关键词:簇毛麦-小麦易位系; 转录组; 白粉病抗性; 分子标记 Developing of Specific Transcription Sequences P21461 and P33259 on Dasypyrum villosum 6VS and Application of Molecular Markers in Identifying Wheat- D. villosumBreeding Materials with Powdery Mildew Resistance LIU Chang, LI Shi-Jin, WANG Ke, YE Xing-Guo, LIN Zhi-Shan* National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement / Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture / Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Research and Development Program (2016YFD0102002) and the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of CAAS. Abstract Dasypyrum villosum carries powdery mildew (PM) resistance gene Pm21 and PmV on its chromosome arms of 6V#2S and 6V#4S, respectively. The two resistant genes are co-segregated with exogenous chromosome arms in the offspring of hybrids between translocation lines and common wheat varieties. Developing polymorphic expression sequences to identify the two exogenous chromosomal arms is of great significance for their application in genetics and breeding, especially for 6V#4S chromosome, on which hereditary informations relatively lack. In this study, transcriptome of leaves of 6V#4S·6DL translocation line Pm97033 and common wheat line Wan7107 inoculated with Bgt was used as resources for sequences screening. As results, two unigenes of P21461 and P33259 from 6V#4S were identified by differential gene screening, synteny analysis, genomic DNA amplification and products sequencing of D. villosum accordingly. By using a pair of designed primer P461-5 based on P21461 sequence, it was found that there were 30 bp of InDel and 4 nt polymorphism between chromosomal arms of 6V#2S and 6V#4S. By the newly developed marker P461-5a, which retains the InDel polymorphism and truncates the product size amplified by P461-5, several wheat varieties and advanced lines with strong resistance to powdery mildew were identified to contain Pm21 or PmV. This marker showed potential application in discriminating D. villosum resources and assisted selection breeding for PM resistance in wheat. A marker P259-1 developed according to sequence of P33259 could specifically amplify a fragment from the wheat lines containing 6V#4S chromosome arm, but not amplify any fragment in the wheat lines containing 6V#2S·6AL translocation chromosome. Thereby, P259-1 can be used as a 6V#4S·6DL specific molecular marker in wheat backgrounds. The qRT-PCR assay showed that the expression of P21461 was not induced by PM. While transcriptional levels of P33259 increased about two times at 12 h and 24 h after inoculating the pathogens, suggesting that it might be involved in early interaction between Pm97033 and the pathogen.
Keyword: Dasypyrum villosum- Triticum aestivum translocation line; Transcriptome; Powdery mildew resistance; Molecular markers Show Figures Show Figures
S and R stand for sensitivity and resistance to powdery mildew, respectively. 92R178, 92R133, 88-128/Nannong P045, 92R137, and 92R179 carry 6V#2S· 6AL, while 93N40 carries 6V#4S· 6DL. Resistant advanced lines, provided by Prof. Xiao Chen from the Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, are marked with “ ?” . S表示感病, R表示抗病。92R178、92R133、88-128/南农P045、92R137和92R179携带6V#2S· 6AL, 93N40携带6V#4S· 6DL。标?的为抗病高代品系, 由中国农业科学院作物科学研究所陈孝研究员提供。
表1 试验材料的名称、系谱/来源及对白粉病菌的反应 Table 1 Name, pedigree/origin, and reaction to powdery mildew of plant materials used in the study
图2 引物P461-5在携带6V#2S和6V#4S的小麦易位系及已知系谱的抗白粉病小麦品种中的扩增谱带Fig. 2 Amplification profile of primer P461-5 in the 6V#2S and 6V#4S translocation lines and wheat varieties with known pedigree and powdery mildew resistance
图3 引物P461-5在簇毛麦No.1026及6V#2S· 6AL易位系10SR3124中的扩增片段与原转录组序列的核苷酸序列比对图Fig. 3 Alignment of nucleotide sequences between the original transcriptome and the amplified fragments in D. villosum No.1026 and the 6V#2S· 6AL translocation line 10SR3124 using primer P461-5
图4 引物P259-1在携带6V#2S和6V#4S的小麦易位系及已知系谱的抗白粉病小麦品种中的扩增谱带Fig. 4 Amplification profile of primer P259-1 in the 6V#2S and 6V#4S translocation lines and wheat varieties with known pedigree and powdery mildew resistance
图5 引物P461-5a (A)和P259-1 (B)在不同小麦易位系、簇毛麦亲本及抗白粉病高代品系中的扩增Fig. 5 Amplification and identification of different wheat translocation lines, D. villosum parents, and wheat advanced lines with PM-resistance using primers P461-5a (A) and P259-1 (B)
图6 Pm97033接种白粉病菌后72 h内P21461 (A)和P33259基因(B)的表达模式Fig. 6 Expression patterns of P21461 (A) and P33259 (B) in Pm97033 after inoculating Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) for 72 hours
4 结论利用转录组测序数据成功筛选鉴定了2个来自Pm97033中簇毛麦6V#4S染色体臂的基因片段P21461和P33259, 将P21461转化成能在不同小麦遗传背景中区分6V#2S和6V#4S染色体臂的特异分子标记P461-5a, 而基于P33259的序列开发的标记P259-1可特异跟踪小麦遗传背景中的6V#4S· 6DL染色体, 并将2个标记用于鉴定育成的不同小麦-簇毛麦抗白粉病品种(系)。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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