Effects of Different Agronomy Factors on Yield Gap and Nitrogen Efficiency Gap of Spring Maize Under Rain-Fed Conditions
CAO YuJun![](https://www.chinaagrisci.com/richhtml/0578-1752/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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曹玉军, 姚凡云, 王丹, 吕艳杰, 刘小丹, 王立春, 王永军, 李从锋. 不同栽培技术因子对雨养春玉米产量与氮素效率差异的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(15): 3036-3047 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.15.005
CAO YuJun, YAO FanYun, WANG Dan, Lü YanJie, LIU XiaoDan, WANG LiChun, WANG YongJun, LI CongFeng.
0 引言
【研究意义】玉米是我国第一大粮食作物,在保障国家粮食安全中占有重要地位。随着人口持续增加和人民生活水平不断提高,粮食需求量日趋增大。据预测,2050年全球谷物需增加约56%才能满足基本粮食需求,其中对玉米的需求占到45%[1]。由于耕地资源限制及种植业结构调整,玉米种植面积大幅度增加的可能性不大,未来玉米总产进一步增加将主要依靠单产水平提高。然而,由于生产管理技术措施的不同,同一区域内农户实际产量与田间试验边际产量及高产纪录产量间存在较大差距。MENG等[2]对中国玉米产量差的研究表明,农户产量与田间试验产量差达4.5 t·hm-2,为试验产量的64%。基于试验产量和高产纪录产量,内蒙古自治区农户玉米实际产量分别实现了66%和51%[3]。近10年,山东省玉米高产田块产量多地已突破20 t·hm-2,但目前山东省平均产量只有6.4 t·hm-2,不到纪录产量的1/3[4,5]。吉林省作为全国玉米单产较高的省份,单产达7.8 t·hm-2,而与吉林省高产纪录相比仍有10.4 t·hm-2的产量差距[6]。与此同时,为保持粮食生产的快速增长,中国近年来氮肥用量达3 100×104 t,占全球消费量的29%,位居世界第一[7],但实际农业生产中由于氮肥的过量不合理施用致使我国玉米氮肥利用率不足35%,远低于美国50%—60%的水平,而生育前期的氮肥利用率仅为10%左右,通过氨挥发、反硝化和淋洗损失的氮肥超过270 kg·hm-2,造成了严重的大气和水污染以及土壤酸化[8,9,10]。大量田间试验表明,在不损失水稻、小麦和玉米产量的情况下,氮肥用量可减少30%—60%[11]。因此,明确玉米产量提升的主要限制因素和技术因子优先顺序对提高作物产量,缩小产量和养分效率差距具有重要意义[12]。【前人研究进展】近年来,许多****通过不同方法对作物产量差距开展了较多研究。如刘保花等[12]通过对近年发表的文献总结得出,当前全世界小麦、水稻、玉米的平均产量潜力分别为6.7、8.1、11.2 t·hm-2,农户产量分别实现了产量潜力的60%、60%、53%。李雅剑等[3]采用密度联网试验和模型模拟相结合的方法得到内蒙古农户玉米产量与模型模拟、高产纪录和试验产量的差距分别为7.5、7.0和3.8 t·hm-2。CHEN等[13]基于多年农户调研和田间试验,发现农户平均产量与可实现最高产量的差距为3.7 t·hm-2,农户氮肥偏生产力平均为49.1 kg·kg-1,与可实现氮肥偏生产力的差距高达47.0 kg·kg-1。而王洪章等[14]则通过生产调研和高产攻关,定量分析了山东夏玉米超高产、高产高效和农户3个产量层次的综合管理模式之间的产量肥料利用效率差距特征。【本研究切入点】玉米生产是一个综合管理的系统过程,受气候、社会、栽培管理措施、遗传潜力等多因素影响。前人采用开放式问卷和参与式评估等方法,将栽培管理措施及技术到位率列为当前东北春玉米产区产量提升的第一制约因素[15,16,17]。但限制东北春玉米产量和效率提升的主要栽培技术因子有哪些?主要栽培技术因子对产量、养分效率的贡献率及优先序目前尚不明确。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究通过生产调研、问卷调查和春玉米高产攻关经验总结分析,确定了种植密度、耕作措施、氮素管理和品种选择为4个最主要的技术要素,为进一步明确上述因子对东北春玉米产量和氮素效率提升的技术贡献,在农户(FP)、高产高效(HH)和超高产(SH)3种不同产量水平的综合管理模式之间,分析了种植密度、耕作措施、氮肥管理和品种对产量和氮素效率差形成的技术因子贡献率,并明确了对应管理模式的技术因子优先顺序,以期为东北春玉米生产过程中缩差增效技术的优化提供理论依据。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
试验于2017—2018年,在吉林省农安县吉林省农业科学院哈拉海综合试验站(44°05′N,124°51′E)进行,试验区位于吉林省中部的半湿润区,属温带大陆性季风气候,雨热同期,玉米生长季平均降雨量480 mm左右,为典型雨养农业区。土壤类型为黑土,0—20 cm耕层土壤有机质27.4 g·kg-1,全氮1.7 g·kg-1,速效磷26.8 mg·kg-1,速效钾201.4 mg·kg-1。生育期气象数据(平均温度、辐射量、降雨量)如图1所示。图1
Fig. 1Meteorological conditions in 2017 and 2018 growing season
1.2 试验设计
通过调研农户、高产高效和超高产纪录田块的技术模式,明确限制玉米产量、效率提升的主要技术因子(包括种植密度、耕作措施、氮素管理、品种),设置了超高产(SH)、高产高效(HH)和农户(FP)3个不同产量水平的技术模式,不同技术模式具体措施详见表1。针对不同技术模式中的技术因子设计裂区试验,其中以耕作方式为主区、品种为副区,氮肥管理为副副区、密度为副副副区。2种耕作方式:(1)播前进行浅旋灭茬处理,浅旋深度15 cm,(2)采用夏季深松,秋季收获后深翻+有机肥15 000 kg·hm-2,深松深度30 cm;2个供试品种:先玉335(对照品种)和翔玉998(生产主推品种);3个氮肥处理:(1)总施氮量为270 kg·hm-2,采用播前一次性施肥,(2)总施氮量为225 kg·hm-2,分别于播前、拔节期、大喇叭口期、吐丝期按2:3:3:2比例施入,(3)总施氮量为360 kg·hm-2,分别于播前、拔节期、大喇叭口期、按4:3:3比例施入;3个种植密度:6.0×104、7.5×104、9.0×104株/hm2。Table 1
Table 1
技术模式 Technique mode | 种植密度 Planting density (×104 plants/hm2) | 耕作方式 Tillage method | 肥料 Fertilizer | 总用量 Total amount (kg·hm-2) | 肥料施用时期和施用比例 Fertilizer application period and application ratio | |||
播前 Before sowing | 拔节 Jointing stage | 大喇叭口期 Bell stage | 吐丝期 Silking stage | |||||
FP | 6.0 | 浅旋15 cm Shallow rotary (15 cm) | 氮肥N | 270 | 100% | – | – | – |
磷肥P2O5 | 120 | 100% | – | – | – | |||
钾肥K2O | 120 | 100% | – | – | – | |||
HH | 7.5 | 深松/深翻 Deep tillage | 氮肥N | 225 | 20% | 30% | 30% | 30% |
磷肥P2O5 | 120 | 100% | – | – | – | |||
钾肥K2O | 120 | 100% | – | – | – | |||
有机肥 Organic fertilizer | 15000 | 100% | – | – | – | |||
SH | 9.0 | 深松/深翻 Deep tillage | 氮肥N | 360 | 40% | 30% | – | 30% |
磷肥P2O5 | 120 | 100% | – | – | – | |||
钾肥K2O | 120 | 100% | – | – | – | |||
有机肥 Organic fertilizer | 15000 | 100% | – | – | – |
(1)农户模式(FP),+土壤耕作表示耕作方式为夏季深松,秋季收获后深翻;+氮肥管理表示总施氮量为225 kg·hm-2,分别于播前、拔节期、大喇叭口期、吐丝期按2:3:3:2比例施入,+密度表示种植密度为7.5×104株/hm2,+品种代表品种为翔玉998。
(2)高产高效模式(HH),-土壤耕作表示耕作方式为灭茬浅旋,-氮肥管理表示总施氮量为270 kg·hm-2,采用“一炮轰”施肥方式,-密度表示种植密度为6.0×104株/hm2,++密度表示种植密度为9.0×104株/hm2,+品种代表供试品种为翔玉998。
(3)超高产模式(SH),-土壤耕作表示耕作方式为灭茬浅旋,-氮肥管理表示总施氮量为270 kg·hm-2,采用“一炮轰”施肥方式,+氮肥管理表示总施氮量为225 kg·hm-2,分别于播前、拔节期、大喇叭口期、吐丝期按2:3:3:2比例施入,-密度表示种植密度为7.5×104株/hm2,+品种代表供试品种为翔玉998。
磷肥(P2O5)与钾肥(K2O)不同产量水平均施120 kg·hm-2,作底肥一次施入。小区为6行区,8 m行长,行距65 cm,小区面积31.2 m2,重复2次。其他管理措施按正常田间管理进行,及时防治病虫害。
1.3 测定项目
1.3.1 产量及产量构成因素 在生理成熟期,每个小区选取中间2行进行人工收获,统计有效穗数,用均值法选取10穗,自然风干后进行考种,测定穗粒重、穗粒数、百粒重及含水量,籽粒产量按含水量14%进行折算。1.3.2 相关指标计算公式
1.4 数据处理与统计分析
采用Microsoft Excel 2016进行数据处理,运用SPSS 17.0软件进行数据统计分析,使用最小差异(LSD)法检验差异显著性,并将显著性水平设定为0.05;利用SigmaPlot 14.0软件作图。2 结果
2.1 不同技术模式及增(减)栽培因子对玉米产量的影响
Fig. 2Effect of different technical models and their increasing and decreasing measures on maize yield
A, B, C represented the yield of FP, HH, SH technical mode and the yield of increasing and decreasing technical factor in 2017, respectively; D, E, F represented the yield of FP, HH, SH technical mode and the yield of increasing and technical measure factor in 2018, respectively
2.2 增(减)技术因子形成的产量差及对产量的贡献率
农户模式中(FP),优化各技术因子2年的试验结果均表现为较FP模式增产,其中优化氮素管理2017和2018年分别增产1 050.5、960.0 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为10.3%和9.5%,增产效果均达显著水平,优化种植密度(密度提高至7.5×104株/hm2)产量分别增加770.8、449.0 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为7.6%、4.4%;优化耕作措施(深松、深翻)2年分别较对照模式增产361.9和523.6 kg·hm-2,对产量贡献率分别为3.5%和5.2%;而优化品种(新品种翔玉998)增产效果差异不大,2年平均增产212.5 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率平均仅为2.5%。高产高效模式中(HH),未经优化土壤耕作、氮素管理、种植密度等技术措施均表现为减产,其中降低种植密度(密度降至6.0×104株/hm2)减产幅度最大,2年分别减产1 209.3和1 279.0 kg·hm-2,相应的产量贡献率分别达9.6%和10.8%;未经优化耕作措施(浅旋灭茬)2年分别减产594.0、678.1 kg·hm-2,相应的产量贡献率分别为4.7%和5.7%;未经优化氮素管理(采用“一炮轰”施肥方式)2年分别减产556.2和513.8 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为4.4%和4.3%;而在高产高效模式中密度增加至9.0×104株/hm2时,产量则分别增加760.6、483.8 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为6.0%、4.1%。可见,在HH模式中继续增密的技术效应低于减密技术效应,将HH模式中密度增(减)后形成的产量差绝对值平均,由密度形成的产量差为933.2 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率为7.7%;优化品种(采用高产新品种)同样表现为增产,2年分别增产434.5和649.8 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为3.5%和5.1%。在超高产模式中(SH),采用未经优化技术因子同样表现为减产,其中常规耕作措施(浅旋灭茬)2017年减产498.5 kg·hm-2,而2018年产量降低 1 182.7 kg·hm-2,减产幅度显著高于2017年,相应的产量贡献率2年分别为3.6%、9.3%;未经优化氮素管理2年分别减产1 114.1、833.1 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为8.0%和6.6%;而降低种植密度(密度降至7.5×104株/hm2)2年产量分别降低1 507.0和808.3 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为10.9%和6.9%;而优化品种同样表现为增产,2年分别增产557.4和799.2 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率分别为4.0%和6.2%(表2)。由上述可知,不同技术模式中不同技术因子对产量的贡献率不同,而同一技术因子在不同年份间也存在差异。Table 2
Table 2
技术模式 Technical mode | 技术因子 Technique factor | 2017 | 2018 | 平均Average | ||||
产量差 Yield gap (kg·hm-2) | 贡献率Contribution rate (%) | 产量差 Yield gap (kg·hm-2) | 贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | 产量差 Yield gap (kg·hm-2) | 贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | |||
FP | 与FP比较 Compared with the FP | |||||||
+土壤耕作 +Tillage | 361.9 | 3.5 | 523.6 | 5.1 | 442.8 | 4.4 | ||
+氮肥管理 +N management | 1050.5 | 10.3 | 960 | 9.5 | 1005.3 | 9.9 | ||
+密度 +Density | 770.8 | 7.6 | 440.9 | 4.4 | 609.9 | 6.0 | ||
+品种 +Variety | 294.6 | 2.9 | 205.7 | 2.1 | 250.2 | 2.5 | ||
HH | 与HH比较 Compared with the FP | |||||||
-土壤耕作 -Tillage | -594.0 | -4.7 | -678.1 | -5.7 | -571.1 | -5.2 | ||
-氮肥管理 -N management | -556.2 | -4.4 | -513.8 | -4.3 | -510.0 | -4.4 | ||
-密度 -Density | -1209.3 | -9.6 | -1279.1 | -10.8 | -1244.2 | -10.2 | ||
++密度 ++Density | 760.6 | 6.0 | 483.8 | 4.1 | 622.2 | 5.1 | ||
+品种 +Variety | 434.5 | 3.5 | 599.8 | 5.1 | 542.2 | 4.3 | ||
SH | 与SH比较 Compared with the SH | |||||||
-土壤耕作 -Tillage | -498.5 | -3.6 | -1182.7 | -9.1 | -840.6 | -6.5 | ||
-氮肥管理 -N management | -1114.1 | -8.0 | -833.1 | -6.4 | -973.6 | -7.3 | ||
-密度 -Density | -1507.0 | -10.9 | -908.3 | -6.9 | -1207.7 | -8.9 | ||
+品种 +Variety | 557.4 | 4.0 | 799.2 | 6.2 | 678.3 | 5.1 |
2.3 不同技术模式及增(减)技术因子对玉米氮素偏生产力(PFPN)的影响
Fig. 3Effect of different technical models and their increasing and decreasing technical factor on PFPN
A, B, C represented the PFPN of FP, HH, SH technical mode and the PFPN of increasing and decreasing measure factor in 2017, respectively; D, E, F represented the PFPN of FP, HH, SH technical mode and the PFPN of increasing and decreasing measure factor in 2018, respectively
2.4 增(减)技术因子形成的氮素效率差及对氮效率的贡献率
表3所示,在FP模式基础上优化各技术因子,PFPN均有不同程度增加,其中优化氮素管理PFPN最大,2年平均达49.6 kg·kg-1,与FP模式的效率差为12.0 kg·kg-1,对PFPN贡献率达30.5%;优化种植密度PFPN差距2年分别为1.7和2.9 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献分别为3.3%和5.8%;优化耕作措施2年与对照模式的效率差分别为1.3和1.9 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献分别为3.5%和5.2%;而优化品种增效差异不大,2年平均增效0.9 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率平均仅为2.5%。在HH模式中,采用常规耕作措施PFPN 2年分别降低2.6和3.0 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献分别为4.7%和5.7%;未经优化氮素管理PFPN 则大幅降低,2年分别降低了10.66和10.69 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率分别达19.0%和20.3%;在HH模式中降低种植密度,PFPN 2年分别降低5.4和5.7 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率分别为9.6%和10.2%,而提高种植密度,PFPN则分别提高了3.6、2.2 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率分别为6.0%、4.1%。将HH模式中密度增(减)后形成的PFPN差绝对值平均,由密度形成的PFPN差为4.2 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率为7.7%;优化品种PFPN提高,2年分别提高1.9和2.9 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率分别为3.5%和5.5%。在SH模式基础上采用常规耕作措施,PFPN降低,与对照模式相比2年分别降低1.4和3.3 kg·kg-1,相应PFPN贡献率为3.6%和9.1%;而未经优化氮素管理PFPN则较对照模式提高,2年分别提高了8.7和8.9 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率达23.5%和27.3%;在SH模式基础上降低种植密度(7.5×104株/hm2),PFPN 2年分别降低4.2和2.5 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献分别为10.9%和6.9%;优化品种PFPN同样提高,2年分别提高1.5和2.2 kg·kg-1,对PFPN的贡献率分别为4.0%和6.2%。由上述分析可知,同产量结果相似,不同技术模式中不同技术因子对PFPN的贡献率不同,而同一技术因子对PFPN的影响在不同年份间也存在着差异。Table 3
Table 3
技术模式 Technical mode | 技术因子 Measure factor | 2017 | 2018 | 平均 Average | |||
效率差 Efficiency gap (kg·kg-1) | 贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | 效率差 Efficiency gap (kg·kg-1) | 贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | 效率差 Efficiency gap (kg·kg-1) | 贡献率 Contribution rate (%) | ||
FP | 与FP比较 Compared with the FP | ||||||
+土壤耕作 +Tillage | 1.3 | 3.5 | 1.9 | 5.1 | 1.64 | 4.4 | |
+氮肥管理 +N management | 12.2 | 31.2 | 11.8 | 29.8 | 12.0 | 30.5 | |
+密度 +Density | 2.8 | 7.6 | 1.6 | 4.5 | 2.2 | 6.0 | |
+品种 +Variety | 1.1 | 2.9 | 0.8 | 2.1 | 0.9 | 2.5 | |
HH | 与HH比较 Compared with the HH | ||||||
-土壤耕作 -Tillage | -2.6 | -4.7 | -3.0 | -5.7 | -2.8 | -5.2 | |
-氮肥管理 -N management | -10.7 | -19.0 | -10.7 | -20.3 | -10.7 | -19.7 | |
-密度 -Density | -5.4 | -9.6 | -5.7 | -10.8 | -5.5 | -10.2 | |
++密度 ++Density | 3.6 | 6.0 | 2.2 | 4.1 | 2.9 | 5.2 | |
+品种 +Variety | 1.9 | 3.5 | 2.8 | 5.1 | 2.4 | 4.3 | |
SH | 与SH比较 Compared with the SH | ||||||
-土壤耕作 -Tillage | -1.4 | -3.6 | -3.3 | -9.1 | -2.3 | -6.4 | |
-氮肥管理 -N management | 8.7 | 23.5 | 8.9 | 27.3 | 8.8 | 25.4 | |
-密度 -Density | -4.2 | -10.9 | -2.5 | -6.9 | -3.4 | -8.9 | |
+品种 +Variety | 1.5 | 4.0 | 2.2 | 6.2 | 1.9 | 5.1 |
2.5 栽培技术因子对玉米产量及效率贡献的优先序
Fig. 4Priority of contribution of measure factors to maize yield and efficiency
3 讨论
综合农艺管理措施被定义为一个综合管理框架,包括种植密度、养分管理、耕作方式、播种日期等[11,18],通过这些技术因子间的优化整合,交互作用使作物产量和氮素效率得到了极大提高[19]。然而,同一技术因子在不同管理模式下的技术效果不同,原因是制约产量水平逐级提高的主要矛盾会发生转变。所以,明确不同管理模式下技术因子对缩小产量差距的贡献率及优先序,为采取更具针对性措施,进一步优化技术模式提供了科学依据,对实现缩差增效具有重要意义。种植密度是影响玉米产量的重要因素。密植群体通过冠层叶片截获太阳辐射,而后通过光合作用影响玉米的生长发育、光合物质生产和分配,并最终决定群体产量的高低[20,21]。提高种植密度,获得足够的收获穗数,是实现玉米高产的关键措施[22],而增密增产的同时显著提高了肥料效率[23,24],在不调整农户现有体系其他技术因子情况下增加种植密度会导致产量显著下降[25]。本研究结果表明,在FP模式中增加种植密度,玉米产量显著增加,2年平均比对照模式增产770.8 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率为6.0%,与此同时PFPN提高2.3 kg·kg-1,效率贡献率与产量一致。而将HH模式中的密度降至FP模式水平、SH模式中的密度降至HH模式水平,产量均大幅度下降,对产量的贡献率分别为10.2%和8.9%,效率贡献率同产量一致。可见,在FP模式中密度对产量的影响要低于在HH和SH模式中的影响,说明在一般管理水平下增密的增产效应受其他因子如养分供应、土壤质量等因素限制[26]。
我国目前大多数农户常常过量施用氮肥且施肥时期不合理[27,28]。本研究前期调研发现,为了节省劳动力,近50%的农户为一次性基施氮肥,即便追肥的农户大部分也选在拔节期前进行撒施追肥,由于玉米生长初期对氮素的需求相对较低,前期氮肥投入过大可导致生育期间养分大量淋洗,造成玉米后期脱肥而严重影响产量[29]。根据玉米氮素需求规律,科学的追肥时期应该是大喇叭口期[30]。优化氮素管理,采用总量平衡、分期调控的养分管理方式在玉米增产增效方面已得到了广泛认可。袁静超等[31]研究表明,与农民“一炮轰”传统施肥方式相比,氮肥减量、分期调控显著提高了玉米产量和氮肥利用率,同时降低了肥料氮在土壤中残留,减少氮损失[32]。本研究结果表明,在FP模式基础上优化氮素管理,玉米平均增产1 005 kg·hm-2,对产量的贡献率达9.9%,与此同时PFPN提高了12.0 kg·kg-1,效率贡献率高达30.5%,产量和效率贡献率均居于首位。而将HH和SH模式中施肥方式改为农户模式的“一炮轰”方式,与对应技术模式相比产量分别降低435.0和973.6 kg·hm-2。FP模式中氮素管理对产量的影响要高于在HH和SH模式中的影响,说明在FP模式中优化养分管理,产量仍有很大提升空间,而在HH和SH模式中可能由于其他措施的优化,在一定程度上降低了养分管理对产量的影响。SH模式中劣化氮素管理产量虽然降低,但由于施氮量减少,氮效率反而显著增加,如何实现作物高产和养分效率协同提高是我国玉米生产中必须解决的重要课题。
良好的土壤耕层是实现玉米高产和资源高效的重要保障。东北春玉米区多年来长期采用土壤浅层旋耕和连续多次作业,使耕层厚度逐渐降低,犁底层逐渐加厚[33,34],东北地区有效耕层厚度只有15.1 cm,低于全国平均的16.5 cm[4,35]。高的土壤容重和犁底层阻碍了根系生长和延伸,限制了水分和养分的吸收,严重制约着玉米产量的提高[36]。而深松可以打破犁底层,增加耕层厚度,改善土壤结构,使土壤疏松通气,提高耕地质量,从而提高产量[37]。本研究表明,在FP模式基础上优化耕作措施(深松改土),玉米产量提高,而将HH和SH模式中的深松耕作方式替换为浅旋耕作方式、玉米产量降低,但不同技术模式中耕作措施的技术贡献率年份间有所差异,表现为2018年高于2017年,这可能与2018年生育期降水量比2017年少有关,试验生育期平均降雨量为450 mm,2017年降雨量为480 mm,而2018年不足370 mm,前人研究结果也表明干旱年份深松处理对玉米产量的贡献更大[38]。此外,随种植密度提高,耕作措施对产量及氮素效率的贡献率也随之增大,在FP、HH和SH模式中,2018年耕作措施对产量及相应氮素效率的贡献率均为5.1%、5.7%和9.1%,而2017年耕作措施对产量及相应氮素效率的贡献率均为3.5%、4.7%、3.6%,可见干旱年份优化耕作措施对高密度群体的正向调控作用更显著。
4 结论
不同产量水平的生产模式中,不同技术因子对产量差及效率差的影响存在着较大差异,技术因子对产量的贡献并不存在完全一致的优先序,不同管理水平下产量差的形成是由多因素共同作用的,技术因子间具有协同作用。当前农户生产模式中氮素管理对产量的贡献率居于首位,而在高产生产模式中种植密度与土壤耕作对产量贡献较大,且不同产量水平模式间PFPN效率差异主要是由氮素管理方式所致。参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2011.01.003URL [本文引用: 1]
Increased plant population density in irrigated and fertilized maize crops enhances plant-to-plant variability since early vegetative stages, because the most suppressed individuals of the stand intercept less radiation per unit leaf area than the dominant ones (i.e. a size-asymmetric competition for light). Contrarily, a size-symmetric competition has been proposed for the acquisition of soil resources in a plant community (e.g. N capture per unit root length is similar among plants of different size). Hence, N fertilization effect on the variability of maize plants would depend on the initial plant-to-plant variability or on that promoted by a high plant population density. Two maize hybrids with contrasting tolerance to crowding (tolerant AX820 and intolerant AX877) were cultivated under different combinations of stand densities (6, 9 and 12 plants m(-2)) and N supplies (0 and 200 kg N ha(-1)) without water restrictions. Variability in plant growth rate among plants was computed along the cycle, especially after fertilizer was applied (i.e. the early reproductive period; PGR(ER)) and during the critical period around silking (PGR(CP)). Plant-to-plant variability in biomass partitioning to the ear (partition index; PI), ear growth rate during the critical period (EGR(CP)) and kernel number per plant (KNP) was also established. Reduced N supply increased the coefficient of variation (CV) of PGR(ER), PGR(CP), EGR(CP) and KNP (0.05 < P < 0.10). The CVs of PGR(CP), PI, EGR(CP) and KNP augmented (0.001 < P < 0.10) at the highest stand density. The CVs of PGR(ER), PGR(CP), PI and KNP were larger for hybrid AX877 than for hybrid AX820 (0.001 < P < 0.10). N fertilization smoothed the initial plant-to-plant variability, but the extent of this benefit in a maize crop is genotype dependent; it was much larger in the hybrid tolerant to crowding stress than in the intolerant one. For the latter, the variability held during the critical period around silking and produced a high CV of KNP. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V.
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DOI:10.1007/s11104-006-0055-7URL [本文引用: 1]
There is a growing concern about excessive nitrogen (N) and water use in agricultural systems in North China due to the reduced resource use efficiency and increased groundwater pollution. A two-year experiment with two soil moisture by four N treatments was conducted to investigate the effects of N application rates and soil moisture on soil N dynamics, crop yield, N uptake and use efficiency in an intensive wheat–maize double cropping system (wheat–maize rotation) in the North China Plain. Under the experimental conditions, crop yield of both wheat and maize did␣not␣increase significantly at N rates above 200kgNha−1. Nitrogen application rates affected little on ammonium-N (NH4-N) content in the 0–100cm soil profiles. Excess nitrate-N (NO3-N), ranging from 221kgNha−1 to 620kgNha−1, accumulated in the 0–100cm soil profile at the end of second rotation in the treatments with N rates of 200kgNha−1 and 300kgNha−1. In general, maize crop has higher N use efficiency than wheat crop. Higher NO3-N leaching occurred in maize season than in wheat season due to more water leakage caused by the concentrated summer rainfall. The results of this study indicate that the optimum N rate may be much lower than that used in many areas in the North China Plain given the high level of N already in the soil, and there is great potential for reducing N inputs to increase N use efficiency and to mitigate N leaching into the groundwater. Avoiding excess water leakage through controlled irrigation and matching N application to crop N demand is the key to reduce NO3-N leaching and maintain crop yield. Such management requires knowledge of crop water and N demand and soil N dynamics as they change with variable climate temporally and spatially. Simulation modeling can capture those interactions and is considered as a powerful tool to assist in␣the␣future optimization of N and irrigation managements.
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DOI:10.3390/su10020363URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.93002URL [本文引用: 1]
Our study was conducted in Tai’an, Zibo, and Yantai city from 2017 to 2018. According to the production research and experience of high-yield summer maize, three cultivation modes simulating super-high production level (SH), high production and high-efficiency production level (HH), and farmer production level (FP) were comprehensively set up in the same plot. The fertilizer blanks were applied with no nitrogen (SHN0, HHN0, FPN0), no phosphorus (SHP0, HHP0, FPP0), and no potassium (SHK0, HHK0, FPK0). Quantitative analysis of the yield gap and fertilizer utilization efficiency gap under different yield levels was carried out to explore the factors affecting yield gap and efficiency gap, and the way to reduce the gap and improve the efficiency. The grain yields of SH, HH, and FP of summer maize in Shandong province were realized 68.13%, 63.71%, and 53.22% of the potential yield of light and temperature. The fertilizer utilization efficiency decreased with the enlarged yield gap. The agronomic utilization rates of N, P and K fertilizers in FP were 4.23, 5.83, and 4.94 kg kg -1, respectively. The N, P, and K fertilizer utilization efficiencies of FP were 4.23, 5.83, and 4.94 kg kg -1, and those of SH were 3.84, 4.64, and 2.97 kg kg -1, respectively. After optimizing the cultivation measures, the high-yield and high-efficiency management mode increased the fertilizer utilization efficiency of N, P, and K by 67.07%, 101.35%, and 57.65%, respectively, and the output by 10.49%, as compared with FP. It is an effective technical way to achieve the synergistic improvement of yield and fertilizer use efficiency. The yield performance analysis of summer maize yields showed that with the increase of yield level, the mean leaf area index and the number of panicles per unit area increased significantly, while the number of kernels per panicle, average net assimilation rate and grain weight decreased. At the same time, with the increase of yield level, the accumulation ratio of biomass and N, P, and K uptake decreased in pre-silking stage, and increased in post-silking stage. Therefore, under the condition of keeping functional parameters unchanged on the existing basis, optimizing structural parameters is an effective measure for current yield and efficiency increase, and with the increase of yield, more attention should be paid to structural optimization in post-silking stage.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.93002URL [本文引用: 1]
Our study was conducted in Tai’an, Zibo, and Yantai city from 2017 to 2018. According to the production research and experience of high-yield summer maize, three cultivation modes simulating super-high production level (SH), high production and high-efficiency production level (HH), and farmer production level (FP) were comprehensively set up in the same plot. The fertilizer blanks were applied with no nitrogen (SHN0, HHN0, FPN0), no phosphorus (SHP0, HHP0, FPP0), and no potassium (SHK0, HHK0, FPK0). Quantitative analysis of the yield gap and fertilizer utilization efficiency gap under different yield levels was carried out to explore the factors affecting yield gap and efficiency gap, and the way to reduce the gap and improve the efficiency. The grain yields of SH, HH, and FP of summer maize in Shandong province were realized 68.13%, 63.71%, and 53.22% of the potential yield of light and temperature. The fertilizer utilization efficiency decreased with the enlarged yield gap. The agronomic utilization rates of N, P and K fertilizers in FP were 4.23, 5.83, and 4.94 kg kg -1, respectively. The N, P, and K fertilizer utilization efficiencies of FP were 4.23, 5.83, and 4.94 kg kg -1, and those of SH were 3.84, 4.64, and 2.97 kg kg -1, respectively. After optimizing the cultivation measures, the high-yield and high-efficiency management mode increased the fertilizer utilization efficiency of N, P, and K by 67.07%, 101.35%, and 57.65%, respectively, and the output by 10.49%, as compared with FP. It is an effective technical way to achieve the synergistic improvement of yield and fertilizer use efficiency. The yield performance analysis of summer maize yields showed that with the increase of yield level, the mean leaf area index and the number of panicles per unit area increased significantly, while the number of kernels per panicle, average net assimilation rate and grain weight decreased. At the same time, with the increase of yield level, the accumulation ratio of biomass and N, P, and K uptake decreased in pre-silking stage, and increased in post-silking stage. Therefore, under the condition of keeping functional parameters unchanged on the existing basis, optimizing structural parameters is an effective measure for current yield and efficiency increase, and with the increase of yield, more attention should be paid to structural optimization in post-silking stage.
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【Objective】 The aim of this paper was to identify the main limiting factors for realization of maize yield potential and propose the priorities in development of maize production techniques. 【Method】 The limiting factors to maize production in China including potential physical, biological, and institutional factors were summarized through participatory rural appraisal surveys in 13 maize production provinces and three major maize regions in China. Based on the evaluations of influence magnitude and possibility of solution, the priority list for techniques in maize production was obtained. 【Result】 The top first limiting factor was technical problem related to maize cultivation, such as poor tillage management, extensive cultivation, unfavorable fertilization, nonstandard field management during maize growth, and low rate for technique access, resulting in 28.8%-57.7% of yield loss in various maize regions. The second factor was natural stress, especially drought stress, which caused yield loss by 9.3%-35.1%. The third factor, responsible for 11.4%-19.8% of yield loss, was deficiency of staple cultivars for different eco-regions and the technique systems combined with corresponding cultivars. The seed quality was also involved in the third factor. The fourth factor was represented by soil problems, including serious soil erosion, shallow topsoil, and lean soil. Their influence on maize yield was estimated by 4.8%-20.2%. The last limiting factor was pest (disease, insect, rat, and weed, etc.) damage, which caused 4.5%-11.0% of yield loss. 【Conclusion】Therefore, the technique priorities for policy-markers were suggested as labor-saving cultivation techniques; following by high-yielding cultivars with good quality and multiple resistances to bio- and abio-stresses, adaptation to high-density, as well as identification of staple cultivars in various maize regions; mechanization of maize production;and technique popularization in farmers and effect of the techniques used by farmers.
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【Objective】 The aim of this paper was to identify the main limiting factors for realization of maize yield potential and propose the priorities in development of maize production techniques. 【Method】 The limiting factors to maize production in China including potential physical, biological, and institutional factors were summarized through participatory rural appraisal surveys in 13 maize production provinces and three major maize regions in China. Based on the evaluations of influence magnitude and possibility of solution, the priority list for techniques in maize production was obtained. 【Result】 The top first limiting factor was technical problem related to maize cultivation, such as poor tillage management, extensive cultivation, unfavorable fertilization, nonstandard field management during maize growth, and low rate for technique access, resulting in 28.8%-57.7% of yield loss in various maize regions. The second factor was natural stress, especially drought stress, which caused yield loss by 9.3%-35.1%. The third factor, responsible for 11.4%-19.8% of yield loss, was deficiency of staple cultivars for different eco-regions and the technique systems combined with corresponding cultivars. The seed quality was also involved in the third factor. The fourth factor was represented by soil problems, including serious soil erosion, shallow topsoil, and lean soil. Their influence on maize yield was estimated by 4.8%-20.2%. The last limiting factor was pest (disease, insect, rat, and weed, etc.) damage, which caused 4.5%-11.0% of yield loss. 【Conclusion】Therefore, the technique priorities for policy-markers were suggested as labor-saving cultivation techniques; following by high-yielding cultivars with good quality and multiple resistances to bio- and abio-stresses, adaptation to high-density, as well as identification of staple cultivars in various maize regions; mechanization of maize production;and technique popularization in farmers and effect of the techniques used by farmers.
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DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2018.03.001URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2012.04.008URL [本文引用: 1]
Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilizer application, outdated fertilization techniques, and non-optimal planting patterns are current cultivation problems with summer maize (Zea mays L.) among smallholders in North China. To try to solve those problems, this study examined four integrated agronomic management treatments-MT (FP: traditional farming practices; OPT-1: an optimized combination of cropping systems and fertilizer treatment; HY: treatment based on high-yield studies; and OPT-2: further optimized combination of cropping systems and fertilizer treatment) and four N application rate treatments-NT (0, 129.0, 184.5, and 300.0 kg ha(-1)). Maize grain yield and N efficiency were determined under each treatment. Grain yield, yield components, individual/population dry matter weight, N partial factor productivity (PFPN), N use efficiency (NUE), and agronomic efficiency of N (AEN) were measured. Results from the NT revealed no significant increase in grain yield in response to N applied above 184.5 kg ha(-1) and increased yield was achieved by the MT. In MT. the change in sowing method from relay intercropping to direct seeding was effective in avoiding maize rough dwarf virus and in encouraging mechanized production; individual and population dry matter accumulation from the tasseling stage (VT) to physiological maturity stage (R6) increased in response to delayed sowing date and harvesting time; grain yield increased significantly from more ears per hectare due to increased planting density; and high N efficiency was achieved after optimizing fertilization patterns. In this study, OPT-2 obtained 67.0%, 104.0%, and 53.5% higher grain yield, PFPN, and NUE, respectively, compared to FP, achieving high yield and high N efficiency. Furthermore, the low AEN value suggests that further reduction in the N application rate of OPT-2 may be possible. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.
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DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.93011URL [本文引用: 1]
The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between light interception in canopy and dry matter production and grain yield in different plant types of maize. The response of morphological characteristics, canopy light distribution, grain filling parameters and dry matter accumulation were studied using three different maize hybrids Shaandan 609 (SD609, compact), Qinlong 14 (QL14, semi-compact), and Shaandan 8806 (SD8806, flat) with four plant densities (4.5×10 4, 6.0×10 4, 7.5×10 4, and 9.0×10 4plants hm -2) in the field from 2016 to 2017. The average yields of SD609, QL14, and SD8806 were 12,176, 9624, and 8533 kg hm -2, respectively, within two years, reaching high yields under 9.0×10 4, 7.5×10 4, and 6×10 4 plants hm -2, with the yield increase of 26.9%, 20.4%, and 19.7% compared with those under 4.5×10 4 plants hm -2, respectively. With the increase of plant density, leaf area decreased, but LAI and leaf orientation value increased. The middle leaves of SD609 were more upright and larger than those of QL14 under 9×10 4 plants hm -2. With increasing plant density, Dmax (days to the maximum grain-filling rate), Wmax (kernel weight at the maximum grain filling rate), Gmax (maximum grain-filling rate), Gave (average grain-filling rate) and P (active filling period) decreased, the Dmax for SD609 was 1.4 days and 3.0 days earlier than that of QL14 and SD8806, and the Wmax and P were higher than those of SD636 (0.3 g and 3.3 d) and SD8806 (1.1 g and 5.4 d), respectively. The dry matter accumulation after silking and the contribution of dry matter transportation to grain yield increased and then decreased with the increase of plant density, the accumulation, transportation and contribution to grain of dry matter after anthesis were higher in SD609 than QL14 (5.1%, 36.0%, 33.5%) and SD8806 (26.6%, 46.7%, 59.1%). The light interception in the ear canopy was significantly correlated with yield (r = 0.631, P < 0.05), the dry matter accumulation after silking (r = 0.661) and average grain filling rate (r = 0.859) at P < 0.01. Thus, compared with QL14 and SD8806, SD609 could regulate the mid and upper leaves more vertical under close planting, improve the light distribution in the mid and lower canopy, maintain a higher area of green leaves, delay the senescence of canopy leaves, increase dry matter accumulation after anthesis and grain filling rate, so obtain a higher grain yield.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.93011URL [本文引用: 1]
The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between light interception in canopy and dry matter production and grain yield in different plant types of maize. The response of morphological characteristics, canopy light distribution, grain filling parameters and dry matter accumulation were studied using three different maize hybrids Shaandan 609 (SD609, compact), Qinlong 14 (QL14, semi-compact), and Shaandan 8806 (SD8806, flat) with four plant densities (4.5×10 4, 6.0×10 4, 7.5×10 4, and 9.0×10 4plants hm -2) in the field from 2016 to 2017. The average yields of SD609, QL14, and SD8806 were 12,176, 9624, and 8533 kg hm -2, respectively, within two years, reaching high yields under 9.0×10 4, 7.5×10 4, and 6×10 4 plants hm -2, with the yield increase of 26.9%, 20.4%, and 19.7% compared with those under 4.5×10 4 plants hm -2, respectively. With the increase of plant density, leaf area decreased, but LAI and leaf orientation value increased. The middle leaves of SD609 were more upright and larger than those of QL14 under 9×10 4 plants hm -2. With increasing plant density, Dmax (days to the maximum grain-filling rate), Wmax (kernel weight at the maximum grain filling rate), Gmax (maximum grain-filling rate), Gave (average grain-filling rate) and P (active filling period) decreased, the Dmax for SD609 was 1.4 days and 3.0 days earlier than that of QL14 and SD8806, and the Wmax and P were higher than those of SD636 (0.3 g and 3.3 d) and SD8806 (1.1 g and 5.4 d), respectively. The dry matter accumulation after silking and the contribution of dry matter transportation to grain yield increased and then decreased with the increase of plant density, the accumulation, transportation and contribution to grain of dry matter after anthesis were higher in SD609 than QL14 (5.1%, 36.0%, 33.5%) and SD8806 (26.6%, 46.7%, 59.1%). The light interception in the ear canopy was significantly correlated with yield (r = 0.631, P < 0.05), the dry matter accumulation after silking (r = 0.661) and average grain filling rate (r = 0.859) at P < 0.01. Thus, compared with QL14 and SD8806, SD609 could regulate the mid and upper leaves more vertical under close planting, improve the light distribution in the mid and lower canopy, maintain a higher area of green leaves, delay the senescence of canopy leaves, increase dry matter accumulation after anthesis and grain filling rate, so obtain a higher grain yield.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.01301URL [本文引用: 1]
The effects of plant density on the dry matter accumulation and distribution were studied under high yield condition hoping to provide a scientific basis for the cultivation and breeding of high-yielding maize, using summer maize cultivar Denghai 661 and Nongda 108 were used as the experimental material and planted with different planting densities. The results showed that, population grain yield and dry matter accumulation increased significantly with the increasing of plant density, while the per plant were decreased.Denghai 661 had a high growth potential at 90 000 plant ha-1, whichwas the optimum plant population for the maximal grain yield. At anthesis and milking stages, the decreaserateof stem dry matter accumulation was greater than that of leafwith increasing plant density,which was on the contrary at maturity stage. So the effects of plant density on stem dry matter accumulation were significantly stronger than that before milking stage, which was on the contrary after milking stage. After milking stage,the transportation efficiency of both stem and leaf reduced significantly with the increasing of plant density, the contribution rate of stem also reduced significantly, leaf increased. The stem dry mattertransportation contributed more than leaf’s to the grain yield under the density from 30 000 to 90 000 plant ha-1, butthe leaf dry matter transportationcontributed more than stems to the grain yield under the density from 105 000 to 135 000 plant ha-1.
DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.01301URL [本文引用: 1]
The effects of plant density on the dry matter accumulation and distribution were studied under high yield condition hoping to provide a scientific basis for the cultivation and breeding of high-yielding maize, using summer maize cultivar Denghai 661 and Nongda 108 were used as the experimental material and planted with different planting densities. The results showed that, population grain yield and dry matter accumulation increased significantly with the increasing of plant density, while the per plant were decreased.Denghai 661 had a high growth potential at 90 000 plant ha-1, whichwas the optimum plant population for the maximal grain yield. At anthesis and milking stages, the decreaserateof stem dry matter accumulation was greater than that of leafwith increasing plant density,which was on the contrary at maturity stage. So the effects of plant density on stem dry matter accumulation were significantly stronger than that before milking stage, which was on the contrary after milking stage. After milking stage,the transportation efficiency of both stem and leaf reduced significantly with the increasing of plant density, the contribution rate of stem also reduced significantly, leaf increased. The stem dry mattertransportation contributed more than leaf’s to the grain yield under the density from 30 000 to 90 000 plant ha-1, butthe leaf dry matter transportationcontributed more than stems to the grain yield under the density from 105 000 to 135 000 plant ha-1.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.12135URL [本文引用: 1]
Two summer maize cultivars, DH661 and ZD958, were used as experiment materials to study the effects of different nitrogen rates (N 0 kg/ha, 120 kg/ha, 240 kg/ha and 360 kg/ha) and planting densities (60000 plant/ha, 75000 plant/ha, and 90000 plant/ha) on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize under the field condition. The results show that compared with the 60000 plant/ha,the increase of nitrogen rate could increase the dry matter accumulation amount per plant, biomass, grain yield, total nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen transition rate and nitrogen transition efficiency of maize. The contribution proportion of nitrogen is increased with the increase of the nitrogen rate, while the nitrogen partial factor productivity, nitrogen agronomy efficiency and nitrogen recovery efficiency are decreased. In conclusion, under this experimental field condition, the increase of the nitrogen rate could improve grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency in higher planting density. As far as the grain yield and nitrogen efficiency are concerned, the most optimal plant density and nitrogen rate are both 90000 plant/ha and N 240-360 kg/ha, respectively.
DOI:10.11674/zwyf.2012.12135URL [本文引用: 1]
Two summer maize cultivars, DH661 and ZD958, were used as experiment materials to study the effects of different nitrogen rates (N 0 kg/ha, 120 kg/ha, 240 kg/ha and 360 kg/ha) and planting densities (60000 plant/ha, 75000 plant/ha, and 90000 plant/ha) on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize under the field condition. The results show that compared with the 60000 plant/ha,the increase of nitrogen rate could increase the dry matter accumulation amount per plant, biomass, grain yield, total nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen transition rate and nitrogen transition efficiency of maize. The contribution proportion of nitrogen is increased with the increase of the nitrogen rate, while the nitrogen partial factor productivity, nitrogen agronomy efficiency and nitrogen recovery efficiency are decreased. In conclusion, under this experimental field condition, the increase of the nitrogen rate could improve grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency in higher planting density. As far as the grain yield and nitrogen efficiency are concerned, the most optimal plant density and nitrogen rate are both 90000 plant/ha and N 240-360 kg/ha, respectively.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.12.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The objective of this experiment is to study the effects of close planting and nitrogen application rates on grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of different density-tolerance maize hybrids. 【Method】Two summer maize cultivars, density-resistant hybrid (ZD958) and non-density resistant hybrid (LD981), were used as experiment materials to study the effects of different planting densities ( 52 500, 82 500 plant/hm2) and nitrogen rates (0, 90, 180, 270, 360 kg N·hm-2) on dry matter accumulation, nitrogen translocation efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency, yield and its components of different density-tolerance summer maize.【Result】 The 1000-grain weight and kernels per ear were significantly decreased with the increase of planting density at the same nitrogen application level, but the ear number, barrenness and lodging rate were significantly increased. The barrenness and lodging rate of non-density resistant hybrid were increased more significantly. The average 1000-grain weight and kernels per ear of ZD958 and LD981 were decreased by 6.24% and 6.77%, 7.52% and 18.09%, respectively, and barrenness and lodging rate of LD981 were as high as 17% and 27.6%, significantly higher than ZD958. The grain yield increased with increase of N application rate under high density condition, but the difference between N application rate at 270 kg·hm-2 and 360 kg·hm-2 was not significant. Under low density condition, the grain yield increased first and then decreased with increase of N application rate, and reached the maximum at N application rate of 270 kg·hm-2. The dry matter accumulation per plant decreased with the increase of planting density, while the population dry matter accumulation increased. Both of them increased with increase of N application rate, and the dry matter contribution rate increased after anthesis. Under the same nitrogen level, the high density treatments significantly increased the total N accumulation, N translocation and its contribution rate to grain. With the increase of planting density, the average total N accumulation, N agronomic efficiency and nitrogen utilization efficiency of ZD958 and LD981 were increased by 15.94%, 39.01%, 26.22% and 1.96%, 5.79%, 14.92%, respectively. Under the same planting density, the increase of nitrogen rate could improve the total N accumulation and assimilating amount of nitrogen after anthesis, while the nitrogen agronomic efficiency, nitrogen utilization efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity were decreased. With increase of planting density, the N translocation rate and N translocation rate of nutrient organs increased significantly. Under high planting density condition, the N translocation efficiency and contribution rate increased with increase of N application rate, while it decreased under low planting density condition. 【Conclusion】Under this experimental field condition, increased density and nitrogen application rate could significantly improve the dry matter accumulation of ZD958 and LD981. The effect of density on grain yield was significant between the two summer maize cultivars. Under the conditions of high density, increasing the amount of N fertilizer, the yields of two cultivars were increased significantly, while barrenness and lodging rate of LD981 increased significantly, which was the main reason for limiting grain yield increasing. Increasing density could significantly improve the nitrogen utilization rate and N translocation of vegetative organs. N assimilating amount after anthesis increased with increasing density in ZD958, and decreased in LD981. Nitrogen use efficiency decreased with increasing nitrogen application, but which could increase plant N uptake and nitrogen assimilation after anthesis under high density. combination of density and nitrogen could improve the yield and nitrogen utilization rate together. As far as the grain yield and nitrogen efficiency are concerned, the most optimal plant density and nitrogen rate of ZD958 were 82 500 plants/hm2 and 270 kg·hm-2, and the most optimal plant density and nitrogen rate of LD981 were 52 500 plants/hm2 and 180 kg·hm-2.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.12.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The objective of this experiment is to study the effects of close planting and nitrogen application rates on grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of different density-tolerance maize hybrids. 【Method】Two summer maize cultivars, density-resistant hybrid (ZD958) and non-density resistant hybrid (LD981), were used as experiment materials to study the effects of different planting densities ( 52 500, 82 500 plant/hm2) and nitrogen rates (0, 90, 180, 270, 360 kg N·hm-2) on dry matter accumulation, nitrogen translocation efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency, yield and its components of different density-tolerance summer maize.【Result】 The 1000-grain weight and kernels per ear were significantly decreased with the increase of planting density at the same nitrogen application level, but the ear number, barrenness and lodging rate were significantly increased. The barrenness and lodging rate of non-density resistant hybrid were increased more significantly. The average 1000-grain weight and kernels per ear of ZD958 and LD981 were decreased by 6.24% and 6.77%, 7.52% and 18.09%, respectively, and barrenness and lodging rate of LD981 were as high as 17% and 27.6%, significantly higher than ZD958. The grain yield increased with increase of N application rate under high density condition, but the difference between N application rate at 270 kg·hm-2 and 360 kg·hm-2 was not significant. Under low density condition, the grain yield increased first and then decreased with increase of N application rate, and reached the maximum at N application rate of 270 kg·hm-2. The dry matter accumulation per plant decreased with the increase of planting density, while the population dry matter accumulation increased. Both of them increased with increase of N application rate, and the dry matter contribution rate increased after anthesis. Under the same nitrogen level, the high density treatments significantly increased the total N accumulation, N translocation and its contribution rate to grain. With the increase of planting density, the average total N accumulation, N agronomic efficiency and nitrogen utilization efficiency of ZD958 and LD981 were increased by 15.94%, 39.01%, 26.22% and 1.96%, 5.79%, 14.92%, respectively. Under the same planting density, the increase of nitrogen rate could improve the total N accumulation and assimilating amount of nitrogen after anthesis, while the nitrogen agronomic efficiency, nitrogen utilization efficiency and nitrogen partial factor productivity were decreased. With increase of planting density, the N translocation rate and N translocation rate of nutrient organs increased significantly. Under high planting density condition, the N translocation efficiency and contribution rate increased with increase of N application rate, while it decreased under low planting density condition. 【Conclusion】Under this experimental field condition, increased density and nitrogen application rate could significantly improve the dry matter accumulation of ZD958 and LD981. The effect of density on grain yield was significant between the two summer maize cultivars. Under the conditions of high density, increasing the amount of N fertilizer, the yields of two cultivars were increased significantly, while barrenness and lodging rate of LD981 increased significantly, which was the main reason for limiting grain yield increasing. Increasing density could significantly improve the nitrogen utilization rate and N translocation of vegetative organs. N assimilating amount after anthesis increased with increasing density in ZD958, and decreased in LD981. Nitrogen use efficiency decreased with increasing nitrogen application, but which could increase plant N uptake and nitrogen assimilation after anthesis under high density. combination of density and nitrogen could improve the yield and nitrogen utilization rate together. As far as the grain yield and nitrogen efficiency are concerned, the most optimal plant density and nitrogen rate of ZD958 were 82 500 plants/hm2 and 270 kg·hm-2, and the most optimal plant density and nitrogen rate of LD981 were 52 500 plants/hm2 and 180 kg·hm-2.
DOI:10.2134/agronj14.0355URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.2134/agronj2016.03.0130URL [本文引用: 2]
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DOI:10.1016/j.gfs.2012.07.001URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.20.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 This research aimed to investigate the characteristics of grain yield, nutrient accumulation and transport of spring maize before and after flowering under different agronomic management practices, so as to provide theoretical and technical support for high yield and efficient production of spring maize. 【Method】 The field experiment was conducted from 2009 to 2012 in Gongzhuling of Jilin province. The hybrid “Xianyu335” was used as research material. During three consecutive years, five different agronomic management practices (CK, FP, Opt-1, Opt-2, and Opt-3) were set under the field conditions. The characteristics of dry matter accumulation, nutrient absorbing and transport were monitored before and after flowering of spring maize. The influence of grain yield was studied under different agronomic management practices. 【Result】 Reasonable densification, nutrient management and deep scarification were the key measures for high yield of spring maize. The result indicated Opt-3 was optimal under five different agronomic management practices. Compared with FP, the grain yield and dry matter accumulation of Opt-3 increased 13.9% and 22.4%, respectively. The number of maize ears in harvest stage contributed yield mostly, and the yield under Opt-3 was 34.3% higher than that under FP. Under the condition of same amount of fertilizer input between Opt-3 and FP, N, P and K accumulation of Opt-3 increased by 9.5%, 28.1% and 23.9% than that of FP, respectively. N, P and K translocation rate of Opt-3 increased by 47.7%, 21.7% and 45.0%, respectively. Partial productivity of N, P fertilizer increased by 14.0% and 4.4%, respectively. Compared with Opt-1, the grain yield of Opt-3 was further augmented by increasing planting density. When planting density was increased by 10 000 plant/hm 2, the grain yield increased 56-346 kg·hm -2. Compared with Opt-2, the efficiency of Opt-3 was improved through further optimization of fertilizer, and ANUE of Opt-3 increased 29.5%. Through fertilizer cost accounting, compared with FP, Opt-3 increased income by 2 218 yuan/hm 2. Compared with Opt-1, Opt-3 increased income by 290 yuan/hm 2. Compared with Opt-2, Opt-3 saved 367 yuan/hm 2.【Conclusion】 By reasonable densification to 70 000 plant/hm 2, optimized fertilizer (N 225 kg·hm -2-P2O5 90 kg·hm -2-K2O 90 kg·hm -2) and application period, organic fertilizer (1 500 kg·hm -2), added microelement fertilizer (150 kg·hm -2), combined with soil deep tillage, it was a relatively optimized integrated agronomic management mode, which could realize the synergistic improvement of spring maize yield and efficiency in the middle of northeast China.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.20.006URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 This research aimed to investigate the characteristics of grain yield, nutrient accumulation and transport of spring maize before and after flowering under different agronomic management practices, so as to provide theoretical and technical support for high yield and efficient production of spring maize. 【Method】 The field experiment was conducted from 2009 to 2012 in Gongzhuling of Jilin province. The hybrid “Xianyu335” was used as research material. During three consecutive years, five different agronomic management practices (CK, FP, Opt-1, Opt-2, and Opt-3) were set under the field conditions. The characteristics of dry matter accumulation, nutrient absorbing and transport were monitored before and after flowering of spring maize. The influence of grain yield was studied under different agronomic management practices. 【Result】 Reasonable densification, nutrient management and deep scarification were the key measures for high yield of spring maize. The result indicated Opt-3 was optimal under five different agronomic management practices. Compared with FP, the grain yield and dry matter accumulation of Opt-3 increased 13.9% and 22.4%, respectively. The number of maize ears in harvest stage contributed yield mostly, and the yield under Opt-3 was 34.3% higher than that under FP. Under the condition of same amount of fertilizer input between Opt-3 and FP, N, P and K accumulation of Opt-3 increased by 9.5%, 28.1% and 23.9% than that of FP, respectively. N, P and K translocation rate of Opt-3 increased by 47.7%, 21.7% and 45.0%, respectively. Partial productivity of N, P fertilizer increased by 14.0% and 4.4%, respectively. Compared with Opt-1, the grain yield of Opt-3 was further augmented by increasing planting density. When planting density was increased by 10 000 plant/hm 2, the grain yield increased 56-346 kg·hm -2. Compared with Opt-2, the efficiency of Opt-3 was improved through further optimization of fertilizer, and ANUE of Opt-3 increased 29.5%. Through fertilizer cost accounting, compared with FP, Opt-3 increased income by 2 218 yuan/hm 2. Compared with Opt-1, Opt-3 increased income by 290 yuan/hm 2. Compared with Opt-2, Opt-3 saved 367 yuan/hm 2.【Conclusion】 By reasonable densification to 70 000 plant/hm 2, optimized fertilizer (N 225 kg·hm -2-P2O5 90 kg·hm -2-K2O 90 kg·hm -2) and application period, organic fertilizer (1 500 kg·hm -2), added microelement fertilizer (150 kg·hm -2), combined with soil deep tillage, it was a relatively optimized integrated agronomic management mode, which could realize the synergistic improvement of spring maize yield and efficiency in the middle of northeast China.
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Through the study on physical fitness and type, this paper discussed the influence of present farming system of corn belt on fertility degradation in Jilin Province. The results showed that the interface of the middle plough layer and plough sole under the present farming system was wavy type, while the interface of the plough layer and plough sole of the corn field under the cropping system of annual autumn plowing was flat type. Soil bulk density and composition of three phases of wavy plough sole were different significantly with those of plough sole. The organo-mineral complex and organic carbon content of the plough layer between two types had no significant difference, but had significant difference in bottom soil. The valid soil quantity of flat type was two times more than that of wavy type. Therefore, the water retention property and corn yield of flat soil profile were better than those of wavy soil profile. Little valid soil quantity is the main cause of fertility degradation of black soil in corn belt of Jilin Province.
URL [本文引用: 1]
Through the study on physical fitness and type, this paper discussed the influence of present farming system of corn belt on fertility degradation in Jilin Province. The results showed that the interface of the middle plough layer and plough sole under the present farming system was wavy type, while the interface of the plough layer and plough sole of the corn field under the cropping system of annual autumn plowing was flat type. Soil bulk density and composition of three phases of wavy plough sole were different significantly with those of plough sole. The organo-mineral complex and organic carbon content of the plough layer between two types had no significant difference, but had significant difference in bottom soil. The valid soil quantity of flat type was two times more than that of wavy type. Therefore, the water retention property and corn yield of flat soil profile were better than those of wavy soil profile. Little valid soil quantity is the main cause of fertility degradation of black soil in corn belt of Jilin Province.
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DOI:10.1016/0167-1987(96)01020-3URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1016/j.cj.2014.04.006URL [本文引用: 1]