关键词:甘蓝型油菜; 菌核病; 相关性分析; 数量性状位点; 木质素; 单体G/S Correlation Analysis of SclerotiniaResistance with Lignin Content and Monomer G/S and Its QTL Mapping in Brassica napus L. CHEN Xue-Ping*, JING Ling-Yun*, WANG Jia, JIAN Hong-Ju, MEI Jia-Qin, XU Xin-Fu, LI Jia-Na, LIU Lie-Zhao* College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University / Chongqing Engineering Research Center for Rapeseed, Chongqing 400715, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31371655) and the Science and Technology Committee of Chongqing (cstc2016shmszx80083) Abstract Sclerotinia sclerotiorumis a fungal pathogen causing disease in a wide range of plants, resulting in serious damage in crop production. The detached stem inoculation assay of RIL and F2 populations at final flowering stage was conducted, near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was used to measure lignin content and monomer G/S in the stem, and correlation analysis and QTL mapping for these traits were performed. The lesion size of the RIL had a significantly negative correlation with lignin content, with a correlation coefficient at -0.348 and -0.286 in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The monomer G/S was significantly correlated with lesion size in the RIL population, and the correlation coefficient at 0.198 and 0.167 in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The lesion size of F2 in 2014 was significantly and negatively correlated with lignin content in the stem, with a correlation coefficient at -0.306. The cross sections of resistant and susceptible plants from F2:3family were stained with phloroglucinol-HCl, showing that the content of lignin was significantly lower in the less resistant materials than in more resistant plants. According to the high density SNP genetic maps and composite interval mapping, a total of 18 QTLs were identified, which were located on A04, A05, A06, A08, C01, C03, C04, C06, and C07 chromosomes, with the explained phenotypic variation by individual QTL ranging from 2.38% to 12.05% for nine QTLs of lesion size, from 2.03% to 13.75% for three QTLs of lignin content, and from 2.06% to 8.66% for six QTLs of monomer G/S. The research results provide some new insights for the Sclerotiniaresistance breeding in B. napus.
Keyword: Brassica napus; Sclerotinia sclerotiorum; Correlation; QTL; Lignin; Monomer G/S Show Figures Show Figures
图1 RIL和F2群体茎秆相对感病度、木质素含量和单体G/S在2013年和2014年的频率分布Fig. 1 Frequency distribution of stem relative susceptibility, lignin content and monomer G/S fromB. napusRIL in 2013 and 2014 and F2in 2014
表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 RIL群体茎秆相对感病度、木质素含量及单体G/S的表型分布特征 Table 1 Phenotype distribution feature of stem relative susceptibility, lignin content and monomer G/S for RIL populations
表1 RIL群体茎秆相对感病度、木质素含量及单体G/S的表型分布特征 Table 1 Phenotype distribution feature of stem relative susceptibility, lignin content and monomer G/S for RIL populations
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 F2群体茎秆相对感病度、木质素含量及单体G/S的表型分布特征 Table 2 Phenotype distribution feature of stem relative susceptibility, lignin content and monomer G/S for F2 populations
表2 F2群体茎秆相对感病度、木质素含量及单体G/S的表型分布特征 Table 2 Phenotype distribution feature of stem relative susceptibility, lignin content and monomer G/S for F2 populations
表3 2013年和2014年RIL群体菌斑大小、木质素含量及单体G/S的相关性分析 Table 3 Correlation coefficients among lesion size , lignin content and monomer G/S for RIL population in 2013 and 2014
性状 Trait
0.865* *
-0.348* *
-0.280* *
-0.236* *
-0.286* *
0.219* *
0.206* *
LS: lesion size; ADL: lignin content; G/S: monomer G/S. * and * * denote significant correlation at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. LS: 菌斑大小; ADL: 木质素含量; G/S: 单体G/S。* 和* * 分别代表在0.05和0.01显著水平。
表3 2013年和2014年RIL群体菌斑大小、木质素含量及单体G/S的相关性分析 Table 3 Correlation coefficients among lesion size , lignin content and monomer G/S for RIL population in 2013 and 2014
表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 2014年F2群体菌斑大小、木质素含量及单体G/S的相关性分析 Table 4 Correlation coefficients among lesion size, lignin content and monomer G/S for F2 population in 2014
性状 Trait
-0.306* *
LS: lesion size; ADL: lignin content; G/S: monomer G/S. * and * * denote significant correlation at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively. LS: 菌斑大小; ADL: 木质素含量; G/S: 单体G/S。* 和* * 分别代表在0.05和0.01显著水平。
表4 2014年F2群体菌斑大小、木质素含量及单体G/S的相关性分析 Table 4 Correlation coefficients among lesion size, lignin content and monomer G/S for F2 population in 2014
图2 抗病较弱材料(A, C)和抗病较强材料(B, D)在终花期的茎部横切面间苯三酚-盐酸染色观察以示木质素含量差异(10× 4)Fig. 2 Stem cross-section stained with phloroglucinol-HCl to show the difference of lignin content in the less resistant (A, C) and more resistant (B, D) lines by the end of flowering time (10× 4)
图3 甘蓝型油菜茎秆菌斑大小、木质素含量及单体G/S QTL在SNP连锁群上分布图QTL的染色体上仅展示了QTL区段的标记及染色体两端各2个标记。Fig. 3 Putative QTL locations of lesion size, lignin content, and monomer G/S for stem on the SNP genetic mapShowing the markers in the QTL confidence intervals, along with the terminal two markers at each end of chromosomes containing the QTL.
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