Complete Nucleotide Sequence Analysis and Genetic Characterization of the Sweet potato feathery mottle virus O and RC Strains Isolated from China
QIN YanHong, WANG YongJiang, WANG Shuang, QIAO Qi, TIAN YuTing, ZHANG DeSheng, ZHANG ZhenChen,Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Henan Key Laboratory of Crop Pest Control/ IPM Key Laboratory in Southern Part of North China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Zhengzhou 450002
Abstract 【Objective】The objective of this study is to clone the complete nucleotide sequence of Chinese isolate of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) O and RC strains, elucidate the genomic structural characterization and variation of SPFMV-O-Ch1 and SPFMV-RC-Ch1, and to lay a foundation for the study of pathogenic mechanism of SPFMV. 【Method】According to the SPFMV genome sequences available in GenBank database, 2 pairs of degenerate primers and 3 pairs of specific primers were designed, the whole genome of SPFMV O and RC strains isolated from China was amplified by RT-PCR from sweet potato leaves infection with SPFMV and subsequently cloned into vector pMD19-T and sequenced. The complete genome sequences of SPFMV-O-Ch1 and SPFMV-RC-Ch1 isolates were assembled by using DNAMAN. Genetic variation analyses of complete genomic sequences, polyproteins, and individual protein sequences were performed using DNAMAN. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of SPFMV-O-Ch1 and SPFMV-RC-Ch1 isolates with other isolates was constructed using MEGA7.0 software. Recombination analyses were carried out using RDP software. 【Result】The amplification and sequencing revealed that the complete nucleotide sequence of SPFMV-O-Ch1 and SPFMV-RC-Ch1 isolates was 10 992 nucleotides (nt) and 10 851 nt in length, respectively. The viral genome of SPFMV-O-Ch1 isolate contained a single open reading frame (ORF) of 10 557 nt encoding a polyprotein of 3 518 aa. SPFMV-RC-Ch1 isolate polyprotein consisted of 10 482 nt and encoded 3 493 aa. Two small ORFs, P1N-PISPO and P3N-PIPO were identified in the P1 and P3 proteins of these two isolates. Pairwise comparisons of the complete genome nucleotide sequence showed that O-Ch1 had 87.3% identity with RC-Ch1 isolate and shared 86.0%-95.8% sequence identity with other SPFMV isolates. It was most closely related to the isolate Ruk73 with 95.8% nt identity and lowest nt identity with 11-1 isolate (86.0%). RC-Ch1 and other SPFMV isolates shared 85.9%-98.7% sequence identity at the complete genome nucleotide sequence level. It had the highest nt identity with IS90 isolate (98.7%), and had lowest nt identity with Aus1-2B isolate (85.9%). Phylogenetic tree analysis based on polyprotein gene indicated that SPFMV-O-Ch1 formed a branch with the isolates of O strain containing Ordinary, 10-O and 17-O, and SPFMV-RC-Ch1 formed a branch with the isolates of RC strain containing S, IS90 and CW137. Recombination analysis showed that there were three potential significant recombination events occurred in 7 731- 9 710, 135-10 012 and 4 825-6 948 nt of O-Ch1 isolate genome, respectively. No recombination event was detected in the complete genome of RC-Ch1 isolate. 【Conclusion】The genomic organizations of SPFMV-O-Ch1 and SPFMV-RC-Ch1 isolates were same to other isolates. O-Ch1 isolate was closely related to the isolates of O strain and RC-Ch1 isolate was closely related to those isolates of RC strain. Three recombination events were detected in O-Ch1 isolate, but no recombination event was detected in RC-Ch1 isolate. Keywords:Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV);strain;complete nucleotide sequence;genetic variation;recombination analysis
PDF (901KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 秦艳红, 王永江, 王爽, 乔奇, 田雨婷, 张德胜, 张振臣. 甘薯羽状斑驳病毒O株系和RC株系中国分离物全基因组 序列分析及其遗传特征[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(11): 2207-2218 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.11.007 QIN YanHong, WANG YongJiang, WANG Shuang, QIAO Qi, TIAN YuTing, ZHANG DeSheng, ZHANG ZhenChen. Complete Nucleotide Sequence Analysis and Genetic Characterization of the Sweet potato feathery mottle virus O and RC Strains Isolated from China[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(11): 2207-2218 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.11.007
M:DL5000分子量标准 DL5000 marker;1:O-1扩增片段Amplification of O-1;2:O-2扩增片段Amplification of O-2;3:O-3扩增片段Amplification of O-3;4:RC-1扩增片段Amplification of RC-1;5:RC-2扩增片段Amplification of RC-2;6:RC-3扩增片段Amplification of RC-3 Fig. 1RT-PCR products of different genomic segments of O-Ch1 and RC-Ch1 isolates
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