;间作还提高了收获指数,并且两种间作群体的土地当量比(LER)均大于1。结果提示,紧凑型与半紧凑型玉米品种的间作可以提高群体质量,延长叶片功能期,提高光合效率,增加籽粒产量。
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采用大田试验,研究了不同基因型玉米间作的群体质量特征。结果表明,HF9‖XD20间作,植株中部叶片平均叶龄延长,而对下部和上部叶片影响不大; ZD958‖LD981间作,ZD958植株下部叶片平均叶龄延长,而中、上部叶片则缩短,LD981植株下、中、上部叶片平均叶龄均有所延长。吐丝前,群体叶面积指数(LAI)单间作无明显差异,吐丝后,HF9和LD981的LAI分别大于和显著大于单作群体,而ZD958和XD20则分别小于和显著小于单作群体。紧凑型品种和半紧凑型品种间作增加了群体透光率, 吐丝后10d,4个品种棒三叶叶色值(SPADR)均有所增加,并且除ZD958外,其余3个品种棒三叶净光合速率均有所增加,其中LD981增加显著。间作对吐丝以前的群体干物质积累量影响不大,吐丝后,半紧凑型品种(HF9和LD981)的干物质积累量增加,其中LD981增加显著,而紧凑型品种(XD20和ZD958)的干物质积累量减少,其中ZD958显著减少;间作还提高了收获指数,并且两种间作群体的土地当量比(LER)均大于1。结果提示,紧凑型与半紧凑型玉米品种的间作可以提高群体质量,延长叶片功能期,提高光合效率,增加籽粒产量。
DOI:10.5846/stxb201211131593URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.5846/stxb201211131593URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.01226URL [本文引用: 1]
With different plant population densities (6.75´104, 9.00´104, and 11.25´104 plants ha-1), the effects of the deneity and row spacing on grain yield and canopy apparent photosynthesis were studied in this article. The results were as follows: with the increase of planting density, grain yield, leaf area index (LAI) and capture efficiency of photosynthestically active radiation(PAR) in upper leaf layer, as well as canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP) and canopy respiration (CR) and dry matter quantity increased accordantly; but, chlorophyll content and capture efficiency of PAR in the middle and lower layers of canopy decreased. Within different row spacing treatments, the wide-narrow row spacing were not superior to the uniform one significantly at 6.75´104 plants ha-1. However, at 9.00´104 and 11.25´104 plants ha-1, grain yield, LAI, chlorophyll content, capture efficiency of PAR in middle leaf layer and average rate of CAP after anthesis in row spacing of “80 cm+40 cm” were remarkably higher than those in other three row spacings (uniform, 70 cm + 50 cm, 90 cm + 30 cm); while CR/TCAP (ratio of canopy respiration to total canopy apparent photosynthesis) in row spacing of ’80 cm+40 cm’ was the lowest, compared to the others. From the above, it was suggested that at higher plant density the row spacing of ’80 cm+40 cm’ could enlarge photosynthetic area, enhance PAR in middle leaf layer, increase CAP, reduce CR and improve grain yield.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2010.01226URL [本文引用: 1]
With different plant population densities (6.75´104, 9.00´104, and 11.25´104 plants ha-1), the effects of the deneity and row spacing on grain yield and canopy apparent photosynthesis were studied in this article. The results were as follows: with the increase of planting density, grain yield, leaf area index (LAI) and capture efficiency of photosynthestically active radiation(PAR) in upper leaf layer, as well as canopy apparent photosynthesis (CAP) and canopy respiration (CR) and dry matter quantity increased accordantly; but, chlorophyll content and capture efficiency of PAR in the middle and lower layers of canopy decreased. Within different row spacing treatments, the wide-narrow row spacing were not superior to the uniform one significantly at 6.75´104 plants ha-1. However, at 9.00´104 and 11.25´104 plants ha-1, grain yield, LAI, chlorophyll content, capture efficiency of PAR in middle leaf layer and average rate of CAP after anthesis in row spacing of “80 cm+40 cm” were remarkably higher than those in other three row spacings (uniform, 70 cm + 50 cm, 90 cm + 30 cm); while CR/TCAP (ratio of canopy respiration to total canopy apparent photosynthesis) in row spacing of ’80 cm+40 cm’ was the lowest, compared to the others. From the above, it was suggested that at higher plant density the row spacing of ’80 cm+40 cm’ could enlarge photosynthetic area, enhance PAR in middle leaf layer, increase CAP, reduce CR and improve grain yield.
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DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2013.12.021URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107906URL [本文引用: 1]
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为明确在较宽播期范围内可实现小麦高产高效稳产的播种方式及其理论基础,采用宽幅播种和常规条播2种播种方式,设计10月3日(早播)、10日(传统播期)、17日(晚播)和24日(再晚播)共4个播期处理(分别用D1、D2、D3、D4表示),研究了播种方式与播期互作对小麦产量和氮素吸收利用的影响。相对于常规条播,宽幅播种通过提高单位面积分蘖数和穗数,平均提高产量16.68%;通过提高氮素吸收效率(吸氮量/供氮量)、稳定或提高氮素利用效率(产量/吸氮量),平均提高氮素利用率(产量/供氮量)16.64%。随播期推迟,2播种方式下单位面积穗数、单穗籽粒质量分别呈降低和升高趋势,相对于D1和D2播期,宽幅条件下D3、D4播期的成熟期穗数下降比例显著低于条播,并与其单穗籽粒质量提高的比例相当,进而实现9.00 t/hm2水平的高产稳产;常规条播下晚播因穗数大幅下降导致减产,平均减产0.34 t/hm2。随播期推迟,2播种方式下氮素吸收效率和氮素利用效率分别呈降低和升高趋势,相对于D1、D2播期,宽幅条件下D3、D4播期氮素吸收效率下降的幅度与氮素利用效率提升的幅度相当,因此仍可维持较高的氮素利用率;常规条播下晚播处理氮素吸收效率下降的幅度显著高于氮素利用效率提升的幅度,进而导致氮素利用率平均降低1.01 kg/kg。相对于常规条播,小麦生产上采用宽幅播种,在高产高效的同时可实现较宽播期范围内产量和氮素利用率的稳定。
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为明确在较宽播期范围内可实现小麦高产高效稳产的播种方式及其理论基础,采用宽幅播种和常规条播2种播种方式,设计10月3日(早播)、10日(传统播期)、17日(晚播)和24日(再晚播)共4个播期处理(分别用D1、D2、D3、D4表示),研究了播种方式与播期互作对小麦产量和氮素吸收利用的影响。相对于常规条播,宽幅播种通过提高单位面积分蘖数和穗数,平均提高产量16.68%;通过提高氮素吸收效率(吸氮量/供氮量)、稳定或提高氮素利用效率(产量/吸氮量),平均提高氮素利用率(产量/供氮量)16.64%。随播期推迟,2播种方式下单位面积穗数、单穗籽粒质量分别呈降低和升高趋势,相对于D1和D2播期,宽幅条件下D3、D4播期的成熟期穗数下降比例显著低于条播,并与其单穗籽粒质量提高的比例相当,进而实现9.00 t/hm2水平的高产稳产;常规条播下晚播因穗数大幅下降导致减产,平均减产0.34 t/hm2。随播期推迟,2播种方式下氮素吸收效率和氮素利用效率分别呈降低和升高趋势,相对于D1、D2播期,宽幅条件下D3、D4播期氮素吸收效率下降的幅度与氮素利用效率提升的幅度相当,因此仍可维持较高的氮素利用率;常规条播下晚播处理氮素吸收效率下降的幅度显著高于氮素利用效率提升的幅度,进而导致氮素利用率平均降低1.01 kg/kg。相对于常规条播,小麦生产上采用宽幅播种,在高产高效的同时可实现较宽播期范围内产量和氮素利用率的稳定。
DOI:10.1007/s10584-011-0385-1URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.2134/agronj2015.0196URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.20.005URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】This study was conducted to investigate the effects of seeding date and variety type on yield, growth stage and utilization of temperature and sunshine under the rice-wheat cropping system in midland of Jiangsu Province. The result will provide a theoretical basis for scientific use of the seeding date and adoption of suitable variety types.【Method】With medium-maturing late Japonica rice varieties, early-maturing late Japonica rice varieties, late-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties, medium-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties and late-maturing medium Indica rice varieties as materials, using four seeding dates, a comparative study of seeding date and variety type on yield, growth stage and utilization of temperature and illumination was conducted.【Result】The grian productivity of different variety types showed that late-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties>early-maturing late Japonica rice varieties>medium-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties>late-maturing medium Indica rice varieties>medium-maturing late Japonica rice varieties. With delay of seeding date, the grain yields of the five rice variety types all decreased significantly, but the decrements varied. The yields decreasing range of different variety types showed that medium-maturing late japonica rice varieties>late-maturing medium indica rice varieties>early-maturing late japonica rice varieties>late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties>medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties. With the delay of seeding date, the growth process of all the varieties delayed and the growth stages of all the variety types shortened, the accumulated temperature and illumination hours for growth stages significantly reduced. In the same seeding date, the yield discrepancy among different varieties showed an increasing trend with the delay of seeding date. According to the growth stage, the effect of seeding date on the utilization rate of temperature and light resources of different variety types could be divided into two categories, one was the little influence on the short growth period which were medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and late-maturing medium indica rice varieties,the other was the great influence on the long growth period which were late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, early-maturing late japonica rice varieties and medium-maturing late japonica rice varieties. The suitable variety types were preliminarily regionalized based on the different seeding dates as follows: early-maturing late japonica rice varieties and late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, late-maturing medium indica rice varieties should be adopted in Mid-May; late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and early-maturing late japonica rice varieties, medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, late-maturing medium indica rice varieties should be adopted in late May; late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and early-maturing late japonica rice varieties should be adopted in early June; medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties should be adopted in mid-June. 【Conclusion】 With the delay of seeding date, the grain yield, days of growth stage and utilization of temperature and illumination of the five rice variety types all decreased. Considering the rice-wheat cropping systems and heat conditions, a preliminary division for adopting suitable variety types of different seeding date was made, in order to provide reference for rice production in large area.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2013.20.005URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】This study was conducted to investigate the effects of seeding date and variety type on yield, growth stage and utilization of temperature and sunshine under the rice-wheat cropping system in midland of Jiangsu Province. The result will provide a theoretical basis for scientific use of the seeding date and adoption of suitable variety types.【Method】With medium-maturing late Japonica rice varieties, early-maturing late Japonica rice varieties, late-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties, medium-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties and late-maturing medium Indica rice varieties as materials, using four seeding dates, a comparative study of seeding date and variety type on yield, growth stage and utilization of temperature and illumination was conducted.【Result】The grian productivity of different variety types showed that late-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties>early-maturing late Japonica rice varieties>medium-maturing medium Japonica rice varieties>late-maturing medium Indica rice varieties>medium-maturing late Japonica rice varieties. With delay of seeding date, the grain yields of the five rice variety types all decreased significantly, but the decrements varied. The yields decreasing range of different variety types showed that medium-maturing late japonica rice varieties>late-maturing medium indica rice varieties>early-maturing late japonica rice varieties>late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties>medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties. With the delay of seeding date, the growth process of all the varieties delayed and the growth stages of all the variety types shortened, the accumulated temperature and illumination hours for growth stages significantly reduced. In the same seeding date, the yield discrepancy among different varieties showed an increasing trend with the delay of seeding date. According to the growth stage, the effect of seeding date on the utilization rate of temperature and light resources of different variety types could be divided into two categories, one was the little influence on the short growth period which were medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and late-maturing medium indica rice varieties,the other was the great influence on the long growth period which were late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, early-maturing late japonica rice varieties and medium-maturing late japonica rice varieties. The suitable variety types were preliminarily regionalized based on the different seeding dates as follows: early-maturing late japonica rice varieties and late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, late-maturing medium indica rice varieties should be adopted in Mid-May; late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and early-maturing late japonica rice varieties, medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, late-maturing medium indica rice varieties should be adopted in late May; late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties and early-maturing late japonica rice varieties should be adopted in early June; medium-maturing medium japonica rice varieties should be adopted in mid-June. 【Conclusion】 With the delay of seeding date, the grain yield, days of growth stage and utilization of temperature and illumination of the five rice variety types all decreased. Considering the rice-wheat cropping systems and heat conditions, a preliminary division for adopting suitable variety types of different seeding date was made, in order to provide reference for rice production in large area.
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DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.81067URL [本文引用: 1]
To clarify the characteristics of the resource distribution and its use efficiency for wheat-maize cropping system with high yield potential of 20,000 kg ha -1 is essential for increasing annual yield and resource use efficiency in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. The relationship between high yield and distributions of radiation, accumulated temperature, and precipitation in seasons of winter wheat-summer maize cropping system was quantitatively analyzed by using the data of 45 field experiments from nine sites in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain from 2006 to 2010. The annual yield of winter wheat and summer maize in nine sites of the three provinces achieved more than 20,000 kg ha -1, with large differences among regions. Among the three provinces, the yield of wheat in Henan and Shandong and summer maize in Shandong was the highest, accounting for 16.9% and 21.5% higher than these in Hebei, respectively. The greater differences of yield among the three provinces mainly came from the distribution differences in radiation, accumulated temperature, and precipitation. The accumulated temperature and precipitation during wheat growth season in Henan and Shandong were higher than those in Hebei, when the accumulated temperature was from 1924.2°C to 2608°C, and rainfall was less than 201.1 mm; while the accumulated temperature, radiation, and precipitation during maize growth season in Shandong were higher than those in Henan and Hebei, when the radiation was 2168.5-2953.8 MJ m -2, the accumulated temperature was less than 2990.7°C, and rainfall was less than 591.3 mm. However, the relatively fixed resources distribution rate between winter wheat and summer maize was found among different experimental sites, the accumulated temperature distribution rate in wheat and maize season was 43% and 57%, respectively, the accumulated temperature ratio between two seasons was 0.7, which is the quantitative standard to dispose the reasonable resources distribution between growth seasons in winter wheat and summer maize. The results are of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of winter wheat and summer maize cropping system in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain by using the quantitative indexes established in this study to optimize the distribution of resources between two seasons for traditional winter wheat-summer maize cropping system without any input.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.81067URL [本文引用: 1]
To clarify the characteristics of the resource distribution and its use efficiency for wheat-maize cropping system with high yield potential of 20,000 kg ha -1 is essential for increasing annual yield and resource use efficiency in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. The relationship between high yield and distributions of radiation, accumulated temperature, and precipitation in seasons of winter wheat-summer maize cropping system was quantitatively analyzed by using the data of 45 field experiments from nine sites in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain from 2006 to 2010. The annual yield of winter wheat and summer maize in nine sites of the three provinces achieved more than 20,000 kg ha -1, with large differences among regions. Among the three provinces, the yield of wheat in Henan and Shandong and summer maize in Shandong was the highest, accounting for 16.9% and 21.5% higher than these in Hebei, respectively. The greater differences of yield among the three provinces mainly came from the distribution differences in radiation, accumulated temperature, and precipitation. The accumulated temperature and precipitation during wheat growth season in Henan and Shandong were higher than those in Hebei, when the accumulated temperature was from 1924.2°C to 2608°C, and rainfall was less than 201.1 mm; while the accumulated temperature, radiation, and precipitation during maize growth season in Shandong were higher than those in Henan and Hebei, when the radiation was 2168.5-2953.8 MJ m -2, the accumulated temperature was less than 2990.7°C, and rainfall was less than 591.3 mm. However, the relatively fixed resources distribution rate between winter wheat and summer maize was found among different experimental sites, the accumulated temperature distribution rate in wheat and maize season was 43% and 57%, respectively, the accumulated temperature ratio between two seasons was 0.7, which is the quantitative standard to dispose the reasonable resources distribution between growth seasons in winter wheat and summer maize. The results are of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of winter wheat and summer maize cropping system in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain by using the quantitative indexes established in this study to optimize the distribution of resources between two seasons for traditional winter wheat-summer maize cropping system without any input.
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DOI:10.1016/j.indcrop.2006.12.003URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2009.01708URL [本文引用: 1]
为了进一步明确黄淮平原冬小麦晚播、夏玉米晚收的“双晚”增产及资源高效的效应,选用2个中熟冬小麦品种和2个中晚熟夏玉米品种,于2006—2008年先后在河南温县和焦作进行大田试验,研究作物群体物质生产、产量形成参数定量指标及光温资源的分配利用。结果表明,冬小麦晚播产量降低不明显,夏玉米晚收产量显著提高747~2 700 kg hm-2,“双晚”周年产量21 891~22 507 kg hm-2,比对照提高442~2 575 kg hm-2。冬小麦晚播平均叶面积指数、每平方米穗数和穗粒数降低,但平均净同化率、收获指数和粒重提高达5%显著水平;夏玉米晚收平均叶面积指数、收获指数、生育期天数和粒重均显著提高。“双晚”栽培优化了周年资源分配,提高生育期与光、温资源变化的吻合度,其生产效率分别提高2.22%~10.86%和0.47%~11.56%。小麦和玉米品种的遗传类型是影响“双晚”栽培技术的关键。因此,选用小麦晚播早熟高产和玉米长生育期晚熟品种,通过有效调节资源配置,将小麦冗余的光温资源分配给C4高光效作物玉米,是提高周年高产高效的重要途径。
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2009.01708URL [本文引用: 1]
为了进一步明确黄淮平原冬小麦晚播、夏玉米晚收的“双晚”增产及资源高效的效应,选用2个中熟冬小麦品种和2个中晚熟夏玉米品种,于2006—2008年先后在河南温县和焦作进行大田试验,研究作物群体物质生产、产量形成参数定量指标及光温资源的分配利用。结果表明,冬小麦晚播产量降低不明显,夏玉米晚收产量显著提高747~2 700 kg hm-2,“双晚”周年产量21 891~22 507 kg hm-2,比对照提高442~2 575 kg hm-2。冬小麦晚播平均叶面积指数、每平方米穗数和穗粒数降低,但平均净同化率、收获指数和粒重提高达5%显著水平;夏玉米晚收平均叶面积指数、收获指数、生育期天数和粒重均显著提高。“双晚”栽培优化了周年资源分配,提高生育期与光、温资源变化的吻合度,其生产效率分别提高2.22%~10.86%和0.47%~11.56%。小麦和玉米品种的遗传类型是影响“双晚”栽培技术的关键。因此,选用小麦晚播早熟高产和玉米长生育期晚熟品种,通过有效调节资源配置,将小麦冗余的光温资源分配给C4高光效作物玉米,是提高周年高产高效的重要途径。
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2013.02.020URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to further clear the regulating effect of sowing date on grain yield and quality of winter wheat in Jidong area, two representative wheat cultivars of Lunxuan 987 (LX987) and Jingdong 8(JD8) were selected, and three sowing dates (Oct. 5, 10 and 15) were designed to study the effects of delayed sowing dates on dynamic changes of population size and dry matter accumulation, yield and its composition, and grain quality under field conditions. The results showed that the number of tillers per plant before winter significantly decreased, but spring tillers greatly increased and easily developed to spikes, so that tiller survival rates enhanced when sowing dates were postponed under the conditions of this study. Effects of sowing dates on the dynamic changes of dry matter accumulation per plant varied with wheat genotypes. Wheat yield components were unfavorably changed when sowing dates were postponed, so the grain yield decreased.The sowing time that the yield of JD8 was significantly reduced was earlier than that of LX987. Delayed sowing date reduced starch content of wheat grain, improved protein content of wheat grain, and changed their components as well in this study.Therefore, LX987 was selected, and it should be sowed early (Oct. 5) for higher yield in Jidong area. The sowing date of LX987 might be postponed to Oct.10 to meet for the requirement of local wheat maize double cropping system, as it might decline wheat grain yield, but improve quality. At the same time, field management had to be strengthened to avoid a big kernel weight decline for delayed sowing wheat stand.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2013.02.020URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to further clear the regulating effect of sowing date on grain yield and quality of winter wheat in Jidong area, two representative wheat cultivars of Lunxuan 987 (LX987) and Jingdong 8(JD8) were selected, and three sowing dates (Oct. 5, 10 and 15) were designed to study the effects of delayed sowing dates on dynamic changes of population size and dry matter accumulation, yield and its composition, and grain quality under field conditions. The results showed that the number of tillers per plant before winter significantly decreased, but spring tillers greatly increased and easily developed to spikes, so that tiller survival rates enhanced when sowing dates were postponed under the conditions of this study. Effects of sowing dates on the dynamic changes of dry matter accumulation per plant varied with wheat genotypes. Wheat yield components were unfavorably changed when sowing dates were postponed, so the grain yield decreased.The sowing time that the yield of JD8 was significantly reduced was earlier than that of LX987. Delayed sowing date reduced starch content of wheat grain, improved protein content of wheat grain, and changed their components as well in this study.Therefore, LX987 was selected, and it should be sowed early (Oct. 5) for higher yield in Jidong area. The sowing date of LX987 might be postponed to Oct.10 to meet for the requirement of local wheat maize double cropping system, as it might decline wheat grain yield, but improve quality. At the same time, field management had to be strengthened to avoid a big kernel weight decline for delayed sowing wheat stand.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.14.004URL [本文引用: 1]
Demand for food is quickly rising with increases in population and living standards. In the past few decades, crop yields increased rapidly due to the utilization of rice seedlings and mulching technologies, improvement of managements such as irrigation and fertilizer, new varieties selections and technology improvements. However, yields in farmer fields are much lower than potential yields, which have been widespread in the world's agricultural production. Therefore, closing the gap between current and potential yields is important to increase the crop yield and make sure the food security. In this study, the definition, research method, and the main results of yield gaps were reviewed. Furthermore, some prospects of yield gaps in the future were made, which will provide reference for further research on yield gaps. Until now there are many different definitions to yield gap, however, in general the maximum yield is the potential yield, and total yield gap is the difference between actual and potential yield. The yield gap caused by a variety of factors, including no-transferable technology and environment constraints, biological constraints (variety, diseases and insects, etc.), and socio-economic constraints (cost and returns, policy, knowledge, and tradition, etc.). In order to analyze the yield gap in detail, scholars divided the yield gap into different levels according to their objectives. There are two kinds of research methods for yield gap, the survey and statistical analysis methods, and crop simulation models method. The survey and statistical analysis methods have a simple concept and easy to be operated, but requires sufficient experiment data, which the cost is higher and the duration is longer; the crop simulation models method can design more scenarios using the computer, but can not quantify all of the management accurately. Therefore, in the yield gap researches, we should combine the statistical methods, crop simulation models and remote sensing technology should be combined for taking the advantages of each method. A comparison of the crop yield gap around the world indicates that for the developed countries, potential ascension of crop production is smaller due to the relatively higher levels of cultivation management. There are many studies on the yield gaps for crops around the world, which provide a scientific basis for enhancing the crop yield and closing the yield gap. However, there are large differences between their results because of different methods used. Due to the limitations of data and methods, most researches have been focused on the constraints of climate, soil, variety, and cultivation management factors on the yield in agricultural production, but ignored the wishes of farmers, policy and economic factors. Therefore, a subsequent study of crop yield gap should quantify the potential yield of the main crops in each region, and identify the constraints of climate, soil, variety, cultivation management, and socio-economic factors on the yield in agricultural production.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.14.004URL [本文引用: 1]
Demand for food is quickly rising with increases in population and living standards. In the past few decades, crop yields increased rapidly due to the utilization of rice seedlings and mulching technologies, improvement of managements such as irrigation and fertilizer, new varieties selections and technology improvements. However, yields in farmer fields are much lower than potential yields, which have been widespread in the world's agricultural production. Therefore, closing the gap between current and potential yields is important to increase the crop yield and make sure the food security. In this study, the definition, research method, and the main results of yield gaps were reviewed. Furthermore, some prospects of yield gaps in the future were made, which will provide reference for further research on yield gaps. Until now there are many different definitions to yield gap, however, in general the maximum yield is the potential yield, and total yield gap is the difference between actual and potential yield. The yield gap caused by a variety of factors, including no-transferable technology and environment constraints, biological constraints (variety, diseases and insects, etc.), and socio-economic constraints (cost and returns, policy, knowledge, and tradition, etc.). In order to analyze the yield gap in detail, scholars divided the yield gap into different levels according to their objectives. There are two kinds of research methods for yield gap, the survey and statistical analysis methods, and crop simulation models method. The survey and statistical analysis methods have a simple concept and easy to be operated, but requires sufficient experiment data, which the cost is higher and the duration is longer; the crop simulation models method can design more scenarios using the computer, but can not quantify all of the management accurately. Therefore, in the yield gap researches, we should combine the statistical methods, crop simulation models and remote sensing technology should be combined for taking the advantages of each method. A comparison of the crop yield gap around the world indicates that for the developed countries, potential ascension of crop production is smaller due to the relatively higher levels of cultivation management. There are many studies on the yield gaps for crops around the world, which provide a scientific basis for enhancing the crop yield and closing the yield gap. However, there are large differences between their results because of different methods used. Due to the limitations of data and methods, most researches have been focused on the constraints of climate, soil, variety, and cultivation management factors on the yield in agricultural production, but ignored the wishes of farmers, policy and economic factors. Therefore, a subsequent study of crop yield gap should quantify the potential yield of the main crops in each region, and identify the constraints of climate, soil, variety, cultivation management, and socio-economic factors on the yield in agricultural production.
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DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2013.07.006URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1038/nclimate3061URL [本文引用: 1]
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