关键词:陆地棉; 高秆突变体; 激素; Tp基因; 染色体定位 Hormone Expression and Tp Gene Chromosomal Localization of Tall Plant Mutant from Upland Cotton CHEN Xu-Sheng, DI Jia-Chun, ZHOU Xiang-Yang, ZHAO Liang Institute of Industrial Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Cotton and Rape in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing 210014, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Major Project for Developing New GM Crops (2016ZX08005001-008, 2016ZX08005-005). AbstractTaking a tall plant mutant Gaogan 1 as test material, and a common variety N099 as control, three hormones from soaked seed embryos were determined with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. The contests of GA3, ZR, and IAA in the mutant were respectively higher than those in the normal plant, especially the GA3content was significantly higher. GA3contents in F1 individuals were significantly higher than those in two parents, but ZR and IAA contests were even lower than those in normal plant parents, which showed that the mutant is a GA3 enrichment-type mutant. F2plants from a cross of Gaogan 1 × N099 were used to map the mutant gene Tp, showing four molecular markers including NAU2083, NAU4045, NAU2419, and NAU4044 linked with Tp gene. The Tp gene flanked with molecular markers NAU4045 and NAU2419, with the genetic distance of 7.4 cM and 41.2 cM, respectively. Thus, Tpgene is located in cotton Chr. 1.
Keyword:Upland cotton; Tall plant mutant; Hormone; Tp gene; Chromosomal localization Show Figures Show Figures
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