Potential of Fertilizer Reduction and Benefits of Environment and Economic for Cereal Crops Production in Shaanxi Province

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张欣欣, 石磊, 何刚, 王朝辉. 陕西省粮食生产的减肥潜力及经济环境效益[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(19): 4010-4023 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.014
ZHANG XinXin, SHI Lei, HE Gang, WANG ZhaoHui.
0 引言
【研究意义】我国占世界7%的耕地面积而消耗了全球近1/3的化肥[1],化肥过量使用产生一系列的环境问题,如大气、水体、土壤污染,破坏生态环境[2,3]。陕西是农业大省,2017年小麦、玉米和水稻的播种面积分别占粮食作物的35%、38%和4%[4]。农户是粮食作物生产的主体,由于大多数农户存在“多投入多产出”的观点,通常导致化肥投入过量、养分利用率不高[5]。因此,理解农户的施肥行为是采取科学施肥措施,进而提高肥料利用率、保护生态环境的重要前提。【前人研究进展】2002—2015年,我国三大粮食作物过量施肥程度介于33%—43%[6],全国粮食主产区氮肥利用率<30%的样本占总样本的60%以上[7],肥料大多未经作物吸收而残留在土壤或进入大气、水体,严重影响生态系统动态平衡[8]。农户是耕地管理的主体,全球25亿小农户在管理着60%的耕地的同时,也显著影响着粮食生产、资源消耗和生态平衡[9]。农户养分管理主要依据经验,2006—2013年在渭北旱塬的调研结果显示小麦氮磷钾肥用量分别介于102—268 kg N·hm-2、57—167 kg P2O5·hm-2和0—74 kg K2O·hm-2[10],肥料用量差异很大,施肥不合理现象普遍发生。近年来,由于施肥技术、肥料价格、栽培制度等变化,农户的施肥情况也应发生一定改变。进行大规模的农户调研是理解区域尺度施肥现状的基础,是指导农户合理施肥的关键,是评价施肥综合效益的基本,为此2018年在陕西省各县(市、区)组织了大范围的入户调研。活性氮是氮循环过程中重要一环,大量活性氮损失到大气、陆地和水生生态系统中会影响其生产力、功能和生物多样性[11]。而氮肥是活性氮损失的基础物质,施氮量与活性氮损失呈正相关关系[12]。例如,当氮肥用量为148 kg N·hm-2时,活性氮损失为33.6 kg N·hm-2,而当氮肥用量为279 kg N·hm-2时,活性氮损失量增加到84.9 kg N·hm-2[13]。以往研究的环境代价评估大多集中在田间定位试验,而对基于农户调研评价省域尺度上粮食作物生产的环境代价及减排潜力的研究较少。经济效益关系着农户的生计,是决策前必须考虑的核心指标,不同作物的经济效益由于投入与产出不同而差异较大。1990年以来,我国粮食作物的总成本由于土地和生产成本的增加而增加,水稻一直高于大致相当的小麦和玉米,三者经济效益表现出周期性波动[14]。投入成本中,全国小麦、玉米和水稻的平均肥料费为2 191 元/hm2,占总成本的14%,而陕西省的肥料费较小,分别为1 686、1 846和1 657 元/hm2,占总成本的11%、10%和7%[15]。此外,生产资料与产品市场价格的变动也影响农户的经济收入。2012—2017年间,尽管小麦单价上涨7.6%(0.17 元/kg),但机械作业费、人工成本等的上涨抵消了小麦价格上涨,导致农户经济效益下降[15]。【本研究切入点】目前进行的大多数农户调研评价主要集中在特定区域单一作物,而对省域尺度主要粮食作物的生产情况关心较少。此外,面向三大粮食作物和氮磷钾三大肥料元素进行实际调研,基于产量分析其节肥节本增效潜力,对精准施肥、资源高效和生态环境友好具有重要意义。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究利用2018年在陕西省组织的大规模实地调研,通过对现阶段农户主要粮食作物生产的产量与施肥状况、减肥潜力、环境代价与经济效益评价分析,以期更准确地理解农户生产行为并为节本增收增效和农业可持续发展提供科学指导。1 材料与方法
1.1 调研区域概况
陕西省位于我国西北部,南北长880 km、东西宽160—490 km,耕地面积301万hm2。气候差异大,由北向南渐次过渡为温带、暖温带和北亚热带,整体属大陆季风性气候。年平均气温介于8—16℃,年平均降水量介于275—1 270 mm,主要集中在7—9月份。1.2 农户调研
2018年10—12月在陕西省各县(市、区)对当地种植面积666.7 hm2以上的作物以入户形式开展面对面调研。每县每种作物选择10个种植经验丰富,代表性强的典型农户进行调研,一户一表。调研问卷的指标包括作物类型、产量、户种植面积、当年销售价格、肥料类型、肥料用量、养分含量、施肥时期等。此次调研获得的有效问卷共计2 156份,包括农产品有粮食作物(小麦、玉米、水稻、荞麦、穈子、高粱)、油料、蔬菜、烤烟等,经济作物有茶、桑、果、中药材等。本研究以三大粮食作物为研究对象,样本量分别为:小麦312份、玉米514份、水稻150份,共计976份,调研样本分布见图1。图1

Fig. 1Distribution of the survey sites
1.3 产量分级标准
调研农户小麦的产量介于1 800—7 500 kg·hm-2,90%的农户产量集中在2 700—6 375 kg·hm-2。以产量的第5%分位数(2 700 kg·hm-2)和95%分位数(6 450 kg·hm-2)为最低和最高限求极差(3 750 kg·hm-2),然后以等产量间距(1 250 kg·hm-2)分成低产、中产和高产3个范围。小麦产量水平从低到高依次为<3 950 kg·hm-2(低产),3 950—5 200 kg·hm-2(中产),>5 200 kg·hm-2(高产)。类似方法划分的玉米产量水平依次为<6 750 kg·hm-2(低产),6 750—9 000 kg·hm-2(中产),>9 000 kg·hm-2(高产);水稻依次为<7 400 kg·hm-2(低产),7 400—8 800 kg·hm-2(中产),>8 800 kg·hm-2(高产)(表1)。Table 1
Table 1
作物 Crop | 产量水平 Yield level | 等级范围 Yield range (kg·hm-2) | 样本数 Sample amount | 产量 Yield (kg·hm-2) | 施氮量 N rate (kg N·hm-2) | 施磷量 P rate (kg P2O5·hm-2) | 施钾量 K rate (kg K2O·hm-2) |
小麦 Wheat | 低产 Low | <3950 | 100 | 3227c | 152b | 112a | 35a |
中产 Mid | 3950-5200 | 103 | 4534b | 183a | 95a | 35a | |
高产 High | >5200 | 109 | 5846a | 193a | 99a | 42a | |
平均 Mean | — | — | 4573 | 177 | 102 | 37 | |
玉米 Maize | 低产 Low | <6750 | 224 | 5327c | 237a | 85c | 42b |
中产 Mid | 6750-9000 | 178 | 7688b | 257a | 107b | 43b | |
高产 High | >9000 | 112 | 10715a | 251a | 132a | 64a | |
平均 Mean | — | — | 7319 | 247 | 103 | 47 | |
水稻 Rice | 低产 Low | <7400 | 24 | 6446c | 218a | 63b | 59a |
中产 Mid | 7400-8800 | 55 | 7878b | 178b | 102a | 55a | |
高产 High | >8800 | 71 | 9339a | 182b | 86ab | 73a | |
平均 Mean | — | — | 8340 | 186 | 88 | 64 |
1.4 合理施肥及小农户施肥等级评价方法
施肥的目的不仅是使作物高产,还需培肥土壤。因此在维持或提升土壤肥力水平上,考虑作物产量对养分的需求,基于输入输出平衡的推荐方法确定不同产量等级的合理施肥量[16,17]。式中,产量为调研农户的实际产量;养分需求量指小麦、玉米和水稻的百公斤籽粒养分需求量。受环境和人为因素的影响,区域间作物的养分需求量各异,西北地区冬小麦氮磷钾需求量分别为2.8 kg N·hm-2、0.7 kg P2O5·hm-2和2.4 kg K2O·hm-2[18];玉米分别为1.74 kg N·hm-2、0.32 kg P2O5·hm-2和1.53 K2O·hm-2[19,20,21];水稻分别为1.71 kg N·hm-2、0.34 kg P2O5·hm-2和1.84 kg K2O·hm-2[22]。调整系数指根据研究区域土壤养分供应能力确定的调整施肥数量高低的参数,西北地区氮、磷和钾的调整系数分别为1.0、1.5和0.3[16]。
对于农户施肥等级评价分类方法,以合理施肥量的40%为变幅,施肥等级从低到高依次为0—0.8 Rec(不足);0.8—1.2 Rec(适中);>1.2 Rec(过量)。
1.5 数据计算
1.5.1 活性氮损失量的估算 粮食作物生产系统中,化学氮肥的施用导致N2O排放、NH3挥发以及NO3-淋溶是活性氮(Nr)损失的主要途径,本研究采用CUI等[9]提出西北地区的经验模式,以N2O排放、NH3挥发以及NO3-淋溶之和估算活性氮损失。N2O排放(kg N·hm-2):
NH3挥发(kg N·hm-2):
NO3-淋溶(kg N·hm-2):
式中,N表示化学氮肥用量(kg N·hm-2)。活性氮损失强度为活性氮损失量与产量的比值。
1.5.2 经济效益的估算 按照农作物生长过程中的原料、种植、农资和运输四类进行成本—效益分析,
式中,投入的肥料按种类分为单质肥、复合肥和有机肥,单质肥中纯氮磷钾肥单价分别为3.8、4.5、5.8元/kg,复合肥单价为3.0元/kg,商品有机肥为1.36元/kg,农家肥为0.3元/kg;小麦、玉米和水稻的种子费分别为954、974和892元/hm2;农药费分别为279、212和197元/hm2;机械作业费分别为2 376、1 607和2 080元/hm2。以上数据均来源全国农产品成本收益汇编(2018版)[15]。
1.6 数据处理与统计分析
对于肥料养分,单质肥按照养分含量标准计算、复合肥按照实际调查记录值计算、有机肥按照《中国有机肥养分志》折算,用折合的纯养分用量表示。数据采用Microsoft Excel 2010进行汇总、计算、整理;采用IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0进行单因素分析;采用SigmaPlot 12.5进行相关性分析;采用ArcMap 10.5和Origin 9.1绘图。2 结果
2.1 主要粮食作物的产量与施肥现状
调研农户的作物产量组间差异显著(表1)。小麦、玉米和水稻的平均产量分别为4 573、7 319和8 340 kg·hm-2,小麦中高产组比低产组分别高41%和81%;玉米分别高44%和101%;水稻分别高22%和45%。3种作物不同产量组间肥料用量差异显著。小麦的氮磷钾肥分别为177 kg N·hm-2、102 kg P2O5·hm-2和37 kg K2O·hm-2,高产组的氮肥用量比低产组增加27%,高中低产组的磷钾肥用量无显著差异;玉米的氮磷钾肥分别为247 kg N·hm-2、103 kg P2O5·hm-2和47 kg K2O·hm-2,高产组的磷钾肥用量比中产组分别增加23%和49%,比低产组分别增加55%和52%,氮肥用量无显著差异;水稻的氮磷钾肥分别为186 kg N·hm-2、88 kg P2O5·hm-2和64 kg K2O·hm-2,中高产组比低产组氮肥用量分别减少18%和17%,磷肥用量分别增加62%和37%,钾肥用量无显著差异。由此可见,小麦高产组的氮肥比平均值投入较高,玉米高产组的磷肥较高,水稻高产组未增加肥料投入。粮食作物生产的肥料种类表现为,氮肥以单质肥为主,磷钾肥以复合肥为主(表2)。对于小麦、玉米和水稻,单质肥分别占氮肥总投入的48%、61%和56%;复合肥分别占磷肥总投入的67%、64%和57%,占钾肥总投入的66%、60%和70%。表明肥料投入中,单质肥主要是氮肥,磷肥次之,钾肥最少;复合肥以磷钾肥为主,氮肥次之;有机肥的养分供应量很低。粮食作物生产的施肥方式表现为,氮肥以基施为主,小麦的氮肥基追比为8﹕1,玉米为7﹕5,水稻为5﹕2;磷钾肥多以基施形式施用。
Table 2
Table 2
作物 Crop | 肥料 种类 Fertilizer type | 氮肥 Nitrogen fertilizer | 磷肥 Phosphorus fertilizer | 钾肥 Potassium fertilizer | |||||||||
基肥 Basal fertilizer (kg N·hm-2) | 追肥 Top-dressing (kg N·hm-2) | 总和All | 基肥 Basal fertilizer (kg P2O5·hm-2) | 追肥Top-dressing (kg P2O5·hm-2) | 总和All | 基肥 Basal fertilizer (kg K2O·hm-2) | 追肥Topdressing (kg K2O·hm-2) | 总和All | |||||
平均Average | 比例Ratio (%) | 平均值Average (kg P2O5·hm-2) | 比例Ratio (%) | 平均值Average (kg K2O·hm-2) | 比例Ratio (%) | ||||||||
小麦Wheat | 单质肥 ECF | 66 | 20 | 83a | 48 | 22 | 0 | 22b | 22 | 3 | 0 | 3c | 8 |
复合肥 CF | 76 | 0.2 | 75a | 44 | 69 | 0.3 | 68a | 67 | 25 | 0.3 | 25a | 66 | |
有机肥 OM | 15 | 0 | 14b | 8 | 11 | 0 | 11c | 11 | 10 | 0 | 10b | 26 | |
总和All | 157 # | 20 & | — | — | 102 # | 0.3 & | — | — | 37 # | 0.3 & | — | — | |
玉米Maize | 单质肥 ECF | 51 | 99 | 151a | 61 | 18 | 1 | 19b | 18 | 1 | 0.2 | 1c | 2 |
复合肥 CF | 68 | 4 | 72b | 29 | 62 | 4 | 66a | 64 | 23 | 2 | 28a | 60 | |
有机肥 OM | 23 | 1 | 24c | 10 | 18 | 1 | 18b | 18 | 18 | 1 | 18b | 38 | |
总和All | 142 # | 104 & | — | — | 97 # | 6 & | — | — | 44 # | 3 & | — | — | |
水稻Rice | 单质肥 ECF | 55 | 50 | 105a | 57 | 21 | 0 | 21b | 24 | 3 | 0 | 3c | 5 |
复合肥 CF | 54 | 3 | 56b | 30 | 48 | 2 | 50a | 57 | 43 | 1 | 44a | 70 | |
有机肥 OM | 25 | 0 | 25 c | 13 | 17 | 0 | 17b | 19 | 16 | 0 | 16b | 25 | |
总和All | 134 # | 52 & | — | — | 86 # | 2 & | — | — | 63 # | 1 & | — | — |
2.2 主要粮食作物的养分投入分布
分析小麦产量和施肥量发现(图2),氮肥用量36—465 kg N·hm-2,平均177 kg N·hm-2;磷肥0—454 kg P2O5·hm-2,平均102 kg P2O5·hm-2;钾肥0—279 kg K2O·hm-2,平均37 kg K2O·hm-2。氮磷钾肥用量变异很大,变异系数依次为38%、62%和112%,产量与施肥量间无相关性。通过产量对应的肥料合理用量评估实际施肥量显示(图3),不足、适中和过量施氮的农户依次为11%、32%和57%;施磷依次为10%、7%和83%;施钾依次为44%、21%和35%。分析不同产量水平农户的施肥量可知,随产量提高,过量施氮农户由74%降低到34%、适中施氮农户由13%增加到49%,过量施钾农户由47%降低到19%、适中施钾农户由4%增加到43%,过量施磷农户仍然占77%—88%,无显著变化。图2

Fig. 2Relationships between grain yields and N, P and K fertilizers about wheat, maize and rice
The horizontal dashed line represents yield mean value of wheat, maize and rice. The vertical dashed line represents N rate, P rate and K rate used by local farmers, respectively

Fig. 3Distribution of nutrient inputs in wheat, maize, and rice
分析玉米发现(图2),氮肥用量为32—695 kg N·hm-2,平均247 kg N·hm-2;磷肥用量为0—606 kg P2O5·hm-2,平均103 kg P2O5·hm-2;钾肥用量为0—324 kg K2O·hm-2,平均47 kg K2O·hm-2。氮磷钾肥用量变异很大,变异系数依次为45%、86%和126%,产量与施肥量间无相关性。通过产量对应的肥料合理用量评估实际施肥量显示(图3),不足、适中和过量施氮的农户依次为10%、9%和81%;施磷依次为13%、13%和74%;施钾依次为45%、14%和41%。分析不同产量水平农户的施肥量可知,随产量提高,过量施氮农户由93%降低到54%、适中施氮农户由4%增加到19%,过量施钾农户由50%降低到31%、适中施钾农户由4%增加到11%,过量施磷农户仍然占59%— 78%,无显著变化。
分析水稻发现(图2),氮肥用量为45—405 kg N·hm-2,平均186 kg N·hm-2;磷肥用量为0—465 kg P2O5·hm-2,平均88 kg P2O5·hm-2;钾肥用量为0—345 kg K2O·hm-2,平均64 kg K2O·hm-2。氮磷钾肥用量变异系数依次为37%、82%和95%,产量与施肥量间无相关性。通过产量对应的肥料合理用量评估实际施肥量显示(图3),不足、适中和过量施氮的小农户依次为19%、25%和56%;施磷依次为28%、7%和65%;施钾依次为45%、7%和48%。分析不同产量水平农户的施肥量可知,随产量提高,过量施氮农户由64%降低到37%、适中施氮农户由24%增加到43%,过量施磷农户占60%—73%,过量施钾农户占40%—48%、无显著变化。综上所述,小麦、玉米和水稻氮磷肥过量施用情况严重、特别是磷肥,而钾肥过量与不足现象并存。合理施肥的占比随产量水平的提高而增加。
2.3 减肥潜力与环境代价
比较农户实际施肥量与合理施肥量发现(表3),减少肥料投入的潜力因粮食作物种类和产量水平而异。对于小麦,氮磷钾肥用量可分别减少41%(90 kg N·hm-2)、59%(68 kg P2O5·hm-2)和59%(48 kg K2O·hm-2)。其中,减肥主要对象为低、中产农户。低产农户的氮磷钾肥的减幅分别为48%、72%和66%,中产农户的减幅分别为40%、58%和63%。对于玉米,氮磷钾肥用量可分别减少55%(153 kg N·hm-2)、73%(97 kg P2O5·hm-2)和66%(67 kg K2O·hm-2)。减施肥料的主要对象为低产的农户,氮磷钾肥减幅分别为63%、75%和70%。对于水稻,氮磷钾肥用量可分别减少38%(86 kg N·hm-2)、64%(76 kg P2O5·hm-2)和58%(64 kg K2O·hm-2)。减施肥料的主要对象为低产农户,氮磷钾肥减幅分别为60%、63%和63%。由此可见,粮食作物减施肥料的主要对象为低产农户,减磷潜力最大,氮、钾肥次之。Table 3
Table 3
作物 Crop | 产量水平 Yield level | 产量 Yield (kg·hm-2) | 氮肥过量 Excessive N rate (kg N·hm-2) | 磷肥过量 Excessive P rate (kg P2O5·hm-2) | 钾肥过量 Excessive K rate (kg K2O·hm-2) | 活性氮损失强度 Nr losses intensity | |||||||
FPex | Rec | % | FPex | Rec | % | FPex | Rec | % | 平均值 Mean (kg N·t-1) | % | |||
小麦 Wheat | 低产Low | 3227 | 174 | 90 | 48 | 122 | 34 | 72 | 68 | 23 | 66 | 8.5 a | 33 |
适中Mid | 4534 | 212 | 127 | 40 | 113 | 48 | 58 | 88 | 33 | 63 | 6.8 b | 24 | |
高产High | 5846 | 255 | 164 | 36 | 112 | 61 | 46 | 104 | 42 | 60 | 5.6 c | 16 | |
平均Mean | 4573 | 218 | 128 | 41 | 116 | 48 | 59 | 81 | 33 | 59 | 6.9 | 26 | |
玉米 Maize | 低产Low | 5327 | 248 | 93 | 63 | 106 | 26 | 75 | 81 | 24 | 70 | 4.8 a | 50 |
适中Mid | 7688 | 279 | 134 | 52 | 131 | 37 | 72 | 96 | 35 | 64 | 3.5 b | 43 | |
高产High | 10715 | 359 | 186 | 48 | 196 | 51 | 74 | 153 | 49 | 68 | 2.6 c | 31 | |
平均Mean | 7319 | 280 | 127 | 55 | 132 | 35 | 73 | 101 | 34 | 66 | 3.8 | 45 | |
水稻 Rice | 低产Low | 6446 | 276 | 110 | 60 | 90 | 33 | 63 | 96 | 36 | 63 | 4.7 a | 38 |
适中Mid | 7878 | 206 | 135 | 34 | 131 | 40 | 69 | 114 | 43 | 62 | 3.3 b | 19 | |
高产High | 9339 | 239 | 160 | 33 | 118 | 48 | 59 | 122 | 52 | 57 | 2.7 c | 4 | |
平均Mean | 8340 | 229 | 143 | 38 | 119 | 43 | 64 | 110 | 46 | 58 | 3.3 | 18 |
粮食作物生产的环境代价因作物种类和产量水平而异。小麦、玉米和水稻的活性氮损失强度分别为6.9、3.8和3.3 kg N·t-1。分析不同产量组可知,活性氮损失强度随产量增加而显著降低。与低产组相比,中产组小麦、玉米和水稻的活性氮损失强度分别降低20%、27%和30%,高产组分别降低了34%、46%和43%。通过合理施肥量对应的活性氮损失强度评估其减少损失潜力(表3)。进一步分析减少活性氮损失强度的潜力可知,中低高产组小麦、玉米和水稻的减少潜力分别为16%—33%、31%—50%和4%—38%。其中,中产组的活性氮损失减少潜力分别为24%、43%和19%。由此可见,减少活性氮损失的关键在低产组,三大作物中特别是小麦。
2.4 经济效益
粮食作物生产的经济效益因作物种类和产量水平而异(表4)。对于小麦、玉米和水稻生产,总投入分别为5 443、5 013和4 928 yuan/hm2,肥料投入分别占总投入的33%、44%和36%。总产出分别为9 953、14 104和24 947 元/hm2。三大作物的经济效益分别为4 468、9 091和20 020 元/hm2,不同产量组间差异显著;减肥增效分别为4 919(10%)、9 905(9%)和20 543(3%)元/hm2。与低产组相比,小麦、玉米和水稻高产组的总投入分别增加了6%、19%和5%,总产出分别增加32%、26%和12%。经济效益分别增加459%、128%和52%。与玉米和水稻相比,小麦的总投入分别增加了9%和11%,总产出却分别减少了42%和151%,导致经济效益分别减少了50%和78%。结果显示,优化肥料用量和施肥方式、合理调整施肥结构、增加作物产量是提高经济效益的核心途径之一。Table 4
Table 4
作物 Crop | 产量等级 Yield level | 总产出 Output (yuan/hm2) | 投入 Input (yuan/hm2) | 肥料占总投入 Fertilizer/ total (%) | 经济效益 Benefit (yuan/hm2) | 减肥增效Benefit increase | ||||
单质肥 ECF | 复合肥 CF | 有机肥 OM | 总投入 Total | (yuan/hm2) | (%) | |||||
小麦 Wheat | 低产Low | 6675c | 338 | 1134 | 231 | 5339b | 32 | 1336c | 1984c | 49 |
适中Mid | 10059b | 546 | 1096 | 85 | 5335b | 32 | 4595b | 5036b | 10 | |
高产High | 13126a | 434 | 1543 | 51 | 5655a | 36 | 7472a | 7737a | 4 | |
平均Mean | 9953 | 439 | 1258 | 122 | 5443 | 33 | 4468 | 4919 | 10 | |
玉米 Maize | 低产Low | 10065c | 664 | 888 | 327 | 4671b | 40 | 5395c | 6311c | 17 |
适中Mid | 14413b | 807 | 1016 | 212 | 4828b | 42 | 9585b | 10416b | 9 | |
高产High | 17834a | 426 | 2107 | 216 | 5541a | 50 | 12293c | 12989a | 6 | |
平均Mean | 14104 | 632 | 1337 | 252 | 5013 | 44 | 9091 | 9905 | 9 | |
水稻 Rice | 低产Low | 19908b | 616 | 416 | 583 | 4784a | 34 | 15124b | 15808b | 5 |
适中Mid | 26905a | 545 | 1038 | 217 | 4969a | 36 | 21936a | 22444a | 2 | |
高产High | 28028a | 446 | 1281 | 135 | 5030a | 37 | 22999a | 23378a | 2 | |
平均Mean | 24947 | 536 | 912 | 312 | 4928 | 36 | 20020 | 20543 | 3 |
3 讨论
3.1 农户粮食生产的产量与养分投入分析
分析2018年的976份农户调研数据可知,陕西省的小麦、玉米和水稻平均产量分别为4 573、7 319和8 340 kg·hm-2。小麦产量略高于2011—2015年在渭北旱塬调研结果(4 243 kg·hm-2)[16];玉米产量高于2013—2016年在渭北旱塬调研结果(6 000 kg·hm-2)[23];水稻产量高于2006—2009年在秦巴山区调研结果 (7 822 kg·hm-2)[24]。总的来看,粮食作物产量呈上升趋势,这利于应对粮食需求量增加、耕地面积减少带来的挑战。分析施肥量可知,农户粮食生产氮肥投入最多(152—257 kg N·hm-2)、磷肥次之(63—132 kg P2O5·hm-2)、钾肥较少(35—73 kg K2O·hm-2)。赵护兵等[25] 2009—2012年调研渭北旱塬冬小麦生产的氮磷钾肥用量分别为195 kg N·hm-2、128 kg P2O5·hm-2和35 kg K2O·hm-2,也呈现出高氮、中磷、低钾的现象。施肥是提高作物产量的重要措施之一,然而本研究肥料用量与作物产量间未有显著相关性,水稻高产组的氮肥用量甚至低于低产组。近年来,伴随着肥料价格下降、特别是尿素[26],农户为获得高产,长期过量施用化肥导致土壤养分残留量大[27]。我国农田养分盈余问题严重,HUANG等[28]报道我国农田氮素养分盈余2.8—6.6 Tg·a-1,磷素盈余4.1 Tg·a-1[29],钾素赤字2.9—3.9 Tg·a-1[30]。土壤中大量的养分盈余破坏了施肥量与产量间的正相关关系,在降水量少的年份少施化肥甚至可以增加作物产量[31]。另外,氮磷钾肥施用比例与作物需求不平衡,也是导致养分投入高产量却不高的重要原因。此外,调研过程还发现几乎没有农户施用微量元素肥料,这与农民对微肥重要性的认识不足有关。
3.2 农户粮食作物生产的减肥、减排潜力及经济效益
肥料是粮食作物生产主要的养分来源,然而施用的肥料养分未被作物吸收将残留在土壤或损失到作物生产系统外产生土壤[37]、水体[38]和空气污染[3]环境问题。因此,评估施肥现状及减肥潜力对粮食生产和环境安全意义重大。研究结果显示在施肥过量条件下粮食作物生产的减氮磷钾潜力分别在33%—63%、46%—75%和57%—70%,减肥潜力巨大(表3)。进一步分析产量组的肥料用量发现,中低产组过量的氮肥用量占比为64%—93%,过量的磷肥用量占比60%—88%,过量的钾肥用量占比为33%—50%(图3),这意味着减肥的重点在中低产组的农户。同时三大作物产量与氮磷钾肥用量间均不显著相关,表明农户减肥潜力巨大,即在陕西生态环境条件下生产小麦、玉米和水稻,增加或减少施肥不是引起产量差异的主要原因。农户是土地经营的主体,通常认为多投入肥料养分是获得高产的重要保障[39],加之化肥补贴和市场竞争导致其价格偏低[40],是过量施肥的重要原因。采用土壤测试方法可科学指导肥料用量[41],然而我国土地碎片化程度高,每块土地平均0.1 hm2[42],大规模测土后制定科学的施肥量,时间紧、难度大,同时考虑到地块间土壤基础地力差异,笔者认为基于输入输出平衡推荐法、通过产量区间来确定施肥区间更为实际。例如,农户的玉米产量在5 000—7 000 kg·hm-2,根据合理施肥量方程推荐的氮肥用量为87—122 kg·hm-2,推荐的磷肥用量为24—34 kg·hm-2,推荐的钾肥用量为23—32 kg·hm-2,实际的肥料用量农户可根据多年的经验进行微调。分析不同产量组的环境效应可知,粮食作物生产活性氮损失减少潜力为4%—50%,高产组的减排潜力更低(表3)。尽管高产组通常有高的肥料投入量,但其氮肥利用率较高,故活性氮损失强度比低产组甚至减少34%—46%。WANG等[43]在甘肃张掖也发现当氮肥用量从140 kg N·hm-2提高到221 kg N·hm-2时,并未增加单位产量的活性氮损失量。由此可见,在一定范围内增加氮肥用量以提高作物产量,并不一定提高活性氮损失强度,这说明有效提高氮肥利用效率是增产环保实现双赢的重要保障。此外,不同作物类型的活性氮损失强度差异较大,小麦的活性氮损失是玉米和水稻的1.8—2.1倍(表3),这主要归因于小麦低的产量以及高的籽粒蛋白质含量。总的来看,通过构建综合的土壤-作物管理系统将高产栽培与合理种植相结合是减少活性氮损失的重要途径之一。CUI等[9]证实应用综合的土壤-作物管理系统在减少氮肥用量15%—18%的同时,增加粮食平均产量11%—12%,减少氮损失13%—22%。不同作物类型和产量组间,经济效益差异显著。水稻的经济效益为小麦、玉米的2.7—4.0倍,高的单产和单价是增加收益的主要原因[14]。然而由于生长条件的限制,陕西省水稻种植主要集中在陕南的部分地区,因此分析旱作的小麦和玉米效益是必要的。与玉米相比,小麦的经济收益减少了50%。小麦作为陕西省三大主粮食作物之一,在2000—2017年间种植面积减少了31%(47.4万hm2),产量只提高了7%(30万t)[15]。同时由于市场导向作用,小麦价格存在“天花板”封顶,生产成本却在“地板式”上升,压缩了小麦生产利润空间[44,45],从而导致小麦的经济收益低于玉米。可通过政策支持、补贴等措施扩大小麦种植面积、提高小麦总产和单价,从而提高小麦生产的经济效益。
4 结论
本研究基于2018年976份调研数据,系统分析了粮食作物生产的产量和施肥现状,减肥、减排潜力及经济效益。小麦、玉米和水稻的平均产量分别为4 573、7 319和8 340 kg·hm-2,平均施氮量分别为177、247和186 kg N·hm-2,平均施磷量分别为102、103和88 kg P2O5·hm-2,平均施钾量分别为37、47和64 kg K2O·hm-2,产量与氮磷钾肥用量间无显著相关性。表明在陕西生态环境条件下生产三大粮食作物,增加或减少施肥不是引起产量差异的主要原因,即农户减肥潜力和活性氮减排潜力巨大。陕西省主要粮食作物减氮、磷和钾肥的潜力分别为33%—63%、46%— 75%和57%—70%,减活性氮损失潜力为4%—50%。小麦、玉米和水稻生产的经济效益分别为4 468、9 091和20 020 yuan/hm2。本研究从减肥节本高效增收为出发点,提出以低中产组农户为化肥减量和收益提升的重点,3种作物均可分别减少氮磷钾肥45%、65%和61%,从而降低26%、45%和18%的活性氮损失,提高10%、9%和3%的经济效益。参考文献 原文顺序
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Sustainably feeding a growing population is a grand challenge, and one that is particularly difficult in regions that are dominated by smallholder farming. Despite local successes, mobilizing vast smallholder communities with science- and evidence-based management practices to simultaneously address production and pollution problems has been infeasible. Here we report the outcome of concerted efforts in engaging millions of Chinese smallholder farmers to adopt enhanced management practices for greater yield and environmental performance. First, we conducted field trials across China's major agroecological zones to develop locally applicable recommendations using a comprehensive decision-support program. Engaging farmers to adopt those recommendations involved the collaboration of a core network of 1,152 researchers with numerous extension agents and agribusiness personnel. From 2005 to 2015, about 20.9 million farmers in 452 counties adopted enhanced management practices in fields with a total of 37.7 million cumulative hectares over the years. Average yields (maize, rice and wheat) increased by 10.8-11.5%, generating a net grain output of 33 million tonnes (Mt). At the same time, application of nitrogen decreased by 14.7-18.1%, saving 1.2 Mt of nitrogen fertilizers. The increased grain output and decreased nitrogen fertilizer use were equivalent to US$12.2 billion. Estimated reactive nitrogen losses averaged 4.5-4.7 kg nitrogen per Megagram (Mg) with the intervention compared to 6.0-6.4 kg nitrogen per Mg without. Greenhouse gas emissions were 328 kg, 812 kg and 434 kg CO2 equivalent per Mg of maize, rice and wheat produced, respectively, compared to 422 kg, 941 kg and 549 kg CO2 equivalent per Mg without the intervention. On the basis of a large-scale survey (8.6 million farmer participants) and scenario analyses, we further demonstrate the potential impacts of implementing the enhanced management practices on China's food security and sustainability outlook.
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It is in general thought that nitrogen (N) fertilizer is overused in Chinese croplands and that the overuse has resulted in severe environmental problems. As the biggest reactive nitrogen producer and N fertilizer consumer in the world, China is facing a great challenge to reduce nitrogen consumption in agriculture. The objectives of this review are to examine the sources and fate of reactive nitrogen in agroecosystems, to find out why N fertilizer consumption reaches such a high level, and provide with suggestions for better N management practices. To understand the current agricultural use of reactive N in China, principles of biogeochemical N cycling are used to discuss N flows in the agroecosystems in the year 2010, with focus on N input/output and balances in crop-soil systems. At the national level, input of reactive N to croplands was excessive in 2010, and the surplus was approximately equal to the quantity of the reactive N recycled back to crop fields by atmospheric N deposition and irrigation with N-polluted water, about 5 Tg N. Generally speaking, the use of N fertilizer in cereal crops is not extraordinarily high since N fertilizer is also distributed for other uses: Forestation, feeding livestock and fishes, and application to the green fields in urban areas. It is common and significant that there are much higher N application rates to fruit tree plantations and vegetable production, especially to the greenhouse vegetable growing system, in comparison with that applied to cereal crops. With the facts of the limited arable lands, low recycling rates of organic wastes, and low input of biological fixed N, crop production has to depend heavily on the use of N fertilizer in China. There is a low acreage of arable land per capita, with 8% of global arable land feeding 20% of the world population. Recycled rate of nutrient N in the organic wastes are lower than 30% and input of biological N fixation to croplands is less than 15%. Therefore, to meet the demands of Chinese population for both food and improving diets under the condition of the predominance of the croplands with medium to low productivities, high N fertilizer input is understandable. However, N fertilizer consumption is much higher than the national average in some highly productive regions, including the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, the Yangtze Basin, and Zhujiang Delta (Guangdong) regions, and is closely connected with higher crop yields/multiple cropping indices, and smaller proportion of legume crops to the total cropping area. It is clear that the N losses from food production-processing-consumption chain have resulted in resource wasting and environmental risks. On the other hand, part of the environment received reactive N from the losses of croplands and the other pollution sources, returns to the fields via atmospheric deposition and the irrigations with polluted waters, and becomes an important source of N input to croplands. Due to the complexity of N transformation in agroecosystems and biogeochemical N cycling, N losses are unavoidable. Therefore, the best management practices at various spatial levels should be taken as the options to reduce the fertilizer use in croplands to the minimum. Integrated measures, including multi-disciplinary researches and the cooperation of various social sectors, have been suggested to optimize N management practices at each spatial level, in order to reach the fundamental goals of maintaining/improving soil fertility, securing food, reducing nitrogen fertilizer use, and minimizing environmental risks.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.03.009URL [本文引用: 1]

It is in general thought that nitrogen (N) fertilizer is overused in Chinese croplands and that the overuse has resulted in severe environmental problems. As the biggest reactive nitrogen producer and N fertilizer consumer in the world, China is facing a great challenge to reduce nitrogen consumption in agriculture. The objectives of this review are to examine the sources and fate of reactive nitrogen in agroecosystems, to find out why N fertilizer consumption reaches such a high level, and provide with suggestions for better N management practices. To understand the current agricultural use of reactive N in China, principles of biogeochemical N cycling are used to discuss N flows in the agroecosystems in the year 2010, with focus on N input/output and balances in crop-soil systems. At the national level, input of reactive N to croplands was excessive in 2010, and the surplus was approximately equal to the quantity of the reactive N recycled back to crop fields by atmospheric N deposition and irrigation with N-polluted water, about 5 Tg N. Generally speaking, the use of N fertilizer in cereal crops is not extraordinarily high since N fertilizer is also distributed for other uses: Forestation, feeding livestock and fishes, and application to the green fields in urban areas. It is common and significant that there are much higher N application rates to fruit tree plantations and vegetable production, especially to the greenhouse vegetable growing system, in comparison with that applied to cereal crops. With the facts of the limited arable lands, low recycling rates of organic wastes, and low input of biological fixed N, crop production has to depend heavily on the use of N fertilizer in China. There is a low acreage of arable land per capita, with 8% of global arable land feeding 20% of the world population. Recycled rate of nutrient N in the organic wastes are lower than 30% and input of biological N fixation to croplands is less than 15%. Therefore, to meet the demands of Chinese population for both food and improving diets under the condition of the predominance of the croplands with medium to low productivities, high N fertilizer input is understandable. However, N fertilizer consumption is much higher than the national average in some highly productive regions, including the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, the Yangtze Basin, and Zhujiang Delta (Guangdong) regions, and is closely connected with higher crop yields/multiple cropping indices, and smaller proportion of legume crops to the total cropping area. It is clear that the N losses from food production-processing-consumption chain have resulted in resource wasting and environmental risks. On the other hand, part of the environment received reactive N from the losses of croplands and the other pollution sources, returns to the fields via atmospheric deposition and the irrigations with polluted waters, and becomes an important source of N input to croplands. Due to the complexity of N transformation in agroecosystems and biogeochemical N cycling, N losses are unavoidable. Therefore, the best management practices at various spatial levels should be taken as the options to reduce the fertilizer use in croplands to the minimum. Integrated measures, including multi-disciplinary researches and the cooperation of various social sectors, have been suggested to optimize N management practices at each spatial level, in order to reach the fundamental goals of maintaining/improving soil fertility, securing food, reducing nitrogen fertilizer use, and minimizing environmental risks.
DOI:10.1111/gcb.12213URLPMID:23553871 [本文引用: 1]

Although the goal of doubling food demand while simultaneously reducing agricultural environmental damage has become widely accepted, the dominant agricultural paradigm still considers high yields and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity to be in conflict with one another. Here, we achieved an increase in maize yield of 70% in on-farm experiments by closing the yield gap and evaluated the trade-off between grain yield, nitrogen (N) fertilizer use, and GHG emissions. Based on two groups of N application experiments in six locations for 16 on-farm site-years, an integrated soil-crop system (HY) approach achieved 93% of the yield potential and averaged 14.8 Mg ha(-1) maize grain yield at 15.5% moisture. This is 70% higher than current crop (CC) management. More importantly, the optimal N rate for the HY system was 250 kg N ha(-1) , which is only 38% more N fertilizer input than that applied in the CC system. Both the N2 O emission intensity and GHG intensity increased exponentially as the N application rate increased, and the response curve for the CC system was always higher than that for the HY system. Although the N application rate increased by 38%, N2 O emission intensity and the GHG intensity of the HY system were reduced by 12% and 19%, respectively. These on-farm observations indicate that closing the yield gap alongside efficient N management should therefore be prominent among a portfolio of strategies to meet food demand while reducing GHG intensity at the same time.
DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.05.196URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.14.012URL [本文引用: 3]

【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify the farmers’ nutrient input situation for the realization of stable yield, high yield, and high nutrient use efficiency in dryland wheat production.【Method】A 5-yr long farm survey of 1 261 farmers was carried out to analyze and evaluate their fertilizer applications and the fertilizer reduction potential in Weibei dryland, based on the nutrient requirement determined by the corresponding wheat grain yields and sustainable development of dryland wheat production.【Result】Obtained results showed the farmers’ wheat yields ranged from 750 to 9 000 kg hm-2, with the average of 4 243 kg·hm-2, and they were allocated into five groups as: very low (<2 640 kg·hm-2), low (2 640-3 780 kg·hm-2), moderate (3 780-4 920 kg·hm-2), high (4 920-6 060 kg·hm-2) and very high (>6 060 kg·hm-2), respectively, accounting for 22.0%, 22.2%, 19.3%, 22.8% and 13.6% of the total. Farmers’ nitrogen (N) application rates ranged from 33 to 454 kg N·hm-2 with an average of 188 kg N·hm-2, phosphorus (P) ranged from 0 to 435 kg P2O5·hm-2 with an average of 125 kg P2O5·hm-2, and potassium ranged from 0 to 201 kg K2O·hm-2 with an average of 19 kg K2O·hm-2. However, farmers’ yields showed no significant correlations with the N, P, and K rates, respectively. With the increase of grain yield levels, the proportion of N over application farmers decreased from 97.8% in the very low yield group to 18.0% in very high group, but that of N deficient application farmers increased from 0.7% to 45.9%, correspondingly. Similar to N, the proportion of P over application farmers decreased from 99.3% in very low yield group to 70.9% in very high yield group, and this means P over application was practiced by more than 70.0% of farmers in each yield group. Different from N and P, K deficient application was practiced by more than 60.0% of farmers in each yield group. Therefore, for N, farmers in very low and low yield groups were recommended to reduce 24-144 kg N·hm-2, 28%-73% from their high or very high N application rates, and farmers in moderate, high and very high yield groups were recommended to reduce 50-181 kg N·hm-2, 26%-51% of their high or very high N rates and add 38-134 kg N·hm-2, 41%-345% more to the low or very low N rates. For P, farmers in different yield groups should reduce 7-31 kg P2O5·hm-2, 23%-33% from the high P rates, and reduce 85-118 kg P2O5·hm-2, 61%-85% from the very high P rates. For K, farmers with no or very low K input in different yield groups were suggested to use 13-50 kg K2O·hm-2, and add 7-18 kg K2O·hm-2, 35%-78% for those with low K rates. 【Conclusion】 Compared with the conventional method, which adopted an uniform fertilization rate as the criterion to evaluate the famers’ fertilizer application with variable yields, the present work proposed a yield based approach. This approach is proved to be suitable for the small scale household farming in China, and enable to objectively and accurately understand the arbitrary and over application of fertilizer, and to provide a scientific basis for the effective regulation of farmers’ fertilizer application.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.14.012URL [本文引用: 3]

【Objective】It is of great significance to clarify the farmers’ nutrient input situation for the realization of stable yield, high yield, and high nutrient use efficiency in dryland wheat production.【Method】A 5-yr long farm survey of 1 261 farmers was carried out to analyze and evaluate their fertilizer applications and the fertilizer reduction potential in Weibei dryland, based on the nutrient requirement determined by the corresponding wheat grain yields and sustainable development of dryland wheat production.【Result】Obtained results showed the farmers’ wheat yields ranged from 750 to 9 000 kg hm-2, with the average of 4 243 kg·hm-2, and they were allocated into five groups as: very low (<2 640 kg·hm-2), low (2 640-3 780 kg·hm-2), moderate (3 780-4 920 kg·hm-2), high (4 920-6 060 kg·hm-2) and very high (>6 060 kg·hm-2), respectively, accounting for 22.0%, 22.2%, 19.3%, 22.8% and 13.6% of the total. Farmers’ nitrogen (N) application rates ranged from 33 to 454 kg N·hm-2 with an average of 188 kg N·hm-2, phosphorus (P) ranged from 0 to 435 kg P2O5·hm-2 with an average of 125 kg P2O5·hm-2, and potassium ranged from 0 to 201 kg K2O·hm-2 with an average of 19 kg K2O·hm-2. However, farmers’ yields showed no significant correlations with the N, P, and K rates, respectively. With the increase of grain yield levels, the proportion of N over application farmers decreased from 97.8% in the very low yield group to 18.0% in very high group, but that of N deficient application farmers increased from 0.7% to 45.9%, correspondingly. Similar to N, the proportion of P over application farmers decreased from 99.3% in very low yield group to 70.9% in very high yield group, and this means P over application was practiced by more than 70.0% of farmers in each yield group. Different from N and P, K deficient application was practiced by more than 60.0% of farmers in each yield group. Therefore, for N, farmers in very low and low yield groups were recommended to reduce 24-144 kg N·hm-2, 28%-73% from their high or very high N application rates, and farmers in moderate, high and very high yield groups were recommended to reduce 50-181 kg N·hm-2, 26%-51% of their high or very high N rates and add 38-134 kg N·hm-2, 41%-345% more to the low or very low N rates. For P, farmers in different yield groups should reduce 7-31 kg P2O5·hm-2, 23%-33% from the high P rates, and reduce 85-118 kg P2O5·hm-2, 61%-85% from the very high P rates. For K, farmers with no or very low K input in different yield groups were suggested to use 13-50 kg K2O·hm-2, and add 7-18 kg K2O·hm-2, 35%-78% for those with low K rates. 【Conclusion】 Compared with the conventional method, which adopted an uniform fertilization rate as the criterion to evaluate the famers’ fertilizer application with variable yields, the present work proposed a yield based approach. This approach is proved to be suitable for the small scale household farming in China, and enable to objectively and accurately understand the arbitrary and over application of fertilizer, and to provide a scientific basis for the effective regulation of farmers’ fertilizer application.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.15.009URL [本文引用: 1]

In order to obtain high crop yield and low environmental nitrogen (N) pollution risk simultaneously, identifying the optimal N application rate is one of the most effective methods. Based on the theory of optimal N application and the present situation of N fertilizer application in China, we summarized the recommended methods for optimal N rate used in current research. The existing recommended methods for optimal N rate were soil nutrient regulation during crop growth, N application effect curve, balance of N input and output, and the critical N rate based on standard nitrate-N of leaching water from farmland. The first three methods, which focused on agronomy effect firstly and then assessed its environmental effect, were for the purpose of obtaining better agronomic benefits. All of these three methods were scientific and reasonable, which had proved their application in practice. The forth method focused on environmental effect firstly and then estimates its effect on yield intending to prevent nitrate pollution of groundwater, which could quantify the actual environmental effect of optimal N application rate. However, the critical N application rate of the forth method has some uncertainty because of many influencing factors, and its variation under different years, different regions and different soil types need be further studied.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.15.009URL [本文引用: 1]

In order to obtain high crop yield and low environmental nitrogen (N) pollution risk simultaneously, identifying the optimal N application rate is one of the most effective methods. Based on the theory of optimal N application and the present situation of N fertilizer application in China, we summarized the recommended methods for optimal N rate used in current research. The existing recommended methods for optimal N rate were soil nutrient regulation during crop growth, N application effect curve, balance of N input and output, and the critical N rate based on standard nitrate-N of leaching water from farmland. The first three methods, which focused on agronomy effect firstly and then assessed its environmental effect, were for the purpose of obtaining better agronomic benefits. All of these three methods were scientific and reasonable, which had proved their application in practice. The forth method focused on environmental effect firstly and then estimates its effect on yield intending to prevent nitrate pollution of groundwater, which could quantify the actual environmental effect of optimal N application rate. However, the critical N application rate of the forth method has some uncertainty because of many influencing factors, and its variation under different years, different regions and different soil types need be further studied.
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DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2012.01.006URL [本文引用: 1]

The overestimation of nitrogen (N) uptake requirement under a high-yield cropping system with maize (Zen mays L.) has been a driving force in the overuse of N fertilization and environmental pollution in China. A database comprising 1246 measurements collected between 2005 and 2009 from 105 on-farm and station experiments conducted in the spring maize domains of the Northeast. Northwest of China and the North China Plain, was used to evaluate N uptake requirement in relation to grain yield. Field experiments with different maize cultivars and N management forms were also carried out to assess this relationship. Across all the sites, maize yield averaged 11.1 Mg ha(-1) which was more than twice that of the national maize grain yield average of China of 5.3 Mg ha(-1) and the world average of 4.5 Mg ha(-1). Nitrogen uptake requirement per Mg grain yield averaged 17.4 kg. Considering 6 ranges of grain yield (<7.5 Mg ha(-1), 7.5-9 Mg ha(-1), 9-10.5 Mg ha(-1), 10.5-12 Mg ha(-1), 12-13.5 Mg ha(-1) and >13.5 Mg ha(-1)), N uptake requirements per Mg grain yield were 19.8, 18.1, 17.4, 17.1, 17.0 and 16.9 kg respectively. This decreasing N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield with increasing grain yield was attributed to increasing harvest index (HI) and the diluting effects of declining grain and straw N concentrations. Grain yield increased with year of cultivar release from the 1950s to the 2000s. with N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield decreasing because of declining grain and straw N concentrations. Compared with the current commercial hybrid (ZD958), the lower N uptake requirement per Mg grain yield of the N-efficient hybrid of XY335 was attributed to a lower straw N concentration while maintaining a similarly high grain yield and grain N concentration. In neither of the years was there any evidence of leaf senescence in either optimal N rate (N-opt) or excessive N rate (N-over) and there was no significant difference between N uptake of these two treatments. This indicated that excessive N application could not delay leaf senescence to sustain further grain yield increase. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2015.06.001URL [本文引用: 1]
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In order to understand the present situation of rice fertilization and the existing problems in the farmers' nutrient resources input in the Qin-Ba mountainous area of southern Shaanxi, the survey data from 2854 households in 11 counties of this area in the project
URLPMID:24564138 [本文引用: 1]

In order to understand the present situation of rice fertilization and the existing problems in the farmers' nutrient resources input in the Qin-Ba mountainous area of southern Shaanxi, the survey data from 2854 households in 11 counties of this area in the project
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0409URL [本文引用: 1]

为明确我国西北旱地小麦施肥现状,在西北旱地冬小麦典型种植区选取3个区/县连续4年进行农户养分投入调查。调查结果分析表明, 调查区域小麦产量低而不稳;氮肥投入农户31.7%适中、 21.0%偏高、 41.9%很高、 1.7%偏低、 3.7%很低;10.6%的农户磷肥投入量适中,偏低和很低的分别占41.7%和9.6%,偏高和很高的占28.3%和9.8%;钾肥投入量适中的农户占1.5%,偏低的2.1%,很低的88.3%,偏高的2.9%,很高的5.2%。氮、 磷、 钾肥的偏生产力(PFP)分别为21.7、 36.2和88.9 kg/kg。在肥料投入总量中有机肥分别占氮肥总量的3.1%,磷肥总量的2.3%,钾肥总量的53.8%。作基肥投入的氮肥占96.2%,磷肥占100%,钾肥占100%。显然,氮肥施用过量,磷肥偏多和不足并存,钾肥重视不足, 化肥偏多、 有机肥偏少, 基肥偏多、 追肥偏少问题是目前西北旱地小麦养分投入中存在的主要问题。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0409URL [本文引用: 1]

为明确我国西北旱地小麦施肥现状,在西北旱地冬小麦典型种植区选取3个区/县连续4年进行农户养分投入调查。调查结果分析表明, 调查区域小麦产量低而不稳;氮肥投入农户31.7%适中、 21.0%偏高、 41.9%很高、 1.7%偏低、 3.7%很低;10.6%的农户磷肥投入量适中,偏低和很低的分别占41.7%和9.6%,偏高和很高的占28.3%和9.8%;钾肥投入量适中的农户占1.5%,偏低的2.1%,很低的88.3%,偏高的2.9%,很高的5.2%。氮、 磷、 钾肥的偏生产力(PFP)分别为21.7、 36.2和88.9 kg/kg。在肥料投入总量中有机肥分别占氮肥总量的3.1%,磷肥总量的2.3%,钾肥总量的53.8%。作基肥投入的氮肥占96.2%,磷肥占100%,钾肥占100%。显然,氮肥施用过量,磷肥偏多和不足并存,钾肥重视不足, 化肥偏多、 有机肥偏少, 基肥偏多、 追肥偏少问题是目前西北旱地小麦养分投入中存在的主要问题。
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DOI:10.11674/zwyf.14243URL [本文引用: 1]

【目的】明确陕西省小麦施肥现状,对陕西省小麦养分资源管理进行科学指导。【方法】选取2个小麦主产区一年一熟区渭北旱塬和一年两熟区关中平原连续5年进行农户施肥调查。【结果】渭北旱塬小麦产量由于年季间降水不均表现出低而不稳的趋势,年均产量3473 kg/hm2; 关中平原由于补灌小麦产量年季间波动较小,年均5882 kg/hm2。渭北和关中绝大多数农户施氮过量,渭北20.2%农户施氮偏高,43.5%很高,施氮合理的仅占29.7%,偏低的占4.6%,很低的仅有2.0%,氮肥平均用量为N 197.6 kg/hm2; 关中20.3%农户施氮偏高,37.5%很高,施氮合理的仅占17.5%,偏低的占14.2%,很低的仅有10.5%,平均施氮量为N 199.2 kg/hm2。陕西省农户磷肥投入总量基本合理,但投入偏低和偏高并存,渭北磷肥平均投入量适中的农户占12.0%,偏低的占41.5%,很低的10.7%,偏高的26.7%,很高的9.2%,磷肥投入平均P2O5123.4 kg/hm2; 关中磷肥平均投入量适中的农户占14.3%,偏低的占27.2%,很低的13.8%,偏高的31.0%,很高的13.7%,平均为P2O5 141.6 kg/hm2。渭北旱塬小麦钾投入平均K2O 32.9 kg/hm2,关中平原为K2O 37.3 kg/hm2,渭北和关中超过90%农户钾肥投入不足。陕西省冬小麦养分投入以基施为主,追施为辅,渭北和关中冬小麦氮素平均基施量为N 189.9和185.4 kg/hm2,占氮素总投入的96.1%和93.1%,追施量N 7.7和13.8 kg/hm2,仅占3.9%和6.9%。陕西省冬小麦氮磷养分投入以化肥为主,有机肥为辅,渭北和关中有机肥投入的氮素平均仅有N 4.7和3.1 kg/hm2,仅占全部氮素投入的2.4%和1.6%,P2O5平均2.4和1.7 kg/hm2,占1.9%和1.2%,而化肥投入的氮、 磷相对较大,渭北和关中氮素平均N 192.9和196.0 kg/hm2,P2O5平均120.8和139.9 kg/hm2来自化肥。渭北N、 P2O5 和 K2O平均PFP(化肥偏生产力)分别为20.0 kg/kg、 33.3 kg/kg和83.5 kg/kg; 关中PFP分别为36.8 kg/kg、 53.9 kg/kg和131.8 kg/kg。陕西省渭北旱塬冬小麦基肥中尿素和碳铵是农户较为喜欢的氮肥品种,平均有55.7%和47.2%的农户选用; 而关中农户较为喜欢的氮肥品种为尿素,有42.8%农户选用。普钙是渭北农户较为喜欢的磷肥品种,平均有50.2%的农户施用; 而关中农户较为喜欢的磷肥品种为磷酸二铵,有40.2%的农户施用。复合肥施肥面积逐年增加,渭北和关中平均有30.8%和40.2%的农户施用。有机肥施肥农户较少且在逐年下降,渭北和关中由2008~2009年的10.0%和11.7%减少到2012~2013年的0.8%和0.8%。【结论】陕西省农户小麦施肥存在氮肥过量,磷肥施用过量和不足并存,钾肥重视不足,有机肥投入偏少,追肥偏少等问题。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.14243URL [本文引用: 1]

【目的】明确陕西省小麦施肥现状,对陕西省小麦养分资源管理进行科学指导。【方法】选取2个小麦主产区一年一熟区渭北旱塬和一年两熟区关中平原连续5年进行农户施肥调查。【结果】渭北旱塬小麦产量由于年季间降水不均表现出低而不稳的趋势,年均产量3473 kg/hm2; 关中平原由于补灌小麦产量年季间波动较小,年均5882 kg/hm2。渭北和关中绝大多数农户施氮过量,渭北20.2%农户施氮偏高,43.5%很高,施氮合理的仅占29.7%,偏低的占4.6%,很低的仅有2.0%,氮肥平均用量为N 197.6 kg/hm2; 关中20.3%农户施氮偏高,37.5%很高,施氮合理的仅占17.5%,偏低的占14.2%,很低的仅有10.5%,平均施氮量为N 199.2 kg/hm2。陕西省农户磷肥投入总量基本合理,但投入偏低和偏高并存,渭北磷肥平均投入量适中的农户占12.0%,偏低的占41.5%,很低的10.7%,偏高的26.7%,很高的9.2%,磷肥投入平均P2O5123.4 kg/hm2; 关中磷肥平均投入量适中的农户占14.3%,偏低的占27.2%,很低的13.8%,偏高的31.0%,很高的13.7%,平均为P2O5 141.6 kg/hm2。渭北旱塬小麦钾投入平均K2O 32.9 kg/hm2,关中平原为K2O 37.3 kg/hm2,渭北和关中超过90%农户钾肥投入不足。陕西省冬小麦养分投入以基施为主,追施为辅,渭北和关中冬小麦氮素平均基施量为N 189.9和185.4 kg/hm2,占氮素总投入的96.1%和93.1%,追施量N 7.7和13.8 kg/hm2,仅占3.9%和6.9%。陕西省冬小麦氮磷养分投入以化肥为主,有机肥为辅,渭北和关中有机肥投入的氮素平均仅有N 4.7和3.1 kg/hm2,仅占全部氮素投入的2.4%和1.6%,P2O5平均2.4和1.7 kg/hm2,占1.9%和1.2%,而化肥投入的氮、 磷相对较大,渭北和关中氮素平均N 192.9和196.0 kg/hm2,P2O5平均120.8和139.9 kg/hm2来自化肥。渭北N、 P2O5 和 K2O平均PFP(化肥偏生产力)分别为20.0 kg/kg、 33.3 kg/kg和83.5 kg/kg; 关中PFP分别为36.8 kg/kg、 53.9 kg/kg和131.8 kg/kg。陕西省渭北旱塬冬小麦基肥中尿素和碳铵是农户较为喜欢的氮肥品种,平均有55.7%和47.2%的农户选用; 而关中农户较为喜欢的氮肥品种为尿素,有42.8%农户选用。普钙是渭北农户较为喜欢的磷肥品种,平均有50.2%的农户施用; 而关中农户较为喜欢的磷肥品种为磷酸二铵,有40.2%的农户施用。复合肥施肥面积逐年增加,渭北和关中平均有30.8%和40.2%的农户施用。有机肥施肥农户较少且在逐年下降,渭北和关中由2008~2009年的10.0%和11.7%减少到2012~2013年的0.8%和0.8%。【结论】陕西省农户小麦施肥存在氮肥过量,磷肥施用过量和不足并存,钾肥重视不足,有机肥投入偏少,追肥偏少等问题。
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DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201804.023URLPMID:29726234 [本文引用: 1]

The effects of optimum nitrogen (N) fertilization rate with and without adding manure on wheat yield and leaching of residual nitrate-N in soil profile were examined in Weibei dryland, Shaanxi with a field experiment combined different N fertilization rates (0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg N.hm(-2)) and organic manure (0 and 30 t.hm(-2)). The results showed that, compared to chemical N fertilizer, combined application of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure increased winter wheat yield by 14.7% when N fertilization rate was reduced by 27.1%. The highest yield was obtained when 150 kg.hm(-2) of N rate was combined with the manure (N150+M). The combination of N fertilizer and manure promoted N uptake of wheat grain and increased N use efficiency by 20.2%. The highest N use efficiency was recorded in the N150+M treatment. In addition, the lea-ching of residual nitrate-N during the wheat growing season and the leaching of nitrate-N during summer fallow were decreased. When N application rate was lower than 115 kg.hm(-2), N fertilizer combined with organic manure reduced the amount of nitrate-N leaching in summer fallow. We recommend the combined application of organic manure with about 150 kg.hm(-2) of N fertilizers in Weibei dryland to guarantee high winter wheat yield, N use efficiency, and reduce excessive residue of fertilizer N in the soil.
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201804.023URLPMID:29726234 [本文引用: 1]

The effects of optimum nitrogen (N) fertilization rate with and without adding manure on wheat yield and leaching of residual nitrate-N in soil profile were examined in Weibei dryland, Shaanxi with a field experiment combined different N fertilization rates (0, 75, 150, 225, 300 kg N.hm(-2)) and organic manure (0 and 30 t.hm(-2)). The results showed that, compared to chemical N fertilizer, combined application of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure increased winter wheat yield by 14.7% when N fertilization rate was reduced by 27.1%. The highest yield was obtained when 150 kg.hm(-2) of N rate was combined with the manure (N150+M). The combination of N fertilizer and manure promoted N uptake of wheat grain and increased N use efficiency by 20.2%. The highest N use efficiency was recorded in the N150+M treatment. In addition, the lea-ching of residual nitrate-N during the wheat growing season and the leaching of nitrate-N during summer fallow were decreased. When N application rate was lower than 115 kg.hm(-2), N fertilizer combined with organic manure reduced the amount of nitrate-N leaching in summer fallow. We recommend the combined application of organic manure with about 150 kg.hm(-2) of N fertilizers in Weibei dryland to guarantee high winter wheat yield, N use efficiency, and reduce excessive residue of fertilizer N in the soil.
DOI:10.1126/science.1182570URLPMID:20150447 [本文引用: 1]

Soil acidification is a major problem in soils of intensive Chinese agricultural systems. We used two nationwide surveys, paired comparisons in numerous individual sites, and several long-term monitoring-field data sets to evaluate changes in soil acidity. Soil pH declined significantly (P < 0.001) from the 1980s to the 2000s in the major Chinese crop-production areas. Processes related to nitrogen cycling released 20 to 221 kilomoles of hydrogen ion (H+) per hectare per year, and base cations uptake contributed a further 15 to 20 kilomoles of H+ per hectare per year to soil acidification in four widespread cropping systems. In comparison, acid deposition (0.4 to 2.0 kilomoles of H+ per hectare per year) made a small contribution to the acidification of agricultural soils across China.
DOI:10.1126/science.1186834URLPMID:20150494 [本文引用: 1]

Population growth, arable land and fresh water limits, and climate change have profound implications for the ability of agriculture to meet this century's demands for food, feed, fiber, and fuel while reducing the environmental impact of their production. Success depends on the acceptance and use of contemporary molecular techniques, as well as the increasing development of farming systems that use saline water and integrate nutrient flows.
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DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.12045URL [本文引用: 1]

Six hybrids and 13 genotypes of fluecured tobacco were used to study the genotype difference, parentoffspring correlation and heterosis of F1 generation in their nutrient characteristics. The results showed a significant difference in biomass, root/shoot ratio, contents and absorptions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), chlorophyll concentration, nitrate reductase (NR) activity and root activity among different genotypes of fluecured tobaccos in seedling stage. The contents of N, P and K in roots and N and K in shoot, dry matter accumulation, root activity and root/shoot ratio showed no significant correlations between F1 generation and the parents. There was a significant negative correlation between P content in shoots of F1 generation and midparent, while NR activity of F1 generation had significant positive correlation with female parent. The chlorophyll concentration of F1 generation correlated significantly with male parent, midparent and lowparent. The P and K contents in root, N content in shoot, NR activity, chlorophyll concentration, root activity, root/shoot ratio, dry matter accumulation of fluecured tobacco in seedling stage had midparent heterosis. The P content in root, NR activity, root activity, root/shoot ratio, dry matter accumulation had over highparent heterosis. The N content in root and P, K contents in shoots had no significant heterosis, but some cross combinations had midparent heterosis and over highparent heterosis.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.12045URL [本文引用: 1]

Six hybrids and 13 genotypes of fluecured tobacco were used to study the genotype difference, parentoffspring correlation and heterosis of F1 generation in their nutrient characteristics. The results showed a significant difference in biomass, root/shoot ratio, contents and absorptions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), chlorophyll concentration, nitrate reductase (NR) activity and root activity among different genotypes of fluecured tobaccos in seedling stage. The contents of N, P and K in roots and N and K in shoot, dry matter accumulation, root activity and root/shoot ratio showed no significant correlations between F1 generation and the parents. There was a significant negative correlation between P content in shoots of F1 generation and midparent, while NR activity of F1 generation had significant positive correlation with female parent. The chlorophyll concentration of F1 generation correlated significantly with male parent, midparent and lowparent. The P and K contents in root, N content in shoot, NR activity, chlorophyll concentration, root activity, root/shoot ratio, dry matter accumulation of fluecured tobacco in seedling stage had midparent heterosis. The P content in root, NR activity, root activity, root/shoot ratio, dry matter accumulation had over highparent heterosis. The N content in root and P, K contents in shoots had no significant heterosis, but some cross combinations had midparent heterosis and over highparent heterosis.
DOI:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.08.005URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s11104-010-0530-zURL [本文引用: 1]

Monitoring of drinking water has shown an increase in nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−-N) concentration in groundwater in some areas of the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. A combination of careful irrigation and nitrogen (N) management is needed to improve N uptake efficiency and to minimize fertilizer N loss. A 2-year experiment investigated the effects of different irrigation and N application rates on soil NO3−-N distribution and fertilizer N loss, wheat grain yield and N uptake on recently reclaimed sandy farmland. The experiment followed a completely randomized split-plot design, taking flood irrigation (0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 of the estimated evapotranspiration) as main plot treatment and N-supply as split-plot treatment (with five levels of 0, 79, 140, 221, 300kg N ha−1). Fertilizer N loss was calculated according to N balance equation. Our results showed that, under deficit irrigation conditions, N fertilizer application at a rate of 300kg ha−1 promoted NO3−-N concentration in 0–200cm depth soil profiles, and treatments with 221kg N ha−1 also increased soil NO3−-N concentrations only in the surface layers. Fertilizer N rates of 70 and 140kg ha−1 did not increase NO3−-N concentration in the 0–200cm soil profile remaining after the spring wheat growing season. The amount of residual NO3−-N in soil profiles decreased with the amount of irrigation. Compared with N0, the increases of fertilizer N loss, in N79, N140, N221 and N300 respectively, were 59.9, 104.6, 143.5 and 210.6kg ha−1 over 2years. Under these experimental conditions, a N rate of 221kg ha−1 obtained the highest values of grain yield (2775kg ha−1), above-ground dry matter (5310kg ha−1) and plant N uptake (103.8kg ha−1) over 2years. The results clearly showed that the relative high grain yield and irrigation water productivity, and relative low N loss were achieved with application of 221kg N ha−1 and low irrigation, the recommendation should be for those farmers who use the upper range of the recommended 150–400kg N ha−1, that they can save about 45% of their N and 40% of their irrigation water application.
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