Formation Regulating and Micro-Structure of Sorghum Starch with Different Types of Endosperm
KE FuLai

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柯福来, 朱凯, 李志华, 石永顺, 邹剑秋, 王艳秋. 不同糯性高粱胚乳淀粉形成与积累过程的酶学调控机制及显微结构变化[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(14): 2774-2785 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.14.002
KE FuLai, ZHU Kai, LI ZhiHua, SHI YongShun, ZOU JianQiu, WANG YanQiu.
0 引言
【研究意义】高粱是中国主要的旱区作物,其籽粒主要用于酿造白酒和陈醋,尤其是名牌白酒和陈醋都是以高粱为原材料酿造而成。淀粉的含量及组分对于白酒和陈醋的品质和产量具有重要作用[1],因此,不同胚乳类型淀粉结构及调控研究将为高粱籽粒品质和产量提升提供理论基础。【前人研究进展】周宇飞等[2]以不同淀粉含量的高粱为研究对象,分析高粱淀粉形成过程中相关淀粉合成酶的调控作用,认为ADPG、GBSS、SBE和DBE活性的差异及共同作用对高粱淀粉积累差异具有重要生理调控作用。李栋梁等[3]采用扫描电镜、荧光显微镜、冰冻切片技术对高粱颖果发育过程中胚乳和淀粉体的形态进行了观察,发现高粱淀粉粒形成过程中存在不同于其他作物的发生中心结构。王玲玲等[4]采用光学显微镜和电子显微镜相结合的技术观察高粱胚乳细胞发育,重点研究了高粱胚乳细胞中淀粉体的发育情况,认为淀粉体是由质体通过充实淀粉形成的。闫松显等[5]以19份酿酒高粱为对象,对其果皮(果皮层和种皮层)厚度及淀粉粒进行显微结构研究,认为不同酿造高粱淀粉粒径差异显著。HUBER等[6]通过对化学诱变剂诱变获得的消化率高、赖氨酸含量高的高粱淀粉进行扫描电镜观察,可以清楚地看到在一些淀粉颗粒表面有可观数量的孔。史春余等[7]、石德杨等[8]、杨勇等[9]在甘薯、玉米、水稻上的研究表明淀粉结构是影响作物品质的重要因素。【本研究切入点】与水稻、小麦、玉米等作物相比,关于高粱籽粒中淀粉合成机制的研究较少,对淀粉结构的相关研究更少,尤其是对高粱不同胚乳类型淀粉结构及调控的研究鲜见报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究以糯型、半粳半糯型和粳型3种不同类型的高粱品种为试材,研究不同类型高粱淀粉积累过程中相关酶类的变化,同时利用扫描电镜技术观察淀粉粒的形成、大小以及结构变化特点,揭示调控高粱籽粒淀粉积累及不同淀粉组分比率的内在因素,为高淀粉尤其是高支链淀粉高粱品种的选育和栽培提供理论基础。1 材料与方法
1.1 供试材料
选择3种不同糯性的代表性高粱品种各1个(表1),其中,糯型品种为辽粘3号(辽粘A-2/辽粘R-2),半粳半糯型品种为辽杂19(7050A/0-01),粳型品种为辽杂10号(7050A/9198)。Table 1
Table 1
品种 Varieties | 总淀粉含量 Total starch content (%) | 支链淀粉含量 Amylopectin content (%) | 直链淀粉含量 Amylose content (%) | 支链淀粉占总淀粉的比率a Ratio of amylopectin to total starch (%) |
辽粘3号 Liaonian 3 | 72.3 | 70.1 | 2.2 | 97.0 |
辽杂19 Liaoza19 | 70.3 | 62.2 | 8.1 | 88.5 |
辽杂10 Liaoza10 | 74.3 | 58.6 | 15.7 | 78.9 |
1.2 试验方法
田间试验,每品种20行,行长3m,行距0.6m,3次重复,随机区组排列。2016年5月8日播种,开花期选择花期整齐一致的植株100株挂牌标记,用于取样测定。从开花后开始,每天取样一次,开花后7—42d,每7天取样一次,每次取3株植株穗中部的籽粒混合,一部分样品150℃杀青30min,75℃烘干至恒重;一部分籽粒用液氮迅速冷冻,-80℃保存;一部分籽粒用固定液固定后,利用酒精脱水保存,待全部样品取完后,统一测定。其中,参照赵俊晔等[10]方法测定尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(uridine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase,UDPG)、腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase,ADPG)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(soluble starch synthase,SSS)和结合态淀粉合成酶(granule- bound starch synthase,GBSS)的酶活性。按照NAKAMURA等[11]、NAKAMURA等[12]和赵法茂等[13]方法测定淀粉分支酶(starch branching enzyme,SBE)和淀粉去分支酶(starch-debranching enzymes,DBE)的酶活性。由上海釜诚生物技术有限公司利用扫描电镜测定淀粉粒结构,采用SPSS19.0进行数据分析。2 结果
2.1 不同类型高粱籽粒淀粉积累过程中相关酶活性动态变化
开花后,籽粒开始灌浆。在籽粒灌浆过程中,UDPG、ADPG酶活性授粉后迅速上升,授粉后21 d达到最大值,其后UDPG酶活性略有下降,ADPG酶活性迅速下降(图1)。3个品种相比较,灌浆前期差异不大,灌浆中期差异显著,表现为辽杂10号>辽杂19>辽粘3号,灌浆后期UDPG酶活性差异仍达显著水平,ADPG酶活性差异不显著。图1

Fig. 1Dynamics of activities of UDPG, ADPG and SSS in grains
在高粱籽粒灌浆过程中,SSS酶活性表现和UDPG活性相似的变化趋势,均表现为授粉后迅速上升,而后略有下降,但SSS酶活性的峰值出现较早,在开花后15 d活性最高。整个灌浆过程中,辽粘3号SSS酶活性显著高于辽杂10号和辽杂19,辽杂10号与辽杂19间差异不显著。
SBE主要作用是水解α-1,4糖苷键,将切下的短链通过α-1,6糖苷键连接到受体上,从而形成分支淀粉链。不同类型高粱籽粒中SBE活性均呈单峰曲线变化,均在授粉后21 d达到峰值。整个灌浆过程中都表现为辽粘3号SBE活性显著高于辽杂19和辽杂10号,辽杂19和辽杂10号之间差异也达显著水平(图2)。

Fig. 2Dynamics of activities of SBE, DBE in grains
DBE主要作用是水解a-1,6-糖苷键,对淀粉的最终结构进行修饰。由图2可见,不同类型高粱籽粒中DBE活性的变化也呈单峰曲线,糯高粱品种辽粘3号峰值最高,在授粉后21 d达到峰值;粳高粱和半粳半糯型高粱品种的峰值较低,粳型高粱达峰值的时间也较晚,辽杂10号在授粉后28 d籽粒中DBE活性达到峰值(图2)。
高粱籽粒灌浆过程中,GBSS酶活性波动较大,辽杂10号、辽杂19表现出明显的双峰曲线变化,峰值出现在授粉后15和35 d,且前期峰值较高;辽粘3号表现为单峰曲线,授粉后约20 d达到峰值。整个灌浆过程中,辽粘3号GBSS酶活性显著低于辽杂10号和辽杂19;辽杂10号与辽杂19间差异也达显著水平,除灌浆后期外,均表现为辽杂10号显著高于辽杂19(图3)。

Fig. 3Dynamics of activities of GBSS in grains
2.2 淀粉合成相关酶活性与淀粉积累速率间相关分析
为了进一步明确淀粉合成相关酶类对淀粉合成的调控作用,对不同合成酶类与淀粉积累速率间的相关性进行了分析。结果(表2)表明,UDPG、ADPG和SSS酶活性和不同类型高粱直链淀粉、支链淀粉的积累速率均呈显著正相关。GBSS酶活性与辽杂19、辽杂10号直链淀粉积累速率显著正相关,与辽粘3号直链淀粉积累速率相关性不显著,与不同品种的支链淀粉积累速率相关性不显著。SBE、DBE活性与不同品种的支链淀粉积累速率显著正相关,与直链淀粉积累速率相关性不显著。Table 2
Table 2
酶 Enzyme | 直链淀粉积累速率Amylose accumulation rate | 支链淀粉积累速率Amylopectin accumulation rate | ||||
辽粘3 Liaonian3 | 辽杂19 Liaoza19 | 辽杂10 Liaoza10 | 辽粘3号 Liaonian3 | 辽杂19 Liaoza19 | 辽杂10 Liaoza10 | |
尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶UDPG | 0.85* | 0.82* | 0.89* | 0.79* | 0.84* | 0.86* |
腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶ADPG | 0.87* | 0.89* | 0.84* | 0.92* | 0.85* | 0.94* |
可溶性淀粉合成酶SSS | 0.79* | 0.76* | 0.74* | 0.91* | 0.94* | 0.92* |
结合态淀粉合成酶GBSS | 0.64 | 0.72* | 0.75* | 0.59 | 0.49 | 0.36 |
淀粉分支酶SBE | 0.47 | 0.58 | 0.49 | 0.98* | 0.95* | 0.86* |
淀粉去分支酶DBE | 0.42 | 0.51 | 0.38 | 0.78* | 0.75* | 0.73* |
2.3 淀粉超微结构的显微观察
2.3.1 胚乳细胞中淀粉粒的充实过程 粳高粱辽杂10号开花后7 d,胚乳细胞中已经出现淀粉粒积累,此时,淀粉粒个数较少,大多是圆形或卵圆形,个别细胞中已经出现淀粉粒合成中心(图4),在合成中心淀粉粒的体积较小,由合成中心向外,淀粉粒呈放射性分散,外围淀粉粒的体积逐渐增大。开花后14 d,部分胚乳细胞中淀粉粒充实较多,淀粉粒的积累速率加快,但仍有大部分细胞淀粉粒积累较少。开花后21 d,淀粉合成中心的数量显著增加,导致淀粉粒的积累速率明显增加,至花后28 d,大部分胚乳细胞中都可观察到淀粉粒积累,个别细胞中甚至可以观测到多个淀粉粒形成中心。开花后35 d,绝大部分细胞中都充满淀粉粒,淀粉粒之间可以观测到明显的蛋白体。开花后42 d,几乎所有细胞中都充满淀粉粒,淀粉粒形成中心的数量也显著下降。成熟期,由于淀粉粒的互相挤压,胚乳细胞中淀粉粒的外形由近圆形变为不规则的多边形,淀粉粒之间则充满蛋白体。图4

1:花后7 d;2:花后14 d;3:花后21 d;4:花后28 d;5:花后35 d;6:花后42 d;A:淀粉粒;☆:淀粉粒形成中心;B:蛋白体
Fig. 4Starch granule accumulation process
1: 7th after anthesis; 2: Day 14 after anthesis; 3: Day 21 after anthesis; 4: Day 28 after anthesis; 5: Day 35 after anthesis; 6: Day 42 after anthesis; A: Starch granule; ☆: Starch granulation Center; B: Protein body
糯高粱辽粘3号胚乳细胞中淀粉粒的积累过程也表现相似的变化趋势,开花后7 d积累较少;开花后14—35 d淀粉粒的积累较多。淀粉粒最初的形状也呈近圆形,后期由于淀粉粒间互相挤压,也变为不规则的多边形。淀粉粒之间也充满蛋白体。
2.3.2 淀粉粒的形成中心 花后7 d在胚乳细胞中可观测到淀粉粒的分布较分散,只有少量淀粉粒,淀粉粒的直径以特定点为中心,呈现由大到小的变化趋势,在中心点存在点状呈簇的集合体,这就是淀粉粒形成中心的雏形。随着胚乳细胞的充实进程,淀粉粒形成中心逐渐显现,至开花后35 d,可以观测到淀粉粒以特定点为中心,呈现明显的轮状分布,内圈淀粉粒的直径较小,外圈淀粉粒的直径较大。花后45 d,形成中心处的淀粉粒互相堆叠挤压产生明显的形变(图5)。

1:35 d观测;2:7 d观测;3:42 d观测。A:淀粉粒;☆:淀粉粒形成中心;C:质体
Fig. 5Starch granulation Center
1: Day 35 after anthesis; 2: day7 after anthesis; 3: Day 42 after anthesis. A: Starch granule; ☆: Starch granulation center; C: Plastid
2.3.3 淀粉粒的形态特征 不同胚乳类型高粱籽粒中,淀粉粒的形态特征表现为糯型淀粉粒相对较小,大部分均在10 μm以下,表面凹坑较多;粳型淀粉粒相对较大,大部分均在10 μm以上,不规则球形,表面比较光滑;半粳半糯型淀粉粒粒度分布较广,多为椭球形,表面凹坑较少(图6)。

Fig. 6Morphological characteristics of starch granule in sorghum with different endosperm types
1: Glutinous sorghum; 2: Semi-glutinous sorghum; 3: Japonica sorghum
2.3.4 淀粉粒内部结构特征 不同类型籽粒淀粉粒内部结构差异较大,糯型高粱籽粒淀粉粒内部分布较多圆形孔洞,平均直径约3.5 μm;粳型高粱淀粉粒内部比较光滑,未见明显孔洞,半粳半糯型高粱淀粉粒内部孔洞较少,且均呈不规则形状,孔洞最宽处在6—8 μm(图7)。

Fig. 7Submicroscopic diagram of transverse section of starch granule
1: Waxy sorghum; 2: Semi-waxy sorghum; 3: Nonwaxy sorghum

Fig. 8Microscopic observation on the internal structure of starch granule
a, b: Semi-glutinous sorghum; c, d, e: Japonica sorghum; f, g, h: Glutinous sorghum
3 讨论
3.1 不同类型高粱淀粉合成的调控
籽粒淀粉的合成受相关合成酶类的调控,主要包括UDPG、ADPG、SSS、GBSS、SBE、DBE等。UDPG主要负责形成淀粉合成的葡萄糖供体G-1-P(1-磷酸葡萄糖),ADPG利用G-1-P合成淀粉合成的前体,因此这两种酶被认为是淀粉合成的限速酶[14,15,16,17,18]。本研究表明,不同类型高粱籽粒中UDPG、ADPG活性变化均呈单峰曲线,在开花后21 d酶活性最高,淀粉含量较高的辽杂10号2种酶的活性显著高于淀粉含量较低的2个品种,相关分析表明,不同类型品种的直链淀粉、支链淀粉的合成速率与其均呈显著正相关,表明在高粱淀粉合成过程中,UDPG、ADPG主要调控淀粉含量,对直链淀粉和支链淀粉的比例则没有显著作用,这与前人的研究结果基本一致[14,15,16,17,18]。许多研究结果显示,支链淀粉含量主要由SSS、SBE和DBE 3种酶调控,其中SSS作用于α-1,4糖苷键,负责淀粉链的延长;SBE作用于α-1,6糖苷键,负责合成支链;DBE负责切除不合理的支链,修饰支链淀粉链的结构[19,20]。曹颖妮等[21]。盛婧[22]、王月福等[23]和赵步洪等[24]研究表明,SSS活性和支链淀粉合成显著正相关,GAO等[25]、ABEL等[26]关于SSS基因突变体的研究也证明,SSS活性的下降使得支链淀粉的合成受到抑制,而直链淀粉的含量增加。本研究不同类型高粱SSS、SBE、DBE均表现单峰曲线变化趋势,SSS峰值出现较早,SBE、DBE峰值出现较晚,其中,粳高粱DBE峰值出现的时间明显晚于糯高粱。不同类型高粱SSS、SBE、DBE活性差异显著,糯高粱3种酶的活性始终高于粳高粱,这可能是糯高粱支链淀粉含量较高的主要原因。相关分析也表明,支链淀粉的积累速率与3种酶均表现显著正相关关系。
辽粘3号开花后5 d才检测到GBSS活性,晚于辽杂10号,其峰值出现的时间也晚于辽杂10号,而且整个灌浆过程中酶活性值均显著低于辽杂10号,这可能是其直链淀粉含量较低的主要因素。
3.2 淀粉形成过程的显微结构变化
3.2.1 淀粉粒形成中心 李栋梁等[3]以KS-304为试验材料,利用电镜技术观测胚乳中淀粉形成过程,认为花后35 d,淀粉粒已经充斥细胞。本研究表明,花后35 d,细胞中仍可观测到淀粉粒形成中心,仍有淀粉粒的积累。王玲玲等[4]同样以KS-304为试验材料,利用电镜技术观测胚乳中淀粉的发育过程,认为淀粉粒是在淀粉粒合成中心由质体形成的,质体首先形成环膜结构,然后形成淀粉粒,淀粉粒的体积由形成中心向外呈辐射状增加。本研究也观测到淀粉粒形成中心的形成,淀粉粒的大小由形成中心向外呈轮式增加,但是没有观测到质体形成的环膜结构。3.2.2 淀粉粒形成过程与淀粉积累间关系 通过显微技术,可以观测到淀粉粒的积累程度,开花后7 d已经观测到淀粉粒积累,开花后14 d淀粉粒积累量不多,开花后21—35 d可以观测到淀粉粒迅速增多,逐渐充满胚乳细胞,这与淀粉的积累过程一致,表明通过淀粉粒积累过程的显微观测可以直观的反映淀粉的积累情况。这与盛婧[34]的研究结果一致。
3.3 淀粉粒结构的显微观察
3.3.1 淀粉粒外部特征的显微观察 唐忠厚等[35]、赵米雪等[36]、史春余等[7]发现,不同来源淀粉粒的大小、形态各不相同。刘东莉[37]对不同链支比玉米淀粉颗粒特征的研究发现,玉米淀粉粒的大小受淀粉链支比的影响。余静等[38]观测了不同糯型小麦籽粒淀粉粒形态,发现糯型小麦淀粉粒平均粒径小于非糯型。本研究发现,不同胚乳类型高粱籽粒淀粉粒的大小差异显著,糯型高粱籽粒淀粉粒粒径较小,普遍在10 μm以下;粳型高粱淀粉粒较大,一般在15 μm左右;半粳半糯型高粱淀粉粒粒径分布较广。三类型淀粉粒形态相似,基本都为不规则的球形。3.3.2 淀粉粒内部特征的显微观察 HUBER等[6]通过共焦扫描激光显微镜观测高粱籽粒淀粉粒结构,发现淀粉粒表面存在微孔,这些微孔可能深入淀粉粒中心,并在淀粉粒的内部形成不同形状的空洞。本研究也发现淀粉粒内部存在空洞,但是空洞的有无及形状与胚乳类型相关,粳高粱淀粉粒中没有发现有空洞的分布,糯型高粱淀粉粒的空洞呈圆形,只有半粳半糯型高粱的淀粉粒中存在星形的空洞。多品种验证结果也证明,粳高粱淀粉粒内部空洞出现的几率很小,糯型高粱淀粉粒内部除了圆形的空洞外,也有较多楔形的空洞。本研究推测每个淀粉粒中直链与支链淀粉的比例可能不同,淀粉粒内部结构可能与直链/支链淀粉比值密切相关,直链淀粉占据比例高的淀粉粒内部形成空洞的几率较小,支链淀粉所占比例较高的淀粉粒内部形成空洞的几率较高,至于空洞的形状、大小的可能原因还需要进一步的研究。詹鹏杰等[39]研究表明,不同淀粉结构高粱的酿酒参数差异显著,糯高粱吸水速率快,糊化温度高,糯高粱淀粉粒内部较多的空洞可能是造成这一现象的主要原因。
4 结论
参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.17.002URL [本文引用: 2]

【Objective】The objective of this research was to clarify the relationship between endosperm and its maternal tissue during development process of the sorghum caryopsis. 【Method】Sorghum KS-304 was used as the experimental material with its caryopsis development days precisely recorded and its caryopsis development closely observed. Structural changes of endosperm cells and relation with their maternal tissue were observed through semi-thin sections under light microscopy by applying Spurr resin tissue embedding. The ultrastructure of cells from different tissues and the starch granules wherein in developing and full ripe caryopsis were observed under SEM. The relationships of testa and aleurone layer of full ripe caryopsis were studied through fluorescent microscopy using cryosectioning.【Result】Four stages could be found in caryopsis development, they were formation stage, milky stage, dough stage, and full maturity stage. Accordingly, endosperm development was divided into five stages, i.e. coenocyte stage, cellurization stage, differentiation stage, developmental stage and the final maturation stage, and the first three of which are equal to that of the formation stage of caryopsis; while the last maturation stage corresponds to the last two stages of caryopsis development. It took as long as 15 days for the nucellar epidermis to be fully degraded. The outer peripheral endosperm cells started to accumulate lipid bodies as early as 7 DPA (days after pollination) and, turned into aleurone cells in 11 DAP. Only 1 layer of aleurone cells formed in full ripe caryopsis. Besides commonly seen aleurone granules and globoids, some single amyloplasts were also found on ripe aleurone cells, circa. 3 μm in diameter. Growth and development of endosperm cells also varied according to different locations, amyloplasts in cells surrounding embryo tended to have a slow growth rate and were loosely packed than other areas, making them floury endosperm compared to others’ corneous endosperms when finally matured. Amyloplasts constitution in subaleurone cells were quite composite, in a manner that mingles both aleurone and starchy endosperm cells. Amyloplast formation in starchy endosperm was unique, which has an “occurrence center” during initiation. Starch “grow” inside a tube-like plastid, and when mature, falls apart, leaving the mature amyloplast with an uneven oval shape. Starch/amyloplasts in mesocarp may not be exhausted approaching mature stage, and on the contrary, there seems to be a secondary growth in both quantity and diameter.【Conclusion】 Development of starchy endosperm in sorghum KS-304 showed a similar pattern to the corn. Starch formation of amyloplasts in starchy endosperm followed a unique way and is independent of all other crop spiecies. Cells of mesocarp layer may act as an extra “sink” during later stages in caryopsis development.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.17.002URL [本文引用: 2]

【Objective】The objective of this research was to clarify the relationship between endosperm and its maternal tissue during development process of the sorghum caryopsis. 【Method】Sorghum KS-304 was used as the experimental material with its caryopsis development days precisely recorded and its caryopsis development closely observed. Structural changes of endosperm cells and relation with their maternal tissue were observed through semi-thin sections under light microscopy by applying Spurr resin tissue embedding. The ultrastructure of cells from different tissues and the starch granules wherein in developing and full ripe caryopsis were observed under SEM. The relationships of testa and aleurone layer of full ripe caryopsis were studied through fluorescent microscopy using cryosectioning.【Result】Four stages could be found in caryopsis development, they were formation stage, milky stage, dough stage, and full maturity stage. Accordingly, endosperm development was divided into five stages, i.e. coenocyte stage, cellurization stage, differentiation stage, developmental stage and the final maturation stage, and the first three of which are equal to that of the formation stage of caryopsis; while the last maturation stage corresponds to the last two stages of caryopsis development. It took as long as 15 days for the nucellar epidermis to be fully degraded. The outer peripheral endosperm cells started to accumulate lipid bodies as early as 7 DPA (days after pollination) and, turned into aleurone cells in 11 DAP. Only 1 layer of aleurone cells formed in full ripe caryopsis. Besides commonly seen aleurone granules and globoids, some single amyloplasts were also found on ripe aleurone cells, circa. 3 μm in diameter. Growth and development of endosperm cells also varied according to different locations, amyloplasts in cells surrounding embryo tended to have a slow growth rate and were loosely packed than other areas, making them floury endosperm compared to others’ corneous endosperms when finally matured. Amyloplasts constitution in subaleurone cells were quite composite, in a manner that mingles both aleurone and starchy endosperm cells. Amyloplast formation in starchy endosperm was unique, which has an “occurrence center” during initiation. Starch “grow” inside a tube-like plastid, and when mature, falls apart, leaving the mature amyloplast with an uneven oval shape. Starch/amyloplasts in mesocarp may not be exhausted approaching mature stage, and on the contrary, there seems to be a secondary growth in both quantity and diameter.【Conclusion】 Development of starchy endosperm in sorghum KS-304 showed a similar pattern to the corn. Starch formation of amyloplasts in starchy endosperm followed a unique way and is independent of all other crop spiecies. Cells of mesocarp layer may act as an extra “sink” during later stages in caryopsis development.
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DOI:10.1016/S0144-8617(99)00145-9URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.21.023URL [本文引用: 2]

【Objective】 An experiment was conducted to clarify the starch granule size distribution and the relationship between starch granule size and starch quality properties in storage roots of different types of sweetpotato cultivars. 【Method】 Six starchy sweetpotato cultivars, five edible sweetpotato cultivars, and one dual-purpose sweetpotato cultivar were planted at Taian experimental site in Shandong Province, with randomized block design in 2009-2010 growing season. The volume distribution and number distribution of starch granule, and their relationship to the content of total starch and its components in storage root were determined. 【Result】The starch granule in storage root was 0.39-55.14 µm in diameter, containing smaller type(diameter<3.36 µm), mid-type(diameter 3.36-19.76 µm)and larger type(diameter>19.76 µm)granules. The distribution frequency showed typical two-peak curve in starch granule volume and number, and the grain diameters were all equal to 3.36 µm. The volume of smaller type granule accounted for 9.8%-18.5% of the total starch granule, and the number of smaller type granule accounted for 97.7%-99.1% of the total starch granule. The volume percentage of <3.36 µm starch granule and the number percentage of <1.00µm starch granule were higher in edible sweetpotato than in starchy sweetpotato. The contents of total starch , amylose and amylopectin were negatively correlated with the volume percentage of smaller type(r=-0.772**, -0.730**, -0.774**)and middling type(r=-0.723**, -0.715**, -0.712**) starch granules, respectively, but positively correlated to larger type(r=0.746**, 0.729**, 0.738**) starch granule. The ratio of amylopectin to amylose was positively correlated with the volume percentage of smaller type(r=0.716**)and middling type(r=0.740**) starch granules, respectively, but negatively correlated to larger type(r=-0.745**) starch granule. 【Conclusion】The rates of small starch grains in storage root of edible sweetpotato were higher, but the rates of big starch grains in storage root of starchy sweetpotato were higher.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2011.21.023URL [本文引用: 2]

【Objective】 An experiment was conducted to clarify the starch granule size distribution and the relationship between starch granule size and starch quality properties in storage roots of different types of sweetpotato cultivars. 【Method】 Six starchy sweetpotato cultivars, five edible sweetpotato cultivars, and one dual-purpose sweetpotato cultivar were planted at Taian experimental site in Shandong Province, with randomized block design in 2009-2010 growing season. The volume distribution and number distribution of starch granule, and their relationship to the content of total starch and its components in storage root were determined. 【Result】The starch granule in storage root was 0.39-55.14 µm in diameter, containing smaller type(diameter<3.36 µm), mid-type(diameter 3.36-19.76 µm)and larger type(diameter>19.76 µm)granules. The distribution frequency showed typical two-peak curve in starch granule volume and number, and the grain diameters were all equal to 3.36 µm. The volume of smaller type granule accounted for 9.8%-18.5% of the total starch granule, and the number of smaller type granule accounted for 97.7%-99.1% of the total starch granule. The volume percentage of <3.36 µm starch granule and the number percentage of <1.00µm starch granule were higher in edible sweetpotato than in starchy sweetpotato. The contents of total starch , amylose and amylopectin were negatively correlated with the volume percentage of smaller type(r=-0.772**, -0.730**, -0.774**)and middling type(r=-0.723**, -0.715**, -0.712**) starch granules, respectively, but positively correlated to larger type(r=0.746**, 0.729**, 0.738**) starch granule. The ratio of amylopectin to amylose was positively correlated with the volume percentage of smaller type(r=0.716**)and middling type(r=0.740**) starch granules, respectively, but negatively correlated to larger type(r=-0.745**) starch granule. 【Conclusion】The rates of small starch grains in storage root of edible sweetpotato were higher, but the rates of big starch grains in storage root of starchy sweetpotato were higher.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.04.003URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Starch granule size distribution is an important factor to evaluate starch quality and is greatly influenced by environmental factor. Irrigation and nitrogen are the major agronomic measures for high yield and good quality of maize. Therefore, it is very important for quality control and directional utilization of starch to clarify the effects of supplemental irrigation and nitrogen application on starch granule size distribution, and analyze the relationship between starch granule size distribution, grain weight, starch pasting properties and starch components of maize grain.【Method】In this study, Zhengdan 958 was used. Two water treatments were carried out, rain-fed (W1) and supplemental irrigation (W2). Supplemental irrigation treatment and irrigation amount were determined by soil water content. If soil water content was lower than 60% of field capacity, irrigation was applied. If soil water content after irrigation arrived 80% of field capacity, irrigation was stopped. Irrigation amount was calculated according to the formula of m=10ρbH(?i -?j), where m is the amount of supplementary irrigation (mm), H is the supplementary irrigation depth (cm) of the period, ρb is soil bulk density(g•cm-3) of the supplementary irrigation depth, βi is the objective water content (field capacity×objective and relative water content), βj is the natural water content. The highest nitrogen application rate was determined according to 3 kg nitrogen requirement for 100 kg kernels and the yield standard of 10 500 kg•hm-2 in 67 500 plants•hm-2 density. So, three nitrogen treatments were carried out, 0 (N1), 160 (N2) and 320 (N3) kg•hm-2. The volume, number and surface area distribution of starch granule in mature maize endosperm in irrigation and nitrogen application treatments were determined using laser particle size analyzer. Starch pasting properties were measured by RVA analyzer. Starch components were determined according to the double wavelengh method. The correlations between volume distribution of starch granule and starch pasting properties, kernel weight, yield and starch components were analyzed. 【Result】 Starch granule of maize was in the range of 0.38-39.78 μm, and the upper limit was 30.07-39.78 μm. Starch granule volume and surface area showed a three-peak curve. According to the concave point of the double peak curve, taking 3.5 μm and 7.4 μm as limit, starch granules were divided into three types: small (<3.5 μm), middle (3.5-7.4 μm) and large (>7.4 μm). Starch granule number showed a single peak curve. Starch granule of maize grain was mainly composed of small starch granule, which accounted for over 98% of total starch granule. Nitrogen fertilization and supplemental irrigation reduced the percentages of volume, surface area and number of small starch granule, and increased the volume percentage of large starch granule. Nitrogen fertilization and supplementary irrigation increased starch peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity, setback, grain yield and weight, total starch and amylopectin content, reduced peak time, pasting temperature, amylose content and the ratio of amylose to amylopectin. Correlation analysis indicated that amylose content, the ratio of amylose to amylopectin, peak time and pasting temperature were positively correlated with volume percentage of small starch granule, and negatively correlated with volume percentage of large starch granule. Grain yield and weight, amylopectin and total starch content, peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback were negatively correlated with volume percentage of small starch granule, and positively correlated with volume percentage of large starch granule. 【Conclusion】Water and nitrogen fertilization significantly affected starch granule size distribution and pasting properties. Supplemental irrigation and 320 kg•hm-2 nitrogen fertilization treatment had the lowest volume percentage of small starch granule, the highest volume percentage of large starch granule and the best starch pasting properties.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.04.003URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Starch granule size distribution is an important factor to evaluate starch quality and is greatly influenced by environmental factor. Irrigation and nitrogen are the major agronomic measures for high yield and good quality of maize. Therefore, it is very important for quality control and directional utilization of starch to clarify the effects of supplemental irrigation and nitrogen application on starch granule size distribution, and analyze the relationship between starch granule size distribution, grain weight, starch pasting properties and starch components of maize grain.【Method】In this study, Zhengdan 958 was used. Two water treatments were carried out, rain-fed (W1) and supplemental irrigation (W2). Supplemental irrigation treatment and irrigation amount were determined by soil water content. If soil water content was lower than 60% of field capacity, irrigation was applied. If soil water content after irrigation arrived 80% of field capacity, irrigation was stopped. Irrigation amount was calculated according to the formula of m=10ρbH(?i -?j), where m is the amount of supplementary irrigation (mm), H is the supplementary irrigation depth (cm) of the period, ρb is soil bulk density(g•cm-3) of the supplementary irrigation depth, βi is the objective water content (field capacity×objective and relative water content), βj is the natural water content. The highest nitrogen application rate was determined according to 3 kg nitrogen requirement for 100 kg kernels and the yield standard of 10 500 kg•hm-2 in 67 500 plants•hm-2 density. So, three nitrogen treatments were carried out, 0 (N1), 160 (N2) and 320 (N3) kg•hm-2. The volume, number and surface area distribution of starch granule in mature maize endosperm in irrigation and nitrogen application treatments were determined using laser particle size analyzer. Starch pasting properties were measured by RVA analyzer. Starch components were determined according to the double wavelengh method. The correlations between volume distribution of starch granule and starch pasting properties, kernel weight, yield and starch components were analyzed. 【Result】 Starch granule of maize was in the range of 0.38-39.78 μm, and the upper limit was 30.07-39.78 μm. Starch granule volume and surface area showed a three-peak curve. According to the concave point of the double peak curve, taking 3.5 μm and 7.4 μm as limit, starch granules were divided into three types: small (<3.5 μm), middle (3.5-7.4 μm) and large (>7.4 μm). Starch granule number showed a single peak curve. Starch granule of maize grain was mainly composed of small starch granule, which accounted for over 98% of total starch granule. Nitrogen fertilization and supplemental irrigation reduced the percentages of volume, surface area and number of small starch granule, and increased the volume percentage of large starch granule. Nitrogen fertilization and supplementary irrigation increased starch peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity, setback, grain yield and weight, total starch and amylopectin content, reduced peak time, pasting temperature, amylose content and the ratio of amylose to amylopectin. Correlation analysis indicated that amylose content, the ratio of amylose to amylopectin, peak time and pasting temperature were positively correlated with volume percentage of small starch granule, and negatively correlated with volume percentage of large starch granule. Grain yield and weight, amylopectin and total starch content, peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback were negatively correlated with volume percentage of small starch granule, and positively correlated with volume percentage of large starch granule. 【Conclusion】Water and nitrogen fertilization significantly affected starch granule size distribution and pasting properties. Supplemental irrigation and 320 kg•hm-2 nitrogen fertilization treatment had the lowest volume percentage of small starch granule, the highest volume percentage of large starch granule and the best starch pasting properties.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82064URL [本文引用: 1]

Nowadays, the Wx b allele has been widely used to improve grain quality of indica rice. However, some indica varieties carrying Wx b allele usually has a much softer texture, which is not favored by consumers in South China. So the grain quality of these varieties needs to be further improved. To understand the effect of Wx in allele on rice eating quality and physicochemical properties in indica rice, we developed two Near-Isogenic Lines (NILs) carrying Wx in and Wx b alleles by crossing an indica variety 3611 (receptor, carrying Wx a) with IR64 (carrying Wx in) and 9311 (carrying Wx b), and seven times of backcrossing based on molecular marker assistant selection (MAS). The Wx effects in controlling the synthesis of amylose, grain quality, and physicochemical properties were investigated. There were non-significant differences in the agronomic traits among the NILs. However, for grain quality characters, we found that the NIL(Wx in) rice showed significantly lower apparent amylose content (AAC) and higher gel consistency (GC), compared with the wild type 3611. Besides, the NIL(Wx b) rice showed the lowest AAC and highest GC among three lines. The NIL(Wx in) rice had a significantly higher taste value than the wild type 3611, while the NIL(Wx b) rice exhibited the highest taste value among the three samples. The granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) level was the highest in 3611, moderate in NIL(Wx in) and lowest in NIL(Wx b), which showed a positive correlation with the AAC level. Also, the starch viscosity, thermal gelatinization property and crystal structure of different rice flours had a high correlation with the AAC level. To sum up, our results proved that both Wx in and Wx b allele can improve the grain quality in 3611 background, and what is more, the Wx in allele might be more useful for the improvement of grain quality in indica rice.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.82064URL [本文引用: 1]

Nowadays, the Wx b allele has been widely used to improve grain quality of indica rice. However, some indica varieties carrying Wx b allele usually has a much softer texture, which is not favored by consumers in South China. So the grain quality of these varieties needs to be further improved. To understand the effect of Wx in allele on rice eating quality and physicochemical properties in indica rice, we developed two Near-Isogenic Lines (NILs) carrying Wx in and Wx b alleles by crossing an indica variety 3611 (receptor, carrying Wx a) with IR64 (carrying Wx in) and 9311 (carrying Wx b), and seven times of backcrossing based on molecular marker assistant selection (MAS). The Wx effects in controlling the synthesis of amylose, grain quality, and physicochemical properties were investigated. There were non-significant differences in the agronomic traits among the NILs. However, for grain quality characters, we found that the NIL(Wx in) rice showed significantly lower apparent amylose content (AAC) and higher gel consistency (GC), compared with the wild type 3611. Besides, the NIL(Wx b) rice showed the lowest AAC and highest GC among three lines. The NIL(Wx in) rice had a significantly higher taste value than the wild type 3611, while the NIL(Wx b) rice exhibited the highest taste value among the three samples. The granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) level was the highest in 3611, moderate in NIL(Wx in) and lowest in NIL(Wx b), which showed a positive correlation with the AAC level. Also, the starch viscosity, thermal gelatinization property and crystal structure of different rice flours had a high correlation with the AAC level. To sum up, our results proved that both Wx in and Wx b allele can improve the grain quality in 3611 background, and what is more, the Wx in allele might be more useful for the improvement of grain quality in indica rice.
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Nine wheat cultivars with similar total starch content and different amylose and amylopectin content in mature stage were classified into three groups: low amylose, medium amylose and high amylose. The dynamic changes in ratio of amylose to amylopectin, and the activity changes of four enzymes in re
URL [本文引用: 2]

Nine wheat cultivars with similar total starch content and different amylose and amylopectin content in mature stage were classified into three groups: low amylose, medium amylose and high amylose. The dynamic changes in ratio of amylose to amylopectin, and the activity changes of four enzymes in re
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DOI:10.1007/BF00196561URLPMID:8680309 [本文引用: 1]

Starch debranching enzyme (R-enzyme or pullulanase) was purified to homogeneity from developing endosperm of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Fujihikari) using a variety of high-performance liquid chromatography columns, and characterized. A cDNA clone encoding the full length of the rice endosperm debranching enzyme was isolated and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The cDNA contains an open reading frame of 2958 bp. The mature debranching enzyme of rice appears to be composed of 912 amino acids with a predicted relative molecular mass (Mr) of 102,069 Da, similar in size to its Mr of about 100,000 Da estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. The amino acid sequence of rice debranching enzyme is substantially similar to that of bacterial pullulanase, while it bears little similarity to that of bacterial isoamylase or to glycogen debranching enzymes from human muscle and rabbit muscle. Southern blot analyses strongly suggest that the debranching enzyme gene is present as a single copy in the rice genome. Analysis by restriction fragment length polymorphism with a probe including the 3'-untranslated region of cDNA for rice debranching enzyme confirmed that the debranching enzyme gene is located on chromosome 4.
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DOI:10.16819/j.1001-7216.2016.5099URL [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment was conducted to reveal the influence of coldwater stress(17℃,lasting 3,6,9,12,15d) on grain starch synthesis and accumulation, yield components of japonica rice (Dongnong 428, Songjing 10 and Longdao 7) in coldregion during grainfilling stage, as well as the relationships between the changes in key enzymes activities related to starch synthesis and starch composition under coldwater stress. The results showed that compared with the control, soluble starch synthase (SSS) activity and starch branching enzyme (SBE) activity decreased, as well as the total starch contents and amylopectin content, while the amylose content increased under 17℃ coldwater stress during grainfilling stage. According to the correlation analysis,the activities of soluble starch synthase (SSS) and starch branching enzyme (SBE) were significantly correlated with grain starch accumulation, playing an equally important role in the changes of starch and its component contents. Meanwhile,the grain number per panicle, thousand seed weight and seed setting rate were significantly reduced during grainfilling stage. The amplitude of variation for every indicator increased gradually with lengthening coldwater treatment time. The indicators related to the yield components of japonica rice in coldregion varied with coldwater stress duration and can be used for the identification of cold resistance. According to the indexes under the coldwater stress for different japonica rice varieties in coldregion, Songjing 10 was the most susceptible, followed by Longdao 7 and Dongnong 428.
DOI:10.16819/j.1001-7216.2016.5099URL [本文引用: 1]

A field experiment was conducted to reveal the influence of coldwater stress(17℃,lasting 3,6,9,12,15d) on grain starch synthesis and accumulation, yield components of japonica rice (Dongnong 428, Songjing 10 and Longdao 7) in coldregion during grainfilling stage, as well as the relationships between the changes in key enzymes activities related to starch synthesis and starch composition under coldwater stress. The results showed that compared with the control, soluble starch synthase (SSS) activity and starch branching enzyme (SBE) activity decreased, as well as the total starch contents and amylopectin content, while the amylose content increased under 17℃ coldwater stress during grainfilling stage. According to the correlation analysis,the activities of soluble starch synthase (SSS) and starch branching enzyme (SBE) were significantly correlated with grain starch accumulation, playing an equally important role in the changes of starch and its component contents. Meanwhile,the grain number per panicle, thousand seed weight and seed setting rate were significantly reduced during grainfilling stage. The amplitude of variation for every indicator increased gradually with lengthening coldwater treatment time. The indicators related to the yield components of japonica rice in coldregion varied with coldwater stress duration and can be used for the identification of cold resistance. According to the indexes under the coldwater stress for different japonica rice varieties in coldregion, Songjing 10 was the most susceptible, followed by Longdao 7 and Dongnong 428.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.22.020URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Responses of sorghum grain yield , quality and NPK utilization to inherent soil fertility, and their interaction were explored to provide theoretical basis for best nutrient management according to soil fertility. 【Method】Pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse. Soil was collected from three treatments of long-term fertilizer application experiment for 6 years, which were without fertilizer, NPK application and NPK application along with animal manure and straw returning to field, respectively. They were termed as low soil fertility (LSF), medium soil fertility (MSF) and high soil fertility (HSF), correspondingly. For each soil fertility, there were two treatments for pot experiment: without fertilizer (NF) and fertilizer application (CF). Plant and grain of sorghum were harvested after maturity. NPK accumulation in plant above ground and grain were calculated according to NPK concentration and biomass of each part of plant. The contents of starch, tannic and protein of grain were determined. 【Result】For LSF, MSF and HSF, a similar biomass and yield were gained if fertilizer was applied. They were significantly affected by inherent soil fertility if fertilizer was withdrawn. Soil fertility did not affect starch content of grain, which was 67.99%-69.33%, if fertilizer was not applied. However, HSF combined with fertilizer application resulted in 60.75% starch content in grain. For all treatments, the highest of tannin content was observed in grain of LSF without fertilizer. Fertilizer application significantly decreased tannin content of grain when sorghum was cultivated with LSF and HSF, only 70% of that was produced by LSF combined with NF. Protein content was promoted with the increase of inherent soil fertility, and was doubled by fertilizer application whatever soil fertility was. When fertilizer was applied, the contributions of soil fertility to yield were 90.25%, 51.75% and 8.5% for LSF, MSF and HSF, respectively. NPK accumulation of both grain and plant aboveground was regulated by inherent soil fertility. Fertilizer enhanced NPK absorption for all soil fertility treatments. For example, N accumulation in grain and plant, induced by fertilizer application, were 1.8 and 1.9 times of those when fertilizer was withdrawn under conditions of HSL. NPK harvest indices were enhanced by fertilizer application if soil fertility was either low or medium; whereas diminished NPK harvest indices were noticed with high soil fertility.【Conclusion】The potential sorghum grain yield can be gained for low soil fertility by means of fertilizer application. Without fertilizer, inherent soil fertility has a significant effect on grain yield. However its impacts on content of starch, tannin and protein can be neglected. Low soil fertility, combined withdrawn fertilizer, promotes starch and tannin accumulation in grain. Fertilizer application has relative more influence on grain protein content than soil fertility does. Fertilizer application diminishes nutrient harvest index and nutrient use efficiency if inherent soil fertility is high.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.22.020URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Responses of sorghum grain yield , quality and NPK utilization to inherent soil fertility, and their interaction were explored to provide theoretical basis for best nutrient management according to soil fertility. 【Method】Pot experiment was conducted in greenhouse. Soil was collected from three treatments of long-term fertilizer application experiment for 6 years, which were without fertilizer, NPK application and NPK application along with animal manure and straw returning to field, respectively. They were termed as low soil fertility (LSF), medium soil fertility (MSF) and high soil fertility (HSF), correspondingly. For each soil fertility, there were two treatments for pot experiment: without fertilizer (NF) and fertilizer application (CF). Plant and grain of sorghum were harvested after maturity. NPK accumulation in plant above ground and grain were calculated according to NPK concentration and biomass of each part of plant. The contents of starch, tannic and protein of grain were determined. 【Result】For LSF, MSF and HSF, a similar biomass and yield were gained if fertilizer was applied. They were significantly affected by inherent soil fertility if fertilizer was withdrawn. Soil fertility did not affect starch content of grain, which was 67.99%-69.33%, if fertilizer was not applied. However, HSF combined with fertilizer application resulted in 60.75% starch content in grain. For all treatments, the highest of tannin content was observed in grain of LSF without fertilizer. Fertilizer application significantly decreased tannin content of grain when sorghum was cultivated with LSF and HSF, only 70% of that was produced by LSF combined with NF. Protein content was promoted with the increase of inherent soil fertility, and was doubled by fertilizer application whatever soil fertility was. When fertilizer was applied, the contributions of soil fertility to yield were 90.25%, 51.75% and 8.5% for LSF, MSF and HSF, respectively. NPK accumulation of both grain and plant aboveground was regulated by inherent soil fertility. Fertilizer enhanced NPK absorption for all soil fertility treatments. For example, N accumulation in grain and plant, induced by fertilizer application, were 1.8 and 1.9 times of those when fertilizer was withdrawn under conditions of HSL. NPK harvest indices were enhanced by fertilizer application if soil fertility was either low or medium; whereas diminished NPK harvest indices were noticed with high soil fertility.【Conclusion】The potential sorghum grain yield can be gained for low soil fertility by means of fertilizer application. Without fertilizer, inherent soil fertility has a significant effect on grain yield. However its impacts on content of starch, tannin and protein can be neglected. Low soil fertility, combined withdrawn fertilizer, promotes starch and tannin accumulation in grain. Fertilizer application has relative more influence on grain protein content than soil fertility does. Fertilizer application diminishes nutrient harvest index and nutrient use efficiency if inherent soil fertility is high.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.01.005URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】A field experiment was conducted to clarify the regulatory effects of potassium application time on starch accumulation and its physiological mechanism, starch granule distribution of storage roots of sweetpotato variety Jixu 23. 【Method】Jixu 23 (cultivar for starch use) was planted at Tai’an experimental site in Shandong Province, with randomized block design in 2008-2009 growing season. There were four treatments in all, including the control (non-potassium fertilizer, T1), potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2), as top cover fertilizer (T3) and as top-growth peak fertilizer (T4). Samples were obtained by using periodic sampling during storage roots development. The content of starch, amylose and amylopectin of storage root were determined at different growth stages. Meanwhile the medium diameter of starch grain was determined and the volume fraction of different diameters starch granules (>19.76 μm, 3.359-19.76 μm and <3.359 μm) was calculated. The activities of enzymes (SS, ADPGPPase, UDPGPPase, GBSS and SSS) related to starch synthesis were also studied. The effects of potassium application time on starch and its components, starch granule distribution and activities of enzymes related to starch synthesis in storage roots at different growth stages were analyzed.【Result】Compared with the control (T1), dry matter accumulation and starch yield of storage roots in treatments with potassium applied increased, and the increase of starch yield of T2, T3 and T4 treatments was 24.90%, 16.57%, and 9.24%, respectively. And the increase decreased when the application time delayed. The amylose content of storage root in treatments of topdressing (T3, T4) increased while amylopectin content was decreased significantly. The volume fraction of large starch granules in treatment with potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2) was larger, and the volume fraction of medium and small starch granules in treatment with potassium applied as top-growth peak fertilizer (T4) was larger than that in the other treatments. Potassium application increased the activities of SS, ADPGPPase and UDPGPPase, and enhanced the supply capability of precursors for the synthesis of starch. And the longest action time of potassium on SS and ADPGPPase activities was 130 days, and potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2) worked effectively mainly at early and middle stages of storage roots development, while treatments of topdressing (T3, T4) worked effectively mainly at middle and late stages of storage roots development. For UDPGPPase activity, the earlier the potassium applied, the longer action time was got. Potassium applied as topdressing (T3, T4) increased SSS activity but reduced GBSS activity of storage roots during the later expanding period. There was a significant positive correlation between total starch content and SS and ADPGPPase activities, and the significant positive correlation was also found between amylose content and GBSS and SS activities. And amylopectin content had a significant positive correlation with ADPGPPase and SSS activities.【Conclusion】Potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2) and top cover fertilizer (T3) increased dry matter accumulation and starch yield of storage root significantly. Potassium applied as topdressing increased amylopectin content but decreased amylase content significantly. Treatments with potassium applied as basal fertilizer got a higher volume fraction of large starch granules, while treatments with potassium applied as top-growth peak fertilizer got a higher volume fraction of medium and small starch granules. The significant effects of potassium application time on amylase content, amylopectin content and starch yield were closely related with the changes of SS, ADPGPPase, UDPGPPase, GBSS and SSS activities.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.01.005URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】A field experiment was conducted to clarify the regulatory effects of potassium application time on starch accumulation and its physiological mechanism, starch granule distribution of storage roots of sweetpotato variety Jixu 23. 【Method】Jixu 23 (cultivar for starch use) was planted at Tai’an experimental site in Shandong Province, with randomized block design in 2008-2009 growing season. There were four treatments in all, including the control (non-potassium fertilizer, T1), potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2), as top cover fertilizer (T3) and as top-growth peak fertilizer (T4). Samples were obtained by using periodic sampling during storage roots development. The content of starch, amylose and amylopectin of storage root were determined at different growth stages. Meanwhile the medium diameter of starch grain was determined and the volume fraction of different diameters starch granules (>19.76 μm, 3.359-19.76 μm and <3.359 μm) was calculated. The activities of enzymes (SS, ADPGPPase, UDPGPPase, GBSS and SSS) related to starch synthesis were also studied. The effects of potassium application time on starch and its components, starch granule distribution and activities of enzymes related to starch synthesis in storage roots at different growth stages were analyzed.【Result】Compared with the control (T1), dry matter accumulation and starch yield of storage roots in treatments with potassium applied increased, and the increase of starch yield of T2, T3 and T4 treatments was 24.90%, 16.57%, and 9.24%, respectively. And the increase decreased when the application time delayed. The amylose content of storage root in treatments of topdressing (T3, T4) increased while amylopectin content was decreased significantly. The volume fraction of large starch granules in treatment with potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2) was larger, and the volume fraction of medium and small starch granules in treatment with potassium applied as top-growth peak fertilizer (T4) was larger than that in the other treatments. Potassium application increased the activities of SS, ADPGPPase and UDPGPPase, and enhanced the supply capability of precursors for the synthesis of starch. And the longest action time of potassium on SS and ADPGPPase activities was 130 days, and potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2) worked effectively mainly at early and middle stages of storage roots development, while treatments of topdressing (T3, T4) worked effectively mainly at middle and late stages of storage roots development. For UDPGPPase activity, the earlier the potassium applied, the longer action time was got. Potassium applied as topdressing (T3, T4) increased SSS activity but reduced GBSS activity of storage roots during the later expanding period. There was a significant positive correlation between total starch content and SS and ADPGPPase activities, and the significant positive correlation was also found between amylose content and GBSS and SS activities. And amylopectin content had a significant positive correlation with ADPGPPase and SSS activities.【Conclusion】Potassium applied as basal fertilizer (T2) and top cover fertilizer (T3) increased dry matter accumulation and starch yield of storage root significantly. Potassium applied as topdressing increased amylopectin content but decreased amylase content significantly. Treatments with potassium applied as basal fertilizer got a higher volume fraction of large starch granules, while treatments with potassium applied as top-growth peak fertilizer got a higher volume fraction of medium and small starch granules. The significant effects of potassium application time on amylase content, amylopectin content and starch yield were closely related with the changes of SS, ADPGPPase, UDPGPPase, GBSS and SSS activities.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.03.010URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is a typical K-preferred starchy root crop. Potassium (K) deficiency (namely low potassium), an important abiotic stress in plants,has become a major limiting element for obtaining crop high yield and good quality. However, in China, K deficiency in soils exists commonly in sweetpotato-growing areas. Sweetpotato starch utilization is closely related with its physico-chemical properties. The influence of low potassium on starch physic-chemical properties was investigated in an experiment conducted by using three sweetpotato cultivars with different potassium utilization efficiencies (KUE) in response to low potassium(K) field condition, aiming at providing reference for improving sweetpotato root properties and potassium utilization efficiency. 【Method】Three sweetpotato cultivars with different potassium utilization efficiencies (KUE) were chosen and cultivated under different potassium field condition, including two treatments (low potassium treatment, LK, and normal potassium treatment, CK).【Result】The results showed that under low K condition, the main components (amylose, amylopectin, nitrogen, total phosphorus and total lipid) in sweetpotato storage root starch changed to a certain extent. There were some differences among the three cultivars in the main components. Three distribution peaks in ≤2.50 μm, 2.50-5.00 μm and 5.00-30.00 μm were observed in starch granule size obviously. The slight decrease was observed in the whole average granule size under low K, which of Xushu32 had the least decrease in volume distribution. However, there was a significant difference in decrease of average granule size of Ningzishu1. The percentage, average granule size and peak value of different granule sizes in three distributions had some differences among three cultivars. Starch T0 (gelatinization temperature), Tp (peak temperature) and ΔH (heat enthalpy) were basicially lower than that in CK treatment, and Ningzishu1 had significant differences in the three characteristic values. Peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity in three genotypes had an obvious decrease. Hot paste viscosity, cool paste viscosity in Xushu18 and Ningzishu1 significantly increased, but Xushu32 was on the contrary. Moisture absorption degree of starches in three genotypes was reduced differently. There was a significant difference in the decline of moisture absorption in Xushu18 and Ningzishu1. In addition, swelling power of starch increased differently in three storage root starchs. There was a significant difference in a rise of swelling power of starch in Ningzishu1. Xushu32 had high starch swelling power, but low K had a little effect on it. Correlation analysis showed that the main physico-chemical indicators of sweetpotato starch are closely related. The low K changes starch compositions and particle sizes in sweetpotato root, which led to different degrees of influence on starch gelatinization properties and thermal properties.【Conclusion】The results of the study findings indicated that potassium is a key plant element influencing sweetpotato starch physico-chemical properties. Some obvious effects on physico-chemical properties and main components exist in storage root starch under low K stress. The responses of sweetpotato genotypes differing in potassium utilization efficiency to low K stress are different.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.03.010URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is a typical K-preferred starchy root crop. Potassium (K) deficiency (namely low potassium), an important abiotic stress in plants,has become a major limiting element for obtaining crop high yield and good quality. However, in China, K deficiency in soils exists commonly in sweetpotato-growing areas. Sweetpotato starch utilization is closely related with its physico-chemical properties. The influence of low potassium on starch physic-chemical properties was investigated in an experiment conducted by using three sweetpotato cultivars with different potassium utilization efficiencies (KUE) in response to low potassium(K) field condition, aiming at providing reference for improving sweetpotato root properties and potassium utilization efficiency. 【Method】Three sweetpotato cultivars with different potassium utilization efficiencies (KUE) were chosen and cultivated under different potassium field condition, including two treatments (low potassium treatment, LK, and normal potassium treatment, CK).【Result】The results showed that under low K condition, the main components (amylose, amylopectin, nitrogen, total phosphorus and total lipid) in sweetpotato storage root starch changed to a certain extent. There were some differences among the three cultivars in the main components. Three distribution peaks in ≤2.50 μm, 2.50-5.00 μm and 5.00-30.00 μm were observed in starch granule size obviously. The slight decrease was observed in the whole average granule size under low K, which of Xushu32 had the least decrease in volume distribution. However, there was a significant difference in decrease of average granule size of Ningzishu1. The percentage, average granule size and peak value of different granule sizes in three distributions had some differences among three cultivars. Starch T0 (gelatinization temperature), Tp (peak temperature) and ΔH (heat enthalpy) were basicially lower than that in CK treatment, and Ningzishu1 had significant differences in the three characteristic values. Peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity in three genotypes had an obvious decrease. Hot paste viscosity, cool paste viscosity in Xushu18 and Ningzishu1 significantly increased, but Xushu32 was on the contrary. Moisture absorption degree of starches in three genotypes was reduced differently. There was a significant difference in the decline of moisture absorption in Xushu18 and Ningzishu1. In addition, swelling power of starch increased differently in three storage root starchs. There was a significant difference in a rise of swelling power of starch in Ningzishu1. Xushu32 had high starch swelling power, but low K had a little effect on it. Correlation analysis showed that the main physico-chemical indicators of sweetpotato starch are closely related. The low K changes starch compositions and particle sizes in sweetpotato root, which led to different degrees of influence on starch gelatinization properties and thermal properties.【Conclusion】The results of the study findings indicated that potassium is a key plant element influencing sweetpotato starch physico-chemical properties. Some obvious effects on physico-chemical properties and main components exist in storage root starch under low K stress. The responses of sweetpotato genotypes differing in potassium utilization efficiency to low K stress are different.
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.22.006URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 The aim of this research is to study the endosperm development and morphological features of starch in waxy wheat Shannuo 1 and non-waxy wheat Xinong 1330, which will provide a theoretical basis for quality improvement of wheat breeding. 【Method】 Two wheat cultivars, Shannuo 1 (waxy wheat) and Xinong 1330 (non-waxy wheat) were used as materials in this paper. The development of endosperm cells were observed by optical microscope. In order to preserve the endosperm structure, the developing grains (5, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21, 25 and 28 d after fertilization) were immersed in glutaraldehyde and osmic acid after transected by freezing in liquid nitrogen. Before embedded with Epon812, samples were washed with phosphate buffer and dehydrated individually in a graded acetone solution. The semi-thin slices were obtained by Leica ULTRACUT slicer. Images were taken by optical microscope after stained by 1% toluidine. The cross sections of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330 grains and starch samples which isolated from the two wheat varieties were placed on an aluminum specimen holder, and sputter-coated with a thin ?lm of gold under vacuum condition. Samples were observed with a JEOL scanning electron microscope (JSM-6360LV, JEOL, Japan). Particle size distribution of the starch samples was measured by MASTERSIZER-2000 laser particle analyzer (Malvern UK company). All measurements were performed in triplicates. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using LSD’s test to compare treatment variations at a signi?cance level of P<0.05 with DPS software. The data figures were performed by Sigmaplot 12.0 software. 【Result】 The results indicated that the endosperm cells of waxy wheat Shannuo 1 were smaller and developed slower than those of non-waxy wheat Xinong 1330 during grain development. In the early period of the endosperm development, the starch granules of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330 could be stained well by toluidine. However, in the late period of the grain development, the starch granules of Shannuo 1 could also be stained well, but Xinong 1330 can not. Compared with Xinong 1330, the endosperm of Shannuo 1 contained less protein matrix and the combination between protein and starch granules was much looser. The shape of B type starch granules of Shannuo 1 was irregular polygon, while that of Xinong 1330 was spherical. There was no significant difference in the shape of A type starch granules between Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330. The size distribution of starch granules varied between waxy and non-waxy wheat. Volume distribution of Shannuo 1 starch granules showed a typical four-peak distribution, while that of Xinong 1330 showed a bimodal distribution. Granule surface area distribution of both cultivars indicated a typical three-peak distribution. The number distribution of granules in waxy and non-waxy starch was a typical unimodal distribution.The percentage of starch granules of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330 was nearly identical. In contrast, the percentage of the volume and the surface area of Shannuo 1 differed significantly from those of Xinong 1330. For A (>10 μm) type starch granules, the percentage of the volume and the surface area of Shannuo 1 were both lower than those of Xinong 1330. While for B (<10 μm) type starch granules, those of Shannuo 1 were higher than those of Xinong 1330. The volume, surface area and number of SB (<1 μm) type starch granules of Shannuo 1 were lower than those of Xinong 1330 by 1.11%, 11.60% and 9.28%, respectively, whereas the LB (1-10 μm) type starch granules of Shannuo 1 were higher than those of Xinong 1330 by 8.27%, 15.88% and 9.27%, respectively. A minority LA (>53 μm) type starch granules was found in Shannuo 1, but not in Xinong 1330. 【Conclusion】 In conclusion, the development of endosperm and the morphological features of starch granules of waxy wheat Shannuo 1 were significantly different from those of non-waxy wheat Xinong 1330 during grain development. The starch granules of LB type had considerable effects on the B type starch granules size distribution of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.22.006URL [本文引用: 1]

【Objective】 The aim of this research is to study the endosperm development and morphological features of starch in waxy wheat Shannuo 1 and non-waxy wheat Xinong 1330, which will provide a theoretical basis for quality improvement of wheat breeding. 【Method】 Two wheat cultivars, Shannuo 1 (waxy wheat) and Xinong 1330 (non-waxy wheat) were used as materials in this paper. The development of endosperm cells were observed by optical microscope. In order to preserve the endosperm structure, the developing grains (5, 8, 12, 15, 18, 21, 25 and 28 d after fertilization) were immersed in glutaraldehyde and osmic acid after transected by freezing in liquid nitrogen. Before embedded with Epon812, samples were washed with phosphate buffer and dehydrated individually in a graded acetone solution. The semi-thin slices were obtained by Leica ULTRACUT slicer. Images were taken by optical microscope after stained by 1% toluidine. The cross sections of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330 grains and starch samples which isolated from the two wheat varieties were placed on an aluminum specimen holder, and sputter-coated with a thin ?lm of gold under vacuum condition. Samples were observed with a JEOL scanning electron microscope (JSM-6360LV, JEOL, Japan). Particle size distribution of the starch samples was measured by MASTERSIZER-2000 laser particle analyzer (Malvern UK company). All measurements were performed in triplicates. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using LSD’s test to compare treatment variations at a signi?cance level of P<0.05 with DPS software. The data figures were performed by Sigmaplot 12.0 software. 【Result】 The results indicated that the endosperm cells of waxy wheat Shannuo 1 were smaller and developed slower than those of non-waxy wheat Xinong 1330 during grain development. In the early period of the endosperm development, the starch granules of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330 could be stained well by toluidine. However, in the late period of the grain development, the starch granules of Shannuo 1 could also be stained well, but Xinong 1330 can not. Compared with Xinong 1330, the endosperm of Shannuo 1 contained less protein matrix and the combination between protein and starch granules was much looser. The shape of B type starch granules of Shannuo 1 was irregular polygon, while that of Xinong 1330 was spherical. There was no significant difference in the shape of A type starch granules between Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330. The size distribution of starch granules varied between waxy and non-waxy wheat. Volume distribution of Shannuo 1 starch granules showed a typical four-peak distribution, while that of Xinong 1330 showed a bimodal distribution. Granule surface area distribution of both cultivars indicated a typical three-peak distribution. The number distribution of granules in waxy and non-waxy starch was a typical unimodal distribution.The percentage of starch granules of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330 was nearly identical. In contrast, the percentage of the volume and the surface area of Shannuo 1 differed significantly from those of Xinong 1330. For A (>10 μm) type starch granules, the percentage of the volume and the surface area of Shannuo 1 were both lower than those of Xinong 1330. While for B (<10 μm) type starch granules, those of Shannuo 1 were higher than those of Xinong 1330. The volume, surface area and number of SB (<1 μm) type starch granules of Shannuo 1 were lower than those of Xinong 1330 by 1.11%, 11.60% and 9.28%, respectively, whereas the LB (1-10 μm) type starch granules of Shannuo 1 were higher than those of Xinong 1330 by 8.27%, 15.88% and 9.27%, respectively. A minority LA (>53 μm) type starch granules was found in Shannuo 1, but not in Xinong 1330. 【Conclusion】 In conclusion, the development of endosperm and the morphological features of starch granules of waxy wheat Shannuo 1 were significantly different from those of non-waxy wheat Xinong 1330 during grain development. The starch granules of LB type had considerable effects on the B type starch granules size distribution of Shannuo 1 and Xinong 1330.
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