Application of Fulvic Acid and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Tomato Growth, Development, and Phosphorus Utilization in Neutral and Alkaline Soil

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张丽丽, 史庆华, 巩彪. 中、碱性土壤条件下黄腐酸与磷肥配施对番茄生育和磷素利用率的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(17): 3567-3575 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.17.013
ZHANG LiLi, SHI QingHua, GONG Biao.
0 引言
【研究意义】碱性土壤又称石灰性土壤,其土壤剖面含有碳酸钙或碳酸氢钙等石灰性物质。主要分布在我国北部、西北部的半湿润、半干旱和干旱地区[1]。对于植物所需的大量元素而言,磷(P)是碱性土壤限制农业生产的首要因素[2]。虽然碱性土壤中全磷含量不低,但其特有的理化性质改变了磷酸盐在土壤中的化学行为,致使碱性土壤中有效磷含量很低,限制了植物对磷素的吸收和利用[3]。外施磷肥虽能解决土壤中磷素匮乏的问题,但我国磷矿资源短缺,用于农业生产的磷肥尚需进口;且磷素在碱性土壤中极易被固定,仅处于根区表层的磷可被植物吸收利用[2]。因此,开发土壤磷素活化技术,减少土壤中磷的固定,提高磷有效性和利用率,在磷肥减施增效,减轻农业面源污染和缓解磷矿枯竭等方面具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】缺磷会增加植物根冠比,这是植物应对磷营养胁迫的重要适应过程[4]。笔者研究发现,碱性土壤环境对番茄根系发育产生严重的抑制作用[3],不利于植物根系适应低磷环境的发育过程。此外,碱性土壤往往较中性土壤更易板结,水气传导能力降低,限制根系的生长和离子交换[5]。因此,利用生物炭类物质增加土壤孔隙度在碱性土壤农业生产系统中得到广泛应用[6,7]。腐植酸是自然界中广泛存在的大分子有机物质,主要由植物的遗骸经过微生物的分解和转化,以及地球化学的系列过程造成和积累起来的一类有机物质,其总量可达数以万亿吨计。黄腐酸是一种可溶于水的腐植酸,它的分子量相对较低,功能团较腐植酸更为密集,因而其生理活性也高于腐植酸。黄腐酸能促进植物生长,提高抗逆性,改良土壤理化性质,在农业生产中具有较高的应用价值[4]。滨海盐碱土中添加1.5 t·hm2的黄腐酸可有效改善土壤自然板结,降低盐分积累,促进作物生长和矿质营养利用[8]。黄腐酸能增加土壤有机碳含量达70.2%,进而提高35.8%的土壤酸性磷酸酶活性,达到将土壤有效磷提高54.5%的效果[9]。且普通磷肥配施黄腐酸可显著提高土壤速效磷含量,其增幅达34.6—41.92 mg·kg-1,并能降低碱性土壤pH 0.36个单位,进而降低土壤对磷素7.13%的固定率[10]。笔者研究表明,黄腐酸能促进番茄根系生长,增加根系苹果酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸和酒石酸的积累与分泌,提高磷吸收和利用效率[11]。小麦中的研究表明,施用1%的黄腐酸能显著提高小麦根际土壤中脲酶、酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶的活性,并增加土壤微生物的总体活性、物种的丰富度和均匀度、群落的多样性以及根际土壤微生物呼吸强度,说明黄腐酸可通过改善植物根系微环境促进矿质营养转化和吸收[12]。此外,常规肥料与黄腐酸配施还能增强马铃薯植株的长势,改善土壤酶活性,减轻连作带来的病菌侵害程度[13]。【本研究切入点】虽然黄腐酸在提高植物肥料利用率中已有较多研究,但黄腐酸在中性和碱性土壤中对番茄磷肥减施增效的研究尚未见报道;且黄腐酸是否可利用于碱性土壤改良也缺乏论证。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究以盆栽番茄为试材,将番茄最优磷肥需求量定义为100%,通过在中性(pH 6.5)和碱性(pH 8.0)土壤中减施50%、75%和100%的磷素,比较添加黄腐酸与否对番茄植株生长、产量、品质和磷素利用效率的影响,为磷肥减施增效、盐碱地改良利用和优化施肥方案提供理论依据和技术支撑。1 材料与方法
试验于2017—2018年在山东农业大学园艺实验站进行。1.1 试验材料
供试番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)品种为‘罗拉’。供试黄腐酸购自山东泉林嘉有肥料有限责任公司,氮、磷、钾≥4%、黄腐酸≥18%、有机质≥40%,含有多种生理活性强的活性基团,呈弱酸性。供试土壤取自山东农业大学园艺实验站,pH 6.5、有机质8.1 g·kg-1、碱解氮(N)113.6 mg·kg-1、速效磷(P2O5)61.5 mg·kg-1、速效钾(K2O)90.8 mg·kg-1。以供试土壤加入1﹕1的KHCO3和K2CO3混合盐调整土壤pH至8.0作为碱性土壤,以添加等摩尔量钾素(由KCl提供)的供试土壤作为中性土壤。1.2 试验设计
采用盆栽方式,供试陶盆的口径45 cm、底径30 cm、高40 cm,每盆装土15 kg。参照日光温室番茄最优磷营养需求[14],以0.53 g·kg-1的P2O5施入量作为番茄生产常规磷水平,记作100% P。依此基础,在中性土壤(pH 6.5)和碱性土壤(pH 8.0)条件下,分别设置0% P、25% P、50% P和100% P 4个磷施入水平,再依据笔者前期研究结果[11],设置不施用黄腐酸(-FA)和施用0.08 g·kg-1黄腐酸(+FA)两个组合,共计16个处理。番茄幼苗购自山东安信种苗股份有限公司,将植株健康、生长整齐一致的番茄幼苗定植于事先处理好的土壤中,每盆1株。试验采用随机区组设计,每个处理27盆,每9盆作为1次重复,共计3次重复。其他管理按常规方法进行。1.3 试验方法
植株生长与产量测定:于打顶前测定植株的株高和茎粗,拉秧后测定根和茎鲜重,记录整个生长期叶片鲜重和单株果实产量。磷含量测定:拉秧后将根、茎、叶、果进行组织分离,于烘箱中杀青、烘干,用磨样器研磨成粉。取0.1 g组织粉末,采用钼锑抗比色法测定磷含量[15]。
果实品质:摘取第3穗花开放后50 d的果实用于品质分析,采用烘箱烘干果实并计算干物质含量,高效液相色谱法测定番茄红素含量[18],钼蓝比色法测定维生素C含量[19],蒽酮比色法测定可溶性糖含量[20],NaOH滴定法测定可滴定酸含量,糖酸比=可溶性糖含量/可滴定酸含量。
平均隶属度:u(xj)=(xj-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)。式中,j=1,2,3,……,n;u(xj)为各处理第j个指标的隶属函数值,xj为各处理某一指标的值,xmax和xmin为所有处理第j个指标的最大值和最小值;平均隶属度=(u(x1)+ u(x2)……+u(xn))/n[21]。
1.4 数据分析
采用 Microsoft Excel 2007进行数据处理,SPSS 17.0进行统计分析,不同小写字母表示处理间差异达0.05显著水平(LSD法)。2 结果
2.1 黄腐酸与磷肥施用在中、碱性土壤条件下对番茄植株生长的影响
表1显示,在两种土壤条件下,番茄植株的株高、茎粗、根鲜重、茎鲜重和叶鲜重均随着磷肥施用量的增加而增加。与中性土壤相比,碱性土壤增施磷肥对番茄植株生长的促进效果更好,说明土壤碱化抑制了番茄对磷素的吸收。此外,增施黄腐酸在不同施磷水平的中性和碱性土壤条件下均能提高番茄植株的生长量。但黄腐酸对番茄植株生长指标的促进效果表现为:低磷水平下的增幅大于高磷水平,碱性条件下的增幅大于中性条件。表明黄腐酸与土壤pH和磷水平产生交互效应,影响番茄植株生长。Table 1
Table 1
处理 Treatment | 株高 Plant height (m) | 茎粗 Stem diameter (mm) | 根鲜重 Fresh weight of root (g) | 茎鲜重 Fresh weight of stem (g) | 叶鲜重 Fresh weight of leaves (g) | 平均隶属度Average membership degree | 排名 Ranking | ||||||||
-FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | ||
pH 6.5 | 0%P | 1.75f | 1.91d | 13.25e | 13.42e | 83.43hi | 94.60fg | 189.82h | 196.03g | 348.61h | 376.31e | 0.38 | 0.49 | 10 | 8 |
25%P | 1.84e | 1.96c | 14.02d | 14.06d | 92.62fg | 104.68d | 204.04f | 240.20c | 366.81f | 388.24d | 0.49 | 0.64 | 7 | 4 | |
50%P | 1.86e | 1.96c | 14.06d | 15.58b | 99.76e | 113.82c | 215.36e | 267.20b | 393.90d | 436.14b | 0.57 | 0.81 | 5 | 2 | |
100%P | 2.05b | 2.17a | 14.83c | 16.73a | 120.11b | 139.90a | 224.61d | 278.92a | 420.12c | 449.80a | 0.73 | 1.00 | 3 | 1 | |
pH 8.0 | 0%P | 1.35k | 1.56hi | 11.04h | 11.86g | 56.92k | 80.31i | 154.73k | 176.78i | 279.70m | 313.86 | 0.00 | 0.21 | 16 | 14 |
25%P | 1.45j | 1.61h | 11.74g | 12.70f | 71.64j | 92.76fg | 166.27j | 191.12gh | 288.03l | 334.03i | 0.11 | 0.33 | 15 | 12 | |
50%P | 1.52i | 1.77f | 12.67f | 13.30e | 84.34hi | 95.60f | 188.26h | 212.60e | 303.67k | 357.99g | 0.25 | 0.46 | 13 | 9 | |
100%P | 1.67g | 1.84e | 13.27e | 14.09d | 91.35g | 104.91d | 195.41g | 226.29d | 335.82i | 365.69f | 0.37 | 0.56 | 11 | 6 |
计算表1生长指标平均隶属度,对16个处理进行排名。在未施黄腐酸处理中,随着磷水平的提升,番茄植株长势增强,但中性土壤处理的整体长势均强于碱性土壤。在施用黄腐酸处理中,“pH 8.0、100%P、+FA”(排名第6)处理下番茄的长势优于“pH 6.5、25%P、-FA”(排名第7)、“pH 6.5、0%P、+FA”(排名第8)和“pH 6.5、0%P、-FA”(排名第10)3个中性土壤处理。此外,增施黄腐酸在中、碱性土壤和不同磷水平下均能提高番茄植株生长排名,说明黄腐酸能缓解碱土和缺磷对番茄植株造成的生长抑制。
2.2 对番茄产量和肥料产量贡献率的影响
图1-A显示,在两种土壤条件下,番茄产量均随着磷肥施用量的增加而提高,且相同磷水平下添加黄腐酸能进一步提高番茄产量。中性土壤条件下,随着磷肥施用量的增加,黄腐酸的增产效果逐渐降低。碱性土壤条件下,随着磷肥施用量的增加,黄腐酸的增产效果逐步升高。其中,“pH 8.0、25%P、+FA”处理下的番茄产量高于“pH 8.0、100%P、-FA”处理。同时,碱性土壤条件下100% P配施黄腐酸也可使番茄产量达到中性土壤下25%—50%施磷量处理水平。上述结果说明黄腐酸在低磷和碱性土壤条件下具有更显著的增产效果,表明黄腐酸能解除碱性土壤对磷素的固定作用。图1

Fig. 1Effects of fulvic acid and P fertilizer on tomato yield and fertilizer contribution in neutral and alkaline soil
Values followed by different letters den·te significant differences among treatments at the 5% level. The same as below
肥料产量贡献率反映肥料对作物产量贡献的大小,把不施磷肥(0% P)处理的产量视为土壤(地力)对产量的贡献,以其为基准进行计算,反映不同水平磷肥投入后的增产能力。图1-B显示,在两种土壤条件下,番茄的肥料产量贡献率均随着磷肥施用量的增加而增加。说明在两种土壤条件下磷素水平对番茄产量产生的直接影响均十分明显。施用黄腐酸后降低了中性土壤条件下各施磷水平的肥料产量贡献率,却增加了碱性土壤条件下各施磷水平的肥料产量贡献率。说明黄腐酸在中性土壤条件下的增产效果除了调控植株磷肥吸收利用外,还附带较多其他增产效应;而黄腐酸在碱性土壤条件下的增产效果则主要体现为提高植株对磷肥的吸收利用效率。
2.3 对番茄磷素吸收、利用和分配的影响
表2表明,磷素在番茄植株各组织中含量由高到低的排列顺序依次为:根、茎、叶、果。在两种土壤条件下,各组织磷含量均与磷肥施用量呈正相关,且黄腐酸在各磷水平下均能显著提升不同组织的磷含量。通过平均隶属度计算土壤pH、施磷水平和黄腐酸交互条件下对番茄植株磷吸收的综合排名可知,在中性土壤添加黄腐酸后,可使0%施磷量的植物组织磷含量综合水平高于未加黄腐酸的50%施磷量的处理;而在碱性土壤添加黄腐酸后,可使100%施磷量的植物组织磷含量综合水平高于中性土壤中未加黄腐酸的50%施磷量的处理。Table 2
Table 2
处理 Treatment | 根 P concentrations of root (mmol·g-1 DW) | 茎 P concentrations of stem (mmol·g-1 DW) | 叶 P concentrations of leaf (mmol·g-1 DW) | 果 P concentrations of fruit (mmol·g-1 DW) | 平均隶属度 Average membership degree | 排名Ranking | |||||||
-FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | ||
pH 6.5 | 0%P | 0.62g | 0.72d | 0.48jk | 0.63de | 0.37f | 0.45cd | 0.093f | 0.10e | 0.33 | 0.62 | 12 | 6 |
25%P | 0.64g | 0.76c | 0.56g | 0.66cd | 0.41e | 0.48c | 0.099e | 0.11cd | 0.47 | 0.73 | 9 | 3 | |
50%P | 0.69ef | 0.82b | 0.59f | 0.70b | 0.44de | 0.52b | 0.11d | 0.11bc | 0.59 | 0.87 | 7 | 2 | |
100%P | 0.76c | 0.86a | 0.62e | 0.75a | 0.47c | 0.57a | 0.11ab | 0.12a | 0.73 | 1.00 | 3 | 1 | |
pH 8.0 | 0%P | 0.46j | 0.55hi | 0.43l | 0.50ij | 0.26h | 0.36f | 0.073h | 0.079g | 0.00 | 0.22 | 16 | 14 |
25%P | 0.47j | 0.62g | 0.45kl | 0.56fg | 0.30g | 0.38f | 0.077gh | 0.090f | 0.076 | 0.40 | 15 | 10 | |
50%P | 0.54i | 0.67f | 0.52hi | 0.58fg | 0.36f | 0.46cd | 0.079g | 0.093f | 0.23 | 0.51 | 13 | 8 | |
100%P | 0.57h | 0.71de | 0.55gh | 0.67e | 0.38f | 0.46cd | 0.090f | 0.099e | 0.35 | 0.65 | 11 | 5 |

Fig. 2Effects of fulvic acid and P fertilizer on P uptake and P fertilizer utilization in neutral and alkaline soil
2.4 对番茄果实品质的影响
表3显示,土壤pH和磷肥施用量均可影响番茄品质,且对各品质指标的作用效果也有不同;果实品质属综合指标,不能以某一指标作为标准进行单独评价。对果实品质指标进行平均隶属度计算和排名,有利于客观、综合的评价。与中性土壤相比,碱性土壤显著提高了番茄的果实品质。两种土壤条件下,果实品质均随着磷肥施用量的增加而提升。此外,在相同土壤和磷肥水平下添加黄腐酸也能显著提高果实品质。Table 3
Table 3
处理 Treatment | 干物质含量 Dry matter concentration (%) | 番茄红素含量 Lycopene concentration (mg·g-1) | 维生素C含量 Vitamine C concentration (mg·kg-1) | 可溶性糖含量 Soluble sugar concentration (mg·g-1) | 可滴定酸含量 Titratable acid concentration (mg·g-1) | 糖酸比 Ratio of sugar to acid | 平均隶属度Average membership degree | 排名 Ranking | |||||||||
-FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | -FA | +FA | ||
pH 6.5 | 0%P | 5.40i | 5.63h | 0.63h | 0.73e | 75.86k | 93.11h | 50.04m | 83.84h | 6.28l | 7.93i | 7.97e | 10.57b | 0.026 | 0.38 | 16 | 12 |
25%P | 5.72gh | 6.03f | 0.64gh | 0.75de | 80.62j | 97.84gh | 56.19l | 97.97f | 6.48l | 8.97h | 8.67d | 10.92ab | 0.12 | 0.51 | 15 | 9 | |
50%P | 5.73gh | 6.05f | 0.63h | 0.76cd | 85.48i | 101.56g | 59.73l | 105.05e | 6.95k | 9.62g | 8.59d | 10.91ab | 0.14 | 0.56 | 14 | 8 | |
100%P | 5.83g | 6.08f | 0.66g | 0.79b | 93.45h | 111.22f | 66.04k | 112.95d | 7.35j | 9.96f | 8.98d | 11.33a | 0.23 | 0.65 | 13 | 5 | |
pH 8.0 | 0%P | 6.42e | 6.83c | 0.71f | 0.78bc | 119.43e | 125.83cd | 74.69j | 110.87d | 10.17f | 11.38d | 7.34f | 9.73c | 0.40 | 0.71 | 11 | 4 |
25%P | 6.60d | 7.10b | 0.71f | 0.82a | 122.99de | 130.49bc | 79.17i | 129.28c | 10.75e | 12.07c | 7.36f | 10.72b | 0.45 | 0.87 | 10 | 3 | |
50%P | 6.85c | 7.16ab | 0.75de | 0.82a | 129.01c | 134.96b | 85.23gh | 136.22b | 10.96e | 12.47b | 7.77ef | 10.93ab | 0.56 | 0.92 | 7 | 2 | |
100%P | 6.86c | 7.31a | 0.74de | 0.84a | 133.86b | 141.98a | 88.66g | 143.61a | 11.53d | 12.77a | 7.69ef | 11.24a | 0.58 | 1.00 | 6 | 1 |
3 讨论
碱性土壤显著抑制植物生长和矿质营养吸收,这一方面归因于土壤高pH对植物根系造成的直接伤害;另一方面则是碱性易沉淀元素被土壤固定造成的间接营养胁迫[22]。黄腐酸类物质作为“植物生长刺激素”已在多种植物中得到证实[23]。黄腐酸具有促进根系和同化系统生长,增加作物产量等功能[23]。笔者研究表明,添加0.08 g·kg-1黄腐酸即可有效缓解低磷胁迫对番茄幼苗生长的抑制作用,促进番茄幼苗生长,增加根冠比,抑制叶绿素降解,并通过促进根系有机酸分泌增加磷素吸收量[11]。黄腐酸类物质因含有植物激素类似物可直接促进植物的生长和发育[24]。黄腐酸除了直接刺激植物生长外,还可提高植物抗氧化能力,增加脯氨酸和可溶性糖等渗透调节物质含量,清除活性氧,降低细胞损伤[25]。因此,本研究中黄腐酸可通过直接刺激效应和抗性诱导效应缓解碱性土壤和低磷环境对番茄生长和产量的抑制作用。本研究发现,无论是在中性土壤还是碱性土壤,黄腐酸均能显著提高番茄的磷素吸收和利用能力。中性土壤条件下添加黄腐酸对磷肥利用效率影响不显著,并且降低了肥料产量贡献率。说明中性土壤对磷肥的固定能力较弱,除淋溶作用外,绝大多数磷肥可被植株吸收。在此条件下,黄腐酸主要通过活化和释放土壤自身磷素,增加番茄各组织的磷含量,降低磷肥对产量贡献的份额。这为黄腐酸能活化土壤固定态磷提供了间接证据。腐植酸被证明可降低土壤对磷素的吸附能力,增加植物对土壤固定态磷的利用[26]。碱性土壤易使磷与Ca2+、Al3+等阳离子螯合,形成Al-P、Ca2-P、Ca8-P和Ca10-P等难溶性磷[13,27]。而黄腐酸与复合肥配施可提高盐碱地区小麦的肥料利用率,增产效果达36.17%[28]。本研究发现,黄腐酸能显著提高碱性土壤条件下番茄的磷肥利用效率和肥料产量贡献率。但随着磷肥施用水平的增加,黄腐酸对磷肥利用效率的促进效果下降,而对肥料产量贡献率的促进效果上升。这说明磷肥施入碱性盐土中易被固定,施用黄腐酸能解除碱性土壤对磷的固定作用,增加肥料对产量的贡献。此外,上述结果还说明黄腐酸在低磷水平下施用,能发挥更好的效果,增加磷肥利用效率。
顺境出产量,逆境促品质已成为园艺生产的共识。适度盐[21]、旱[29]、低温[30]和紫外线[30]等环境胁迫均能提高番茄果实品质。本研究的碱性土壤环境也能提高番茄果实综合品质。前人研究表明,番茄具有较强的耐碱性,可在pH 9.34以下的碱性土壤中生长、结实,碱土虽导致番茄产量下降15%—41%,但可提高可溶性糖含量13%—37%,降低有机酸含量3%—13%,使糖酸比增加0.2—3.1个单位,并提高果实维生素C含量[31],与本研究结果相似。由于黄腐酸可促进碱性土壤条件下磷素的吸收,因而可平衡植株矿质营养,进一步提升番茄果实品质。
4 结论
土壤添加0.08 g·kg-1黄腐酸可显著促进番茄植株生长,活化土壤磷素,提高番茄产量和品质。因此,黄腐酸可用于中性土壤磷肥减施增效,保护磷矿资源,降低磷肥投入造成的土壤面源污染。黄腐酸还可用于碱性土壤改良与修复,为盐碱地区番茄优质高效生产提供理论依据和技术支撑。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201910.029URLPMID:31621215 [本文引用: 2]

Rice is one of the main crops in China. Therefore, it is important to understand the current status and influencing factors of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from paddy fields in China, which would facilitate assessing the potential of chemical fertilizer reduction in different rice cultivating regions. We summarized the current knowledge on nitrogen and phosphorus losses from surface runoff in major rice cultivating areas in China, as well as their influencing factors, such as rainfall, planting pattern, cultivation techniques, fertilization management, water management strategies, etc. The total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) losses from runoff in six major rice cropping areas ranged from 5.09 to 21.32 and 0.70 to 3.22 kg.hm(-2), respectively. The highest losses of TN and TP were the South China double rice cropping area. The TN runoff losses were the lowest in the North China single rice cropping area, while the lowest TP runoff losses occurred in plateau single and double rice cropping area of the Southwest China. The peaks of TN and TP in surface water of paddy fields were generally higher than those of the runoff water based on farmers' conventional fertilization in different rice cropping areas. The peak period of nitrogen and phosphorus losses was in a week after rice fertilization. There could be a potential of 20% reduction of nitrogen and phospho-rus for farmers' conventional fertilization compared with the optimized fertilization. Among all the factors, rainfall and fertilization management were the main ones affecting the runoff losses of nitrogen and phosphorus in paddy fields. Fertilization management and water management strategies were the mostly controllable, including reduction of fertilizers, application of new fertilizers, replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers, water-saving irrigation, etc. Overall, the risk of nitrogen and phosphorus losses in paddy fields was more prominent in the Southern China than in any other areas of China. Rice cultivation should be carried out in a more resource-efficient way to reduce nutrient loss. Future research should focus on non-point source pollution monitoring of paddy fields, nitrogen and phosphorus losses risk assessment, nitrogen and phosphorus losses characteristics and mechanisms, and new technologies for reducing chemical fertilization inputs and environmental risks.
DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.201910.029URLPMID:31621215 [本文引用: 2]

Rice is one of the main crops in China. Therefore, it is important to understand the current status and influencing factors of nitrogen and phosphorus losses from paddy fields in China, which would facilitate assessing the potential of chemical fertilizer reduction in different rice cultivating regions. We summarized the current knowledge on nitrogen and phosphorus losses from surface runoff in major rice cultivating areas in China, as well as their influencing factors, such as rainfall, planting pattern, cultivation techniques, fertilization management, water management strategies, etc. The total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) losses from runoff in six major rice cropping areas ranged from 5.09 to 21.32 and 0.70 to 3.22 kg.hm(-2), respectively. The highest losses of TN and TP were the South China double rice cropping area. The TN runoff losses were the lowest in the North China single rice cropping area, while the lowest TP runoff losses occurred in plateau single and double rice cropping area of the Southwest China. The peaks of TN and TP in surface water of paddy fields were generally higher than those of the runoff water based on farmers' conventional fertilization in different rice cropping areas. The peak period of nitrogen and phosphorus losses was in a week after rice fertilization. There could be a potential of 20% reduction of nitrogen and phospho-rus for farmers' conventional fertilization compared with the optimized fertilization. Among all the factors, rainfall and fertilization management were the main ones affecting the runoff losses of nitrogen and phosphorus in paddy fields. Fertilization management and water management strategies were the mostly controllable, including reduction of fertilizers, application of new fertilizers, replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers, water-saving irrigation, etc. Overall, the risk of nitrogen and phosphorus losses in paddy fields was more prominent in the Southern China than in any other areas of China. Rice cultivation should be carried out in a more resource-efficient way to reduce nutrient loss. Future research should focus on non-point source pollution monitoring of paddy fields, nitrogen and phosphorus losses risk assessment, nitrogen and phosphorus losses characteristics and mechanisms, and new technologies for reducing chemical fertilization inputs and environmental risks.
DOI:10.1007/s11738-014-1593-xURL [本文引用: 2]

Physiological responses of tomato roots to NaCl and NaHCO3 stresses were investigated in a hydroponic setting. The relative growth rate of tomato plants was significantly reduced in both NaCl and NaHCO3 treatments, especially under NaHCO3 stress. Tomato root respiration increased under low concentrations of NaCl and NaHCO3 stresses. However, high concentrations of both NaCl and NaHCO3 significantly inhibited respiration, especially in the NaHCO3 treatment. With increasing concentration of NaCl and NaHCO3 treatment, root Na accumulation increased, while accumulation of N, P, K, Fe, and Mg was significantly lower. Compared to NaCl, NaHCO3 treatment resulted in more dramatic changes in these nutrients. All organic acids investigated were increased by NaHCO3 after 5 days of treatment, but only oxalate, tartrate and malate were induced by NaCl. This implies that global regulation of organic acids might play an important role in tomato's alkali stress tolerance. Compared to NaCl treatments, NaHCO3 treatments induced much higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxidation after 5 days of treatment, which was accompanied by higher activities of antioxidant enzymes and higher concentrations of ascorbate-glutathione. However, after 10 days of treatment, 100 mM NaHCO3 stress led to lower accumulation of ROS, antioxidant enzyme activities, and ascorbate-glutathione content. This may have been because root metabolism had almost completely stopped, as indicated by lower root respiration and activity.
DOI:10.1002/jpln.v182.1URL [本文引用: 2]
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.012URL [本文引用: 1]

目的 定量长期不同施肥红壤磷素的演变特征,研究红壤磷素变化对生产力的影响,为红壤地区磷素管理提供理论依据。方法 利用持续26年的红壤旱地长期定位试验平台(1991—2016年),比较长期不施磷肥(CK、N、NK)、施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK)、化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)和化肥配施有机肥及有机肥(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)土壤Olsen-P和全磷含量变化,分析土壤磷素对磷盈亏量的响应,采用不同模型拟合作物产量对有效磷的响应曲线,计算土壤有效磷农学阈值。结果 长期施用磷肥显著提高了土壤全磷和有效磷含量,提升了土壤磷素活化系数(PAC)。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的PAC高于化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)和施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK)。红壤地区土壤全磷和有效磷变化量与土壤磷盈亏量呈正相关关系(P<0.01),土壤每累积盈余100 kg P·hm -2,土壤Olsen-P含量上升3.00—5.22 mg·kg -1,全磷上升0.02—0.06 g·kg -1。土壤每累积亏缺磷100 kg P·hm -2,不施磷肥处理(CK、N、NK)土壤Olsen-P分别下降1.85、0.40、1.76 mg·kg -1。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的小麦和玉米产量显著高于化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)以及施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK),显著高于不施磷肥(CK、NK、N)。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的产量可持续指数也高于其他处理。3种模型(线性-线性模型、线性-平台模型和米切里西方程)均能较好地拟合作物产量与红壤有效磷含量的响应关系(P<0.01)。在红壤地区推荐使用拟合度较好的线性-线性模型,其计算出小麦和玉米的土壤Olsen-P农学阈值分别为13.5和23.4 mg·kg -1。 结论 在南方红壤地区,化肥配施有机肥更有利于磷素累积和提升磷素有效性。化肥配施有机肥作物产量显著高于其他处理,且稳产性好。线性-线性模型可用于计算红壤地区有效磷的农学阈值。生产上应该根据土壤有效磷含量及其农学阈值调整磷肥施用量。
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.012URL [本文引用: 1]

目的 定量长期不同施肥红壤磷素的演变特征,研究红壤磷素变化对生产力的影响,为红壤地区磷素管理提供理论依据。方法 利用持续26年的红壤旱地长期定位试验平台(1991—2016年),比较长期不施磷肥(CK、N、NK)、施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK)、化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)和化肥配施有机肥及有机肥(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)土壤Olsen-P和全磷含量变化,分析土壤磷素对磷盈亏量的响应,采用不同模型拟合作物产量对有效磷的响应曲线,计算土壤有效磷农学阈值。结果 长期施用磷肥显著提高了土壤全磷和有效磷含量,提升了土壤磷素活化系数(PAC)。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的PAC高于化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)和施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK)。红壤地区土壤全磷和有效磷变化量与土壤磷盈亏量呈正相关关系(P<0.01),土壤每累积盈余100 kg P·hm -2,土壤Olsen-P含量上升3.00—5.22 mg·kg -1,全磷上升0.02—0.06 g·kg -1。土壤每累积亏缺磷100 kg P·hm -2,不施磷肥处理(CK、N、NK)土壤Olsen-P分别下降1.85、0.40、1.76 mg·kg -1。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的小麦和玉米产量显著高于化肥配合秸秆还田(NPKS)以及施用化学磷肥(PK、NP、NPK),显著高于不施磷肥(CK、NK、N)。化肥配施有机肥及有机肥处理(1.5NPKM、NPKM、M)的产量可持续指数也高于其他处理。3种模型(线性-线性模型、线性-平台模型和米切里西方程)均能较好地拟合作物产量与红壤有效磷含量的响应关系(P<0.01)。在红壤地区推荐使用拟合度较好的线性-线性模型,其计算出小麦和玉米的土壤Olsen-P农学阈值分别为13.5和23.4 mg·kg -1。 结论 在南方红壤地区,化肥配施有机肥更有利于磷素累积和提升磷素有效性。化肥配施有机肥作物产量显著高于其他处理,且稳产性好。线性-线性模型可用于计算红壤地区有效磷的农学阈值。生产上应该根据土壤有效磷含量及其农学阈值调整磷肥施用量。
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DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.11380URL [本文引用: 1]

为了评价长期施用化肥条件下黄土丘陵区坡耕地作物轮作系统的可持续性,本文基于三角形面积法,采样测定了长期施肥试验小区(17年)的土壤理化属性及作物产量,将所测定的18项指标划分并转化为土壤物理指数、养分指数和作物指数,并计算出可持续性指数(三角形面积)。结果表明: 1)与对照(N0P0)相比,长期施用化肥可以提高系统的可持续性,物理指数、养分指数、作物指数及可持续性指数平均增加19.3 %、19.6 %、200.6 % 和 139.6 %; 2)单施氮磷处理,可持续性指数随着施肥量的增加(N0P0→N1P0\N0P1→N2P0\N0P2)而增加,分别较对照(0.53)增加了17.7 %、84.7 %和76.8 %、88.9 %,但低于临界值(1.3)52.0 %、26.6 %和27.8 %、22.8 %,单施化肥处理的坡耕地作物轮作系统不可持续; 3)氮磷配施可持续性指数平均比临界值(1.3)高27.4 %,坡耕地作物轮作系统具有较好的可持续性。系统可持续顺序依次为N1P2 (1.98) > N2P1(1.74) > N2P2 (1.47) > N1P1(1.44)。处理N1P2(施N55.2 kg/hm2,P2O5 90 kg/hm2)是该研究区坡耕地可持续作物轮作系统的最优化肥施用模式。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.11380URL [本文引用: 1]

为了评价长期施用化肥条件下黄土丘陵区坡耕地作物轮作系统的可持续性,本文基于三角形面积法,采样测定了长期施肥试验小区(17年)的土壤理化属性及作物产量,将所测定的18项指标划分并转化为土壤物理指数、养分指数和作物指数,并计算出可持续性指数(三角形面积)。结果表明: 1)与对照(N0P0)相比,长期施用化肥可以提高系统的可持续性,物理指数、养分指数、作物指数及可持续性指数平均增加19.3 %、19.6 %、200.6 % 和 139.6 %; 2)单施氮磷处理,可持续性指数随着施肥量的增加(N0P0→N1P0\N0P1→N2P0\N0P2)而增加,分别较对照(0.53)增加了17.7 %、84.7 %和76.8 %、88.9 %,但低于临界值(1.3)52.0 %、26.6 %和27.8 %、22.8 %,单施化肥处理的坡耕地作物轮作系统不可持续; 3)氮磷配施可持续性指数平均比临界值(1.3)高27.4 %,坡耕地作物轮作系统具有较好的可持续性。系统可持续顺序依次为N1P2 (1.98) > N2P1(1.74) > N2P2 (1.47) > N1P1(1.44)。处理N1P2(施N55.2 kg/hm2,P2O5 90 kg/hm2)是该研究区坡耕地可持续作物轮作系统的最优化肥施用模式。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0518URL [本文引用: 1]

在实验室条件下制备了海藻酸磷肥、腐植酸磷肥和氨基酸磷肥3种增值磷肥,利用室内土壤培养试验研究增值磷肥对潮土无机磷组分及其变化的影响。结果表明, 1)培养180 d后,普通磷肥(磷酸一铵,下同)和增值磷肥均显著提高了土壤速效磷含量,并降低了土壤pH; 施用增值磷肥提高土壤速效磷的幅度为34.6~41.92 mg/kg,高于普通磷肥; 施用增值磷肥降低土壤pH的幅度为0.23~0.36个单位,高于普通磷肥。2) 与普通磷肥相比,增值磷肥明显降低土壤对磷的固定,腐植酸、海藻酸和谷氨酸增值磷肥处理的固定率分别比普通磷肥降低7.32%、7.13%和11.99%。3)培养180 d后,与普通磷肥处理相比,增值磷肥均提高土壤Ca2-P、 Ca8-P 和 Al-P含量,减缓Al-P 向 Fe-P 的转化。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2013.0518URL [本文引用: 1]

在实验室条件下制备了海藻酸磷肥、腐植酸磷肥和氨基酸磷肥3种增值磷肥,利用室内土壤培养试验研究增值磷肥对潮土无机磷组分及其变化的影响。结果表明, 1)培养180 d后,普通磷肥(磷酸一铵,下同)和增值磷肥均显著提高了土壤速效磷含量,并降低了土壤pH; 施用增值磷肥提高土壤速效磷的幅度为34.6~41.92 mg/kg,高于普通磷肥; 施用增值磷肥降低土壤pH的幅度为0.23~0.36个单位,高于普通磷肥。2) 与普通磷肥相比,增值磷肥明显降低土壤对磷的固定,腐植酸、海藻酸和谷氨酸增值磷肥处理的固定率分别比普通磷肥降低7.32%、7.13%和11.99%。3)培养180 d后,与普通磷肥处理相比,增值磷肥均提高土壤Ca2-P、 Ca8-P 和 Al-P含量,减缓Al-P 向 Fe-P 的转化。
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.08.012URL [本文引用: 4]

【Objective】Phosphorus is one of the key elements of plant growth and development. Phosphorus deficiency can seriously affect crop yield and quality. Fulvic acid, as a natural organic compound, can promote plant growth and improve plant stress resistance. In order to ascertain the physiological regulatory mechanisms of fulvic acid on stress tolerance of tomato seedlings against phosphate deficiency, we will execute this experiment to explain the mitigative mechanisms of “genetic phosphate deficiency” by fulvic acid in tomato seedlings. It has launched the experiment to study on physiological control of tomato seedlings adapting to low phosphorus stress by fulvic acid. 【Method】Tomato cultivar of ‘JinPeng No.1’ was used as the tested cultivar, and Hogland nutrient solution hydroponics was used in this experiment. When the tomato seedlings grew to three leaves, they were moved to the hydroponic basin for seven days. We studied the roles of applying different concentrations of exogenous fulvic acid (0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, and 0.20 g·L-1; T0-T5 ) on the growth of tomato seedlings, root development, ability of photosynthesis, uptake and distribution of phosphate, accumulation and secretion of organic acid, and so on under hydroponic environment of phosphate deficiency.【Result】With the increase of the amount of fulvic acid (T1-T5), the physiological indexes of tomato seedlings showed a trend of rising first and then decreasing under low-phosphorus stress. Application of fulvic acid to 0.08 g·L-1 had a significant effect on increasing ratio of root to shoot; improving chlorophyll content, photosynthetic performance of leaves, enhancing phosphorus accumulation, distribution and transport in different tissues of tomato,phosphorus transporter-related gene's expression (PT1 and PHO1). PT1 can promote the roots of tomato seedlings to the environment in the uptake of phosphate alleviate low phosphorus stress and PHO1 can promote phosphate from root to stem and leaf distribution in order to effectively alleviate the shoot phosphorus deficiency. It can also improve the accumulation and secretion of organic acid (oxalate, malate, citrate, succinate, and tartrate), reducing the roots of anaerobic respiration products of lactic acid and acetic acid, promoting the proton pump gene (HA1) expression that can effectively change the environment of insoluble phosphorus to soluble phosphate and increased soluble phosphate content in the environment to promote plant root phosphorus content, improving growth- and development-related gene's expression (GRAS1) as well as decreasing the anthocyanin accumulation. 【Conclusion】Adding fulvic acid at a certain concentration under low-phosphorus stress can significantly improve shoot growth and root development of tomato seedlings. It indicates that the addition of fulvic acid can alleviate the phosphorus deficiency symptoms of plants to a certain extent and reveal the regulation of fulvic acid physiological mechanism of tomato actively against phosphorus deficiency.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.08.012URL [本文引用: 4]

【Objective】Phosphorus is one of the key elements of plant growth and development. Phosphorus deficiency can seriously affect crop yield and quality. Fulvic acid, as a natural organic compound, can promote plant growth and improve plant stress resistance. In order to ascertain the physiological regulatory mechanisms of fulvic acid on stress tolerance of tomato seedlings against phosphate deficiency, we will execute this experiment to explain the mitigative mechanisms of “genetic phosphate deficiency” by fulvic acid in tomato seedlings. It has launched the experiment to study on physiological control of tomato seedlings adapting to low phosphorus stress by fulvic acid. 【Method】Tomato cultivar of ‘JinPeng No.1’ was used as the tested cultivar, and Hogland nutrient solution hydroponics was used in this experiment. When the tomato seedlings grew to three leaves, they were moved to the hydroponic basin for seven days. We studied the roles of applying different concentrations of exogenous fulvic acid (0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, and 0.20 g·L-1; T0-T5 ) on the growth of tomato seedlings, root development, ability of photosynthesis, uptake and distribution of phosphate, accumulation and secretion of organic acid, and so on under hydroponic environment of phosphate deficiency.【Result】With the increase of the amount of fulvic acid (T1-T5), the physiological indexes of tomato seedlings showed a trend of rising first and then decreasing under low-phosphorus stress. Application of fulvic acid to 0.08 g·L-1 had a significant effect on increasing ratio of root to shoot; improving chlorophyll content, photosynthetic performance of leaves, enhancing phosphorus accumulation, distribution and transport in different tissues of tomato,phosphorus transporter-related gene's expression (PT1 and PHO1). PT1 can promote the roots of tomato seedlings to the environment in the uptake of phosphate alleviate low phosphorus stress and PHO1 can promote phosphate from root to stem and leaf distribution in order to effectively alleviate the shoot phosphorus deficiency. It can also improve the accumulation and secretion of organic acid (oxalate, malate, citrate, succinate, and tartrate), reducing the roots of anaerobic respiration products of lactic acid and acetic acid, promoting the proton pump gene (HA1) expression that can effectively change the environment of insoluble phosphorus to soluble phosphate and increased soluble phosphate content in the environment to promote plant root phosphorus content, improving growth- and development-related gene's expression (GRAS1) as well as decreasing the anthocyanin accumulation. 【Conclusion】Adding fulvic acid at a certain concentration under low-phosphorus stress can significantly improve shoot growth and root development of tomato seedlings. It indicates that the addition of fulvic acid can alleviate the phosphorus deficiency symptoms of plants to a certain extent and reveal the regulation of fulvic acid physiological mechanism of tomato actively against phosphorus deficiency.
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DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2008.0626URL [本文引用: 1]

采用盆栽方法进行了不同施磷(P2O5)水平下,日光温室番茄产量、不同生育期番茄磷素分配、干物质积累、土壤速效磷含量和酶活性研究,并确定了适宜番茄生长的最佳施磷量与土壤速效磷含量。结果表明,随着磷肥施用量的增加,土壤速效磷含量及番茄各组织含磷量相应增加;当施用P2O5达到0.53 g/kg(处理5),土壤速效磷含量在60~77 mg/kg时,较适宜番茄生长,番茄产量和单果重达最高,根系和茎叶干物质积累也达到最好水平。当施磷量超过0.53 g/kg时,造成土壤和植株磷累积过高,易引起土壤盐害,降低土壤酶活性,从而降低干物质积累和番茄产量,影响土壤的可持续利用。
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2008.0626URL [本文引用: 1]

采用盆栽方法进行了不同施磷(P2O5)水平下,日光温室番茄产量、不同生育期番茄磷素分配、干物质积累、土壤速效磷含量和酶活性研究,并确定了适宜番茄生长的最佳施磷量与土壤速效磷含量。结果表明,随着磷肥施用量的增加,土壤速效磷含量及番茄各组织含磷量相应增加;当施用P2O5达到0.53 g/kg(处理5),土壤速效磷含量在60~77 mg/kg时,较适宜番茄生长,番茄产量和单果重达最高,根系和茎叶干物质积累也达到最好水平。当施磷量超过0.53 g/kg时,造成土壤和植株磷累积过高,易引起土壤盐害,降低土壤酶活性,从而降低干物质积累和番茄产量,影响土壤的可持续利用。
DOI:10.1111/pbi.12173URLPMID:24605920 [本文引用: 1]

S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) synthetase is the key enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of SAM, which serves as a common precursor for polyamines (PAs) and ethylene. A SAM synthetase cDNA (SlSAMS1) was introduced into the tomato genome using the Agrobacterium tumefaciens transformation method. Transgenic plants overexpressing SlSAMS1 exhibited a significant increase in tolerance to alkali stress and maintained nutrient balance, higher photosynthetic capacity and lower oxidative stress compared with WT lines. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments indicated that the function of SlSAMS1 mainly depended on the accumulation of Spd and Spm in the transgenic lines. A grafting experiment showed that rootstocks from SlSAMS1-overexpressing plants provided a stronger root system, increased PAs accumulation, essential elements absorption, and decreased Na(+) absorption in the scions under alkali stress. As a result, fruit set and yield were significantly enhanced. To our knowledge, this is the first report to provide evidence that SlSAMS1 positively regulates tomato tolerance to alkali stress and plays a major role in modulating polyamine metabolism, resulting in maintainability of nutrient and ROS balance.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.10.012URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 This study was conducted to explore the response of the sugarcane yield stability, fertilizer contribution rate and N, P loss in runoff under long-term different fertilization, with an aim to provide scientific references for establishing the optimal fertilization pattern and promoting the sustainable production of sugarcane as well as the quality of agroecosystem improvement.【Method】 Four different fertilization treatments (non-fertilization (CK), optimum fertilization (OPT), application of 50% N increase based on OPT (OPT+N) and application of 50% P2O5 increase based on OPT (OPT+P)) were chosen from an 8-years fertilization filed experiment. The changes of annual sugarcane stem yield, fertilizer contribution rate and N, P loss in runoff were investigated. 【Result】 At the first 4 years of planting, sugarcane yield declined sharply, and then kept equilibrium around 50 t·hm-2, while fertilization treatments showed a fluctuation in different years, and kept the same trend in the same year. Fertilization significantly increased the sugarcane yield and its stability. With an average of 8 years, sugarcane yield under fertilizer treatments was 70% higher than that under CK. However, there was no significant increase between OPT and OPT+N treatments in sugarcane yield, while OPT was higher than OPT+N treatment. There was no significant difference among fertilizer treatments in sugarcane yield stability. The soil contribution rate in sugarcane field declined sharply at the first 4 years of planting, while fertilizer contribution rate showed the opposite trend, and then both of them basically stabled at around 50%. Both of fertilizer contribution rate and agronomic efficiency in OPT treatment were significantly higher than or equal to OPT+N and OPT+P treatments. Fertilization significantly increased N and P runoff loss. Excessive application of N and P fertilizer significantly increased the corresponding N and P loss, but not N (P) fertilizer loss rate. 【Conclusion】 Excessive application of N and P not only had no advantage in sugarcane yield and its stability, but also resulted in waste of resources and increase of nutrient loss. OPT treatment was a better fertilization model for high and stable yield of sugarcane, high fertilizer contribution rate and low nutrient loss.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.10.012URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 This study was conducted to explore the response of the sugarcane yield stability, fertilizer contribution rate and N, P loss in runoff under long-term different fertilization, with an aim to provide scientific references for establishing the optimal fertilization pattern and promoting the sustainable production of sugarcane as well as the quality of agroecosystem improvement.【Method】 Four different fertilization treatments (non-fertilization (CK), optimum fertilization (OPT), application of 50% N increase based on OPT (OPT+N) and application of 50% P2O5 increase based on OPT (OPT+P)) were chosen from an 8-years fertilization filed experiment. The changes of annual sugarcane stem yield, fertilizer contribution rate and N, P loss in runoff were investigated. 【Result】 At the first 4 years of planting, sugarcane yield declined sharply, and then kept equilibrium around 50 t·hm-2, while fertilization treatments showed a fluctuation in different years, and kept the same trend in the same year. Fertilization significantly increased the sugarcane yield and its stability. With an average of 8 years, sugarcane yield under fertilizer treatments was 70% higher than that under CK. However, there was no significant increase between OPT and OPT+N treatments in sugarcane yield, while OPT was higher than OPT+N treatment. There was no significant difference among fertilizer treatments in sugarcane yield stability. The soil contribution rate in sugarcane field declined sharply at the first 4 years of planting, while fertilizer contribution rate showed the opposite trend, and then both of them basically stabled at around 50%. Both of fertilizer contribution rate and agronomic efficiency in OPT treatment were significantly higher than or equal to OPT+N and OPT+P treatments. Fertilization significantly increased N and P runoff loss. Excessive application of N and P fertilizer significantly increased the corresponding N and P loss, but not N (P) fertilizer loss rate. 【Conclusion】 Excessive application of N and P not only had no advantage in sugarcane yield and its stability, but also resulted in waste of resources and increase of nutrient loss. OPT treatment was a better fertilization model for high and stable yield of sugarcane, high fertilizer contribution rate and low nutrient loss.
URL [本文引用: 1]

采用田间小区和试验示范研究了包膜尿素对番茄产量、品质和施肥经济效益的影响,包膜尿素20%的氮混入育苗基质,剩余80%在移栽时条施(总施氮量为常规施氮量的50%)。结果表明,包膜尿素接触施肥的番茄壮苗指数比常规育苗提高了47.9%;与普通尿素底施加3次追肥相比,施用包膜尿素的番茄产量较等氮量普通尿素(N 180 kg/hm2)和常规施氮量(N 360kg/hm2)处理分别增加了5.1%和9.7%,氮肥利用率提高了9.0~10.2个百分点;相比普通尿素,包膜尿素改善了番茄品质,其中可溶性糖含量提高6.5%~9.4%,Vc含量提高10%~11.3%。与常规施氮相比,包膜尿素在氮肥投入略低的情况下(减少44 Yuan/hm2),番茄单位面积产值和净收益(扣除肥料投入)比常规施氮量增加了33.8 %。施用包膜尿素的表层(0—20 cm)土壤硝态氮含量相对普通尿素起到了削峰填谷作用,降低了硝态氮的淋失风险。
URL [本文引用: 1]

采用田间小区和试验示范研究了包膜尿素对番茄产量、品质和施肥经济效益的影响,包膜尿素20%的氮混入育苗基质,剩余80%在移栽时条施(总施氮量为常规施氮量的50%)。结果表明,包膜尿素接触施肥的番茄壮苗指数比常规育苗提高了47.9%;与普通尿素底施加3次追肥相比,施用包膜尿素的番茄产量较等氮量普通尿素(N 180 kg/hm2)和常规施氮量(N 360kg/hm2)处理分别增加了5.1%和9.7%,氮肥利用率提高了9.0~10.2个百分点;相比普通尿素,包膜尿素改善了番茄品质,其中可溶性糖含量提高6.5%~9.4%,Vc含量提高10%~11.3%。与常规施氮相比,包膜尿素在氮肥投入略低的情况下(减少44 Yuan/hm2),番茄单位面积产值和净收益(扣除肥料投入)比常规施氮量增加了33.8 %。施用包膜尿素的表层(0—20 cm)土壤硝态氮含量相对普通尿素起到了削峰填谷作用,降低了硝态氮的淋失风险。
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.03.020URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Grafting has been used in protected tomato to limit successive obstacle, a lot of studies have been done on resistance against environmental stress, disease and yield increase by grafting, however, the effects of grafting on vegetable quality were yet not systematical and far from being completed. Therefore, in order to further make clear biological effect of tomato grafting, comprehensive evaluation of the effects of grafting on yield and quality in greenhouse tomato was studied to provide a theoretical basis for application of grafting.【Method】The change characteristics of the seedling quality, plant growth vigor, yield and fruit quality were measured by the same scion grafted on ten different rootstocks and the self-root grafting scion ‘Jinpeng No.1’ as control, and effects of grafting on seedling quality and fruit quality were evaluated on the basis of membership values of seedling quality and fruit quality calculated by the method of membership function.【Result】There was a significant difference in seedling growth of grafting plants among different rootstocks, whose coefficient of variation of leaf area and dry matter of root were 18.24% and 15.21% respectively. These grafting seedlings with rootstock of ‘MIKADO’ and ‘Kagemusha’ had higher seedlings quality with method of membership function, but the grafting survival rates on all rootstocks were higher than 90%. Plant growth vigor and yield of grafting tomato were significantly different among different rootstocks. Although the average rate of increasing yield was 34.87%, the coefficient of variation of yield was 17.16%. Except for yield on ‘Vespa’, other grafted plant yields were significantly higher than that of CK, which the increasing yield rate of grafting on ‘MIKADO’ and ‘Magnet’ were 66.82% and 57.56%, respectively. Fruit rigidity was significantly improved and fruit index was changed with grafting, and fresh mass of single fruit of grafting tomatoes were higher than that of CK except for those on ‘Vespa’, ‘Anka-T’ and ‘Support’. Grafting has a significant effect on fruit nutrient quality of tomato, higher effect on Vitamine C, lower effect on soluble solid, whose coefficients of variation were 69.16% and 8.87%, respectively. Fruit dry matter and the contents of soluble solid, soluble protein and titratable acid in all grafting treatments were improved, whereas the change value and direction of other indexes, such as fruit index, Vc, lycopene, soluble sugar and ratio of sugar to acid were dissimilar. The fruit quality was evaluated synthetically by calculating membership values of fruit nutrient quality indexes with membership function, which showed that the membership values of all grafting fruits were higher than the values of CK, and thus confirmed that fruit quality was improved by grafting.【Conclusion】The grafting seedling quality, plant growth vigor, fruit characteristics, yield and quality were significantly different with different rootstocks. Among the ten rootstocks determined, grafted plant yields were significantly higher than that of CK except for that of ‘Vespa’, higher increasing yield rate of ‘MIKADO’ and ‘Magnet’ rootstocks. Although the effects of grafting on fruit quality indexes showed differences in connect with different rootstocks, fruit quality of all grafting unions was improved synthetically, especially higher fruit quality was observed on rootstocks of ‘Anka-T’, ‘Vespa’ and ‘Rootstock 001’.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.03.020URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Grafting has been used in protected tomato to limit successive obstacle, a lot of studies have been done on resistance against environmental stress, disease and yield increase by grafting, however, the effects of grafting on vegetable quality were yet not systematical and far from being completed. Therefore, in order to further make clear biological effect of tomato grafting, comprehensive evaluation of the effects of grafting on yield and quality in greenhouse tomato was studied to provide a theoretical basis for application of grafting.【Method】The change characteristics of the seedling quality, plant growth vigor, yield and fruit quality were measured by the same scion grafted on ten different rootstocks and the self-root grafting scion ‘Jinpeng No.1’ as control, and effects of grafting on seedling quality and fruit quality were evaluated on the basis of membership values of seedling quality and fruit quality calculated by the method of membership function.【Result】There was a significant difference in seedling growth of grafting plants among different rootstocks, whose coefficient of variation of leaf area and dry matter of root were 18.24% and 15.21% respectively. These grafting seedlings with rootstock of ‘MIKADO’ and ‘Kagemusha’ had higher seedlings quality with method of membership function, but the grafting survival rates on all rootstocks were higher than 90%. Plant growth vigor and yield of grafting tomato were significantly different among different rootstocks. Although the average rate of increasing yield was 34.87%, the coefficient of variation of yield was 17.16%. Except for yield on ‘Vespa’, other grafted plant yields were significantly higher than that of CK, which the increasing yield rate of grafting on ‘MIKADO’ and ‘Magnet’ were 66.82% and 57.56%, respectively. Fruit rigidity was significantly improved and fruit index was changed with grafting, and fresh mass of single fruit of grafting tomatoes were higher than that of CK except for those on ‘Vespa’, ‘Anka-T’ and ‘Support’. Grafting has a significant effect on fruit nutrient quality of tomato, higher effect on Vitamine C, lower effect on soluble solid, whose coefficients of variation were 69.16% and 8.87%, respectively. Fruit dry matter and the contents of soluble solid, soluble protein and titratable acid in all grafting treatments were improved, whereas the change value and direction of other indexes, such as fruit index, Vc, lycopene, soluble sugar and ratio of sugar to acid were dissimilar. The fruit quality was evaluated synthetically by calculating membership values of fruit nutrient quality indexes with membership function, which showed that the membership values of all grafting fruits were higher than the values of CK, and thus confirmed that fruit quality was improved by grafting.【Conclusion】The grafting seedling quality, plant growth vigor, fruit characteristics, yield and quality were significantly different with different rootstocks. Among the ten rootstocks determined, grafted plant yields were significantly higher than that of CK except for that of ‘Vespa’, higher increasing yield rate of ‘MIKADO’ and ‘Magnet’ rootstocks. Although the effects of grafting on fruit quality indexes showed differences in connect with different rootstocks, fruit quality of all grafting unions was improved synthetically, especially higher fruit quality was observed on rootstocks of ‘Anka-T’, ‘Vespa’ and ‘Rootstock 001’.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.015URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Under the organic substrate cultivation, the research on organic nutrient solution coupling with water is the important way to actualize the organic cultivation. 【Method】The cherry tomato was used as the test material, and the organic substrate in bag was selected as the cultivation method. In contrast to Japanese garden general formula (F3), 2 organic nutrient solutions (F1: Organic nutrient solution formula 1; F2: Organic nutrient solution formula 2) were set, and 2 irrigation amount levels (W1: 100% ET at seedling period and rainy days, 120% ET at other times; W2: 120% ET at seedling period and rainy days, 150% ET at other times) were set. 【Result】The results indicated that two organic nutrient solutions significantly increased the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of tomato leaves, and reduced the nitrate content in fruits, whereas the contents of soluble protein, soluble sugar and lycopene were improved, comparing with the inorganic nutrient solution. Meanwhile, with the increase of irrigation amount, the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of tomato leaves increased significantly, and the yield of tomato increased significantly too, while the fruit quality indexes showed the dilution effect. The comprehensive quality evaluation showed that F2W1 treatment was the best. Among different fertilizer and water treatments, F2W2 treatment had the highest yield, which was significantly higher than those under other treatments, except for the insignificant difference compared with F1W2 treatment. F2W1 treatment had the highest water use efficiency. 【Conclusion】Generally, F2W1 (Organic nutrient solution formula 2 with 100% ET at seedling period and rainy days, 120% ET at other times) was considered as the optimal fertilizer and water coupling treatment, which could be used as the all-organic nutrient solution and water management indicator.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.14.015URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Under the organic substrate cultivation, the research on organic nutrient solution coupling with water is the important way to actualize the organic cultivation. 【Method】The cherry tomato was used as the test material, and the organic substrate in bag was selected as the cultivation method. In contrast to Japanese garden general formula (F3), 2 organic nutrient solutions (F1: Organic nutrient solution formula 1; F2: Organic nutrient solution formula 2) were set, and 2 irrigation amount levels (W1: 100% ET at seedling period and rainy days, 120% ET at other times; W2: 120% ET at seedling period and rainy days, 150% ET at other times) were set. 【Result】The results indicated that two organic nutrient solutions significantly increased the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of tomato leaves, and reduced the nitrate content in fruits, whereas the contents of soluble protein, soluble sugar and lycopene were improved, comparing with the inorganic nutrient solution. Meanwhile, with the increase of irrigation amount, the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of tomato leaves increased significantly, and the yield of tomato increased significantly too, while the fruit quality indexes showed the dilution effect. The comprehensive quality evaluation showed that F2W1 treatment was the best. Among different fertilizer and water treatments, F2W2 treatment had the highest yield, which was significantly higher than those under other treatments, except for the insignificant difference compared with F1W2 treatment. F2W1 treatment had the highest water use efficiency. 【Conclusion】Generally, F2W1 (Organic nutrient solution formula 2 with 100% ET at seedling period and rainy days, 120% ET at other times) was considered as the optimal fertilizer and water coupling treatment, which could be used as the all-organic nutrient solution and water management indicator.
URL [本文引用: 1]

Taking ‘Xintaimici’ and ‘Jinyou 1’ as experimental cucumber cultivars, this paper studied the effects of watering purified humic acid (PHA) at different levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg·L-1) on growth and nutrient absorption of cucumber seedlings under low nitrogen stress (1 mmol·L-1 NO3-) in sand culture pots. The results showed that, under low N condition, PHA could significantly increase the total root length, root surface area, root tip number and root volume of cucumber seedlings, and promote plant height, stem diameter and leaf area. Proline and soluble sugar contents in cucumber leaves were significantly increased by PHA. The absorption of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe in cucumber seedlings was promoted. According to the response of the two cucumber cultivars to PHA under low N stress, some traits of two cultivars showed different sensitivity to PHA level. The comprehensive analysis of the above results inferred that the PHA level from 100 mg·L-1 to 150 mg·L-1 could significantly enhance the growth and nutrient absorption of cucumber seedlings.
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Taking ‘Xintaimici’ and ‘Jinyou 1’ as experimental cucumber cultivars, this paper studied the effects of watering purified humic acid (PHA) at different levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg·L-1) on growth and nutrient absorption of cucumber seedlings under low nitrogen stress (1 mmol·L-1 NO3-) in sand culture pots. The results showed that, under low N condition, PHA could significantly increase the total root length, root surface area, root tip number and root volume of cucumber seedlings, and promote plant height, stem diameter and leaf area. Proline and soluble sugar contents in cucumber leaves were significantly increased by PHA. The absorption of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe in cucumber seedlings was promoted. According to the response of the two cucumber cultivars to PHA under low N stress, some traits of two cultivars showed different sensitivity to PHA level. The comprehensive analysis of the above results inferred that the PHA level from 100 mg·L-1 to 150 mg·L-1 could significantly enhance the growth and nutrient absorption of cucumber seedlings.
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