Relationship Between Plant Dry Matter Accumulation, Translocation, Soil Water Consumption and Yield of High-Yielding Wheat Cultivars

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仝锦, 孙敏, 任爱霞, 林文, 余少波, 王强, 冯玉, 任婕, 高志强. 高产小麦品种植株干物质积累运转、土壤耗水与产量的关系[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(17): 3467-3478 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.17.005
TONG Jin, SUN Min, REN AiXia, LIN Wen, YU ShaoBo, WANG Qiang, FENG Yu, REN Jie, GAO ZhiQiang.
0 引言
【研究意义】山西省是我国小麦主产区之一,光热资源充足,土地肥沃,小麦生产潜力大。研究不同产量水平小麦品种植株干物质积累运转、土壤耗水与产量的关系,对晋南地区小麦产量的稳定提高具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】近年来,前人在筛选高效高产品种提高小麦产量方面进行了大量研究。冬小麦产量的形成与植株干物质量的积累与运转关系密切。马小龙等[1]对山西、陕西、甘肃180个农户的小麦生产情况进行调研,结果表明小麦生物量每增加1 000 kg·hm-2,籽粒产量就增加430 kg·hm-2。李瑞珂等[2]研究表明,不同小麦品种花前贮藏物质的运转能力有显著差异,花前干物质积累量高的品种,运转率较高,有利于产量的提高。段文学等[3]对不同穗型小麦品种的研究表明,中穗型品种山农15花前干物质向籽粒的运转能力较强,产量也显著提高,大穗型品种山农8355花后干物质的积累有利于其产量的形成。不同小麦品种各生育阶段耗水量存在差异。臧贺藏等[4]研究表明,济麦22较石麦15植株花前干物质运转量、运转率及其对籽粒的贡献率提高,播种期—越冬期、拔节期—开花期和开花期—成熟期阶段耗水量及其占总耗水的比例也提高,产量和水分利用效率较高。闫学梅等[5]研究表明,高产小麦品种较中产品种显著提高播种期—拔节期耗水量,从而显著提高产量和水分利用效率。此外,不同小麦品种间产量和水分利用效率也存在显著差异。董宝娣等[6]在河北石家庄的研究表明,不同小麦品种间的产量和水分利用效率差异显著,产量相差达44.86%,水分利用效率相差达42.18%。高春华等[7]研究表明,山农15较烟农21提高了总耗水量、播前土壤贮水利用量及其所占比例,提高产量6.3%,提高水分利用效率5.3%。【本研究切入点】目前,前人对不同小麦品种植株干物质积累运转、阶段耗水量与产量之间的关系进行了大量研究,而对晋南地区不同产量水平的品种造成产量差异机理的研究鲜见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究分析超高产品种、高产品种以及低产品种植株干物质量积累运转与阶段耗水量、产量形成的关系,明确品种引起产量差异的农学机理,为挖掘山西省小麦高产潜力提供理论依据。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
试验于2016—2018年连续2年在山西农业大学洪洞试验基地进行,基地位于黄土高原东南部,属于干旱半干旱地区,海拔460 m,年均气温12.1℃,年均降雨量460 mm,60%—70%的降雨量集中7—9月。该地区为水浇地,灌溉条件充足,冬小麦于第一年10月上、中旬种植,第二年6月上旬收获。2个试验年度0—20 cm土层土壤基础肥力如表1所示,2016—2017年土壤有机质含量为13.15 g·kg-1,碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别为42.12、17.52和209.46 mg·kg-1;2017—2018年土壤有机质含量为12.35 g·kg-1,碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别为43.61、18.21和212.06 mg·kg-1。Table 1
表1洪洞试验点0—20 cm土层土壤基础肥力
Table 1
年份 Year | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 碱解氮 Alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available phosphorus (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg·kg-1) |
2016-2017 | 13.15 | 42.12 | 17.52 | 209.46 |
2017-2018 | 12.35 | 43.61 | 18.21 | 212.06 |
图1为试验地降水情况,试验地1981—2010年生育期平均降雨量为173 mm,本试验2016—2017年生育期总降雨量为142.8 mm,2017—2018年生育期总降雨量为155.9 mm,2个试验年度总降雨量分别低于常年的17%和10%,2016—2017年,主要是拔节期—开花期阶段降水量低于常年,2017—2018年主要是越冬期—拔节期阶段降水量低于常年。

Fig. 1Precipitation at the experimental site in Hongtong
Source derived from meteorological observation of Hongtong country, Shanxi province, China. SS-WS: Sowing stage to pre-wintering stage; WS-JS: Pre-wintering stage to jointing stage; JS-AS: Jointing stage to anthesis; AS-MS: Anthesis to mature
1.2 试验材料
本试验选用4个当地主推小麦品种,分别为烟农999(2013—2014年度参加黄淮冬麦区南片水地品种区域试验,产量为8 716.5 kg·hm-2)、山农29(2013—2014年度参加黄淮冬麦区北片水地品种区域试验,产量为9 300 kg·hm-2)、邯农1412 (2013—2014年度参加冀中南水地品种区域试验,产量为9 331.5 kg·hm-2)和良星67(2007—2008年度参加黄淮冬麦区北片水地品种区域试验,产量为7 848 kg·hm-2)。1.3 试验设计
采用单因素完全随机设计,选择4个当地主推小麦品种,小麦播前进行深松,深度为30—40 cm。2个试验年度于2016年10月2日、2017年10月16日播种,深松一体机,施有机肥1 500 kg·hm-2(其中有机质含量45%左右,氮、磷、钾含量分别为12%、1%、0.3%),施复合肥750 kg·hm-2(氮、磷、钾含量分别为20%、20%、5%),拔节期追施尿素(46%)196 kg·hm-2,越冬期、拔节期各灌水一次,约40 m3·hm-2,常规管理,分别于2017年6月18日、2018年6月20日收获。播种方式采用宽幅条播,播量为300 kg·hm-2,小区长25 m,宽2.5 m,面积为50 m2,重复3次。1.4 取样及测定方法
1.4.1 土壤水分的测定 于冬小麦播种期、拔节期、开花期、成熟期,选取长势均匀的地块,挖一个2 m深的剖面坑,每个土层为20 cm,共10层,采用环刀法从上到下进行取土,测定土壤容重。于冬小麦播种期、拔节期、开花期、成熟期,分别用土钻钻取2 m深土柱样品,每个土层为20 cm,共10层,放入铝盒中,迅速称湿重并记录,然后放入鼓风干燥箱105℃烘12 h至恒重,然后测定土壤干重,并计算土壤含水量和土壤蓄水量。1.4.2 植株干物质量的测定 采用李念念等[8]的方法测定植株干物质量。于冬小麦越冬期、拔节期、开花期、成熟期分别进行植株取样,越冬期取整株样,拔节期取叶片、茎秆+叶鞘2部分植株样,开花期取叶片、茎秆+叶鞘、穗3部分植株样,成熟期取叶片、茎秆+叶鞘、穗轴+颖壳、籽粒4部分植株样,样品取回后放入鼓风干燥箱,先于105℃杀青0.5 h,后85℃烘至恒重,称量并记录各器官干物质量,后计算干物质积累量、运转量、运转率及对籽粒的贡献率。
1.4.3 产量及其构成 于冬小麦成熟期,剪取0.667 m2长势均匀的冬小麦穗子,同时记录穗数,置于网袋中,脱粒晒干后称重,即为实际产量,同时调查穗粒数和千粒重。
1.5 计算方法
1.5.1 土壤水分计算方法 采用田欣等[9]方法计算土壤水分。土壤蓄水量SWSi=Wi×Di×Hi×10/100,式中,SWSi为第i层土壤蓄水量(mm);Wi为第i层的土壤含水量(%);Di为第i层的土壤容重(g·cm-3);Hi为第i层的土层厚度(cm)。各生育阶段土壤贮水减少量?S=S1-S2,式中,?S为某一生长阶段土壤蓄水量的变化(mm),S1为阶段初的土壤蓄水量,S2为阶段末的土壤蓄水量。生育期总耗水量ET=?S+M+P+K,式中,ET为生育期总耗水量(mm),M为灌水量(mm),P为有效降水量(mm),K为地下水补给量(mm)。本试验地下水埋深在5 m以下,故K值可忽略不计。水分利用效率WUE=Y/ET,式中,WUE为水分利用效率(kg·hm-2·mm-1),Y为籽粒产量(kg·hm-2),ET为生育期总耗水量(mm)。单位耗水下的增产量ΔY=(Y1-Y良)/(E1-E良),式中,ΔY为单位耗水量下的增产量(kg·hm-2·mm-1),Y1为烟农999、山农29、邯农1412的籽粒产量(kg·hm-2),Y良为良星67的籽粒产量(kg·hm-2),E1为烟农999、山农29、邯农1412的生育期耗水量(mm),E良为良星67的生育期耗水量(mm)。1.5.2 植株干物质量计算方法 采用薛丽华[10]和高春华等[11]方法计算植株干物质量。其中,花前干物质运转量=开花期营养器官干物质积累量-成熟期营养器官干物质积累量;花前干物质运转率=花前干物质运转量/开花期营养器官干物质积累量×100%;花后干物质积累量=成熟期干物质积累量-开花期干物质积累量;花前干物质运转量对籽粒的贡献率=花前干物质运转量/成熟期籽粒干物质积累量×100%;花后干物质积累量对籽粒的贡献率=花后干物质积累量/成熟期籽粒干物质积累量×100%。
1.6 数据处理
用Microsoft Excel 2010整理数据并绘图,Origin Pro 8软件绘制相关分析图,DPS 7.05软件进行显著性差异检验,LSD法多重比较(α=0.05)。2 结果
2.1 不同品种产量和水分利用效率的差异
连续2年烟农999、山农29产量高于9 000 kg·hm-2,达到超高产水平,邯农1412产量均高于8 000 kg·hm-2,达到高产水平,而良星67产量低于7 500 kg·hm-2,未达到高产水平(表2)。Table 2
Table 2
年份 Year | 品种 Cultivar | 穗数 Ear number (×104·hm-2) | 穗粒数 Grain number per ear | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) | 产量 Yield (kg·hm-2) | 水分利用效率 WUE (kg·hm-2·mm-1) |
2016-2017 | 烟农999 Yannong999 | 760.00a | 33.43a | 43.68c | 9916.43a | 24.76a |
山农29 Shannong29 | 715.45b | 31.19b | 47.24a | 9502.36b | 22.47b | |
邯农1412 Hannong1412 | 701.25b | 31.98b | 44.55b | 8982.47c | 20.30d | |
良星67 Liangxing67 | 652.75c | 29.92c | 43.12c | 7234.28d | 21.64c | |
2017-2018 | 烟农999 Yannong999 | 698.13a | 38.95a | 42.97b | 9889.28a | 24.27a |
山农29 Shannong29 | 615.94b | 37.08b | 44.07a | 9315.04b | 22.61b | |
邯农1412 Hannong1412 | 603.75b | 36.65b | 42.27b | 8861.88c | 22.09b | |
良星67 Liangxing67 | 564.97c | 34.33c | 40.81c | 7401.75d | 21.59c |
2.2 不同品种干物质积累与运转的差异
2.2.1 各生育阶段干物质积累及其比例 较良星67,3个高产品种提高了各生育阶段干物质积累量,播种期—拔节期、拔节期—开花期、开花期—成熟期阶段分别达19%—57%、5%—62%、11%—47%,且2017—2018年山农29和邯农1412拔节期—开花期阶段干物质积累量与良星67之间无显著差异(图2)。较高产品种邯农1412,超高产品种烟农999显著提高了播种期—拔节期、拔节期—开花期阶段干物质积累量,分别达32%—33%、41%—55%,2个阶段干物质积累量占成熟期干物质积累量的比例较高,且与邯农1412差异显著;而超高产品种山农29显著提高了开花期—成熟期阶段干物质积累量,达13%。可见,高产品种各生育阶段干物质积累量提高,且超高产品种烟农999生育前、中期干物质积累量较高,山农29生育后期干物质积累量较高。

Fig. 2The difference on plant dry matter accumulation and its ratio of dry matter accumulation at mature of different cultivars
SS-JS: Sowing stage to jointing stage; JS-AS: Jointing stage to anthesis; AS-MS: Anthesis to mature. Different small letters indicate significant differences at 0.05 level. The same as below
2.2.2 干物质积累、运转及对籽粒产量的贡献 4个不同产量水平小麦品种的花前干物质运转量对籽粒的贡献率达23%—41%,花后干物质积累量对籽粒的贡献率达59%—77%(表3)。可见,不同小麦品种籽粒产量主要来源于花后干物质积累。
Table 3
Table 3
年份 Year | 品种 Cultivars | 花前干物质量DMABA | 花后干物质量DMAAA | |||
运转量TA (kg·hm-2) | 运转率 TR (%) | 籽粒贡献率 CG (%) | 积累量 AA (kg·hm-2) | 贡献率 CG (%) | ||
2016-2017 | 烟农999 Yannong999 | 3874.58a | 27.04a | 39.07a | 6041.85c | 60.93d |
山农29 Shannong29 | 2374.08c | 21.48c | 24.94d | 7128.28a | 75.06a | |
邯农1412 Hannong1412 | 2608.43b | 25.66b | 29.29c | 6294.04b | 70.71b | |
良星67 Liangxing67 | 2252.35d | 24.45b | 31.75b | 4831.93d | 68.25c | |
2017-2018 | 烟农999 Yannong999 | 3934.94a | 27.01a | 40.59a | 5759.34c | 59.41c |
山农29 Shannong29 | 2146.97c | 19.87d | 23.04c | 7168.07a | 76.96a | |
邯农1412 Hannong1412 | 2633.00b | 25.16b | 28.60b | 6318.88b | 71.40b | |
良星67 Liangxing67 | 2124.88c | 22.82c | 29.10b | 5176.87d | 70.90b |
2.3 不同品种各生育阶段耗水量及其比例的差异

Fig. 3The difference on water consumption in the growth period and its ratio of total water consumption of different cultivars
2.4 土壤耗水、干物质积累运转与产量的关系

图中气泡与数字对称,*在P<0.05 水平显著;**在P<0.01 水平显著。X1:播种—拔节阶段耗水量;X2:拔节—开花阶段耗水量;X3:开花—成熟阶段耗水量;X4:播种—拔节阶段干物质积累量;X5:拔节—开花阶段干物质积累量;X6:花前干物质运转量;X7:花后干物质积累量。下同
Fig. 4Correlation between water consumption and dry matter accumulation in the growth period
Bubble and number symmetry in figures, * Significant at P<0.05; ** Significant at P<0.01. X1: Water consumption at sowing stage to jointing stage; X2: Water consumption at jointing stage to anthesis; X3: Water consumption at anthesis to mature; X4: Dry matter assimilation at sowing stage to jointing stage; X5: Dry matter assimilation at jointing stage to anthesis; X6: Dry matter translocation before anthesis; X7: Dry matter assimilation after anthesis. The same as below

Fig. 5Correlation between dry matter translocation and accumulation and yield and its components
X1: Dry matter translocation before anthesis; X2: Dry matter assimilation after anthesis; X3: Grain yield; X4: Ear numbers; X5: Grain number per ear; X6: 1000-grain weight.
2.5 不同品种土壤水分消耗对籽粒产量的贡献
较良星67,3个高产品种显著提高了生育期总耗水量,达17%—29%(表4)。较良星67,3个高产品种烟农999、山农29、邯农1412每多消耗1 mm土壤水分可分别增产38.40—40.53 kg·hm-2、25.59—27.63 kg·hm-2、16.15—25.01 kg·hm-2,其中以烟农999最高,且与山农29、邯农1412差异显著,其次为山农29。可见,高产品种生育期总耗水量较多,且超高产品种单位耗水下的增产量较高,对土壤水分的利用能力较强,土壤耗水对籽粒产量的贡献较大。Table 4
Table 4
品种 Cultivar | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | ||
总耗水量 TWC (mm) | 单位耗水下的增产量 YIUPWC (kg·hm-2·mm-1) | 总耗水量 TWC (mm) | 单位耗水下的增产量 YIUPWC (kg·hm-2·mm-1) | |
烟农999 Yannong999 | 400.56c | 40.53a | 407.62a | 38.40a |
山农29 Shannong29 | 423.03b | 25.59b | 412.09a | 27.63b |
邯农1412 Hannong1412 | 442.64a | 16.15c | 401.24a | 25.01b |
良星67 Liangxing67 | 364.38d | —— | 342.85b | —— |
3 讨论
3.1 不同品种干物质积累与运转的差异
干物质的积累和运转对小麦产量形成的影响较大。小麦籽粒产量少部分来源于花前干物质运转,较大一部分来自于花后干物质量的积累[12,13,14]。本研究结果表明,4个不同产量水平小麦品种花前干物质运转量对籽粒的贡献率为23%—41%,而花后干物质积累量对籽粒的贡献率高达59%—77%,可见,花后干物质积累量对籽粒产量的贡献更大。灌浆期水分亏缺可促进花前营养器官中储藏的干物质向籽粒中的再转运[15,16,17]。有研究表明,石家庄8号较西风20,在较强干旱胁迫下,干物质积累量也较高[18]。本研究在越冬、拔节期进行灌溉,开花、灌浆期不灌溉的条件下,高产品种花前干物质积累、运转量显著提高,说明开花期相对干旱条件下,有利于花前积累的干物质向籽粒中转移。另外,有研究指出基因型对小麦干物质运转量、运转率和对籽粒的贡献率影响最大[19,20,21]。李瑞珂等[2]研究表明,不同小麦品种开花前干物质的运转能力有显著差异,开花前积累的干物质越多,干物质的运转率就越高。吴金芝等[22]研究表明,晋麦47较偃展4110花前积累的干物质多,花前物质运转能力强,花前贮藏干物质对籽粒的贡献率大,为产量形成提供物质来源,从而获得较高的产量。陈士强等[23]研究表明,超高产小麦品种花前光合产物的同化能力及其向籽粒的运转能力较强。本研究结果表明,较高产品种邯农1412,超高产品种烟农999播种期—拔节期、拔节期—开花期干物质积累量显著提高,花前干物质向籽粒的运转能力较强,产量显著提高,这可能是由于其花前耗水较多,生育前期生长发育较好,植株花前干物质积累量较多,有利于生物量的提高,进而提高产量。此外,高玉红等[24]研究表明,甘春25号较对照品种显著增产6%,这是因为该品种花后干物质积累量对籽粒的贡献率较高,有利于生育后期籽粒的充分灌浆,使千粒重增加,从而获得较高产量。本研究结果也表明,较高产品种邯农1412,超高产品种山农29花后干物质积累量及其对籽粒的贡献率显著提高,千粒重也显著提高,可达47 g,产量也较高,这可能是由于其花后耗水较多,有利于灌浆期籽粒的充分灌浆,进而提高产量。
3.2 不同品种阶段耗水的差异
不同小麦品种相比较,全生育期总耗水量无显著差异时,产量和水分利用效率差异显著[25]。有研究指出,受小麦各生长阶段耗水量及其分配比例的影响,产量也存在差异[26]。高春华等[11]在山东泰安的研究表明,不同小麦品种阶段耗水量存在差异,与济麦22相比,山农15生育期总耗水量无显著差异,但其拔节期—开花期阶段耗水量及其占总耗水的比例较大,产量和水分利用效率分别提高了2%—10%、3%—9%,可节水0.6—1.6 m3·kg-1,是当地的超高产节水品种。本研究结果表明,高产品种较良星67生育期总耗水量显著提高,且花前耗水较多,水分利用效率提高2%—14%,产量提高20%—37%,每多消耗1 mm土壤水分可增产16—40 kg·hm-2·mm-1。有研究指出,春季干旱不利于光合能力的提高和干物质的积累,对小麦产量影响较大,重度干热风危害使黄淮海地区冬小麦平均减产率为27.83%,选择优良品种对避免小麦春季干旱和灌浆期干热风危害十分重要[27,28]。本研究结果表明,不同高产品种间生育期总耗水量差异不大,但阶段耗水量差异显著。超高产品种烟农999在播种期—拔节期、拔节期—开花期阶段耗水多,这可能是由于当地春季较为干旱,而烟农999可发挥其生长优势,在生育前中期耗水多,有利于群体的生长和穗器官的发育,进而提高产量;山农29在开花期—成熟期阶段耗水多,这可能是由于当地干热风危害较小,有利于籽粒的充分灌浆,这是其获得高产的原因。3.3 不同品种产量及其构成因素的差异
4 结论
2个试验年度4个不同小麦品种的试验条件下,花前耗水量与花前干物质运转量关系密切,花前干物质运转量与穗数、产量关系密切,烟农999提高了花前2个阶段耗水量和花前干物质运转量,通过增加穗数、穗粒数实现超高产;花后耗水量与花后干物质积累量关系密切,花后干物质积累量与千粒重、产量关系密切,山农29提高了花后耗水量和花后干物质积累量,通过提高千粒重实现超高产。3个高产品种较良星67显著提高了花前干物质运转量和花后干物质积累量,显著提高了花前两阶段耗水量,最终增产20%—37%,增效2%—14%,每多消耗1 mm土壤水分可增产16—40 kg·hm-2·mm-1,且以超高产品种效果较好。参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.24.008URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】In drylands of northwestern China, we have a serious problem in winter wheat production such as huge amount of and widely distributed low-yielding fields and remarkable yield variations among land parcels of farmers, therefore, it is of great importance to explore the key factors affecting the yield for the purpose of closing the yield variations and increasing the average yield levels of winter wheat universally.【Method】A survey on 180 farmers’ fertilizer application in winter wheat production with the collection and analysis of their 0-100 cm deep soil samples in the corresponding fields was carried out in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, the typical dryland wheat producing areas of the Loess Plateau in Northwest China, to study the relationship between the dryland wheat yield variations and cultivation, fertilization, as well as the main soil fertility factors.【Result】Observed winter wheat yields in the three provinces were in the ranges of 2 529-8 419, 1 344-8 073 and 2 984-7 145 kg·hm-2, respectively. Compared with traditional cultivation, the wheat yield under plastic film mulching cultivation increased by 9.4%. Under traditional cultivation, the average yield of the high-yielding farmer group was respectively 37.5% and 77.2% higher than that of the middle- and low-yielding groups, and the corresponding average yield differences were 25.4% and 66.2% under plastic film mulching cultivation. For fertilizer application, under traditional cultivation the average nitrogen (N) rate in the high-yielding group was respectively 44.4% and 74.4% higher than that in the middle- and low-yielding groups, and it was also 9.9% and 13.5% higher in the high-yielding group than that in the middle- and low-yielding groups under plastic film mulching cultivation. Average phosphorus (P) rate in the high-yielding group was 31.1% higher than the average rate of the middle- and low-yielding groups under traditional cultivation, and it was correspondingly 35.4% higher under plastic film mulching cultivation. Under traditional cultivation the average potassium (K) rate in the high-yielding group was 62.1% lower than that of the low-yielding group, but it was 96% higher in the high-yielding group than that of the low-yielding group under plastic film mulching cultivation. For soil fertility factors, no significant difference was observed in the organic matter content in 0-100 cm soil layers among yield levels in traditional cultivation, but it was 20.8% higher in 0-20 cm soil layers of the high-yielding group than that in low-yielding group under plastic film mulching cultivation. Significant differences were found in the soil total nitrogen in 40-80 cm depth under traditional cultivation, of which that in 40-60 cm soil depth was 7.5% and 18.6% higher in the high-yielding group than in the middle- and low-yielding groups, and under plastic film mulching cultivation, total N was significantly different in 0-60 cm soil layers, of which that in 0-20 cm soil layers was 3.2% and 14.2% higher in the high-yielding group than in the middle- and low-yielding groups, respectively. The mineral nitrogen showed no significant difference among yield groups under traditional cultivation, but that in 80-100 cm soil layers of the high-yielding group was 1.6 times higher than that of the low-yielding group under plastic film mulching cultivation. The available P in 0-40 cm soil layers was significantly different among yield groups in traditional cultivation, and that in the high-yielding group was 74.3% and 86.9% higher than that in the middle- and low-yielding group, respectively, but no significant difference was found in the available soil P under plastic film mulching cultivation. Under traditional cultivation, the available soil K in the high-yielding group was 37.5% and 77.2% higher than that in the middle- and low-yielding groups, respectively, and that was not significantly different among yield levels under plastic film mulching cultivation. Soil pH showed no significant difference at different yield levels and among cultivations.【Conclusion】Main causes for yield variation were found to be the differences in cultivation, fertilizer application rates, and soil fertility factors as soil organic matter content and available P level. Therefore, in northwest drylands, keys to narrow the farmers’ winter wheat yield variations and increase its levels are to strengthen the management of soil water and employ water retention cultivations, reasonably increase N and P fertilizer input, control K fertilizer use in the middle- and low-yielding fields under traditional cultivation, increase P and K fertilizer application apart from stabilization of N input in the middle- and low-yielding fields under plastic film mulching cultivation, strengthen organic fertilizer application to increases soil organic matter content, water holding capacity and nitrogen supply capacity, and meanwhile enhance soil available P supply capacity in the middle- and low-yielding fields especially under the traditional cultivation, in order to realize the purpose of promoting wheat growth and increasing their grain yield in drylands.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.24.008URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】In drylands of northwestern China, we have a serious problem in winter wheat production such as huge amount of and widely distributed low-yielding fields and remarkable yield variations among land parcels of farmers, therefore, it is of great importance to explore the key factors affecting the yield for the purpose of closing the yield variations and increasing the average yield levels of winter wheat universally.【Method】A survey on 180 farmers’ fertilizer application in winter wheat production with the collection and analysis of their 0-100 cm deep soil samples in the corresponding fields was carried out in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, the typical dryland wheat producing areas of the Loess Plateau in Northwest China, to study the relationship between the dryland wheat yield variations and cultivation, fertilization, as well as the main soil fertility factors.【Result】Observed winter wheat yields in the three provinces were in the ranges of 2 529-8 419, 1 344-8 073 and 2 984-7 145 kg·hm-2, respectively. Compared with traditional cultivation, the wheat yield under plastic film mulching cultivation increased by 9.4%. Under traditional cultivation, the average yield of the high-yielding farmer group was respectively 37.5% and 77.2% higher than that of the middle- and low-yielding groups, and the corresponding average yield differences were 25.4% and 66.2% under plastic film mulching cultivation. For fertilizer application, under traditional cultivation the average nitrogen (N) rate in the high-yielding group was respectively 44.4% and 74.4% higher than that in the middle- and low-yielding groups, and it was also 9.9% and 13.5% higher in the high-yielding group than that in the middle- and low-yielding groups under plastic film mulching cultivation. Average phosphorus (P) rate in the high-yielding group was 31.1% higher than the average rate of the middle- and low-yielding groups under traditional cultivation, and it was correspondingly 35.4% higher under plastic film mulching cultivation. Under traditional cultivation the average potassium (K) rate in the high-yielding group was 62.1% lower than that of the low-yielding group, but it was 96% higher in the high-yielding group than that of the low-yielding group under plastic film mulching cultivation. For soil fertility factors, no significant difference was observed in the organic matter content in 0-100 cm soil layers among yield levels in traditional cultivation, but it was 20.8% higher in 0-20 cm soil layers of the high-yielding group than that in low-yielding group under plastic film mulching cultivation. Significant differences were found in the soil total nitrogen in 40-80 cm depth under traditional cultivation, of which that in 40-60 cm soil depth was 7.5% and 18.6% higher in the high-yielding group than in the middle- and low-yielding groups, and under plastic film mulching cultivation, total N was significantly different in 0-60 cm soil layers, of which that in 0-20 cm soil layers was 3.2% and 14.2% higher in the high-yielding group than in the middle- and low-yielding groups, respectively. The mineral nitrogen showed no significant difference among yield groups under traditional cultivation, but that in 80-100 cm soil layers of the high-yielding group was 1.6 times higher than that of the low-yielding group under plastic film mulching cultivation. The available P in 0-40 cm soil layers was significantly different among yield groups in traditional cultivation, and that in the high-yielding group was 74.3% and 86.9% higher than that in the middle- and low-yielding group, respectively, but no significant difference was found in the available soil P under plastic film mulching cultivation. Under traditional cultivation, the available soil K in the high-yielding group was 37.5% and 77.2% higher than that in the middle- and low-yielding groups, respectively, and that was not significantly different among yield levels under plastic film mulching cultivation. Soil pH showed no significant difference at different yield levels and among cultivations.【Conclusion】Main causes for yield variation were found to be the differences in cultivation, fertilizer application rates, and soil fertility factors as soil organic matter content and available P level. Therefore, in northwest drylands, keys to narrow the farmers’ winter wheat yield variations and increase its levels are to strengthen the management of soil water and employ water retention cultivations, reasonably increase N and P fertilizer input, control K fertilizer use in the middle- and low-yielding fields under traditional cultivation, increase P and K fertilizer application apart from stabilization of N input in the middle- and low-yielding fields under plastic film mulching cultivation, strengthen organic fertilizer application to increases soil organic matter content, water holding capacity and nitrogen supply capacity, and meanwhile enhance soil available P supply capacity in the middle- and low-yielding fields especially under the traditional cultivation, in order to realize the purpose of promoting wheat growth and increasing their grain yield in drylands.
[本文引用: 2]
[本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.12.008URL [本文引用: 1]

Aims Our objective was to determine the effects of supplemental irrigation on water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulation and distribution in different spike-type wheat cultivars under field conditions based on testing soil moisture. Methods We conducted a field experiment using medium-spike (‘Shannong 15’) and large-spike (‘Shannong 8355’) cultivars. Three irrigation treatments were designed based on the contents of relative soil moisture at jointing and anthesis stages: 65% and 60% (treatment W0), 70% and 70% (W1), and 70% and 70% (delaying irrigation 8 d after the designated stages mentioned above; W2). Important findings Grain yield in treatment W0 was the lowest in both cultivars. In ‘Shannong 15’, there was no significant difference between W1 and W2, whereas in ‘Shannong 8355’, W1 had higher grain yield than W2. Water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of W1 were significantly higher than those of W2 in both cultivars. Under W1, grain yield of ‘Shannong 15’ was lower than that of ‘Shannong 8355’, but IWUE was the opposite. There was no significant difference between ‘Shannong 15’ and ‘Shannong 8355’ in WUE. Under W2, grain yield, WUE and IWUE had no significant differences. The lowest total water consumption amount (TWCA) was obtained in W0 in both cultivars. In ‘Shannong 15’, W1 had lower TWCA than that of W2, while there was no significant difference in ‘Shannong 8355’ between the two treatments. Soil water consumption amount and its ratio to TWCA in W1 were significantly higher than those in W2 in both cultivars. Under W1 condition, TWCA and the ratio of irrigation amount to that in ‘Shannong 15’ were significantly lower than those in ‘Shannong 8355’, but the ratio of soil water consumption amount to TWCA was the opposite. Under W2, there was no significant difference between TWCA and the ratio of soil water consumption amount to it. Dry matter accumulation at maturity of W1 was significantly higher than that in other treatments in both cultivars, and it was significantly lower for W1 and W2 in ‘Shannong 15’ than in ‘Shannong 8355’. Treatment W1 increased dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis and its contribution to grains in ‘Shannong 8355’, but it did not change significantly in ‘Shannong 15’. Dry matter translocation after anthesis, its ratio and contribution to grains of W1 and W2 in ‘Shannong 15’ were significantly higher than those in ‘Shannong 8355’, while dry matter accumulation after anthesis and its contribution to grains were the opposite. In wheat production under conditions similar to this study, the optimal irrigation treatment in both cultivars was W1.
DOI:10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.12.008URL [本文引用: 1]

Aims Our objective was to determine the effects of supplemental irrigation on water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulation and distribution in different spike-type wheat cultivars under field conditions based on testing soil moisture. Methods We conducted a field experiment using medium-spike (‘Shannong 15’) and large-spike (‘Shannong 8355’) cultivars. Three irrigation treatments were designed based on the contents of relative soil moisture at jointing and anthesis stages: 65% and 60% (treatment W0), 70% and 70% (W1), and 70% and 70% (delaying irrigation 8 d after the designated stages mentioned above; W2). Important findings Grain yield in treatment W0 was the lowest in both cultivars. In ‘Shannong 15’, there was no significant difference between W1 and W2, whereas in ‘Shannong 8355’, W1 had higher grain yield than W2. Water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of W1 were significantly higher than those of W2 in both cultivars. Under W1, grain yield of ‘Shannong 15’ was lower than that of ‘Shannong 8355’, but IWUE was the opposite. There was no significant difference between ‘Shannong 15’ and ‘Shannong 8355’ in WUE. Under W2, grain yield, WUE and IWUE had no significant differences. The lowest total water consumption amount (TWCA) was obtained in W0 in both cultivars. In ‘Shannong 15’, W1 had lower TWCA than that of W2, while there was no significant difference in ‘Shannong 8355’ between the two treatments. Soil water consumption amount and its ratio to TWCA in W1 were significantly higher than those in W2 in both cultivars. Under W1 condition, TWCA and the ratio of irrigation amount to that in ‘Shannong 15’ were significantly lower than those in ‘Shannong 8355’, but the ratio of soil water consumption amount to TWCA was the opposite. Under W2, there was no significant difference between TWCA and the ratio of soil water consumption amount to it. Dry matter accumulation at maturity of W1 was significantly higher than that in other treatments in both cultivars, and it was significantly lower for W1 and W2 in ‘Shannong 15’ than in ‘Shannong 8355’. Treatment W1 increased dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis and its contribution to grains in ‘Shannong 8355’, but it did not change significantly in ‘Shannong 15’. Dry matter translocation after anthesis, its ratio and contribution to grains of W1 and W2 in ‘Shannong 15’ were significantly higher than those in ‘Shannong 8355’, while dry matter accumulation after anthesis and its contribution to grains were the opposite. In wheat production under conditions similar to this study, the optimal irrigation treatment in both cultivars was W1.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2012.04.016URL [本文引用: 1]

To study dry matter accumulation and water utilization characteristics of two types of winter wheat cultivars under limited irrigation and nitrogen supply, a field experiment was carried out at Wuqiao experiment station of China Agricultural University in 2009-2010 growth seasons,using two main local wheat cultivars, Jimai 22 and Shimai 15. Two irrigation patterns were arranged with W1(spring irrigation at jointing stage) and W2(spring irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages), and respectively with two nitrogen fertilizer treatments:192 kg·hm-2 (N1) and 270 kg·hm-2 (N2). The results showed that under W1 level, in Jimai 22, there was no significant difference between N1 and N2 treatment in grain yield and water use efficiency, whereas in Shimai 15, higher grain yield and water use efficiency was achieved in N1 treatment than that in N2; and under W2 level, grain yield and water use efficiency of N1 treatment was higher than that of N2 treatment in both cultivars. Under the same N level, W2 treatment had higher grain yield and water use efficiency than W1 treatment in both cultivars. Under different irrigation and nitrogen treatments, grain yield and water use efficiency of Jimai 22 was higher than that of Shimai 15. Under the same irrigation level, dry matter accumulation amount and distribution rate after anthesis in N1 treatment was higher than in N2 ; and under the same N level, dry matter accumulation amount and distribution rate after anthesis in W2 treatment was higher than in W1 for both cultivars. Dry matter accumulation amount and distribution rate after anthesis of Shimai 15 was higher than that of Jimai 22. Under different irrigation and nitrogen treatments, ET, soil water consumption amount, water consumption ratio after anthesis of Jimai 22 were higher than that of Shimai 15. These results indicated that W2N1 treatment had higher grain yield and water use efficiency.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2012.04.016URL [本文引用: 1]

To study dry matter accumulation and water utilization characteristics of two types of winter wheat cultivars under limited irrigation and nitrogen supply, a field experiment was carried out at Wuqiao experiment station of China Agricultural University in 2009-2010 growth seasons,using two main local wheat cultivars, Jimai 22 and Shimai 15. Two irrigation patterns were arranged with W1(spring irrigation at jointing stage) and W2(spring irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages), and respectively with two nitrogen fertilizer treatments:192 kg·hm-2 (N1) and 270 kg·hm-2 (N2). The results showed that under W1 level, in Jimai 22, there was no significant difference between N1 and N2 treatment in grain yield and water use efficiency, whereas in Shimai 15, higher grain yield and water use efficiency was achieved in N1 treatment than that in N2; and under W2 level, grain yield and water use efficiency of N1 treatment was higher than that of N2 treatment in both cultivars. Under the same N level, W2 treatment had higher grain yield and water use efficiency than W1 treatment in both cultivars. Under different irrigation and nitrogen treatments, grain yield and water use efficiency of Jimai 22 was higher than that of Shimai 15. Under the same irrigation level, dry matter accumulation amount and distribution rate after anthesis in N1 treatment was higher than in N2 ; and under the same N level, dry matter accumulation amount and distribution rate after anthesis in W2 treatment was higher than in W1 for both cultivars. Dry matter accumulation amount and distribution rate after anthesis of Shimai 15 was higher than that of Jimai 22. Under different irrigation and nitrogen treatments, ET, soil water consumption amount, water consumption ratio after anthesis of Jimai 22 were higher than that of Shimai 15. These results indicated that W2N1 treatment had higher grain yield and water use efficiency.
URLPMID:21657026 [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment with 10 wheat cultivars was conducted to study the water consumption characteristics at different growth stages and the differences in the grain yield of the cultivars. Three irrigation treatments were installed, i.e., no irrigation (W0), irrigation before sowing and at jointing stage (W1), and irrigation before sowing and at jointing and anthesis stages (W2), with irrigation amount 60 mm each time. Based on the cluster analysis with the parameters grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) in the three treatments, the test ten cultivars could be divided into three groups, i.e., high yield and high WUE (Group I), high yield and medium WUE (Group II), and medium yield and low WUE (Group III). The average values of grain yield and WUE in each group were calculated to elucidate the water consumption characteristics of the three groups. In treatment W0, the total water consumption amount in the whole growth period, the water consumption amount from anthesis to maturing stages and its proportion to the total water consumption amount of Group I were lower than those of Group II and Group III, but the grain yield of Group I was the highest. In treatment W1, the water consumption amount from jointing to anthesis stages and its proportion to total water consumption amount of Group I were lower than those of Group II and Group III, but the water consumption amount from anthesis to maturing stages had no significant differences among Group I, Group II, and Group III. In treatment W2, the total soil water consumption amount, water consumption amount from jointing to anthesis stages and its proportion to total water consumption amount of Group I were lower than those of Group II and Group III, while the water consumption amount from anthesis to maturity stages and its proportion to total water consumption amount of both Group I and Group III were lower than those of Group II. In terms of high-yield and water-saving under the present experimental condition, it was implicated that the most appropriate cultivars might fall into the Group I with high yield and high WUE, and the most appropriate irrigation regime with high yield and low water consumption was treatment W1, i.e., irrigated 60 mm each time before sowing and at jointing stage.
URLPMID:21657026 [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment with 10 wheat cultivars was conducted to study the water consumption characteristics at different growth stages and the differences in the grain yield of the cultivars. Three irrigation treatments were installed, i.e., no irrigation (W0), irrigation before sowing and at jointing stage (W1), and irrigation before sowing and at jointing and anthesis stages (W2), with irrigation amount 60 mm each time. Based on the cluster analysis with the parameters grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) in the three treatments, the test ten cultivars could be divided into three groups, i.e., high yield and high WUE (Group I), high yield and medium WUE (Group II), and medium yield and low WUE (Group III). The average values of grain yield and WUE in each group were calculated to elucidate the water consumption characteristics of the three groups. In treatment W0, the total water consumption amount in the whole growth period, the water consumption amount from anthesis to maturing stages and its proportion to the total water consumption amount of Group I were lower than those of Group II and Group III, but the grain yield of Group I was the highest. In treatment W1, the water consumption amount from jointing to anthesis stages and its proportion to total water consumption amount of Group I were lower than those of Group II and Group III, but the water consumption amount from anthesis to maturing stages had no significant differences among Group I, Group II, and Group III. In treatment W2, the total soil water consumption amount, water consumption amount from jointing to anthesis stages and its proportion to total water consumption amount of Group I were lower than those of Group II and Group III, while the water consumption amount from anthesis to maturity stages and its proportion to total water consumption amount of both Group I and Group III were lower than those of Group II. In terms of high-yield and water-saving under the present experimental condition, it was implicated that the most appropriate cultivars might fall into the Group I with high yield and high WUE, and the most appropriate irrigation regime with high yield and low water consumption was treatment W1, i.e., irrigated 60 mm each time before sowing and at jointing stage.
URL [本文引用: 1]

In order to study the water use characteristics and the responses of the different winter wheat varieties to different irrigation schedulings, a field experiment was conducted on Luancheng Agri-ecology Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences between 2003 and 2004. Nineteen winter wheat varieties with different drought resistances were selected to study grain yield, water consumption and water use efficiency under three irrigation treatments. The results showed that there were significant differences in yield, water consumption and water use efficiency among the wheat varieties. The WUE and grain yield of Shijiazhuang 8 were increased by 42.18% and 44.86% respectively, compared with those of Xinong 9614. Based on the results of cluster analysis, these different varieties can be divided into four types: high yield and high WUE type, middle-yield and high WUE type, middle-yield and middle WUE type and low yield and low WUE type. Winter wheat varieties' responses to irrigation scheduling were different among different types. Grain yield and water use efficiency of high yield and high WUE type were 7415 kg/hm2 and 15.91 kg/(mm·hm2) respectively under 60 mm irrigation. For example, Shijiazhuang 8 could be suitably planted in North China Plain, leading to a 60~120 mm reduction of irrigation without lowering its yield and WUE. So Shijiazhuang 8 had remarkable effects of water-saving and yield improvement.
URL [本文引用: 1]

In order to study the water use characteristics and the responses of the different winter wheat varieties to different irrigation schedulings, a field experiment was conducted on Luancheng Agri-ecology Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences between 2003 and 2004. Nineteen winter wheat varieties with different drought resistances were selected to study grain yield, water consumption and water use efficiency under three irrigation treatments. The results showed that there were significant differences in yield, water consumption and water use efficiency among the wheat varieties. The WUE and grain yield of Shijiazhuang 8 were increased by 42.18% and 44.86% respectively, compared with those of Xinong 9614. Based on the results of cluster analysis, these different varieties can be divided into four types: high yield and high WUE type, middle-yield and high WUE type, middle-yield and middle WUE type and low yield and low WUE type. Winter wheat varieties' responses to irrigation scheduling were different among different types. Grain yield and water use efficiency of high yield and high WUE type were 7415 kg/hm2 and 15.91 kg/(mm·hm2) respectively under 60 mm irrigation. For example, Shijiazhuang 8 could be suitably planted in North China Plain, leading to a 60~120 mm reduction of irrigation without lowering its yield and WUE. So Shijiazhuang 8 had remarkable effects of water-saving and yield improvement.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2010.01.021URL [本文引用: 1]

To determine the reasonable and effective water saving irrigation scheme in wheat production, water consumption characteristics, grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were studied with two commercial wheat cultivars Shannong 15 and Yannong 21. The results showed that the amplitude of the relative error between the designed water content and the actual relative water content was 0.11%~4.71% in all treatments, which indicated that irrigation amount according to irrigation quota calculation formula could reach the designed water content. The treatment W1, which the relative water content at jointing stage and anthesis stage were 75% and 65%, respectively, had the highest irrigation efficiency for two wheat cultivars. The treatment W2, which the relative water content at jointing stage and anthesis stage were both 75%, obtained the highest grain yield and WUE. The grain yield and WUE of Shannong 15 was significantly higher than those of Yannong 21 under conditions of the treatment W1 and W2. The water consumption amount and soil water consumption amount of Shannong 15 were significantly higher than those of Yannong 21 in all treatments. The ratio of soil water consumption amount to water consumption amount of Shannong 15 was significantly higher than that of Yannong 21, but its ratio of precipitation to water consumption amount was significantly lower than that of Yannong 21, and the two wheat cultivars had no significant difference on the ratio of irrigation amount to water consumption amount under the conditions of treatment W0 and W1. There was no difference between Shannong 15 and Yannong 21 on the ratio of soil water consumption amount to water consumption amount and the ratio of precipitation to water consumption amount under the condition of treatment W2, but the ratio of irrigation amount to water consumption amount of Shannong 15 was significantly lower than that of Yannong 21. The soil water consumption amount in 20~60 and 60~100 and 140~200 cm soil layers of Shannong 15 was significantly higher than that of Yannong 21 under the conditions of treatment W0 and W1, which indicated that Shangnong 15 had higher ability of using soil water in deeper soil layers than Yannong 21. As far as grain yield and water use efficiency were concerned in the experiment, Shannong 15 was a high grain yield and high WUE wheat cultivar, and the most appropriate treatment for two wheat cultivars was the treatment W2 which the relative water content at jointing stage and anthesis stage were both 75%.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2010.01.021URL [本文引用: 1]

To determine the reasonable and effective water saving irrigation scheme in wheat production, water consumption characteristics, grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were studied with two commercial wheat cultivars Shannong 15 and Yannong 21. The results showed that the amplitude of the relative error between the designed water content and the actual relative water content was 0.11%~4.71% in all treatments, which indicated that irrigation amount according to irrigation quota calculation formula could reach the designed water content. The treatment W1, which the relative water content at jointing stage and anthesis stage were 75% and 65%, respectively, had the highest irrigation efficiency for two wheat cultivars. The treatment W2, which the relative water content at jointing stage and anthesis stage were both 75%, obtained the highest grain yield and WUE. The grain yield and WUE of Shannong 15 was significantly higher than those of Yannong 21 under conditions of the treatment W1 and W2. The water consumption amount and soil water consumption amount of Shannong 15 were significantly higher than those of Yannong 21 in all treatments. The ratio of soil water consumption amount to water consumption amount of Shannong 15 was significantly higher than that of Yannong 21, but its ratio of precipitation to water consumption amount was significantly lower than that of Yannong 21, and the two wheat cultivars had no significant difference on the ratio of irrigation amount to water consumption amount under the conditions of treatment W0 and W1. There was no difference between Shannong 15 and Yannong 21 on the ratio of soil water consumption amount to water consumption amount and the ratio of precipitation to water consumption amount under the condition of treatment W2, but the ratio of irrigation amount to water consumption amount of Shannong 15 was significantly lower than that of Yannong 21. The soil water consumption amount in 20~60 and 60~100 and 140~200 cm soil layers of Shannong 15 was significantly higher than that of Yannong 21 under the conditions of treatment W0 and W1, which indicated that Shangnong 15 had higher ability of using soil water in deeper soil layers than Yannong 21. As far as grain yield and water use efficiency were concerned in the experiment, Shannong 15 was a high grain yield and high WUE wheat cultivar, and the most appropriate treatment for two wheat cultivars was the treatment W2 which the relative water content at jointing stage and anthesis stage were both 75%.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.18.003URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】The objective of these experiments was to clarify the relationship among soil water variety, nitrogen utilization and yield, and to explore emergency measures of tillage and mulched-sowing technique. 【Method】Field experiments were carried out from 2011 to 2016 in Wenxi, Shanxi province, with sub-soiling (SS) or no-tillage (NT) as the main plots and three sowing methods (Film-mulched soil hole sowing, FSH; Film-mulched sowing, FM; Drill sowing, DS) as the subplots, classification of annual type according to precipitation, in order to assess the effects of mulched-sowing under sub-soiling on relationship with water consumed and accumulation absorption and utilization in dry wheat.【Result】Under difference precipitation, the water consumption amount and its ratio was declined from sowing stage to jointing stage, but the water consumption amount and its ratio from jointing stage to mature was increased, thus water consumption during growth period was increased under sub-soiling and mulched-sowing; Nitrogen accumulation at every growth stage also was increased, especially ratio of nitrogen accumulation from jointing stage to anthesis; Pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs and contribution of translocation to grain was increased; Grain yield was improved significantly by 16%-30% under sub-soiling and 13%-28% under mulched-sowing, water use efficiency was improved, and nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen productive efficiency was improved significantly. Difference annual precipitation and sub-soiling affected water consumption, nitrogen absorption, utilization, grain yield, water use efficiency, and nitrogen use efficiency of FHS and FM. In humid year under SS, water consumption during growth was increased, nitrogen accumulation from jointing stage to anthesis stage and contribution of leaf nitrogen translocation to grain was increased significantly, and grain yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen productive efficiency was increased significantly under FSH, compared with FM. However, in dry year and humid under no sub-soiling, water consumption during growth was no significantly between FSH and FM, pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs, contribution of stem+sheath nitrogen translocation to grain, and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis, finally grain yield were increased, and nitrogen uptake efficiency was increased significantly improved under FM compared with FSH. In addition, in humid year, pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis was more significantly correlated with 0-120 cm water consumption from sowing stage to jointing stage, 120-300 cm water consumption at jointing stage to anthesis, 180-300 cm water consumption at anthesis to mature; In dry year, pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis was more significantly correlated with 0-100 cm water consumption at sowing stage to jointing stage, 120-240 cm water consumption at jointing stage to anthesis, and 120-300 cm water consumption at anthesis to mature.【Conclusion】In conclusion, sub-soiling during the fallow period, mulched-sowing was not only increased water consumption, but also beneficial to nitrogen accumulation during growth period, ultimately significant improved yield, water use efficiency, and nitrogen use efficiency. Film-mulched soil hole sowing in humid year and film-mulched sowing in dry year increased yield and efficiency of dryland wheat under sub-soiling during the fallow period.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.18.003URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】The objective of these experiments was to clarify the relationship among soil water variety, nitrogen utilization and yield, and to explore emergency measures of tillage and mulched-sowing technique. 【Method】Field experiments were carried out from 2011 to 2016 in Wenxi, Shanxi province, with sub-soiling (SS) or no-tillage (NT) as the main plots and three sowing methods (Film-mulched soil hole sowing, FSH; Film-mulched sowing, FM; Drill sowing, DS) as the subplots, classification of annual type according to precipitation, in order to assess the effects of mulched-sowing under sub-soiling on relationship with water consumed and accumulation absorption and utilization in dry wheat.【Result】Under difference precipitation, the water consumption amount and its ratio was declined from sowing stage to jointing stage, but the water consumption amount and its ratio from jointing stage to mature was increased, thus water consumption during growth period was increased under sub-soiling and mulched-sowing; Nitrogen accumulation at every growth stage also was increased, especially ratio of nitrogen accumulation from jointing stage to anthesis; Pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs and contribution of translocation to grain was increased; Grain yield was improved significantly by 16%-30% under sub-soiling and 13%-28% under mulched-sowing, water use efficiency was improved, and nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen productive efficiency was improved significantly. Difference annual precipitation and sub-soiling affected water consumption, nitrogen absorption, utilization, grain yield, water use efficiency, and nitrogen use efficiency of FHS and FM. In humid year under SS, water consumption during growth was increased, nitrogen accumulation from jointing stage to anthesis stage and contribution of leaf nitrogen translocation to grain was increased significantly, and grain yield, nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen productive efficiency was increased significantly under FSH, compared with FM. However, in dry year and humid under no sub-soiling, water consumption during growth was no significantly between FSH and FM, pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs, contribution of stem+sheath nitrogen translocation to grain, and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis, finally grain yield were increased, and nitrogen uptake efficiency was increased significantly improved under FM compared with FSH. In addition, in humid year, pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis was more significantly correlated with 0-120 cm water consumption from sowing stage to jointing stage, 120-300 cm water consumption at jointing stage to anthesis, 180-300 cm water consumption at anthesis to mature; In dry year, pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount in various organs and nitrogen accumulation amount after anthesis was more significantly correlated with 0-100 cm water consumption at sowing stage to jointing stage, 120-240 cm water consumption at jointing stage to anthesis, and 120-300 cm water consumption at anthesis to mature.【Conclusion】In conclusion, sub-soiling during the fallow period, mulched-sowing was not only increased water consumption, but also beneficial to nitrogen accumulation during growth period, ultimately significant improved yield, water use efficiency, and nitrogen use efficiency. Film-mulched soil hole sowing in humid year and film-mulched sowing in dry year increased yield and efficiency of dryland wheat under sub-soiling during the fallow period.
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201910.028URLPMID:31621231 [本文引用: 1]

To tackle the issue of rainfall delay during dryland wheat sowing season and further examine the effects of seeding rate on water use and yield formation, a field experiment was conducted at Wenxi Experimental Station, Shanxi Province between 2015 and 2017. We used two sowing dates, i.e. September 20 and October 10 as early (EB) and late (LB) sowing in main plots, and each with three seeding rates as 67.5 (LD), 90 (MD) and 112.5(HD) kg.hm(-2). The results showed that compared with LB, EB increased total soil water consumption by 11-22 mm over the entire growing season. With the increases of seeding density, total soil water consumption increased by 2-20 mm. Soil water consumption before anthesis tended to increase for LB, while there was a significant increase of soil water consumption after anthesis for EB. Compared with LB, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation and post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation amount in EB were increased under LD and MD, but decreased under HD. For EB, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount and post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation amount were highest at LD. Under LB, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount and post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation amount were greatest at high sowing density. EB significantly increased grain yield by 163-996 kg.hm(-2) than LB. EB significantly increased grain yield and water use efficiency by 5%-26% and 2%-21% compared with LB, respectively. The nitrogen absorption efficiency and harvest index were 3%-36% and 11% higher under LB than that under EB. As for seeding rate, a low level tended to gain higher grain yield, water use efficiency, nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen harvest index under EB, whereas a high level tended to gain higher values of grain yield, water use efficiency, nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen harvest index under LB. In addition, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation was closely related with 100-200 cm soil water consumption before anthesis, especially for stem + sheath, glume + spike nitrogen translocation. The post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation was significantly correlated with 100-300 cm soil water consumption after anthesis. In conclusion, early sowing with a seeding rate of 67.5 kg.hm(-2) and late sowing with a seeding rate of 112.5 kg.hm(-2) could be promising options to boost dryland wheat production.
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201910.028URLPMID:31621231 [本文引用: 1]

To tackle the issue of rainfall delay during dryland wheat sowing season and further examine the effects of seeding rate on water use and yield formation, a field experiment was conducted at Wenxi Experimental Station, Shanxi Province between 2015 and 2017. We used two sowing dates, i.e. September 20 and October 10 as early (EB) and late (LB) sowing in main plots, and each with three seeding rates as 67.5 (LD), 90 (MD) and 112.5(HD) kg.hm(-2). The results showed that compared with LB, EB increased total soil water consumption by 11-22 mm over the entire growing season. With the increases of seeding density, total soil water consumption increased by 2-20 mm. Soil water consumption before anthesis tended to increase for LB, while there was a significant increase of soil water consumption after anthesis for EB. Compared with LB, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation and post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation amount in EB were increased under LD and MD, but decreased under HD. For EB, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount and post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation amount were highest at LD. Under LB, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation amount and post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation amount were greatest at high sowing density. EB significantly increased grain yield by 163-996 kg.hm(-2) than LB. EB significantly increased grain yield and water use efficiency by 5%-26% and 2%-21% compared with LB, respectively. The nitrogen absorption efficiency and harvest index were 3%-36% and 11% higher under LB than that under EB. As for seeding rate, a low level tended to gain higher grain yield, water use efficiency, nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen harvest index under EB, whereas a high level tended to gain higher values of grain yield, water use efficiency, nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen harvest index under LB. In addition, the pre-anthesis nitrogen translocation was closely related with 100-200 cm soil water consumption before anthesis, especially for stem + sheath, glume + spike nitrogen translocation. The post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation was significantly correlated with 100-300 cm soil water consumption after anthesis. In conclusion, early sowing with a seeding rate of 67.5 kg.hm(-2) and late sowing with a seeding rate of 112.5 kg.hm(-2) could be promising options to boost dryland wheat production.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2013.01.014URL [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment were conducted using Xindong 33 cultivar, and three drip irrigation treatments of 2 550 m3·hm-2(W1), 3 150 m3·hm-2(W2) and 3 750 m3·hm-2(W3) after erecting stage to study the effects of different drip irrigation on water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulation and distribution in winter wheat under full water supply before seeding and the irrigation of 750 m3·hm-2 before over winter stage.The results showed that along with the reduction of drip irrigation quantities, the water content in the 0~100 cm soil from booting to 20 days after flowering (20DAF) reduced greatly; but with the reduction of drip irrigation quantities, significant difference was observed among the same treatments on transverse relative soil moisture, and the total water consumption decreased, however, soil stored water consumption increased. With drip irrigation quantities decreased, reduction on leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter accumulation of the population were observed,obviously, especially where more far away from the soil capillary, but the dry matter translocation of vegetative organ before anthesis, its ratio and contribution to grains increased, while dry matter accumulation after anthesis and its contribution to grains were the opposite. Grain yield of W1 was lower than that of W2 and W3, the irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of W1 were significantly higher than those of W2 and W3, and the water use efficiency (WUE) of W2 was the highest, with 1.5 kg·m-3, and grain yield of 9 045.4 kg·hm-2. Therefore, 3 150~3 750 m3·hm-2 could be the suitable irrigation quota of drip irrigation for winter wheat.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2013.01.014URL [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment were conducted using Xindong 33 cultivar, and three drip irrigation treatments of 2 550 m3·hm-2(W1), 3 150 m3·hm-2(W2) and 3 750 m3·hm-2(W3) after erecting stage to study the effects of different drip irrigation on water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulation and distribution in winter wheat under full water supply before seeding and the irrigation of 750 m3·hm-2 before over winter stage.The results showed that along with the reduction of drip irrigation quantities, the water content in the 0~100 cm soil from booting to 20 days after flowering (20DAF) reduced greatly; but with the reduction of drip irrigation quantities, significant difference was observed among the same treatments on transverse relative soil moisture, and the total water consumption decreased, however, soil stored water consumption increased. With drip irrigation quantities decreased, reduction on leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter accumulation of the population were observed,obviously, especially where more far away from the soil capillary, but the dry matter translocation of vegetative organ before anthesis, its ratio and contribution to grains increased, while dry matter accumulation after anthesis and its contribution to grains were the opposite. Grain yield of W1 was lower than that of W2 and W3, the irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of W1 were significantly higher than those of W2 and W3, and the water use efficiency (WUE) of W2 was the highest, with 1.5 kg·m-3, and grain yield of 9 045.4 kg·hm-2. Therefore, 3 150~3 750 m3·hm-2 could be the suitable irrigation quota of drip irrigation for winter wheat.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.02211URL [本文引用: 2]

Water shortage is a serious problem threatening sustainable agricultural development in the North China Plain, where winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the largest water-consuming crop. The objective of this study was to guide wheat production in this area by selecting high water efficient cultivar and improving irrigation regime. In a two-year field experiment from autumn of 2007 to summer of 2009, irrigation quantum was controlled based on testing soil moisture (SM) in 0–140 cm depth, which was designed in low (SM of 65% at jointing and 55–60% at anthesis stage), medium (SM of 75% at jointing and 65–70% at anthesis stage), and high (SM of 75% at jointing and 75% at anthesis stage) levels. Water use efficiency (WUE), dry matter accumulation and distribution in wheat plant, and grain yield were tested and compared among 14 commercial cultivars. Based on grain yield and WUE, the 14 cultivars were clustered into three groups, namely, super-high yield and high WUE group (I), super-high yield and medium WUE group (II), and high yield and low WUE group (III). One representative cultivar was selected from each group to compare the amount and proportion of water consumption during sowing–jointing, jointing–anthesis, and anthesis–maturity periods. Shannong 15 from group I had significantly lower water consumption from sowing to jointing than Jimai 22 from group II and Yannong 21 from group III, and significantly higher water consumption from jointing to anthesis. However, water consumption amount and proportion had no significant differences among the three cultivars from anthesis to maturity. Under medium SM condition, soil water consumption in Shannong 15 was significantly higher than that in Jimai 22 and Yannong 21, but such advantage in Shannong 15 disappeared under high SM condition. Under medium and high SM conditions, translocation amount and ratio of dry matter accumulated before anthesis and its contribution to grain were significantly higher in Shannong 15 than in Jimai 22 and Yannong 21. Among the three cultivars, harvest index was the highest in Shannong 15, the medium in Jimai 22, and the lowest in Yannong 21.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.02211URL [本文引用: 2]

Water shortage is a serious problem threatening sustainable agricultural development in the North China Plain, where winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the largest water-consuming crop. The objective of this study was to guide wheat production in this area by selecting high water efficient cultivar and improving irrigation regime. In a two-year field experiment from autumn of 2007 to summer of 2009, irrigation quantum was controlled based on testing soil moisture (SM) in 0–140 cm depth, which was designed in low (SM of 65% at jointing and 55–60% at anthesis stage), medium (SM of 75% at jointing and 65–70% at anthesis stage), and high (SM of 75% at jointing and 75% at anthesis stage) levels. Water use efficiency (WUE), dry matter accumulation and distribution in wheat plant, and grain yield were tested and compared among 14 commercial cultivars. Based on grain yield and WUE, the 14 cultivars were clustered into three groups, namely, super-high yield and high WUE group (I), super-high yield and medium WUE group (II), and high yield and low WUE group (III). One representative cultivar was selected from each group to compare the amount and proportion of water consumption during sowing–jointing, jointing–anthesis, and anthesis–maturity periods. Shannong 15 from group I had significantly lower water consumption from sowing to jointing than Jimai 22 from group II and Yannong 21 from group III, and significantly higher water consumption from jointing to anthesis. However, water consumption amount and proportion had no significant differences among the three cultivars from anthesis to maturity. Under medium SM condition, soil water consumption in Shannong 15 was significantly higher than that in Jimai 22 and Yannong 21, but such advantage in Shannong 15 disappeared under high SM condition. Under medium and high SM conditions, translocation amount and ratio of dry matter accumulated before anthesis and its contribution to grain were significantly higher in Shannong 15 than in Jimai 22 and Yannong 21. Among the three cultivars, harvest index was the highest in Shannong 15, the medium in Jimai 22, and the lowest in Yannong 21.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.01450URL [本文引用: 1]

Water resource deficiency is one of major problems in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in North Plain of China. Irrigation plays an important role to obtain high grain yield and quality. Currently, many reports on the basis of different experiments and cultivars have suggested several irrigation regimes in wheat, but no consistent conclusion is available due to interactions between eco-environment and cultivar. In this study, two winter wheat cultivars were used under high-yielding cultivation in 2005–2007 growing seasons (with precipitations of 128.0 and 246.4 mm, respectively) to reveal the effects of irrigation amount on water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulations in various organs. The results showed that the yield of treatment W2 (irrigated each 60 mm before sowing and at jointing) was the highest and the WUE of treatment W2 was significantly higher than that of other irrigation treatments in 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 wheat growing seasons. And when the precipitation was 246.4 mm from sowing to maturity in 2006–2007, the ratios of precipitation, irrigation amount and soil water amount to water consumption amount in treatment W2 were 47.32%, 23.04%, and 29.64%, respectively. Compared with in treatment W0, dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis and contribution of dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis to grains in irrigated treatments increased significantly with the highest of 8 241.59 kg ha-1 and 84.18% respectively in W2. However over-irrigation significantly reduced the photosynthate and grain yield. Water consumption amount increased significantly with increasing irrigation amount, and the ratio of irrigation amount to water consumption amount increased too, but the ratio of precipitation to water consumption amount and the ratio of soil water amount to water consumption amount both decreased. The variation in the ratio of soil water amount to water consumption was larger than others. As far as grain yield, WUE and WUE of irrigation concerned in the experiment, the most appropriate treatment for recommendation was treatment W2, which was irrigated 60 mm before sowing and at jointing stage respectively. The ratio of soil water amount to water consumption amount and the WUE of irrigation were higher in treatment W1 than in treatment W2, and the grain yield in treatment W1 was 8 797.73 kg ha-1 when the precipitation was 246.4 mm. The results can offer a useful reference for formulating water-saving cultivation techniques in the areas with different water resources.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.01450URL [本文引用: 1]

Water resource deficiency is one of major problems in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in North Plain of China. Irrigation plays an important role to obtain high grain yield and quality. Currently, many reports on the basis of different experiments and cultivars have suggested several irrigation regimes in wheat, but no consistent conclusion is available due to interactions between eco-environment and cultivar. In this study, two winter wheat cultivars were used under high-yielding cultivation in 2005–2007 growing seasons (with precipitations of 128.0 and 246.4 mm, respectively) to reveal the effects of irrigation amount on water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulations in various organs. The results showed that the yield of treatment W2 (irrigated each 60 mm before sowing and at jointing) was the highest and the WUE of treatment W2 was significantly higher than that of other irrigation treatments in 2005–2006 and 2006–2007 wheat growing seasons. And when the precipitation was 246.4 mm from sowing to maturity in 2006–2007, the ratios of precipitation, irrigation amount and soil water amount to water consumption amount in treatment W2 were 47.32%, 23.04%, and 29.64%, respectively. Compared with in treatment W0, dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis and contribution of dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis to grains in irrigated treatments increased significantly with the highest of 8 241.59 kg ha-1 and 84.18% respectively in W2. However over-irrigation significantly reduced the photosynthate and grain yield. Water consumption amount increased significantly with increasing irrigation amount, and the ratio of irrigation amount to water consumption amount increased too, but the ratio of precipitation to water consumption amount and the ratio of soil water amount to water consumption amount both decreased. The variation in the ratio of soil water amount to water consumption was larger than others. As far as grain yield, WUE and WUE of irrigation concerned in the experiment, the most appropriate treatment for recommendation was treatment W2, which was irrigated 60 mm before sowing and at jointing stage respectively. The ratio of soil water amount to water consumption amount and the WUE of irrigation were higher in treatment W1 than in treatment W2, and the grain yield in treatment W1 was 8 797.73 kg ha-1 when the precipitation was 246.4 mm. The results can offer a useful reference for formulating water-saving cultivation techniques in the areas with different water resources.
[本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2010.02.033URL [本文引用: 1]

In order to offer theoretical basis of water saving cultivation technique for wheat in Huang huaihai region, dry matter accumulation, yield and water use efficiency of three wheat cultivars were studied in three irrigation treatments through field research. The results showed that under the condition of no irrigation (W0), contribution of assimilates transportation amount to kernel was higher than that of assimilates accumulation amount after anthesis in Taishan 23(T23), but it was contrary in Weimai 8(W8) and Shannong 12(S12). With the increasing of irrigation amount, assimilates transportation amount after anthesis, assimilates transportation ratio and contribution to kernel in T23 and S12 decreased, while those in W8 increased. However, an opposite change occurred in assimilates accumulation amount after anthesis and its contribution to kernel. In treatment W0, initial fluorescence (Fo) and actual photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PSⅡ) (ΦPSⅡ) of flag leaf in T23 and W8 were higher than those in S12, indicating that the influence of water shortage on PSⅡ photochemical reaction in T23 and W8 was less significant than that in S12. Increasing the irrigation amount, the changing extent of photosynthetic rate, Fo, Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo in T23 was significantly lower than that in W8 and S12, which indicated that T23 had more stable photosynthetic properties of flag leaf. Under the same condition of irrigation, grain yield and irrigation water use efficiency of W8 were less than those of T23, but more than those of S12, while harvest index of T23 was less than that of S12, but more than that of W8. Based on comprehensive consideration of yield, water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency, T23 was the best one, W8 took the second place, and S12 was the worst, and the optimal irrigation regimes are suggested as irrigation at pre sowing and jointing.
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2010.02.033URL [本文引用: 1]

In order to offer theoretical basis of water saving cultivation technique for wheat in Huang huaihai region, dry matter accumulation, yield and water use efficiency of three wheat cultivars were studied in three irrigation treatments through field research. The results showed that under the condition of no irrigation (W0), contribution of assimilates transportation amount to kernel was higher than that of assimilates accumulation amount after anthesis in Taishan 23(T23), but it was contrary in Weimai 8(W8) and Shannong 12(S12). With the increasing of irrigation amount, assimilates transportation amount after anthesis, assimilates transportation ratio and contribution to kernel in T23 and S12 decreased, while those in W8 increased. However, an opposite change occurred in assimilates accumulation amount after anthesis and its contribution to kernel. In treatment W0, initial fluorescence (Fo) and actual photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PSⅡ) (ΦPSⅡ) of flag leaf in T23 and W8 were higher than those in S12, indicating that the influence of water shortage on PSⅡ photochemical reaction in T23 and W8 was less significant than that in S12. Increasing the irrigation amount, the changing extent of photosynthetic rate, Fo, Fv/Fm and Fv/Fo in T23 was significantly lower than that in W8 and S12, which indicated that T23 had more stable photosynthetic properties of flag leaf. Under the same condition of irrigation, grain yield and irrigation water use efficiency of W8 were less than those of T23, but more than those of S12, while harvest index of T23 was less than that of S12, but more than that of W8. Based on comprehensive consideration of yield, water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency, T23 was the best one, W8 took the second place, and S12 was the worst, and the optimal irrigation regimes are suggested as irrigation at pre sowing and jointing.
DOI:10.5846/stxb201106120775URL [本文引用: 1]

旱地小麦高产栽培中品种起着重要作用,研究不同产量水平旱地冬小麦品种干物质累积和转移的差异,对黄土高原旱区作物高产稳产有重要意义。以9个旱地冬小麦品种为材料,通过田间试验研究了不同产量水平旱地冬小麦品种的生物量、花前花后干物质累积量、干物质转移量、转移率及转移干物质对籽粒的贡献率、叶面积、SPAD值以及光合速率的差异。结果表明,不同小麦品种的生物量、花前花后干物质累积量、干物质转移量、转移率及转移干物质对籽粒的贡献率均存在明显差异。与不施肥相比,高、中、低3个产量水平小麦品种在低养分投入时,成熟期生物量分别提高29%,22%和6%,高水平时分别提高46%,39%和23%,高产品种的生物量及其对养分投入的敏感程度明显高于低产品种。不同品种的花后干物质累积量随养分投入水平提高而增加,但花前营养器官中储存物质的转移量、转移率和对籽粒的贡献率却明显随之下降。功能叶(旗叶)在灌浆期高、中、低3个产量水平品种的SPAD值在低养分投入条件下分别为20.7、17.5和13.7;高养分投入时,分别为35、26.1和16.8。高产品种西农88的光合速率为6.0 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1),中产和低产品种的平均光合速率分别为4.3 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1和4.0 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,高产品种功能叶(旗叶)在灌浆期能保持较高的SPAD值和光合速率,因而花后能生产较多的干物质,但其花前干物质转移量、转移率及转移干物质对籽粒的贡献率均没有明显优势。可见,花后较高的叶绿素水平、光合速率和干物质累积是旱地小麦品种高产的重要原因。选择优良品种,采取合理的栽培措施, 特别是通过养分调控保持花后具较高的干物质累积量是西北旱地进一步提高冬小麦产量的重要途径。
DOI:10.5846/stxb201106120775URL [本文引用: 1]

旱地小麦高产栽培中品种起着重要作用,研究不同产量水平旱地冬小麦品种干物质累积和转移的差异,对黄土高原旱区作物高产稳产有重要意义。以9个旱地冬小麦品种为材料,通过田间试验研究了不同产量水平旱地冬小麦品种的生物量、花前花后干物质累积量、干物质转移量、转移率及转移干物质对籽粒的贡献率、叶面积、SPAD值以及光合速率的差异。结果表明,不同小麦品种的生物量、花前花后干物质累积量、干物质转移量、转移率及转移干物质对籽粒的贡献率均存在明显差异。与不施肥相比,高、中、低3个产量水平小麦品种在低养分投入时,成熟期生物量分别提高29%,22%和6%,高水平时分别提高46%,39%和23%,高产品种的生物量及其对养分投入的敏感程度明显高于低产品种。不同品种的花后干物质累积量随养分投入水平提高而增加,但花前营养器官中储存物质的转移量、转移率和对籽粒的贡献率却明显随之下降。功能叶(旗叶)在灌浆期高、中、低3个产量水平品种的SPAD值在低养分投入条件下分别为20.7、17.5和13.7;高养分投入时,分别为35、26.1和16.8。高产品种西农88的光合速率为6.0 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1),中产和低产品种的平均光合速率分别为4.3 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1和4.0 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,高产品种功能叶(旗叶)在灌浆期能保持较高的SPAD值和光合速率,因而花后能生产较多的干物质,但其花前干物质转移量、转移率及转移干物质对籽粒的贡献率均没有明显优势。可见,花后较高的叶绿素水平、光合速率和干物质累积是旱地小麦品种高产的重要原因。选择优良品种,采取合理的栽培措施, 特别是通过养分调控保持花后具较高的干物质累积量是西北旱地进一步提高冬小麦产量的重要途径。
DOI:10.1016/S0378-3774(03)00099-4URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.2135/cropsci2000.4061645xURL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.07.013URL [本文引用: 1]

To improve grain yields of winter wheat and water-use efficiency in the water-shortage region of the North China Plain (NCP), field experiments involving three irrigation levels and two types of winter-wheat cultivars (Shijiazhuang 8 and Xifeng 20, with moderate and strongly drought tolerance, respectively) were conducted over three growing seasons with different levels of precipitation. The results showed that irrigation significantly improved the grain yield of both wheat cultivars. The response of grain yield was largest in the dry year, followed by the normal and wet years. Shijiazhuang 8 responded more strongly than Xifeng 20. Compared to aboveground biomass under no irrigation treatment, the aboveground biomass of Shijiazhuang 8 and Xifeng 20 improved by 87.0% and 57.8%, respectively, in a dry year, by 27.2% and 18.3%, respectively, in a normal year, and by 13.7% and 11.7%, respectively, in a humid year when irrigation were applied twice. The total water use (TWU) of the two cultivars also increased upon irrigation. The increase was more pronounced in the dry year than in the normal or humid years. However, there were no significant differences in the TWUs of the two cultivars. The water-use efficiency at grain-yield level (WUE(y)) of Shijiazhuang 8 increased significantly upon irrigation in the dry year, did not change in the normal year, and showed a clear decline in the humid year, while the WUE(y) of Xifeng 20 was reduced by irrigation in each of the three growing seasons. The harvest index (HI) was not altered by irrigation but it did vary by growing season. The HI of Shijiazhuang 8 was always higher than that of Xifeng 20. A positive correlation was found between both the WUE(y) and the water-use efficiency at the aboveground-biomass level (WUE(bm),) and the HI. This suggests that the changes in WUE(y) as a result of irrigation are mainly due to changes in the WUE(bm) and that the differences in WUE(y) between the two cultivars were due to differences in WUE(bm) and HI. These results suggest the following. (1) The TWUs in the two cultivars were roughly equal, although their levels of drought tolerance differed. (2) A wheat cultivar with moderate drought tolerance is expected to be more suitable for the semi-arid region of the NCP. The variety with strongly drought tolerance was able to keep its biomass high and to maintain grain yield under serious drought stress. (3) In order to both increase grain yield and WUE(y), two irrigations in a dry year, one irrigation in a normal year, and no irrigation in a humid year will give optimal results in the studied region. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-3268.2006.08.010URL [本文引用: 1]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-3268.2006.08.010URL [本文引用: 1]

DOI:10.1016/j.eja.2006.06.009URL [本文引用: 1]

The influence of crop density on the remobilization of dry matter and nitrogen from vegetative plant parts to the developing grain, was investigated in the durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties Creso, Simeto and Svevo cultivated in the field at three seeding rates, 200, 250 and 400 seeds m−2. Variety × seeding rate interaction was unsignificant for all recorded characters. Grain yield declined in the order Svevo > Simeto > Creso. Yield differences mainly depended on the different number of kernels per unit land and, secondly, on mean kernel weight. Spike components differed among varieties: Svevo and Simeto showed more kernels per spikelet and Creso more spikelets per spike. Grain yield was highest with 400 seeds m−2 primarily due to the higher number of spikes per unit area, and secondly, to the higher mean kernel weight. Post-heading dry matter accumulation was highest in Svevo and lowest in Creso, but varieties showed a reverse order for dry matter remobilization and contribution of dry matter remobilization to grain yield. The increase of seeding rate increased both the post-heading dry matter accumulation and the dry matter remobilization from vegetative plant parts to grain. Nitrogen uptake of the whole crop and N content of grain was higher in Simeto and Svevo than in Creso. The N concentration of grain did not vary among varieties, but Svevo showed a markedly lower N concentration and N content of culms at maturity, which may be consequence of the high N remobilization efficiency performed by this variety. The N uptake by the crop was highest with 400 seeds m−2, but the N concentration of culms, leaves and even grain was slightly lower than with the lower seed rates. The post-heading N accumulation was by far higher in Simeto and Svevo than in Creso, whereas remobilization was highest in Svevo and lowest in Simeto. The percentage contribution of N remobilization to grain N was by far higher in Creso than in the other two varieties. Post-heading N accumulation and N remobilization were highest with the highest plant density, but the contribution of N remobilization to N grain content did not differ between seeding rates.URL [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, the biological traits, physiological parameters, and enzyme activities related to N assimilation and metabolism of wheat varieties with different nitrogen (N) efficiency were studied under low and high N supply. The results showed that under low N supply, the dry mass of root, leaf, and stem as well as the accumulated N amount in plant were in the order of high N efficiency variety>mid N efficiency variety>low N efficiency variety. The variety with high N uptake efficiency (Ji 97-6360) under low N supply had the highest root active absorption area and TTC-reductive activity and the highest leaf nitrate reductase activity and NO3-content, while the variety with high N physiological efficiency (Shixin 5418) had higher nitrite reductase and glutamine synthetase activities but lower NO3- content and NR activity in its leaf. There was a significant positive correlation between nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and nitrogen uptake index (NUI) under low N supply. The biological traits, physiological parameters, and enzyme activities related to nitrogen assimilation and metabolism of test wheat varieties were not always the same under high and low N supply.
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In this paper, the biological traits, physiological parameters, and enzyme activities related to N assimilation and metabolism of wheat varieties with different nitrogen (N) efficiency were studied under low and high N supply. The results showed that under low N supply, the dry mass of root, leaf, and stem as well as the accumulated N amount in plant were in the order of high N efficiency variety>mid N efficiency variety>low N efficiency variety. The variety with high N uptake efficiency (Ji 97-6360) under low N supply had the highest root active absorption area and TTC-reductive activity and the highest leaf nitrate reductase activity and NO3-content, while the variety with high N physiological efficiency (Shixin 5418) had higher nitrite reductase and glutamine synthetase activities but lower NO3- content and NR activity in its leaf. There was a significant positive correlation between nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and nitrogen uptake index (NUI) under low N supply. The biological traits, physiological parameters, and enzyme activities related to nitrogen assimilation and metabolism of test wheat varieties were not always the same under high and low N supply.
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DOI:10.5846/stxb201404100697URL [本文引用: 1]

全球气候变化背景下,农业气象灾害呈上升态势。干热风灾害发生区域、次数和强度都发生了明显的变化。研究干热风灾害对农作物的影响对于我国农业可持续发展、保障粮食安全等均具有重要的现实意义。利用黄淮海地区68个气象台站1961-2010年的逐日气象资料,和54个农业气象试验站1981-2006年小麦的发育期、产量、干热风灾害等数据,采用公认的中国气象局2007年发布的气象行业标准《小麦干热风灾害等级》中冬小麦干热风灾害指标,计算干热风危害指数,进一步细化发育期,确定冬小麦抽穗前气象条件对气象产量影响的关键气象因子,分离干热风年冬小麦气象产量,构建重度干热风影响下干热风危害指数与冬小麦抽穗-成熟阶段气象条件对气象产量影响的统计模型,进行1981-2006年黄淮海地区冬小麦干热风灾损的评估。结果表明:(1)重度干热风危害下,1981-2006年期间黄淮海各地区冬小麦不同发育时段的干热风危害指数平均在抽穗-开花时段最大,乳熟-成熟时段居中,开花-乳熟时段最小,分别为0.17、0.15和0.14,平均0.15;(2)冬小麦抽穗前气象条件对气象产量影响的关键气象因子为:播种-出苗期间的最低气温、拔节-孕穗期间的平均气温和孕穗-抽穗期间的平均气温, 各个单因子相关系数分别为0.64、0.86和0.99,均达到极显著水平。其中播种-出苗的最低气温可决定小麦出苗的迟早和苗情;拔节-孕穗期间,在小花原基形成期-四分体形成期气温偏低可延长小穗、小花分化时间,防止退化,提高结实率;孕穗-抽穗的平均气温偏高有利于提早抽穗,延长后期灌浆时间,且晴天有利于开花授粉;(3)分离干热风年冬小麦气象产量后,构建了重度干热风影响下干热风危害指数与冬小麦抽穗-成熟3个阶段气象条件对气象产量影响的统计模型,验证结果表明该模型客观上能够综合地反映干热风在不同发育阶段对小麦产量的影响。进一步灾损评估表明:重度干热风危害下,黄淮海地区冬小麦减产率在21.52%-39.80%之间,平均为27.83%。
DOI:10.5846/stxb201404100697URL [本文引用: 1]

全球气候变化背景下,农业气象灾害呈上升态势。干热风灾害发生区域、次数和强度都发生了明显的变化。研究干热风灾害对农作物的影响对于我国农业可持续发展、保障粮食安全等均具有重要的现实意义。利用黄淮海地区68个气象台站1961-2010年的逐日气象资料,和54个农业气象试验站1981-2006年小麦的发育期、产量、干热风灾害等数据,采用公认的中国气象局2007年发布的气象行业标准《小麦干热风灾害等级》中冬小麦干热风灾害指标,计算干热风危害指数,进一步细化发育期,确定冬小麦抽穗前气象条件对气象产量影响的关键气象因子,分离干热风年冬小麦气象产量,构建重度干热风影响下干热风危害指数与冬小麦抽穗-成熟阶段气象条件对气象产量影响的统计模型,进行1981-2006年黄淮海地区冬小麦干热风灾损的评估。结果表明:(1)重度干热风危害下,1981-2006年期间黄淮海各地区冬小麦不同发育时段的干热风危害指数平均在抽穗-开花时段最大,乳熟-成熟时段居中,开花-乳熟时段最小,分别为0.17、0.15和0.14,平均0.15;(2)冬小麦抽穗前气象条件对气象产量影响的关键气象因子为:播种-出苗期间的最低气温、拔节-孕穗期间的平均气温和孕穗-抽穗期间的平均气温, 各个单因子相关系数分别为0.64、0.86和0.99,均达到极显著水平。其中播种-出苗的最低气温可决定小麦出苗的迟早和苗情;拔节-孕穗期间,在小花原基形成期-四分体形成期气温偏低可延长小穗、小花分化时间,防止退化,提高结实率;孕穗-抽穗的平均气温偏高有利于提早抽穗,延长后期灌浆时间,且晴天有利于开花授粉;(3)分离干热风年冬小麦气象产量后,构建了重度干热风影响下干热风危害指数与冬小麦抽穗-成熟3个阶段气象条件对气象产量影响的统计模型,验证结果表明该模型客观上能够综合地反映干热风在不同发育阶段对小麦产量的影响。进一步灾损评估表明:重度干热风危害下,黄淮海地区冬小麦减产率在21.52%-39.80%之间,平均为27.83%。
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Taking high-yield winter wheat cultivar 'Jimai 22' as test material, a field experiment was conducted in 2008-2010 to study the effects of different irrigation and planting modes on the water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulation and distribution of winter wheat. Three planting patterns (uniform row, wide-narrow row, and furrow) and four irrigation schedules (no irrigation, W0; irrigation at jointing stage, W1; irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages, W2; and irrigation at jointing, anthesis, and milking stages, W3; with 60 mm per irrigation) were installed. With increasing amount of irrigation, the total water consumption and the ratio of irrigation water to total water consumption under different planting patterns all increased, while the soil water consumption and its ratio to total water consumption decreased significantly. As compared with W0, the other three irrigation schedules had a higher dry matter accumulation after anthesis and a higher grain yield, but a lower water use efficiency (WUE). Under the same irrigation schedules, furrow pattern had higher water consumption ratio, grain yield, and WUE. Taking the grain yield and WUE into consideration, furrow pattern combined with irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages would be the optimal water-saving and planting modes for the winter wheat production in North China Plain.
URLPMID:24175516 [本文引用: 1]

Taking high-yield winter wheat cultivar 'Jimai 22' as test material, a field experiment was conducted in 2008-2010 to study the effects of different irrigation and planting modes on the water consumption characteristics and dry matter accumulation and distribution of winter wheat. Three planting patterns (uniform row, wide-narrow row, and furrow) and four irrigation schedules (no irrigation, W0; irrigation at jointing stage, W1; irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages, W2; and irrigation at jointing, anthesis, and milking stages, W3; with 60 mm per irrigation) were installed. With increasing amount of irrigation, the total water consumption and the ratio of irrigation water to total water consumption under different planting patterns all increased, while the soil water consumption and its ratio to total water consumption decreased significantly. As compared with W0, the other three irrigation schedules had a higher dry matter accumulation after anthesis and a higher grain yield, but a lower water use efficiency (WUE). Under the same irrigation schedules, furrow pattern had higher water consumption ratio, grain yield, and WUE. Taking the grain yield and WUE into consideration, furrow pattern combined with irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages would be the optimal water-saving and planting modes for the winter wheat production in North China Plain.