

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

李影,1,2, 雷秋良,1, 秦丽欢1, 朱阿兴3,4, 李晓虹1, 翟丽梅1, 王洪媛1, 武淑霞1, 闫铁柱1, 李文超1, 胡万里5, 任天志6, 刘宏斌11中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/农业农村部面源污染控制重点实验室,中国北京100081
3南京师范大学/江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,中国南京 210023
4Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
5云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所,中国昆明 50205

Impact of Soil Data with Different Precision on Water Quality and Flow Simulation

LI Ying,1,2, LEI QiuLiang,1, QIN LiHuan1, ZHU AXing3,4, LI XiaoHong1, ZHAI LiMei1, WANG HongYuan1, WU ShuXia1, YAN TieZhu1, LI WenChao1, HU WanLi5, REN TianZhi6, LIU HongBin11Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Nonpoint Source Pollution Control, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081, China
2 Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese of Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
3Nanjing Normal University/Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
4Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
5Institute of Agricultural Resources & Environment, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, China
6Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China

通讯作者: 雷秋良,Tel:010-82108704;E-mail:leiqiuliang@caas.cn

责任编辑: 李云霞

作者简介 About authors

【背景】模型模拟是研究面源污染的重要手段,建模过程中输入数据的质量是影响模型准确度的重要因素,其中土壤数据作为流域模型的重要输入数据之一,对模型的产流过程有重要的影响。然而,以往的研究多集中于土壤数据精度对水量和水文过程的影响,对水质的研究还比较欠缺。【目的】为丰富该领域建模的先验知识,为流域模型建立过程中的数据选择提供帮助。【方法】采用SWAT(soil & water assessment tool)模型,利用不同精度(1:5万、1:50万和1:100万)的土壤数据进行建模,对凤羽河流域的水量、泥沙、总氮和总磷含量进行了模拟。并采用SWAT-CUP软件进行参数的率定,得到基于3种不同土壤数据的最佳模拟结果。在此基础上,研究不同精度土壤数据对水文响应单元划分、模型参数、水质和水量模拟的影响。【结果】(1)土壤数据对水文响应单元(HRU,hydrologic response unit)的划分数量有明显影响,HRU划分数量的敏感性与划分阈值及土壤图详细程度有关;(2)进行参数率定后模型的表现效果有明显的提高,不同精度的土壤数据对于不同指标(流量、泥沙、总氮和总磷)的模拟效果存在差异,但并非土壤数据精度越高模拟效果越好;(3)随着子流域面积的增大,不同土壤数据提取的土壤属性的平均值趋于一致,且校准过程会对面积较小的子流域产生较大的影响。【结论】因此,在实际的模型模拟中应根据流域的大小和模拟的指标选择土壤数据的精度,同时在模型校准过程中要注意空间尺度的影响。
关键词: 土壤数据;不确定性;SWAT(Soil & Water Assessment Tool)模型;;水质;流量;水文响应单元

【Background】 Watershed model is an important tool to study non-point source pollution, and the reliability of input data is an important factor to ensure the accuracy of the model estimation. Soil data, as one of the important input data of the watershed model, has a significant influence on the runoff process. The previous studies mainly focused on the water quantity and hydrological process, while the research on water quality needs more attention. Furthermore, the disagreements over appropriate resolution of the soil maps also existed in the previous studies. 【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to enrich the prior knowledge of modeling and to provide useful suggestion for data selection in watershed simulation. 【Method】 This paper employed the widely used SWAT (soil & water assessment tool) model as an example and simulated flow, sediment, TN (total nitrogen) and TP (total phosphorus) of Fengyu river basin by three types of soil data with different scales. The scales were used for soil data as follows: 1﹕50 000 (soil-1), 1﹕500 000 (soil-2) and 1﹕1 000 000 (soil-3). SWAT-CUP software was used to adjust parameters. Based on the above methods, the effects of soil data with different scales (1﹕50 000, 1﹕500 000 and 1﹕1 000 000) on HRU (hydrologic response unit) division, model parameters and water quality and quantity were studied. 【Result】 (1) Soil data with different scales had great influence on the result of the HRU division, and the sensitivity of the number of HRU division was related to the division threshold and soil map precision. (2) The calibration of model parameters could remarkably improve the simulation performance of the model. The simulation performance associated with simulated substance, and the highest precision soil map not had the best simulation performance. (3) The attributes of soil tended to be consistent with the increase of sub-watershed area. The variation of simulation results caused by different soils gradually tends to be steady with the increase of confluence area, and the calibration process could have a great effect when confluence area was small. 【Conclusion】 In summary, the precision of soil data should be selected according to the basin size and simulated substance, and the impact of spatial scale need to be considered.
Keywords:soil data;uncertainty;SWAT model;water quality;flow;hydrologic response unit

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李影, 雷秋良, 秦丽欢, 朱阿兴, 李晓虹, 翟丽梅, 王洪媛, 武淑霞, 闫铁柱, 李文超, 胡万里, 任天志, 刘宏斌. 不同精度的土壤数据对水质和水量模拟的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(16): 3319-3332 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.16.010
LI Ying, LEI QiuLiang, QIN LiHuan, ZHU AXing, LI XiaoHong, ZHAI LiMei, WANG HongYuan, WU ShuXia, YAN TieZhu, LI WenChao, HU WanLi, REN TianZhi, LIU HongBin. Impact of Soil Data with Different Precision on Water Quality and Flow Simulation[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(16): 3319-3332 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.16.010

0 引言

【研究意义】当前我国水质污染情势严峻,成为制约我国可持续发展的主要因素之一[1,2]。人类的耕作、养殖和生产生活等活动引起的面源污染是造成水质恶化的主要原因[3,4,5]。由于面源污染的广泛性、复杂性和空间异质性等特征,基于污染物迁移转化过程的分布式水文模型逐渐被用于面源污染的研究中,如SWAT(soil & water assessment tool)模型、AnnAGNPS(annualized agricultural non-point source pollution model)模型和HSPF(hydrological simulation program- fortran)模型等[6,7,8]。此类模型可用于定量化描述人类活动对流域污染物产生和迁移过程的影响[9],为流域的规划和管理提供决策依据。虽然分布式模型在污染物的空间识别上具有绝对的优势,但它的复杂性和对数据的强依赖性,使得其在应用过程中具有很大的不确定性。依据来源的不同,可将不确定性划分为:模型的结构、输入数据和参数不确定性[10,11]。在众多的模型中,SWAT模型是采用日尺度作为最低模拟时间尺度的半分布式模型。该模型在我国得到了广泛的应用且模拟结果都可达到决定系数R2≥0.6,纳什系数NS≥0.5的可接受模拟效果[6,12-13]。然而,当前对于SWAT模型在使用过程中的不确定性问题的关注却远远不够。【前人研究进展】土壤数据作为流域模拟中的重要输入数据之一,其来源和分辨率的不同会影响地表的产流过程[14],这要归因于其属性的空间分布特征对模型坡面产流空间分布的影响[15]。国内外****研究了土壤数据对环境模型模拟的影响,发现土壤特征差异会放大气象条件的差异,并显著影响流域的水文响应,因此强调开发精细土壤数据库的必要性[16];但也有研究表明,模型的模拟效果与污染物类型有关,对土壤数据的精度不敏感[17];甚至有研究显示在低分辨率的土壤数据下径流模拟效果反而略好于高精度数据[18]。此外,土壤数据对模型的影响存在尺度效应,在汇流面积大于10 km2时,基于不同来源土壤数据的模拟结果吻合度较高[19,20]。由于土壤数据的可获取性,当前对于美国SSURGO和STATSGO两种土壤图的研究较多。尽管当前研究表明了不同的土壤图会对水文响应单元(hydrologic response unit, HRU)划分、水质水量模拟及相关参数的提取产生影响,但影响程度却存在差异[21,22],也未明确哪个土壤图更有优势[23]。全国第二次土壤普查形成了不同精度的土壤图,1﹕5万土壤图(县级土壤图)、1﹕50万土壤图(省级土壤图)和1﹕100万土壤图(国家级土壤图),是目前我国可以获得的3种类型土壤图,但鲜有研究分析这3种土壤图数据对流域模拟的影响。【本研究切入点】综上所述,应用精细分辨率土壤数据,需要花费更多的精力来收集或生产土壤数据、准备和校准模型,但当前的研究结果对于模型模拟所需土壤图的最佳分辨率仍然存在争议。此外,已有研究大多只关注于土壤数据对水量和水文过程模拟的影响,而对于水质的研究仍然较为缺乏。【拟解决的关键问题】鉴于此,本文采用当前应用广泛的SWAT模型,研究不同精度(1﹕5万、1﹕50万和1﹕100万)的土壤数据对HRU划分、模型参数和水质水量模拟的影响,以期丰富这一领域的建模先验知识,为流域水质和水量模拟时选取土壤基础数据提供依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

凤羽河流域(99.86°—100.03°E,25.88°—26.10°N)地处云南省大理白族自治州,被称为“洱海之源”,是洱海的源头。该流域位于我国西南山区,坡度较大,流域的平均坡度约19°。流域总面积为217 km2,主干河流全长12.8 km。流域内干湿季明显,年均气温在13.9℃,近5年平均降雨量为1 328 mm(下龙门监测站数据),7、8、9月的降水量占全年降水量的70.72%。该流域包含茈碧湖镇和凤羽镇的9个行政村,总人口约35 400人。流域内经济主要依靠种植业和养殖业,二者贡献了总产值的60%以上。其中,种植以水旱轮作和旱旱轮作为主;养殖以散养为主。流域内土地利用现状为草地(45.93%)、林地(29.59%)、果园(2.26%)、农村居民点(1.41%)和水域(0.03%)。此外,农用地占20.78%,包括旱地(8.89%)和水田(11.89%)(图1)。流域内的主要面源污染源为农村生活源、农田种植源和畜禽养殖源[24,25]



Fig. 1Location of Fengyu river watershed in Yunnan province, digital elevation model (DEM), land use and monitoring site

1.2 数据资料


1.2.1 空间数据 本文用于构建SWAT模型的空间数据包括:DEM图、土壤类型图、土地利用图和水系图,栅格大小均为25 m×25 m。数据的详细信息如表1所示。其中,3种不同比例尺土壤图的土壤分类情况和实测采样点位置如图2所示。对比不同土壤图可知,随着比例尺的减小,较小的土壤斑块被合并,空间数据精细度降低。其中,1﹕5万的土壤图土壤分类为20种、1﹕50万的土壤图土壤分类为11种、1﹕100万的土壤图土壤分类为8种,3种土壤数据不仅在土壤分类的详细程度上有差异,同时各类土壤的边界也有明显的差别。

Table 1
Table 1The resolution and source of spatial data
数据类别 Data item数据来源 Data source比例尺 Scale数据用途 Purpose
Digital elevation model
National geomatic center of China
Extracting slope, river network and watershed division
Land use data
Land Resources Bureau
Land use information
Drainage map
National geomatic center of China
Distribution of river systems
Soil map
The 2nd national soil survey
Soil type and distribution
Soil map
The 2nd national soil survey
Soil type and distribution
Soil map
Institute of soil science, CAS
Soil type and distribution




Fig. 2Soil maps of three scales and samples

1.2.2 属性数据 模型所需的其他数据主要包括:气象数据、土壤属性数据、农田管理措施、农村生活污染及畜禽养殖。这些数据通过实际的站点监测和现场调查获得,数据的详细信息如表2所示。

Table 2
Table 2Other input datasets and their sources
数据类别 Data item数据来源 Data source数据用途 Purpose
Weather data
Weather station
Precipitation, temperature and so on
Soil properties data
Annals of soil classification, soil profiles and samples
Soil physical and chemical properties
Management information
Survey and statistical data
Field management data
Living pollution and livestock farming
Survey and statistical data
Waste water, solid waste and livestock data




将流域内农村生活的排放作为点源输入模型中,通过流域的实地调查和查阅文献,确定各子流域的人口数量和排污系数。其中流域内人均年总氮(TN)排放量为1.87 kg、总磷(TP)排放量为0.22 kg,流域的入河系数为0.15 [25]

1.2.3 实测数据

(1)水质数据。2011年1月至2013年12月,在凤羽河小流域出口(下龙门监测站)(图1),每天进行一次人工水样采集,并进行实验室分析。测试指标包括可溶性总氮、TN、TP和含沙量。水样采集后在4℃低温下冷藏保存,之后分别利用过滤烘干法测定含沙量;利用紫外分光光度计比色法测定总氮、溶解性总氮和含量;利用靛酚蓝比色法测定含量;利用钼蓝比色法测定溶解性总磷和总磷含量[26,27]。(2)水量数据。2010年6月至2012年6月,在下龙门监测站,使用Stalker II SVR测量流量数据。2012年6月,在下龙门监测站安装了Waterlog H-3553气泡水位计并可通过无线传输实现水位的远程自动实时监测。根据在流域出口的实测流量和水位数据建立水位-流量关系曲线Q=(4.09×H-81.54)2.20,H为水位计高度(m),Q为与H匹配的流量(m3·s-1),得到高频率的实时流量数据。

1.3 研究设计





1.4 模型的率定

在模型率定之前进行了参数的敏感性分析。对SWAT输入输出文件手册中列出的水文循环、营养物、泥沙和河道过程相关的103个参数(剔除了已有的土壤参数和SWAT-CUP中没有的参数)进行了敏感性分析,利用SWAT-CUP软件设置运行次数为1 000次。同时参考了文献[29]中用于径流和硝态氮率定所选取的38个参数,以及文献[26,27]中的参数敏感性分析结果和选定的率定参数,对本文中率定的参数进行了补充,最终选取了与流量、泥沙、总氮和总磷模拟过程关系密切的43个参数,见表3—6。对于模型的率定,采用SWAT-CUP软件中的SUFI-2算法进行自动率定,在调整参数过程中不对土壤参数和实测参数进行率定。参照(公式4)将4个因子的整体表现效果设置为目标函数,并对模拟效果进行综合分析。因此,率定的目的是达到流量、泥沙、总氮和总磷4个项目的综合效果最优,这样才能说明模型在流域的应用是最佳状态。

Table 3
Table 3Hydrologic cycle parameters and their initial ranges
Parameter description
Initial threshold
R_CN2.mgt水分条件Ⅱ时的初始SCS径流曲线数 Initial SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II-10.5
V_ALPHA_BF.gw基流α因子 Baseflow alpha factor01
V_RCHRG_DP.gw深层含水层的渗透系数 Deep aquifer percolation fraction01
V_GW_REVAP.gw地下水的revap系数 Groundwater “revap” coefficient0.020.2
V_GW_DELAY.gw地下水的时间延迟 Groundwater delay time0500
Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur
V_SHALLST.gw浅层含水层的初始水深 Initial depth of water in the shallow aquifer050000
V_DEEPST.gw深层含水层的初始水深 Initial depth of water in the deep aquifer050000
V_SLSUBBSN.hru平均坡长 Average slope length10150
V_OV_N.hru坡面漫流的曼宁系数n值 Manning’s “n” value for overland flow0.0130
V_ESCO.hru土壤蒸发补偿因子 Soil evaporation compensation factor0.011
V_LAT_TTIME.hru侧向流的运动时间 Lateral flow travel time0180
V_EPCO.hru植物吸收补偿因子 Plant uptake compensation factor01
V_HRU_SLP.hru平均比降 Average slope steepness01
V_CH_N2.rte主河道的曼宁系数n值 Manning’s “n” value for the main channel-0.010.3
V_FFCB.bsn初始土壤蓄水量 Initial soil water storage01
V_SURLAG.bsn地表径流滞后系数 Surface runoff lag coefficient0.0524


Table 4
Table 4Nutrients parameters and their initial ranges
Parameter description
Initial threshold
V_BIOMIX.mgt生物混合效率 Biological mixing efficiency01
V_FRT_SURFACE.mgt表层10 mm土壤中的施肥量占施肥总量的分数 Fraction of fertilizer applied to top 10 mm of soil01
V_FILTERW.mgt过滤带宽度 Width of edge-of-field filter strip0100
Concentration of soluble phosphorus in groundwater contribution to streamflow from subbasin
V_ERORGN.hru泥沙运移中有机氮的富集比 Organic N enrichment ratio for loading with sediment05
V_ERORGP.hru泥沙运移中有机磷的富集比 Phosphorus enrichment ratio for loading with sediment05
V_CDN.bsn反硝化指数速率系数 Denitrification exponential rate coefficient03
V_SDNCO.bsn发生反硝化作用的土壤含水量阈值 Denitrification threshold water content01
V_RSDCO.bsn残留物的分解系数 Residue decomposition coefficient0.020.1
V_PPERCO.bsn磷的渗流系数 Phosphorus percolation coefficient in soil layer1017.5
V_PHOSKD.bsn磷的土壤分配系数 Phosphorus soil partitioning coefficient100200
V_NPERCO.bsn硝酸盐的渗流系数 Nitrate percolation coefficient01
V_BC1_BSN.bsnNH3生物氧化的速率常数 Rate constant for biological oxidation of NH30.11
V_BC2_BSN.bsn从NO2到NO3的生物氧化速率常数 Rate constant for biological oxidation NO2 to NO30.11
V_BC3_BSN.bsn从有机氮到氨基的水解速率常数 Rate constant for hydrolysis of organic nitrogen to ammonia0.020.4
V_BC4_BSN.bsn从有机磷到可溶性磷的腐化速率常数 Rate constant for decay of organic phosphorus to dissolved phosphorus0.010.7


Table 5
Table 5Sediment parameters and their initial ranges
Parameter description
Initial threshold
R_USLE_C.plant.datUSLE方程中的C因子的最小值 Minimum value of USLE C factor-1010
V_USLE_P.mgtUSLE方程中的P因子 USLE equation support practice factor01
V_LAT_SED.hru侧向流与地下径流中的泥沙含量 Sediment concentration in lateral and groundwater flow05000
V_ADJ_PKR.bsn子流域(支流)泥沙演算的最大流速调节因子 Peak rate adjustment factor for sediment routing in the subbasin0.52


Table 6
Table 6Channel processes parameters and their initial ranges
Parameter description
Initial threshold
V_SPCON.bsn最大泥沙量的线性参数 Linear parameter for calculating the maximum amount of sediment0.00010.01
V_SPEXP.bsn最大泥沙量的指数参数 Exponent parameter for calculating sediment restrained in channel sediment routing12
V_CH_K2.rte主河道冲积物的有效渗透系数 Effective hydraulic conductivity in main channel alluvium-0.01500
V_CH_COV1.rte河道侵蚀因子 Channel erodibility factor-0.050.6
V_CH_COV2.rte河道覆盖因子 Channel cover factor-0.0011
V_ALPHA_BNK.rte河岸调蓄的基流α因子 Baseflow alpha factor for bank storage01





$G_{R^2}=\sum w_{j}R_{j}^2$


$G_{NS}=\sum w_{j}NS_{j}$

2 结果

2.1 不同精度土壤数据对HRU分配和模型参数的影响




Fig. 3Effects of threshold settings on HRU numbers based on the difference soil datasets

表7统计了3种土壤数据下所提取的几个重要模型参数。不同精度的土壤数据下所得到的CN2、SOL_ZMX和SOL_Z、SOL_BD、SOL_AWC、SOL_K、USLE_K都有所差异。3种土壤图所得到的CN2分别为77.93、77.43和66.23;得到的SOL_ZMX分别为722.73、879.93和526.07 mm;以第一层土壤为例得到的SOL_Z分别为211.24、160.66和201.79 mm;得到的SOL_BD分别为1.19、1.15和1.27 g·cm-3;得到的SOL_AWC分别为0.16、0.36和0.18 mm·mm-1;得到的SOL_K分别为21.61、42.56和21.18 mm·h-1;得到的USLE_K分别为0.27、0.29和0.24。由此可以看出,对于参数CN2、SOL_ZMX、SOL_BD和USLE_K,soil-2与soil-1的差异更小;而对于参数SOL_Z、SOL_AWC和SOL_K,soil-3与soil-1的差异更小。

Table 7
Table 7Model parameters from different soil data
Soil data


2.2 不同精度土壤数据对模型模拟效果的影响


Table 8
Table 8Performance of the models before and after calibration
Soil data
校准后 After calibration校准前 Before calibration
泥沙 Sediment0.440.430.490.31
总氮Total nitrogen0.580.570.50-605.73
总磷Total phosphorus0.530.530.30-5007.4
泥沙 Sediment0.460.410.500.1
总氮Total nitrogen0.710.590.53-710.97
总磷Total phosphorus0.750.750.31-1539.57
泥沙 Sediment0.430.380.450.28
总氮Total nitrogen0.850.690.49-1097.61
总磷Total phosphorus0.630.620.29-5717.73





Fig. 4Simulation performance for the three types of soil data after model calibration

2.3 不同精度土壤数据的空间尺度效应




Fig. 5Subbasin map




Fig. 6Differences between soil parameters from different soil data across varying subbasin areas




Fig. 7Differences in simulation results based on different soil data across varying subbasin areas

3 讨论

3.1 土壤数据精度对模拟的影响与模拟指标有关

本研究利用1﹕5万、1﹕50万和1﹕100万的土壤数据在面积为217 km2的小流域进行建模,发现3种土壤数据对流量模拟的差异小于对水质的模拟。土壤数据作为SWAT模型中重要的输入信息之一,具有很强的空间变异性,通过影响流域的水文过程而影响模型的模拟[16]。不同分辨率的土壤数据会对SWAT模型模拟的土壤参数产生影响,其中含水量差异显著,进而显著影响水文响应单元的划分,但对于土壤蒸发的计算没有显著影响[18]。而已有研究也表明不同比例尺的土壤数据对SWAT模型模拟的影响与模拟项目有关。例如许多****探讨了美国比例尺为1﹕12000—63360的县级SSURGO土壤数据和1﹕25万—50万比例尺的州级STATSGO土壤数据对流域水文模型的流量与水质的影响。在流量预测的影响方面,模型校准前后存在差异,校准前应用STATSGO数据进行流量预测效果相对高于SSURGO数据;在校准后,SSURGO土壤数据整体上提供了更好的流量预测结果[23],使用SSURGO导致传输损失较少,较高的地表径流归因于较高的土壤数据分辨率[22,23]。然而,在更大尺度流域应用不同比例尺土壤数据时,不同比例尺土壤图之间对于流量的预测差异不大[17],甚至低分辨率的数据效果反而略好于高分辨率[18]。与之相反,对SSURGO和STATSGO数据的研究表明,土壤数据分辨率的不同对营养物负荷影响比较显著[31]。与SSURGO数据相比,1﹕25万和1﹕50万STATSGO土壤图显著降低了月平均氮负荷[32]

3.2 不同土壤数据的模拟效果存在尺度效应

不同土壤数据对SWAT模型的模拟效果与流域尺度关系密切,不同土壤数据对模型模拟效果的影响存在时空尺度效应[33]。在本研究中,随着汇流面积的增大,基于3种土壤数据提取的模型参数和模拟结果的差异逐渐减小,说明不同土壤数据参数在较小的空间尺度差异更大,进而对模型产生影响。主要原因在于模型在地表径流计算过程中,进行了土壤水文组的划分,概括了土壤信息,降低了土壤信息的精度;同时,在小的尺度上土壤的异质性影响较为严重,而在大的空间尺度上土壤属性的均值较为一致[20]。已有研究表明对于大于10 km2的子流域,采用10 m的SoLIM模型生成的土壤数据和1﹕24 000 SSURGO土壤数据对于流量的模拟没有显著差异,在较大的尺度上,使用精度低的土壤数据同样可以达到理想的模拟效果[20]。此外,空间尺度对流域演算过程的影响呈线性相关关系,最小模拟单元级别下的径流模拟差异非常大,但差异随着模拟单元的空间尺度的增加而逐渐降低[19,34]。虽然不同模型对土壤数据的敏感性不同,但模拟的差别也会随流域面积的增大而降低[35]。这说明不同土壤数据对于模型提取的土壤参数存在空间尺度效应,进而对模型的模拟产生影响。

3.3 流域模型模拟效果受其他因素影响

通过本文的研究发现,SWAT模型的模拟效果在较大尺度上受土壤数据影响不明显,可能是由于流域模拟效果受CN2[14]、地貌和气候的综合影响更为明显,这些因素会在一定程度上掩盖土壤数据所带来的不确定性。另外,模型率定调整参数的过程以同一套实测数据为率定目标不可避免的掩盖了土壤数据的不确定性对模型模拟过程的影响。本文研究结果也显示出3个模型表现效果的差异在率定后出现了明显的变化。也有研究表明,相较于土壤图分辨率,土壤数据的来源对于模型输出的影响更大[17]。因此,土壤图的质量和适用性不仅取决于比例尺,还取决于制图方式[36]。不同制图方法会造成地表产流和产沙模式存在高度的空间变异性[37],WAHREN等将传统的土壤图和SoLIM生成的数字土壤图应用到SWAT模型中,在模拟出口日流量时,尽管均取得满意的模拟效果,但SoLIM派生的土壤数据对旱季的第一次峰值流量模拟拟合程度更好。从传统土壤数据与数字土壤制图数据在水文模型中的应用对比来看,更详细的反映土壤属性空间变异性的制图方法(SoLIM)对峰值径流事件的模拟效果更好[38,39]。此外,土壤制图采用的插值方法也会影响土壤图精度[36]。ZIADAT等[40]的研究对比了传统插值方法和SLEEP(soil-landscape estimation and evaluation program)方法,结果表明相比于传统的反距离加权和克里金插值方法,虽然模型对SLEEP方法使用的土壤样点数量并不敏感,但SLEEP方法制作的土壤数据在环境模型应用中的效果更好。因此,提高土壤制图方法的精确性也是减少SWAT模型模拟不确定性的重要途径。


4 结论


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流域水文模拟对输入数据空间详细程度的要求受流域面积大小的影响,而流域面积影响作用的定量描述有助于模拟时的数据选取。本文以美国Brewery Creek 流域(约19.5 km2)为例,在逐级连续的汇流面积上,分析了SWAT 模型基于1∶2.4 万的SSURGO和10m分辨率的SoLIM 土壤数据模拟的径流量的差别随汇流面积的变化。结果显示:汇流面积较小时,基于不同土壤图的模拟径流一致性较差;随着汇流面积的增大,模拟径流的差别逐渐减小并趋于稳定,在汇流面积大于约10 km2时,差别变得相对不明显,不同土壤数据的模拟径流相当。根据实验结果,流域径流模拟对数据的要求受模拟面积的潜在影响,当流域面积大于一定值时,较粗分辨率的输入数据同样可能取得较好的模拟效果。研究度量了面积对模型响应的潜在影响作用,为中小流域水文模拟时土壤数据的选取提供了初步参考。
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流域水文模拟对输入数据空间详细程度的要求受流域面积大小的影响,而流域面积影响作用的定量描述有助于模拟时的数据选取。本文以美国Brewery Creek 流域(约19.5 km2)为例,在逐级连续的汇流面积上,分析了SWAT 模型基于1∶2.4 万的SSURGO和10m分辨率的SoLIM 土壤数据模拟的径流量的差别随汇流面积的变化。结果显示:汇流面积较小时,基于不同土壤图的模拟径流一致性较差;随着汇流面积的增大,模拟径流的差别逐渐减小并趋于稳定,在汇流面积大于约10 km2时,差别变得相对不明显,不同土壤数据的模拟径流相当。根据实验结果,流域径流模拟对数据的要求受模拟面积的潜在影响,当流域面积大于一定值时,较粗分辨率的输入数据同样可能取得较好的模拟效果。研究度量了面积对模型响应的潜在影响作用,为中小流域水文模拟时土壤数据的选取提供了初步参考。

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The prediction accuracy of agricultural nonpoint source pollution models such as Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) depends on how well model input spatial parameters describe the characteristics of the watershed. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of different soil data resolutions on stream flow, sediment and nutrient predictions when used as input for SWAT. SWAT model predictions were compared for the two US Department of Agriculture soil databases with different resolution, namely the State Soil Geographic database (STATSGO) and the Soil Survey Geographic database (SSURGO). Same number of sub-basins was used in the watershed delineation. However, the number of HRUs generated when STATSGO and SSURGO soil data were used is 261 and 1301, respectively. SSURGO, with the highest spatial resolution, has 51 unique soil types in the watershed distributed in 1301 HRUs, while STATSGO has only three distributed in 261 HRUS. As a result of low resolution STATSGO assigns a single classification to areas that may have different soil types if SSURGO were used. SSURGO included Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs) with soil types that were generalized to one soil group in STATSGO. The difference in the number and size of HRUs also has an effect on sediment yield parameters (slope and slope length). Thus, as a result of the discrepancies in soil type and size of HRUs stream flow predicted was higher when SSURGO was used compared to STATSGO. SSURGO predicted less stream loading than STATSGO in terms of sediment and sediment-attached nutrients components, and vice versa for dissolved nutrients. When compared to mean daily measured flow, STATSGO performed better relative to SSURGO before calibration. SSURGO provided better results after calibration as evaluated by R(2) value (0.74 compared to 0.61 for STATSGO) and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of Efficiency (NSE) values (0.70 and 0.61 for SSURGO and STATSGO, respectively) although both are in the same satisfactory range. Modelers need to weigh the benefits before selecting the type of data resolution they are going to use depending on the watershed size and level of accuracy required because more effort is required to prepare and calibrate the model when a fine resolution soil data is used.

WANG X, MELESSE A M. Effects of STATSGO and SSURGO as inputs on SWAT Model's Snowmelt Simulation
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华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2017,51(1):108-114.

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ZHANG C, LU J Z, CHEN X L. Study of pollution from agricultural non-point sources in Lake Erhai watershed in Yunnan Province based on export coefficient model
Journal of Central China Normal University (Natural Sciences), 2017,51(1):108-114. (in Chinese)

[本文引用: 2]

张召喜. 基于SWAT模型的凤羽河流域农业面源污染特征研究
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ZHANG Z X. Study on charateristics of agricultural non-point source pollution in Fengyu river basin on SWAT model
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李文超. 凤羽河流域农业面源污染负荷估算及关键区识别研究
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LI W C. Evaluating the loads of agricultural non-point source pollution and identifying critical source areas in Fengyu basin
[D]. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2014. (in Chinese)

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龙爱华. SWAT 2009理论基础. 郑州: 黄河水利出版社, 2012.
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LONG A H. Theoretical Documentation Version 2009 Soil&Water Assessment Tool. Zhengzhou: The Yellow River Water Conservancy Press, 2012. (in Chinese)
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SHARIFI A, LANG M W, MCCARTY G W, SADEGHI A M, LEE S, YEN H, RABENHORST M C, JEONG J, YEO I Y. Improving model prediction reliability through enhanced representation of wetland soil processes and constrained model auto calibration - A paired watershed study
Journal of Hydrology, 2016,541:1088-1103.

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MORIASI D N, ARNOLD J G, LIEW M W V, BINGNER R L, HARMEL R D, VEITH T L. Model evaluation guidelines for systematic quantification of accuracy in watershed simulations
Transactions of the ASABE, 2007,50(3):885-900.

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GOWDA P H, MULLA D J, NANGIA V, ALE S. Scale effects of STATSGO and SSURGO on flow and water quality predictions
Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2013,5(3):266-274.

DOI:10.4236/jwarp.2013.53027URL [本文引用: 1]

CHAPLOT V. Impact of DEM mesh size and soil map scale on SWAT runoff, sediment, and NO3--N loads predictions
Journal of Hydrology, 2005,312(1/4):207-222.

DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.02.017URL [本文引用: 1]

BARONI G, ZINK M, KUMAR R, SAMANIEGO L, ATTINGER S. Effects of uncertainty in soil properties on simulated hydrological states and fluxes at different spatio-temporal scales
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences, 2017,21(5):1-37.

[本文引用: 1]

LI R, ZHU A, SONG X, LI B, PEI T, QIN C. Effects of Spatial Aggregation of Soil Spatial Information on Watershed Hydrological Modeling
Hydrological Processes, 2012,26:1390-1404.

DOI:10.1002/hyp.v26.9URL [本文引用: 1]

李润奎, 朱阿兴, 秦承志, 陈腊娇, 刘军志. 土壤数据对分布式流域水文模型模拟效果的影响
水科学进展, 2011,22(2):168-174.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Effects of different soil data resolutions on distributed hydrological modeling and total water yield were investigated using a modeling approach.The semi-distributed SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model and the fully distributed WetSpa(Water and Energy Transfer between Soil,Plant and Atmosphere) Extension were used in this study.Both the US SSURGO(Soil Survey Geographic) soil data and the detailed SoLIM(Soil-land Inference Model) soil data were utilized in the modeling investigation.Results show that different soil data resolutions will lead to a large discrepancy in modeling water yield at simulation points distributed over a watershed.However,the difference in simulation of total water yield decreases with increasing the area of watersheds.Based on the modeling experiment,it is recommended that detailed spatial data will be required where the simulation primarily focuses on the spatial distribution of water fluxes,while the data condition could be relaxed for the simulation of total water yield especially for large-sized watersheds.
LI R K, ZHU A X, QIN C Z, CHEN L J, LIU J Z. Effects of spatial detail of soil data on distributed hydrological modeling
Advances in Water Science, 2011,22(2):168-174. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
Effects of different soil data resolutions on distributed hydrological modeling and total water yield were investigated using a modeling approach.The semi-distributed SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model and the fully distributed WetSpa(Water and Energy Transfer between Soil,Plant and Atmosphere) Extension were used in this study.Both the US SSURGO(Soil Survey Geographic) soil data and the detailed SoLIM(Soil-land Inference Model) soil data were utilized in the modeling investigation.Results show that different soil data resolutions will lead to a large discrepancy in modeling water yield at simulation points distributed over a watershed.However,the difference in simulation of total water yield decreases with increasing the area of watersheds.Based on the modeling experiment,it is recommended that detailed spatial data will be required where the simulation primarily focuses on the spatial distribution of water fluxes,while the data condition could be relaxed for the simulation of total water yield especially for large-sized watersheds.

朱阿兴, 杨琳, 樊乃卿, 曾灿英, 张甘霖. 数字土壤制图研究综述与展望
地理科学进展, 2018,37(1):66-78.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.01.008URL [本文引用: 2]
The spatial distribution of soil reflects its formation and development. Digital soil mapping is a new and efficient technique to represent the spatial distribution of soil, which has experienced a rapid development over the last three decades. The theoretical bases are the soil forming factor theory and the first law of geography. Researchers have done significant work on the generation of environmental covariates, soil sampling methods, mapping methods, and production and evaluation of soil maps. The application cases are from small areas to big regions, even at the global scale. Future directions for digital soil mapping include: new techniques for depicting environmental covariates, especially for expressing human activities; efficient use of new data and legacy data; the reconciling of pedometric knowledge and mathematic models; and new computation ways supporting the use of big data.
ZHU A X, YANG L, FAN N Q, ZENG C Y, ZHANG G L. The review and outlook of digital soil mapping
Progress in Geography, 2018,37(1):66-78. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.01.008URL [本文引用: 2]
The spatial distribution of soil reflects its formation and development. Digital soil mapping is a new and efficient technique to represent the spatial distribution of soil, which has experienced a rapid development over the last three decades. The theoretical bases are the soil forming factor theory and the first law of geography. Researchers have done significant work on the generation of environmental covariates, soil sampling methods, mapping methods, and production and evaluation of soil maps. The application cases are from small areas to big regions, even at the global scale. Future directions for digital soil mapping include: new techniques for depicting environmental covariates, especially for expressing human activities; efficient use of new data and legacy data; the reconciling of pedometric knowledge and mathematic models; and new computation ways supporting the use of big data.

BOSSA A Y, DIEKKRUGER B, IGUE A M, GAISER T. Analyzing the effects of different soil databases on modeling of hydrological processes and sediment yield in Benin (West Africa)
Geoderma, 2012, 173-174(2):61-74.

[本文引用: 1]

李润奎, 朱阿兴, Peter C. Augello, James E. Burt. SWAT模型对高精度土壤信息的敏感性研究
地球信息科学学报, 2007,9(3):72-78.

URL [本文引用: 1]
As an important component of input data, soil information directly impacts the accuracy of the simulation of hydrologic model. Sensitivity of SWAT model to detailed soil information was investigated through comparison of the simulated stream flow produced by using SSURGO and SoLIM as different soil input data. A case study was conducted in Brewery Creek, a 19.5km2 area catchment in Dane County, Wisconsin. The simulation results before and after model calibration both indicate that there is only slight difference between the simulated streamflow. This study reveals the weak sensitivity of SWAT model to detailed soil information in the hydrological modeling of a small watershed. The main reason for lack of insignificant difference is that soil information was highly aggregated in the model and that the use of Curve Number as means for representing soil variability in the model also muted the impact of detailed spatial information.
LI R K, ZHU A X, PETER C A, JAMES E B. Sensitivity of SWAT model to detailed soil information
Geo-Information Science, 2007,9(3):72-78. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
As an important component of input data, soil information directly impacts the accuracy of the simulation of hydrologic model. Sensitivity of SWAT model to detailed soil information was investigated through comparison of the simulated stream flow produced by using SSURGO and SoLIM as different soil input data. A case study was conducted in Brewery Creek, a 19.5km2 area catchment in Dane County, Wisconsin. The simulation results before and after model calibration both indicate that there is only slight difference between the simulated streamflow. This study reveals the weak sensitivity of SWAT model to detailed soil information in the hydrological modeling of a small watershed. The main reason for lack of insignificant difference is that soil information was highly aggregated in the model and that the use of Curve Number as means for representing soil variability in the model also muted the impact of detailed spatial information.

WAHREN F T, JULICH S, NUNES J P, GONZALEZ P O, HAWTREE D, FEGER K H, KEIZER J J. Combining digital soil mapping and hydrological modeling in a data scarce watershed in north-central Portugal
Geoderma, 2016,264:350-362.

DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.08.023URL [本文引用: 1]

ZIADAT F M, DHANESH Y, SHOEMATE D, SRINIVASAN R, NARASIMHAN B, TECH J. Soil-Landscape Estimation and Evaluation Program (SLEEP) to predict spatial distribution of soil attributes for environmental modeling
International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, 2015,8(3):1-15.

[本文引用: 1]

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