Cloning, Expression and Electrophysiological Function Analysis of Potassium Channel Gene VviSKOR in Grape
SHEN JingYuan![](https://www.chinaagrisci.com/richhtml/0578-1752/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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沈静沅, 唐美玲, 杨庆山, 高雅超, 刘万好, 程杰山, 张洪霞, 宋志忠. 葡萄钾离子通道基因VviSKOR的克隆、表达及电生理功能[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(15): 3158-3168 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.15.015
SHEN JingYuan, TANG MeiLing, YANG QingShan, GAO YaChao, LIU WanHao, CHENG JieShan, ZHANG HongXia, SONG ZhiZhong.
0 引言
【研究意义】钾离子(K+)是作物生长发育所必需的关键矿质营养元素[1,2,3]。植物为了满足正常生长,需要通过根部从土壤中有效地吸收所需的钾素,然后分配到不同器官部位,或者在某些组织富集积累[4,5,6,7]。SKOR编码一类外向整流型Shaker类钾离子通道,负责将韧皮部的K+分泌至木质部,介导K+向根系输导组织的释放,属于典型的电压依赖型钾外排过程,在植物生长发育过程中起重要作用[4,8]。近20年来,模式作物拟南芥中SKOR通道生理功能的分子机制研究较为详尽。然而,果树中Shaker类钾离子通道的功能依然未知,有关SKOR蛋白的研究仍然空白。【前人研究进展】钾离子是植物细胞中最为重要的金属元素之一,参与信号传导、气孔运动、光合作用、蒸腾作用和胁迫抗逆等生命过程,是作物生长发育所必需的关键营养元素,缺钾不仅会导致作物产量下降,同时也会影响作物品质[1-2,7-8]。植物钾吸收动力学研究表明植物钾营养吸收存在2种机制:机制Ⅰ,即主动吸钾过程,指外界钾浓度小于0.2 mmol?L-1时起主要作用的高亲和性钾吸收系统;机制Ⅱ,即被动吸钾过程,指外界钾浓度大于1 mmol?L-1时起主要作用的低亲和性钾吸收系统[9,10]。植物体内钾离子的动态平衡及分配主要由定位于细胞质膜的各类钾离子通道来介导完成,其中,Shaker类钾通道研究最为透彻,在植物钾素营养高效中起至关重要的作用。Shaker类钾通道对底物K+的亲和常数约在数十mmol?L-1,属于典型的低亲和、高通量的钾离子通道。1992年,ANDERSON等[11]和SENTENAC等[12]分别在模式植物拟南芥中报道了第一个植物Shaker类型钾离子通道KAT1和AKT1,此后20年内,国内外****陆续从不同植物中发现了30多个的钾离子通道[13,14,15]。另外,拟南芥AthSKOR[4]和AthGORK[16]是两类外向整流型钾离子通道,其中,AthGORK主要在叶片保卫细胞中表达,该通道功能缺失后导致气孔关闭受抑制,AthGORK也可以被蛋白激酶CPK33调节[15,16,17];AthSKOR主要定位于拟南芥根的中柱鞘和中柱薄壁细胞,负责将韧皮部的钾离子分泌至木质部,进而实现钾离子经由木质部的根-茎长距离运输,介导典型的电压依赖型钾外排过程,该通道功能缺失后导致地上部含钾量降低约50%[4]。此后,在水稻[18]、小花碱茅[19]、霸王[20]、甜瓜[14]、黑果枸杞[21]等多种植物中陆续报道了SKOR型钾离子通道,发现这些钾通道具有相似的蛋白结构特征,并包含一段极保守的标签序列GYGD。【本研究切入点】果树中,有关Shaker类钾离子通道的研究未见报道,SKOR的生物学功能有待研究。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究以‘马瑟兰’葡萄为材料,克隆VviSKOR,明确其表达模式与电生理功能,为研究果树钾素营养高效机制提供理论基础和基因材料。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验时间、地点
试验于2017年1月至2019年11月在鲁东大学农林作物遗传改良中心、国家现代葡萄产业技术体系烟台综合试验站和剑桥大学植物系离子运输研究室进行。1.2 试验设计与方法
1.2.1 试验材料与胁迫处理 供试材料为国家现代葡萄产业技术体系烟台综合试验站的7年生‘马瑟兰’葡萄树,树形采用单干单臂,直立叶幕,露天篱架栽培,株行距为1 m×2 m,树体健壮,常规田间管理。样品采集参照王壮伟等[22]方法,分别于2019年不同日期采集7年生‘马瑟兰’的显露期花序(4月21号)、新生叶片(5月10号)、韧皮部(5月18号)、盛开期的花(5月18号,花序中部)、新生根(5月28号)、幼果(5月28号)和熟果(9月29号)等组织材料,液氮充分冷冻后保存于超低温冰箱。非生物胁迫处理所用材料为国家现代葡萄产业技术体系烟台综合试验站提供的‘马瑟兰’组培幼苗,根据王壮伟等[22]方法,在人工气候箱中利用MS营养液预培养3 d,然后分别进行缺钾(MS配方中的KNO3和KH2PO4分别被NaNO3和NaH2PO3代替)、高钾(40 mmol·L-1 KCl)、脱落酸(200 μmol·L-1 ABA)和盐胁迫(160 mmol·L-1 NaCl)等处理,每个处理进行3组生物学重复,每组处理9株幼苗,处理48 h后,分别采集幼苗根、茎和叶片等材料,液氮冷冻后备用。1.2.2 葡萄VviSKOR克隆 以拟南芥AthSKOR(AT3G02850)氨基酸序列为参考,在Phytozome葡萄基因组(
Table 1
Table 1
目的 Intention | 引物 Primer (5′-3′) | 扩增产物大小 Amplicon size (bp) |
SKOR特异性表达引物 Specific expression primers of SKOR | F: GTGGTTTTCTGTGTGCGACC R: GCCACATGAAGTGGGGTTCT | 118 |
Ubiquitin特异性表达引物 Specific expression primers of Ubiquitin | F: CCTCATCTTCGCTGGCAAAC R: GGTGTAGGTCTTCTTCTTGCG | 133 |
1.2.3 葡萄VviSKOR生物信息学分析 在Phytozome葡萄基因组数据库中下载VviSKOR的CDS序列、基因组DNA序列、启动子区域序列和编码氨基酸序列。根据王壮伟等[22]的方法,分别利用Gene Structure Display、PSORT和Plant CARE在线服务器预测VviSKOR的基因结构、亚细胞定位和cis-顺式作用元件;运用TMpredict和ProtParam在线软件分析VviSKOR蛋白的跨膜结构域、理论等电点、稳定性、亲水性等理化特征;利用ClustalX 2.0软件对葡萄、拟南芥、水稻、玉米、高粱、短柄草、大豆、番茄、黄瓜、白杨、桃、梨、草莓、苹果、木瓜、柑橘、香蕉、凤梨等18种不同科属植物的SKOR同源蛋白进行氨基酸序列一致性分析,借助MEGA 7.0软件对上述18种植物的SKOR同源蛋白构建系统进化树;利用Phytozome葡萄基因组数据库表达谱信息分析VviSKOR的表达模式。
1.2.4 实时荧光定量PCR分析 利用RNA提取试剂盒MiniBEST Plant RNA Extraction Kit(TaKaRa,大连)分别提取组培幼苗和7年生葡萄树不同组织材料的总RNA;借助反转录试剂盒PrimeScriptTM RT reagent Kit(TaKaRa,大连)合成第一链cDNA;通过NCBI/Primer-BLAST在线服务器设计VviSKOR的特异性表达引物(表1),以葡萄Ubiquitin(GenBank No. MH114011)作为内参基因,荧光染料使用SYBR Green(TaKaRa,大连),参照王壮伟等[22]的方法在ABI 7500荧光定量PCR仪分析VviSKOR的表达特征,在ABI 7500 PCR仪获得相应反应的Ct值,经Ubiquitin内参基因均一化后,利用2-ΔΔCt法计算相对表达量[23]。每个样品设置3个生物学重复,每个生物学重复进行3次技术重复。
1.2.5 pTracer-CMV3-SKOR表达载体构建 设计构建表达载体pTracer-CMV3-SKOR的特异引物对,上游引物添加酶切位点EcoR I,下游引物添加酶切位点Not I(表1,下划线已标注),由生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司合成,扩增产物通过限制性内切酶EcoR I/Not I(New England Biolabs,美国)双酶切作用后,利用T4 DNA连接酶(New England Biolabs,美国)构建到同样双酶切的pTracer-CMV3载体多克隆位点,获得重组表达载体pTracer-CMV3-SKOR,转化大肠杆菌感受态DH5α,挑选阳性克隆,经EcoR I/Not I双酶切验证后,再次送往生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司测序验证。
1.2.6 膜片钳电生理研究 按照SU等[24]的方法,通过膜片钳电生理系统进行SKOR的功能研究:纯化浓缩后的pTracer-CMV3-SKOR质粒转染到HEK293-T细胞(ATCC公司,美国),同时转染pTracer-CMV3空载体作为对照试验,挑取带绿色荧光的细胞,利用pCLAMP 10.0(Axon,美国)采集通道基因的电流信号,借助pCLAMP 10.0和SigmaPlot 10.0软件进行图像采集及数据分析。每种KCl浓度下选择5个细胞进行重复性研究。
1.2.7 数据显著性分析 利用SPSS 13.0软件(SPSS Chicago,美国)开展数据的显著性分析,在胁迫处理与对照条件两个独立样品间进行t-检验(检验水平0.01<*P<0.05;**P<0.01)。
2 结果
2.1 葡萄VviSKOR的克隆
以拟南芥AthSKOR氨基酸序列为参考序列,在Phytozome葡萄基因组数据库中检索得到1个同源基因,命名为VviSKOR(Gene ID:GSVIVT01030667001),在Pfam在线服务器预测到环核苷酸结合域(PF00027)、离子通道跨膜域(PF00520)、Ankyrin重复序列(PF12796)和KHA(PF11834)等功能结构域(图1-A),并检测到极保守的标签序列GYGD,表明葡萄VviSKOR属于典型的外排型钾离子通道。扩增片段经测序验证,获得‘马瑟兰’葡萄的VviSKOR的CDS序列,共2 385 bp,编码794个氨基酸。图1
Fig. 1Domain of VvSKOR and gene structure of VviSKOR gene
A: Domain prediction; B: Gene structure analysis
2.2 VviSKOR定位、编码蛋白特征
由数据库信息可知,VviSKOR定位于第14号染色体上,含有12个长度不一的内含子(图1-B);VviSKOR蛋白含有6个跨膜区,等电点PI为6.24,表明其含有的酸性氨基酸较多;VviSKOR蛋白的不稳定指数为39.85,属于稳定蛋白;VviSKOR的GRAVY值为-0.108,表明其为亲水性蛋白质。2.3 18种不同植物SKOR同源蛋白的系统进化树
不同科属植物SKOR同源蛋白之间具有较高的同源性,两两物种之间同源蛋白的氨基酸序列一致性均高于78%,18种植物SKOR同源成员在氨基酸水平依然具有58.92%的一致性(表2),尤其在第250位至700位的氨基酸序列一致性最为显著(图2),在核苷酸水平具有62.03%的一致性(数据未展示)。Table 2
Table 2
物种 Species | 蛋白 Protein | GenBank登录号 GenBank No. | 编码区 CDS (bp) | 氨基酸数目 Amino acid No. |
葡萄Vitis vinifera | VviSKOR | GSVIVT01030667001 | 2385 | 794 |
拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana | AthSKOR | AT3G02850 | 2487 | 828 |
水稻Oryza sativa | OsaSKOR | LOC_Os06g14030 | 2577 | 858 |
玉米Zea mays | ZmaSKOR | GRMZM2G310569_T01 | 2640 | 879 |
高粱Sorghum bicolor | SbiSKOR | Sobic.010G102800 | 2565 | 854 |
短柄草Brachypodium distachyon | BdiSKOR | Bradi1g44317 | 2502 | 833 |
大豆Glycine max | GmaSKOR | Glyma.02G243400 | 2550 | 849 |
番茄Solanum lycopersicum | SlySKOR | Solyc11g011500 | 2490 | 829 |
黄瓜Cucumis sativus | CsaSKOR | Cucsa.034670 | 2487 | 828 |
白杨Populus trichocarpa | PtrSKOR | Potri.017G135400 | 2526 | 841 |
桃Prunus persica | PpeSKOR | Prupe.3G164900 | 2493 | 830 |
梨Pyrus bretschneideri | PbrSKOR | Pbr022827 | 2521 | 839 |
草莓Fragaria vesca | FveSKOR | mrna30492.1-v1.0-hybrid | 3795 | 1264 |
苹果Malus domestica | MdoSKOR | MDP0000263295 | 2523 | 840 |
木瓜Carica papaya | CpaSKOR | evm.model.supercontig_116.82 | 2376 | 791 |
柑橘Citrus sinensis | CsiSKOR | orange1.1g003425m | 2466 | 821 |
香蕉Musa acuminata | MacSKOR | GSMUA_Achr9T15840_001 | 2538 | 845 |
凤梨Ananas comosus | AcoSKOR | Aco002953 | 2457 | 818 |
Fig. 2Identity analysis of highly conservative regions of SKOR proteins from 18 plants
Fig. 3The phylogenetic tree of SKOR proteins from 18 plants
2.4 VviSKOR亚细胞定位及启动子顺式作用元件预测
Fig. 4Subcellular localization prediction of VviSKOR
Table 3
Table 3
顺式作用元件 cis-regulatory element | 特征序列 Characteristic sequence | 潜在调控途径 Putative regulatory pathway |
CAAT-box | CAAT | 启动子和增强子区域 Promoter and enhancer regions |
GATA-motif | GATAGGG | 光感应 Light response |
Sp1 | GGGCGG | 光感应 Light response |
Box 4 | ATTAAT | 光感应 Light response |
G-Box | CACGTT | 光感应 Light response |
TCT-motif | TCTTAC | 光感应 Light response |
ARE | AAACCA | 厌氧诱导 Anaerobic induction |
MSA-like | TCAAACGGT | 细胞周期调控 Cell cycle regulation |
TGACG-motif | TGACG | 茉莉酮酸甲酯响应 Methyl jasmonate response |
CGTCA-motif | CGTCA | 茉莉酮酸甲酯响应 Methyl jasmonate response |
ABRE | ACGTG | 脱落酸响应 Abscisic acid response |
LTR | CCGAAA | 低温感应Low temperature |
2.5 VviSKOR表达分析
Fig. 5Expression profiles analysis of VviSKOR
Fig. 6Real time quantitative PCR expression analysis of VviSKOR in different tissues in 7-year-old grape tree
2.6 幼苗中VviSKOR对胁迫处理的响应
Fig. 7Response of VviSKOR gene under K+ depletion, high K+, ABA and NaCl stresses in seedlings
**indicates statistically extremely significant differences (P<0.01)
2.7 VviSKOR的电生理功能
以转染pTracer-CMV3空载体的HEK293-T细胞作为空白对照,通过pCLAMP 10.0膜片钳系统记录pTracer-CMV3-SKOR在外界不同K+浓度条件下电流特征曲线。结果表明,表达pTracer-CMV3-SKOR的细胞记录到大量的外向整流电流,且外向电流随细胞外钾离子浓度的增加而降低,初步证实VviSKOR是一个典型的外流型钾离子通道(图8);此外,记录到的电流随着电压的增加而增加,说明VviSKOR也是电压依赖型钾离子通道。图8
Fig. 8Physiological function of VviSKOR gene by using patch clamping
3 讨论
4 结论
从葡萄中鉴定并克隆了钾离子通道基因VviSKOR;葡萄VviSKOR与黄瓜CsaSKOR成员在遗传距离上较近;VviSKOR主要在葡萄根部表达,并在转录水平受缺钾、ABA和NaCl胁迫的调控;膜片钳研究表明VviSKOR是葡萄中一个电压门控的外排型钾离子通道。研究结果为解析果树内部离子动态平衡和钾素营养高效机制奠定了技术支撑,并为园艺作物的遗传改良与分子育种提供了基因资源和理论指导。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.23.011URL [本文引用: 4]
【Objective】 Isolation and characterization of KEA family genes from grape. Analysis of the tissue-specific expression patterns of KEA family genes and response to K + depletion, ABA, NaCl and sorbitol treatments. Screen the potential major KEA genes in grape. 【Method】 By carrying out homology-based cloning, putative KEA family genes were isolated and characterized from grape. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by multiple alignment of KEA family proteins from 9 known plants (grape, Arabidopsis, rice, maize, sorghum, slender false brome, polar, pear, and apple) using the neighbor-joining method via MEGA7.0 software. Details of grape KEA family genes and encoded proteins were analyzed with the help of bioinformatical analysis softwares. By screening the EST database, electrical expression profiles of grape KEA genes were determined. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was carried out to analyze the expression patterns of KEA family genes and response to K + depletion, ABA, NaCl, and sorbitol treatments, and obtained the major genes. 【Result】 Four KEA family genes were isolated from grape, entitled by VvKEA1—VvKEA4, which were all containing the K/H exchanger and TrkA-N functional domains that belonging to the classic plant KEA family antiporters. The amino acid sequences of KEA proteins from 9 plants shared an overall identity of 33.10%. These KEA members were classified into 2 major groups (Groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ), and VvKEA1and VvKEA2 belong to Group Ⅰ that containing 7 Motifs, while VvKEA3 and VvKEA4 belong to GroupⅡ that just containing 4 Motifs. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that VvKEA1, VvKEA 2 and VvKEA 4 of grape were closely clustered with AtKEA2, AtKEA 3 and AtKEA 5 of Arabidopsis, respectively, and VvKEA3 was clustered with PbrKEA5 of pear and MdoKEA7 of apple. KEA members of 4 grass family plants (rice, maize, sorghum and slender false brome) were prone to clustered together, while three woody plants (polar, apple and pear) KEA members were prone to clustered together. Mainly localized in plasma membrane, all predicted VvKEA proteins possessed similar tertiary structures, contained 12 or 13 transmembrane domains (TMs), and the theoretical isoelectric point (pI) were all less than 7.0. In particular, only VvKEA3 possessed the signal peptide. Fifteen cis-acting regulatory elements, including the stress response, nutrition and development, hormone response and circadian rhythm regulations, et al., were identified in the promoter region of VvKEA genes. Expression profile analysis showed that VvKEA family genes were expressed in different tissues or organs in grape, and the highest percentage was predicted in fruit, followed by leaf, seed, root and pistil. qRT-PCR analysis showed that VvKEA3 was the most abundant expressed gene during different parts of 8-year-old ‘Rosario Bianco’ on the whole, especially in fruitlet, and the other 3 genes were less expressed with similar amount. In grape seedlings, VvKEA1—VvKEA4 genes were more sensitive to ABA treatment, whose expression were all induced in both tested shoots and roots, but had no response to NaCl treatment. The expression of VvKEA3 in both shoots and roots and VvKEA1 in shoots were up-regulated by K + depletion treatment, and the expression of VvKEA3 in both shoots and roots and VvKEA4 in roots were increased by sorbitol treatment. 【Conclusion】 Four predicted KEA family genes were cloned and characterized from grape, which were majorly expressed in fruit, leaf and seed. Notably, VvKEA3 was the most abundant gene in 8-year old grape tree, especially in fruitlet, whose expression was prone to be regulated by K + depletion, ABA, and sorbitol osmotic stress. VvKEA3 may be a crucial K +/H + antiporter during grape fruit development.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2018.23.011URL [本文引用: 4]
【Objective】 Isolation and characterization of KEA family genes from grape. Analysis of the tissue-specific expression patterns of KEA family genes and response to K + depletion, ABA, NaCl and sorbitol treatments. Screen the potential major KEA genes in grape. 【Method】 By carrying out homology-based cloning, putative KEA family genes were isolated and characterized from grape. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by multiple alignment of KEA family proteins from 9 known plants (grape, Arabidopsis, rice, maize, sorghum, slender false brome, polar, pear, and apple) using the neighbor-joining method via MEGA7.0 software. Details of grape KEA family genes and encoded proteins were analyzed with the help of bioinformatical analysis softwares. By screening the EST database, electrical expression profiles of grape KEA genes were determined. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was carried out to analyze the expression patterns of KEA family genes and response to K + depletion, ABA, NaCl, and sorbitol treatments, and obtained the major genes. 【Result】 Four KEA family genes were isolated from grape, entitled by VvKEA1—VvKEA4, which were all containing the K/H exchanger and TrkA-N functional domains that belonging to the classic plant KEA family antiporters. The amino acid sequences of KEA proteins from 9 plants shared an overall identity of 33.10%. These KEA members were classified into 2 major groups (Groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ), and VvKEA1and VvKEA2 belong to Group Ⅰ that containing 7 Motifs, while VvKEA3 and VvKEA4 belong to GroupⅡ that just containing 4 Motifs. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that VvKEA1, VvKEA 2 and VvKEA 4 of grape were closely clustered with AtKEA2, AtKEA 3 and AtKEA 5 of Arabidopsis, respectively, and VvKEA3 was clustered with PbrKEA5 of pear and MdoKEA7 of apple. KEA members of 4 grass family plants (rice, maize, sorghum and slender false brome) were prone to clustered together, while three woody plants (polar, apple and pear) KEA members were prone to clustered together. Mainly localized in plasma membrane, all predicted VvKEA proteins possessed similar tertiary structures, contained 12 or 13 transmembrane domains (TMs), and the theoretical isoelectric point (pI) were all less than 7.0. In particular, only VvKEA3 possessed the signal peptide. Fifteen cis-acting regulatory elements, including the stress response, nutrition and development, hormone response and circadian rhythm regulations, et al., were identified in the promoter region of VvKEA genes. Expression profile analysis showed that VvKEA family genes were expressed in different tissues or organs in grape, and the highest percentage was predicted in fruit, followed by leaf, seed, root and pistil. qRT-PCR analysis showed that VvKEA3 was the most abundant expressed gene during different parts of 8-year-old ‘Rosario Bianco’ on the whole, especially in fruitlet, and the other 3 genes were less expressed with similar amount. In grape seedlings, VvKEA1—VvKEA4 genes were more sensitive to ABA treatment, whose expression were all induced in both tested shoots and roots, but had no response to NaCl treatment. The expression of VvKEA3 in both shoots and roots and VvKEA1 in shoots were up-regulated by K + depletion treatment, and the expression of VvKEA3 in both shoots and roots and VvKEA4 in roots were increased by sorbitol treatment. 【Conclusion】 Four predicted KEA family genes were cloned and characterized from grape, which were majorly expressed in fruit, leaf and seed. Notably, VvKEA3 was the most abundant gene in 8-year old grape tree, especially in fruitlet, whose expression was prone to be regulated by K + depletion, ABA, and sorbitol osmotic stress. VvKEA3 may be a crucial K +/H + antiporter during grape fruit development.
URLPMID:11846609 [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1105/tpc.104.030551URLPMID:15805483 [本文引用: 1]
An inward Shaker K(+) channel identified in Zea mays (maize), ZmK2.1, displays strong regulation by external K(+) when expressed in Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) oocytes or COS cells. ZmK2.1 is specifically activated by K(+) with an apparent K(m) close to 15 mM independent of the membrane hyperpolarization level. In the absence of K(+), ZmK2.1 appears to enter a nonconducting state. Thus, whatever the membrane potential, this maize channel cannot mediate K(+) influx in the submillimolar concentration range, unlike its relatives in Arabidopsis thaliana. Its expression is restricted to the shoots, the strongest signal (RT-PCR) being associated with vascular/bundle sheath strands. Based on sequence and gene structure, the closest relatives of ZmK2.1 in Arabidopsis are K(+) Arabidopsis Transporter 1 (KAT1) (expressed in guard cells) and KAT2 (expressed in guard cells and leaf phloem). Patch-clamp analyses of guard cell protoplasts reveal a higher functional diversity of K(+) channels in maize than in Arabidopsis. Channels endowed with regulation by external K(+) similar to that of ZmK2.1 (channel activity regulated by external K(+) with a K(m) close to 15 mM, regulation independent of external Ca(2+)) constitute a major component of the maize guard cell inward K(+) channel population. The presence of such channels in maize might reflect physiological traits of C4 and/or monocotyledonous plants.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.06.13URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The objective of this study is to analyze the transcriptional expression of KT/HAK/KUP family genes and response characteristics to potassium fertilizer application during different flowering stages, and key K+ transporter genes and its function. A close relationship between K+ nutritional status and flower development was discussed, thus providing a theoretical basis for K fertilization in orchards and genetic improvement and breeding of efficient horticulture crops.【Method】The K fertilizer treatment experiment was conducted via applying 834 g KCl (K2O content 60%) to each ‘Xiahui6’ peach tree at flower bud expanding stage. The effect of K fertilizer application on flower development, K+ nutritional status and blooming date of peach trees was analyzed. The K+ concentration of peach flowers at different developmental stages was determined by using ICP-AES apparatus with HNO3-HClO4 digestion method. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to analyze the expression profiles of KT/HAK/KUP family genes during the whole flowering process, and the key K+ transporter genes were identified. The response of KT/HAK/KUP family genes to K fertilizer application at different developmental stages was also revealed. Functions of the key genes were validated by using heterologous complementation of bacterial function lossing mutant. Coding sequence of KUP11 was cloned into pPAB404 vector to obtain the recombinant expression vector pPAB404-KUP11. Sequencing verified recombinant vector was then transformed into functional mutant E. coli strain TK2420. Whether the recombinant vector pPAB404-KUP11 can restore the ability of TK2420 mutant strain to uptake external K+, supplied with either KCl or K2SO4, was determined.【Result】Application of K fertilizer treatment favorably induced ‘Xiahui6’ flowers to bloom 2-day earlier, and specifically contributed to flower development at full bloom stage, with an increase of 21.5% in fresh weight. The highest K+ accumulation occurred at full-bloom stage, which was followed by begin bloom, bud period and petal fall stages. Potasium application significantly enhanced the K+ nutritional status, with an increase of 24.3%, 27.4%, 29.1% and 26.3% of K+ concentration, respectively, during four flowering stages. Genes of KUP1-13 were differentially expressed during the four stages, and the highest expression level appeared especially in full-bloom stage. The KT/HAK/KUP family genes were differentially regulated by K, i.e., KUP1 and KUP5 were most sensitive to Kapplication, whose expression was consistently induced from bud swell stage to full-bloom stage. KUP11 was the most expressed gene throughout the whole flowering process, which was highly up-regulated at bud swell stage but greatly reduced at petal fall stage by K treatment. The recombinant expression vector pPAB404-KUP11 can restore the K+ uptake capacity in TK2420 bacterial mutant, and can utilize either external KCl or K2SO4, indicating that the expression level of KUP11 was positively correlated with the K+ uptake of bacterial cells.【Conclusion】Application of K fertilizer favorably promotes peach flower development, improves the K+ nutritional status, makes peach flower early to open, and differentially regulated KT/HAK/KUP family genes at different flowering stages. KUP11 transporter possesses the capacity to uptake external K+, which may play an important role in peach flowering.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.06.13URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The objective of this study is to analyze the transcriptional expression of KT/HAK/KUP family genes and response characteristics to potassium fertilizer application during different flowering stages, and key K+ transporter genes and its function. A close relationship between K+ nutritional status and flower development was discussed, thus providing a theoretical basis for K fertilization in orchards and genetic improvement and breeding of efficient horticulture crops.【Method】The K fertilizer treatment experiment was conducted via applying 834 g KCl (K2O content 60%) to each ‘Xiahui6’ peach tree at flower bud expanding stage. The effect of K fertilizer application on flower development, K+ nutritional status and blooming date of peach trees was analyzed. The K+ concentration of peach flowers at different developmental stages was determined by using ICP-AES apparatus with HNO3-HClO4 digestion method. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to analyze the expression profiles of KT/HAK/KUP family genes during the whole flowering process, and the key K+ transporter genes were identified. The response of KT/HAK/KUP family genes to K fertilizer application at different developmental stages was also revealed. Functions of the key genes were validated by using heterologous complementation of bacterial function lossing mutant. Coding sequence of KUP11 was cloned into pPAB404 vector to obtain the recombinant expression vector pPAB404-KUP11. Sequencing verified recombinant vector was then transformed into functional mutant E. coli strain TK2420. Whether the recombinant vector pPAB404-KUP11 can restore the ability of TK2420 mutant strain to uptake external K+, supplied with either KCl or K2SO4, was determined.【Result】Application of K fertilizer treatment favorably induced ‘Xiahui6’ flowers to bloom 2-day earlier, and specifically contributed to flower development at full bloom stage, with an increase of 21.5% in fresh weight. The highest K+ accumulation occurred at full-bloom stage, which was followed by begin bloom, bud period and petal fall stages. Potasium application significantly enhanced the K+ nutritional status, with an increase of 24.3%, 27.4%, 29.1% and 26.3% of K+ concentration, respectively, during four flowering stages. Genes of KUP1-13 were differentially expressed during the four stages, and the highest expression level appeared especially in full-bloom stage. The KT/HAK/KUP family genes were differentially regulated by K, i.e., KUP1 and KUP5 were most sensitive to Kapplication, whose expression was consistently induced from bud swell stage to full-bloom stage. KUP11 was the most expressed gene throughout the whole flowering process, which was highly up-regulated at bud swell stage but greatly reduced at petal fall stage by K treatment. The recombinant expression vector pPAB404-KUP11 can restore the K+ uptake capacity in TK2420 bacterial mutant, and can utilize either external KCl or K2SO4, indicating that the expression level of KUP11 was positively correlated with the K+ uptake of bacterial cells.【Conclusion】Application of K fertilizer favorably promotes peach flower development, improves the K+ nutritional status, makes peach flower early to open, and differentially regulated KT/HAK/KUP family genes at different flowering stages. KUP11 transporter possesses the capacity to uptake external K+, which may play an important role in peach flowering.