关键词:水稻; 染色体片段代换系; 紫鞘 PSH1; 基因定位 Identification of Rice Chromosome Segment Substitution Line Z519 with Purple Sheath and Candidate Gene Analysis of PSH1 ZHOU Ke1,**, LI Yan1,2,**, WANG Shi-Ming1, CUI Guo-Qing1, YANG Zheng-Lin1, HE Guang-Hua1, LING Ying-Hua1, ZHAO Fang-Ming1,* 1 Rice Research Institute, Southwest University / Chongqing Key Laboratory of Application and Safety Control of Genetically Modified Crops, Chongqing 400716, China
2 Tea Research Institute of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550006, China
Fund:This study was supported by the subject “New Technology of Heterosis Utilization in Rice” (2016YFD0101107) in the National Key Research and Development Program (SQ2016ZY03001818), and Chongqing Key Laboratory Capacity Improvement Project (cstc2014pt-sy80001). AbstractAnthocyanins as plant pigments are widely liked by people and play a very important role in food processing and hybrid purity identification. Here, a rice chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL) Z519 with purple sheath was identified deriving from recipient Nipponbare and donor R225. Z519 contained 16 substitution segments with 6.85 Mb of average length, which were distributed on 11 chromosomes of rice except the 10th chromosome. The bud sheath of Z519 began to appear the purple color stripes when it was about 3 mm long. Then the purple stripes displayed on sheaths, leaf margins, vascular bundles of stem and stigmas. While all parts of Nipponbare were green. Anthocyanin content in leaf sheath of Z519 was significantly higher than that of Nipponbare, whereas no significant difference was in flag leaf. Compared with Nipponbare, plant height of Z519 was significantly decreased, spikelets number and grain number of main panicle, and 1000-grain weight of Z519 were significantly increased. There was no significant difference between Z519 and Nipponbare in the other traits such as panicle number, main panicle length and seed-setting rate. Then, F2 population from the cross of Nipponbare and Z519 were used for genetic analysis and gene mapping of the purple sheath. The purple sheath in Z519 was controlled by a single dominant gene, named as PSH1, which was mapped on the chromosome 1 between InDel marker L03 and SSR marker L01 with the physical distance of 37.8 kb. By sequencing and gene-predicting in the region, Z519 had three bases (GTG) insertion in the GTG repeat area of the 238th-252th base in the first exon compared with Nipponbare, which resulted in increasing a Gly amino acid. Furthermore, the expression of LOC_Os01g45910was obviously decreased in Z519 by qRT-PCR analysis. Thus, LOC_Os01g45910was preliminary identified as the candidate gene of PSH1. The results lay a good foundation for studying molecular mechanisms of regulating anthocyanin by PSH1.
Keyword:Rice ( Oryza sativa L.); Chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL); Purple sheath PSH1; Gene mapping Show Figures Show Figures
图1 Z519的染色体代换片段(图中黑色区段为代换片段所在的位置, 染色体左端数字为物理图距(Mb), 右侧为分子标记。)Fig. 1 Chromosome substitution segments of Z519(Black intervals indicate substitution segments. The digits on the left of chromosomes represent physical distance (Mb) while the markers are on the right.)
图2 日本晴和Z519的表型(A: 苗期日本晴和Z519的表型; B: 分蘖期日本晴、Z519和供体R225的鞘; C: 出芽期日本晴和Z519的鞘; D: 日本晴和Z519的雌蕊柱头; E: 抽穗期日本晴和Z519的表型。)Fig. 2 Phenotype of Nipponbare and Z519(A: plant morphology of Nipponbare and Z519 at the seeding stage; B: sheath of Nipponbare, Z519 and donor R225 at the tillering stage; C: sheath of Nipponbare and Z519 at the sprouting stage; D: pistil stigma of Nipponbare and Z519; E: plant morphology of Nipponbare and Z519 at the heading stage.)
表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 日本晴和Z519的农艺性状 Table 1 Agronomic traits of Nipponbare and Z519
材料 Material
株高 Plant height (cm)
有效穗数 Panicles number per plant
主穗长 Main panicle length (cm)
主穗总粒数 Spikeletes of main panicle
主穗实粒数 Grains of main panicle
结实率 Seed-setting rate (%)
千粒重 1000-grain weight (g)
日本晴 Nipponbare
110.20± 2.85
11.80± 2.14
24.10± 1.29
192.60± 11.77
159.50± 10.57
83.04± 6.39
20.67± 1.27
104.30± 2.84* *
10.10± 1.97
23.60± 2.35
214.38± 8.34* *
172.44± 12.80*
79.64± 6.79
24.55± 2.17* *
* 和* * 分别表示在0.05和0.01水平差异显著。* and * * indicate difference at P< 0.05 and P< 0.01, respectively.
表1 日本晴和Z519的农艺性状 Table 1 Agronomic traits of Nipponbare and Z519
图3 日本晴和Z519的叶绿素及花青素含量(A: 抽穗期剑叶的叶绿素含量; B: 抽穗期鞘的叶绿素含量; C: 抽穗期剑叶和鞘中的花青素含量。)Fig. 3 Contents of chlorophyll and anthocyanidin of Nipponbare and Z519(A: chlorophyll content of the flag leaves at the heading stage; B: chlorophyll content of the sheath at the heading stage; C: anthocyanin content in the sheath and flag leaves of Nipponbare and Z519 at the heading stage.)
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