

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

张海燕1,**, 解备涛1,**, 汪宝卿1, 董顺旭1, 段文学,1,*, 张立明,2,*1山东省农业科学院作物研究所 / 农业农村部黄淮海薯类科学观测实验站, 山东济南 250100
2山东省农业科学院, 山东济南 250100

Evaluation of drought tolerance and screening for drought-tolerant indicators in sweetpotato cultivars

ZHANG Hai-Yan1,**, XIE Bei-Tao1,**, WANG Bao-Qing1, DONG Shun-Xu1, DUAN Wen-Xue,1,*, ZHANG Li-Ming,2,* 1 Crop Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Scientific Observation and Experimental Station of Tubers and Root Crops in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Jinan 250100, Shandong, China
2 Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, Shandong, China

通讯作者: * 张立明, E-mail: zhanglm11@sina.com * 段文学, E-mail: duanwenxue2010@163.com

第一联系人: ** 同等贡献(Contributed equally to this work)

Fund supported: This study was supported by Shandong Province Modern Agricultural Technology System Tubers and Root Crops Innovation Team.SDAIT-16-09
the China Agriculture Research System.CARS-10-B08

作者简介 About authors


在人工控水条件下, 以15个甘薯品种为试验材料, 设置干旱胁迫和正常灌水2个处理, 研究了干旱胁迫条件下不同甘薯品种产量和农艺性状差异。根据产量抗旱系数法分级, 抗旱品种(抗旱系数≥0.6)为济薯21、济薯25、济徐23、济薯15、烟薯25; 中等抗旱品种(0.4≤抗旱系数<0.6)为徐薯18、济薯26、北京553、济紫薯2号、济薯18; 不抗旱品种(抗旱系数<0.4)为郑薯20、济紫薯3号、济薯22、济紫薯1号、凌紫。干旱胁迫导致甘薯的叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数和生物量下降, 品种间降幅不同, 抗旱性强的品种降幅小, 抗旱性弱的品种降幅大。这些农艺性状指标与甘薯品种的抗旱性呈显著正相关, 可作为甘薯品种抗旱性鉴定的指标。徐薯18可作为甘薯品种抗旱性鉴定的标准品种。
关键词: 甘薯;抗旱性;综合评价;鉴定指标

Field experiments were conducted under a rain proof shelter using 15 sweetpotato cultivars with drought stress treatment and well-watered treatment. The yield and agronomic traits of different sweetpotato cultivars under drought stress were studied. The sweetpotato cultivars were classified according to the drought resistance coefficient of each cultivar. The drought-tolerant cultivars (DC ≥ 0.6) included Jishu 21, Jishu 25, Jixu 23, Jishu 15, and Yanshu 25. The moderate drought-tolerant cultivars (0.4 ≤ DC < 0.6) included Xushu 18, Jishu 26, Beijing 553, Jizishu 2, and Jishu 18. The drought-sensitive cultivars (DC < 0.4) included Zhengshu 20, Jizishu 3, Jishu 22, Jizishu 1, and Ayamaraski. Drought stress caused the decline of leaf number per plant, vine length, leaf area index and biomass which was different among cultivars. The impact of drought stress on drought-tolerant cultivars was lower than that of drought-sensitive cultivars. Under drought stress, these were significant positive correlations of drought resistance with leaf number per plant, vine length, leaf area index and biomass of different cultivars. All the agronomic traits could be used as a comprehensive evaluation index for identifying drought resistance of sweetpotato cultivars. Xushu 18 could be used as a control cultivar in the identification and screening of drought tolerance.
Keywords:sweetpotato;drought tolerant;comprehensive assessment;identified index

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张海燕, 解备涛, 汪宝卿, 董顺旭, 段文学, 张立明. 不同甘薯品种抗旱性评价及耐旱指标筛选[J]. 作物学报, 2019, 45(3): 419-430. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84087
ZHANG Hai-Yan, XIE Bei-Tao, WANG Bao-Qing, DONG Shun-Xu, DUAN Wen-Xue, ZHANG Li-Ming. Evaluation of drought tolerance and screening for drought-tolerant indicators in sweetpotato cultivars[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2019, 45(3): 419-430. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84087

我国是世界上甘薯种植面积最大、总产最高的国家, 种植面积328.15万公顷, 总产7057.09万吨, 平均单产21.51 t hm-2, 种植面积和总产分别占世界的38.05%和67.09%, 单产为世界平均单产的1.76倍(FAO, 2016)。甘薯作为耐瘠薄作物, 70%以上种植在丘陵山区, 年际间降雨量不均使甘薯生长季经常遭遇干旱, 已成为限制产量提高的主要因素[1]。选育抗旱品种是提高旱地甘薯产量最有效的技术途径, 研究不同甘薯品种的抗旱性, 鉴定抗旱相关性状及不同品种的抗旱机制, 可为甘薯抗旱育种提供种质及理论参考。

作物抗旱适应性是复杂的数量性状, 受多因素控制, 合理筛选抗旱指标是抗旱性鉴定的关键。在抗旱性鉴定分析方法和抗旱指标筛选方面, 前人做了大量工作, 主要利用综合抗旱系数[2]、隶属性函数值[3]、聚类分析[4]、主成分分析[5]、灰色关联度[6]、广义遗传力分析[7]等方法进行品种抗旱性分级。抗旱鉴定指标包括产量性状、生长发育、形态学和生理生化指标[8,9]。近年来, 国内外研究者从群体、个体、器官、细胞、亚细胞以及分子水平上针对多种作物的抗旱适应性深入研究, 提出了抗旱鉴定方法、指标选择、评价方法以及抗旱性分级等抗旱性综合评价方法[10,11,12]

前人在甘薯抗旱指标及其与品种抗旱性关系研究的基础上, 对甘薯品种抗旱适应性进行了较为全面、系统的综合评价[13,14,15], 提出了直接鉴定、间接鉴定和综合鉴定等甘薯品种抗旱性鉴定方法[16,17], 并筛选获得了一系列抗旱性较强的甘薯品种[13,16]。作为无性繁殖作物, 甘薯品种在种植过程中, 种性退化严重, 前人抗旱性鉴定过的甘薯品种大多已被淘汰, 目前生产中推广应用的甘薯品种尚未有人进行系统的抗旱性评价。近年来, 国内研究者利用大田自然干旱鉴定法对部分甘薯品种进行了抗旱性鉴定评价, 而对于抗旱指标的研究多见于盆栽试验[18,19], 针对整个生育期综合评价甘薯品种抗旱性的研究未见报道。本研究在人工控水条件下, 对近年来生产中广泛应用的淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型甘薯品种进行全生育期抗旱性综合评价, 以期为甘薯抗旱育种提供优异种质, 并为甘薯抗旱机制研究提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计

选取当前生产中种植的甘薯栽培种3个类型共15个品种为供试材料(表1), 于2012—2013年在山东省农业科学院试验场防雨旱棚内进行试验, 抗旱池长6 m、宽4 m、深2 m, 四周为水泥墙, 底部未封闭。抗旱池土壤类型为沙壤土, 含有机质1.26%、碱解氮43.99 mg kg-1、速效磷18.03 mg kg-1、速效钾103.16 mg kg-1。分别于2012年6月12日和2013年6月10日栽插, 栽插密度为57,145株hm-2, 2012年10月11日和2013年10月9日收获。对每个品种设置正常灌水(土壤相对含水量75%±5%)和干旱胁迫(土壤相对含水量35%±5%) 2个处理。采用测墒补灌的方法, 保证抗旱池内土壤水分含量保持在目标含水量范围。随机区组设计, 重复3次。

Table 1
Table 1Cultivar, breeding unit, and cultivar type of experimental materials
Cultivar type
Cultivar name
Breeding organization
淀粉型1徐薯18 Xushu 18江苏徐州甘薯研究中心 Xuzhou Sweetpotato Research Center
High-starch2济薯15 Jishu 15山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
3济薯21 Jishu 21山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
4济徐23 Jixu 23山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
5济薯25 Jishu 25山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
鲜食型6北京553 Beijing 553原华北农业科学研究所 North China Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Table-used7郑薯20 Zhengshu 20河南省农业科学院粮食作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of HAAS
8烟薯25 Yanshu 25烟台市农业科学研究院 Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences
9济薯22 Jishu 22山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
10济薯26 Jishu 26山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
色素型11凌紫Ayamaraski日本品种 Japanese Genotype
Rich in pigment12济薯18 Jishu 18山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
13济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
14济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
15济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
SAAS: Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences; HAAS: Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences.


1.2 测定项目及方法

1.2.1 鲜薯产量 收获时进行小区测产, 获得鲜薯产量, 计算单位面积的鲜薯产量(kg hm-2)。

1.2.2 抗旱系数 参照张明生等[20]的方法计算抗旱系数(drought resistance coefficient, DC), DC=干旱胁迫处理鲜薯产量/正常灌水处理鲜薯产量。

1.2.3 农艺性状 栽后40 d开始田间标记代表性植株5株, 用于叶片数、叶面积和蔓长的跟踪调查, 每隔20 d调查一次。调查后进行田间取样, 每处理选5株, 称量其地上部叶片、叶柄、茎蔓和地下部根系及块根的鲜重, 烘干后称取干重, 取平均值。地上部生物量(g plant-1)=叶片干重+叶柄干重+茎蔓干重, 地下部生物量(g plant-1)=根系干重+块根干重。

1.2.4 叶面积和叶面积系数 从田间选有代表性植株, 测量所有叶片的长和宽(沿叶脉测量叶片长, 最宽处测量叶片宽), 长乘以宽得出叶片虚叶面积, 测算出整株虚叶面积, 再乘以矫正系数0.6即可得出整株叶面积[21]。叶面积系数=单株虚叶面积×0.6×栽插密度(株数 666.7 m-2)/666.7。

1.3 数据处理与分析

用Microsoft Excel 2010处理数据及制图, 用DPS v8.01版数据处理系统进行方差分析和差异显著性检验。2年试验结果趋势基本一致, 方差分析结果表明, 各指标及其与年份间的互作不显著(P < 0.05), 因此, 均采用2年的平均值进行分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 甘薯品种抗旱性评价

表2可见, 干旱胁迫导致各甘薯品种鲜薯产量下降, 不同品种对干旱胁迫的响应存在显著差异。15个品种的抗旱系数年份间略有差异, 但两年度品种间抗旱性结果趋势基本一致。2012年15个品种的抗旱系数在0.34~0.71之间; 2013年抗旱系数在0.33~0.73之间。按照抗旱评价标准, 对15个甘薯品种进行了抗旱性分级排序, 抗旱品种(抗旱系数≥0.6)包括济薯21>济薯25>济徐23>济薯15>烟薯25; 中等抗旱品种(0.4≤抗旱系数<0.6)包括徐薯18>济薯26>北京553>济紫薯2号>济薯18; 不抗旱品种(抗旱系数<0.4)包括郑薯20>济紫薯3号>济薯22>济紫薯1号>凌紫。徐薯18作为中等抗旱品种, 可用作甘薯品种抗旱性综合评价的标准品种。从抗旱性分级结果来看, 甘薯品种抗旱性强弱与品种类型没有必然关联, 同一类型的甘薯品种中既有抗旱品种和中等抗旱品种, 又有不抗旱品种。

Table 2
Table 2Evaluation of drought resistance in different sweetpotato cultivars
Fresh weight (kg hm-2)
Fresh weight (kg hm-2)
徐薯18 Xushu 1818735 fg10305 d0.55 ef20970 d11955 d0.57 e中抗Medium resistance
济薯15 Jishu 1520205 de13530 c0.67 bc22740 c14325 c0.63 d抗Resistance
济薯21 Jishu 2119200 ef13635 b0.71 a21525 d15720 b0.73 a抗Resistance
济徐23 Jixu 2322950 b15840 a0.69 ab24540 b15945 b0.65 c抗Resistance
济薯25 Jishu 2525080 a17550 a0.70 a27090 a18420 a0.68 b抗Resistance
北京553 Beijing 55316350 hi9315 e0.57 de18570 e9840 e0.53 fg中抗Medium resistance
郑薯20 Zhengshu 2020250 cd7890 f0.39 h23400 c8430 f0.36 h不抗Not resistance
烟薯25 Yanshu 2521600 c14040 b0.65 c22920 c14445 c0.63 cd抗Resistance
济薯22 Jishu 2216875 h6405 g0.38 h18525 e6480 h0.35 hi不抗Not resistance
济薯26 Jishu 2623520 b13635 bc0.58 d26820 a14490 c0.54 ef中抗Medium resistance
凌紫Ayamaraski13140 k4590 i0.35 i13530 h4470 j0.33 i不抗Not resistance
济薯18 Jishu1817550 g8595 e0.49 g15600 g7950 g0.51 ef中抗Medium resistance
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 115450 ij5250 h0.34 i16845 f5895 i0.35 i不抗Not resistance
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 214640 j7470 f0.51 f16065 fg8520 f0.53 g中抗Medium resistance
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 316200 hi5985 gh0.37 hi16935 f6435 h0.38 h不抗Not resistance
DC: drought resistance coefficient; DE: drought resistance evaluation. Data are shown in mean of three replicates. Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.


2.2 干旱胁迫对不同甘薯品种农艺性状和生物量的影响

2.2.1 叶片数 由表3可见, 15个甘薯品种的单株叶片数两年度变化趋势基本一致, 干旱胁迫条件下, 甘薯的单株叶片数显著低于对照, 栽后60 d叶片数相对值变幅在0.40~0.60之间, 栽后100 d变幅在0.25~0.43之间。品种间降幅不同反映了抗旱性的差异, 抗旱性强的品种叶片数相对值高, 栽后100 d, 济薯21、济薯25和济徐23的叶片数相对值2012年分别为0.41、0.40和0.39, 2013年分别为0.43、0.40和0.40, 均高于其他品种。淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型3种类型甘薯品种均表现出抗旱性强的单株叶片数相对值高, 单株叶片数相对值反映了品种的抗旱性, 品种类型间无特异性差别, 栽后100 d, 单株叶片数相对值较高的甘薯品种中, 既有淀粉型甘薯品种济薯21、济徐23, 又有鲜食型甘薯品种北京553和济薯22号; 相对值较低的甘薯品种中, 既有鲜食型甘薯品种烟薯25和郑薯20, 又有色素型甘薯品种济紫薯1号和济紫薯2号。

Table 3
Table 3Effects of drought stress on leaf number per plant in sweetpotato
栽后60 d 60 DAP栽后100 d 100 DAP
徐薯18 Xushu 18123 ab59 b0.48 bc197 b72 cd0.37 b
济薯15 Jishu 15121 b62 a0.51 bc203 b80 b0.39 ab
济薯21 Jishu 21110 d57 b0.52 b185 c75 c0.41 a
济徐23 Jixu 23118 bc61 ab0.52 b194 b76 c0.39 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25129 a65 a0.50 bc213 a85 a0.40 a
北京553 Beijing 553109 d65 a0.60 a178 d68 de0.38 ab
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20107 d45 d0.42 cd168 e56 f0.33 c
烟薯25 Yanshu 25127 a58 b0.46 bc201 b65 e0.32 c
济薯22 Jishu 22118 bc59 b0.50 bc178 d69 de0.39 ab
济薯26 Jishu 26128 a60 b0.47 bc215 a79 bc0.37 b
凌紫Ayamaraski98 e39 e0.40 d199 b49 g0.25 d
济薯18 Jishu 18114 c51 c0.45 c187 c63 e0.34 c
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1125 ab60 b0.48 bc200 b70 d0.35 bc
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2107 d49 cd0.46 bc178 d64 e0.36 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3112 cd48 cd0.43 cd184 c59 f0.32 c
徐薯18 Xushu 18134 a65 ab0.49 ab213 b79 b0.37 bc
济薯15 Jishu 15110 d51 c0.46 bc187 ef62 e0.33 d
济薯21 Jishu 21128 b70 a0.55 a209 bc89 a0.43 a
济徐23 Jixu 23124 bc65 ab0.53 a202 cd80 b0.40 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25125 bc63 b0.50 ab207 c82 b0.40 ab
北京553 Beijing 553113 d55 c0.49 ab182 f68 d0.37 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20126 b63 b0.50 ab191 e73 c0.38 bc
烟薯25 Yanshu 25131 ab65 ab0.50 ab207 c78 b0.38 bc
济薯22 Jishu 22135 a69 a0.51 ab198 d79 b0.40 ab
济薯26 Jishu 26121 c53 c0.44 c208 c72 c0.35 cd
凌紫Ayamaraski87 g35 e0.40 d213 b53 f0.25 e
济薯18 Jishu 18130 ab63 b0.48 bc221 a75 bc0.34 cd
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 198 f47 d0.48 bc156 g55 f0.35 cd
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2114 d54 c0.47 bc189 e69 d0.37 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3104 e45 d0.43 cd17155 f0.32 d
RV: relative value; DAP: days after planting. Data are shown in mean of three replicates. Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.


2.2.2 蔓长 由表4可见, 随着甘薯生长发育, 对照和干旱胁迫处理的蔓长均呈逐渐升高的趋势, 两年度变化趋势基本一致。干旱胁迫导致蔓长降低, 品种间降幅不同, 抗旱性强的品种降幅小, 抗旱性弱的品种降幅大; 各生育期蔓长的降低幅度不同, 生育后期降低幅度大于前期, 表现为蔓长相对值随着生育进程逐渐降低, 栽后60 d在0.53~0.68之间, 栽后100 d在0.43~0.57之间。从淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型甘薯品种蔓长相对值来看, 品种类型间无特异性差别, 均表现出蔓长相对值高的品种抗旱性强。

Table 4
Table 4Effects of drought stress on vine length in sweetpotato (cm)
栽后60 d 60 DAP栽后100 d 100 DAP
徐薯18 Xushu 18105.64 c69.56 cd0.66 a148.95 f81.89 c0.55 ab
济薯15 Jishu 1591.75 d59.45 g0.65 ab163.79 e81.45 c0.50 cd
济薯21 Jishu 21119.34 b78.13 b0.65 ab157.57 e90.32 b0.57 a
济徐23 Jixu 23117.56 b73.56 bc0.63 b164.32 e92.31 b0.56 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25114.56 b77.45 b0.68 a185.64 c104.53 a0.56 ab
北京553 Beijing 55398.46 d64.13 ef0.65 ab138.45 g75.88 d0.55 ab
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20107.23 c64.12 ef0.60 cd142.56 fg74.79 d0.52 bc
烟薯25 Yanshu 25131.89 a78.56 b0.60 cd201.76 b91.86 b0.46 de
济薯22 Jishu 22108.76 c67.26 de0.62 cd158.29 e84.56 c0.53 bc
济薯26 Jishu 26134.56 a84.56 a0.63 b213.22 a101.23 a0.47 d
凌紫 Ayamaraski97.56 d56.46 g0.58 d119.56 h63.56 e0.53 bc
济薯18 Jishu 18105.46 c61.23 fg0.58 d188.45 c81.46 c0.43 e
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1112.67 bc66.76 de0.59 d165.45 e86.35 bc0.52 bc
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2106.87 c63.58 ef0.59 d138.45 g73.69 d0.53 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3112.46 bc69.56 cd0.62 cd176.45 d90.23 b0.51 bc
徐薯18 Xushu 1891.81 e57.18 cd0.62 b133.39 e70.69 de0.53 bc
济薯15 Jishu 1588.08 ef50.35 e0.57 cd147.64 c68.59 de0.46 e
济薯21 Jishu 2194.97 de63.48 bc0.67 a141.67 d79.11 b0.56 ab
济徐23 Jixu 23103.26 bc70.02 a0.68 a152.15 c87.02 a0.57 a
济薯25 Jishu 25104.92 bc60.04 bc0.57 cd148.91 c78.24 b0.53 bc
北京553 Beijing 553109.98 b65.71 ab0.60 bc158.61 b78.75 b0.50 cd
郑薯20 Zhengshu 2083.34 f48.12 f0.58 bc127.26 f62.20 e0.49 d
烟薯25 Yanshu 25121.39 a63.90 bc0.53 d184.09 a78.59 b0.43 f
济薯22 Jishu 2294.81 de54.97 de0.58 bc139.88 d71.58 d0.51 c
济薯26 Jishu 2699.58 cd59.58 cd0.60 bc135.09 e74.58 cd0.55 ab
凌紫 Ayamaraski84.06 f44.60 f0.53 d105.18 g51.42 f0.49 d
济薯18 Jishu 18101.24 c58.78 cd0.58 bc151.31 c69.60 de0.46 e
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 198.56 cd52.57 e0.53 d149.23 c73.30 cd0.49 d
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 293.00 de56.24 de0.60 bc127.55 f65.94 e0.52 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 398.36 cd61.02 bc0.62 bc159.79 b77.02 bc0.48 de
RV: relative value; DAP: days after planting. Data are shown in mean of three replicates. Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.


2.2.3 叶面积系数 由表5可以看出, 叶面积系数两年度变化趋势基本一致, 在各生育时期, 干旱胁迫处理的叶面积系数均低于对照, 品种间降幅不同, 抗旱性强的品种降幅小, 抗旱性弱的品种降幅大。栽后100 d, 济薯21、济薯25和济徐23的叶面积系数相对值2012年分别为0.66、0.58和0.57, 2013年分别为0.64、0.62和0.62, 均高于其他参试品种。各生育期叶面积系数的降低幅度也不同, 生育后期降低幅度大于前期, 表现为叶面积系数相对值随着生育进程逐渐降低, 栽后60 d在0.53~0.72之间, 栽后100 d在0.32~0.64之间。叶面积系数相对值反映了品种抗旱性的强弱, 抗旱性强的品种叶面积系数相对值高, 各品种类型表现出相同的趋势, 其间无特异性差异。

Table 5
Table 5Effects of drought stress on leaf area index in sweetpotato
栽后60 d 60 DAP栽后100 d 100 DAP
徐薯18 Xushu 184.23 e2.45 cd0.58 de4.03 e2.07 d0.51 bc
济薯15 Jishu 153.98 e2.64 cd0.66 b3.96 e2.14 cd0.54 b
济薯21 Jishu 216.01 cd4.34 ab0.72 a5.86 c3.84 a0.66 a
济徐23 Jixu 236.54 bc3.98 b0.61 bcd6.31 b3.57 a0.57 b
济薯25 Jishu 256.78 bc4.32 ab0.64 bc6.52 b3.79 a0.58 b
北京553 Beijing 5533.65 ef2.13 d0.58 de3.61 ef1.82 de0.50 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 203.78 ef2.34 d0.62 bcd3.71 ef1.41 ef0.38 e
烟薯25 Yanshu 257.12 ab4.72 a0.66 b6.89 b3.62 a0.53 b
济薯22 Jishu 224.03 e2.45 cd0.61 bcd4.06 e1.72 de0.42 de
济薯26 Jishu 267.86 a4.19 b0.53 e7.48 a3.84 a0.51 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski2.98 f1.65 e0.55 e2.87 g1.13 f0.39 e
济薯18 Jishu 183.59 ef2.11 d0.59 cde3.87 e1.79 de0.46 cd
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 17.21 ab4.37 ab0.61 bcd6.76 b2.67 b0.40 de
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 23.45 f2.14 d0.62 bcd3.33 f1.69 de0.51 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 35.35 d2.98 c0.56 e4.97 d2.58 bc0.52 b
徐薯18 Xushu 183.61 c1.93 cd0.53 c3.16 bc1.49 de0.47 c
济薯15 Jishu 153.96 c2.28 c0.57 bc3.74 b1.89 cd0.51 bc
济薯21 Jishu 213.98 c2.72 c0.68 a3.46 bc2.23 c0.64 a
济徐23 Jixu 236.20 b4.34 a0.70 a5.97 a3.71 a0.62 a
济薯25 Jishu 256.45 b4.29 a0.67 a6.19 a3.86 a0.62 a
北京553 Beijing 5533.43 c2.10 cd0.61 b3.39 bc1.79 cd0.53 b
郑薯20 Zhengshu 203.57 c2.03 cd0.57 bc3.50 b1.49 de0.43 d
烟薯25 Yanshu 256.56 b4.08 ab0.62 b6.02 a3.08 b0.51 bc
济薯22 Jishu 223.81 c2.32 c0.61 b3.03 bc1.29 e0.43 d
济薯26 Jishu 267.58 a4.42 a0.58 bc6.20 a3.17 b0.51 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski2.80 d1.64 d0.59 bc2.09 d1.06 e0.51 bc
济薯18 Jishu 183.83 c2.25 c0.59 bc3.11 bc1.63 d0.52 b
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 16.86 b3.72 b0.54 c6.41 a2.03 c0.32 e
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 23.72 c2.21 c0.59 bc3.10 bc1.56 de0.50 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 33.45 c2.09 cd0.61 b2.91 c1.49 de0.51 bc
RV: relative value; DAP: days after planting. Data are shown in mean of three replicates. Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.


2.2.4 地上部生物量 随着甘薯生长发育, 对照和干旱胁迫处理的地上部生物量均呈逐渐升高的趋势, 两年度变化趋势基本一致。干旱胁迫导致甘薯地上部生物量下降, 品种间降幅不同, 抗旱性强的品种降幅小, 抗旱性弱的品种降幅大, 栽后60 d, 抗旱性强的济薯21地上部生物量相对值2012年和2013年分别为0.66和0.67, 栽后100 d, 分别为0.57和0.58, 均高于其他参试品种。各生育期地上部生物量的降低幅度也不同, 生育后期降低幅度大于前期, 表现为地上部生物量相对值随着生育进程逐渐降低, 栽后60 d在0.51~0.66之间, 栽后100 d在0.37~0.58之间(表6)。地上部生物量相对值反映了品种的抗旱性, 淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型甘薯品种表现出相同的趋势, 品种类型间无特异性差异。

Table 6
Table 6Effects of drought stress on biomass of aboveground part in sweetpotato (g plant-1)
栽后60 d 60 DAP栽后100 d 100 DAP
徐薯18 Xushu 1859.24 c35.48 c0.60 ab85.97 d44.53 c0.52 bcde
济薯15 Jishu 1550.13 cd30.83 cd0.62 ab82.17 d42.25 cd0.51 cdef
济薯21 Jishu 2158.78 c38.69 bc0.66 a85.24 d48.52 bc0.57 a
济徐23 Jixu 2365.49 b41.19 ab0.63 a93.53 c51.61 ab0.55 ab
济薯25 Jishu 2572.43 a44.31 ab0.61 ab99.89 b53.97 a0.54 abc
北京553 Beijing 55347.63 de26.65 de0.56 cd75.83 e38.70 d0.51 cdef
郑薯20 Zhengshu 2042.22 e23.17 e0.55 cd67.22 f30.08 e0.45 g
烟薯25 Yanshu 2573.84 a45.41 a0.61 ab107.65 a54.49 a0.51 cdef
济薯22 Jishu 2245.47 e24.26 e0.53 d72.39 e32.85 e0.45 g
济薯26 Jishu 2665.32 b40.48 ab0.62 ab91.68 c49.27 b0.54 abc
凌紫 Ayamaraski31.99 f18.50 f0.58 bc57.39 g22.75 f0.40 h
济薯18 Jishu 1853.12 c30.17 cd0.57 bc75.57 e35.76 de0.47 fg
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 165.33 b38.80 bc0.59 bc83.80 d40.99 cd0.49 ef
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 245.69 e27.33 de0.60 ab63.66 f31.81 e0.50 def
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 378.26 a49.07 a0.63 a105.02 a54.99 a0.52 bcde
徐薯18 Xushu 1865.18 c37.15 c0.57 cdef96.72 d47.82 c0.49 cde
济薯15 Jishu 1555.61 de32.84 d0.59 bcd93.43 de46.32 c0.50 bcde
济薯21 Jishu 2166.10 c44.61 b0.67 a94.42 de55.13 b0.58 a
济徐23 Jixu 2367.93 c41.93 bc0.62 bc97.94 d53.08 b0.54 b
济薯25 Jishu 2580.99 a48.65 a0.60 bc112.57 b59.76 a0.53 bc
北京553 Beijing 55357.04 d30.81 de0.54 efg92.29 de45.88 c0.50 bcde
郑薯20 Zhengshu 2050.27 e26.46 e0.53 fg81.52 f35.09 d0.43 g
烟薯25 Yanshu 2582.62 a49.92 a0.60 bc121.50 a60.36 a0.50 bcde
济薯22 Jishu 2255.20 d28.27 e0.51 g89.39 e39.18 d0.44 fg
济薯26 Jishu 2674.08 b45.02 ab0.61 bc104.93 c55.31 b0.53 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski41.09 f22.60 f0.55 efg75.88 g28.43 e0.37 h
济薯18 Jishu 1854.70 de30.14 d0.55 efg78.72 fg36.13 d0.46 efg
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 174.10 b43.06 b0.58 cde95.71 d45.62 c0.48 defg
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 264.23 c37.24 c0.58 cde90.64 de43.82 c0.48 defg
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 381.60 a45.36 ab0.56 def110.23 b57.70 ab0.52 bcd
RV: relative value; DAP: days after planting. Data are shown in mean of three replicates. Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.


2.2.5 地下部生物量 由表7可见, 地下部生物量2年度变化趋势基本一致, 随着甘薯生长发育, 对照和干旱胁迫处理的地下部生物量均呈逐渐升高的趋势。干旱胁迫导致甘薯地下部生物量下降, 品种间降幅不同, 抗旱性强的品种降幅小, 抗旱性弱的品种降幅大, 栽后60 d, 抗旱性强的济薯21地下部生物量相对值2012年和2013年分别为0.65和0.66, 栽后100 d, 分别为0.59和0.53, 均高于其他参试品种。各生育期地下部生物量的降低幅度也不同, 生育后期降低幅度大于前期, 表现为地下部生物量相对值随着生育进程逐渐降低, 栽后60 d在0.45~0.66之间, 栽后100 d在0.34~ 0.59之间。从淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型甘薯品种地下部生物量相对值来看, 品种类型间无特异性差别, 均表现出地下部生物量相对值高的品种抗旱性强。

Table 7
Table 7Effects of drought stress on biomass underground part in sweetpotato (g plant-1)
栽后60 d 60 DAP栽后100 d 100 DAP
徐薯18 Xushu 185.60 de3.08 d0.55 de24.03 cd10.79 de0.45 d
济薯15 Jishu 155.23 ef2.74 de0.52 ef22.34 de9.87 de0.44 d
济薯21 Jishu 216.14 cd3.98 bc0.65 a29.59 b17.42 ab0.59 a
济徐23 Jixu 237.45 b4.54 b0.61 abc31.43 ab17.49 ab0.56 a
济薯25 Jishu 259.78 a5.76 a0.59 bcd34.56 a19.73 a0.57 a
北京553 Beijing 5536.25 c3.58 cd0.57 cd29.76 b15.43 bc0.52 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 205.98 d2.76 de0.46 g24.89 cd9.67 de0.39 e
烟薯25 Yanshu 256.56 c3.87 c0.59 bcd29.78 b16.45 abc0.55 ab
济薯22 Jishu 227.00 b4.31 b0.62 ab33.33 a16.28 abc0.49 c
济薯26 Jishu 269.56 a5.43 a0.57 cd33.54 a17.56 ab0.52 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski4.37 f2.10 e0.48 fg18.75 e7.73 e0.41 de
济薯18 Jishu 185.86 d2.89 de0.49 fg25.02 cd10.78 de0.43 de
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 17.56 b3.66 c0.48 fg28.67 bc9.70 de0.34 f
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 24.65 f2.39 e0.51 ef19.88 e8.73 e0.44 d
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 36.08 cd3.08 d0.51 ef29.09 b13.21 cd0.45 d
徐薯18 Xushu 184.67 e2.48 d0.53 de20.71 cd9.19 cd0.44 d
济薯15 Jishu 154.95 de2.53 d0.51 ef21.54 cd9.45 cd0.44 d
济薯21 Jishu 214.64 e3.06 c0.66 a29.41 ab15.51 ab0.53 abc
济徐23 Jixu 236.91 b4.08 b0.59 bc30.17 a16.65 ab0.55 ab
济薯25 Jishu 259.07 a5.17 a0.57 bcd33.11 a18.72 a0.57 a
北京553 Beijing 5534.99 de2.93 cd0.59 bc23.09 c12.06 bc0.52 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 205.58 cd2.45 d0.44 g23.92 c9.16 cd0.38 e
烟薯25 Yanshu 255.46 cd3.12 c0.57 bcd25.67 bc14.07 abc0.55 ab
济薯22 Jishu 226.11 bc3.72 b0.61 b29.55 ab14.37 abc0.49 c
济薯26 Jishu 269.24 a5.19 a0.56 cd32.74 a17.08 a0.52 a
凌紫 Ayamaraski3.43 f1.60 e0.47 fg15.08 e6.16 d0.41 d
济薯18 Jishu 184.18 e1.89 e0.45 g18.93 de7.97 d0.42 d
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 16.08 bc2.71 d0.45 g28.67 ab10.45 cd0.36 e
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 23.75 f1.77 e0.47 fg16.99 e7.29 d0.43 d
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 34.50 e2.20 de0.49 ef22.22 cd9.99 cd0.45 cd
RV: relative value; DAP: days after planting. Data are shown in mean of three replicates. Values followed by a different letter within a column are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level.


2.3 农艺性状与甘薯品种抗旱性的相关性

淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型3种类型甘薯品种的农艺性状与产量抗旱系数的相关性表现出相同的趋势。从表8可以看出, 正常灌水条件下, 甘薯的叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数、生物量与品种抗旱系数的相关性未达显著水平。说明正常灌水条件下, 甘薯的叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数和生物量等指标不能反映品种的抗旱性。

Table 8
Table 8Correlation coefficient of agronomic traits with drought resistance coefficient (control)
Growth stage
Leaf number
Vine length
Leaf area index
生物量 Biomass
地上部 Aboveground地下部 Underground
201240 DAP0.130.460.390.280.30
60 DAP0.410.290.380.360.30
80 DAP0.480.350.350.490.46
100 DAP0.400.350.410.470.31
201340 DAP0.430.420.280.150.30
60 DAP0.450.430.360.210.35
80 DAP0.380.460.350.310.50
100 DAP0.400.390.410.270.39
DAP: 栽植后天数。DAP: days after planting.


表9可见, 干旱胁迫条件下, 甘薯的叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数与品种抗旱系数呈显著正相关, 甘薯生育前期(40~60 d)生物量与抗旱系数的相关性不显著, 生育后期(80~100 d)则呈显著正相关。说明干旱胁迫条件下甘薯的叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数和生物量等农艺性状可以反映品种抗旱性的强弱, 可用于甘薯品种抗旱性鉴定和评价, 品种类型间无特异性差别。

Table 9
Table 9Correlation coefficient of agronomic traits with drought resistance coefficient (drought stress)
Growth stage
Leaf number
Vine length
Leaf area index
生物量 Biomass
地上部 Aboveground地下部 Underground
201240 DAP0.61*0.59*0.53*0.370.50
60 DAP0.62*0.53*0.490.420.48
80 DAP0.69**0.65**0.52*0.60*0.63*
100 DAP0.73**0.52*0.67**0.60*0.61*
201340 DAP0.56*0.61*0.56*0.460.42
60 DAP0.500.61*0.490.510.50
80 DAP0.59*0.59*0.53*0.64*0.65**
100 DAP0.65**0.60*0.71**0.63*0.61*
DAP: days after planting. * and ** indicate significance at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively.
DAP: 栽植后天数。***分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平显著。


3 讨论

3.1 甘薯品种抗旱性鉴定及综合评价

干旱胁迫对不同作物造成的影响差异很大, 作物之间抗旱指标也存在差异[8,9]。作物抗旱性是受多基因控制的复杂性状, 是多个抗旱性状的综合反映, 作物抗旱性鉴定需要将形态、生理生化、产量等指标相结合, 且对各个时期的抗旱性进行综合评价[22]。干旱胁迫条件下, 作物的生长发育指标、形态指标和生理指标均可用来评价品种的抗旱性, 而根据产量表现来判定作物品种的抗旱性是抗旱性鉴定的传统方法[2]。前人利用抗旱系数法对小麦[23]、玉米[24]、水稻[25]、花生[26]等作物进行了抗旱性筛选, 甘薯品种抗旱性存在遗传性差异, 这是许多研究者得出的一致结论[17,19,27]。本研究发现, 农艺性状的相对值与产量抗旱系数基本一致, 2年的产量抗旱系数分别为0.34~0.71和0.33~0.73, 试验结果基本一致, 并表明品种间的抗旱性存在遗传差异。品种类型在抗旱性分级方面无特异性差异, 同一类型的甘薯品种中既有抗旱品种和中等抗旱品种, 又有不抗旱品种, 根据2年的试验结果平均值分析, 将3个类型15个甘薯品种进行了抗旱性分级, 抗旱系数≥0.6的为抗旱品种, 包括济薯21、济薯25、济徐23、济薯15和烟薯25; 抗旱系数在0.4~0.6之间的为中等抗旱品种, 包括徐薯18、济薯26、北京553、济紫薯2号和济薯18; 抗旱系数<0.4的为不抗旱品种, 包括郑薯20、济紫薯3号、济薯22号、济紫薯1号和凌紫。

3.2 抗旱指标筛选与标准品种的选用

作物种类和品种不同抗旱机制也不同, 同一作物或品种通常存在几种机制共同决定抗旱性[28], 因此研究作物的抗旱机制对鉴定抗旱性具有重要意义。前人关于甘薯抗旱性的研究较多, 张明生等[20]研究认为, 25% PEG处理下甘薯幼苗叶片的相对含水量可作为抗旱性快速鉴定的指标。袁振等[17]采用室内PEG模拟连续干旱法对22个甘薯品种研究认为, 根系持水力、薯苗质量和含水量、根系活力等可作为苗期抗旱性筛选的重要指标。干旱胁迫条件下, 甘薯幼苗成活率下降, 干旱胁迫时间越长, 地上部生长受伤害的程度越大[29], 叶片数和叶面积与土壤湿度呈显著正相关[30]。可见, 干旱胁迫条件下, 甘薯的农艺性状和生理指标均可用于抗旱性鉴定, 但是仅用单一指标或某一生育期的指标, 均不能综合评价品种的抗旱性。前人对抗旱指标的筛选多是在模拟干旱胁迫条件下进行的, 本研究在人工控水条件下, 针对甘薯整个生育期进行了抗旱性综合评价, 同时对抗旱指标进行了筛选, 结果表明, 不同生育时期干旱胁迫均导致甘薯的单株叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数和生物量下降, 且降幅随着生育进程逐渐增加, 品种间降幅不同, 抗旱性强的品种济薯21、济薯25和济徐23的叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数和生物量相对值均显著高于其他品种。淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型甘薯品种在抗旱指标方面无特异性差别, 均表现出抗旱性强的甘薯品种农艺性状相对值高。3种类型甘薯品种的农艺性状与产量抗旱系数呈显著正相关, 可作为甘薯品种抗旱性评价的主要指标。

作物品种间抗旱机制存在差异, 就甘薯而言, 淀粉型、鲜食型和色素型3种类型的甘薯品种仅是在生产中的用途不同, 品种类型间在抗旱机制方面无显著差异, 但仅以农艺性状难以确定品种间的抗旱性及抗旱机制。作物抗旱性受干旱胁迫时期、干旱胁迫程度和干旱胁迫持续时间的影响, 难以准确评价品种的抗旱性及抗旱性划分标准。前人[31,32]通过确定标准品种来进行抗旱综合评价, 消除了品种间因试验环境不同而产生的性状差异。本研究认为, 徐薯18不仅具有稳定的抗旱性, 而且具有较强的综合适应性, 在全国甘薯主产区广泛种植, 可作为甘薯品种抗旱性综合鉴定的标准品种。

4 结论

利用产量抗旱系数法对15个甘薯品种进行了抗旱性分级, 其中抗旱品种(抗旱系数≥0.6)包括济薯21、济薯25、济徐23、济薯15和烟薯25; 中等抗旱品种(0.4≤抗旱系数<0.6)包括徐薯18、济薯26、北京553、济紫薯2号和济薯18; 不抗旱品种(抗旱系数<0.4)包括郑薯20、济紫薯3号、济薯22、济紫薯1号和凌紫。徐薯18可作为甘薯品种抗旱性综合鉴定的标准品种。干旱胁迫条件下的单株叶片数、蔓长、叶面积系数和生物量可作为甘薯品种抗旱性评价的主要指标。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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利用抗旱性不同的32个棉花品种,通过田间苗期水分胁迫,测定了与抗旱性有关的游离脯氨酸、 叶绿素、甜菜碱、丙二醛(MDA)的含量和保护性酶活性的变化等生理生化指标。结果表明,苗期水分胁迫增加了游离脯氨酸、甜菜碱、MDA、可溶性糖含量, 提高了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,减少了叶绿素的含量,但各品种间的应对机制各有差异。通过主成分分析,将32个品种的7个 相互关联的单项指标综合成为3个独立的综合指标,并通过聚类分析,将32个品种划分为2大类,第Ⅰ大类可分为两个亚类,第1亚类中的鸡爪棉属于高度抗旱 型;第2亚类中的奎85-174等17个品种属中度抗旱类型;第Ⅱ大类也可分为两个亚类,第4亚类的新海20等8个品种属于高度不抗旱型,其余6个品种属 于不抗旱型。通过主成分分析和聚类分析,对32个棉花品种苗期抗旱性进行的分类和评价结果表明,胁迫条件下脯氨酸含量、甜菜碱含量、可溶性糖含量、MDA 含量、叶绿素含量、SOD活性和POD活性均可作为棉花苗期抗旱性鉴定指标,利用此7项值建立的D值抗旱评价体系对棉花品种苗期抗旱性的解释率为 34.49%。
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利用抗旱性不同的32个棉花品种,通过田间苗期水分胁迫,测定了与抗旱性有关的游离脯氨酸、 叶绿素、甜菜碱、丙二醛(MDA)的含量和保护性酶活性的变化等生理生化指标。结果表明,苗期水分胁迫增加了游离脯氨酸、甜菜碱、MDA、可溶性糖含量, 提高了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,减少了叶绿素的含量,但各品种间的应对机制各有差异。通过主成分分析,将32个品种的7个 相互关联的单项指标综合成为3个独立的综合指标,并通过聚类分析,将32个品种划分为2大类,第Ⅰ大类可分为两个亚类,第1亚类中的鸡爪棉属于高度抗旱 型;第2亚类中的奎85-174等17个品种属中度抗旱类型;第Ⅱ大类也可分为两个亚类,第4亚类的新海20等8个品种属于高度不抗旱型,其余6个品种属 于不抗旱型。通过主成分分析和聚类分析,对32个棉花品种苗期抗旱性进行的分类和评价结果表明,胁迫条件下脯氨酸含量、甜菜碱含量、可溶性糖含量、MDA 含量、叶绿素含量、SOD活性和POD活性均可作为棉花苗期抗旱性鉴定指标,利用此7项值建立的D值抗旱评价体系对棉花品种苗期抗旱性的解释率为 34.49%。

罗俊杰, 欧巧明, 叶春雷, 王方, 王镛臻, 陈玉梁 . 重要胡麻栽培品种的抗旱性综合评价及指标筛选
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Seven main agronomic traits, eight physiological indices and yield index of 15 main flax cultivars in China were measured during maturity under the conditions of irrigation and natural rainfall. Comprehensive drought resistance coefficient (CDC value), factor analysis, subordinate function coefficients, clustering analysis, grey relational analysis were used to evaluate the drought resistance, classify drought resistance type and select evaluation indices in tested flax cultivars. The response to drought stress and correlations of tested traits and indices were different. Yield and photosynthesis factors as well as leaf antioxidant factors were closely associated with drought resistance, so could be used as priority indicator of drought resistance evaluation. Factor analysis showed that six common factors could represent 90.89% of the original information of flax drought resistance data. The ranks of drought resistance of tested flax cultivars based on drought resistance comprehensive evaluation values (D value) and weight drought resistance coefficient (WDC value) were similar, the drought resistance was the same for six flax cultivars, arranging from the first to third in drought resistance. D values of tested flax cultivars had significant and positive correlation with CDC value, WDC value and Y value. Y values of tested flax cultivars also had very significant and positive correlation with CDC value and WDC value. According to D value clustering analysis, tested cultivars were divided into five grades in drought resistance, reflecting the diffirence of cultivars in breeding condition and adaptive region growing well. Drought resistance evaluated mainly with yield by D value as index and WDC value as auxiliary index in flax were appropriate and accurate. Drought resistance comprehensive evaluation methods can be used in studying exactly drought resistance evaluation, classification of drought resistant type and screening evaluation indices in flax.
Luo J J, Ou Q M, Ye C L, Wang F, Wang Y Z, Chen Y L . Comprehensive valuation of drought resistance and screening of indices of important flax cultivars
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Seven main agronomic traits, eight physiological indices and yield index of 15 main flax cultivars in China were measured during maturity under the conditions of irrigation and natural rainfall. Comprehensive drought resistance coefficient (CDC value), factor analysis, subordinate function coefficients, clustering analysis, grey relational analysis were used to evaluate the drought resistance, classify drought resistance type and select evaluation indices in tested flax cultivars. The response to drought stress and correlations of tested traits and indices were different. Yield and photosynthesis factors as well as leaf antioxidant factors were closely associated with drought resistance, so could be used as priority indicator of drought resistance evaluation. Factor analysis showed that six common factors could represent 90.89% of the original information of flax drought resistance data. The ranks of drought resistance of tested flax cultivars based on drought resistance comprehensive evaluation values (D value) and weight drought resistance coefficient (WDC value) were similar, the drought resistance was the same for six flax cultivars, arranging from the first to third in drought resistance. D values of tested flax cultivars had significant and positive correlation with CDC value, WDC value and Y value. Y values of tested flax cultivars also had very significant and positive correlation with CDC value and WDC value. According to D value clustering analysis, tested cultivars were divided into five grades in drought resistance, reflecting the diffirence of cultivars in breeding condition and adaptive region growing well. Drought resistance evaluated mainly with yield by D value as index and WDC value as auxiliary index in flax were appropriate and accurate. Drought resistance comprehensive evaluation methods can be used in studying exactly drought resistance evaluation, classification of drought resistant type and screening evaluation indices in flax.

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以12个抗虫棉品种(系)为亲本,采用6×6不完全双列杂交( NCⅡ),对所得F1代的8个农艺性状的配合力和遗传力进行分析。结果表明:单铃重与株高广义遗传力较高,其狭义遗传力也相对较高,可适当提早选择代数;而其余性状的广义遗传力高,狭力遗传力却较低,应适当延后选择代数;嘉星6号、中41和A48是综合性状良好的亲本;特殊配合力效应分析,较优组合为中41×A49、A1×A48、GK44×S08和嘉星6号×S08。
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This book is composed of 16 chapters, the titles of which are as follows: Introduction: the human consequences of drought and crop research priorities for their alleviation; Mechanisms of drought resistance; Water collection by roots; Water relations during drought; Ion uptake; Solute accumulation and regulation of cell water activity; Nitrogen fixation; Nitrate reductase; Betaines; Proline acc...

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The effect of water stress preconditioning was studied in 1-year-old apricot plants ( Prunus armeniaca L., cv. B lida). Plants were submitted to different treatments, T-0 (control treatment) and T-1, drip irrigated daily; T-2 and T-3, irrigated daily at 50% and 25% of T-0, respectively; T-4 and T-5, irrigated to field capacity every 3 and 6 days, respectively. After 30 days, irrigation was withheld for 10 days, maintaining the T-0 treatment irrigated daily. After this period, the plants were re-irrigated to run-off and treated as control treatment. The stomatal closure and epinasty observed in response to water stress represented adaptive mechanisms to drought, allowing the plants to regulate water loss more effectively and prevent leaf heating. A substantial reduction in the irrigation water supplied combined with a high frequency of application (T-3 treatment) promoted plant hardening; the plants enduring drought better, due to their greater osmotic adjustment (0.77 MPa), which prevented severe plant dehydration and leaf abscission. Such a preconditioning treatment may be valuable for young apricot plants in the nursery stage in order to improve their subsequent resistance to drought. A 50% reduction in daily irrigation (T-2 treatment) did not significantly affect either gas exchange rates or leaf turgor, which suggests that water should be applied frequently if deficit irrigation is to be implemented.

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Eur J Agron, 2000,12:239-249.

DOI:10.1016/S1161-0301(00)00050-2URL [本文引用: 1]
Osmotic adjustment (OA) is considered as an important physiological mechanism of drought adaptation in many crop plants. The present investigation was aimed at assessing the importance of OA in improving productivity under drought. Using two automated rain-out shelters, 26 extra-short-duration pigeonpea [ Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] genotypes were grown with irrigation during the growth period or with water deficit imposed from flowering until maturity. Mean leaf s 100 (60 92 DAS) under drought correlated significantly ( r 2=0.72**; n=26) to the mean OA (60 92 DAS) and contributed 72% of the genotypic variation in OA. Significant genotypic variation was observed in the initiation of OA, the duration of OA and the degree of OA. Based on the measured OA at 72, 82, and 92 days after sowing (DAS), genotypes were grouped into five different clusters. Genotypic differences in total dry matter production under drought were positively associated with OA at 72 DAS ( r 2=0.36**, n=26). Significant positive relationship between OA at 72 DAS and grain yield under drought was found ( r 2=0.16*; n=26). However, OA towards the end of pod filling phase, i.e. at 92 DAS, had a significant negative relationship with grain yield under drought ( r 2=0.21*; n=26). Genotypic differences in grain yield under drought was best explained using stepwise multiple regression to account for differences in OA at 72, 82, and 92 DAS ( r 2=0.41**; n=78). The degree of OA at 72 and 82 DAS contributed positively to the grain yield, whereas OA at 92 DAS contributed negatively to this relationship.

Wang H Y, Huang Y C, Chen S F, Yeh K W . Molecular cloning, characterization and gene expression of a water deficiency and chilling induced proteinase inhibitor I gene family from sweet potato leaves
Plant Sci, 2003,165:191-203.

DOI:10.1016/S0168-9452(03)00158-4URL [本文引用: 1]
A 7-kDa-proteinase inhibitor, designated SPLTI (S05weet P05otato 52eaf 54rypsin I05nhibitor) was partially purified from sweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas Lam.) leaves under water deficiency. The N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined and used to design two overlap degenerate primers for isolation of the SPLTI gene. Two full-length cDNA clones encoding proteinase inhibitor I (PI-I), designated SPLTI-a and SPLTI-b, were isolated. Both SPLTI-a and SPLTI-b are 98% identical to each other in both levels of nucleotide and amino acid sequence. Different from most of PI-Is that exhibit chymotrypsin-inhibitory activity, SPLTI from sweet potato and recombinant SPLTI-a overexpressed in Escherichia coli showed mainly trypsin-inhibitory activity. Furthermore, site-directed mutagenesis analysis of an Arg 46–G1u 47 motif of SPLTI-a, based on amino acid sequence alignment with other PI-Is, indicated that Arg 46–G1u 47 of SPLTI is a novel reactive site for PI-I family conferring the trypsin-specific inhibitory activity. Using SPLTI-a as a probe, we found that SPLTI gene exhibited a leaf-specific expression pattern. Additionally, this was the first report that the SPLTI genes were up-regulated by water deficiency and chilling as well as osmoticant treatments in the PI-I family in plants. As other PIs, the SPLTI transcripts were induced by wounding and also by exogenous applications of abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate; however, accumulation of the wound-induced transcripts were restricted locally in the injured leaves, but not systemically. These distinct expression patterns provided a new insight to the regulation of PI-I gene family in response to environmental stresses. Our results suggested that SPLTI could participate in defense systems against invasions of insects or bacteria as other PI-Is. Moreover, it may play a role against environmental stresses through regulation of endogenous proteolytic activities during leaf development.

张明生, 刘志, 戚金亮, 张丽霞, 杨永华 . 甘薯品种抗旱适应性综合评价的方法研究
热带亚热带植物学报, 2005,13:469-474.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2005.6.002URL [本文引用: 2]
The methods ofdrought coefficient, cluster analysis and subordinate function were used in comprehensive evaluation for drought resistance adaptability in sweet potato cultivars. The tested components included morphological characters, plant growth, economic traits, physiological and biochemical values in the cultivars grown under water stress. On the basis of correlation analysis between the drought resistance indices obtained from the above-mentioned components and the drought resistance in cultivars, it was shown that 15 tested cultivars could be divided into four classes of tolerance . Most tolerant cultivars were Y3 and Chaoshu 1, followed by 92-111-107, Yushu 34, Nanshu 88 and 92-103-30. Less tolerant were Suyu 1, 9318-58, Yusu 303, 89-1, 95-411-153 and Ximeng. The rest 3 cultivars were not tolerate at all. Above several comprehensive evaluation methods for drought resistance adaptability in sweet potato cultivars are well coincident.
Zhang M S, Liu Z, Qi J L, Zhang L X, Yang Y H . Methods of comprehensive evaluation for drought resistance in sweet potato cultivars
J Trop Subtrop Bot, 2005,13:469-474 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1005-3395.2005.6.002URL [本文引用: 2]
The methods ofdrought coefficient, cluster analysis and subordinate function were used in comprehensive evaluation for drought resistance adaptability in sweet potato cultivars. The tested components included morphological characters, plant growth, economic traits, physiological and biochemical values in the cultivars grown under water stress. On the basis of correlation analysis between the drought resistance indices obtained from the above-mentioned components and the drought resistance in cultivars, it was shown that 15 tested cultivars could be divided into four classes of tolerance . Most tolerant cultivars were Y3 and Chaoshu 1, followed by 92-111-107, Yushu 34, Nanshu 88 and 92-103-30. Less tolerant were Suyu 1, 9318-58, Yusu 303, 89-1, 95-411-153 and Ximeng. The rest 3 cultivars were not tolerate at all. Above several comprehensive evaluation methods for drought resistance adaptability in sweet potato cultivars are well coincident.

张明生, 谢波, 戚金亮, 谈锋, 张启堂, 杨永华 . 甘薯植株形态、生长势和产量与品种抗旱性的关系
热带作物学报, 2006,27(1):39-43.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2006.01.008URL [本文引用: 1]
对水分胁迫下甘薯 (IpomoeabatatasLam.)植株形态、生长势和产量性状等指标与品种抗旱性关系的研究结果表明,水分胁迫下不同甘薯品种叶片厚度(包括栅栏 组织、海绵组织的厚度及叶片总厚度)、藤叶和块根烘干率比对照均有所增加,叶片大小、叶面积指数(LAI)、比叶面积(SLA)、主蔓长、主蔓粗、节间 长、藤叶和块根重量(鲜、干重)均不同程度减小。栅栏组织厚度、经济系数、LAI、分枝数、块根干重及块根烘干率的相对值(占对照%)与品种抗旱性呈显著 或极显著正相关(r=0.5566~0.9352;P0.05,0.01),主蔓长、节间长及SLA的相对值与品种抗旱性呈显著或极显著负相关 (r=-0.5289
Zhang M S, Xie B, Qi J L, Tan F, Zhang Q T, Yang Y H . Relationship of drought resistance of sweet potato with its plant type, growth vigour and yield under water stress
Chin J Trop Crops, 2006,27(1):39-43 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2006.01.008URL [本文引用: 1]
对水分胁迫下甘薯 (IpomoeabatatasLam.)植株形态、生长势和产量性状等指标与品种抗旱性关系的研究结果表明,水分胁迫下不同甘薯品种叶片厚度(包括栅栏 组织、海绵组织的厚度及叶片总厚度)、藤叶和块根烘干率比对照均有所增加,叶片大小、叶面积指数(LAI)、比叶面积(SLA)、主蔓长、主蔓粗、节间 长、藤叶和块根重量(鲜、干重)均不同程度减小。栅栏组织厚度、经济系数、LAI、分枝数、块根干重及块根烘干率的相对值(占对照%)与品种抗旱性呈显著 或极显著正相关(r=0.5566~0.9352;P0.05,0.01),主蔓长、节间长及SLA的相对值与品种抗旱性呈显著或极显著负相关 (r=-0.5289

张明生, 张丽霞, 戚金亮, 谈锋, 杨春贤 . 甘薯品种抗旱适应性的主成分分析
贵州农业科学, 2006,34(1):11-14.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3601.2006.01.004URL [本文引用: 1]
对水分胁迫下甘薯形态、生长势、生理生化和产量性状等与品种抗旱性关系密切的指标进行主成分 分析。结果表明.甘薯品种抗旱适应性的形成,一是通过体内各生理生化指标(包括内源激素,渗透调节物质、水分状况、质膜相对透性、膜脂过氧化、膜保护系 统、同化力等)间的协调作用,使各项代谢活动得以顺利进行;二是借助于植株形态、生长势和抗脱水能力等的变化,实现其同化产物的正常积累。
Zhang M S, Zhang L X, Qi J L, Tan F, Yang C X . Principal component analysis on drought resistant adaptability of sweet potato cultivars
Guizhou Agric Sci, 2006,34(1):11-14 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3601.2006.01.004URL [本文引用: 1]
对水分胁迫下甘薯形态、生长势、生理生化和产量性状等与品种抗旱性关系密切的指标进行主成分 分析。结果表明.甘薯品种抗旱适应性的形成,一是通过体内各生理生化指标(包括内源激素,渗透调节物质、水分状况、质膜相对透性、膜脂过氧化、膜保护系 统、同化力等)间的协调作用,使各项代谢活动得以顺利进行;二是借助于植株形态、生长势和抗脱水能力等的变化,实现其同化产物的正常积累。

颜振德, 朱崇文, 盛家廉 . 甘薯品种的耐旱性及其鉴定方法的研究
作物学报, 1964,3:183-194.

URL [本文引用: 2]
It is an effectual measure to adopt varieties possessing drought resistant characters inarid regions for obtaining favorable vine growth and fair yields.As to drought resistance insweet potato plants,some ecological,morphological and physiological characters against droughtconditions had been studie
Yan Z D, Zhu C W, Sheng J L . Studies on the drought resistant characters of sweet potato varieties
Acta Agron Sin, 1964,3:183-194 (in Chinese with English abstract).

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It is an effectual measure to adopt varieties possessing drought resistant characters inarid regions for obtaining favorable vine growth and fair yields.As to drought resistance insweet potato plants,some ecological,morphological and physiological characters against droughtconditions had been studie

袁振, 汪宝卿, 姜瑶, 解备涛, 董顺旭, 张海燕, 段文学, 王庆美, 张立明 . 甘薯耐旱性品种苗期筛选及耐旱性指标研究
山东农业科学, 2015,47(3):22-26.

DOI:10.14083/j.issn.1001-4942.2015.03.006URL [本文引用: 3]
Yuan Z, Wang B Q, Jiang Y, Xie B T, Dong S X, Zhang H Y, Duan W X, Wang Q M, Zhang L M . Seedling screening of drought resistance varietiesof sweetpotato and drought resistance index research
Shandong Agric Sci, 2015,47(3):22-26 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.14083/j.issn.1001-4942.2015.03.006URL [本文引用: 3]

刘恩良, 曹清河, 唐君, 金平 . 甘薯抗旱鉴定及生理响应研究
新疆农业科学, 2016,53:999-1005.

DOI:10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2016.06.004URL [本文引用: 1]
Liu E L, Cao Q H, Tang J, Jin P . Studies on drought resistance identification and physiological response of sweet potato
Xinjiang Agric Sci, 2016,53:999-1005 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.6048/j.issn.1001-4330.2016.06.004URL [本文引用: 1]

周志林, 唐君, 金平, 刘恩良, 曹清河, 赵冬兰, 张安 . 甘薯抗旱鉴定及旱胁迫对甘薯叶片生理特性的影响
西南农业学报, 2016,29:1052-1056.

DOI:10.16213/j.cnki.scjas.2016.05.011URL [本文引用: 2]
Zhou Z L, Tang J, Jin P, Liu E L, Cao Q H, Zhao D L, Zhang A . Identification of drought resistance and effect of soil drought on physiological characteristics of sweetpotato
Southwest Chin J Agric Sci, 2016,29:1052-1056 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.16213/j.cnki.scjas.2016.05.011URL [本文引用: 2]

张明生, 谈锋, 张启堂 . 快速鉴定甘薯品种抗旱性的生理指标及方法的筛选
中国农业科学, 2001,34:260-265.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2001.03.006URL [本文引用: 2]
用不同浓度的聚乙二醇(PEG)对甘薯进行根际水分胁迫处理,研究了叶片相对含水量(RWC)、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性及游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量的变化与品种抗旱性的关系。结果表明,25%PEG处理下,叶片RWC与品种抗旱性呈极显著正相关(r=0.783,P<0.01),MDA含量与品种抗旱性呈极显著负相关r=-0.848,P<0.01),SOD活性与品种抗旱性呈极显著正相关(r=0.777,P<0.01),Pro含量与品种抗旱性的关系不大。品种抗旱性愈强,叶片 RWC下降幅度及MDA含量上升幅度愈小,SOD活性增加幅度愈大。因此,通过测定 25%PEG处理下甘薯幼苗叶片的这些生理指标可实现品种抗旱性的室内快速鉴定。
Zhang M S, Tan F, Zhang Q T . Physiology indices for rapid identification of sweet potato drought resistance and selection of methods
Sci Agric Sin, 2001,34:260-265 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0578-1752.2001.03.006URL [本文引用: 2]
用不同浓度的聚乙二醇(PEG)对甘薯进行根际水分胁迫处理,研究了叶片相对含水量(RWC)、丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性及游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量的变化与品种抗旱性的关系。结果表明,25%PEG处理下,叶片RWC与品种抗旱性呈极显著正相关(r=0.783,P<0.01),MDA含量与品种抗旱性呈极显著负相关r=-0.848,P<0.01),SOD活性与品种抗旱性呈极显著正相关(r=0.777,P<0.01),Pro含量与品种抗旱性的关系不大。品种抗旱性愈强,叶片 RWC下降幅度及MDA含量上升幅度愈小,SOD活性增加幅度愈大。因此,通过测定 25%PEG处理下甘薯幼苗叶片的这些生理指标可实现品种抗旱性的室内快速鉴定。

王留梅, 毛守民, 潘明华, 周利霞 . 甘薯叶面积系数田间速测方法初探
. 中国农学通报, 2001, 17(6): 82, 90.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6850.2001.06.025URL [本文引用: 1]
Wang L M, Mao S M, Pan M H ,Zhou L X. Field measurement method of leaf area index of sweet potato
Chin Agric Sci Bull , 2001, 17(6): 82, 90 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6850.2001.06.025URL [本文引用: 1]

张木清, 陈如凯 . 作物抗旱分子生理与遗传改良. 北京: 科学出版社, 2005. pp 22-23.
[本文引用: 1]

Zhang M Q, Chen R K. Drought Resistant Molecular Physiology and Genetic Improvement of Crops. Beijing: Science Press, 2005. pp 22-23(in Chinese).
[本文引用: 1]

Mardeh A S S, Ahmadi A, Poustini K, Mohammadi V . Evaluation of drought resistance indices under various environmental conditions
Field Crops Res, 2006,98:222-229.

DOI:10.1016/j.fcr.2006.02.001URL [本文引用: 1]
Drought is a wide-spread problem seriously influencing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production and quality, but development of resistant cultivars is hampered by the lack of effective selection criteria. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of several selection indices to identify drought resistant cultivars under a variety of environmental conditions. Eleven bread wheat cultivars differing in yield performance were grown in separate experiments under rain-fed (non-irrigated) and irrigated conditions at two locations in 2001 2003. Non-irrigated experiments experienced different levels of water stress due to variable rainfall over the years and locations. Nine selection indices including stress susceptibility index (SSI), stress tolerance index (STI), tolerance (TOL), regression coefficient of cultivar yield on environmental index (b), yield index (YI), yield stability index (YSI), mean productivity (MP), geometric mean productivity (GMP), and superiority measure (P) were calculated based on grain yield under drought-stressed and irrigated conditions. The results showed that under moderate stress, MP, GMP and STI were more effective in identifying high yielding cultivars in both drought-stressed and irrigated conditions (group A cultivars). Under severe stress, none of the indices used were able to identify group A cultivars, although regression coefficient (b) and SSI were found to be more useful in discriminating resistant cultivars. It is concluded that the effectiveness of selection indices in differentiating resistant cultivars varies with the stress severity. Wheat breeders should, therefore, take the stress severity of the environment into account in choosing an index.

徐蕊, 王启柏, 张春庆, 吴承来 . 玉米自交系抗旱性评价指标体系的建立
中国农业科学, 2009,42:72-84.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2009.01.009URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The present study was to choose drought-resistance indexes of maize in different growing period and establish a resistance evaluation system. 【Method】 Seven indexes were tested at seeding stage treated with different concentrations of solution PEG-6000, and twenty-four indexes were tested at growth stage treated with drought-stress and non-stress treatments in the PVC shed and drought shed.【Result】According to the results of simple relative analyses, nine indexes selected including germination drought resistance index of seed and relative germination energy under the condition of 20% PEG-6000 drought stress, GDRI and relative germination energy under the condition of 15% PEG-6000 drought stress, relative value of leaf water potential at seeding stage, leaf water conservation, kernel per row, axis weight per plant and 100-grain weight, they were correlated with drought resistance coefficient or drought resistance index at P≤0.05 and P≤0.01 level. Stepwise regression analysis was conducted between the relative value of nine indexes and drought resistance coefficient and drought resistance index. The result showed that relative germination energy under the condition of 20% PEG-6000 drought stress, relative value of leaf water potential at seeding stage, leaf water conservation, kernel per row and 100-grain weight significantly influenced the drought resistance. According to these indexes and partial relative coefficient, drought-resistance evaluation equation (D value) and evaluation system was established. 【Conclusion】 The five indexes could be selected as identification indexes for drought resistance in maize. Using D value equation to evaluate the drought resistance of maize is considered scientifically reliable.
Xu R, Wang Q B, Zhang C Q, Wu C L . Drought-resistance evaluation system of maize inbred
Sci Agric Sin, 2009,42:72-84 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2009.01.009URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】 The present study was to choose drought-resistance indexes of maize in different growing period and establish a resistance evaluation system. 【Method】 Seven indexes were tested at seeding stage treated with different concentrations of solution PEG-6000, and twenty-four indexes were tested at growth stage treated with drought-stress and non-stress treatments in the PVC shed and drought shed.【Result】According to the results of simple relative analyses, nine indexes selected including germination drought resistance index of seed and relative germination energy under the condition of 20% PEG-6000 drought stress, GDRI and relative germination energy under the condition of 15% PEG-6000 drought stress, relative value of leaf water potential at seeding stage, leaf water conservation, kernel per row, axis weight per plant and 100-grain weight, they were correlated with drought resistance coefficient or drought resistance index at P≤0.05 and P≤0.01 level. Stepwise regression analysis was conducted between the relative value of nine indexes and drought resistance coefficient and drought resistance index. The result showed that relative germination energy under the condition of 20% PEG-6000 drought stress, relative value of leaf water potential at seeding stage, leaf water conservation, kernel per row and 100-grain weight significantly influenced the drought resistance. According to these indexes and partial relative coefficient, drought-resistance evaluation equation (D value) and evaluation system was established. 【Conclusion】 The five indexes could be selected as identification indexes for drought resistance in maize. Using D value equation to evaluate the drought resistance of maize is considered scientifically reliable.

胡标林, 余守武, 万勇, 张铮, 邱兵余, 谢建坤 . 东乡普通野生稻全生育期抗旱性鉴定
作物学报, 2007,33:425-432.

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0496-3490.2007.03.012URL [本文引用: 1]
F, which were plant height (PH), tillers number per plant (TNP), effective tillers number per plant (ETNP), spikelets per panicle (SP), filled spikelets per panicle (FSP), length of panicle (LP), panicle density (PD), 1000-grain weight (TGW), seed setting rate (SR), grain weight per plant(GWP), leaf relative water content (LRWC), and level for rolling leaf (LRL). GWP is the most sensitive trait that is influenced by drought. Single variable stepwise regression, path analysis, gray correlative analysis, and multiple partial correlations analysis were conducted between the relative value of various traits and drought resistance coefficient. The results showed that six traits including LRWC, TNP, ETNP, TGW, PH, and ETNP significantly influenced the drought resistance and could be the indices to identify the drought resistance in rice. The D value of six traits elected was comprehensively used to evaluate the drought resistance by subordinate function values analysis, the results showed six index traits were feasible to predict the drought resistance in rice for whole growth stage. Four different drought resistance evaluated methods were compared, which indicated the drought resistance index is the best one for drought resistance direct evaluating.
Hu B L, Yu S W, Wan Y, Zhang Z, Qiu B Y, Xie J K . Drought resistance identification of Dongxiang common wild rice ( Oryza rufipogon) in whole growth period
Acta Agron Sin, 2007,33:425-432 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0496-3490.2007.03.012URL [本文引用: 1]
F, which were plant height (PH), tillers number per plant (TNP), effective tillers number per plant (ETNP), spikelets per panicle (SP), filled spikelets per panicle (FSP), length of panicle (LP), panicle density (PD), 1000-grain weight (TGW), seed setting rate (SR), grain weight per plant(GWP), leaf relative water content (LRWC), and level for rolling leaf (LRL). GWP is the most sensitive trait that is influenced by drought. Single variable stepwise regression, path analysis, gray correlative analysis, and multiple partial correlations analysis were conducted between the relative value of various traits and drought resistance coefficient. The results showed that six traits including LRWC, TNP, ETNP, TGW, PH, and ETNP significantly influenced the drought resistance and could be the indices to identify the drought resistance in rice. The D value of six traits elected was comprehensively used to evaluate the drought resistance by subordinate function values analysis, the results showed six index traits were feasible to predict the drought resistance in rice for whole growth stage. Four different drought resistance evaluated methods were compared, which indicated the drought resistance index is the best one for drought resistance direct evaluating.

厉广辉, 张昆, 刘风珍, 刘丹丹, 万勇善 . 不同抗旱性花生品种结荚期叶片生理特性
应用生态学报, 2014,25:1988-1996.

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以12个花生品种为试验材料,在人工控水条件下,于结荚期设置0~80 cm土层相对含水量为70%和50%2个处理,研究与花生抗旱性相关的叶片生理生化性状及不同品种抗旱的叶片机制.结果表明:利用产量抗旱系数可将12个花生品种的抗旱性分为强、中、弱3级,抗旱性强的品种有A596、山花11号、如皋西洋生,中度抗旱品种有花育20、农大818、海花1号、山花9号和79266,抗旱性弱的品种有ICG6848、白沙1016、花17和蓬莱一窝猴.A596、山花11号、如皋西洋生的抗旱机制是具有较强的叶片抗氧化保护能力、较高的PSⅡ活性及光合速率(Pn).海花1号的叶片抗氧化保护能力较强,山花9号的PSⅡ活性有显著优势.相关分析表明,叶片Pn、气孔限制值(Ls)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)、丙二醛(MDA)含量、相对电导率和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性与花生品种的抗旱系数有显著的相关性,是花生结荚期的重要抗旱性状.SOD活性的抗旱级别需在干旱胁迫下鉴定,其他性状可在正常灌水条件下鉴定.山花11号和79266可分别作为花生强、弱抗旱性鉴定的标准品种,山花11号可作为花生叶片优异抗旱性状鉴定的标准品种.
Li G H, Zhang K, Liu F Z, Liu D D, Wan Y S . Leaf physiological traits at pod-setting stage in peanut cultivars with different drought resistance
Chin J Appl Ecol, 2014,25:1988-1996 (in Chinese with English abstract).

URL [本文引用: 1]
以12个花生品种为试验材料,在人工控水条件下,于结荚期设置0~80 cm土层相对含水量为70%和50%2个处理,研究与花生抗旱性相关的叶片生理生化性状及不同品种抗旱的叶片机制.结果表明:利用产量抗旱系数可将12个花生品种的抗旱性分为强、中、弱3级,抗旱性强的品种有A596、山花11号、如皋西洋生,中度抗旱品种有花育20、农大818、海花1号、山花9号和79266,抗旱性弱的品种有ICG6848、白沙1016、花17和蓬莱一窝猴.A596、山花11号、如皋西洋生的抗旱机制是具有较强的叶片抗氧化保护能力、较高的PSⅡ活性及光合速率(Pn).海花1号的叶片抗氧化保护能力较强,山花9号的PSⅡ活性有显著优势.相关分析表明,叶片Pn、气孔限制值(Ls)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)、丙二醛(MDA)含量、相对电导率和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性与花生品种的抗旱系数有显著的相关性,是花生结荚期的重要抗旱性状.SOD活性的抗旱级别需在干旱胁迫下鉴定,其他性状可在正常灌水条件下鉴定.山花11号和79266可分别作为花生强、弱抗旱性鉴定的标准品种,山花11号可作为花生叶片优异抗旱性状鉴定的标准品种.

丁成伟, 钮福祥, 郭小丁, 华希新 . 甘薯品种资源抗旱性鉴定研究
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Other than appropriate phenology, high potential yield and ability to maintain high leaf water potential, no specific physiological and morphological characters appear to contribute directly to higher yield under drought conditions in rainfed lowland rice in Thailand, where drought develops rather rapidly due to the prevailing coarse textured soils. It is thus appropriate to develop a breeding program that is primarily based on selection for grain yield. There are large genotype by environment interactions for yield in rainfed lowland rice and hence it is important that genotypes are selected for yield under appropriate target environments. Addition of a drought screening program that is conducted in the field in the wet-season to the overall breeding program would enhance the opportunity to select for drought resistance within the breeding materials and increase the chance of developing high yielding cultivars adapted to the drought-prone rainfed lowland environments.

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厉广辉, 张昆, 刘风珍, 刘丹丹, 万勇善 . 不同抗旱性花生品种的叶片形态及生理特性
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【Objective】The main purpose of this paper was to screen leaf traits related to drought resistance, explore the methods of traits index evaluation, and to reveal drought resistance mechanisms of different peanut cultivars. 【Method】 The drought resistance was studied in twelve peanut cultivars under drought stress and normal irrigation in a pot experiment at seedling stage and a pool culture experiment at pod setting stage. Keeping the water treatments by using weighing at seedling stage and supplemental irrigation based on testing soil moisture at pod setting stage with rain-shedding during drought stress. Leaf morphological and physiological traits including organization structure, thickness, specific leaf weight (SLW), leaf area per plant (PLA), photosynthetic rate (Pn), chlorophyll content under the conditions of normal water supply and drought stress at seedling stage were tested, and the relationship between those traits and drought resistance was studied. Drought resistances of cultivars were scored with drought coefficient of biomass at seedling stage and yield at pod setting stage. Drought resistance mechanisms of leaf were evaluated by traits index. 【Result】 The results by two years experiments showed that, under drought stress, the drought resistance coefficients of different peanut cultivars were significantly different. Drought resistance at seedling and pod-setting stages was basically identical. According to yield-drought resistance coefficient, twelve peanut cultivars could be divided into 3 grads: high-resistance, including A596, Shanhua 11 and Rugaoxiyangsheng; mid-resistance, including Huayu 20, Nongda 818, Haihua 1, Shanhua 9 and 79266; weak-resistance, including ICG6848, Baisha1016, Hua17 and Penglaiyiwohou. Water stress changed organization structure in leaves, functional leaf area, PLA, Gs, Pn and Tr were reduced, but SLW of peanuts was increased under soil drought stress. A significant difference in leaf traits among peanut cultivars with different drought resistances was observed. Leaf thickness, ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue (PTT/STT), SLW, PLA and Pn were higher under both drought stress and normal irrigation in cultivars with high drought resistance. The drought resistance mechanism of twelve peanut cultivars was different, under drought stress, Rugaoxiyangsheng and Shanhua 11 presented as higher PTT/STT, SLW and Pn, Shanhua 9 and Huayu 20 had larger PLA, A596 was mainly higher in Pn. Correlation analysis between drought resistance coefficient and leaf PTT/STT, SLW, PLA and Pn under drought stress condition was significant. 【Conclusion】 Shanhua11 could be used as a standard variety for high drought resistance identification, and 79266 could be used as a standard variety for weak resistance identification. Treatment of 40% RWC drought stress at 10 d after germination, the leaf PTT/STT, SLW, PLA and Pn could be used to identify the drought resistance of peanuts leaf. PTT/STT, SLW and PLA also could be used to identify the drought resistance of peanuts leaf under normal water condition at anthesis stage. Shanhua 11 could be used as a suitable standard cultivar for leaf drought resistance traits identification in peanut.
Li G H, Zhang K, Liu F Z, Liu D D, Wan Y S . Morphological and physiological traits of leaf in different drought resistant peanut cultivars
Sci Agric Sin, 2014,47:644-654 (in Chinese with English abstract).

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.04.004URL [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The main purpose of this paper was to screen leaf traits related to drought resistance, explore the methods of traits index evaluation, and to reveal drought resistance mechanisms of different peanut cultivars. 【Method】 The drought resistance was studied in twelve peanut cultivars under drought stress and normal irrigation in a pot experiment at seedling stage and a pool culture experiment at pod setting stage. Keeping the water treatments by using weighing at seedling stage and supplemental irrigation based on testing soil moisture at pod setting stage with rain-shedding during drought stress. Leaf morphological and physiological traits including organization structure, thickness, specific leaf weight (SLW), leaf area per plant (PLA), photosynthetic rate (Pn), chlorophyll content under the conditions of normal water supply and drought stress at seedling stage were tested, and the relationship between those traits and drought resistance was studied. Drought resistances of cultivars were scored with drought coefficient of biomass at seedling stage and yield at pod setting stage. Drought resistance mechanisms of leaf were evaluated by traits index. 【Result】 The results by two years experiments showed that, under drought stress, the drought resistance coefficients of different peanut cultivars were significantly different. Drought resistance at seedling and pod-setting stages was basically identical. According to yield-drought resistance coefficient, twelve peanut cultivars could be divided into 3 grads: high-resistance, including A596, Shanhua 11 and Rugaoxiyangsheng; mid-resistance, including Huayu 20, Nongda 818, Haihua 1, Shanhua 9 and 79266; weak-resistance, including ICG6848, Baisha1016, Hua17 and Penglaiyiwohou. Water stress changed organization structure in leaves, functional leaf area, PLA, Gs, Pn and Tr were reduced, but SLW of peanuts was increased under soil drought stress. A significant difference in leaf traits among peanut cultivars with different drought resistances was observed. Leaf thickness, ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue (PTT/STT), SLW, PLA and Pn were higher under both drought stress and normal irrigation in cultivars with high drought resistance. The drought resistance mechanism of twelve peanut cultivars was different, under drought stress, Rugaoxiyangsheng and Shanhua 11 presented as higher PTT/STT, SLW and Pn, Shanhua 9 and Huayu 20 had larger PLA, A596 was mainly higher in Pn. Correlation analysis between drought resistance coefficient and leaf PTT/STT, SLW, PLA and Pn under drought stress condition was significant. 【Conclusion】 Shanhua11 could be used as a standard variety for high drought resistance identification, and 79266 could be used as a standard variety for weak resistance identification. Treatment of 40% RWC drought stress at 10 d after germination, the leaf PTT/STT, SLW, PLA and Pn could be used to identify the drought resistance of peanuts leaf. PTT/STT, SLW and PLA also could be used to identify the drought resistance of peanuts leaf under normal water condition at anthesis stage. Shanhua 11 could be used as a suitable standard cultivar for leaf drought resistance traits identification in peanut.
相关话题/指标 鉴定 作物 生理 生育