关键词:水稻; 合成启动子; GUS报告基因; 顺式调控元件 Designing, Construction and Functional Characterization of Tissue-specific Synthetic Promoter in Rice WANG Rui1,2, ZHU Meng-Lin1, GAO Fang-Yuan2, REN Juan-Sheng2, LU Xian-Jun2, REN Guang-Jun2, LIN Yong-Jun1,* 1 National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
2Crop Research Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu 610066, China
Fund:This study was supported by the National Major Project for Developing New GM Crops (2014ZX08001001) and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program). AbstractAs an important part of synthetic biology, synthetic promoter has gradually become a hotspot in current biology. Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world and a model plant for functional genomic research in cereals. The purpose of the present study was to design and construct tissue-specific synthetic promoters in rice. We selected several tissue-specific cis-elements based on previous reports and assembled them in different patterns. The combinations were respectively fused to Mini 35S promoter. GUS assays of the transgenic plants indicated that our work successfully created tissue-specific synthetic promoter with the above approach and also revealed that the assembly patterns of cis-elements are critical for the expression patterns and expression efficiencies of synthetic promoters. Our study provides useful information and a practical basis for the design ideas and construction approaches of synthetic promoters in plants.
图3 不同合成启动子驱动GUS报告基因的转基因水稻各个组织的GUS活性定量检测Fig. 3 Quantitative analysis of GUS activity in various tissues of the transgenic plants containing different synthetic promoters/GUS fusions 柱上标以不同字母表示不同转基因植株之间以及转基因植株与对照之间存在显著差异(P< 0.05)。 Bars denoted by different letters are significantly different between different transgenic plants and also between the transgenic plants and the control at P< 0.05.
图4 多种顺式元件的不同组合方式对合成启动子表达活性影响的推测Fig. 4 Speculation of the influence of different assembly patterns of multiple cis-elements on the expression efficiencies of synthetic promoters
4 结论利用顺式调控元件连接核心启动子的方式构建出种子不表达的组织特异型合成启动子, 并推测出合成启动子中顺式调控元件的组合规律: 单拷贝顺式元件串联后以组合的形式重复多次的设计方式有利于正调控顺式元件发挥功能; 而顺式元件以多拷贝形式组合的设计方式则有利于负调控顺式元件发挥功能。该结果表明, 控制启动子的表达活性和表达模式的因素不仅来自于顺式调控元件自身的功能, 更重要的是顺式元件之间的位置关系和相互作用。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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