Research Progress of Microbial Deodorization in Livestock and Poultry Wastes Composting
WEI QiHang,1,2, REN YanFang,1, HE JunYu1, LI ZhaoJun,2通讯作者:
责任编辑: 李云霞
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魏启航, 任艳芳, 何俊瑜, 李兆君. 畜禽养殖废弃物堆肥过程中微生物除臭研究进展[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(15): 3134-3145 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.15.013
WEI QiHang, REN YanFang, HE JunYu, LI ZhaoJun.
1 堆肥中异味气体排放特征及其源物质转化特征
好氧堆肥是指在有氧条件下微生物将易降解的有机物分解后吸收转化成自身细胞物质,并将不易降解的有机物分解为无机物的过程[7]。在这个过程中,有机质在满足微生物繁殖生长的同时,被分解为大量的温室气体和一些异味气体。其中,异味气体成分较为复杂,NH3、H2S和挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是异味气体中最主要的成分[8,9]。1.1 NH3
Fig. 1The transformation processes of nitrogenous organic matter
1.2 H2S
1.3 VOCS
除了NH3和H2S,堆肥过程还会释放出大量VOCs[17,18]。这主要由微生物降解有机质所致,产生的VOCs浓度虽低但对臭味贡献很大[19]。VOCs成分十分复杂,尚斌等[20]在研究死猪堆肥过程中共检测出37种VOCs,主要的致臭物质为三甲胺、二甲基硫、二甲基二硫和二甲基三硫。到目前为止,能检测出的VOCs已超过300种。表1中列出了堆肥过程中部分异味VOCs的环境最高允许浓度和气味特征[21]。大量研究发现,大多数VOCs主要在堆肥初期产生[22,23,24,25]。KUMAR等[26]在垃圾堆肥研究中发现,VOCs在前期的释放量约为后期的5倍。EITZER[27]发现在堆肥初期VOCs最大释放量可达100 mg·m-3,是后期的1.5—2倍。这是由于高温阶段一些VOCs被蜡样芽孢杆菌分解,从而造成高温期VOCs浓度不高[28]。
Table 1
Table 1
挥发性有机化合物 Volatile organic compound | 分子式 Molecular formula | 允许浓度 The allowance concentration (mg·m-3) | 气味特征 Characteristic odor |
二甲苯 Xylene | C8H10 | 100 | 刺激性气味Pungent odor |
丙酮 Acetone | CH3COCH3 | 750 | 辛辣气味 Acrid odor |
甲基乙基酮 Methyl ethyl ketone | C4H8O | 100 | 辛辣气味 Acrid odor |
环己酮 Cyclohexanone | C6H10O | 25 | 刺鼻臭味 Pungent stench |
乙醛 Acetaldehyde | CH3CHO | 10 | 刺激性气味 Pungent odor |
丙烯腈 Acrylonitrile | C3H3N | 40 | 刺激性气味 Pungent odor |
2 堆肥中异味气体产生的影响因素
2.1 温度
温度是堆肥进行的前提条件,不仅影响堆肥成败,也是导致堆肥中异味气体产生的重要因素。在堆肥初期,以嗜温菌起主导作用进行有机质的分解并产生热量,从而使堆肥进入高温期。随后嗜温菌大量死亡,而嗜热菌开始加速分解有机质形成持续高温,进而灭杀虫卵、病原菌、寄生虫等有害生物[29]。然而若此时温度过高,微生物会过度消耗有机质,在降低堆肥肥效的同时,导致大量异味气体排放[30]。LIU等[31]研究发现,接种微生物可以提高牛粪堆肥的升温速率,有利于减少异味气体的排放时间。KOYAMA等[32]对污泥进行嗜热堆肥发现,10 d后60℃处理和70℃处理的氮转化率分别为14.7%和15.6%,都明显高于50℃的处理。2.2 水分
水分作为堆肥中微生物活性的决定性因素,主要参与堆肥过程中有机物的溶解、微生物的新陈代谢以及调节堆体温度[33,34]。然而李群岭等[35]发现,堆肥中水分过高,不仅会引起堆体温度下降,而且过高的水分会阻碍堆料中氧气的扩散,使局部处于缺氧环境,引起厌氧发酵,从而导致大量H2S的产生。2.3 pH
在堆肥过程中,pH是评估堆料环境至关重要的参数,是反映堆肥发酵过程的标志,适宜的pH不仅能提高微生物活性[36],缩短堆肥的时间,还有助于减少异味气体的产生。SUN等[37]研究发现,pH与氨氧化细菌群落多样性呈负相关性。黄丹丹[38]研究表明NH3的产生与pH存在正相关性,而H2S的产生与pH则存在负相关性。LIU等[39]研究发现浓缩谷氨酸钠废水可以用于调节pH并提高微生物活性,减少氮元素的损失和NH3排放。2.4 C/N
碳素为微生物的活动提供能量,而氮素是微生物合成自身细胞的主要营养物质。堆肥原料的C/N过高,会降低微生物的活性,使堆肥时间变长,从而使异味气体的散发时间变长;堆肥原料的C/N过低,会使过量的氮转化为NH3,导致异味气体产生量增加[40]。张鹤等[41]研究认为,C/N在25—30时养分损失量最少,异味气体排放量也最少。ZHANG等[42]和田野等[43]研究表明,通过调节物料配比,加速堆肥中有机质的降解,可以减少了NH3的产生。2.5 通风量
通风量是堆肥过程中不可或缺的因素,可以决定其为好氧堆肥或厌氧堆肥。适量的通风为微生物提供所需的氧气,最佳的氧气浓度为10%—18%[44]。若通风量过小,微生物处于厌氧环境,有机质进行厌氧发酵就会产生恶臭。ZHANG等[45]研究发现提高通气量可以减少厨房垃圾堆肥过程中挥发性含硫化合物的排放。沈玉君等[46]对猪粪堆肥中VOCs进行研究时发现,通风速率会影响二甲二硫和二甲三硫的产生,最佳通风速率为0.1 m3·m-3·min-1。2.6 有机质含量
堆料中的有机质是微生物赖以生存和生长繁殖的重要物质条件。研究证明,堆料中有机质含量应该控制在50%—80%[47]。若堆料中的有机质含量过低,微生物难以达到堆肥所需的活性,无法维持持续高温过程;若堆料中的有机质含量过高时,由于在堆肥过程中高含量的有机质需氧量增加,会造成厌氧发酵产生大量的H2S等异味气体[48]。KOYAMA等[49]研究污泥堆肥发现,有机质含量与NH3的排放量呈正相关。2.7 其他因素
研究表明,除了温度、水分、pH、C/N、通风量和有机质含量以外,不同的堆肥方式、翻堆频率以及堆肥原料等也会影响堆肥过程中异味气体的产生。朱新梦等[50]研究发现牛粪在不同堆肥方式下NH3的产生存在明显差异。 YANG等[51]发现混合堆肥方式明显降低厨余垃圾堆肥过程中NH3的释放。XU等[52]研究发现,与槽式堆肥相比,条垛式堆肥排放的NH3增加了13%,而H2S减少了28%。ONWOSI等[53]指出合适的翻堆频率虽然有助于微生物的降解作用,但翻堆频率过高会导致NH3大量挥发。王亚飞等[54]用不同畜禽粪便进行堆肥,发现堆肥效率、产品品质及异味气体的产生量都不同。综上可知,堆肥过程中温度、水分、pH、C/N、通风量和有机质含量的改变会引起异味气体排放量的变化,控制异味气体排放的最佳参数见表2。另外,选择合适的堆肥方式、最优的翻堆频率,也可降低异味气体的排放量。
Table 2
Table 2
影响因素 Influence factor | 最佳参数 Optimum parameter | 参考文献 Reference |
温度 Temperature (℃) | 55-60 | [27, 35, 48] |
水分 Moisture (%) | 50-60 | [33, 36, 47, 56] |
pH | 7.5-8.5 | [33-34, 47, 55] |
C/N Carbon-nitrogen ratio | 25-30 | [41, 54-56] |
氧气浓度 Oxygen concentration (%) | 10-18 | [33-35, 44] |
有机质含量 Organic content (%) | 50-80 | [36, 47-48] |
3 堆肥中异味气体的生物处理方法
生物处理法在异味气体的处理过程中具有效果好、二次污染少以及投资费用低等优点,已成为研究的热点,在大型养殖场的异味气体处理中占据了不可或缺的位置。由于处理方式的不同,生物处理技术可分为原位除臭技术和异位除臭技术[57]。3.1 原位除臭技术
原位除臭技术指在堆肥中直接添加微生物菌剂,利用微生物在代谢过程中吸收分解异味气体,或抑制产生异味气体的微生物代谢活动,从而达到除臭目的。WANG等[58]通过加入高浓度的嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌发现,NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度显著提高,从而降低NH3的产生。刘标等[59]研究发现,接种8%的除臭菌株YX-3对NH3的去除效率可达56.9%。然而,单一的微生物菌株一般只对一种异味气体的去除效率较高,难以同时去除多种异味气体,所以复合微生物菌剂的研究成为当前的重点。在复合微生物除臭剂应用于堆肥的研究中,于洪久等[60]通过添加复合微生物菌剂发现,NH3的挥发时间缩短了6 d,从而大幅度的减少了NH3的产生。张生伟等[61]利用所筛选的除臭微生物菌株和纤维素分解菌群制成复合除臭剂应用于堆肥,发现在堆肥的前20 d,NH3和H2S分别减少了70%和60%。范建华等[62] 将筛选出的3种除臭菌株(Y1、F1和J2)按体积1:1:1的比例复合时除臭效果最佳。由此可见,将复合除臭菌剂应用于堆肥中异味气体的去除具有可行性。3.2 异位除臭技术
异位除臭技术是通过集气系统将堆肥过程中所产生的异味气体收集,传送至除臭设备集中处理,主要包括生物过滤、生物滴滤和生物洗涤等处理技术。3.2.1 生物过滤技术 生物过滤技术的主体设备为三相生物反应器,主要由调节系统和反应系统组成,其中调节系统具有增湿、除尘的作用。生物过滤池填料上方的喷淋循环液会间接性补充,堆肥中产生的异味气体通过调节系统使其增湿后,从设备底部进入生物滤池,而后异味气体接触到填料上的微生物而被降解为无害物质与少量有害物质。RENE等[63]研究发现在不同入口加样速率下,气相甲苯和二甲苯的去除效率不同。DAS等[64]研究表明,将生物炭作为生物过滤器填料能够提高生物过滤器的性能。
3.2.2 生物滴滤技术 生物滴滤技术的主体设备为生物滴滤池,主要组成部分与生物过滤技术相同。生物滴滤池可以连续性补充喷淋循环液,异味气体由底部进入生物滴滤池,被微生物降解为无害物质与少量有害物质。FERDOWSI等[65]对生物滴滤器进料方法进行改善发现,分流进料可以克服动力学的限制。
3.2.3 生物洗涤技术 生物洗涤技术主体设备为生物洗涤塔,主要由气体吸收塔和活性污泥反应池组成。其原理为异味气体被气体吸收塔吸入液相中,随液相进入活性污泥反应池后,被微生物降解为无害物质与少量有害物质。LIU等[66]研究发现双串联式的生物洗涤器可以实现NH3的完全去除。SAN-VALERO等[67]研究发现,生物洗涤技术对H2S的去除率在85%—94%之间。
Table 3
Table 3
生物过滤 Biofilter | 生物滴滤 Bio-trickling filter | 生物洗涤 Bioscrubber | |
特点 Feature | 生物相和液相固定 Stationary biofacies and liquid 一个反应器 One reactor | 生物相固定、流动液相 Stationary biofacies and fluid liquid 一个反应器 One reactor | 生物相悬浮、液相流动 Suspended biofacies and fluid liquid 两个反应器 Two reactors |
优点 Advantage | 设备简单 Simple device 气液比表面积大 Large surface area of gas-liquid ratio 运行费用低 Low operation cost 工艺成熟 Technical maturity 操作安全 Operational safety 无二次污染 No secondary pollution 效率高达90% The removal rate reach 90% 不需要另加营养物 No need add nutrient | 设备简单 Simple device 污染负荷大 Large pollution load 缓冲能力强 Better buffer ability 无二次污染 No secondary pollution 处理效率高 High treatment efficiency 不需要更换填料 No need replace material regularly | 设备紧凑 Compact device 低压力损失 Low-pressure loss 反应条件易控制 Easy to control reaction condition 除氨效率可达99.5% The removal rate of NH3 reach 99.5% H2S的去除率达85% The removal rate of H2S reach 85% |
缺点 Disadvantage | 反应条件难控制 Difficult to control reaction condition 适应能力较差 Poor adaptability 占地面积大 Large occupied area 需要定期更换材料 Need replace material regularly | 传质表面积小 Small surface area of mass transfer 需处理剩余污泥 Need treat residual sludge 运行费用高 High operation cost 气液比表面积小 Small surface area of gas-liquid ratio 设备启动复杂 Be complex to start equipment | 传质表面积小 Small surface area of mass transfer 需处理剩余污泥 Need treat residual sludge 投资费用高 High investment cost 需要大量氧气 Need vast oxygen 需要另加营养物 Need add nutrient |
适用范围 Application scope | 污染物浓度0.5-1 g·m-3 Pollutant concentration: 0.5-1 g·m-3 处理气量大、浓度低的含氨气体 Applicable to treat massive and low concentration ammonia-containing gas | 污染物浓度<0.5 g·m-3 Pollutant concentration<0.5 g·m-3 对负荷较高及污染物降解后生成酸性物质的含氨气体有较好处理效果 Applicable to treat high load ammonia-containing gas which generate acidoid after degradation of pollutant | 污染物浓度1-5 g·m-3 Pollutant concentration: 1-5 g·m-3 用于处理气量小、浓度大的含氨气体 Applicable to treat less and high concentration ammonia-containing gas |
4 异味气体的微生物控制机理
目前,自然界中已知的除臭微生物约有50多个属,主要包括芽孢杆菌属、假单胞菌属、动胶菌属、不动杆菌属、硫杆菌属、酵母属、曲霉属、青霉属、根霉属、产碱菌属[72, 78],部分除臭菌株、除臭效果和优化条件如表4所示。
Table 4
Table 4
菌株来源 Source of strain | 菌株 Strain | 鉴定 Identification | 除臭率Deodorization (%) | 复合菌剂 Compound microbial agent | 优化条件 Optimum condition | 参考文献 Reference | |
NH3 | H2S | ||||||
猪粪Pig feces | XA12 XB2 XB9 | 乳酸片球菌Pediococcus acidilactici 解淀粉芽孢杆菌Bacillus amylolique faciens 罗伦隐球酵母Cryptococcus laurentii | 61.17 63.5 56.64 | / / / | XA12+XB2+XB9 NH3去除率85.6% The removal rate of NH3 reach 85.6% | 温度32℃ pH7.0 Temperature 32℃ pH7.0 接种量10% 时间54 h Inoculum 10% Time 54 h | [79] |
垃圾渗滤液 Leachate water | CC3 CC7 CC13 CC16 | 乳酸片球菌Pediococcus acidilactici 巨大芽孢杆菌Bacillus megaterium 嗜酸乳杆菌Lactobacillus acidophilus 粪产碱杆菌Alcaligenes faecalis | 62.25 51.78 67.68 56.25 | 50.23 48.75 60.95 52.23 | CC7:CC13:CC16 = 2:3:1 NH3去除率83.56% The removal rate of NH3 reach 83.56% H2S去除率70.25% The removal rate of H2S reach 70.25% | 温度30℃ pH6.5 Temperature 30℃ pH6.5 接种量5% 时间60 h Inoculum 5% Time 60 h | [80] |
垃圾场土样 Soil sample of wasteyard | X8 X12 R5 R8 J8 | 巴氏醋杆菌Acetobacter pasteurianus 玉米乳杆菌Lactobacillus zeae 副干酪乳杆菌Lactobacillus paracasei 发酵乳杆菌Lactobacillus fermentum 酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae | 86.54 70.32 79.78 88.47 78.46 | 71.34 62.49 73.98 75.45 62.68 | X8+X12+R5+R8+J8 NH3去除率92.68% The removal rate of NH3 reach 92.68% H2S去除率84.72% The removal rate of H2S reach 84.72% | 温度38℃ pH3.5 Temperature 38℃ pH3.5 稀释倍数80 时间24 h Dilution ratio 80 Time 24 h | [81] |
猪粪Pig feces 活性污泥Activated sludge 垃圾Rubbish 秸秆Straw | BX3 AX4 AF2 BZ1/DZ1/ DZ3/EZ3 | 细菌Bacteria 细菌Bacteria 放线菌Actinomycetes 真菌Fungi | 80.07 / / >50 | 76.92 >80 >75 / | AF2+DZ1+BX3+DZ3+BZ1+EZ3+AX4 NH3去除率82.14% The removal rate of NH3 reach 82.14% H2S去除率80.84% The removal rate of H2S reach 80.84% | 堆肥接种量5% Inoculum of compost 5% | [82] |
猪粪Pig feces 土壤Soil sample | Z2 | 弯曲芽孢杆菌Bacillus flexus | 71 | 62.3 | 接种量1%-5% Inoculum 1%-5% | [83] | |
鸡粪Chicken feces | CCJZO22 | 红平红球菌Rhodococcus erythropolis | 66.73 | 54.51 | 温度30℃ pH7.0 Temperature 30℃ pH7.0 接种量12% Inoculum 12% | [84] | |
粪污Feces | JFF-2 JFF-3 | 地衣芽孢杆菌Bacillus licheniformis 粪产碱杆菌Alcaligenes faecalis | / / | 84.02 86.12 | [85] | ||
猪粪Pig feces 土壤Soil sample | YX-3 | 暹罗芽孢杆菌Bacillus siamensi | 56.9 | 8.6 | 温度30-40℃ Temperature 30-40℃ 接种量8% Inoculum 8% | [59] | |
活性污泥Activated sludge | Y1 | 不动杆菌Acinetobacter | 99(NH4+-N) | / | 温度30-35℃ Temperature 30-35℃ pH7.0 时间24 h pH7.0 Time 24 h 转速150 r/min Shake speed at 150 r/min | [86] | |
制药厂原水 Raw water of pharmaceutical factory | JR1 | 不动杆菌Acinetobacter | 98.5(NH4+-N) | / | 温度30℃ Temperature 30℃ pH4.5 时间24 h pH4.5 Time 24 h C/N 16 Carbon-nitrogen ratio at 16 | [87] |
5 研究展望
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DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2005.03.004URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.08.015URL [本文引用: 1]
With the intensification of livestock breeding, the air quality problem of livestock farms caused by high density breeding is becoming more and more serious. Animal husbandry has become one of the important sources of air pollutants in China. Air emitted from most intensive livestock houses contains a large amount of pollutants, including ammonia, sulfides, particulate matters (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which not only poses a big threat to animals and workers in livestock farms, but also spreads to the surrounding environment resulting in air pollution. Scientific and applicable air pollutants measuring methods are the basis of monitoring and controlling air pollution in livestock and poultry farms. In this article, the detection methods of livestock farming related hazardous gases (e.g., NH3, H2S), greenhouse gases, particulate matters and odor were summarized. The detection methods of hazardous gases in livestock houses mainly include chemical analysis, semiconductor gas sensor detection, spectroscopic methodology and mass spectrometry. The wet-chemical method is cheap and can detect gases sensitively and accurately, while it cannot detect gases in real time, and the process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The gas tube is cheap and easy to operate, but the deviation is great. Electrochemical sensor is of high sensitivity, moderate cost and can be used to detect gas concentration continuously, however, the devices are easy to age. Spectrum method and mass spectrometry can detect gas quickly and accurately, but it is not suitable for conventional air detection of productive livestock farming due to its high costs. In this paper, the detection methods of greenhouse gases (e.g., CH4, CO2) generated from animal intestinal fermentation and livestock environment were also summarized. It is hard to conclude an accurate detection of greenhouse gases in animal husbandry, because the concentrations of greenhouse gases in animal husbandry changes all the time (diurnal and seasonal) and are related to other factors including sampling points. No international common testing method and measurement standard are concluded till now, therefore, the research of greenhouse gases detection method and standard in animal husbandry should be carried out as soon as possible. The detection methods of particulate matters (PM) in livestock farms were reviewed from three aspects: physical, chemical and biological characteristics. PM contains complex components in livestock farms, therefore, it is highly needed to improve PM detection technology. Besides, the component analysis and sensory analysis of odorous substances in livestock farms were overviewed. The odor analysis of professional olfactory discernment personnel owns stronger subjectivity and costs higher than gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. While, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is unable to determine all gaseous organic compounds with one sample. Combining gas chromatography and dynamic olfactometer can be more efficient for comprehensive analysis of odor samples. In this article, detection methods and techniques of air pollutants in animal husbandry were comprehensively reviewed to provide a reference for the development of air pollutants detection technologies in livestock and poultry breeding in China.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.08.015URL [本文引用: 1]
With the intensification of livestock breeding, the air quality problem of livestock farms caused by high density breeding is becoming more and more serious. Animal husbandry has become one of the important sources of air pollutants in China. Air emitted from most intensive livestock houses contains a large amount of pollutants, including ammonia, sulfides, particulate matters (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which not only poses a big threat to animals and workers in livestock farms, but also spreads to the surrounding environment resulting in air pollution. Scientific and applicable air pollutants measuring methods are the basis of monitoring and controlling air pollution in livestock and poultry farms. In this article, the detection methods of livestock farming related hazardous gases (e.g., NH3, H2S), greenhouse gases, particulate matters and odor were summarized. The detection methods of hazardous gases in livestock houses mainly include chemical analysis, semiconductor gas sensor detection, spectroscopic methodology and mass spectrometry. The wet-chemical method is cheap and can detect gases sensitively and accurately, while it cannot detect gases in real time, and the process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. The gas tube is cheap and easy to operate, but the deviation is great. Electrochemical sensor is of high sensitivity, moderate cost and can be used to detect gas concentration continuously, however, the devices are easy to age. Spectrum method and mass spectrometry can detect gas quickly and accurately, but it is not suitable for conventional air detection of productive livestock farming due to its high costs. In this paper, the detection methods of greenhouse gases (e.g., CH4, CO2) generated from animal intestinal fermentation and livestock environment were also summarized. It is hard to conclude an accurate detection of greenhouse gases in animal husbandry, because the concentrations of greenhouse gases in animal husbandry changes all the time (diurnal and seasonal) and are related to other factors including sampling points. No international common testing method and measurement standard are concluded till now, therefore, the research of greenhouse gases detection method and standard in animal husbandry should be carried out as soon as possible. The detection methods of particulate matters (PM) in livestock farms were reviewed from three aspects: physical, chemical and biological characteristics. PM contains complex components in livestock farms, therefore, it is highly needed to improve PM detection technology. Besides, the component analysis and sensory analysis of odorous substances in livestock farms were overviewed. The odor analysis of professional olfactory discernment personnel owns stronger subjectivity and costs higher than gas chromatography- mass spectrometry. While, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is unable to determine all gaseous organic compounds with one sample. Combining gas chromatography and dynamic olfactometer can be more efficient for comprehensive analysis of odor samples. In this article, detection methods and techniques of air pollutants in animal husbandry were comprehensively reviewed to provide a reference for the development of air pollutants detection technologies in livestock and poultry breeding in China.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2008.05.010URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.03.010URL [本文引用: 1]
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Odor pollution caused by municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plants has become a growing public concern. The 15-80 mm MSW fraction used in this study was collected from the Xiaowuji MSW pre-sorting station of Beijing. The 15-80 mm MSW consisted of 67% kitchen waste, 18% paper, 6% plastic, and 9% other wastes. The treatments were analyzed using a 60 L heat insulated composting vessel with forced aeration systems. The vessel was loaded with about 29 kg of 15-80 mm MSW, and controlled by the C-LGX program, which enables aeration to be controlled automatically by time or inside temperature. Aeration consisted of pumping ambient air into the reactor continuously at a rate of 0.2 L/kg.min dry matter. Odors were analyzed using a Model 5975N Gas Chromatography-Mass Selective Detector (Agilent Technologies, USA) coupled with an Entech 7890 Preconcentrator (Entech Instruments Inc., CA, USA). An SOC-01 sampling device (Tianjin Dylan Auto Environmental Protection Sci-tech Company, Ltd. China) was used to collect the gas sample. Three-stage cryo-trapping was used to concentrate VCS's in air samples before GC-MSD analysis. In the first stage, 50 mL air samples were drawn through a liquid nitrogen trap with glass beads at -150°C at a flow rate of 100 mL/min. After this, the first-stage trap was heated to 10°C and the trapped gases were transferred by 40 mL helium at a flow of 1.5 mL/min to a second-stage trap at -40°C. The second stage trap was then heated to 180°C, after which the thermally desorbed gases were transferred to a third-stage cryo-focusing capillary trap at -170°C by 30 mL helium at a rate of 1.5 mL/min. The cryo-focusing trap was then rapidly heated to 100°C and the VSC's were finally transferred to the GC-MSD system for determination. For analysis, an HP-1 capillary column (60 m×0.32 mm×1.0 mm, Agilent Technologies, USA) was used with helium as the carrier gas. The GC oven temperature was initially set at -50°C, where it was held for 3 min, after which it was increased to 35°C at 15°C/min, then to 150°C at 5°C/min, and then to 220°C at 15°C/min, where it was held for 7 min. The oxygen and H2S content was analyzed daily using a portable biogas analyzer. Composting gas samples were extracted using a suction pump (built-in biogas analyzer, gas flow: 550 mL/min) and then transferred to the inlet port of the biogas analyzer via a Teflon hose that contained a filter element (2.0 μm PTFE) installed in the middle of the pipe. Measurements were taken for about 90 seconds, and measured values of O2 and H2S were read directly from the screen. The results from this study indicate that there are 50 kinds of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) with particle size of 15-80 mm during MSW composting, including 5 kinds of sulfur odor compounds, 25 kinds of hydrocarbon compounds, 14 kinds of aromatic compounds and 6 kinds of other odor compounds. The correlation analysis show that the odor concentration is significantly correlated with the emissions of sulfurated hydrogen, dimethyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, methyl disulfide, 1,3-dimethyl and o-xylene (p<0.01). Considering of the detection olfactory threshold of all odor compounds, priority control sequence of the odors were sulfureted hydrogen>dimethyl sulfide>methyl disulfide>carbon disulfide>1,3-dimethyl> o-xylene. With the low olfactory threshold of methanthio, even if the emission concentration was very low, it would produce serious odor pollution. Furthermore, NH3 contribution to odor concentration was relatively small, but its emissions were relatively high. It should also focuse on monitoring and control of the methanthio and NH3 during the particle size of 15-80 mm MSW composting. This study can provide a reference for monitoring of odor substances and making control strategy.
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Odor pollution caused by municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment plants has become a growing public concern. The 15-80 mm MSW fraction used in this study was collected from the Xiaowuji MSW pre-sorting station of Beijing. The 15-80 mm MSW consisted of 67% kitchen waste, 18% paper, 6% plastic, and 9% other wastes. The treatments were analyzed using a 60 L heat insulated composting vessel with forced aeration systems. The vessel was loaded with about 29 kg of 15-80 mm MSW, and controlled by the C-LGX program, which enables aeration to be controlled automatically by time or inside temperature. Aeration consisted of pumping ambient air into the reactor continuously at a rate of 0.2 L/kg.min dry matter. Odors were analyzed using a Model 5975N Gas Chromatography-Mass Selective Detector (Agilent Technologies, USA) coupled with an Entech 7890 Preconcentrator (Entech Instruments Inc., CA, USA). An SOC-01 sampling device (Tianjin Dylan Auto Environmental Protection Sci-tech Company, Ltd. China) was used to collect the gas sample. Three-stage cryo-trapping was used to concentrate VCS's in air samples before GC-MSD analysis. In the first stage, 50 mL air samples were drawn through a liquid nitrogen trap with glass beads at -150°C at a flow rate of 100 mL/min. After this, the first-stage trap was heated to 10°C and the trapped gases were transferred by 40 mL helium at a flow of 1.5 mL/min to a second-stage trap at -40°C. The second stage trap was then heated to 180°C, after which the thermally desorbed gases were transferred to a third-stage cryo-focusing capillary trap at -170°C by 30 mL helium at a rate of 1.5 mL/min. The cryo-focusing trap was then rapidly heated to 100°C and the VSC's were finally transferred to the GC-MSD system for determination. For analysis, an HP-1 capillary column (60 m×0.32 mm×1.0 mm, Agilent Technologies, USA) was used with helium as the carrier gas. The GC oven temperature was initially set at -50°C, where it was held for 3 min, after which it was increased to 35°C at 15°C/min, then to 150°C at 5°C/min, and then to 220°C at 15°C/min, where it was held for 7 min. The oxygen and H2S content was analyzed daily using a portable biogas analyzer. Composting gas samples were extracted using a suction pump (built-in biogas analyzer, gas flow: 550 mL/min) and then transferred to the inlet port of the biogas analyzer via a Teflon hose that contained a filter element (2.0 μm PTFE) installed in the middle of the pipe. Measurements were taken for about 90 seconds, and measured values of O2 and H2S were read directly from the screen. The results from this study indicate that there are 50 kinds of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) with particle size of 15-80 mm during MSW composting, including 5 kinds of sulfur odor compounds, 25 kinds of hydrocarbon compounds, 14 kinds of aromatic compounds and 6 kinds of other odor compounds. The correlation analysis show that the odor concentration is significantly correlated with the emissions of sulfurated hydrogen, dimethyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, methyl disulfide, 1,3-dimethyl and o-xylene (p<0.01). Considering of the detection olfactory threshold of all odor compounds, priority control sequence of the odors were sulfureted hydrogen>dimethyl sulfide>methyl disulfide>carbon disulfide>1,3-dimethyl> o-xylene. With the low olfactory threshold of methanthio, even if the emission concentration was very low, it would produce serious odor pollution. Furthermore, NH3 contribution to odor concentration was relatively small, but its emissions were relatively high. It should also focuse on monitoring and control of the methanthio and NH3 during the particle size of 15-80 mm MSW composting. This study can provide a reference for monitoring of odor substances and making control strategy.
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DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.11.046URLPMID:28038430 [本文引用: 1]
Degradation of mechanically sorted organic fraction (MSOF) of municipal solid waste in composting facilities is among the major contributors of volatile compounds (VCs) generation and emission, causes nuisance problems and health risks on site as well as in the vicinages. The aim of current study was to determine the seasonal (summer and winter) variation and human health risk assessment of VCs in the ambient air of different processing units in MSOF at composting plant in China. Average concentration of VCs was 58.50 and 138.03mg/m(3) in summer and winter respectively. Oxygenated compounds were found to be the highest concentration (46.78-91.89mg/m(3)) with ethyl alcohol as the major specie (43.90-85.31mg/m(3)) in the two seasons respectively. Nevertheless, individual non-carcinogenic (Hazard relation i.e HR<1) and carcinogenic risk (CR<1.0E-04) of the quantified VCs were within acceptable limit except naphthalene at biofilter unit. In addition, cumulative non-carcinogenic risk exceeded from the threshold limit both in summers and winters in all units except at biofilter unit during winter. Furthermore cumulative carcinogenic risk also exceeded at same unit during the summer season. Therefore special attention should be made to minimize cumulative non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk as people are well exposed to mixture of compounds, not to individual.
DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2018.07.024URLPMID:30343745 [本文引用: 1]
Municipal solid waste degradation during composting generates volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can pose health risks the staff at the composting site and people living nearby. This problem restricts the widespread application of composting techniques. The characteristics of VOCs emitted from different units at a composting plant and the health risks posed were investigated in this study. A total of 44 VOCs (including alkanes, alkenes, aromatic compounds, halogenated compounds, oxygenated compounds, and sulfur-containing compounds) were identified and quantified. The highest VOC concentration (15484.1+/-785.3microg/m(3)) was found in primary fermentation, followed by the tipping unit (10302.1+/-1334.8microg/m(3)), composting product (4693.6+/-1024.3microg/m(3)), secondary fermentation (929.9+/-105.2microg/m(3)), and plant boundary (370.4+/-75.8microg/m(3)). The mean VOC concentration was 6356.0microg/m(3). The main compounds emitted during primary fermentation were oxygenated and those emitted from the tipping unit were alkenes. Health risk assessments indicate that VOCs did not pose unacceptable non-carcinogenic risks i.e., the HR values were <1 and carcinogenic risks (CR) values were <1.0x10(-4). These results indicate that VOC emissions do not pose health risks to the staff at the composting site or to people living nearby. However, the cumulative non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks posed by the VOC mixture were high, especially for the primary fermentation unit emissions. Therefore, protecting the staff working near the primary fermentation unit should be a priority. Measures should be taken to minimize cumulative non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks because people are exposed to a mixture of VOCs mixture rather than to a single type of VOC.
DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.009URLPMID:30554023 [本文引用: 1]
Hazardous and odorous gas emissions from composting and methanization plants are an issue of public concern. Odor and chemical monitoring are thus critical steps in providing suitable strategies for air pollution control at waste treatment units. In this study, 141 gas samples were extensively analyzed to characterize the odor and chemical emissions released upon the aerobic treatment of 10 raw substrates and five digestates. For this purpose, agricultural wastes, biowastes, green wastes, sewage sludge, and municipal solid waste (MSW) were composted in 300L pilots under forced aeration. Gas exhausts were evaluated through dynamic olfactometry and analytical methods (i.e., GC/MS) to determine their odor concentration (OC in OUE m(-3)) and chemical composition. A total of 60 chemical compounds belonging to 9 chemical families were identified and quantified. Terpenes, oxygenated compounds, and ammonia exhibited the largest cumulative mass emission. Odor emission rates (OUE h(-1)) were computed based on OC measurements and related to the initial amount of organic matter composted and the process time to provide odor emission factors (OEFs in OUE g(-1)OM0). The composting process of solid wastes accounted for OEFs ranging from 65 to 3089 OUE g(-1)OM0, whereas digestates composting showed a lower odor emission potential with OEF fluctuating from 8.6 to 30.5 OUE g(-1)OM0. Moreover, chemical concentrations of single compounds were weighted with their corresponding odor detection thresholds (ODTs) to yield odor activities values (OAVs) and odor contribution (POi, %). Volatile sulfur compounds were the main odorants (POi=54-99%) regardless of the operational composting conditions or substrate treated. Notably, methanethiol was the leading odorant for 73% of the composting experiments.
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为研究生物过滤法去除死猪堆肥发酵处理过程产生臭气以及挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)的可行性,开展了死猪和猪粪混合堆肥试验,分析了死猪堆肥过程臭气浓度特性和VOCs组分特征,对生物过滤法去除臭气中VOCs的工艺关键参数-停留时间进行优化试验。死猪堆肥过程中排放VOCs种类达37种,其中主要致臭组分为三甲胺、二甲基硫、二甲基二硫、二甲基三硫;以腐熟猪粪堆肥作为滤料(添加3%活性污泥),在停留时间为30~100 s的条件下,生物过滤法对死猪堆肥排放臭气去除率达90%以上;停留时间60~100 s的条件下对VOCs中主要致臭组分的去除效率达82.2%~100%,生物过滤法去除死猪堆肥过程臭气浓度和VOCs的优化停留时间为60 s。研究结果能为死猪堆肥发酵过程排放臭气的处理和控制技术进一步研发提供科学依据。
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为研究生物过滤法去除死猪堆肥发酵处理过程产生臭气以及挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)的可行性,开展了死猪和猪粪混合堆肥试验,分析了死猪堆肥过程臭气浓度特性和VOCs组分特征,对生物过滤法去除臭气中VOCs的工艺关键参数-停留时间进行优化试验。死猪堆肥过程中排放VOCs种类达37种,其中主要致臭组分为三甲胺、二甲基硫、二甲基二硫、二甲基三硫;以腐熟猪粪堆肥作为滤料(添加3%活性污泥),在停留时间为30~100 s的条件下,生物过滤法对死猪堆肥排放臭气去除率达90%以上;停留时间60~100 s的条件下对VOCs中主要致臭组分的去除效率达82.2%~100%,生物过滤法去除死猪堆肥过程臭气浓度和VOCs的优化停留时间为60 s。研究结果能为死猪堆肥发酵过程排放臭气的处理和控制技术进一步研发提供科学依据。
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2019.03.062URLPMID:30889536 [本文引用: 1]
Methods for assessing odors in municipal sewage sludge aerobic composting plants (MSSACPs) have been ineffective. This study identified the emission amount of typical odor-producing compounds, including NH3 and volatile sulfide compounds from a full-scale MSSACP, and evaluated risks of odor emissions based on odor intensity and odor active value. Results revealed all sampling sites (i.e. sludge stacking yard, composting workshop, and screening workshop) produced serious odors, especially in the composting workshop. In the composting workshop, the amounts of DMDS (174.59mug.dry kg(-1)) and DMS (71.64mug.dry kg(-1)) emitted were far lower than that of NH3 (6062.56mug.dry kg(-1)). However, DMDS and DMS showed a similar intensity as NH3 according to odor intensity assessment. Furthermore, both of their odor active values were higher than that of NH3. Using results from both odor intensity and odor active value were more reliable for the assessment of odors from MSSACPs.
DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.03.131URLPMID:30959287 [本文引用: 1]
Sewage sludge management is known to cause odour impact over the environment. However, an information gap exists about odour emissions quantification from different treatment strategies. In the present work, odorous emissions generated in a full-scale sewage sludge composting plant were characterized, aiming at providing specific odour emission factors (OEF) and to determine their variability depending on the composting time. Additionally, characterization of VOCs emitted during the process was conducted through TD-GC/MS analyses. Odour emission and VOCs characterization considered both (1) a first stage where a raw sludge and vegetal fraction mixture were actively composted in dynamic windrows and (2) a second curing stage in static piles. After increasing the composting time, a reduction of 40% of the maximum odour concentration referred to the dynamic windrow stage was estimated, whereas a reduction of 89% of the maximum odour concentration was achieved after turning of curing piles. However, global OEF increased from 4.42E + 06 to 5.97E + 06 ou.Mg(-1) RS - VF when the composting time increased. Finally, different VOCs such as isovaleraldehyde, indole, skatole, butyric acid, dimethyl sulphide and dimethyl disulphide were identified as main potential odour contributors. Results obtained are a valuable resource for plant management to choose an appropriate sewage sludge composting strategy to mitigate odour emissions.
DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.01.014URL [本文引用: 1]
Composting of green waste separated from the disposed solid waste stream reduces biodegradable inputs into landfills, and contributes valuable soil amendments to agriculture. Agencies in regions with severe air quality challenges, such as California's San Joaquin Valley (SJV), have raised concerns about gases emitted during the composting process, which are suspected to contribute to persistent high levels of ground-level ozone formation. The goal of the current study is to thoroughly characterize volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from green waste compost piles of different ages (fresh tipped piles, 3-6 day old windrows, and 2-3 week old windrows). Multiple sampling and analytical approaches were applied to ensure the detection of most gaseous organic components emitted. More than 100 VOCs were detected and quantified in this study, including aliphatic alkanes, alkenes, aromatic hydrocarbons, biogenic organics, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, furans, acids, esters, ether, halogenated hydrocarbons and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS). Alcohols were found to be the dominating VOC in the emissions from a compost pile regardless of age, with fluxes ranging from 2.6 to 13.0 mg m(-2) min(-1) with the highest emissions coming from the younger composting windrows (3-6 days). Average VOC emissions other than alcohols were determined to be 2.3 mg m(-2) min(-1) from younger windows, which was roughly two times higher than either the fresh tipping pile (1.2 mg m(-2) min(-1)) or the older windrows (1.4 mg m(-2) min(-1)). It was also observed that the older windrows emit a slightly larger proportion of more reactive compounds. Approximately 90% of the total VOCs were found to have maximum incremental reactivity of less than 2. Net ozone formation potential of the emissions was also assessed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
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DOI:10.1016/j.wasman.2016.01.005URLPMID:26783099 [本文引用: 1]
This study investigated the kinetics of organic matter (OM) removal and humification during composting of sewage sludge and lignocellulosic waste (wood chips, wheat straw, leaves) in an aerated bioreactor. Both OM degradation and humification (humic substances, HS, and humic acids, HA formation) proceeded according to 1. order kinetics. The rate constant of OM degradation was 0.196 d(-1), and the rate of OM degradation was 39.4 mg/g OM d. The kinetic constants of HS and HA formation were 0.044 d(-1) and 0.045 d(-1), whereas the rates of HS and HA formation were 3.46 mg C/g OM d and 3.24 mg C/g OM d, respectively. The concentration profiles of HS and HA indicated that humification occurred most intensively during the first 3 months of composting. The high content of HS (182 mg C/g OM) in the final product indicated that the compost could be used in soil remediation as a source of HS for treating soils highly contaminated with heavy metals.
DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122407URLPMID:31776104 [本文引用: 1]
The present study evaluates the effectiveness of different types of biochar additives and bacterial inoculation on gaseous emission, nutrient preservation, and relevant functional bacterial community during cow manure composting. The result revealed that biochar and bacterial consortium inoculation effectively inhibited gaseous emission and improved carbon and nitrogen sequestration, remarkably enriching the abundance of the functional bacteria community. Notably, superior efficacy was found in 12% wheat straw biochar and bacterial consortium amendment composting of T6 with the lowest cumulative CO2-C and NH3-N (308.02 g and 12.71 g, respectively), minimal total C and N losses, and the highest bacterial population. Additionally, gaseous emission exhibited a strong correlation between physicochemical properties with intersection of 66.78% and a unique substrate utilizing bacterial communities. Consequently, the integrated application of biochar and bacterial consortium inoculation was suggested as an efficient method to adjust microbial activity and facilitate cellulose-rich waste degradation, enabling efficient management of organic waste from cow manure and wheat straw by composting.
DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.03.042URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2018.05.109URLPMID:29902653 [本文引用: 1]
Development of thermophilic composting for maximizing NH3 gas recovery would enable the production of a nitrogen source which is free from pathogen/heavy metal, for the cultivation of high-value microalgae. The present study examined the effect of NH3 recovery, nitrogen mass balance, and microbial community dynamics on thermophilic composting of shrimp aquaculture sludge. The emission of NH3 gas at 60 and 70 degrees C was 14.7% and 15.6%, respectively, which was higher than that at 50 degrees C (9.0%). The nitrogen mass balance analysis revealed that higher temperatures enhanced the solubilization of non-dissolved nitrogen and liberation of NH3 gas from the produced NH4(+)-N. High-throughput microbial community analysis revealed the shift of the dominant bacterial group from Bacillus to Geobacillus with the rise of composting temperature. In conclusion, thermophilic composting of shrimp aquaculture sludge at 60-70 degrees C was the most favorable condition for enhancing NH3 gas recovery.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2015.10.093URLPMID:26590758 [本文引用: 3]
Struvite formation during composting through supplementation of Mg and P salts conserved nitrogen but in the same time increased the electrical conductivity (EC) of the compost limiting its application. Therefore the present study aimed at utilizing zeolite to control the EC under 'struvite' composting of food waste. Zeolite at 5% and 10% (dry weight basis) was supplemented to the composting mass receiving Mg and P salts and compared with treatment with Mg and P salts only and the control without any amendment. Addition of Mg and P salts effectively buffered the pH to approximately 8.0 but also increased the EC of the compost to 6.45mS/cm. Co-amendment with 10% zeolite effectively reduced the EC down to 2.82mS/cm and improved compost maturity. It also increased the adsorption of ammonium ions reducing ammonia loss to 18% resulting in higher total nitrogen content in the final compost.
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DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.06.029URLPMID:26164271 [本文引用: 1]
In this study, concentrated monosodium glutamate waste (CMGW) was proposed as a conditioning agent to adjust acidity and decrease ammonia (NH3) volatilization in thermophilic aerobic composting based on two incubation experiments. The results showed that with the addition of CMGW, NH3 volatilization of compost mixture under high temperature phase decreased significantly and pH met the current national standard within 5.5-8.5. When CMGW dosage increased to 2% (v/w), the decrease in NH3 volatilization was as high as 78.9%. This effect was enhanced by repeated application of CMGW. Furthermore, although the electrical conductivity increased with the application of CMGW, both the germination index and the microbial respiration of compost mixture implied that CMGW had no negative effects on the maturity of compost, instead, a comprehensive maturity might be accelerated. It was concluded that CMGW was an optional conditioning agent for thermophilic aerobic composting of livestock manure in regards to adjusting acidity and preventing nitrogen loss from NH3 volatilization.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2014.08.079URL [本文引用: 1]
This research determined whether the two-stage co-composting can be used to convert green waste (GW) into a useful compost. The GW was co-composted with spent mushroom compost (SMC) (at 0%, 35%, and 55%) and biochar (BC) (at 0%, 20%, and 30%). The combined addition of SMC and BC greatly increased the nutrient contents of the compost product and also improved the compost quality in terms of composting temperature, particle-size distribution, free air space, cation exchange capacity, nitrogen transformation, organic matter degradation, humification, element contents, abundance of aerobic heterotrophs, dehydrogenase activity, and toxicity to germinating seeds. The addition of 35% SMC and 20% BC to GW (dry weight % of initial GW) and the two-stage co-composting technology resulted in the production of the highest quality compost product in only 24 days rather than the 90-270 days required with traditional composting. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2012.04.046URLPMID:22609720 [本文引用: 2]
This study aimed to monitor the process parameters and to determine kinetics in composting of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and poultry manure. The experiments were carried out with three different mixtures. The results showed that the mixture 60% OFMSW, 20% poultry manure, 10% mature compost and 10% sawdust provided the most appropriate conditions for composting process. Using nine kinetic models and nonlinear regression method, kinetic parameters were estimated and the models were analyzed with four statistical indicators. Kinetic models with four measured variables proved to be better than models with less number of measured variables. The number of measured experimental variables influences kinetics more than the number of kinetic parameters. Satisfactory fittings of proposed kinetic model to the experimental data of OM were achieved. The model is more suitable for data obtained from composting of mixtures with much higher percentage of OFMSW than percentage of poultry manure.
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堆肥是畜禽粪便处理及资源化利用的有效途径,然而堆肥过程中极易产生挥发性有机物(VOCs,volatile organic compounds),引发恶臭问题,并对人体健康带来危害。该研究以猪粪和秸秆为原料,通过堆肥试验,研究了含水率、碳氮比和通风速率等工艺参数对猪粪堆肥过程中主要VOCs产生的影响。研究结果表明:堆肥过程中TVOCs的最高体积分数可达2 000×10-6以上,主要在堆肥升温期产生。二甲二硫、二甲三硫是主要的致臭VOCs,其中,影响二甲二硫排放的主要因素为物料初始含水率,影响二甲三硫排放的主要因素为通风速率。极差及方差分析结果表明,堆肥过程中采用含水率65%,碳氮比30,通风速率0.1 m3/(min·m3)可以有效控制VOCs的排放。
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堆肥是畜禽粪便处理及资源化利用的有效途径,然而堆肥过程中极易产生挥发性有机物(VOCs,volatile organic compounds),引发恶臭问题,并对人体健康带来危害。该研究以猪粪和秸秆为原料,通过堆肥试验,研究了含水率、碳氮比和通风速率等工艺参数对猪粪堆肥过程中主要VOCs产生的影响。研究结果表明:堆肥过程中TVOCs的最高体积分数可达2 000×10-6以上,主要在堆肥升温期产生。二甲二硫、二甲三硫是主要的致臭VOCs,其中,影响二甲二硫排放的主要因素为物料初始含水率,影响二甲三硫排放的主要因素为通风速率。极差及方差分析结果表明,堆肥过程中采用含水率65%,碳氮比30,通风速率0.1 m3/(min·m3)可以有效控制VOCs的排放。
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DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119718URL [本文引用: 1]
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为明确堆肥过程中温室气体和氨气排放规律以及产生的总温室效应,在云南省大理州开展堆肥试验,并以奶牛粪便为试验材料,研究了农民堆肥(FC)、覆盖堆肥(CC)、覆盖-翻堆堆肥(CTC)和覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)4种堆肥方式对温室气体和氨气排放的影响。结果表明:覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)可提高堆肥腐熟度,有效降低CH4和N2O排放,但并没降低CO2和NH3排放;与农民堆肥(FC)相比,覆盖堆肥(CC)的CH4排放量增加了48.7%,而N2O和NH3排放量与农民堆肥(FC)基本一致;覆盖-翻堆堆肥(CTC)虽然提高了腐熟度,但CH4、CO2和NH3排放量较大;堆肥结束时,4个处理的总温室效应分别为25.6、32.9、38.1及18.0 kg/t;温度与CH4、CO2、N2O和NH3排放速率均极显著相关,pH值显著影响N2O和NH3的排放。因此,覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)不仅能够满足堆肥产品的腐熟度要求,而且能够减少总温室效应,再加上其操作简便,能够在生产中推广应用。
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为明确堆肥过程中温室气体和氨气排放规律以及产生的总温室效应,在云南省大理州开展堆肥试验,并以奶牛粪便为试验材料,研究了农民堆肥(FC)、覆盖堆肥(CC)、覆盖-翻堆堆肥(CTC)和覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)4种堆肥方式对温室气体和氨气排放的影响。结果表明:覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)可提高堆肥腐熟度,有效降低CH4和N2O排放,但并没降低CO2和NH3排放;与农民堆肥(FC)相比,覆盖堆肥(CC)的CH4排放量增加了48.7%,而N2O和NH3排放量与农民堆肥(FC)基本一致;覆盖-翻堆堆肥(CTC)虽然提高了腐熟度,但CH4、CO2和NH3排放量较大;堆肥结束时,4个处理的总温室效应分别为25.6、32.9、38.1及18.0 kg/t;温度与CH4、CO2、N2O和NH3排放速率均极显著相关,pH值显著影响N2O和NH3的排放。因此,覆盖通风-翻堆堆肥(CATC)不仅能够满足堆肥产品的腐熟度要求,而且能够减少总温室效应,再加上其操作简便,能够在生产中推广应用。
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DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.12.051URLPMID:28040590 [本文引用: 1]
Composting technology has become invaluable in stabilization of municipal waste due to its environmental compatibility. In this review, different types of composting methods reportedly applied in waste management were explored. Further to that, the major factors such as temperature, pH, C/N ratio, moisture, particle size that have been considered relevant in the monitoring of the composting process were elucidated. Relevant strategies to improve and optimize process effectiveness were also addressed. However, during composting, some challenges such as leachate generation, gas emission and lack of uniformity in assessing maturity indices are imminent. Here in, these challenges were properly addressed and some strategies towards ameliorating them were proffered. Finally, we highlighted some recent technologies that could improve composting.
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DOI:10.11686/cyxb2015388URL [本文引用: 1]
To explore a new method of controlling environment pollution from malodorous gas produced by livestock manure, several previously isolated efficient deodorizing and cellulose-decomposing microbes strains were grouped optimally as a compound microbial deodorizer; their effects on odor and compost characteristics during livestock manure composting were assessed. The dynamic changes and emissions of nitrogen and sulfur were analyzed during composting to explore the deodorizing mechanisms of the compound mix. The results showed that the compound microbial mix had outstanding deodorization capability with increased removal rates of NH3 and H2S to 70% and 60% respectively in the first 20 days, reduced pH, moisture content and carbon-nitrogen ratio, rapidly improved stack temperature and extended high temperature period of compost. Stack temperature of pig manure and chicken manure reached the highest value after 25 and 20 days respectively and the period above 50 ℃ was maintained for 15 and 20 days, respectively. At the end of composting microbial deodorization reduced 25.84% and 28.65% N-loss of swine and chicken manure respectively and significantly increased (P<0.05) total nitrogen (TN) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) in composts compared with natural composts. The microbial deodorizer promoted sulfur transformation into inorganic sulfur (SO42-) and significantly increased (P<0.05) the SO42- content. These results suggested that microbial deodorizers were able to efficiently reduce odor, reduce nutrient losses and accelerated compost maturity of livestock manure, as well as help amelioration environmental pollution.
DOI:10.11686/cyxb2015388URL [本文引用: 1]
To explore a new method of controlling environment pollution from malodorous gas produced by livestock manure, several previously isolated efficient deodorizing and cellulose-decomposing microbes strains were grouped optimally as a compound microbial deodorizer; their effects on odor and compost characteristics during livestock manure composting were assessed. The dynamic changes and emissions of nitrogen and sulfur were analyzed during composting to explore the deodorizing mechanisms of the compound mix. The results showed that the compound microbial mix had outstanding deodorization capability with increased removal rates of NH3 and H2S to 70% and 60% respectively in the first 20 days, reduced pH, moisture content and carbon-nitrogen ratio, rapidly improved stack temperature and extended high temperature period of compost. Stack temperature of pig manure and chicken manure reached the highest value after 25 and 20 days respectively and the period above 50 ℃ was maintained for 15 and 20 days, respectively. At the end of composting microbial deodorization reduced 25.84% and 28.65% N-loss of swine and chicken manure respectively and significantly increased (P<0.05) total nitrogen (TN) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) in composts compared with natural composts. The microbial deodorizer promoted sulfur transformation into inorganic sulfur (SO42-) and significantly increased (P<0.05) the SO42- content. These results suggested that microbial deodorizers were able to efficiently reduce odor, reduce nutrient losses and accelerated compost maturity of livestock manure, as well as help amelioration environmental pollution.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2017.08.029URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.039URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.12.098URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.03.093URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.bej.2018.10.014URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.07.003URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.seppur.2014.06.027URL [本文引用: 1]
The goal of this study was to investigate the optimal pH and temperature allowing enhanced nitrification in communities of nitrifying bacteria in full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Although maximum nitrification of activated sludge in WWTPs was achieved using similar optimal conditions, nitrification performance was uniquely influenced by simultaneous variations in temperature and pH. These results led to development of different model equations predicting the combined effects of temperature and pH on nitrification rates at WWTPs, reflecting the propensity of nitrifying bacterial communities to flourish under different conditions. Different end products of nitrification resulted not only from certain factors such as pH and temperature, but from differences in proportions of nitrifying bacteria among total bacteria. Therefore, proper adjustment of optimal pH and temperature in nitrifying bacteria communities can provide an implementable approach to improve nitrification performance of WWTPs, incorporating those specific conditions shown to favor the acclimatization of certain nitrifying bacteria. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2009.05.022URLPMID:19501506 [本文引用: 1]
In the work described here, a biotrickling filter with Thiobacillus thioparus (ATCC 23645) immobilized on polyurethane foam is proposed for the removal of hydrogen sulfide contained in air. The effect of surface velocity of the recirculation medium (5.9-1.2 m/h), sulfate concentration inhibition (3.0-10.7 g/L), pH (6.0-8.2), empty bed residence time (EBRT) (150-11 s) for constant loads of 11.5 and 2.9 g S/m(3)/h, and pressure drop of the system were investigated. The total amount of biomass immobilized on the carrier was 8.2+/-1.3x10(10) cells/g. The optimal values of the operating variables were: pH between 7.0 and 7.5, surface velocity of 5.9 m/h and sulfate concentration below 5 g/L. The critical EC value was 14.9 g S/m(3)/h (removal efficiency of 99.8%) and the EC(max) was 55.0 g S/m(3)/h (removal efficiency of 79.8%) for an EBRT of 150 s. For loads of 2.89+/-0.05 and 11.5+/-0.1 g S/m(3)/h, the removal efficiency was higher than 99% for an EBRT over 90 s.
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Biological deodorization of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) was studied using porous lava as a carrier of Thiobacillus thiooxidans in a laboratory-scale biofilter. Three different samples of porous lava, A, B, and C, which were obtained from Cheju Island in Korea, were used. The water-holding capacities of samples A, B and C were 0.38, 0.25, and 0.47 g-H2O/g-lava, respectively. The pHs and densities of the lava samples ranged from 8.25-9.24 and 920-1190 kg/m3, respectively. The buffering capacities, expressed as the amount of sulfate added to lower the pH to 4, were 60 g-SO4(2-)/kg-lava for sample A, 50 g-SO4(2-)/kg-lava for B, and 90 g-SO4(2-)/kg-lava for C. To investigate the removal characteristics of H2S by the lava biofilters, T. thiooxidans was immobilized on the lava samples. Biofilters A and C showed a removal capacity of 428 g-S.m(-3).h(-1) when H2S was supplied with 428 g-S.m(-3).h(-1) of inlet load at a space velocity (SV) of 300 h(-1). At the same inlet load and SV, the removal capacity of biofilter B was 396 g-S.m(-3).h(-1). The H2S critical loads of biofilters A, B and C at a SV of 400 h(-1) were 396, 157 and 342 g-S.m(-3).h(-1), respectively. It is suggested that natural, porous lava is a promising candidate as a carrier of microorganisms in biofiltration.
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Biofiltration removal of odor emitted from grit-water separator in a municipal sewage plant was studied. The height and volume of biofilter media were 1.5m and 55 m3 respectively, and the volume of odor gas to be treated was 12 000 m3·h-1. The 120d observation showed that the initial concentration of H2S and NH3 was 1.96~4.63 mg·m-3, 2.21~5.68 mg·m-3. After treatment, the concentration was reduced to 0.03~0.97 mg·m-3 for H2S and under 0.46 mg·m-3 for NH3. The removal ratio of H2S exceeded 80%, and the concentration of NH3 in outflux was better than level 1 National Standard. Odor removal strains consisted of bacteria, yeast and mould, such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Zoogloea, Acinetobacter, Thiobacillus, Saceharomyces, Candida, Aspergillus, Penicillium,and Rhizopus, among which bacteria was dominant and reached 1.8~3.1×108 CFU per gram dry filter media.
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Biofiltration removal of odor emitted from grit-water separator in a municipal sewage plant was studied. The height and volume of biofilter media were 1.5m and 55 m3 respectively, and the volume of odor gas to be treated was 12 000 m3·h-1. The 120d observation showed that the initial concentration of H2S and NH3 was 1.96~4.63 mg·m-3, 2.21~5.68 mg·m-3. After treatment, the concentration was reduced to 0.03~0.97 mg·m-3 for H2S and under 0.46 mg·m-3 for NH3. The removal ratio of H2S exceeded 80%, and the concentration of NH3 in outflux was better than level 1 National Standard. Odor removal strains consisted of bacteria, yeast and mould, such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Zoogloea, Acinetobacter, Thiobacillus, Saceharomyces, Candida, Aspergillus, Penicillium,and Rhizopus, among which bacteria was dominant and reached 1.8~3.1×108 CFU per gram dry filter media.
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DOI:10.11686/cyxb2014513URL [本文引用: 1]
By combining NH3 and H2S selective media for a first qualitative screening, and the boric acid absorption and zinc amine complex salt absorption colorimetric methods for a second quantitative screening, 5 strains which could efficiently reduce NH3 release, and 3 strains reducing H2S release were identified, of which a strain designated BX3 achieved emission reduction rates of NH3 and H2S, respectively, compared with control treatments, of 80.07%, 76.92%. An L8(27) orthogonal optimum design was employed to identify combinations of different strains with high deodorizing efficiency, and AF2+DZ1+BX3+DZ3+BZ1+EZ3+AX4 was found to be the optimal strain combination. With this combination, the emission rates of NH3 and H2S were significantly lower than that of other combinations. Compared with a blank control group, the emission reductions of NH3 and H2S, respectively, were 82.14%, 80.84% on the fifth day of the experiment. The optimal microbial combination for deodorizing activity was studied under differing fermentation conditions and the quantities of NH3 and H2S released were smallest with additive combinations of 10% inoculation, 30% moisture content and 10% bran addition, and 15% inoculation, 40% moisture content and 10% bran addition, respectively. The microbial strains isolated in this study have potentially broad application prospects in the fields of odor prevention and control of environmental pollution caused by livestock and poultry manure.
DOI:10.11686/cyxb2014513URL [本文引用: 1]
By combining NH3 and H2S selective media for a first qualitative screening, and the boric acid absorption and zinc amine complex salt absorption colorimetric methods for a second quantitative screening, 5 strains which could efficiently reduce NH3 release, and 3 strains reducing H2S release were identified, of which a strain designated BX3 achieved emission reduction rates of NH3 and H2S, respectively, compared with control treatments, of 80.07%, 76.92%. An L8(27) orthogonal optimum design was employed to identify combinations of different strains with high deodorizing efficiency, and AF2+DZ1+BX3+DZ3+BZ1+EZ3+AX4 was found to be the optimal strain combination. With this combination, the emission rates of NH3 and H2S were significantly lower than that of other combinations. Compared with a blank control group, the emission reductions of NH3 and H2S, respectively, were 82.14%, 80.84% on the fifth day of the experiment. The optimal microbial combination for deodorizing activity was studied under differing fermentation conditions and the quantities of NH3 and H2S released were smallest with additive combinations of 10% inoculation, 30% moisture content and 10% bran addition, and 15% inoculation, 40% moisture content and 10% bran addition, respectively. The microbial strains isolated in this study have potentially broad application prospects in the fields of odor prevention and control of environmental pollution caused by livestock and poultry manure.
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